STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP—VISION, Northside Baptist Church (USPS 001856) is published monthly by Northside Baptist Church, 530 Airport Road, Panama City, Florida in-house. Management is listed above. Postmaster: Send address changes to VISION, Northside Baptist Church, 530 Airport Road, Panama City, FL 32405-4096. Periodical U.S. Postage PAID AT Panama City, FL 32401 Luther Stanford, Lead Pastor I recently listened to an old seminary friend tell the story of how he and his wife adopted 5 children…at once! They went from NO children to a quintet virtually overnight. Three children from eastern Europe, two children from eastern Africa. To quote the Psalmist, “our cup runneth over and spilleth onto the floor!” Not only are their actions incredibly courageous, but they are Christlike. My favorite part of their testimony was listening to him recount how he tried to get one of his African toddlers to eat broccoli. The child refused and all the while my friend was thinking how as a child his mother would tell him to eat because there are “starving children in Africa who would love his food.” He said he wanted to call her up and say, “Mom, I’ve got one of those starving children at my table, and HE doesn’t want to eat the broccoli either!” The beauty of adoption is not only a New Testament picture of our salvation (Ephesians 1:5, Galatians 4:5, Romans 8:15), it’s also a picture of how churches must work as they grow. I think Northside can learn how to be a closer spiritual family by looking at adoption. I’ve come up with a list to illustrate the commonality. 1) Everyone must share and put others first. For instance, think of the adjustments made by a family as new members are brought into their home and life. My friend had to take rooms used for study, exercise, and TV and turn them into bedrooms. We can’t “own” our classrooms, our pews or our ministries. We must be willing to share leadership, share responsibility, and share church life. 2) Everyone must act in patience and love as cultures blend. No doubt this is one of the hardest parts of adoption, the coming together of people from completely different backgrounds. Northside is blessed to reach people from 2 different backgrounds: Unchurched and DE-churched. We reach people not affiliated with any church and we reach those wounded by the church in their past (and often disillusioned and doubtful about the church now). It takes truckloads of patience and love to help them feel welcome and accepted. 3) Everyone must bear the costs of the new family. Anyone who has ever been a part of an adoption knows there are tremendous financial, emotional, and personal costs. And listen to the families, they will always tell you, “It was more than worth it.” Many churches never grow because they are unwilling to make the investments necessary to allow growth. I praise God that Northside has been a church who willingly takes on the responsibility and challenge of growing our family. If you will notice, I used one word in each of the 3 previous statements…“Everyone.” A few of us can’t make these commitments, we all must. Can you imagine the turmoil in my friend’s family if he made the changes necessary to adopt 5 children, but his wife refused to alter her life? You’ve heard me say it for nearly 4 years now, “It takes selfless people for a church to grow.” Northside, our best days are ahead of us. Reach out and embrace your new brother and your new sister. Learn to speak their language. Show them where the bathroom is. Let’s be a family. See you Sunday, Luther CHURCH STAFF Rev. Luther Stanford, Lead Pastor [email protected] Chaise Logan, Student Pastor [email protected] Hanson LeBoeuf & Mitch Manning Interim Music Team Samantha Seaborn, Ministry Assistant [email protected] Brenda Caldwell, Administrative Assistant [email protected] James Daniels, Technical Director [email protected] Heather Brewer, Church Hostess [email protected] Jerry Street, Building Superintendent David Lee, Custodian LIKE us on Facebook! 530 Airport Road Panama City, FL 32405 850.785.6137 A Publication of Northside Baptist Church V I S I O N NOT PICTURED: Sam & Lindsey Meyer Carey & Amanda Turner Steve & Gina Cobb Tracy & Dallas Sanders Spring Forward

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STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP—VISION, Northside Baptist Church (USPS 001856) is published monthly

by Northside Baptist Church, 530 Airport Road, Panama City, Florida in-house. Management is

listed above. Postmaster: Send address changes to VISION, Northside Baptist Church, 530 Airport Road, Panama City, FL 32405-4096.

