" " " TfllRTY-EIGIIT- II YEAR. NEW YORK, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1870. . PRICE TWO CEHTS. I I11E OLD WORLD'S CRISIS. arts'. rinx jx urn jkxaxd3AXD KXOLAXD UXBABT. Itltsla't Interetl Identified with thai of Prtaala-Hait- la Mad England will Hath bertrm-T- h iaatriam lller Aaalaadad. 6r. riTiuiDia, Nor. 15. Tho prtu of tbli glty lis bee officially warned against tipporUng France or uafevorebly crltlcttlag Cltrmany.l tht o( Rustla being bow Identified with U latter. Lontios, Not. 33. Th Timet In ta odlteriel ar- te.', tbli morning latlmata that Ratals will ba Una, aifaiut eloslai Uit door to ncgolUllon-- hn altitude BegUnd will ImlUtt, LonuoN, Not. SS 4 P. M. The feeling to flnan-d- il e""rt at tbl boar may fairly b called panicky. Conol end Other aecurlllei at th dote of bualneat were generally lower, and whltt knar U no sdvtnet In breadstuff", ranch unteilnsM pcrtadrt U.t antlra bnilnen community, Thtrt la aa dooM that th Russian Government It rery firm tn if r demand! reletlit to iht provlalona of th ForH treaty. iCITBtA AND tCllli. Ynxii, J?ot. 33. Tba journale of tbla eltr. (S nl and otheririae, ara unanimous In their e l u ot Joy at tba peaceful t.nor of tbo wbloh baa Just made lu appearance. Tba ill an 'and the fairness of tba Austrian Govern-ti- n t on tba Euilne poller. J,be cabinet li now la eeaelon. It It reported lit c".rT piisgrrsios rruriit-- i in tat cocNctr.i, Granville la anre to ba supported br tbe orjoriiy In Ma view of tba pretenl crlsl. Eng. land's po'ltlon will Da Arm In resisting to tba any arbitrary violation of tba treaty of ISifl by IIumii. but at Ibe same tltna Wavt tba dour opaa far r -- cotillion with a vltw U a peaceful settlement tf U.o points Involved. I have good authority for listing that Russia In- lands to steadfly purine her porpose, and will serve a personal aotloa of her loleelloos upoa Torkey itaro'.taaeoasly with tba delivery of a reply ta OnnvHle'a note, A rcot4rctlon of the English HaiMry ti ballarad to ba latvliabta. In tbe ntngarlan Slat tbU afterooen Baron Ton thoit, In rr pi to aa Itanlry It regard to tbe Euilne aald ba deemed It Inexpedleat to make an tlaltrarre at prate t, toun Not. 33. It la eenfldently balltTed bar Bat tbe Eastern ceatroTerajr will aid without a rap-te- n af peaaatal rakUona. Itaaala and I'rniala ara antllr aTtrae ta a Contcraa. which power, kow-r- u Tea proper ed. IVosDnw, Mot. K.Ur. Oladatona waa prcteM at dte latlsat naoelai to daf. nvaui'a atrLT to ikouki. OortchakoiTa retr reached London esrlj thla ejwctnr. OranrlUa want to Wlniaor at 11 o'clock aod reicrrad with Ua Qaeea. It waa anppaatd that the obioct of Ma Tiiltwn to pretest tba Sack a atep Uvea ao twtftl waa deemed JT cra' bn, In fact, tbe coref of Ibe ChMact had not at thai tkae yecatrvd the despatch, u Dren Ilraanow did not daairer H on IB tbe atUrooon, thertlf before the Oabtoet tonfor-eee- e. Imn.dlatalr a meeting waa held between OraTlUe in J Uladatone, nad tba despatch wu then kid before tbe cooscll. All the members of the Cabled tere preaeat except Bright and Vortaerae. Tie contents of the Knaalaa commanleeUon were cot tit Jo pabllr. Extreme eaalloa as abowa not u Ot in; kU J of laormxtioa ; bat there U tome eathorltj for aijUg that Xie Cabinet baa arrtTed a) no dtcltlua. Tta reception of tbe despatch ku produced mnah anxtetr la the hljb eat quarlera. The onl tlilaj certain to-t- it I U that tbe OOTerament wishes a dole, tad cVftrti neither that tbe exlatWg war faetlnr be kiu.MFi norths eellar craated that the duncuMr atcoorldtd The Cabinet torsion was km. Tkt rrptrtcil rulgkatloa ot Bright la doubtful, but. If ' tnr, it - due to Kussla. lilt health Is deeidedlr Impr.v. d Utd, aud be has retomed bis builaeta paxul'r J.SdLl.Sll WA.Il DKSVAIC11E. J30,ttl)() (irrmnna In the Taller of the Loire I'lu-tln- a Krlnfarreinrnla before Pails The Surrender of TbloiiTllle-Ilit- n. Ion miiongike Drill. h .lllnlalrra, l.ivio.v, .Vor. 23. The Tinui ibis morning I wjs tba' tie re aro MO.OOO Oerrnina la the Taller of i tlie Loire. A purir of I'rustlan dragoons on ir entered SI. Quentm for the paroote of stop- ping the rullrosd tralo, but their ittemot waa de-- I felt' i by tne French. The mOTemenla looklnr to t tte cuDceiitrstlon of tbe German armies contlnae In ' Ue norih ol France. Lirje bodies of Truaslans are usr-hi- -; ,uth to take positions around P.rls and ntir O: in. Rince tbe latt despstches wort for Tsi 1. tbe Qrrmana who liare been operating I irsu'il Ibjcroy, Iteiuljnr, and MixlcVes, hare sad-- I OrJ) departed, going In the tame direction. . Prussian divisions passed Solsasna. going ' tnatrd Aoilens, earlr In the eek, aud others were Ufoiio.? It la reported that Oen. ManteufTel, leir-U- Annena on the right, will march on Hcaen. Gen MsntenCTel'a bradqatrtere are still at Corapiene. Tbe I'ru.Miin Intrenched camp at Laon Is aearlr i uoplrtej, ' ronxiL ichrixdh or triontilli ccarrc tblt morning. Tbe town bad been burn-It- s mre Toeediy list. t r -- Thtnni Hie Is 17 miles north of Men, In the lur'ui.i.i of Moselle, near tne Luxembourg bor-Ot- r ! t.f I .need to the French ayiteni ef aecoud-e.- i' '.miiDi- tint,., it the last atronjbold of we lr. r.rn In Lonaine J T .ie I'uke of Mecklenburg la orglng nn Immedi- ate 1'ltai.ie on the French Army of the Loire. Bkl:nii-bi- a bate already occurred between tka ciuo-i- . ,, t ie mules a. and klazlera In ths l n.rtraenl of Lo,.et. The Gardea Mobllea 6om Ameiu bare been repoUed near Lo Quesnel by tli- - p u.slana. Tae flight of the French was Tr ),- -,r lerly. A from ViraaUIea, Tla Berlin, recelred soothe (orla about Parla lure been silent lor 'he n n three days. The woather con.lnues bd n ii,r oporstinns. Plor I '' i Nut. 33. The Fthodti .VorrortMs f 'V.s a pttrlied hittle la going on y nesr Auiiei... fl, Motif Mft h.n a letter, duted Nen. ll e. nv SI, repottiuz au engagement on Wednes ov iii r eiiri. in wmch the Uermana were i.uJ sutrerud hear) loss. I'renek War llrapntrhea. Tui n, Nor. Heavy cannonading waa le.i il h' Orio.ms all day yeaterday In the dlrettlon el Au.iay, where an Important engagement haa doi.liti..s occurred. It la reported that the engu'e-Ci- ,i fjror.b.e to tbe Fremh, but nothing eft has been received. Tba Trusslana ara re '" le near VrndArae, Gen, Ilourhukt haa r i note to the Government offlrials declinlag lb. i.i' ma ufiiie hUhteenth Corps. I No. fl There has been lighting all day - llrrt"nneni. Detaila of tbe b.itllo hava ro- ine ,o hind. Neuher the troops eusaed Hoi i. mult are knonn here. I'm. nn ii Wiir Dispatches. ' N'iiv. '5.- - The Federal l'Krlianicnl it I ' v .V a suni ly uf IUO.OO'J.000 thulers for the f ' ' of tbe war to the end, Tbe Berlin i ' o 'I i) as unless signs fall, the end of the ' .1 ai.ij. The Wiiroa tlieOcrnn. ' v nv. ao. Hio American iteamsblp ' ' 11 oe tui- - morning lor Havre, conroy-JJ- ' " Fmich irlgales. Her carRO consists of ar'ridgi s, twttj hrcech-loadln- musketa, '. i or farhlnea and piatola, and 65 ns ore Intended for the encamp-A-l 'he Loir. hoe moyeaient', "' by tholr la. . " 'I ""' o be tbe Lord Brougham. " " '" m u 1'rencb frlg.ite. aU, "' " '"'""r I'eunchland Is (llll stsu ' '"'it driin.by barber. I'l.itsiixA i. i'.luki r.ycit. ",.,'''! V "'''"'' was on Tbanksgivlnj I. ';' ' ii V lliiury, Kaq lbs neat wlioie- - ! "t Mr Collar, is in ex. iHm .1 , n "ever, iiui snout weary ol pun fi , ' ; '' '1 tUit aitouna.hu term ex- - I . . ,, 'dm inteudi ti retire in n i " wie'e, for the remnuder of ai- , ui'Mieif in ru i nt ig hi ilu iiiucriu' io Jih!U"U1"1 uf '""U'M tui WJCSTOH'S ABTOXISUIXQ TIMS. nrllllant Apart a aa the 303lh Mlle--A New Maids la be Blade, fer which Ike Or'it Walker la le.be Tralaea-Hpeee- het by Mr. AVeatea and lr. Daremaa, According to hit promise to the public, Writon, after falling In bit 111 milts fast, determined to walk a wall at be could, and If possible complete MS anltea, lit eUrUd at o'clock yeettrdey morning, bat after completing tka t78lh mile waa forced to real for five minutes, on account of tbt violent pain tt the right tide of bit head, lit etarted again, but tlekatst overpowered hlai al tbt ISlet milt, and he retted from 10:38 A. 11. until 11;M A. M. Agala the daiotleaa Weston faetd the track with ardent resolution to overcoma tht dltxy pain that teemed to ba beating ont bit bralnt ; but he Wat compelled to panat In tht 3341k milt and rest for flltr mlnutet. When he agala started hit pace Im- proved tomewbat, and bt teemed to bt orcrcomlng hit troubles. At 1 P. tf . bt balled for 1 hour and S3 minutes, end then began a succession of brilliant spurtt that stamp him at a real wonder, Intxhauttt-bl- e In pluck and In recuperative powers. On tba 360th mile bt made a lap In 1 minute and 13 seconda, tnd continued aleadlly mtklnt ticellenl time. lit halted for a few minutes at 4:31, bad a light refection or essence of beef and crackart, and oahlasaatn .... ZllZ H'P of T33 ftet to the astounding time of 33 accenda, Tbe applause was deafening. Dra. Flint, Molt, and Doremus, who constantly throughout tht five days hovered over him like guardian angels, were In ecatasles, :nd several men of wealth it onct begin erranglnr a new programme lor him. on tht condi- tion of his undergoing tht routine of training. Tht hnbbnb and excitement had acarcely died away wnen We.lon thouttd to Charter Wlnana, the " Time ma again." Dr. Flint took the chronograph and timed too. Around the Itlnk went the man. and panting Time tolled after him In vain. Ua oompleted the lap In the even more aatoondlnc time of 37 seconds. Tbla was at the expiration of a walk of 303 mHea. TtB ml'JWat made In 10 mlantee ltd COaecoade. A'HL.'1 .B" w"bed tteadlly lo tbt completion of hie 300th milt, and then went to enpper. lie atepped from his room at 7:30, and walked excellently until tbt expiration of tht Ore days, tt 13:13 A. M. WUT0Xt TlX a TUTtD7. ffs. jr. g yiut. jr. it tntt: jr. a, JJ wj tt tt Jot i ii SJ J a.' M U J8 TM u y 2 is n 299 it so rr) m !? w ji it 22 ' J2 mil.... ...... u JS Jl w 11 su II M in u 27 300 it aa au u 2S ff 1 H t7 JH. ; II 40 U an oa ; " .a m it .::::::::: u i!a mi ii wits u t,ju....;;,;;; u Dnriag tht laet twenty taDee that be walked he nude tome attonWhtig rapid circolta. campKUog twe tape la M aeeonda, and ore In 33 seconds, a fral aeemlnrly tBtredlble. Ttieee rapid spuria were made fairly bal with a peculiar gait the rlthl leg drawing and the left leg aaakJiMr the apeed. lie closed on the 319th mile making !". bvrt laa hi 1 mlnote and 4 seooads. As lie bed U be credited with 1 tuUe tod three-qoarte- eo arcount of fraction il over measnremente aad the lengtlit walked betweea tne Judret aUnd aad bla retiring room, tblt made tbe distance Inverted In the Ore days SS0 miles tnd ri of t mile. There wtt great cheering aa he finished, and Prof. Doreuoa delivered aa eloquent speech on tae teat and the oblitatlous which science owed to Mr. Weston, and tae Import.nee of the re. ttilta achieved. Tnen Weaton dcltrered a neat Utile ateech In which he thaaked the phy tlclaae, the Judge, and the people cj Ike rink for their atteitton to bliu. and laid that he tailed for want of aleep, bat thai he bad done bla best, and would trr agla and again until he The multitude then gare three choera for Helton, three more for Doremon, and three more fur Flint and Moil. Tliey then dlapereed, and Wca ton i walk ef a woek waa over. 1T031JSX AQAIS&T Till! WAK. , Senator tVllion In 31 r. Julia Ward Ilovve'a Tcuce CoBTenlloa, Boaron.KoT. li. AworU'i Peace Convention of women assembled In Tremont Temple this evening, with a goed attendance. Mra. Julia Wurd Howe -l and addressed the Convention, tthe waa fop lowed by lira. Ednab I). Cheney, who aaid It w-- j no ta-- of cowardice that had led to the Conven- tion, for our own country waa not threatened. They feared le lefUct war, knowing well the Buffer- ing that was caused by II. Eren to thla day the effects of the late war were to be aeen on every hand tn the belligerent propenalttea of tndtrlduala. The abolition of national appeals to arms, she con- tended, would follow naturally the abolition of aoch aepeala, to sustsln the code of honor among Indi- vidual... To love your own cation and to hate all other rations not In perfect harmony with yours had been lor centuries the rnle of public sentiment. But peace alvocatet were now aeeklng te awaken an International sentiment that would agree to arbi- tration for the eeltlement of grievances. Thla prin- ciple was bow coming In vogue betweea the employ ra am! employed There waa no rea.ot why the endeavors of women to allay suffering on the battlefield should not he cairled further and aid In Ibe prrvtntioa of the cauiet of that suffering. The mo'lxirs who furnished the rlcttmt of war il a right lo he heard. At the cloae of Mrs. Cheney's address. Senator Henry Wilton entered the Tamole and was nrged to uke a seat on the platform. Th't ha declined to do, He said that If anything could be done by man nr woman to make a public eentlmenl that would bring to a close the present wicked war in Europe, he would be glad of It. Mrs. Hewe having previously suggested the ap- pointment of a Committee to act with similar In other cities to further the Interest of the New York Otmerel Convention on the of December, Mr. Wilson closed by moving tht of Mr. Julia Ward Howe. Mra. Kdnah D. Cheney, and Mra. Lydta Maria Child aa auch Committee, with power to add to tbelr comber. This waa carried, Tbe Inlrlrnclra ef Kelnllonahlp V.iplnlned. H'ajlnrloA Corrupondencs If Cincinnati Oatttf A late letter concerning a newly discovered member of tbt Boot family haa led to aevrral mil. takes. Where Bromloa ara aa tnick aa blackberries, there la, however, ahundaut eacnae for error, aa well aa good opening for comedy. The letter In question related a conversation which took place be. tween Col. Fisher, late Commissioner of Patents, end a certain Mr, Dent. There waa nothing which warranted the Inference that tnla particular brother-I- law. aa he reproeented hlmeell to be, waa brother-in-la- Louie, otherwise Judge Dent, escept the lack of general Information concerning the number of brotheia Indaw. Hie Impreesiou that Hen Denl, of the Preeldent'a military family, and Judge Louis Dent, were the only brothers bearing the relationship to Ibe President, probably caused the mi.labe. All audi errora will lie lean likely to occur in luture If the following thuit directory of the Denta Is consulted: The brothers-in-la- are four In number, namely! rirst Oen F. T. Dent, who officiates with auck urbanity at tit Whlto Huuen, and relieves the 1'ritl-den- t of a large share of the heavy routluu of bnatnesa. Second Judge Louis Dent, who la an attorney at law practising In the courta of Washington, and alto In Washington, lie waa the candidate for Gov-r- r or el Mlasltslppl. Thlid George Dent, who realdea In Han I'nnclv cn, and Is official!! connected wllli tbt Custom House in th.it tin iviug city. Fourth John Dent, who It well known In New Mexico In connection lth his lucrative tradcraolps at one or two inllllarv posta there. Ills presence here led to a belief among nr veral In tne Patent Office fiat tbe gentleman Mho called and represented hlinatli a a biotber-ii- i law waa tbla brother-in-la- from the fronlltr. It lecmi, bowovi r. that the one who appeared to Col 1 u er was only a cu-l- n of these brothers and not a lull brotter And while Ihla relat on lias been to his own lull II b.i. not as yit been at lully ru'Wiuod by tne brolhori In law To apply the light obtained from this dlroclnry to the case Ic hand, II was tins couiin ol iho brothers, who are In lurn brothers of Hie Proldent. thai had the Interview with Col. Fisher In le'gard lo ti e chuncoa of securing tin position of Prlnrlnul fciainloer. uy jj Droriro I'rHiiela Truhi In .lluinollle., Martetlln Coirfixindtnci or ltm,ton TtltgrapK. Hut, heforo the storm btirsU, 1 have time to menllou Mr. G.ore Francis Train. Thla irenlle-ma- la enormoualy esteemed at Marselllea. If the converse