Christina Jensen Portfolio

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Christina's Portfolio

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Smooth Riders, LLCWebsite design for start-up Party-Bus small business in Minneapolis, MN. Needed a website in which their customers could easily look at bus options and contact the business owners through a web form.

Created site in 2010 as an XTHML fi nal project. Have since rebuilt the site to refl ect new web design standards and current trends.

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Progressive Insurance

Created website for a large insurance company located in Hutchinson, MN. Developed code to create a fi xed header and sidebar. Site also contains an embedded fl ash .swf fi le in the fi xed header.

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christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected] www.cjdesigns.x10.bz christina jensen 612-868-0935 [email protected]

christina jensen [email protected]


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CJ DesignsCJ Designs started in Fall 2011 as my own portfolio/freelance design website. Since the launch of the site I have create a brand and carried the theme through-out the website and into my personal business cards.

Site continues to be under construction with new material being added to my portfolio page each time a new project is fi nished.

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KK Catch All Plumbing

KK Catch All Plumbing is a small business that operates in Hutchinson and Morris, MN. Owner decided to venture out on his own and needed a logo and a website designed. His site is starting to pick up traffi c through SEO techniques and he is staying busy in now his second offi cial year of business.

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Advanced Photoshop class project. Redesign of classic car ad. Numerous drop shadow techniques and masking techniques were used in the making of this Classic Car Ad redesign.

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Applied Graphic Design: Create a poster that would be folded and mailed out to the general public. Needed to be informative, butreadable to entice the audience.

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of Zoological Relief PostersMinnesota Printmaker’s Association

Time Period: 1925-1935

Minnesota Historical Society 345 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102-1906Sponsored by:For more information visit our website www.mnhs.org or call 651-259-3000

of Zoological Relief PostersMinnesota Printmaker’s Association

Time Period: 1925-1935

Minnesota Historical Society 345 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102-1906Sponsored by:For more information visit our website www.mnhs.org or call 651-259-3000

Zoological poster created with reference to the Art Nouveau time period.

Frog and leaf were created using a wood block technique in which each student designed their own on a vinyl tile. Design was then transferred through paint on to paper then into Photoshop in which students could manipulate the design as they wish. Photoshop fi le was then placed into Illustrator, where it was then printed on to an 18" by 24" poster board.

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Created a book jacket in Photoshop based on any current book in publication. Needed to develop our own book jacket template fi le based off of standard book sizes

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Transportation of SchoolRelated/Nonrelated Items

For reasons of safety and health, and in order to comply with state laws and school district policies, the following items are not allowed on a school bus:

• Glass objects, jars, etc. • Open containers of food, drink, etc. • Live animals, bugs, worms, etc.• Weapons: guns, knives, razor blades, etc.• Band instruments that will be allowed on the bus are those that are small enough to be held on the student’s lap. • Hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, golf clubs, sleds or any other unacceptable recreational equipment will not be allowed on the regular bus.• Ice skates, skate boards, skate shoes, roller blades and bats will not be allowed on the bus unless enclosed in an athletic-type bag.

Edina Transportation Center 5220 Eden Ave.

Edina, MN 55436

TEL: 952-848-4979Fax: 952-252-2486

For more information please visit:


Danger Zone and Stop Arm

Stay out of the danger zone. Most incidents involving school buses occur out-side the bus when the bus driver and other motor vehicles do not have clear vision of student riders. Anyone inside the danger zone is in DANGER! Remember if you cannot see the bus driver, the bus driver cannot see you! Yellow Flashing Lights indicate that the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload chil-drenandwillsoonflashredlights. Motorists behind the bus need to slow down and be ready to stop. Motor vehicles approaching from the opposite direction, also must slow down. Red Flashing Lights indicate that the bus is stopping.Theflashersandsignmeanthatmotorists MUST STOP before reaching the bus. They must remain stopped until the lights are turned off and the sign is retracted. TR








Safety TipsBus drivers, students, parents and school personnel all share a responsibility to ensure that children get to and from school safely every day. Here are a few tips that will help you to reinforce the school bus safety message to your child.•Helpyourchildfindthesafestroutetoandfrom

the bus stop. •Review with your child the bus safety rules,

stressing why they are necessary. •Make sure that your child’s clothing and book

bag do not have loose strings or straps that can be caught on the bus handrail, door, or seats.•School bus discipline is a cooperative effort

among students, parents, bus driver and principals to ensure the safety of all students. Misbehavior on a school bus is highly distracting to a driver and creates an unsafe condition.•Children should be taught never to run after the

school bus if it has already left the bus stop.•Stay away from the bus wheels at all times,

especially the back wheels where it is hard for the driver to see you.•If children will be unaccompanied when they

get off the bus in the afternoon, teach them the safest route to get home. Stress that they should go directly home, or to their regular after school loca-tion, and check in with you or their other caregiver, before going anywhere.