Periodical U.S. Postage


Panama City, FL 32401


Luther Stanford, Lead Pastor

I recently listened to an old seminary friend tell the story of how he and his wife adopted 5 children…at once! They

went from NO children to a quintet virtually overnight. Three children from eastern Europe, two children from eastern Africa.

To quote the Psalmist, “our cup runneth over and spilleth onto the floor!” Not only are their actions incredibly courageous, but

they are Christlike.

My favorite part of their testimony was listening to him recount how he tried to get one of his African toddlers to eat

broccoli. The child refused and all the while my friend was thinking how as a child his mother would tell him to eat because

there are “starving children in Africa who would love his food.” He said he wanted to call her up and say, “Mom, I’ve got one

of those starving children at my table, and HE doesn’t want to eat the broccoli either!”

The beauty of adoption is not only a New Testament picture of our salvation (Ephesians 1:5, Galatians 4:5, Romans

8:15), it’s also a picture of how churches must work as they grow. I think Northside can learn how to be a closer spiritual

family by looking at adoption. I’ve come up with a list to illustrate the commonality.

1) Everyone must share and put others first. For instance, think of the adjustments made by a family as new

members are brought into their home and life. My friend had to take rooms used for study, exercise, and TV and turn them

into bedrooms. We can’t “own” our classrooms, our pews or our ministries. We must be willing to share leadership, share

responsibility, and share church life.

2) Everyone must act in patience and love as cultures blend. No doubt this is one of the hardest parts of adoption,

the coming together of people from completely different backgrounds. Northside is blessed to reach people from 2 different

backgrounds: Unchurched and DE-churched. We reach people not affiliated with any church and we reach those wounded by

the church in their past (and often disillusioned and doubtful about the church now). It takes truckloads of patience and love to

help them feel welcome and accepted.

3) Everyone must bear the costs of the new family. Anyone who has ever been a part of an adoption knows there

are tremendous financial, emotional, and personal costs. And listen to the families, they will always tell you, “It was more

than worth it.” Many churches never grow because they are unwilling to make the investments necessary to allow growth.

I praise God that Northside has been a church who willingly takes on the responsibility and challenge of growing our family.

If you will notice, I used one word in each of the 3 previous statements…“Everyone.” A few of us can’t make these

commitments, we all must. Can you imagine the turmoil in my friend’s family if he made the changes necessary to adopt 5

children, but his wife refused to alter her life? You’ve heard me say it for nearly 4 years now, “It takes selfless people for a

church to grow.”

Northside, our best days are ahead of us. Reach out and embrace your new brother and your new sister. Learn to speak

their language. Show them where the bathroom is. Let’s be a family.

See you Sunday, Luther


Rev. Luther Stanford, Lead Pastor [email protected]

Chaise Logan, Student Pastor [email protected]

Hanson LeBoeuf & Mitch Manning Interim Music Team

Samantha Seaborn, Ministry Assistant [email protected]

Brenda Caldwell, Administrative Assistant [email protected]

James Daniels, Technical Director [email protected]

Heather Brewer, Church Hostess [email protected]

Jerry Street, Building Superintendent

David Lee, Custodian

LIKE us on Facebook!

530 Airport Road Panama City, FL 32405


A Publication of Northside Baptist Church



Sam & Lindsey Meyer Carey & Amanda Turner

Steve & Gina Cobb

Tracy & Dallas Sanders

Spring Forward



2 8am FREE

Pancake Breakfast

@ Fellowship Hall 9am CClasses

10:15am Worship

11:30am Nicaragua Trip

Meeting @ ED213

4:00pm Deacons@ED205

5:30pm Kids Choir

6pm Worship



5 4pm Annex Opens

4:45pm Supper

(BBQ Sandwiches)


YOUTH @ Annex

6pm DiscipleLIFE

7pm Choir Rehearsal

6 7




9am CClasses

10:15am Worship

4pm Stewardship@ED217

5:30pm Kids Choir

6pm Worship


11 12 4pm Annex Opens

4:45pm Supper

(Teriyaki Chicken)