of a well known proverb be accepted aa an argument, Mr. Train migiit even assert himself as a Prophet, He la now, ai nlwaya, "candidate for the Presidency of the United Staloa." Perennial candl-dao- la a profession tout eo.nmt tin iiufre, tnd one nut wanttiic In distinction. The French people knovt tint their country Is all right, because ibe lasdldate for the American Presidency is about to my something, perhaps has a new Idea i ml they halt aod turu tbetr facea upward to the window ol bis Hotel on tbe CatebiJres alralahmay, and (row l ie giddy helithl. descends an oihnrtailon toward w.uiiesale hoinlrlde of tbe Invader, anil Hie iitiil furom ana tnoiivitt. I assure yun Hut Mr, Train, hi simple ss.ertlon of himself, has aniulreil no power He niaaea speecliet la which rhlldlsh coiuinonpla 'e of IIihukIiI l rapt ut In moiikiiie anJ w ord fury t out bomb llouibaatrs Ilia hotel Is licsleteil at surii hours mid by stica rrnwds, that tbe landl ir l and the othor dweller therein lure bctn drlrsu to despair, j THE FIGHT IN NEW JERSEY. A. JOXHPJCHATX SCJlAMltLlt TOR THIS VJflTBD BTATJSS BKNATOJtSUlr. Cattell Throwing aff bit Blanbtta-Car- aa Una Watafa Htrlpplng far the Race-Ur- aat Baeklac aa Frallaibayaea-Oart-lan- dt Parker tba Baeaay af BallreadMe nepelltt-T- ke Mpeaktraklp. Correspondence of lbs 8un. Tatirroif, Not. tS. Tht Senatorial caldron It beginning to boll lad bobble. Cattail hie thrown off the blankets, renewed hit ttrtagth Ilka an tag It, and.mnch te tbt astonishment of everybody, reports blmatlf St for Senatorial doty for tlx years longer bat unfortunately for bit prospects. West Jtreey falltd to come op to tht foil measure of ber duty during tbt late canvass, and tbt Sttttor, Instead of being on the field, wit In ibt hospital. It may cot hart beta hit fault bat It waa bit misfortune, and mtafortontt art worst than faults with politicians, lit will btvt to Uke bit fartwtll of the Senate, aad neither that body nor the country need weir mourn- ing for blrn long, tocxiKiin wiLsn ron mi tixATi. In East Jersey another and a tomewbat formida- ble candidate for Senatorial lionort bu appeared In tht person of Cornelius Walsh, a very wealthy eltl-te- now a reeldenl of tbt Fourth Dlatrtct. Corne- lius retiona ik.. - . . - uortt tailor from Nt a ark once. ...luuzh the potency of Ua money bags, was cleciod to the Senate ; and there can be no good reuon why a rocknnltb may col tlto wear tbt Senatorial toga If belt willing to pay for tht linen, lit bellevoe In bit weslik he bu found Ibe key lint will open the Senatorial catktt. At all events, tbt announcement of hit name bu struck terror to tka beerta of tbe friends ef Frellngbayten ; and they are busily at work to try so bead him off. lie la a aaaa of fine bnalneaa qnatlflcatlOBt and good ad- dress, tnd weald certainly ail Ibt poaltlon with ta much ability u Cattail. lie It muck tkt inperlor or William Wright, who wet tht most rldlcatoot po- litical dpber that tear eetiyed to play tbt rolt of a conscrfpl fat'itr. Tbe frlenda of Frellntboyaen, alarmed tt tkt coneequtnoet, have been Invoking Ibe Intervention of Qraal to eld them ; and it It reported that a latter le te be written by the great Oil De- ceiver to be thown to the members of tbe Legisla- ture, rtpreeetitlig the tnxlety or Ilia Excellency te have Frellngbuyaea't aid and counsel la tba Senate i bat each trimoit won't ctrcn yiitsir woodcocks. Thty kaow tht nature of tbe fowler too well, They bare atudltd hkn too doaelv down tt Long Branch. Distance might ksvt "lent enchantment te tbe TlevO " but a cloee observation and an a. ctarate atudy of the man at hla aeuldt haunt hart a polled bit ntefalnee. An effort Is being made lo get Frederick te withdraw, aad nurae himself for the on the ticket with Oraot la 16731 but belatbrtwd enough to understand that auraliw In that company will bring on marasmna Boaldea the nomination for bu never beee kealthy for Jeraeymen. Ibcre are some IUili cals rn Frederick'! party who are famous, like the heathen Chinee, "for ways that ara dark," and he moat steer clear tf them If bt wishes lo succeed. cortlaxdt ratxta't cuancxa. r.rktr't friends are equally active with those of Frellnjhuj.en, and will, It Is likely, effect an alli- ance, edenelve and defensive, with the frlenda of Walsh, and head off both iCaltell and Frelingru)re Walab was eaceedlngly active in behalf or John Hill curing the recent canvass, ana will have behind him u baekert the mends of the late btate Senator Cobn, wbo, bad he lived, would undoubtedly have been tbe candidate. Ibis, of necetellv, Kites him a lornri'tahle position, and If he doea not succeed he very likely will hold tbe power to elect t' e mm upon wnose ilJo he throws his strenrtH ; that strength will not be thrown for Frellnebuyaen, but lor Parker. But New Jersey Leltlturea are strange bodies, and awayed by curtoui Influences Tiiu Influence of the Joint companies will he Ibrewn for Parker, Cattell being out of tbe queellon, Fre Itnehuysen's connection with the Central Ilallro.a brtnta him in direct snlagonlam to tbelr loterosts ea t. Air Llae road que.tlon. reisjuaxv or tub trati saMira. The contest for the PreilJrnt of the State Senaie will be between llettle, tbe fenstor trout Camden, and Ntroa, benattc froea Cumberland, wiih the chances In riror of Brttle, wImi tt on the slate. Hut tlie salte cay he una-l- and .Miua, If he Is shrewd, cau ase the Senatorial conflict to strength, en himself and ln a victory. Tin sraaaisjitir or thi noun. In the Home, In all probability, the contest will be between Condll and Saiay ol Easci, although there la a poaalblllty thai Eait Jersey w ill he willing to relinquish her claims In tivor of tVett Jenev. n a. to strengthen those of Fast Jersey for the hens torahlp, Bberln of Camden will be chosen Mere tary of the Assembly, with Charles W Jay aa a.sist ant, while tne Sicreltrjslilp of the Senate will be given John F, Babcock of Middlesex, with the F. grossing ClerksUp le Janiea Moore of Gloucester. IS noinlnstlooa or Chief Justice. Secretary oi Stttr, and Clerk of Chaacerr will have to be mle eeit Mission by Gov Itindolnli Tbe preseui able and efllelenl Cnlef Justice, Mercer lteulry, wlH undoubteoly be noxlnated ard confirmed unanimously. The Secretaryship of Slate Is now filled by a Mr. Heary llcli.y, wbo was appolaled lo Oil a vacancy by Got. Uandolph wlln snejete strengthening hit ehsncea for the Senatoreilp. A Itepuhllcan Senate will not. In all probability, look with a favorable eye upin this nomination, and may compel tbe Governor lo nominate a less objection, able man. The Clerkship of Cnancery, now Ailed by Mr. Barker Oummere. la the moat lucrative utnee In the btate, worth aurae 113,000 per annum. The present very able and effluent Treasurer, Mr. Wm. McMlcliael, will In art likelihood reiclve this nomi- nation and be confirmed, u ba la a general favorite with both parties. It la very clearly now to be s'.cn thai the anti-wa- r Democracy, In the recent eouteat lu Havt Jersey, courted defeat that they inljtit CBCJU Till aUNPOLril-tTOCKTO- CLIQCI. It remains to be seen whether, like the blind Sam-eon- , they have not brought down tlie root of Ibe tem- ple on their own beads aa well aa on those of their encmlee. Certain It la, however, that they have atnasbed and flattened ont that clique until II looks aa Autolue ltavcl used lo look In the pantomime when the big wheel fell upon him. If either Stock ton or Itandolph were men ol larre mental g'aap and commanding resource, they would come forth, aa Ilavel need to, looking more rotund and eollil than ever; but there Is no elasticity In lliem, and being once flattened out, they will stay flattened. Kaadolph never had any strength of his owa, and Stockton none euva what waa cunlerrrd on him by being the ron of his fatnrr, and by hit connection with the Camden and Araboy Company. He never had auy popular strength, He la a thorough aristo- crat, aud dusplsea from his toul'a deptnt a man of bate progeny And greasy ceiiralogy He believes lioresth that there are but three cla.sea uf people In this world men. women, and Stocktons snd that toe Stocktons were mule first, but of mnch finer porcelain, I.ikn Caius Marclus In "Corlolanos, be lias no lovi for the common people, and believes of them u that brate Itouian did; "Who draervea greatness, deserves your hatei and to r ntfcctiona sre a sirk man's appetite, who desires most that which would Increase his uyli.M He la willing that " they ahould nun rut rooa itcb of their opinion until they make themselrea sore," If they will. Had ll e benakirlal office beeu tue of popular appointment. Instead of te he liockcurcd off by a venal Legislature, nelll.or blot k loo nor hit father would over haro been members oi the Senate . Ilia rejection by ttie Seuate on hla flrtt election grew out of hla pietumptlon In voting for hluiaelf, aud blslgnoroncoofparll-tmcntaryliwa- . It waa a clear die of political do tl4 M. Bv the old common lawa a suicide waa burled In the cenlte of the iro.i roads, with a slake through hla belly. But la Stockton's cnie tbe rule waa reverse I, because his friends made the Legislature believe he was a suffering martyr, Instead of the suicide they well knew him to be, MKWKLL's 9ALYB. The Idea of Newell contesting Forkrr'a seat It tuperlallvely ludicrous, The docloi haa simp y goue on to Watiiluuton to let hla wounds "those poor dumb mouths" pload for liltn. For the deep damnation of lilt taking off, he thinks he ought to recover hoavy d.imacea In the stupe of a good fat office from Grant, He but been spoken of aa Min- ister to Kngland, and w e have not the slightest doubt ho would accept It If It a ere oflerrd to him. Hit ex, ceaalve vanity maket him believe he la equal to any official responsibility. Sydney Smith uaed to tell of a presumptuoua bookseller who bad Impudence enough " to attempt performing an operation for tbt alone or to navigate Hla Majoaty'a fleet down the channel"; and Nonsll It coualn-germa- n to that man. He would take the contract lo tunnel le At- lantic or to pump It dry. He lit rery fair country practitioner "only Ihla, and nothing more" and doubllraa knows tlio uiflurour between a cuth NIC aud an emetic, ami michl tell a syringe f run a catheter. He Ms about us much knowlrdge ef the complications of foreign politics OA a donkey haa concuruing the parailax of Unfiled sura, Newell Minister to Kngland, Indeed I , opine Ibe nomina- tion would he received In the Seu.ili aa Gouverneur Morris onee received the nomination uf Lucius (fuln-liti- s llorntio Plockton aa Secretary ot War: Lucius tiiiintiua Horatio Stockton, Mr I'resldont Secretary ol Warl Good Lord I Good Lord I Good Lord " Hie black gelding Grn llufer koeps In wood con ditlon In blille of tlin severe m ark be ilally on eiuri'i, uuty foi .be Jeffi-rioi- i ( ua of Vorkvilie If llutler lb ei not net soro, tht orguauallju will bt par fcvUid at aa early date. ..i lllisisi J xn it old aotorx outbaozs. Balaalt Cruelly aa Bhltbeara-- A Leg wklcb It haealeleaalr Hidden HaOerlag Hsansa la the I.ndlew Htreet Jail. Raymond Ran and Franco Frank, tht Htxleaa and Bpinlah tallort who art accused of mutiny aad attempUne to aet Art to the thlp Old Colony, are tttll aoilatd to Uetr bed. They were ta kavt beta tiaaalatd btfort Ooaunltttontr Otbora yetterday, bat on a phyelelea'i ttnlflcate that their Injur let prt-do- tbt removal with taftty at preeent, the postponed till neat Friday. Thorau Wilson and Andrew Klrwan, alet tallon oa Ua Old Colony.say that Baa aad Freak were badly treated by tht thrtt aaltee. Thty add that tkt flrtt aad teeoad mates habitually beat and maltreated Ban tnd Frank, with brutality. Sometime they kicked them with tbtlr heavv soled boots, tnd knocked them down with marllnsplkea. They were given onreaseniblt loadt to carry. Br way of amntamant the omcera plastered wax over Itiu't face, rare him t long wax nott, tnd In other wtyt mads hint ltul-cron- The caplaln, they ear, laughed heartily. Ilcpeatedly one of tht Box reporters baa villi- -' the ahlp Old Colony and ttked la tee the log " fhe malts tald that Capt. Grlne- - 'P peremptory ordert not to let a tool "f,E',en had Ironble enough at pree- -. U';,,S??t,ll1", he dldn'i want to tee auae- - .J-Ji- l-. IBlpt ,er ea tbe AISSOX IN XK1VAIIK. A Hardware Mauufactiirer ahd Flaler Un-d- er Arret! an Hntplelan. On Wcdnesil:7 r's,,Lfir vrtt dlscovtrtd in the three-stor- brick building S3 Mechanic street, New- ark, owned tnd partly occupied by Matthew Girrl-f-e- and partly occopled by Richardson A Hill, lamp coach manufacturers. Tbt lost of the latter Arm wat abott f 4,000, with tn tnturaact of only f3.00a Otrrtgin, wke It a taddlerr hardware manufacturer and sllver-ylate- etttmaied hla lot at 4,000 en the btlldlng and M.OtO on the etork. CMel Engineer Groel noticed that all of Ibt doors were oalocked, tod bit suspicion! wsrt ereuetd. AceoT-Hncl- y. be investlrtltd tbe eeee, and the re- sult tree the arreet yeetoxlay afternoon of Matthew Oarvtgaa, on the chars ef firing hit own botuins. Tke arrest wu broscht abonl by tb Intlmony of Uiartea W, Tavlor, who work In a saddlery herd-wa- re ibep In Church afreet, w4io teeltfltd that tome monlha aro aarrta.n oth-re- him ti.000 If be would fire the bnildlag. eaytag that sal ba bad so do wu ta droe a match la one eernee. It lately about twe raoo-fi- s ttnee ibea the earn bulld-a- f wu oa Art. Garrtgaa wat beta to betl In 11,000. xnjtncK.rjtKaiiiKxxixjtBOOKi.Ti,. Invltntlont Declined Inlervlew wllk Cel lecler Blurphy-.ll- r. Cllaxa Palarti. Colfn arrived la town on Wed-neadi- y, tad yetterday bad aa laterriew wttk Colleo-to- r Murpl, la tbe Oustotn Ileea. Bt U the gotit of Henry C, Bewea of Brooklyn. Mr. OoMki tela good health and spirits, snd talk a freely oa tht sub- ject of retiring from political life. lit ts flooded with Invltailoat from all parts ef tht tonatry te lector, but be cooOaes himself atrtetty to tie dntle of hi efbte, exceptlag only tbt ftULmeat of bla en. ga'ement aa ene of the eentrlbnlors te Tht t, It Is rnmored llat Mr. Oellax will lake tbe editor's cbilr of th Brooklyn Union, u toon it kit term expire. Proyldental Escape of Cnpl. Allen and Crew, Tbe ichooner Julian Ktltou of Tackerlown, N. J Cat. Ctviller, arrived at Ihla port yetterday Item Oeonretowa, D. C, after a boisterous paaaage and a aerie of mishap. On the 31th lnatant at 1 A. M., when about eight miles from Chlncotettue light, be ran lalo ibt schooner Kate V. Edwards, also o Tuckertown, N. J., sinking ber on the starboard quarter, and sinking her In about fifteen minute. Tne violence of the collision knocked overUutd Capt. Allen, the mile, and one man of the Kate El wards, bnt Ibcy were picked np by the Nelson, which Immediately hove to. Jamea h. Millar of Attern en, N J., had hla left lee fractured and a per. tin or bis foot torn off. The Nrleoa stood by until the ret nf the rrew ef tbe Edwsnls had been rtMOked. Carl. Allen aa4 kU erew loet eventklal eirert what clothing ther had on. Tkt Nelaon l"l her Jibboom and war otherwise Injured by the J.OXtl J.SI.AXIK On Thursdar a sloe ran aoliore on Bockaway heseh. erf Hie Island. lnaooJ with rsrbsgc fiotu New ork Hfis wa. manned br a father and three sens, In gaining tbe land, one of tbe sons wat drowned Mr. Hubert J Dnff. of Wondslde, L I., complains thalnn Ibe riuib nt and North Hide H iltroa I im'.en-g- are net lenn it-- d tocerryevtn a baket wlibnut rttra ehargt and ibtlai Ibe Woodslde depot there has been no lire this seainn WAsiuxorox xoxtsn. Senator Sehnrx has relurned.but did not call upon lbs I'rranent No additional troops are 4o be sent to Georgia at tne anproacbtnr election. Secretary Delano la preparing to give tht Interior f)e artroent a thorough reconstruction. Tlie new French Minister will he in Waehlniton and bis credentials will arrive next week. Nearly all the foreign legations ro tn New York to attend the wedding of Mr. Iloberti, the bpan-- a Minuter. The Cabinet seflon yesterday wis attended br all tie