Stay out of the danger zone. Most incidents involving school buses occur out-side the bus when the bus driver and other motor vehicles do not have clear vision of student riders. Anyone inside the danger zone is in DANGER! Remember if you cannot see the bus driver, the bus driver cannot see you! Yellow Flashing Lights indicate that the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload chil-

and will soon flash red lights.Motorists behind the bus need to slow down and be ready to stop. Motor vehicles approaching from the opposite direction, also must slow down. Red Flashing Lights indicate that the bus is

•Review with your child the bus safety rules, stressing why they are necessary. •Make sure that your child’s clothing and book

bag do not have loose strings or straps that can be caught on the bus handrail, door, or seats.•School bus discipline is a cooperative effort

among students, parents, bus driver and principals to ensure the safety of all students. Misbehavior on a school bus is highly distracting to a driver and creates an unsafe condition.•Children should be taught never to run after the

school bus if it has already left the bus stop.•Stay away from the bus wheels at all times,

especially the back wheels where it is hard for the driver to see you.•If children will be unaccompanied when they

get off the bus in the afternoon, teach them the safest route to get home. Stress that they should go directly home, or to their regular after school location, and check in with you or their other caregiver, before going anywhere.

order to comply with state laws and school district policies, the following items are not

• Live animals, bugs, worms, etc.• Weapons: guns, knives, razor blades, etc.• Band instruments that will be allowed on the bus

Help yourthe bus stop. •Review with your child the bus safety rules,

Behavior rules for bus riders help ensure every student has a safe ride to and from school. All students who ride a bus are subject to rules and regulations set fourth by the State of Minnesota, Edina Public Schools, and its Student’s Rights and Responsibilities. The building administrator will support the bus driver with regards to student conduct and will determine the consequences for misbehavior and the reinstatement of bus service for offending student(s) should a suspension become necessary.

Examples of Offenses•Disrespect towards the bus driver and others•Excessive noise•Eating, drinking, or littering on the bus•Improper seating practices (e.g. lying across a seat,

changing seats, blocking the aisle)•Standing while the bus is in motion•Spitting•Hanging out of windows•Throwing or shooting of any object•Fighting•Using tabacco or any controlled substance•Bullying or physical aggression•Vandalism to bus•Holding onto/or attempting to hold onto any

portion of the exterior of the bus•Lightingmatches,fireworksoranyflammable

object or substance•Unauthorized entering or leaving the bus through

the emergency door•Tampering with bus equipment•Carrying a weapon on the bus•Use of laser pens

Student ConductBus Rider ResponsibilitiesBus Rider Responsibilities

Boarding the Bus1. Wait until the bus has stopped and the door is opened before starting to board.2. Boardthebussinglefile.3. Continue to show respect for others by not pushing or shoving.4. Use the handrail to keep from slipping, falling, or tripping.5. Greet the driver and move directly to your seat.6. Put large items (e.g. musical instruments, packages, etc.) in seat area or under seat, but not in the aisle.

Riding on the Bus1. Follow the driver’s instructions at ALL times.2. Remain seated until the bus arrives at your stop.3. Speak in a quiet voice. Your voice should not be heard above others.4. Keep hands, feet and objects inside the bus.5. Do not throw objects inside the bus or outside.6. Do not use profanity, including words or gestures.7. Do not tease, bully or harass others.8. Do not spit.9. Do not eat, drink or chew gum.10. Do not vandalize the bus.

Bus Stop Guidelines1. Use sidewalks where provided. If no sidewalks, walk on the left shoulder of the street or roadway, singlefileornomorethantwoabreast.2. Use a direct route, but avoid crossing yards or empty lots to get to the bus stop. 3. Arrive no more than 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled for pick up. 4. DO Not accept rides from strangers, even if you miss the bus.5. Waitawayfromthetraffic.Stayatlest5feetoffthe roadway.6. Respect the property around the bus stop. Do notthrowpickflowersorshrubs,throwstones,snowballs, litter, etc.7. Respect other students by not pushing, shoving, orfighting.8. Stay back until the bus is actually stopped. A push at the middle or end of the line can send the front person into the bus or under its wheels.

