Christmas Diamonds

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short play for christmas

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Christmas Diamonds

Christmas Diamonds(Who is Lorelei Lee?)DistribuieLORELEI LEE- MELISSA MUTLU















Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, its Christmas.

Scene IAct I(O sal de bal goal, cu un scaun direcionat spre public. Lorelei intr pe scen din partea stng, mergnd graios, cu faa spre public.)

Lorelei (pe un ton acru): Its Christmas! Hmph!(d din umeri) And what for? If theres no love in my life(i mbrieaz umerii, ca i cum i-ar fi frig i se uit trist ntr-o parte, n mod dramatic, apoi revine spre public) He said he loved me (ofteaz, apoi continu, nfuriat) and this (scoate o bijuterie din decolteu i o arunc, dezgustat), this Is this love? Fake (accentueaz cuvntul) diamonds? (contrariat)Rhinestones! Is this how Im repaid for my hard work? (se las pe scaunul liber i i duce mna la frunte n mod dramatic, rezemndu-se de sptar i i nchide ochii) Nothing, but nothing can make me believe in Christmas again! Cortina.

Act II(Acelai decor, dar plin de oameni. Escorta lui Lorelei o ine de bra, iar ea chicotete, vorbind cu un om.)

Lorelei: Oh! What a wonderfully handled situation! Mr...(ateapt rspuns)?Gentleman: Beekman.

Lorelei: Beekman...(accentueaz) What a name!(se nclin n fa) Very fierce and rigurous! Ah! My gracious, youre such a gentleman! (chicotete)Beekman: Oh, my dear, youre flattering me! At my age...

Lorelei(innocent): But I bet youre very young?!

Beekman (roete): Youre such a sweet and beautiful child!

Lorelei(fericit): Thank you ever so!(Din dreapta scenei apare Dorothy.)

Dorothy: Lorelei! Ive looked everywhere for you!

Lorelei(deschizndu-i braele spre public i zmbind): Well, now youve found me.

Dorothy(uitndu-se la Beekman i la escort, fcndu-le semn s plece): Gentlemen... (Cei doi merg n planul din spate i se amestec cu mulimea. n prim-plan rmn Lorelei i Dorothy. Cele dou vin n fa, Dorothy i pune o mn pe spatele lui Lorelei i se nclin ca i cum i-ar zice un secret.)Dorothy: Tomorrow is Christmas...

Lorelei(ntrerupnd-o): Christmas doesnt exist for me anymore!Dorothy(confuz): Why?

Lorelei(suspinnd): Since he broke my heart that time!(i uguie buzele)Dorothy(enervat): Oh, stop it!

Lorelei: No, I wont! Nothing will make me believe in Christmas or Santa Claus again! Not even if the whole world counts on me

Cortina.Scene II

Act I

(Cabana lui Mo Crciun. Dou scaune i, n mijloc, o msu. Pe msu se afl o sticl de whisky i dou pahare. Mo Crciun i Will stau pe scaune i se holbeaz la sticl.)Santa(strnut): Uh-huhh! Someone is thinking of me (d din cap, satisfcut). Do you think its Monica?Will(ironic): I doubt it. Plus, its Christmas. Everybody wants a present. ( d din umeri i continu s se uite la sticl) More important, whos gonna pour the booze? Santa: Not me, wonker! Bosses never do this.

Will: Good thing you aint one.(Amndoi continu s se uite la sticl timp de 15 secunde, apoi Mary i Monica intr n scen.) Mary: Whats up?(chicotete)Why are you staring at that bottle?

Will: We dont know which one of us will pour the whisky. Will you?

Mary(zmbitoare): Sure.

(Ct timp Mary pune whisky n pahare, Mo Crciun vorbete cu Monica.)

Santa: Ho ho ho, my dear! Come on!(i face cu mna s se apropie) Sit on my knee and the Santa all your wishes.Monica(strmbndu-se): No way. Maybe in your dreams.Mary(rznd): Santas such a loser(face semnul de ratat).Monica: Yeah, I know.Santa(nfuriat): What do you know? Im an extremely attractive and intelligent person, ok?

(Ceilali trei ncep s rde de el, dar sunt ntrerupi cnd Rudolf apare pe scen.)

Rudolf: Santa, Santa, something extremely terrible has happened. Its about Lorelei Lee.Santa: Lorelei Lee?! Oh, she has that smoking hot friend, Dorothy Shaw(i mngie barba i chicotete) What about it? Rudolf: She doesnt believe in Christman anymore, so the world balance is at stake.