m twiners except Iotme,ler-Genera- l Cretwcn, whoit atteal from tbe dir. The Presldanl has appointed Jamea Joonlan aa As.etir of tui.rnai itevenne for the Thud New York limrlct, vice MlrhaelBcanlon, reiltked. Telegraana from Georgia announce tke arrest and Iniprltoumenl or two Deputy Marihals for putllag down spurious naniea la Increase the lr pay. Mr. McVelrh, Minister to Turkar, la Imorovlog tn health, and bat coat from Itnme te Conttantinople and relieved Mr. Morris lie will not resign before aprlng. The Fre.ldenl his ordered a survey of the Creek ar.d set. ni tu itir Intltn Terrltorv well of tU' ti' ei .nib detree, for Ibe pnnioisof haviar the lavi divl ei intoamall tracts, on which to locate sepa- rate famillea. Got. Bullock arrived veaterday, and had a Inng Interview with Uie President and Secretary of War. lie st)s tber Is no dnnM of (Irsnt'a administration heinjr .iislalned and tbe Republicans carrying a major- ity ol tbe members of Congress. i ar An K.i ritoM riiit XKi.EaiiArn, Snow In Staunton, Vs.. yesterday. Tbe Alabama Legislature It organlxed. Heavy frost In New Orleans yetterday. l it Army of the Cumberland propose to pobllak a rlngrai br of Oen. Thomas. The Hon. B, N. Stevens. Jil't elected lo Congreaa from the Fifth District of Illinois, Is dying. The Unn. II K. Welch, a prominent lawyer of Hertford, Conn., died yesterday, aged (S years, Tao ruliMher of the Cleveland .eider Rave a Tbankagirlng dlauer to M news boys on Thursday aatonioeo. The skip Persia of Bath, from New 'Orleans for Mveriwol, with a rargo of cotton worth 190,000, weot ahorc on Frying l'ai aboili ou Thursday morulng. Tom Baldwin of Plltaford leaped from the cart at Itorairaler depot yesterday, and wu killed. Johu Ks. ench of liiuitllo wai killed In tht same way near Fori hyroo, The London and San Francliro Bank, Laiham. manager, on January , Isll, will absorb the old bsnklug houst of John Parrotl lu Baa Frauolico. Mr. rarroit takes iJOO.ooo itock. Hie arrtiruent for a rnle to show cause whv a new trial should not b granted In thecals of llanlon.con vicied of tbe mrrder ol Mary Mohmiao, were begun In the Court of Oy-i- and Terminer lu Philadelphia yester- day Tre National Immigration Convention will memo- rialize rongresi to a.suma Jurisdiction over Iminiirrv llon Into tbe tinned Metes, and to ask llnrope to rn. operate In protectinr Imnilgraula from outrage oa tbe aea as well as on laud. XJttf J HUSKY. The vestry of Vlnel.ind Trinity Church will erect a memorial church to 111. bop lloane. Th New Imelinil Sorletr of Newnrk will cele- brate "Kerofatbera'Day " with a dinner. The faro on the Jersey City and Bergen horse radioed, within Jeiaty Lily, baa bceu reduced to Ave ceuu The tutbnrltle nf Newark art removing tke bodies from old Potter's field to tbe cemetery near N averler. Bernard Curtis and William Llllla wort convicted In the llurtaon County Court of beuloue yesterday of prlie fighting, A number of Snaaet county larmert btvt bought a tract of land near Norfolk, V , luloodlug to catabllab ao luimcme dairy farm. A motion for a new trial haa been made la Iht cue ef lierily Mulllni, who wat convicted in tbe Hud- son County Court on 1 huridty of robbery on tbe high- way. An Infnnl child of W Wan Crk (colored), of Newara.waa found dead la bed teiierdsy morning, Mrs. Clark retired Intoilcatrd, and the County I'll ya believes that tbe child waa accidentally lumbered by Ua drunken mother. Itnbert F. Stockton, Jr., of Trenton, who wat horsewhipped bv the Hon Jacob It. Freeie, ahortlr aftrr Ibe litter's remrn from Jerusalem, Bailed for hiirope In Ibe Alcerli on Wednesday. Dot ht tlao Inli'mlto visit Palestine ? On the New Jersey llallroad, nt Hie Centre street brlilee In Nuwark yesicrdav aiieruoon, a sleeping roach attached to the rear of the train ran off the trai'k betweou tbe Centre street depot ana tbe bridge, tbe forward wbcels drarging breaking dowu several poles, and before tbt train could be stopped, hsd run twenty feet on to tbe bridge. 1 be pinengeri wvrs tcrnbljr llghltued, bul coat wtrt Injured. liFE IN THE MflflROrOLIS. DAtAra nKjtK axi tjixkb bt tub MUX'S BKrOBXKIta. Tba Brooklyn Taxpayer' Caaaadraaa-T- ba rlll war at Bteallnn tbe Peeple1 Money Ceaaaalaaleat la Inaaraae. Tba Klngt conntj publlo IntUtutioni ara In. irtd to tht tmooat or tS00,rj00. Mr. B. J. Lowbar, member of tbt Water Commission and President tt tht Oora Exchange Insurance Comptay, It tht Imuran c agent for tba ooanty, tnd gett a commbv tloa of flfwtn per cent. At th lut meeting of Boperrltort, Baptrrltor Otbora move' M D1Ttl th poUelet trantftrrtd from la opu, now pttronirtd. Bopwrltor Cr,k d,noancd th PropotU u . bltckmaillor JoD jj,, rVfrJJed toS. V dlrry, Tli. proposal wu K' -- CommltUe. All thla dlscnsalon ,5 M floeatlon In the minds or the 'expi.rti why ta Insurance agent ahould be tm-- ployed at all. Ono ef Mr. Hergk'a Men In aa Arllea with tb Molt Haven Kn-Kl- ai Klan. Sidney IL. Conklin, on of Mr. llerfrh'a dele; Uvea, wu arraigned before Juitlce Fuller, In yrslerdsy, on cbtrgt tf tbootlng Terenc Kennedy' hone, tad thootlng al Henry Finger and Louli Deabl. Oa Tbnrtday the Klta of ntl Haven had a parade, and Mr. Conklin teeing t borse which wtt Unit ordered tht rider to go bt- fort t Ir.rtlce, on tht ehtrre or cruelty to tht tni-rea- l. Tht other neiabrr of the Club gathered around, tnd after a beatAd ilirnre Mr, Conklin waa hit ot the head with a atone. Ha then drew hit re- volver, fired Into tbe crowd, and kll.e.I Kennedy'a kerae, worth tboal 3fi0. Mr Co'iklln w. then ar- retted, tnd la default of $1,300 wu committed. A CorDa on a Target Bxenralon. The Thoroughbred Quartlt went on a target excartioa on Than keg vhog day, bat previous to do-la-g m aoade Wietjtnai tpntletUon to tbtlr frleodi for otitea. Mr. Lak Clark, ta undertaker on Sev- en avenue, gave Hem a ififlr, bat ther rejected hleffer. Tb novel prlt fell Inlo tb bande of tartet eompinr of bovt, known u the Young dlb-ae- y Onard. 'lheae Isda mi robed with the coflln at tbelr head wrth the other prlxea, until a crowd gathered, and, ta a row wta imminent, Capt. l'ttly took possession of Ike underUker'a gift. Ylew f the Holy I.nnd. There was a privalt txhibillon at Aitodation nail laat evenleg of a large n ember of tUrtoptlooa Tltwi, lllnalntlng Jerusalem aad III Ttclnlty. Tbt Tltw ait from photograph, and hare been pre- pared at (seat txpenss by Metirt. Peter tnd Bamutl Berghelct, nstives of JeruatVxn. Tber wu t full atMndaauor lb best dtlaent of New York, wbo were unsalmau" la pronouncing Ibe vlewt tht flneat f th kind aver exhibited la tbla country. The view will probably be exhibited In Trenton during tbe winter, when Col. Jacob R. Freest, who haa kalely returned Irom Jerusalem, will Inspect tbem. Where Celerity I Worth Horaelhlng. A delegation from tht Common Council of Baltimore vtilted engine house No. 13 yesterday afternaoa, accompanied by Flro Inspectors Gal way aad Hanneeay, with t Ttew of learning with what promptneet the men could turn oat In east of an alarm. The men were stationed In the ball In the upper part of tbe building, and al a given eigne! br Foremac Urlacher they descended lo Ibe around floor, liirnee aed lha horses, got up attain, and were ready for tervlct In three mlnutea. Paving off Pool nt Itelllv'a. There were belling men gathered lut night at Rellly'f , on the occasion or the pools being paid on tke 30,000 majority ror Hall, and under 60,000 for Hoffman. There wat one pool of $300 for under 30,000 majority for Hoffman, and eereral pools were paid for f 300 and more on 30.000 majority for Hall ; there were also paid one pool of $103. two of (300. snd one of 1190 on Hall's major ir?. Next week there will be an Important night, when Ibe 11,000 pools on Die Ledwlth vote are lobe paid. Alderman Krenan'e lint. Alilrrmnn Patrick Kcenan, an r officer in the Custom House, who keeps a liquor store at Ptriflc and Columbia street, Brooklyn, bought a hat from Atkinson tbe hatter, and bad It tent home. When the boy delivered II al the hr , It waa to Mr. Patrick Keenan. N . which, the Alderman sent It back to have II din id lo Alder- man Patrick Keenan. Oliver Dyer at Hlrlnwny llnll. evening Mr. Oliver Dyer ia to lec lore at Stelnway Hall on the Swedenborglan answer to tbe Inquiry, " Uow to get to heaven : In the name of the Son of God." The auhjeel Is an lntereting onu to all ctas.es, and 31 r. Dyer's original aad forcible treatment of It will certainly Inatnict and profit all who bear blrn. llrtnarknble Karnpo from Iirntb, Yesterday morning Mr. Matilda Bullion, of Market and Madlaon streets, Newark, while hang- ing ont clotbet by means of pulleys from the rear third elory window, slipped and fell to the ground. When picked up she waa Insensible, but ahe aborlly rallied, and hopea are entertained or her recovery. Tb Farce of Hrlzlng the flamratrr. Four detectives lut night made a dciccnt upon th gambling bouae at 333 Broadway, Charle Fields, the proprietor, and three otber men were arretted, and th gambling paraphernalia wu selxed and taken to the Tollce Central Office. Tho raid waa made on complaint of a boarder In llelj'a Hotel wbo had lost bit money In tht concern, John Ilrdtrr Ovens lu Kulgera street, John lleckcr, in November, 18C3, was building a tiack ol ovens In Ilutgert street. In tbe rear of a house In which Mrs, Angelica Seabrook reatdod. During a severe storm the walla of tbt caw build log fell, eruaJiing Into Mra. Peabrook't apartments, killing one child, tnd burying ber In the mint, to that It teok three bonra to extricate bar. bhe sus- tained severe personal Injuries, and aurd Mr. Beck- er lor damtget. The Jury gare her $1,400. aud Mr. Ilecker appealed, claiming thai the fall of the building wu an act of God, end not attributable lo hla negligence. Tbe Qmeral Term yesterday affirm, ed tae Judgment. FI.ASIIKS M01I XIIK oobax caulks, Tbe Palmyra arrived out yesterday. The Italian artillery la to bt Increased. Tae Duobeas of Aoata hu given blrtn to a eon, The Argentine rebela are apparently gaining ground. Bright hu resigned the Prealdcnry of the Board ofTrade. The City Council or Dublin petitions for tbe par- don of tbe Kaolaa convicts. Robert Wright ft Co., chain and anchor makers at Hunderland, Kngland, bare stopped payment. The appeal of tbe Rev. Mr. Mickooocnle from tht sentence condemning him for Komalutlng tenaenclcs tits been decided against hlni. The Pope's Kncrcllcal, recently printed In Gene- ra, has been posted In prominent places In Home, tino or te Journ.li er the latter city, which reprinted the duruiiieut. was promptly iclied by tbe Italian author-Hu- t. IIUOOKI.l'X. Evacuation day was duly observe I, Margaret Deiupay, a widow, waa found dead In her room, 24J Pacific street. Tho corner atono of tbo Roman Catholic Church of the Vlittallon ! to be laid The Police Commissioners bavo reduced to tLe ranks several Incompetent loundimen. Su new caret of small-po- were reported from Ibe Sixteenth tt ard (Dotchtown) yesterday. Detective Charley Frost found n cent In the Acad- emy on Thursday evening, aud delivered It lo tbe prop- erly clerk I Mayor Kalbflelsch refuses to algn a warrant for Il3,coo, for pavlug eleventh avenue with bcrluiibaw pavement. Dr. R O. Sldner. Republican candidate for Super- visor of the Ninth t ard, Is contesting tht election ot Dick Neaman, Atthur H. Trolter, of SOT Fulton avenue, wai run over and killed yettorday, by AdolpU Mutton's waaun, on Fulton street. The official rote for Congress In the Third District, 1st lleuryW blornm, lJ.r.. , i D. u l.i.b.ls, llo Pert M. Whiting, ijl. George Empreo, n night Inspector In the Custom House, whtlu on duty lat night at Harbnck's itoios, Brooklyn, Ml oveiboatd, aud might hate been drown- ed but lor timely aiilitauco A motion wiu made In tbo United States District Court yesterday for the appointment of an aasignee for the oefuun Central Hank. The aaseti of tbe bank are about 1430,000. Judge lleucdlct risemd hu de- cision. Next Moniliylho Win, A, Brawn Battalion, named In honor of tbu Pite C oittiiils.innei of lliooklyu, will visit hull New Vor liver 6M men will parade The i cumiiany from the Thirteenth Ward, known as the I " Itollicklng Items, ('apt Jamss Andertou, embraces I lout of tbt prominent Ka w Vet k tut sldt poUtlclaas. I TttBouan to auarexaiox jtmnoB. Yanderbllt Flaared-- Tb Krla Bead ta be Connected with lb Michigan Central and Great Watra-T- b Declalaa at BvTacnt Yetterdar The Kad of at Meaoaely. Commodore Yandrrbllt't attempt to block, ad th approach la tb Niagara tuspen-tlo- a brldg agtleet competing; tint bu utterly failed. YaaderbDI having Uke tb offsnslvt aad. Adopted th Ttxalloot conn or cautliue'iilditloBtl track to be lald oa hla llo ou btoea- - the Erlt extension at tb point of nearest tht brldg. tb projector of lb ntw line, confident that thty '.had Jostle on their aid, al one appealed to th courta. Commissioner were appointed to InTtatlgate tht difficulty, and Iht vldence being decidedly la favor of th Erlt peo- ple, tbtr reported accordingly. Th e tf 33,000 bad bten agreed upea M an allowance lo th Central la eontldtratloa of cross- ings. Ac.) Inl Vandtrblll lohlttjtenilj uTmiHir. I muo--i larger amount, Oould tnd risk dttermlned to make him tdlitr to th original figures, how-ere- r. Thty hav been fighting II oat on this Use, and, as usual, victory baa perched ipon their ban nera. The cat wat decided yetterday by the Court at Syracuse, the allowance of 15,000 batn; declared a tnffleleni rtmaneratlon, tnd Iht d proceeding! of the Central authorities In obttrnctlng tht tpprotclitt to th fiaapenslon Brldg being oondomntd tt Illegal. Thla decision will rlvt Intense satisfaction to tbt officers or tbt Ores! Wtttern or Canada, who Intend transferrins; th bulk of tbetr bnslne-- e lo tbe Erie at toon as the connection is made. Ibt main object 6i iiie Cettr' il'SS? rrsj ta prevent th Mlchi'tn Central tnd Great Western Unci from getting any other outlet. This but difflcnlty removed, tbe Krl tad Bnspen-Ho- n Brldi n will b compltted within a very short time, and when th laat tplkt thai) hare been driven tbe txtortlonatt monopoly wWth Yanderbllt bu to long maintained over the Canadian trade wild be ended, and a new aomlnlon opened to tbt combined re si us or Gould tnd Flak. mohkx. siiAHranooxixa. The Bharker Oaard'a Target Kxcnralon-Nnrr- aw Racape af lb Marker. The Sharkey Guard, nnder command of Capt. Tom LVapcr, weal to Landminn't Park yetterday to do a little target shooting tnd a good deal ef drinking. Tkt beer flowed In river, while whole oceant of whiskey disappeared with tb rapidity of lightning not Jersey lightning, but the legitimate kind. The "tboollalt" (so to apeak) were not u successful it could have been desired, although on tbe whole, and considering the amount or liquor punished, all present are to bt congratulated oa coming out with whole tklat, Ctpt, Tom Drtper nobly won tht first prlte. 1 100 greenback. He abstained entirely from shooting ror fear or ktttlpg the marker, wbo wer stationed within Ihlrtv-tw- reel of th target. Bull Rlluy wo a 320 srlxa ror not bitting th target. II la due lo th Mackerelvill hero tn tty that be did not bit marker, which wat considered a fortuoate thing. Tbe He. Bob While, better know u " Whltey bob." woa a beautiful toHtalrt diamond by ehoot-la- g (he bull's-ey- e oat or tht target with an auier. Ht marched to the charge at steadily aa though were wt Iking on two cork leg. Lamp Thomas got a fifty dollar greenback prlte, but nol for good shooting. He waa adjudged lo be the handsomest man In the corps. Neat to Frank Duffy aad the Hon. llufut X. Andrews, bt It proba- bly tht handsomest man In Ntw Tork. Reddy the Blacksmith, ijoe Coburn, and several other distinguished gentlemen were pre.ett Kit Borna apologised for on the toort of official buslneea. xna. o'ilykx's livsuAxna. A Life Intnmnre Company' Huaplclon ef .11 ur der-- A Plgbl for 812,000. FracciaP. O'llyen died vcryiuddcnp In New-at- k and waa Interred In Rosedal Cemetery. Sub- sequently, bit wife claimed 113,000 Insurance from th Amlcablo Company, Tbe Company, sot satis-fle- that O'llyen wat the husband of Mrs. O'lljrn, had tht body exhnmed on Wednesday, and It was Identified ss thai of Mra. O'llyen'a husband. Tbe Company neat learned that Mrt. O'llyen' former bnsband bad died very suddenly, aad that ahe hai recovered 1 3,000 lilt Insurance. 