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What are your plans for the year 2016? Have you focused on anything important for your life? The New Year edition of CTS invites you into reflective and pro-active reading on the subject: Goals & Priorities.

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Published by :DISCIPLES FOR CHRISTC/o Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan

1/3, Happy Home Flats, 17, Balfour Road,Kellys, Chennai - 10.

Ph : 044 - 26602135 / 09380709875Email : [email protected]

1. Setting Right Goals & Priorities p. 2

2. Prioritizing Responsibilities p. 6

3. What’s In Store? p. 8

4. Changing Goals & Priority In Ministry p. 11

5. How To Make Your Bible Reading Interesting & Imaginative: p. 14

6. Doing Away With Evil p. 15

7. Focus For 2016 p. 17

8. Update On Building Project - Phase II p. 19

9. CTS Profile p. 20

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tiansi Tr hh oug sC h et iSers3/I s.1l uo e V 2/ Jan-Feb 6.201

Managing EditorRev. Joshua Dhanabalan

Publishing AssociateMs. Rita Dhanabalan


oal setting is a phrase Gm u c h u s e d i n t h e corporate world of business. What does it got to do with a Christian? Should a Christian set goals for his/her life? Or, Is it alright to go on with the Lord ‘one-day-at-a time?’

Are we Christians too driven by marketing strategem? Does the Bible say that if we do not set our goals and priorities right, we may lose out in our race? This means that i t may have implications both now and for eternity.

It is true that man was created for eternity, but bound by time since the time sin entered the world. Much of our goal setting has got to do with time. Some of us make resolutions in keeping with time. This means that we determine to do or accomplish things daily, weekly or on a monthly basis. We evaluate it at the end of the year – and call it performance appraisal.

God the Creator had set goals – in the whole process of Redemption and Recreation. “Behold I make all things new” (Rev.21:5). He expects that the

redeemed people work along with Him in the process of re-creation.

Many Christians believe and live as if the only purpose for which Christ came into the world is to save us from sin and provide us eternal life. Christ says: “Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

Passive or Pro-active?: Passive faith is fruitless life. James says: “Faith without works is dead” (Jas.2:26). Some of us have been Christians for many decades. We have never been shaken up. We have evolved our set of ‘do’s and ‘don’ts’ and have lived in comfort zones much to our own dismay. I do not know how we shall meet Christ at his coming. Many of us have become dry and barren. Those of us who have well passed in years – and are in our twilight years have amassed wealth, not knowing who will carry it when we leave this world. Jesus told the young rich ruler: “Sell what you have, and you shall have treasure in heaven.” The young man had










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passive faith in-tact. Technically, theologically and Scripturally he had sound knowledge of God’s word. But that knowledge had failed him. There are many such Christian believers today.

When the tax-collector Zaccheus met Jesus, his faith and salvation turned pro-active. He said: “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” (Luke 19:8).

Pastors and Bible-teachers must not use this verse for spiritual manipulation to their own advantage. On the other hand, transformation in Christian life involves a round-about, radical change – moral, psychologica l , emotional , financial, social and if not the least, spiritual. In essence, the spiritual transformation effects change in so many dimensions of our life.

That is precisely why it is important that we set our goals and priorities for our life early in this year. For time and tide waits for no one!

Redeeming Time: “Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Eph.5:15).

This calls for planning our time. Experts on time

management know this quite well. Jesus fore-warned his disciples: “Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.” (Mark. 13:32). Jesus was talking about his coming – and the probability of people being caught unawares!

Awake, Do Not slumber! God is calling us to a state where we are sober, vigilant, alert and to be active for the sake of His Kingdom. Let us look around to the changing scenario world-wide. All events point to the Coming of Christ.

What would be the condition of Christians if they remove the Coming of the Lord from their minds? They will become indifferent, cold, inactive and worldly.

Jesus taught the parable of the foolish virgins. When the bridegroom arrived and the doors were shut, they kept knocking pleading for entry. But they were denied entry into the banquet hall. (Matt.25:1-12).

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour!” (v.13).

Set your priorities right!Diligent Stewardship:

When God endows with gifts and graces, they are to be utilized for His glory. What are God given resources that you have? Have you discovered them yet?

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Are you the kind of person who murmur and grumble saying that you have received nothing from the Lord? Do you have a complaining spirit? Are you in the habit of comparing yourself with others? Have you not found those people who are comparatively insignificant than you are, doing greater things in the society and in the church? At times, you look at them and are jealous! Discover for yourself what is embedded deep within you. God might use them for His glory if you dig deep and bring those resources out in the open. The devil may not be interested in you doing that. He might discourage you.

Do not be like the man with a single talent who blamed the Master. Even a single talent could have been multiplied, had it been put to rightful use. (Matt.25:14-30).

