Christine Sloane ernational Conference on Hydrogen Safet Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

Christine Sloane International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

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Page 1: Christine Sloane International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

Christine Sloane

International Conference on Hydrogen SafetyRound Table Panel Discussion

Pisa, Italy

7 – 10 September 2005

Page 2: Christine Sloane International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

Areas where standards for fuel cell vehicles differ from conventional

electric vehicles• fuel cell stack (electrical isolation) • fuel handling system (leak) • fuel storage system (unintended release) • refueling

Fuel CellPower Module

HydrogenStorage System

Hydrogen Fuel Handling System

vehicle-level crash performance standards

vehicle-level crash performance standards

system-level performance standards

interface-to-infrastructure prescriptive standards

* Fuel Cell = rechargeable (refuelable) battery

Page 3: Christine Sloane International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

What do we want from Codes & Standards?

Public safety

Commercial feasibility• Infrastructure compatibility• International consistency

Rapid entry of new technology

Risk: premature & prescriptive standards slow advances

-- to be ready in the 2010 – 2015 timeframe

Solution: performance standards

Page 4: Christine Sloane International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

Performance Standards

Require demonstration of safe performance under cumulative extremes of potential use

• same requirement regardless of materials used• same requirement regardless of method of construction• explicit linkage to extremes of potential use & exposure

Example: Vehicle Crash Test• vehicle hits barrier at specified speed & angle• required performance:

impact on passengers fuel release

design validation manufacturing validation

(periodic or batch test)

Page 5: Christine Sloane International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

Interim Specs Industry Standards

Concept CarsIs it real?

Demo CarsCan we do it?

Pre-CommercialIs it viable?


10s10s 100s100s 1000s1000s CriticalCriticalmassmassGuidelines & Best Practices

Potential Rollout of FCV Standards & Rulemaking

technology advances & evaluation

validation & experience


# vehiclesworldwide

EU nationsEU nationsUN ECEUN ECE




Rule Making

• Economy of scale = cost• Focus on global design

= quality & less time

Page 6: Christine Sloane International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

Tokyo JHFC FedEx Demo

U.S. Postal Service

Berlin CEP Demo

Washingon,DC GM fleet

9700 kilometers


Page 7: Christine Sloane International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

Validating Refueling Methods

Page 8: Christine Sloane International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Round Table Panel Discussion Pisa, Italy 7 – 10 September 2005

Thank you