1 hereupon they bad tbt stomach taken to New York, where It I. nndergolng a thorough examination, bhould no trace, of polaon he found, Mr. O'llyen will doubt-le- recover $13,000 life Inaurance. Tbe Moat (lentlcninnlr Drnd-hrn- d In New York-Lo- ok Hut lor lllm. On Thursday evening a tall, gentle- man, of foreign appearance, dark complexion, tnd polite tddrraa, with black full whiskers, neatly trimmed, rang tbe bell of a fashionable boarding house In the vicinity of Irving Place, and Inquired for a aulte of room. He tpoko English well, bat with a slight recent, and represented himself lobe Interpreter at CastU Garlrn, saying that he wis a Dane, and bla name waa Beauregard. He was shown an elegantly lurnlshrd front parlor and btdroom on the second floor, for which J0 per week wat aiked. He waa delighted; he would take them for the win- ter. his baggage would come four pieces I a trunk, a valise, a hat box. and a violin case. The expenses would be paid; wonfd Mrs. tee that they were placed In hla room I lie would coma himself aud ray one month In ad- vance. He seemed such a gentleman, and was to polite, that be made a most favorable linprisslon ou Iho auacepllble landlady, and was aked down to din- ner After that be sal chatting with lha other bonders In the parlor, aod astonished tie in with his extrnslve knowledge and great learning, until It reallr became too late for him to leave. He mlghi aa well stop all night , and he did, Next morning he ate a hearty breakfast and left. He hun'l been back since. It has been ascertained that be haa been playing the aame mine for a long time past; getting bit board and lodging fret at every hnute on tbe door of which he tees a sign posted of "Boarders wanted " Look oct for him, A Madman In n Catholic College. Cincinnati, Not, 28. Anthony Heap entered St. Xavler Catholic College armed with a hatchet and long knives, aaylne that thn Jesulta were getting too much ion er In this country, and he wanted lo die fur Jesus. He attacked Hie prltat. Father O'Nell was cut on the left arm, and num- ber uf other prleata received alight Injurlca before the man waa arrested. nouns op i.kisviik. William J, Sharkey spent Die day at Landtnann'a Park yesterday shooting lor prlt'i. Irelend'e prima donna. Rose IVKrina, will sing In Ptelnway Hall on Wednesday evening ucxt, for the benefit of tba Foundllur Asylum, Dr. Oorrey'a great pictorial and mualcal entertain ment. entitled " Ireland, In th de and Hunshlne," will open In Apollo Hall on Monday evening. Prof, Fred. Salmaon, assisted by his pupils, the Swedish Flnrlng Soclrtv, and seierti eminent artists, gives a vocal and Instrumental concert at Apollo Hall (uu evening. cvniosiTi or cui.uk. Wm. II Wood, a broker In Porllanl, Me., hanged hlmseir yesterday, Wright Cox, colored, wa srrc.tel yetterday while attempting to pawn a lady's mala of oa) x sloue and gold. In a fight on Thursday between Charles Ilrmpaen and .1. ltaynor, tn Yonkers.tbe formorwas fult'iy in- jured. Itavnor wai arretted. Charles White was commuted to Jail yesterday by f'ouimlsiloncr Shletdi. on the charge of swludilng Frederick Held, a dlxharted loldler, John Comor, of KCI Kant Eleventh street, waa locked up by Justice Riotl at Kssex Market teiterdar, for cutting hit wile's face with a kails ou Thaukrjitttng menu Got. Clatlln of Massachusetts ha. pardoned Farrell and Mcl.aln, who In IHrd were convicted of robbery and aeLlenced each to twenty fire years in tho Slate Prison, John It. Williams, Joseph Murray, John McCarty, and John l.aitiir were held yiterliy at leffer'-o- Mullet foi brmklUE into the Canal street I'lisbylenan church. George OlfTonl, editor of tbe Portland (Me.) 7Ve.i. hai sued John M. Adams, teilitor of tbo .tiour, lor ilelamatlnn of character, layiug the damages al 110,000. He haa put a keeper Into ibe Argut onlc". During a quarrel In the Carroll IUngera' ball, In Glaia Hall, ihlity fourtt street, near Third avenue, on Thaukiglvlng nuht, John Fagln shot Christopher Moore in tbo mouth. Fai'lu was commuted by Justice Coulter yesterday. Erhard Ober sprang from bit bed yeeterday morn-inr- , seized a new revolver which be bad Jut pur- chased, aud laying to his wifn ' her.' u one shot for you and one for me," flrtt flrod at ber without killing ber. and then shot himself Ibiougii tbe heart. John Kelly, who wat turned out of Mr. Mark Lanlgin's saloon In tbe Fourth Ward on Thanksgiving ulgbl, bad not only spent all hit money in other but bad ver, atnirlie. an.t wlr-on- t priv uu'iva slaLud Jot.,11 .ui,ii, air, LauiKau'. The engraving and printing or counterfeit labels and trade-mark- i Ii alleged to time hern eileu.ivi'ly carried on by Charle II. Forrest at tn t'llfrsnret He whs arrested yesterday at tbe Instance of KroleiickC. Itrowu. of Ilia F.lui street. Tho prisoner wat held by JUkllCtCOI. An Innocent-lookin- yount, man eall.'d at the Prince sure! police station earlv rostoi lay morning, aud Introouced himself as a btoo'ilblritv munlun-- and pave bis name as James Wilson, He bad, au be .aid, killed a man with a slung .hot In Jersey Ilu was locked up nattt yeatrrdiy alterunon, wbeh be was taken to ibe JeUereou Market 1'oMce Court Mean, time, it wat shown that ht wm luiaue. Justice Cox sent bun to au uylunu EVACUATION DAY SHOWS. - 1 AJicn manor x'otoaKBT'a kxcutu 3 BlOX Vr XIIK KAai ItlTKR. jl Tlalt t tbe Cblldrea alRandall'a, WaraTa, , &j aad Ilart'a Island-T- bo Cerenaoale ad t F Ceaflnaalloa-Ad- dr br lb Arcb- - blabep aad Father Dnranqaec t H Th Archbtahop of New Tork having Informed . V tbt children of tht Ettt River laltndt that h would jfl yettsrdiy confer the rite of confirmation upon them, Iht olty authorities placed their tteamer at tbt dlt. WW potal of tht eminent prelate. At t o'clock t dlf M ting nttbtd party wtit on hoard, composed of th Archblthop, lb Iter. Fithert MeNltrny, Monro, tnd Tlerry, Commltslontrt Nicholson tnd Brennan, with their families, Warden Brennan and ladles, tnd a camber of other. A half hoar brought Ibt tletmer to Randall'(- - mBM wtr ciitlajci were la wtltiog lo c oarej tht party lo tbt school house, govsrnsj by ta HSH'&fJ Bdl":l10ni ""if npwtrd of flvt hundred WM were readlneaa. under the ctrt of Dnrookl. to rteelve tht Arehhlthop aad Ef tnlte, tnd prtpartd by the Slater of Mercy to re-- Wm ceirt tkt Sacrament or Confirmation. With tht ad 19 dlllon or tome twenty children from Wtrrt'i Island. ku 103 boyt and girls received Iht Holy Sacrament. BM A toncblng tnd tpproorlate addrraa wtt given by Ml Iht most Her. Archbishop, whose words were llat. HI ened to with rapt attention. A few liymnt wer HI '.""t S.K ln ' blldrtn, and afler tbo ceremony tht WMm Archbishop tnd party tt a quirter to 11 proceeded to fM the ateamer to visit tht school ahlp Mercury, anchor- - rd off Hirt's Island. Her they were received by anal Capt. Glrand, Execntlre Officer W. II. Homers, Pay muter L. Geoltie, Matea Gregory, llllllrr, and Oor. JM den, Surgeon Ackermtn tnd Mr. Whitney, who la the resident teacber of tho boya. Alter tome march. ' JM Ing ltd filing, the boya prepared for the Sacrament were marched on beard the Mlnnehtnpnck to pro- JM oeedlo lha Island. One of the large building! wa fM converted Inlo a temporary chapel In order lota, WMM commodate tbe unusual number of candidates, 139 for tne Sacrament. Upward of eighty of them wtrt wMMn olad In th naval coatume, each wearing a whIU sH rosetto. BMM After the robing of th Arehbl.lion. b a,tranced HI lo lb altar In mitre and cop or cloth ol gold, and ad 0 reesed th yooth In simple langnage, and wllk the lendtrnrtt or a friend and father. Tbe motl fMM profound stillness and attention were obserred. BMM After the ceremonies were ended, the children were invited lo partake of a feast prepared for them by Commissioner Brennan, tht laltergrntleman making the School Ship a tpecltlty under his csre. The no-- aaH tile and ttleollve Warden, Mr. Dnnphy, and tbt fMM school teacher on the island, Mr, Grlawold, spoke mM In the highest terms or tht general bearing or th boyt, many of whom are simply refractory, and aro sH tent here, their board paid, to become tnbject t the discipline of the ship, whose crew and scnolart, from tbt moment Ihey tread the deck, aro undei ttrlck moral rule. All tbe officer, ahow tht greatest Interest In the good work, tnd all have been In the United States tervlce, and carry out tht whols JM rp-fm- which prepares t he boya who dealr tomak srsminshlp their profession, for aervlct In ellher tba nary or mercantile tervlct. Accompanied by loud ebtert the tletmer left hef moorings, returned tbe boys to the ship, and amid a repttlllon of cheer, adieus, waving of handker-chief- s to and by the ladles, the party returned to th city. Tint aiir.iTA it r urn i' la r. LM Tbo Annual Pnrnde and Dinner ol the Yetcu rani of ISlU-On- ly Twrntytbre lu lb mm l.lne The Parade In 1H1 1. Ibe Ycterant of 1812, twenty-tlire- e In number, met yetterday at Military Hall, 193 Bowery, tnd 'H mirehed t few hundred yardt to Grand street, tnd Lm thence to the Continent!) Hotel In Broadway, a few hundred yards further, where thoy were handsomely Lm entertained by tho proprietor. No ipecchet wert delivered. The old soldiers, with ol exception, Lm were lo plain clothes, but wore cockades on their mm stovepipe hats. mm Charles Knowlc Croly, a frl'ky Utile old gentle- - km irsn of 82, wore a full snlt of bluo regimental, mm with a cocked hat. Brig. Gen. Raymond, aged TV, mm a taciturn and crusty vete-a- n, headed tho company. A blue cost and britt bittona were seen under hit Lm overcoat. The oldest man In the line la William Dealing, nged V3 Tbe youngster of the orrantxa-- MmmM tlon Is ,3, Ht waa a drummer boy In 1313. I as I year tne nuuiber who diued togetber waa thirty. Seven have since died. There are perhaps flftr vet-- Mmmt emna of 1913 In all In this city, but many are too In- - firm to Join In the annnal celebration or Evacuation sVBI day. Thn old soldiers spoke of being reviewed In 1811 by Gov Tompkins, with other troops. un the oreu field along Broadway, Jutt above Canal WMMt mMMl rionirthlnt New on Kvarunllon Dny, The li ft li Itrgimciit of tho New York Land. Bj vrehr. Brevet llrlg.-Gen- . Bendlx, paraded yesterday. Its members rrre, fur the first time In public, the 11 Prussian helmet, and thla feature of the parade created an Immense flutter among the Germans ot tho great eaat ride. Tlie helmet rntmbles an In- - verted coaWntlle It la surmounti-- by a 1iM( spear. A white metal head ol Jeflrrson In rcllof la worn on a fire gilt ornament on the front, on which kVAl Is alio the nzure " S." Iheofllcirt wore red plumot ln Mice or the spear. There were ten comrsnlr. or twelve flies front, 9H and a full baud and drum corp.. The regiment started from lis armory In Renter eireet at 3 o'clock, bbbbI and marched through Grand alrcet to Ilroadway, and up Broadway to Eighth street, and thonce to wMMM Tompkins square In the square a matching aalute was tendered to Gen. Franz bltel, who was In HJBJ civilian dress. Aftetword Gen. Burger, ntl-- n ImI hv hit staff, re-- mmmm viewed the rrslnirnt Over 01100 person, wit. neaard the erolullon. Amung t ie National Guard HB officers who wero spectators were Col. F. A. Conk-lin- g of the Eighty-fourt- an ex Col. Henry Lux of the Eleventh. i.o.s.tna itr i'iiik. Tin dwelling No. l.SfiT Third avenue as nm- iH agtd by fire yeaterday thuon. iPswawi The contents of 8. Bush's auction store to Rlmlra laaawJ were bnrned nn Thuritay evenlne, and the adlntning Morns were Injured lajis bmveen IJOUO and 1 10,000. Duih was insured f.bvo. 'aTsTsTsTJ jomxaa aiiout to ir. 'H The special deputies sud supervisors of election Iflal are to be pall off next week. HH Ar unknown man was drowned off East Twenty. H tblril street yeeterday evening. The Foundling Asylum Fair closes Thai ll fir only tiS.VQ hat been reallted. fsBH The New York Juvenile Guardian Society gave a dinner lo 1,0U children on Thanksgiving day, In the fame between Rnaaell A Ernln'e nine and iVfll Calhoun A llobbint's nine, tbe score wat 31 to 15. Captain Do Groot't colossil statue of Uenlimln Franklin Is soon to be erceled in Piloting Home bquare. The Foundling Asylum Fair c'osrs All' tbe articles not sold or ranted are to bo uttered by sBaH auction. Alfred Deflrux, aged 13, or M7 Soventli avonne, MMMM was run over aud killed by a truck near Ins rcsldenct bbbH Iwteteuing. 'kVBl Hugh Gray, the Second Avenue car driver who lH fell oier Hie ii.ibloird at HOtii street wblio whipping his horses, died e.terday. John C Gnbrlght will lecture neit Tuesday even- - Ing intlinmn's Hall, llroaJway and Thirteenth atreel, iBLflLl on " Pcrtoual Kiperleuco." jH The drawing for the prizes ure.rntrt tn the Shaodley Legion will take place In Tammany Hall on aanBtl llonday evening, at 8H o'clock. Private Wntrhmsn Michael McCarthy dlsootered and extinguished a fire yetterday morulng lu the large tenement boue, Sol Front itreft, Hamilton Patorson of 3ll West Eighteenth ttrret ItH fell Irom Iht tinner floor of the stable al Lvun Urosdway uTsTsTsTsTsfl laet evening. He was fatally Injured, James Armatrong, ated 15, of Twenty-filt- street, iaaVafl near First aven ue, was killed vrsierdiiv, a barrel oi '.MMMM apples la.ltng ou him In Ironl of 241 Elisabeth meet. jB The Hun Cliarle. Sumner will deliver a lecture In Ptelnway 1111. on Ihursilay rvcnlnir nest, nn "the laLM duel pciwcrn France and Ucrmany, Willi III leaions to bbbbbI civilization." Piter Boas complalna nf III treatment at Wood't Tliealreon Tbankiaivina night, and that tickets were sold lo lumieir. nn. I many others, when aduilulou to arfl the boutc was iiupoiiltile. 3tV Jane Mutvanov, aged 18, loft her lion.n In Riving. , KY. ton itreet je.te dai alternoon, and aome time nfier she ' Gb'A bad gjue a note w u found In tier tiiiiri luloiui.ng tier v6K lllen li that she Intonded to drown bor.elf. RJK Tbomaa WaP, while croislng the Knat River Hit W nlglu In a row boat, ran athwart the bow of the leirr Ktf boat Idaho, aim nut for hu preiince of uilua inlgbl rAr,'. have been drowned. Ilu boat was sniibel. Vr The Klen nth Ward Irish Domocritlc Central Club ybfi last nlcht, J oli n Murpbr In tbe chair, added over 200 Xt, names to the roll. The waa addressed by Oen. vJJEfj Martin McMahon, Jamei ll.ily and others. As R. Smith, manugrr of the Frmklln and Atlanllo IW? and Pacific Telegraph Comna ili'S' olllees. was standing rXu on the brsneh of a deravc.il tree lu HhiIoiii, tho Haiti Xi gave way and be fell about 13 feci, head foremost, wj- - Natbaulel J irvis, Jr., referee, lias decided, In tho rase of Itlcbaid Wliitiirop, an alleged lunanc, that tho lunacy Is not proved, and that Mr. Wlulhrop Is ct- - vwy pable nf taklna care nf hlmielf ana bla properly. KryJ T l" man fill t tlakcr.' Ai.ocL.ilion, tthcie K&r' hea'lqiitrtrrs are In Kighlh avenuo, this city. Intend Ko. budiiing a lariru number of houiea on their laud la At-- Wy. tori hi the suilng. A draw jog tor LWf loll will lak tlao Use JO lu Columbia Hall, j Janiea Uonard of tlie Prince street station, hu (iSSC' been S.1daa on the polloo. He waa tried yesterday for Ws. intoaic.nion. He nilmlitcd drinking litan.ly lo liieaK OVA- tbe chilli which came on htm at In irs .Mi Mnolerra VXf said lnHt initead ol breaking tbo cliiili, dial braudy wy'' would probabli break lilm. vf?i- - Yesterday, Pnliremi'ii Patrick J Murohi and lat.K ffM. McGuirewere Oned three dais' pu each fur turning vSCti' Uimutbs ga.ll.bl near a .l.'ie lu 1'eai slltft which. thev bad been ipe tally itetailiul lo nalAi,, in order le YA Erevent an Inti nded Dii'il.rv of wuui latoruialloa jV. received by Capi, Allaire. VWj