YOUTH @ Annex

6pm DiscipleLIFE

7pm Choir Rehearsal

13 14 15 8:30-11:30am

Tables Of Love

Women’s Brunch

Fellowship Hall

16 9am CClasses

10:15am Worship

4:30 Men’s Ministry

Meeting @ ED204

5:30pm Kids Choir

6pm Business Meeting


18 19 4pm Annex Opens

4:45pm Supper



YOUTH @ Annex

6pm DiscipleLIFE

7pm Choir Rehearsal

20 11:30am Young At

Heart Senior Adult

Luncheon @ FH

St. Patrick’s Day


21 22

23 9am CClasses

10:15am Worship

4pm Discovery Class

Fellowship Hall

5:30pm Kids Choir

6pm Worship


25 26 4pm Annex Opens

4:45pm Supper

(Baked Ziti)


YOUTH @ Annex

6pm DiscipleLIFE

7pm Choir Rehearsal

27 28 29

30 9am CClasses

10:15am Worship

5:30pm Kids Choir

6pm Worship


March 2014

School Spring Break——————————————————————–—————————–———————————

Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer Easter Offering————————————————————————————–——————————————–————————

As most of you know, we have a wonderful

ministry here at Northside, which transports members

with disabilities to and from church. Without the

commitment and dedication of the drivers and their

spouses, several of our members would not be able to

attend our services.

On December 20, 2013, ELEPHANT HERDS

self-advocacy group gave special recognition to these

drivers and their spouses, due to their unwavering

commitment to inclusion of persons with disabilities in

the community. Each was given a certificate and treated

to dinner in appreciation of their service.

ELEPHANT HERDS is a self-advocacy group

started by, Northside member, Amanda Baker, to

address disability-related issues in our community and

throughout the state of Florida. The name is based on the

idea that one should be proud to be the elephant in the

room, and unashamed of who they are! Ed Lathrop,

who also attends Northside, is a member too.

“In bringing awareness to disability-related

issues, we would also like to recognize those who work

hard to make sure that all people are included in all

aspects of their community. Being able to attend church

may seem like a small thing, until you can’t. We wanted

these guys to know just how much their service means to

us”. - says Amanda

ELEPHANT HERDS is involved in several

activities and conferences throughout the year, centering

around teaching people with disabilities to advocate for

themselves. They are currently raising money to attend

and present at the Family Café Conference in Orlando in

June. If you would like to help, look for information in

The HUB, or contact Amanda Baker @ 691-7872.

Pictured: Ed Lathrop; Allen & Patti Thoma; Win &

Sharon Wuttke and Amanda Baker. Not Pictured: Lloyd

& Natalie Estes (who were given their certificate at a

later date)

With Gracious hearts we say a final “THANK YOU” for all that you have done Northside. You have overwhelmed us with Love, Support,

Encouragement, and Friendship for many years now. These things shined through again at our farewell reception…”Northside going above and beyond”.

The cards, gifts, and kind words for our family speaks volumes of the type of church you are and will continue to be in the future. We could never say in

words what you mean to us and what the reception meant to us. We will still be around in town so lets not be

strangers, but family as always.

With Love and Prayer...Mike, Jolyn, Sadie, Sophie, Sawyer

Again, I find myself saying thank you to my Church family. I appreciate

your support in all ways. It’s been a long road and it’s not over, so keep

remembering me. I hope to be back in Church before too long.

Love you all, Carolyn Parish (John, Jr. thanks you too!)

The Hall family would like to thank each one of you who had a part in the memorial service for Joe Hall on February 1st. Our hearts were blessed to overflowing by our wonderful staff and by Terry Barton who sang to the glory of God. Everyone has gone the extra mile to show their love for us

through the delicious food provided that day, the ladies who served and reached out in love, to the visitors and homefolks. We will never forget all the cards

you have sent and especially your prayers. Words will never be enough to convey what is in our hearts. So, we are just asking God to bless each of you every

hour of every day.