WelcomeThe Transportation Staff would like to wel-come back all our families, including the new families who have moved into the commu-nity over the summer. With the beginning of each school year, it is important to be reminded about the safety of students being transported to and from school. Please take a few minutes to review the enclosed safety steps and guidelines with your student. We look forward to providing students with safe,timely,efficientanddependableservice.

Edina Public Schools bus transportation guidelinebrochure for new and existing students. Completed in August 2012 - sent to 5,000 homes.

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Edina Community Education reusable bag which was created in Illustrator and then sent to a print facility where it was produced. 1,000 bags were made and are being used as registration incentives for the Winter 2013 Community Education classes.

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Fall 2012 Edina Community EducationFall 2012 Edina Community Education


World Languages pg. 20

No School Day Camps pg. 21

Drivers Education pg. 26

Adult and Youth Community program guides developed in Illustrator and generated a catalog template for both Illustrator and Indesign for future publications.

17,000 copies of each program were ordered and delivered to surrounding Edina communities in late August 2012.

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Edina Family Center5701 Normandale Road | Edina, MN 55424Call 952-848-3980 or visit www.edinacommunityed.org

Family Center - Parent Hand-book cover design was created in Indesign. The cover design needed to be consistent with the other publications. The "teardrop" shape was then used as a jumping off point for the rest of the design of the interior pages.

This publication is printed in-house for new families coming into the Edina Community Education system as well as a downloadable document on the Family Center homepage.

Publication was created using the rules and regulations set by the Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE).

www.edinacommunityed.org | 7

ment and family education. Parents are encouraged to share their experiences and observations with the group. An adult is required to attend class with each child and attend adult class on parenting day. These guidelines help to make the discussion time stimulating and supportive:

S Every group member deserves a chance to be heard.

S One person talks at a time; avoid side-conversations.

S Be as open and honest in the group as possible.

S Respect confidentiality.

S Differences of opinion are normal.

Disagreement in the group can be used as a stimulus to deepen understand-ing of ourselves and others. Remember, there are many good ways to be a parent. When a situation or concern of one family is brought up in the group, it is likely they are not alone in facing this situation. However, if the discussion is too lengthy or the situation is quite different from what is happening with most children, it may be more appropriate to discuss the concern privately with the parent educator or children’s teacher. Please share with the parent educator and the group members any appreciative comments about the group as well as any suggestions that would help make the discussion more effective for you.

PLEASE NOTE: No solicitation for personal business should take place during parent discussion time. Cell phones should be turned off, or put on vibrate, while in class.

Child Only Preschool ClassesGoals for our child only classes are the same as those for our ECFE children’s program. We have a childcare program plan in the office which is available to review.

8 | Edina Family Center Parent Handbook

BEYOND ECFE PROGRAMThe Edina Family Center offers parenting classes for K-12 parents, workshops, book studies, and work place family education to extend our mission of serv-ing families through support and education. Go to edinacommunityed.org and click on Parent Education to see our offerings.

ECFE TEAM MEETINGSThe purpose of our monthly team meetings is to provide the classroom teach-ing team (early childhood teacher, parent educator and classroom assistants) an opportunity to connect with each other to assure that they are serving you in the best way possible. This meeting, usually held the first week of the month during parent-child interaction, lasts for 20 - 25 minutes. While the team meets, parents and children enjoy activities in the classroom. You will receive advance notice of these meetings.

SEPARATION PHILOSOPHYWe begin separating for parent discussion in the 7-11 month classes. With these classes and all other toddler classes, we begin the separation process two to three weeks after the start of first semester.Separation allows your baby/toddler to attach to the early childhood teacher and classroom assistants.

For parents, separation allows for quality time with the parenting group. The individual needs of each group determine specifically how transitions and separations are handled. Parents of children enrolled in the Family Center are always welcome to visit.