Chronicling America" " "TfllRTY-EIGIIT-II YEAR. NEW YORK, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1870. . PRICE TWO CEHTS. I I11E OLD WORLD'S CRISIS. arts'. rinx jx urn jkxaxd3AXD KXOLAXD UXBABT. Itltsla't

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Page 1: Chronicling America" " "TfllRTY-EIGIIT-II YEAR. NEW YORK, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1870. . PRICE TWO CEHTS. I I11E OLD WORLD'S CRISIS. arts'. rinx jx urn jkxaxd3AXD KXOLAXD UXBABT. Itltsla't

"" "



arts'. rinx jx urn jkxaxd3AXDKXOLAXD UXBABT.

Itltsla't Interetl Identified with thai ofPrtaala-Hait- la Mad England will Hathbertrm-T- h iaatriam lller Aaalaadad.

6r. riTiuiDia, Nor. 15. Tho prtu of tbliglty lis bee officially warned against tipporUngFrance or uafevorebly crltlcttlag Cltrmany.l tht

o( Rustla being bow Identified with U latter.Lontios, Not. 33. Th Timet In ta odlteriel ar-

te.', tbli morning latlmata that Ratals will ba Una,aifaiut eloslai Uit door to ncgolUllon-- hn altitudeBegUnd will ImlUtt,

LonuoN, Not. SS 4 P. M. The feeling to flnan-d- il

e""rt at tbl boar may fairly b called panicky.Conol end Other aecurlllei at th dote of bualneatwere generally lower, and whltt knar U no

sdvtnet In breadstuff", ranch unteilnsMpcrtadrt U.t antlra bnilnen community, Thtrt la

aa dooM that th Russian Government It rery firm

tn if r demand! reletlit to iht provlalona of thForH treaty.

iCITBtA AND tCllli.Ynxii, J?ot. 33. Tba journale of tbla eltr.

(S nl and otheririae, ara unanimous In their e

l u ot Joy at tba peaceful t.nor of tbowbloh baa Just made lu appearance. Tba

ill an 'and the fairness of tba Austrian Govern-ti- n

t on tba Euilne poller.J,be cabinet li now la eeaelon. It It reported

litc".rT piisgrrsios rruriit-- i in tat cocNctr.i,

Granville la anre to ba supported br tbeorjoriiy In Ma view of tba pretenl crlsl. Eng.land's po'ltlon will Da Arm In resisting to tba

any arbitrary violation of tba treaty of ISiflby IIumii. but at Ibe same tltna Wavt tba dour opaafar r -- cotillion with a vltw U a peaceful settlementtf U.o points Involved.

I have good authority for listing that Russia In-

lands to steadfly purine her porpose, and will servea personal aotloa of her loleelloos upoa Torkeyitaro'.taaeoasly with tba delivery of a reply taOnnvHle'a note, A rcot4rctlon of the EnglishHaiMry ti ballarad to ba latvliabta.

In tbe ntngarlan Slat tbU afterooen Baron Tonthoit, In rr pi to aa Itanlry It regard to tbe Euilne

aald ba deemed It Inexpedleat to make antlaltrarre at prate t,toun Not. 33. It la eenfldently balltTed bar

Bat tbe Eastern ceatroTerajr will aid without a rap-te- n

af peaaatal rakUona. Itaaala and I'rniala araantllr aTtrae ta a Contcraa. which power, kow-r- u

Tea proper ed.IVosDnw, Mot. K.Ur. Oladatona waa prcteM at

dte latlsat naoelai to daf.nvaui'a atrLT to ikouki.

OortchakoiTa retr reached London esrlj thlaejwctnr. OranrlUa want to Wlniaor at 11 o'clockaod reicrrad with Ua Qaeea. It waa anppaatdthat the obioct of Ma Tiiltwn to pretest tba

Sack a atep Uvea ao twtftl waa deemedJT cra' bn, In fact, tbe coref of Ibe

ChMact had not at thai tkae yecatrvd the despatch,u Dren Ilraanow did not daairer H on IB tbeatUrooon, thertlf before the Oabtoet tonfor-eee- e.

Imn.dlatalr a meeting waa held betweenOraTlUe in J Uladatone, nad tba despatch wu thenkid before tbe cooscll. All the members of theCabled tere preaeat except Bright and Vortaerae.

Tie contents of the Knaalaa commanleeUon werecot tit Jo pabllr. Extreme eaalloa as abowa not uOt in; kU J of laormxtioa ; bat there U tomeeathorltj for aijUg that Xie Cabinet baa arrtTeda) no dtcltlua. Tta reception of tbe despatchku produced mnah anxtetr la the hljbeat quarlera. The onl tlilaj certain to-t- it

I U that tbe OOTerament wishes a dole,tad cVftrti neither that tbe exlatWg war faetlnr bekiu.MFi norths eellar craated that the duncuMratcoorldtd The Cabinet torsion was km. Tktrrptrtcil rulgkatloa ot Bright la doubtful, but. If

' tnr, it - due to Kussla. lilt health Is deeidedlrImpr.v. d Utd, aud be has retomed bis builaetapaxul'r

J.SdLl.Sll WA.Il DKSVAIC11E.J30,ttl)() (irrmnna In the Taller of the Loire

I'lu-tln- a Krlnfarreinrnla before PailsThe Surrender of TbloiiTllle-Ilit- n.Ion miiongike Drill. h .lllnlalrra,

l.ivio.v, .Vor. 23. The Tinui ibis morningI wjs tba' tie re aro MO.OOO Oerrnina la the Taller ofi tlie Loire. A purir of I'rustlan dragoons on ir

entered SI. Quentm for the paroote of stop-ping the rullrosd tralo, but their ittemot waa de--Ifelt' i by tne French. The mOTemenla looklnr to

t tte cuDceiitrstlon of tbe German armies contlnae In'

Ue norih ol France. Lirje bodies of Truaslans areusr-hi- -; ,uth to take positions around P.rls andntir O: in. Rince tbe latt despstches wort forTsi 1. tbe Qrrmana who liare been operating

I irsu'il Ibjcroy, Iteiuljnr, and MixlcVes, hare sad-- IOrJ) departed, going In the tame direction.

. Prussian divisions passed Solsasna. going' tnatrd Aoilens, earlr In the eek, aud others were

Ufoiio.? It la reported that Oen. ManteufTel, leir-U-

Annena on the right, will march on Hcaen.Gen MsntenCTel'a bradqatrtere are still at Corapiene.Tbe I'ru.Miin Intrenched camp at Laon Is aearlr

i uoplrtej,' ronxiL ichrixdh or triontilli

ccarrc tblt morning. Tbe town bad been burn-It- s

mre Toeediy list.t r --Thtnni Hie Is 17 miles north of Men, In the

lur'ui.i.i of Moselle, near tne Luxembourg bor-Ot- r! t.f I .need to the French ayiteni ef aecoud-e.- i'

'.miiDi- tint,., it the last atronjbold ofwe lr. r.rn In Lonaine J

T .ie I'uke of Mecklenburg la orglng nn Immedi-ate 1'ltai.ie on the French Army of the Loire.Bkl:nii-bi- a bate already occurred between tkaciuo-i- . ,, t ie mules a. and klazlera Inths l n.rtraenl of Lo,.et. The Gardea Mobllea6om Ameiu bare been repoUed near Lo Quesnelby tli- - p u.slana. Tae flight of the French wasTr ),- -,r lerly.

A from ViraaUIea, Tla Berlin, recelredsoothe (orla about Parla lure been silent

lor 'he n n three days. The woather con.lnues bdn ii,r oporstinns.

PlorI '' i Nut. 33. The Fthodti .VorrortMsf 'V.s a pttrlied hittle la going on y nesr

Auiiei... fl, Motif Mft h.n a letter, duted Nen.ll e. nv SI, repottiuz au engagement on Wednesov iii r eiiri. in wmch the Uermana were

i.uJ sutrerud hear) loss.

I'renek War llrapntrhea.Tui n, Nor. Heavy cannonading waa

le.i il h' Orio.ms all day yeaterday In the dlrettlonel Au.iay, where an Important engagement haadoi.liti..s occurred. It la reported that the engu'e-Ci-

,i fjror.b.e to tbe Fremh, but nothingeft has been received. Tba Trusslana ara re

'" le near VrndArae, Gen, Ilourhukt haar i note to the Government offlrials declinlag

lb. i.i' ma ufiiie hUhteenth Corps.I No. fl There has been lighting all day

- llrrt"nneni. Detaila of tbe b.itllo havaro- ine ,o hind. Neuher the troops eusaedHoi i. mult are knonn here.

I'm. nn ii Wiir Dispatches.' N'iiv. '5.- - The Federal l'Krlianicnl it

I' v .V a suni ly uf IUO.OO'J.000 thulers for the

f ' ' of tbe war to the end, Tbe Berlini ' o 'I i) as unless signs fall, the end of the

' .1 ai.ij.

The Wiiroa tlieOcrnn.' v nv. ao. Hio American iteamsblp' ' 11 oe tui- - morning lor Havre, conroy-JJ-

' " Fmich irlgales. Her carRO consists ofar'ridgi s, twttj hrcech-loadln- musketa,

'. i or farhlnea and piatola, and 65ns ore Intended for the encamp-A-l

'he Loir. hoe moyeaient',"' by tholr

la. . " 'I ""' o be tbe Lord Brougham." " '" m u 1'rencb frlg.ite.

aU, "' " '"'""r I'eunchland Is (llll stsu' '"'it driin.by barber.

I'l.itsiixA i. i'.luki r.ycit.",.,'''! V "'''"'' was on Tbanksgivlnj

I. ';' ' ii V lliiury, Kaq lbs neat wlioie- -! "t Mr Collar, is in ex. iHm.1 , n "ever, iiui snout weary ol punfi ,

' ; '' '1 tUit aitouna.hu term ex- -

I . . ,, 'dm inteudi ti retire inn i

" wie'e, for the remnuder ofai- , ui'Mieif in ru i nt ig hi ilu

iiiucriu' io Jih!U"U1"1 uf '""U'M tui


nrllllant Apart a aa the 303lh Mlle--A NewMaids la be Blade, fer which Ike Or'itWalker la le.be Tralaea-Hpeee- het by Mr.AVeatea and lr. Daremaa,

According to hit promise to the public, Writon,after falling In bit 111 milts fast, determined to walka wall at be could, and If possible complete MSanltea, lit eUrUd at o'clock yeettrdey morning,bat after completing tka t78lh mile waa forced toreal for five minutes, on account of tbt violent paintt the right tide of bit head, lit etarted again, buttlekatst overpowered hlai al tbt ISlet milt, and heretted from 10:38 A. 11. until 11;M A. M. Agala thedaiotleaa Weston faetd the track withardent resolution to overcoma tht dltxy pain thatteemed to ba beating ont bit bralnt ; but he Watcompelled to panat In tht 3341k milt and rest forflltr mlnutet. When he agala started hit pace Im-

proved tomewbat, and bt teemed to bt orcrcomlnghit troubles. At 1 P. tf . bt balled for 1 hour and S3

minutes, end then began a succession of brilliantspurtt that stamp him at a real wonder, Intxhauttt-bl- e

In pluck and In recuperative powers.On tba 360th mile bt made a lap In 1 minute and

13 seconda, tnd continued aleadlly mtklnt ticellenltime. lit halted for a few minutes at 4:31, bad alight refection or essence of beef and crackart, and

oahlasaatn .... ZllZ H'P of T33 ftet tothe astounding time of 33 accenda,

Tbe applause was deafening. Dra. Flint, Molt,and Doremus, who constantly throughout tht fivedays hovered over him like guardian angels, were Inecatasles, :nd several men of wealth it onct beginerranglnr a new programme lor him. on tht condi-tion of his undergoing tht routine of training.

Tht hnbbnb and excitement had acarcely diedaway wnen We.lon thouttd to Charter Wlnana, the" Time ma again." Dr. Flint took thechronograph and timed too. Around the Itlnk wentthe man. and panting Time tolled after him In vain.Ua oompleted the lap In the even more aatoondlnctime of 37 seconds.

Tbla was at the expiration of a walk of 303 mHea.TtB ml'JWat made In 10 mlantee ltd COaecoade.A'HL.'1 .B" w"bed tteadlly lo tbt completion ofhie 300th milt, and then went to enpper. lie ateppedfrom his room at 7:30, and walked excellently untiltbt expiration of tht Ore days, tt 13:13 A. M.

WUT0Xt TlX a TUTtD7.ffs. jr. g yiut. jr. it tntt: jr. a,

JJ wj tt tt Jot i iiSJ J a.' M U J8 TM u y2 is n 299 it so rr) m

!? w ji it22 ' J2 mil.... ...... uJS Jl w 11 su II M

in u 27 300 it aa au u2S ff 1 H t7 JH. ; II 40

U an oa ; " .am it .::::::::: u i!ami ii wits u t,ju....;;,;;; u

Dnriag tht laet twenty taDee that be walked henude tome attonWhtig rapid circolta. campKUogtwe tape la M aeeonda, and ore In 33 seconds, afral aeemlnrly tBtredlble. Ttieee rapid spuria weremade fairly bal with a peculiar gait the rlthlleg drawing and the left leg aaakJiMr theapeed. lie closed on the 319th mile making!". bvrt laa hi 1 mlnote and 4 seooads. As liebed U be credited with 1 tuUe tod three-qoarte-

eo arcount of fraction il over measnremente aadthe lengtlit walked betweea tne Judret aUnd aadbla retiring room, tblt made tbe distance InvertedIn the Ore days SS0 miles tnd ri of tmile.

There wtt great cheering aa he finished, and Prof.Doreuoa delivered aa eloquent speech on tae teat

and the oblitatlous which scienceowed to Mr. Weston, and tae Import.nee of the re.ttilta achieved. Tnen Weaton dcltrered a neatUtile ateech In which he thaaked the phytlclaae, the Judge, and the people cj Ikerink for their atteitton to bliu. and laid thathe tailed for want of aleep, bat thai he bad done blabest, and would trr agla and again until he

The multitude then gare three choera forHelton, three more for Doremon, and three morefur Flint and Moil. Tliey then dlapereed, and Wcaton i walk ef a woek waa over.

1T031JSX AQAIS&T Till! WAK. ,

Senator tVllion In 31r. Julia Ward Ilovve'aTcuce CoBTenlloa,

Boaron.KoT. li. AworU'i Peace Convention ofwomen assembled In Tremont Temple this evening,with a goed attendance. Mra. Julia Wurd Howe -l

and addressed the Convention, tthe waa foplowed by lira. Ednab I). Cheney, who aaid It w-- jno ta-- of cowardice that had led to the Conven-tion, for our own country waa not threatened.They feared le lefUct war, knowing well the Buffer-ing that was caused by II. Eren to thla day theeffects of the late war were to be aeen on every handtn the belligerent propenalttea of tndtrlduala.

The abolition of national appeals to arms, she con-

tended, would follow naturally the abolition of aochaepeala, to sustsln the code of honor among Indi-

vidual... To love your own cation and to hate allother rations not In perfect harmony with yours hadbeen lor centuries the rnle of public sentiment.But peace alvocatet were now aeeklng te awakenan International sentiment that would agree to arbi-tration for the eeltlement of grievances. Thla prin-ciple was bow coming In vogue betweea theemploy ra am! employed There waa no rea.otwhy the endeavors of women to allay suffering onthe battlefield should not he cairled further and aidIn Ibe prrvtntioa of the cauiet of that suffering.The mo'lxirs who furnished the rlcttmt of war il

a right lo he heard.At the cloae of Mrs. Cheney's address. Senator

Henry Wilton entered the Tamole and was nrged touke a seat on the platform. Th't ha declined todo, He said that If anything could be done by mannr woman to make a public eentlmenl that wouldbring to a close the present wicked war in Europe,he would be glad of It.

Mrs. Hewe having previously suggested the ap-pointment of a Committee to act with similar

In other cities to further the Interest ofthe New York Otmerel Convention on the ofDecember, Mr. Wilson closed by moving tht

of Mr. Julia Ward Howe. Mra. KdnahD. Cheney, and Mra. Lydta Maria Child aa auchCommittee, with power to add to tbelr comber.This waa carried,

Tbe Inlrlrnclra ef Kelnllonahlp V.iplnlned.H'ajlnrloA Corrupondencs If Cincinnati OatttfA late letter concerning a newly discovered

member of tbt Boot family haa led to aevrral mil.takes. Where Bromloa ara aa tnick aa blackberries,there la, however, ahundaut eacnae for error, aawell aa good opening for comedy. The letter Inquestion related a conversation which took place be.tween Col. Fisher, late Commissioner of Patents,end a certain Mr, Dent. There waa nothing whichwarranted the Inference that tnla particular brother-I-

law. aa he reproeented hlmeell to be, waa brother-in-la-Louie, otherwise Judge Dent, escept the lack

of general Information concerning the number ofbrotheia Indaw. Hie Impreesiou that Hen Denl, ofthe Preeldent'a military family, and Judge LouisDent, were the only brothers bearing therelationship to Ibe President, probably caused themi.labe. All audi errora will lie lean likely to occurin luture If the following thuit directory of theDenta Is consulted:

The brothers-in-la- are four In number, namely!rirst Oen F. T. Dent, who officiates with auck

urbanity at tit Whlto Huuen, and relieves the 1'ritl-den- tof a large share of the heavy routluu of

bnatnesa.Second Judge Louis Dent, who la an attorney at

law practising In the courta of Washington, andalto In Washington, lie waa the candidate for Gov-r- r

or el Mlasltslppl.Thlid George Dent, who realdea In Han I'nnclv

cn, and Is official!! connected wllli tbt CustomHouse in th.it tin iviug city.

Fourth John Dent, who It well known In NewMexico In connection lth his lucrative tradcraolpsat one or two inllllarv posta there. Ills presencehere led to a belief among nr veral In tne PatentOffice fiat tbe gentleman Mho called and representedhlinatli a a biotber-ii- i law waa tbla brother-in-la-from the fronlltr.