Bill & Willa Hall; Randall & Yvette Hall; Wayne & Bobbie Hall; Melody, Tyler & Kayley Larson; Larry & Vicki Rosamond

Dear Church Family: What a blessing you are to us! THANK YOU for

your love and support of this amazing ministry God has called us to. Your

enthusiasm and kind words encourage us in ways we can’t even begin to

tell. We had such a wonderful time of worship and fellowship this past

Sunday night, and it wouldn’t have been possible without each of you.

We depend upon your prayers, and want you to know we take you with

us everywhere we go! May the LORD bless you and keep you, and make

His face to shine upon you.

Much Love...Brenda & Les, Dan & Lynne, Cindy & Mike

TABLES OF LOVE BRUNCH A Women’s Ministry Event

Saturday, March 15 9:00am

Fellowship Hall

Speaker: Terry David Music: Mari Harper

$15 Tickets available thru March 9.

MEN: We need your help to serve, please

sign up in The HUB. Thank you!!!

Acts 1:8 Mission Partners

If you feel called to serve our community, we have a number of mission partners that may interest you. Some of these organizations

require background checks and screenings, but all of them welcome servant minded people to help in their work.

1) Anchorage Children's Home

Anchorage offers a number of ways for volunteers to contribute their time and investment. Depending on your skills and

interests, they will assist you in locating a ministry that’s a good fit for you.

2) The Baptist Center

Volunteer to teach a Bible Class

Work in Clothing Room

Sponsor a class with refreshments

3) The Center of Hope

Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas that include: food and clothing distribution, spiritual counseling or clerical assistance in

the medical program.

4) The Panama City Rescue Mission & Bethel Village

The needs at the Rescue Mission are many and varied. They have numerous opportunities for people to serve that cover a

range of abilities and gifts.

5) Pregnancy Resource Center

Counselors Are Needed

Clerical Assistance

Teachers for Parenting Classes

Organizers for the Baby Boutique

Yard Work & Gardening Help

6) The Seafarers Ministry

Volunteers are needed to pick up Seafarers in the van & transport them to stores so they can shop, then take them back to the ship.

Our church staff or Acts 1:8 Mission Team will be glad to

assist you in contacting these ministries so you can begin to live “On Mission!”

Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer Easter Offering (Church Goal: $4,000) Sunday, March 2 - 8...Firmly Planted and Rooted in the Gospel (Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23) Men’s Ministry Meeting Sunday, March 16 @ 4:30pm in ED204. If you are interested in planning and helping with our annual “Low Country Boil”, please come to this meeting. Young At Heart Senior Adult (55+) Covered Dish Luncheon Thursday, March 20 @ 11:30am. Fried chicken will be provided and please bring a side dish to share with others...St. Patrick’s Day Theme! Discovery Class Sunday, March 23 @ 4pm in the fellowship hall with Pastor Luther. If you are a new member to the church or have been visiting regularly and want to know what Northside is all about, please come! Cappuccino Machines / Coffee Helpers Needed We need helpers to maintain and serve at our coffee stations on Sunday & Wednesday. Please contact Pastor Luther or call the Church office @ 785.6137 if you can help. 2013 Contribution Statements & Undated Offering Envelopes Are In The HUB for Pickup. “Christ In The Passover” Sader Meal Sunday, April 13 @ 6pm...A live reenactment of the original Jewish Passover in the fellowship hall. A limited amount of FREE tickets will be provided so stay tuned for upcoming announcements.

4:45pm @ Fellowship Hall

What’s Cookin at NBC!

March 5...BBQ Sandwiches/Corndogs, Sides, Salad Bar & Dessert

March 12...Teriyaki Chicken/Rice/Nuggets, Sides, Salad Bar & Dessert

March 19...Meatloaf/Nuggets, Sides, Salad Bar & Dessert

March 26...Baked Ziti/Buttered Noodles, Sides, Salad Bar & Dessert

Come join us each week for dinner and

fellowship. NO RESERVATIONS Required!

Easter Sermon Series

The Day That Changed Everything

Begins Sunday, March 30


Subscribe to Luther’s devotionals by texting the

phrase “discoverhope” to 24587.