Will: But whos (se gndete)Lorelei?

Santa(sare din scaun, vorbete pe un ton dramatic): Dont you know? Lorelei Lee isCortina.

Act II(Sala de bal. Acelai decor i poziii ale personajelor din scena I actul II. Lorelei i Dorothy stranut deeodat.)

Lorelei(mieros): Someone is thinking of me.

Dorothy: Dibs on the No Shave November men, my dear!

Lorelei(se strmb i scoate limba la Dorothy): Anyway...

(O osptri vine n scen, ducnd o tav cu pahare i se plimb frenetic printre oameni.)

Maid(uitndu-se la public): Something is going to happen. Something..(Continu s se plimbe pe scen, derutat, murmurnd aceai fraz i toat lumea se uit la ea.)

Girl in pink: The exit is that way.(arat spre dreapta)

(Ospatria ias de pe scen.)

Cortina. Act III

(Cabana lui Mo Crciun. Santa, Will, Rudolf, Mary i Monica se pregtesc s plece.)

Santa(ncercnd s par glorios, inndu-i mna pe piept): Its gonna be a long journey. The longest freakin journey ever. Well be(se oprete, scoate o sticl de vodc i ncepe s bea)Will: When did you get that, you drunkard?Rudolf: More important, the world depends on us tonight. We all have to be very focused.

(Monica i Mary stau ntr-un col i nu sunt atente. ncep s cnte Barbie girl i s danseze. Bum apare pe scen.)

Bum(blbindu-se): I he.. heard that there will be a partyyy!

Will(uitndu-se la public): I am surrounded by idiots (d din umeri).Bum: Im ready to party!

(Bum se d mai n spate i ncepe s danseze. Zna Mselu apare fluturndu-i bagheta.)Tooth Fairy: Hello, dear friends!

Bum(se oprete din dans i strig din spate): Who ya callin dumb?Tooth Fairy: I have been alerted that Lorelei Lee still has a wisdom tooth. I must do anything that is in my power to correct this error.Santa(dnd din mn, dezinteresat): Yeah, yeah, lets go.(Toi cei din scen ies.)



And they travelled far and far away to get to Lorelei Lee.

Scene IIIAct I(Sala de bal. Lorelei, cu escorta innd-o de bra, discut cu Dorothy ntr-un col. Invitaii beau, danseaz i discut. Toi cei din scena anterioar intr in scen.)

Santa(adresndu-se lui Dorothy): You know who I am, right?Lorelei(amuzat): An old unshaved ugly man?Mary i Monica(n acelai timp): And a loser.

Rudolf(spre Lorelei): I think you know. You must believe in him. Hes Santa Claus.Lorelei: Heavens no! Im tired of this. Christmas doesnt mean anything to me now.Will(oftnd): Im getting tired of this shit.

(Bum pleac din prim-plan i ncepe s danseze n faa unui grup de fate care rd.)

Tooth Fairy(serioas, ctre Lorelei):You still have a wisdom tooth, my dear. I demand it now(i ntinde mna i ateapt).Dorothy(prnd ameit i confuz): I think I need a drink.(Mo Crciun scoate sticla de vodc din sac i i-o ntinde lui Dorothy, iar ea face un pas n spate i refuz. Mo Crciun d din umeri i bea. Toat lumea ncepe s se agite i totul devine o hrmlaie indistinct. Zgomotul este oprit de un tunet.)

Cortina.Act II

(Aceai scen, cu aceleai personaje. Pe mijloc se face un culoar i Dumnezeu apare, innd o lantern n mn. Se ncrunt i o aprinde n ochii personajelor.)God: Youre all bums!Bum(ieind din mulime, contrariat): Hey, Im the only bum around here!Santa(ncrucindu-i braele, amuzat): Sorry boss.God(derutat, strig spre culise): Oh, what was my line?

Director: You all should know that...God: Oh yeah. I remembered. You all should know that it doesnt matter who you are, what is important on Christmas is giving, not getting gifts.Dorothy(dnd din cap): Yeah, hes right!(Toate personajele dau din cap i sunt de acord. Lorelei ias n fa.)

Lorelei(dramatic): This small strange man is right!(arat spre Dumnezeu) Christmas is a colective thing. Everyone matters(chicotete). Isns this cute. Christmas exist mainly in our hearts!(Osptria trece cu tava i toat lumea ia pahare i ciocnete i este fericit.)


And that, my child, is love in action.