It lecmi, bowovi r. that the one who appeared toCol 1 u er was only a cu-l- n of these brothers

and not a lull brotter And while Ihlarelat on lias been to his own lullII b.i. not as yit been at lully ru'Wiuod bytne brolhori In law

To apply the light obtained from this dlroclnry tothe case Ic hand, II was tins couiin ol iho brothers,who are In lurn brothers of Hie Proldent.thai had the Interview with Col. Fisher In le'gard loti e chuncoa of securing tin position of Prlnrlnulfciainloer. u y jj

Droriro I'rHiiela Truhi In .lluinollle.,Martetlln Coirfixindtnci or ltm,ton TtltgrapK.Hut, heforo the storm btirsU, 1 have time to

menllou Mr. G.ore Francis Train. Thla irenlle-ma-la enormoualy esteemed at Marselllea. If theconverse of a well known proverb be accepted aa an

argument, Mr. Train migiit even assert himself as aProphet, He la now, ai nlwaya, "candidate for thePresidency of the United Staloa." Perennial candl-dao-

la a profession tout eo.nmt tin iiufre, tnd onenut wanttiic In distinction. The French peopleknovt tint their country Is all right, because ibelasdldate for the American Presidency is about tomy something, perhaps has a new Idea i ml theyhalt aod turu tbetr facea upward to the window olbis Hotel on tbe CatebiJres alralahmay, and (rowl ie giddy helithl. descends an oihnrtailon towardw.uiiesale hoinlrlde of tbe Invader, anil Hie iitiilfurom ana tnoiivitt. I assure yun Hut Mr, Train,hi simple ss.ertlon of himself, has aniulreil no

power He niaaea speecliet la whichrhlldlsh coiuinonpla 'e of IIihukIiI l rapt ut Inmoiikiiie anJ w ord fury t out bomb llouibaatrsIlia hotel Is licsleteil at surii hours mid by sticarrnwds, that tbe landl ir l and the othor dwellertherein lure bctn drlrsu to despair, j



Cattell Throwing aff bit Blanbtta-Car- aaUna Watafa Htrlpplng far the Race-Ur- aat

Baeklac aa Frallaibayaea-Oart-lan- dt

Parker tba Baeaay af BallreadMenepelltt-T- ke Mpeaktraklp.

Correspondence of lbs 8un.Tatirroif, Not. tS. Tht Senatorial caldron It

beginning to boll lad bobble. Cattail hie thrownoff the blankets, renewed hit ttrtagth Ilka an tag It,and.mnch te tbt astonishment of everybody, reportsblmatlf St for Senatorial doty for tlx years longerbat unfortunately for bit prospects. West Jtreeyfalltd to come op to tht foil measure of ber dutyduring tbt late canvass, and tbt Sttttor, Instead ofbeing on the field, wit In ibt hospital. It may cothart beta hit fault bat It waa bit misfortune, andmtafortontt art worst than faults with politicians,lit will btvt to Uke bit fartwtll of the Senate, aadneither that body nor the country need weir mourn-ing for blrn long,

tocxiKiin wiLsn ron mi tixATi.In East Jersey another and a tomewbat formida-

ble candidate for Senatorial lionort bu appeared Intht person of Cornelius Walsh, a very wealthy eltl-te-

now a reeldenl of tbt Fourth Dlatrtct. Corne-lius retiona ik.. -

. . - uortt tailor from Nt a ark once....luuzh the potency of Ua money bags, was cleciodto the Senate ; and there can be no good reuon whya rocknnltb may col tlto wear tbt Senatorial toga Ifbelt willing to pay for tht linen, lit bellevoe Inbit weslik he bu found Ibe key lint will openthe Senatorial catktt. At all events, tbtannouncement of hit name bu struck terror to tkabeerta of tbe friends ef Frellngbayten ; and theyare busily at work to try so bead him off. lie la aaaaa of fine bnalneaa qnatlflcatlOBt and good ad-

dress, tnd weald certainly ail Ibt poaltlon with tamuch ability u Cattail. lie It muck tkt inperlor orWilliam Wright, who wet tht most rldlcatoot po-

litical dpber that tear eetiyed to play tbt rolt of aconscrfpl fat'itr. Tbe frlenda of Frellntboyaen,alarmed tt tkt coneequtnoet, have been Invoking IbeIntervention of Qraal to eld them ; and it It reportedthat a latter le te be written by the great Oil De-

ceiver to be thown to the members of tbe Legisla-ture, rtpreeetitlig the tnxlety or Ilia Excellency tehave Frellngbuyaea't aid and counsel la tba Senate ibat each

trimoit won't ctrcn yiitsir woodcocks.Thty kaow tht nature of tbe fowler too well,They bare atudltd hkn too doaelv down tt LongBranch. Distance might ksvt "lent enchantmentte tbe TlevO " but a cloee observation and an a.ctarate atudy of the man at hla aeuldt haunt harta polled bit ntefalnee. An effort Is being made loget Frederick te withdraw, aad nurae himself forthe on the ticket with Oraot la16731 but belatbrtwd enough to understand thatauraliw In that company will bring on marasmnaBoaldea the nomination for bu neverbeee kealthy for Jeraeymen. Ibcre are some IUilicals rn Frederick'! party who are famous, like theheathen Chinee, "for ways that ara dark," and hemoat steer clear tf them If bt wishes lo succeed.

cortlaxdt ratxta't cuancxa.r.rktr't friends are equally active with those of

Frellnjhuj.en, and will, It Is likely, effect an alli-ance, edenelve and defensive, with the frlenda ofWalsh, and head off both iCaltell and Frelingru)reWalab was eaceedlngly active in behalf or John Hillcuring the recent canvass, ana will have behind himu baekert the mends of the late btate SenatorCobn, wbo, bad he lived, would undoubtedly havebeen tbe candidate. Ibis, of necetellv,Kites him a lornri'tahle position, and If he doea notsucceed he very likely will hold tbe power to electt' e mm upon wnose ilJo he throws his strenrtH ;that strength will not be thrown for Frellnebuyaen,but lor Parker. But New Jersey Leltlturea arestrange bodies, and awayed by curtoui InfluencesTiiu Influence of the Joint companies will he Ibrewnfor Parker, Cattell being out of tbe queellon, FreItnehuysen's connection with the Central Ilallro.abrtnta him in direct snlagonlam to tbelr loterosts eat. Air Llae road que.tlon.

reisjuaxv or tub trati saMira.The contest for the PreilJrnt of the State Senaie

will be between llettle, tbe fenstor trout Camden,and Ntroa, benattc froea Cumberland, wiih thechances In riror of Brttle, wImi tt on the slate. Huttlie salte cay he una-l- and .Miua, If he Isshrewd, cau ase the Senatorial conflict to strength,en himself and ln a victory.

Tin sraaaisjitir or thi noun.In the Home, In all probability, the contest will

be between Condll and Saiay ol Easci, althoughthere la a poaalblllty thai Eait Jersey w ill he willingto relinquish her claims In tivor of tVett Jenev. na. to strengthen those of Fast Jersey for the henstorahlp, Bberln of Camden will be chosen Meretary of the Assembly, with Charles W Jay aa a.sistant, while tne Sicreltrjslilp of the Senate will begiven John F, Babcock of Middlesex, with the F.

grossing ClerksUp le Janiea Moore of Gloucester.IS noinlnstlooa or Chief Justice. Secretary oiStttr, and Clerk of Chaacerr will have to be mleeeit Mission by Gov Itindolnli Tbe preseuiable and efllelenl Cnlef Justice, Mercer lteulry,wlH undoubteoly be noxlnated ard confirmedunanimously. The Secretaryship of Slate Is nowfilled by a Mr. Heary llcli.y, wbo was appolaled loOil a vacancy by Got. Uandolph wlln snejetestrengthening hit ehsncea for the Senatoreilp. AItepuhllcan Senate will not. In all probability, lookwith a favorable eye upin this nomination, and maycompel tbe Governor lo nominate a less objection,able man. The Clerkship of Cnancery, now Ailed byMr. Barker Oummere. la the moat lucrative utnee Inthe btate, worth aurae 113,000 per annum. Thepresent very able and effluent Treasurer, Mr. Wm.McMlcliael, will In art likelihood reiclve this nomi-nation and be confirmed, u ba la a general favoritewith both parties.

It la very clearly now to be s'.cn thai the anti-wa- r

Democracy, In the recent eouteat lu Havt Jersey,courted defeat that they inljtit


It remains to be seen whether, like the blind Sam-eon- ,

they have not brought down tlie root of Ibe tem-ple on their own beads aa well aa on those of theirencmlee. Certain It la, however, that they haveatnasbed and flattened ont that clique until II looksaa Autolue ltavcl used lo look In the pantomimewhen the big wheel fell upon him. If either Stockton or Itandolph were men ol larre mental g'aapand commanding resource, they would come forth,aa Ilavel need to, looking more rotund and eollilthan ever; but there Is no elasticity In lliem, andbeing once flattened out, they will stay flattened.Kaadolph never had any strength of his owa, andStockton none euva what waa cunlerrrd on him bybeing the ron of his fatnrr, and by hit connectionwith the Camden and Araboy Company. He neverhad auy popular strength, He la a thorough aristo-crat, aud dusplsea from his toul'a deptnt a man of

bate progenyAnd greasy ceiiralogy

He believes lioresth that there are but threecla.sea uf people In this world men. women, andStocktons snd that toe Stocktons were mule first,but of mnch finer porcelain, I.ikn Caius MarclusIn "Corlolanos, be lias no lovi for the commonpeople, and believes of them u that brate Itouiandid;

"Who draervea greatness, deserves your hatei andto r ntfcctiona sre a sirk man's appetite, who desiresmost that which would Increase his uyli.M

He la willing that " they ahouldnun rut rooa itcb

of their opinion until they make themselrea sore,"If they will. Had ll e benakirlal office beeu tue ofpopular appointment. Instead of te he liockcurcd offby a venal Legislature, nelll.or blot k loo nor hitfather would over haro been members oi the Senate .

Ilia rejection by ttie Seuate on hla flrtt electiongrew out of hla pietumptlon In voting for hluiaelf,aud blslgnoroncoofparll-tmcntaryliwa- . It waa a cleardie of political do tl4 M. Bv the old common lawaa suicide waa burled In the cenlte of the iro.i roads,with a slake through hla belly. But la Stockton'scnie tbe rule waa reverse I, because his friends madethe Legislature believe he was a suffering martyr,Instead of the suicide they well knew him to be,


The Idea of Newell contesting Forkrr'a seat Ittuperlallvely ludicrous, The docloi haa simp ygoue on to Watiiluuton to let hla wounds "thosepoor dumb mouths" pload for liltn. For the deepdamnation of lilt taking off, he thinks he ought torecover hoavy d.imacea In the stupe of a good fatoffice from Grant, He but been spoken of aa Min-ister to Kngland, and w e have not the slightest doubtho would accept It If It a ere oflerrd to him. Hit ex,ceaalve vanity maket him believe he la equal to anyofficial responsibility. Sydney Smith uaed to tell ofa presumptuoua bookseller who bad Impudenceenough " to attempt performing an operation for tbtalone or to navigate Hla Majoaty'a fleet down thechannel"; and Nonsll It coualn-germa- n to thatman. He would take the contract lo tunnel le At-lantic or to pump It dry. He lit rery fair countrypractitioner "only Ihla, and nothing more" anddoubllraa knows tlio uiflurour between a cuth NICaud an emetic, ami michl tell a syringe f run acatheter. He Ms about us much knowlrdge ef thecomplications of foreign politics OA a donkey haaconcuruing the parailax of Unfiled sura, NewellMinister to Kngland, Indeed I , opine Ibe nomina-tion would he received In the Seu.ili aa GouverneurMorris onee received the nomination uf Lucius (fuln-liti- s

llorntio Plockton aa Secretary ot War: Luciustiiiintiua Horatio Stockton, Mr I'resldont Secretaryol Warl Good Lord I Good Lord I Good Lord "

Hie black gelding Grn llufer koeps In wood conditlon In blille of tlin severe m ark be ilally oneiuri'i, uuty foi .be Jeffi-rioi- i ( ua of Vorkvilie Ifllutler lb ei not net soro, tht orguauallju will bt parfcvUid at aa early date.

..i lllisisi J

xnit old aotorx outbaozs.Balaalt Cruelly aa Bhltbeara-- A Leg wklcb

It haealeleaalr Hidden HaOerlag Hsansala the I.ndlew Htreet Jail.

Raymond Ran and Franco Frank, tht Htxleaaand Bpinlah tallort who art accused of mutiny aadattempUne to aet Art to the thlp Old Colony, aretttll aoilatd to Uetr bed. They were ta kavt betatiaaalatd btfort Ooaunltttontr Otbora yetterday,bat on a phyelelea'i ttnlflcate that their Injur let prt-do-

tbt removal with taftty at preeent, thepostponed till neat Friday.

Thorau Wilson and Andrew Klrwan, alet tallonoa Ua Old Colony.say that Baa aad Freak were badlytreated by tht thrtt aaltee. Thty add that tkt flrtt aadteeoad mates habitually beat and maltreated Bantnd Frank, with brutality. Sometime they kickedthem with tbtlr heavv soled boots, tnd knockedthem down with marllnsplkea. They were givenonreaseniblt loadt to carry. Br way of amntamantthe omcera plastered wax over Itiu't face, rare himt long wax nott, tnd In other wtyt mads hint ltul-cron-

The caplaln, they ear, laughed heartily.Ilcpeatedly one of tht Box reporters baa villi- -'

the ahlp Old Colony and ttked la tee thelog " fhe malts tald that Capt. Grlne- - 'Pperemptory ordert not to let a tool "f,E',en

had Ironble enough at pree- -. U';,,S??t,ll1",he dldn'i want to tee auae- -


IBlpt ,er ea tbe


A Hardware Mauufactiirer ahd Flaler Un-d- er

Arret! an Hntplelan.On Wcdnesil:7 r's,,Lfir vrtt dlscovtrtd in the

three-stor- brick building S3 Mechanic street, New-ark, owned tnd partly occupied by Matthew Girrl-f-e-

and partly occopled by Richardson A Hill,lamp coach manufacturers. Tbt lost of the latterArm wat abott f 4,000, with tn tnturaact of onlyf3.00a Otrrtgin, wke It a taddlerr hardwaremanufacturer and sllver-ylate- etttmaied hla lot at

4,000 en the btlldlng and M.OtO on the etork.CMel Engineer Groel noticed that all of Ibt doors

were oalocked, tod bit suspicion! wsrt ereuetd.AceoT-Hncl- y. be investlrtltd tbe eeee, and the re-sult tree the arreet yeetoxlay afternoon of MatthewOarvtgaa, on the chars ef firing hit own botuins.Tke arrest wu broscht abonl by tb Intlmony ofUiartea W, Tavlor, who work In a saddlery herd-wa- re

ibep In Church afreet, w4io teeltfltd that tomemonlha aro aarrta.n oth-re- him ti.000 If be wouldfire the bnildlag. eaytag that sal ba bad so do wu tadroe a match la one eernee. It lately about tweraoo-fi-s ttnee ibea the earn bulld-a- f wu oa Art.Garrtgaa wat beta to betl In 11,000.

xnjtncK.rjtKaiiiKxxixjtBOOKi.Ti,.Invltntlont Declined Inlervlew wllk Cel

lecler Blurphy-.ll- r. Cllaxa Palarti.Colfn arrived la town on Wed-neadi- y,

tad yetterday bad aa laterriew wttk Colleo-to- rMurpl, la tbe Oustotn Ileea. Bt U the gotit

of Henry C, Bewea of Brooklyn. Mr. OoMki telagood health and spirits, snd talk a freely oa tht sub-ject of retiring from political life. lit ts floodedwith Invltailoat from all parts ef tht tonatry telector, but be cooOaes himself atrtetty to tie dntleof hi efbte, exceptlag only tbt ftULmeat of bla en.ga'ement aa ene of the eentrlbnlors te Tht t,

It Is rnmored llat Mr. Oellax will laketbe editor's cbilr of th Brooklyn Union, u toonit kit term expire.Proyldental Escape of Cnpl. Allen and Crew,

Tbe ichooner Julian Ktltou of Tackerlown, N.J Cat. Ctviller, arrived at Ihla port yetterdayItem Oeonretowa, D. C, after a boisterous paaaageand a aerie of mishap. On the 31th lnatant at 1 A.M., when about eight miles from Chlncotettue light,be ran lalo ibt schooner Kate V. Edwards, also o

Tuckertown, N. J., sinking ber on the starboardquarter, and sinking her In about fifteen minute.Tne violence of the collision knocked overUutdCapt. Allen, the mile, and one man of the Kate Elwards, bnt Ibcy were picked np by the Nelson,which Immediately hove to. Jamea h. Millar ofAttern en, N J., had hla left lee fractured and a per.tin or bis foot torn off. The Nrleoa stood by untilthe ret nf the rrew ef tbe Edwsnls had beenrtMOked. Carl. Allen aa4 kU erew loet eventklaleirert what clothing ther had on. Tkt Nelaon l"lher Jibboom and war otherwise Injured by the


On Thursdar a sloe ran aoliore on Bockawayheseh. erf Hie Island. lnaooJ with rsrbsgc fiotu New

ork Hfis wa. manned br a father and three sens,In gaining tbe land, one of tbe sons wat

drownedMr. Hubert J Dnff. of Wondslde, L I., complains

thalnn Ibe riuib nt and North Hide H iltroa I im'.en-g-are net lenn it-- d tocerryevtn a baket wlibnutrttra ehargt and ibtlai Ibe Woodslde depot there has

been no lire this seainn

WAsiuxorox xoxtsn.

Senator Sehnrx has relurned.but did not call uponlbs I'rranent

No additional troops are 4o be sent to Georgia attne anproacbtnr election.

Secretary Delano la preparing to give tht Interiorf)e artroent a thorough reconstruction.

Tlie new French Minister will he in Waehlnitonand bis credentials will arrive next week.

Nearly all the foreign legations ro tn New Yorkto attend the wedding of Mr. Iloberti, the bpan--

a Minuter.The Cabinet seflon yesterday wis attended br

all tie mtwiners except Iotme,ler-Genera- l Cretwcn,whoit atteal from tbe dir.

The Presldanl has appointed Jamea Joonlan aaAs.etir of tui.rnai itevenne for the Thud New Yorklimrlct, vice MlrhaelBcanlon, reiltked.

Telegraana from Georgia announce tke arrest andIniprltoumenl or two Deputy Marihals for putllagdown spurious naniea la Increase the lr pay.

