Página 1 de 12 - 09/10/2019 - 3:34 PM PROFESSOR: EQUIPE DE INGLÊS BANCO DE QUESTÕES - INGLÊS - 5° ANO - ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ====================================================================== 01- Read TEXT 1 and write COMPLETE SENTENCES to answer the questions. Text 1 Christmas In Australia In Australia, Christmas comes during the summer holidays. Some people hang wreaths on their front doors and go out singing Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. Australians decorate their houses with Christmas trees, Christmas lights, tinsel, snowmen, and glass baubles. They also decorate their homes with bunches of Christmas bush, a native Australian tree with green leaves and cream flowers. On Christmas Day, children receive presents in a stocking or under the Christmas tree. Children write letters to Santa Claus so that he knows what they would like for Christmas. Santa wears a thick red suit and travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Many Australians have a special meal on Christmas Day. Some people have cold meats and seafood and a Pavlova for dessert. A Pavlova is a soft meringue cake with cream and fresh fruit. In some countries like Australia, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day. On Boxing Day, Australians go to the beach with their friends and have barbecues and swim in the sea. a) What do Australians do on Christmas eve? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ b) List three things Australians decorate their houses with according to the text. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ c) What do children receive on Christmas Day? _______________________________________________________________________ d) What does Santa Claus wear? _______________________________________________________________________ e) What date is Boxing Day? _______________________________________________________________________ f) What do Australians do on Boxing Day? _______________________________________________________________________

Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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Page 1: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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BANCO DE QUESTÕES - INGLÊS - 5° ANO - ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ======================================================================

01- Read TEXT 1 and write COMPLETE SENTENCES to answer the questions.

Text 1

Christmas In Australia

In Australia, Christmas comes during the summer holidays. Some people hang wreaths on their front doors and go out singing Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. Australians decorate their houses with Christmas trees, Christmas lights, tinsel, snowmen, and glass baubles. They also decorate their homes with bunches of Christmas bush, a native Australian tree with green leaves and cream flowers. On Christmas Day, children receive presents in a stocking or under the Christmas tree. Children write letters to Santa Claus so that he knows what they would like for Christmas. Santa wears a thick red suit and travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Many Australians have a special meal on Christmas Day. Some people have cold meats and seafood and a Pavlova for dessert. A Pavlova is a soft meringue cake with cream and fresh fruit. In some countries like Australia, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day. On Boxing Day, Australians go to the beach with their friends and have barbecues and swim in the sea.

a) What do Australians do on Christmas eve?



b) List three things Australians decorate their houses with according to the text.



c) What do children receive on Christmas Day?

_______________________________________________________________________ d) What does Santa Claus wear?

_______________________________________________________________________ e) What date is Boxing Day?

_______________________________________________________________________ f) What do Australians do on Boxing Day?


Page 2: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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02- Write the words from TEXT 1 to the pictures.

glass baubles – meringue cake – sleigh – snowman – stocking – wreath

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

03- Read TEXT 2 and answer the questions. Text 2


Scientists say that hobbies can make kids smarter, healthier, and even more successful when they grow up. How? Here are some reasons:

They help you learn

When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You have to read instructions. You look at websites, magazines, and books to get more information about your hobby. More reading makes you a better reader and a better learner.

They help you be creative

We learn by doing things and by touching things. For many hobbies, such as building model cars and writing poems, you have to use your brain as well as your hands. These kinds of activities make people more creative.

They motivate you

Having a hobby makes you feel good. Scientists say: “When you make something, the ‘feel-good' part of your brain gets a message. It makes you feel happy.” When we feel happy, we have less stress. Too much stress can make people sick.

Page 3: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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They help you build skills

People with hobbies learn how to set goals and solve problems. Learning these skills when you are young can help you when you grow up. For some kids, having a hobby can be the first step to finding a satisfying job in the future.

a) What do scientists say about hobbies?


_______________________________________________________________________ b) Why do people who have a hobby read better?


_______________________________________________________________________ c) What kinds of activities make people more creative?

_______________________________________________________________________ d) How does a hobby make people feel?

_______________________________________________________________________ e) What skills can people learn when they have a hobby?

_______________________________________________________________________ f) Do you have a hobby? What is it?


04- Mark the correct options according to TEXT 2.

Hobbies can help you…

(A) be more creative. (B) make other people happy. (C) have less stress. (D) set goals. (E) be more popular. (F) solve problems. (G) learn better. (H) learn about yourself.

05- WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO? Complete the sentences about FUTURE PLANS using

the verbs in brackets.

a) We ______________________ soda for breakfast. It's not healthy. (not drink) b) Sara ______________________ at her friend's house next weekend. (sleep) c) Amanda and Alice ______________________ shells at the beach. (collect)

Page 4: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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d) ________ Pedro ______________________ his grandma on Friday? (visit) e) I ______________________ next weekend because I have to study for the test. (not

travel) f) What _________ you ______________________ after school? (do)

06- Write COMPLETE SENTENCES and NUMBERS IN FULL to answer the questions.

a) When is your birthday?

_______________________________________________________________________ b) How are you and your family going to celebrate Christmas?

_______________________________________________________________________ c) Are you going to do your homework tomorrow morning?

_______________________________________________________________________ d) What do we celebrate on October twelfth?

_______________________________________________________________________ e) What is your favorite holiday?

_______________________________________________________________________ 07- Complete the sentences with the FORMS OF THE ADJECTIVES given.

a) Lions are ______________ dogs. Elephants are ______________ of all. (big) b) In my opinion, sewing is _____________ writing poems. But knitting is ______________

of the three hobbies. (bad) c) I think that ladybugs are ______________ ants. But butterflies are ______________

insects of all. (pretty) d) My brother's hair is ______________ my hair. My father's hair is ______________ of

the three. (short) e) Chocolate is ______________ cake. Ice cream is ______________ dessert of all.


Page 5: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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08- Look at the picture and use the words given to complete the sentences comparing the characters from the film Inside Out. There are two extra words.

happier - happiest - saddest - sadder - shorter - shortest - taller - tallest

a) Joy is ______________ of all. b) Fear is ______________ Anger. c) Anger is ______________ of all. d) Sadness is ______________ of all. e) Disgust is ______________ than Joy. f) Fear is ______________ boy.

09- Match the hobbies and their pictures. There are two extra hobbies.

collecting balls – collecting coins – dancing – painting

playing chess – playing soccer – singing – swimming

a) b) c)

Page 6: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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d) e) f)

10- Write ONE word from the box on each line to complete the dialogues. There are three extra


artist – would – dangerous – know – learn – learning – Saturdays – skateboarding – should

a) Anna: Hey, Sam! Do you ______________ how to skateboard?

Sam: No, I don't, Anna. And I don't want to ______________ how.

Anna: Why not?

Sam: I think it's ______________. We can fall and get hurt. b) Peter: Sally, I'm learning how to dance like a hip-hop ______________.

Sally: That's so cool, Peter. I love dancing! I'd like to learn how, too.

Peter: You ______________ come to my class.

Sally: OK. When is it?

Anna: It's on ______________.

Sam: Great! I can come!

Page 7: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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Key 01- Read TEXT 1 and write COMPLETE SENTENCES to answer the questions. Text 1

Christmas in Australia

In Australia, Christmas comes during the summer holidays. Some people hang wreaths on their front doors and go out singing Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. Australians decorate their houses with Christmas trees, Christmas lights, tinsel, snowmen, and glass baubles. They also decorate their homes with bunches of Christmas bush, a native Australian tree with green leaves and cream flowers. On Christmas Day, children receive presents in a stocking or under the Christmas tree. Children write letters to Santa Claus so that he knows what they would like for Christmas. Santa wears a thick red suit and travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Many Australians have a special meal on Christmas Day. Some people have cold meats and seafood and a Pavlova for dessert. A Pavlova is a soft meringue cake with cream and fresh fruit. In some countries like Australia, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day. On Boxing Day, Australians go to the beach with their friends and have barbecues and swim in the sea.

a) What do Australians do on Christmas eve?

Some people hang wreaths on their front doors and go out singing Christmas carols on

Christmas Eve.

b) List three things Australians decorate their houses with according to the text.

Christmas trees, Christmas lights, tinsel, snowmen, and glass baubles (Student chooses 3 options).

c) What do children receive on Christmas Day?

Children receive presents in a stocking or under the Christmas tree.

d) What does Santa Claus wear?

Santa wears a thick red suit.

e) What date is Boxing Day?

It's the day after Christmas. December 26th

f) What do Australians do on Boxing Day?

They go to the beach with their friends and have barbecues and swim in the sea.

Page 8: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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02- Write the words from TEXT 1 to the pictures.

glass baubles – meringue cake – sleigh – snowman – stocking – wreath

a) b) c)

snowman glass baubles wreath

d) e) f)

stocking sleigh meringue cake

03- Read TEXT 2 and answer the questions. Text 2


Scientists say that hobbies can make kids smarter, healthier, and even more successful when they grow up. How? Here are some reasons:

They help you learn

When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You have to read instructions. You look at websites, magazines, and books to get more information about your hobby. More reading makes you a better reader and a better learner.