We ask parents to be mindful of the fact that, for some children, the unex-pected presence of their parent or any parent is disruptive. Especially at the beginning of the year, children are becoming comfortable with new teachers and peers and a familiar person disrupts their task of attaching to new friends.

www.edinacommunityed.org | 9

DISCIPLINEAll Edina Family Preschool staff is dedicated to establishing a safe and com-fortable environment for your child. A variety of positive reinforcement tech-niques will be utilized in our classrooms. Rules for personal safety and effec-tive group management will be consistent and fair. These rules are explained to the children. Reminders of these rules and their rationale will be given accordingly. When problems arise, children will be assisted in problem solv-ing skills. Attention may be redirected toward a constructive activity. When behavior persists, teachers will follow through with fair and logical conse-quences designed to encourage appropriate behavior. Our staff will seek and encourage your input whenever there is a problem concerning your child. The Edina Family Center has a behavior guidance policy to prevent bullying.

PARENT COMMUNICATION AND CONFERENCESParent conferences occur two times each year, in classes with a child only day, and will include a written assessment of your child’s intellectual, physical, social and emotional development. Weekly contact between parents and staff occurs on the parent-child day. Each classroom has a parent bulletin board with information and special announcements. An in-house newsletter, “Grow-ing Together” is published and distributed throughout the year by email.Before each occasion of research, experimental procedure, or public relations activity involving your child, you will be requested to give your permission. This is a very rare occurrence at the Family Center. Families may visit the facility at any time during our regular hours of operation.

FREE HOME VISITS AND NEW BABY AND ME CLASSEdina residents who have newborns are entitled to a free home visit from a licensed parent educator. The Edina Family Center also offers a free monthly New Baby and Me class to give parents of infants a chance to experience an ECFE class. Call 952-848-3980 for more information.

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RESTOREyourselfDiscover the healing power of yoga or pilates and the strength of community.



NEW! Restorative YogaA yoga class incorporating breathing exercises with simple postures.The class will be geared toward cancer and stroke survivors, surgery rehabilitation and chronic illness patients - anyone needing the healing power of yoga. This is also a great class to begin your journey with yoga. You can use a mat or chair. Relax. Breathe. Renew. Certified instructor Joanne Gordon. Classes held at the Edina Community Center, Studio 301. 5066-F12 13 Sessions - $129Tuesdays, Sep 11 - Dec 18 11:00 am - 12:00 pmNo Class Oct 23 & Nov 20 5066-F13 13 Sessions - $129Wednesdays, Sep 12 - Dec 19 5:00 - 6:00 pmNo Class Oct 24 & Nov 21 NEW! Safe & Gentle PilatesA class for pre/post-surgery, chemo, joint replacement or stroke patients to get back into regular life! Breathing, stretching and balanced movements. Siting, standing or lying down. Certified instructor Joan Mielke Nimerfroh. Edina Community Center, Studio 331. 5009-F06 7 Sessions - $77Tuesdays, Sep 11 - Oct 23 3:00 - 3:50 pm 5009-F07 7 Sessions - $77Mondays, Sep 10 - Oct 22 11:30 am - 12:20 pm 5009-F08 7 Sessions - $77Mondays, Oct 29 - Dec 17 11:30 am - 12:20 pmNo Class Dec 10 5009-F09 7 Sessions - $77Tuesdays, Oct 30 - Dec 11 3:00 - 3:50 pm

Elevator available inside door #2 to the 3rd floor studios.

To register and browse more classes visit:edina.thatscommunityed.com952.848.3952

Edina Community Education Services is a program of Edina Public Schools

Multiple postcards were produced to highlight new programs or events as well as for new student information.

Order quantities varied from 250 copies to 2500 copies.

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Friday, October 125:30-7:30 pm

Highlands Elementary Gardens

Can a slice of pizza taste like community? Gather with us around the wood oven, where

Pizza Pete will fire simple, artisan pizza using locally-sourced ingredients. Add a little music,

some chef activities for kids, and a couple of old-fashioned games, and it’s a community

moment you’ll cherish all winter long.

Ages 11- Adult $12Children 5-10 $6

Children under 5 Free

Register at edina.thatscommunityed.com

or Call 952-848-3952

Community Harvest Party

Check out your Valley View Middle School Counselors


Gretchen BrandtGrades [email protected](952) 848-3391

Kent [email protected](952) 848-3390

Edina Public Schools has opportunities available for academic support and student assistance. Donating your talent for a short period of time every week

will make an incredible difference in our community.

The meaningful connections that are created between the community and Edina Public Schools

reinforce positive learning in a creative way.

Be part of the academic success of the students.

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