Mr. McVelrh, Minister to Turkar, la Imorovlog tnhealth, and bat coat from Itnme te Conttantinople andrelieved Mr. Morris lie will not resign before aprlng.

The Fre.ldenl his ordered a survey of the Creekar.d set. ni tu itir Intltn Terrltorv well oftU' ti' ei .nib detree, for Ibe pnnioisof haviar thelavi divl ei intoamall tracts, on which to locate sepa-rate famillea.

Got. Bullock arrived veaterday, and had a InngInterview with Uie President and Secretary of War.lie st)s tber Is no dnnM of (Irsnt'a administrationheinjr .iislalned and tbe Republicans carrying a major-ity ol tbe members of Congress. i

arAn K.i ritoM riiit XKi.EaiiArn,Snow In Staunton, Vs.. yesterday.Tbe Alabama Legislature It organlxed.Heavy frost In New Orleans yetterday.l it Army of the Cumberland propose to pobllak

a rlngrai br of Oen. Thomas.The Hon. B, N. Stevens. Jil't elected lo Congreaa

from the Fifth District of Illinois, Is dying.The Unn. II K. Welch, a prominent lawyer of

Hertford, Conn., died yesterday, aged (S years,Tao ruliMher of the Cleveland .eider Rave a

Tbankagirlng dlauer to M news boys on Thursdayaatonioeo.

The skip Persia of Bath, from New 'Orleans forMveriwol, with a rargo of cotton worth 190,000, weotahorc on Frying l'ai aboili ou Thursday morulng.

Tom Baldwin of Plltaford leaped from the cart atItorairaler depot yesterday, and wu killed. Johu Ks.ench of liiuitllo wai killed In tht same way near Forihyroo,

The London and San Francliro Bank,Laiham. manager, on January , Isll, will absorb theold bsnklug houst of John Parrotl lu Baa Frauolico.Mr. rarroit takes iJOO.ooo itock.

Hie arrtiruent for a rnle to show cause whv a newtrial should not b granted In thecals of llanlon.convicied of tbe mrrder ol Mary Mohmiao, were begun Inthe Court of Oy-i- and Terminer lu Philadelphia yester-day

Tre National Immigration Convention will memo-rialize rongresi to a.suma Jurisdiction over Iminiirrvllon Into tbe tinned Metes, and to ask llnrope to rn.operate In protectinr Imnilgraula from outrage oa tbeaea as well as on laud.


The vestry of Vlnel.ind Trinity Church will erecta memorial church to 111. bop lloane.

Th New Imelinil Sorletr of Newnrk will cele-brate "Kerofatbera'Day " with a dinner.

The faro on the Jersey City and Bergen horseradioed, within Jeiaty Lily, baa bceu reduced to Aveceuu

The tutbnrltle nf Newark art removing tkebodies from old Potter's field to tbe cemetery nearN averler.

Bernard Curtis and William Llllla wort convictedIn the llurtaon County Court of beuloue yesterday ofprlie fighting,

A number of Snaaet county larmert btvt boughta tract of land near Norfolk, V , luloodlug to catabllabao luimcme dairy farm.

A motion for a new trial haa been made la Ihtcue ef lierily Mulllni, who wat convicted in tbe Hud-son County Court on 1 huridty of robbery on tbe high-way.

An Infnnl child of W Wan Crk (colored), ofNewara.waa found dead la bed teiierdsy morning,Mrs. Clark retired Intoilcatrd, and the County I'll y a

believes that tbe child waa accidentally lumberedby Ua drunken mother.

Itnbert F. Stockton, Jr., of Trenton, who wathorsewhipped bv the Hon Jacob It. Freeie, ahortlraftrr Ibe litter's remrn from Jerusalem, Bailed forhiirope In Ibe Alcerli on Wednesday. Dot ht tlaoInli'mlto visit Palestine ?

On the New Jersey llallroad, nt Hie Centre streetbrlilee In Nuwark yesicrdav aiieruoon, a sleepingroach attached to the rear of the train ran off the trai'kbetweou tbe Centre street depot ana tbe bridge, tbeforward wbcels drarging breaking dowu several

poles, and before tbt train could be stopped, hsdrun twenty feet on to tbe bridge. 1 be pinengeri wvrstcrnbljr llghltued, bul coat wtrt Injured.


DAtAra nKjtK axi tjixkb bt tubMUX'S BKrOBXKIta.

Tba Brooklyn Taxpayer' Caaaadraaa-T- ba

rlll war at Bteallnn tbe Peeple1Money Ceaaaalaaleat la Inaaraae.

Tba Klngt conntj publlo IntUtutioni ara In.irtd to tht tmooat or tS00,rj00. Mr. B. J. Lowbar,

member of tbt Water Commission and Presidenttt tht Oora Exchange Insurance Comptay, It thtImuran c agent for tba ooanty, tnd gett a commbvtloa of flfwtn per cent. At th lut meeting ofBoperrltort, Baptrrltor Otbora move' M D1Ttlth poUelet trantftrrtd from la opu,now pttronirtd. Bopwrltor Cr,k d,noancd thPropotU u . bltckmaillor JoD jj,,rVfrJJed toS.V dlrry, Tli. proposal wuK' -- CommltUe. All thla dlscnsalon,5 M floeatlon In the minds or the'expi.rti why ta Insurance agent ahould be tm--ployed at all.

Ono ef Mr. Hergk'a Men In aa Arllea withtb Molt Haven Kn-Kl- ai Klan.

Sidney IL. Conklin, on of Mr. llerfrh'a dele;Uvea, wu arraigned before Juitlce Fuller, In

yrslerdsy, on cbtrgt tf tbootlng TerencKennedy' hone, tad thootlng al Henry Finger andLouli Deabl. Oa Tbnrtday the Klta of

ntl Haven had a parade, and Mr. Conklin teeing tborse which wtt Unit ordered tht rider to go bt-

fort t Ir.rtlce, on tht ehtrre or cruelty to tht tni-rea- l.

Tht other neiabrr of the Club gatheredaround, tnd after a beatAd ilirnre Mr, Conklin waahit ot the head with a atone. Ha then drew hit re-volver, fired Into tbe crowd, and kll.e.I Kennedy'akerae, worth tboal 3fi0. Mr Co'iklln w. then ar-retted, tnd la default of $1,300 wu committed.

A CorDa on a Target Bxenralon.The Thoroughbred Quartlt went on a target

excartioa on Than keg vhog day, bat previous to do-la-g

m aoade Wietjtnai tpntletUon to tbtlr frleodifor otitea. Mr. Lak Clark, ta undertaker on Sev-en avenue, gave Hem a ififlr, bat ther rejectedhleffer. Tb novel prlt fell Inlo tb bande oftartet eompinr of bovt, known u the Young dlb-ae- y

Onard. 'lheae Isda mi robed with the coflln attbelr head wrth the other prlxea, until a crowdgathered, and, ta a row wta imminent, Capt. l'ttlytook possession of Ike underUker'a gift.

Ylew f the Holy I.nnd.There was a privalt txhibillon at Aitodation

nail laat evenleg of a large n ember of tUrtoptlooaTltwi, lllnalntlng Jerusalem aad III Ttclnlty. TbtTltw ait from photograph, and hare been pre-pared at (seat txpenss by Metirt. Peter tnd BamutlBerghelct, nstives of JeruatVxn. Tber wu t fullatMndaauor lb best dtlaent of New York, wbowere unsalmau" la pronouncing Ibe vlewt tht flneat

f th kind aver exhibited la tbla country. Theview will probably be exhibited In Trenton duringtbe winter, when Col. Jacob R. Freest, who haakalely returned Irom Jerusalem, will Inspect tbem.

Where Celerity I Worth Horaelhlng.A delegation from tht Common Council of

Baltimore vtilted engine house No. 13 yesterdayafternaoa, accompanied by Flro Inspectors Gal wayaad Hanneeay, with t Ttew of learning with whatpromptneet the men could turn oat In east of analarm. The men were stationed In the ball In theupper part of tbe building, and al a given eigne! brForemac Urlacher they descended lo Ibe aroundfloor, liirnee aed lha horses, got up attain, and wereready for tervlct In three mlnutea.

Paving off Pool nt Itelllv'a.There were belling men gathered lut night at

Rellly'f , on the occasion or the pools being paid ontke 30,000 majority ror Hall, and under 60,000 forHoffman. There wat one pool of $300 for under30,000 majority for Hoffman, and eereral pools werepaid for f300 and more on 30.000 majority for Hall ;there were also paid one pool of $103. two of (300.snd one of 1190 on Hall's major ir?. Next week therewill be an Important night, when Ibe 11,000 poolson Die Ledwlth vote are lobe paid.

Alderman Krenan'e lint.Alilrrmnn Patrick Kcenan, an r officer in

the Custom House, who keeps a liquor store atPtriflc and Columbia street, Brooklyn, bought ahat from Atkinson tbe hatter, and bad It tent home.When the boy delivered II al the hr , It waa

to Mr. Patrick Keenan. N . which, theAlderman sent It back to have II din id lo Alder-man Patrick Keenan.

Oliver Dyer at Hlrlnwny llnll.evening Mr. Oliver Dyer ia to lec

lore at Stelnway Hall on the Swedenborglan answerto tbe Inquiry, " Uow to get to heaven : In the nameof the Son of God." The auhjeel Is anlntereting onu to all ctas.es, and 31 r. Dyer's originalaad forcible treatment of It will certainly Inatnictand profit all who bear blrn.

llrtnarknble Karnpo from Iirntb,Yesterday morning Mr. Matilda Bullion, of

Market and Madlaon streets, Newark, while hang-ing ont clotbet by means of pulleys from the rearthird elory window, slipped and fell to the ground.When picked up she waa Insensible, but aheaborlly rallied, and hopea are entertained or herrecovery.

Tb Farce of Hrlzlng the flamratrr.Four detectives lut night made a dciccnt upon

th gambling bouae at 333 Broadway, CharleFields, the proprietor, and three otber men werearretted, and th gambling paraphernalia wuselxed and taken to the Tollce Central Office. Thoraid waa made on complaint of a boarder In llelj'aHotel wbo had lost bit money In tht concern,

John Ilrdtrr Ovens lu Kulgera street,John lleckcr, in November, 18C3, was building

a tiack ol ovens In Ilutgert street. In tbe rear of ahouse In which Mrs, Angelica Seabrook reatdod.During a severe storm the walla of tbt caw buildlog fell, eruaJiing Into Mra. Peabrook't apartments,killing one child, tnd burying ber In the mint, tothat It teok three bonra to extricate bar. bhe sus-

tained severe personal Injuries, and aurd Mr. Beck-er lor damtget. The Jury gare her $1,400. aud Mr.Ilecker appealed, claiming thai the fall of thebuilding wu an act of God, end not attributable lohla negligence. Tbe Qmeral Term yesterday affirm,ed tae Judgment.

FI.ASIIKS M01I XIIK oobax caulks,Tbe Palmyra arrived out yesterday.The Italian artillery la to bt Increased.Tae Duobeas of Aoata hu given blrtn to a eon,The Argentine rebela are apparently gaining

ground.Bright hu resigned the Prealdcnry of the Board

ofTrade.The City Council or Dublin petitions for tbe par-

don of tbe Kaolaa convicts.Robert Wright ft Co., chain and anchor makers

at Hunderland, Kngland, bare stopped payment.The appeal of tbe Rev. Mr. Mickooocnle from tht

sentence condemning him for Komalutlng tenaenclcstits been decided against hlni.

The Pope's Kncrcllcal, recently printed In Gene-ra, has been posted In prominent places In Home, tinoor te Journ.li er the latter city, which reprinted theduruiiieut. was promptly iclied by tbe Italian author-Hu- t.


Evacuation day was duly observe I,Margaret Deiupay, a widow, waa found dead In her

room, 24J Pacific street.Tho corner atono of tbo Roman Catholic Church

of the Vlittallon ! to be laidThe Police Commissioners bavo reduced to tLe

ranks several Incompetent loundimen.Su new caret of small-po- were reported from

Ibe Sixteenth tt ard (Dotchtown) yesterday.Detective Charley Frost found n cent In the Acad-

emy on Thursday evening, aud delivered It lo tbe prop-erly clerk I

Mayor Kalbflelsch refuses to algn a warrant forIl3,coo, for pavlug eleventh avenue with bcrluiibawpavement.

Dr. R O. Sldner. Republican candidate for Super-visor of the Ninth t ard, Is contesting tht election otDick Neaman,

Atthur H. Trolter, of SOT Fulton avenue, wai runover and killed yettorday, by AdolpU Mutton's waaun,on Fulton street.

The official rote for Congress In the Third District,1st lleuryW blornm, lJ.r.. , i D. u l.i.b.ls, lloPert M. Whiting, ijl.

George Empreo, n night Inspector In the CustomHouse, whtlu on duty lat night at Harbnck's itoios,Brooklyn, Ml oveiboatd, aud might hate been drown-ed but lor timely aiilitauco

A motion wiu made In tbo United States DistrictCourt yesterday for the appointment of an aasigneefor the oefuun Central Hank. The aaseti of tbe bankare about 1430,000. Judge lleucdlct risemd hu de-cision.

Next Moniliylho Win, A, Brawn Battalion, namedIn honor of tbu Pite C oittiiils.innei of lliooklyu, willvisit hull New Vor liver 6M men will parade The icumiiany from the Thirteenth Ward, known as the I" Itollicklng Items, ('apt Jamss Andertou, embraces I

lout of tbt prominent Ka w Vet k tut sldt poUtlclaas. I

TttBouan to auarexaiox jtmnoB.Yanderbllt Flaared-- Tb Krla Bead ta be

Connected with lb Michigan Central andGreat Watra-T-b Declalaa at BvTacntYetterdar The Kad of at Meaoaely.

Commodore Yandrrbllt't attempt to block,ad th approach la tb Niagara tuspen-tlo- a

brldg agtleet competing; tint buutterly failed. YaaderbDI having Uke tboffsnslvt aad. Adopted th Ttxalloot connor cautliue'iilditloBtl track to be lald oa hla lloou btoea- - the Erlt extension at tb point of

nearest tht brldg. tb projector of lb

ntw line, confident that thty '.had Jostle on theiraid, al one appealed to th courta. Commissionerwere appointed to InTtatlgate tht difficulty, and Iht

vldence being decidedly la favor of th Erlt peo-

ple, tbtr reported accordingly.Th e tf 33,000 bad bten agreed upea M an

allowance lo th Central la eontldtratloa of cross-ings. Ac.) Inl Vandtrblll lohlttjtenilj uTmiHir. Imuo--i larger amount, Oould tnd risk dttermlnedto make him tdlitr to th original figures, how-ere- r.

Thty hav been fighting II oat on this Use,and, as usual, victory baa perched ipon their bannera. The cat wat decided yetterday by the

Court at Syracuse, the allowance of 15,000batn; declared a tnffleleni rtmaneratlon, tnd Iht

d proceeding! of the Central authoritiesIn obttrnctlng tht tpprotclitt to th fiaapenslonBrldg being oondomntd tt Illegal.

Thla decision will rlvt Intense satisfaction to tbtofficers or tbt Ores! Wtttern or Canada, who Intendtransferrins; th bulk of tbetr bnslne-- e lo tbe Erieat toon as the connection is made. Ibt main object6i iiie Cettr' il'SS? rrsj ta prevent th Mlchi'tnCentral tnd Great Western Unci from getting anyother outlet. This but difflcnlty removed, tbe Krltad Bnspen-Ho- n Brldi n will b complttedwithin a very short time, and when th laat tplktthai) hare been driven tbe txtortlonatt monopolywWth Yanderbllt bu to long maintained over theCanadian trade wild be ended, and a new aomlnlonopened to tbt combined resi us or Gould tnd Flak.

mohkx. siiAHranooxixa.The Bharker Oaard'a Target Kxcnralon-Nnrr- aw

Racape af lb Marker.The Sharkey Guard, nnder command of Capt.

Tom LVapcr, weal to Landminn't Park yetterdayto do a little target shooting tnd a good deal efdrinking. Tkt beer flowed In river, while wholeoceant of whiskey disappeared with tb rapidity oflightning not Jersey lightning, but the legitimatekind. The "tboollalt" (so to apeak) were not usuccessful it could have been desired, although ontbe whole, and considering the amount or liquorpunished, all present are to bt congratulated oacoming out with whole tklat,

Ctpt, Tom Drtper nobly won tht first prlte. 1 100greenback. He abstained entirely from shootingror fear or ktttlpg the marker, wbo wer stationedwithin Ihlrtv-tw- reel of th target. Bull Rlluywo a 320 srlxa ror not bitting th target. II la duelo th Mackerelvill hero tn tty that be did not bit

marker, which wat considered a fortuoate thing.Tbe He. Bob While, better know u " Whlteybob." woa a beautiful toHtalrt diamond by ehoot-la- g

(he bull's-ey- e oat or tht target with an auier.Ht marched to the charge at steadily aa thoughwere wt Iking on two cork leg.

Lamp Thomas got a fifty dollar greenback prlte,but nol for good shooting. He waa adjudged lo bethe handsomest man In the corps. Neat to FrankDuffy aad the Hon. llufut X. Andrews, bt It proba-bly tht handsomest man In Ntw Tork.

Reddy the Blacksmith, ijoe Coburn, and severalother distinguished gentlemen were pre.ett

Kit Borna apologised foron the toort of official buslneea.

xna. o'ilykx's livsuAxna.A Life Intnmnre Company' Huaplclon ef

.11 ur der-- A Plgbl for 812,000.FracciaP. O'llyen died vcryiuddcnp In New-at- k

and waa Interred In Rosedal Cemetery. Sub-

sequently, bit wife claimed 113,000 Insurance fromth Amlcablo Company, Tbe Company, sot satis-fle-

that O'llyen wat the husband of Mrs. O'lljrn,had tht body exhnmed on Wednesday, and It wasIdentified ss thai of Mra. O'llyen'a husband. TbeCompany neat learned that Mrt. O'llyen' formerbnsband bad died very suddenly, aad that ahe hairecovered 1 3,000 lilt Insurance. 1 hereupon theybad tbt stomach taken to New York, where It I.nndergolng a thorough examination, bhould notrace, of polaon he found, Mr. O'llyen will doubt-le-

recover $13,000 life Inaurance.