They help you be creative

We learn by doing things and by touching things. For many hobbies, such as building model cars and writing poems, you have to use your brain as well as your hands. These kinds of activities make people more creative.

They motivate you

Having a hobby makes you feel good. Scientists say: “When you make something, the ‘feel-good' part of your brain gets a message. It makes you feel happy.” When we feel happy, we have less stress. Too much stress can make people sick.

Page 9: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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They help you build skills

People with hobbies learn how to set goals and solve problems. Learning these skills when you are young can help you when you grow up. For some kids, having a hobby can be the first step to finding a satisfying job in the future.

a) What do scientists say about hobbies?

They say that hobbies can make kids smarter, healthier, and even more successful when they grow up.

b) Why do people who have a hobby read better?

They read better because they look at websites, magazines, and books to get more information about the hobby and more reading makes them a better reader.

c) What kinds of activities make people more creative?

Activities that make you use your brain as well as your hands.

d) How does a hobby make people feel?

A hobby makes people feel good.

e) What skills can people learn when they have a hobby?

They can learn how to set goals and solve problems.

f) Do you have a hobby? What is it?


04- Mark the correct options according to TEXT 2.

Hobbies can help you…

(A) be more creative. (B) make other people happy. (C) have less stress. (D) set goals. (E) be more popular. (F) solve problems. (G) learn better. (H) learn about yourself.

05- WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO? Complete the sentences about FUTURE PLANS using

the verbs in brackets.

a) We aren't going to drink soda for breakfast. It's not healthy. (not drink) b) Sara is going to sleep at her friend's house next weekend. (sleep) c) Amanda and Alice are going to collect shells at the beach. (collect)

Page 10: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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d) Is Pedro going to visit his grandma on Friday? (visit) e) I am not going to travel next weekend because I have to study for the test. (not travel) f) What are you going to do after school? (do)

06- Write COMPLETE SENTENCES and NUMBERS IN FULL to answer the questions.


a) When is your birthday?

It's on…

b) How are you and your family going to celebrate Christmas?

We are going to…

c) Are you going to do your homework tomorrow morning?

Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

d) What do we celebrate on October twelfth?

We celebrate Children's Day.

e) What is your favorite holiday?


07- Complete the sentences with the FORMS OF THE ADJECTIVES given.

a) Lions are bigger than dogs. Elephants are the biggest of all. (big) b) In my opinion, sewing is worse than writing poems. But knitting is the worst of the three

hobbies. (bad) c) I think that ladybugs are prettier than ants. But butterflies are the prettiest insects of all.

(pretty) d) My brother's hair is shorter than my hair. My father's hair is the shortest of the three.

(short) e) Chocolate is better than cake. Ice cream is the best dessert of all. (good)

Page 11: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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08- Look at the picture and use the words given to complete the sentences comparing the characters from the film Inside Out. There are two extra words.

happier - happiest - saddest - sadder - shorter - shortest - taller - tallest

a) Joy is the happiest of all. b) Fear is taller than Anger. c) Anger is the shortest of all. d) Sadness is the saddest of all. e) Disgust is shorter than than Joy. f) Fear is the tallest boy.

09- Match the hobbies and their pictures. There are two extra hobbies.

collecting balls – collecting coins – dancing – painting

playing chess – playing soccer – singing – swimming

a) b) c)

playing chess painting collecting balls

Page 12: Christmas In Australia - Educacionalpessoal.educacional.com.br/up/4660001/2828827/Ingles-5oAno-3aEtapa-2019.pdfThey help you learn When you have a hobby, you learn new things. You

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d) e) f)

collecting coins singing swimming

10- Write ONE word from the box on each line to complete the dialogues. There are three extra


artist – would – dangerous – know – learn – learning – Saturdays – skateboarding – should

a) Anna: Hey, Sam! Do you know how to skateboard?

Sam: No, I don't, Anna. And I don't want to learn how.

Anna: Why not?

Sam: I think it's dangerous. We can fall and get hurt. b) Peter: Sally, I'm learning how to dance like a hip-hop artist.

Sally: That's so cool, Peter. I love dancing! I'd like to learn how, too.

Peter: You should come to my class.

Sally: OK. When is it?

Anna: It's on Saturdays.

Sam: Great! I can come!