Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach www.durt.info

Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

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Page 1: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

Christoph Durt:

Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach


Page 2: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

1. Wittgenstein did not want to learn from Frazer anything new about other cultures, but about the myths which are embedded in our own language.

2. In philosophy, we are prone to get caught by and make up myths.

3. But Wittgenstein thinks that an intercultural point of view can help us preventing (a bit) to get entangled in myths.

Page 3: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

1. Wittgenstein did not want to learn from Frazer anything new about other cultures, but about the myths which are embedded in our own language.

Page 4: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

An entire mythology is stored within our language.(RFGB, p. 133)

In unserer Sprache ist eine ganze Mythologie niedergelegt.

(Item 110, p. 205; Item 211, p. 251; Item 212, p. 1207; Item 213 (»Big Typescript«), p. 434; BFGB, p. 132)

Page 5: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

2. In philosophy, we are prone to get caught by and make up myths.

Page 6: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

a) Much of philosophy has to do with terms connected to myths (e.g. »soul«, »spirit«).

b) Meaning depends on culture (forms of life). Cultures entail myths.

c) Much of philosophy can be described as the creation of myths.

Page 7: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

3. But Wittgenstein thinks that an intercultural point of view can help us preventing (a bit) to get entangled in myths.

Page 8: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

… to imagine a language means to imagine a form of life.(PI §19)

… eine Sprache vorstellen heißt, sich eine Lebensform vorstellen.

Page 9: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

387. I want to say: an education quite different from ours might also be the foundation for quite different concepts.

388. For here life would run on differently. — What interests us would not interest them. Here different concepts would no longer be unimaginable. In fact, this is the only way in which essentially different concepts are imaginable.

(Wittgenstein 1967b, p. 69e)

Page 10: Christoph Durt: Wittgenstein on the possibility of philosophy: The importance of an intercultural approach

The concept of perspicuous representation is of fundamental importance for us. It denotes the form of our representation, the way we see things. (A kind of ›World-view‹ as it is apparently typical of our time. Spengler.)

This perspicuous representation brings about the understanding which consists precisely in the fact that we »see the connections«. Hence the importance of finding connecting links.

(RFGB, p. 133)

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[…] A perspicuous representation produces just that understanding which consists in ›seeing connexions‹. Hence the importance of finding and inventing intermediate cases.

The concept of a perspicuous representation is of fundamental significance for us. It earmarks the form of account we give, the way we look at things. (Is this a ›Weltanschauung‹?)(PI, §122)

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Der Begriff der übersichtlichen Darstellung ist für uns von grundlegender Bedeutung. Er bezeichnet unsere Darstellungsform, die Art, wie wir die Dinge sehen. (Eine Art der ›Weltanschauung‹ wie sie scheinbar für unsere Zeit typisch ist. Spengler.)

Diese übersichtliche Darstellung vermittelt das Verständnis, welches eben darin besteht, daß wir die »Zusammenhänge sehen«. Daher die Wichtigkeit des Findens von Zwischengliedern.

(RFGB, p. 132)

[…] Die übersichtliche Darstellung vermittelt das Verständnis, welches eben darin besteht, daß wir die ›Zusammenhänge sehen‹. Daher die Wichtigkeit des Findens und des Erfindens von Zwischengliedern.

Der Begriff der übersichtlichen Darstellung ist für uns von grundlegender Bedeutung. Er bezeichnet unsere Darstellungsform, die Art, wie wir die Dinge sehen. (Ist dies eine ›Weltanschauung‹?)

(PI, §122)