Tbe Moat (lentlcninnlr Drnd-hrn- d In NewYork-Lo- ok Hut lor lllm.

On Thursday evening a tall, gentle-man, of foreign appearance, dark complexion, tndpolite tddrraa, with black full whiskers, neatlytrimmed, rang tbe bell of a fashionable boardinghouse In the vicinity of Irving Place, and Inquiredfor a aulte of room. He tpoko English well, batwith a slight recent, and represented himself lobeInterpreter at CastU Garlrn, saying that he wis aDane, and bla name waa Beauregard. He was shownan elegantly lurnlshrd front parlor and btdroom onthe second floor, for which J0 per week wat aiked.He waa delighted; he would take them for the win-

ter. his baggage would come fourpieces I a trunk, a valise, a hat box. and a violincase. The expenses would be paid; wonfd Mrs.tee that they were placed In hla room I lie wouldcoma himself aud ray one month In ad-vance.

He seemed such a gentleman, and was to polite,that be made a most favorable linprisslon ou Ihoauacepllble landlady, and was aked down to din-ner After that be sal chatting with lha otherbonders In the parlor, aod astonished tie in withhis extrnslve knowledge and great learning, until Itreallr became too late for him to leave. He mlghiaa well stop all night , and he did, Next morninghe ate a hearty breakfast and left. He hun'l beenback since.

It has been ascertained that be haa been playingthe aame mine for a long time past; getting bitboard and lodging fret at every hnute on tbe door ofwhich he tees a sign posted of "Boarders wanted "Look oct for him,

A Madman In n Catholic College.Cincinnati, Not, 28. Anthony Heap entered

St. Xavler Catholic College armed with ahatchet and long knives, aaylne that thn Jesultawere getting too much ion er In this country, andhe wanted lo die fur Jesus. He attacked Hie prltat.Father O'Nell was cut on the left arm, and num-ber uf other prleata received alight Injurlca beforethe man waa arrested.

nouns op i.kisviik.William J, Sharkey spent Die day at Landtnann'a

Park yesterday shooting lor prlt'i.Irelend'e prima donna. Rose IVKrina, will sing In

Ptelnway Hall on Wednesday evening ucxt, for thebenefit of tba Foundllur Asylum,Dr. Oorrey'a great pictorial and mualcal entertain

ment. entitled " Ireland, In th de and Hunshlne," willopen In Apollo Hall on Monday evening.

Prof, Fred. Salmaon, assisted by his pupils, theSwedish Flnrlng Soclrtv, and seierti eminent artists,gives a vocal and Instrumental concert at Apollo Hall(uu evening.

cvniosiTi or cui.uk.Wm. II Wood, a broker In Porllanl,

Me., hanged hlmseir yesterday,Wright Cox, colored, wa srrc.tel yetterday

while attempting to pawn a lady's mala ofoa) x sloue and gold.

In a fight on Thursday between Charles Ilrmpaenand .1. ltaynor, tn Yonkers.tbe formorwas fult'iy in-jured. Itavnor wai arretted.

Charles White was commuted to Jail yesterday byf'ouimlsiloncr Shletdi. on the charge of swludilngFrederick Held, a dlxharted loldler,

John Comor, of KCI Kant Eleventh street, waalocked up by Justice Riotl at Kssex Market teiterdar,for cutting hit wile's face with a kails ou Thaukrjitttngmenu

Got. Clatlln of Massachusetts ha. pardoned Farrelland Mcl.aln, who In IHrd were convicted of robberyand aeLlenced each to twenty fire years in tho SlatePrison,

John It. Williams, Joseph Murray, John McCarty,and John l.aitiir were held yiterliy at leffer'-o-Mullet foi brmklUE into the Canal street I'lisbylenanchurch.

George OlfTonl, editor of tbe Portland (Me.)7Ve.i. hai sued John M. Adams, teilitor of tbo .tiour,lor ilelamatlnn of character, layiug the damages al110,000. He haa put a keeper Into ibe Argut onlc".

During a quarrel In the Carroll IUngera' ball, InGlaia Hall, ihlity fourtt street, near Third avenue, onThaukiglvlng nuht, John Fagln shot ChristopherMoore in tbo mouth. Fai'lu was commuted by JusticeCoulter yesterday.

Erhard Ober sprang from bit bed yeeterday morn-inr- ,

seized a new revolver which be bad Jut pur-chased, aud laying to his wifn ' her.' u one shot foryou and one for me," flrtt flrod at ber without killingber. and then shot himself Ibiougii tbe heart.

John Kelly, who wat turned out of Mr. MarkLanlgin's saloon In tbe Fourth Ward on Thanksgivingulgbl, bad not only spent all hit money in other

but bad ver, atnirlie. an.t wlr-on- t privuu'iva slaLud Jot.,11 .ui,ii, air, LauiKau'.

The engraving and printing or counterfeit labelsand trade-mark- i Ii alleged to time hern eileu.ivi'lycarried on by Charle II. Forrest at tn t'llfrsnret Hewhs arrested yesterday at tbe Instance of KroleiickC.Itrowu. of Ilia F.lui street. Tho prisoner wat held byJUkllCtCOI.

An Innocent-lookin- yount, man eall.'d at thePrince sure! police station earlv rostoi lay morning,aud Introouced himself as a btoo'ilblritv munlun-- andpave bis name as James Wilson, He bad, au be .aid,killed a man with a slung .hot In Jersey Ilu waslocked up nattt yeatrrdiy alterunon, wbeh be wastaken to ibe JeUereou Market 1'oMce Court Mean,time, it wat shown that ht wm luiaue. Justice Coxsent bun to au uylunu

EVACUATION DAY SHOWS. - 1AJicnmanor x'otoaKBT'a kxcutu 3

BlOX Vr XIIK KAai ItlTKR. jl

Tlalt t tbe Cblldrea alRandall'a, WaraTa, , &jaad Ilart'a Island-T- bo Cerenaoale ad t FCeaflnaalloa-Ad- dr br lb Arcb--blabep aad Father Dnranqaec t H

Th Archbtahop of New Tork having Informed .V

tbt children of tht Ettt River laltndt that h would jflyettsrdiy confer the rite of confirmation upon them,Iht olty authorities placed their tteamer at tbt dlt. WW

potal of tht eminent prelate. At t o'clock t dlf Mting nttbtd party wtit on hoard, composed of thArchblthop, lb Iter. Fithert MeNltrny, Monro,

tnd Tlerry, Commltslontrt Nicholson tnd Brennan,with their families, Warden Brennan and ladles, tnda camber of other.

A half hoar brought Ibt tletmer to Randall'(- - mBM

wtr ciitlajci were la wtltiog lo c oarejtht party lo tbt school house, govsrnsj by taHSH'&fJ Bdl":l10ni ""if npwtrd of flvt hundred WM

were readlneaa. under the ctrt ofDnrookl. to rteelve tht Arehhlthop aad Eftnlte, tnd prtpartd by the Slater of Mercy to re-- Wmceirt tkt Sacrament or Confirmation. With tht ad 19dlllon or tome twenty children from Wtrrt'i Island. ku103 boyt and girls received Iht Holy Sacrament. BM

A toncblng tnd tpproorlate addrraa wtt given by MlIht most Her. Archbishop, whose words were llat. HIened to with rapt attention. A few liymnt wer HI'.""t S.K ln 'blldrtn, and afler tbo ceremony tht WMmArchbishop tnd party tt a quirter to 11 proceeded to fMthe ateamer to visit tht school ahlp Mercury, anchor- -rd off Hirt's Island. Her they were received by analCapt. Glrand, Execntlre Officer W. II. Homers, Paymuter L. Geoltie, Matea Gregory, llllllrr, and Oor. JMden, Surgeon Ackermtn tnd Mr. Whitney, who lathe resident teacber of tho boya. Alter tome march. ' JMIng ltd filing, the boya prepared for the Sacramentwere marched on beard the Mlnnehtnpnck to pro- JMoeedlo lha Island. One of the large building! wa fMconverted Inlo a temporary chapel In order lota, WMMcommodate tbe unusual number of candidates, 139for tne Sacrament. Upward of eighty of them wtrt wMMnolad In th naval coatume, each wearing a whIU sHrosetto. BMM

After the robing of th Arehbl.lion. b a,tranced HIlo lb altar In mitre and cop or cloth ol gold, andad 0 reesed th yooth In simple langnage, and wllkthe lendtrnrtt or a friend and father. Tbe motl fMMprofound stillness and attention were obserred. BMMAfter the ceremonies were ended, the children wereinvited lo partake of a feast prepared for them byCommissioner Brennan, tht laltergrntleman makingthe School Ship a tpecltlty under his csre. The no-- aaHtile and ttleollve Warden, Mr. Dnnphy, and tbt fMMschool teacher on the island, Mr, Grlawold, spoke mMIn the highest terms or tht general bearing or thboyt, many of whom are simply refractory, and aro sHtent here, their board paid, to become tnbject tthe discipline of the ship, whose crew and scnolart,from tbt moment Ihey tread the deck, aro undeittrlck moral rule. All tbe officer, ahow tht greatestInterest In the good work, tnd all have been In theUnited States tervlce, and carry out tht whols JMrp-fm- which prepares t he boya who dealr tomaksrsminshlp their profession, for aervlct In ellher tbanary or mercantile tervlct.

Accompanied by loud ebtert the tletmer left hefmoorings, returned tbe boys to the ship, and amid arepttlllon of cheer, adieus, waving of handker-chief- s

to and by the ladles, the party returned to thcity.

Tint aiir.iTA it r urn i'la r. LM

Tbo Annual Pnrnde and Dinner ol the Yetcurani of ISlU-On- ly Twrntytbre lu lb mml.lne The Parade In 1H1 1.

Ibe Ycterant of 1812, twenty-tlire- e In number,met yetterday at Military Hall, 193 Bowery, tnd 'Hmirehed t few hundred yardt to Grand street, tnd Lmthence to the Continent!) Hotel In Broadway, a fewhundred yards further, where thoy were handsomely Lmentertained by tho proprietor. No ipecchet wertdelivered. The old soldiers, with ol exception, Lmwere lo plain clothes, but wore cockades on their mmstovepipe hats. mm

Charles Knowlc Croly, a frl'ky Utile old gentle- - kmirsn of 82, wore a full snlt of bluo regimental, mmwith a cocked hat. Brig. Gen. Raymond, aged TV, mm

a taciturn and crusty vete-a- n, headed tho company.A blue cost and britt bittona were seen under hit Lmovercoat. The oldest man In the line la WilliamDealing, nged V3 Tbe youngster of the orrantxa-- MmmM

tlon Is ,3, Ht waa a drummer boy In 1313. Ias Iyear tne nuuiber who diued togetber waa thirty.Seven have since died. There are perhaps flftr vet-- Mmmtemna of 1913 In all In this city, but many are too In- -firm to Join In the annnal celebration or Evacuation sVBIday. Thn old soldiers spoke of being reviewed In1811 by Gov Tompkins, with other troops.un the oreu field along Broadway, Jutt above Canal WMMt


rionirthlnt New on Kvarunllon Dny,The li ft li Itrgimciit of tho New York Land. Bj

vrehr. Brevet llrlg.-Gen- . Bendlx, paraded yesterday.Its members rrre, fur the first time In public, the 11Prussian helmet, and thla feature of the paradecreated an Immense flutter among the Germans ottho great eaat ride. Tlie helmet rntmbles an In- -verted coaWntlle It la surmounti-- by a 1iM(spear. A white metal head ol Jeflrrson In rcllof laworn on a fire gilt ornament on the front, on which kVAlIs alio the nzure " S." Iheofllcirt wore red plumotln Mice or the spear.

There were ten comrsnlr. or twelve flies front, 9Hand a full baud and drum corp.. The regimentstarted from lis armory In Renter eireet at 3 o'clock, bbbbIand marched through Grand alrcet to Ilroadway,and up Broadway to Eighth street, and thonce to wMMMTompkins square In the square a matching aalutewas tendered to Gen. Franz bltel, who was In HJBJcivilian dress.

Aftetword Gen. Burger, ntl-- n ImI hv hit staff, re-- mmmmviewed the rrslnirnt Over 01100 person, wit.neaard the erolullon. Amung t ie National Guard HBofficers who wero spectators were Col. F. A. Conk-lin- g

of the Eighty-fourt- an ex Col. Henry Lux ofthe Eleventh.

i.o.s.tna itr i'iiik.Tin dwelling No. l.SfiT Third avenue as nm- iHagtd by fire yeaterday thuon. iPswawiThe contents of 8. Bush's auction store to Rlmlra laaawJ

were bnrned nn Thuritay evenlne, and the adlntningMorns were Injured lajis bmveen IJOUO and 1 10,000.Duih was insured f.bvo. 'aTsTsTsTJ

jomxaa aiiout to ir. 'HThe special deputies sud supervisors of election Iflal

are to be pall off next week. HHAr unknown man was drowned off East Twenty. H

tblril street yeeterday evening.The Foundling Asylum Fair closes Thai llfir only tiS.VQ hat been reallted. fsBHThe New York Juvenile Guardian Society gave a

dinner lo 1,0U children on Thanksgiving day,In the fame between Rnaaell A Ernln'e nine and iVfll

Calhoun A llobbint's nine, tbe score wat 31 to 15.Captain Do Groot't colossil statue of Uenlimln

Franklin Is soon to be erceled in Piloting Homebquare.

The Foundling Asylum Fair c'osrs All'tbe articles not sold or ranted are to bo uttered by sBaHauction.

Alfred Deflrux, aged 13, or M7 Soventli avonne, MMMMwas run over aud killed by a truck near Ins rcsldenct bbbHIwteteuing. 'kVBl

Hugh Gray, the Second Avenue car driver who lHfell oier Hie ii.ibloird at HOtii street wblio whippinghis horses, died e.terday.

John C Gnbrlght will lecture neit Tuesday even- -Ing intlinmn's Hall, llroaJway and Thirteenth atreel, iBLflLlon " Pcrtoual Kiperleuco." jHThe drawing for the prizes ure.rntrt tn theShaodley Legion will take place In Tammany Hall on aanBtlllonday evening, at 8H o'clock.

Private Wntrhmsn Michael McCarthy dlsooteredand extinguished a fire yetterday morulng lu the largetenement boue, Sol Front itreft,

Hamilton Patorson of 3ll West Eighteenth ttrret ItHfell Irom Iht tinner floor of the stable al Lvun Urosdway uTsTsTsTsTsfl

laet evening. He was fatally Injured,James Armatrong, ated 15, of Twenty-filt- street, iaaVafl

near First aven ue, was killed vrsierdiiv, a barrel oi '.MMMMapples la.ltng ou him In Ironl of 241 Elisabeth meet. jBThe Hun Cliarle. Sumner will deliver a lecture InPtelnway 1111. on Ihursilay rvcnlnir nest, nn "the laLMduel pciwcrn France and Ucrmany, Willi III leaions to bbbbbIcivilization."

Piter Boas complalna nf III treatment at Wood'tTliealreon Tbankiaivina night, and that tickets weresold lo lumieir. nn. I many others, when aduilulou to arflthe boutc was iiupoiiltile. 3tV

Jane Mutvanov, aged 18, loft her lion.n In Riving. , KY.ton itreet je.te dai alternoon, and aome time nfier she ' Gb'Abad gjue a note w u found In tier tiiiiri luloiui.ng tier v6Klllen li that she Intonded to drown bor.elf. RJK

Tbomaa WaP, while croislng the Knat River Hit Wnlglu In a row boat, ran athwart the bow of the leirr Ktfboat Idaho, aim nut for hu preiince of uilua inlgbl rAr,'.have been drowned. Ilu boat was sniibel. Vr

The Klen nth Ward Irish Domocritlc Central Club ybfilast nlcht, J oli n Murpbr In tbe chair, added over 200 Xt,names to the roll. The waa addressed by Oen. vJJEfjMartin McMahon, Jamei ll.ily and others.

As R. Smith, manugrr of the Frmklln and Atlanllo IW?and Pacific Telegraph Comna ili'S' olllees. was standing rXuon the brsneh of a deravc.il tree lu HhiIoiii, tho Haiti Xigave way and be fell about 13 feci, head foremost, wj- -

Natbaulel J irvis, Jr., referee, lias decided, In thorase of Itlcbaid Wliitiirop, an alleged lunanc, that tholunacy Is not proved, and that Mr. Wlulhrop Is ct-- vwypable nf taklna care nf hlmielf ana bla properly. KryJ

T l" man fill t tlakcr.' Ai.ocL.ilion, tthcie K&r'hea'lqiitrtrrs are In Kighlh avenuo, this city. Intend Ko.budiiing a lariru number of houiea on their laud la At-- Wy.tori hi the suilng. A draw jog tor LWf loll will laktlao Use JO lu Columbia Hall, jJaniea Uonard of tlie Prince street station, hu (iSSC'been S.1daa on the polloo. He waa tried yesterday for Ws.intoaic.nion. He nilmlitcd drinking litan.ly lo liieaK OVA-tbe chilli which came on htm at In irs .Mi Mnolerra VXfsaid lnHt initead ol breaking tbo cliiili, dial braudy wy''would probabli break lilm. vf?i- -

Yesterday, Pnliremi'ii Patrick J Murohi and lat.K ffM.McGuirewere Oned three dais' pu each fur turning vSCti'Uimutbs ga.ll.bl near a .l.'ie lu 1'eai slltft which.thev bad been ipe tally itetailiul lo nalAi,, in order le YAErevent an Inti nded Dii'il.rv of wuui latoruialloa jV.

received by Capi, Allaire. VWj