Would the Lord look at you and me and say: “Well done, my faithful servant!”

Plan your work. Do not procrastinate. Set your life in perspective.

Accountability: Knowing we are in a battle against the forces of darkness, we should want as much help as we can gather around us, and this may include making ourselves accountable to another believer

who can encourage us in the f i gh t . S a t an knows ou r weaknesses, and he knows when we are vulnerable.

“Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens his friend’s countenance.” (Prov. 27:17).

A friend’s countenance is a l o o k o r e x p r e s s i o n o f encouragement or mora l support. When is the last time you had a friend call you just to ask how you were doing? When is the last time you called a friend and asked her if she needed to talk? Encouragement and moral support from a friend are s o m e t i m e s t h e m i s s i n g ingredients in fighting the battle against Satan. Being accountable to one another can provide those missing ingredients.

Accountability can be helpful in the battle to overcome sin. An accountability partner can be there to encourage you, rebuke you, teach you, rejoice with you, and weep with you. Every Christian should consider having an accountability partner with whom he or she can pray, talk, confide, and confess.

Sadly, we are living in times when we are closed to one another and this aspect of accountability is largely missing out from fellowships and the Church.

P l e a s e C o n s i d e r T h e

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Following Which Might Help In Setting Our Goals And Priorities Right:

Stop Living For Yourself: In other words, we can call this as s e l f - c e n t r e d n e s s . S e l f -centredness is defined as “immoderate concern with one’s own interests and well-being; self-love or egotism.” The Bible tells us “people who are self-centered aren’t able to please God” (Romans 8:8, ). Self-centeredness is a sin because it leads to being devoted to self-gratification and overlooking other people’s needs (Romans 2 : 8 ; Ja m e s 3 : 1 6 ) . S e l f -centeredness and self-love are totally antithetical to the t e a c h i n g s o f S c r i p t u r e (1 Corinthians 13:4–7).

Think About Others: Dr. Stanley Jones tells about doing something for someone every day. There was a businessman, nervous and upset, was ordered by his doctor to go to Grand Central Terminal, New York, and look for someone who needed help. He felt like a fool in obeying, but found a woman seated on her suitcase weeping. Someone had failed to meet her. He found out where she wanted to go, got a taxi, went with her, brought her some flowers on the way, and delivered her to her daughter’s home. He went to the telphone, called his doctor and said: “Doc.

It works! I feel better already.” He was well – when he thought of someone else!

Cultivate the spiritual habit of hearing God speaking to you (even though others hear nothing –for they have shut off the hearing!).

Look for the community of God’s people : This suggestion is not for those who think that the Church as a whole is full of people who are hypocrites. In other words, the Church should be a place of those who are ‘saved sinners.’ By coming together, each ought to mutually edifiy, build, and extend support so that through such fellowship that had been made available because of Jesus Christ, the Body of Christ may function effectively. Such community will stand together with each other through sunshine and storm. When we mean community, it might mean at times as little as 2 or 3! Such a little flock can get together for prayer and share each others’ concerns.

W h a t co u l d b e m o re appropriate in-keeping with all that we have read above?

For sure, as we begin a New Year, these things will enhance every believer productivity and fruitfulness al l through the year!

- Joshua Dhanabalan

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e have always come Wacross certain kind of people who are afraid to take up responsibilities. I presume there are more readers to these columns, whose age may be well beyond 50. The mood to retire often comes to one’s mind. What do I do thereafter? I will rest and do less! If this is the kind of thought that fills your mind, you may have to re-orient your thinking to prioritizing your life to new responsibilities.

Deliberately Take Up Another Task If Your Present One Tires You: I mean in addition to it. I know you throw up your hands at that, but I mean it. “We are tired not by what We do,” says Marie Beynon Ray, “but by what we don’t do by all the n e g l e c t e d i n t e r e s t s a n d excitements out in the world which we are missing.

Relaxation, not rest is what is needed. And relaxation means constructive activity. The cure of fatigue is increased activity, either in the form of work or play.

Edgar Guest Retired at fifty. In no time he was flat on his back, calling for doctors, nurses,

and medicine. Not a single doctor could find anything wrong with him, and that made him wild, for he was a very sick man. Finally his wife told him what was wrong. He was dying – dying of boredom – and he’d better get out of bed under his own power before they had to call the undertaker. Guest seemed delighted at this news and got up at once and set to work. He has been at it and in the best of health ever since.

And don’t try the “rest cure”: Place where people do nothing but rest and stuff themselves with food are going out of business. Why? Because nine out of ten people who come to these place do not need rest; they need to be delivered from themselves.

“I have never seen a single chronic case of nervous disorder cured by such means,” says Dr. Abraham Brill. Not rest but rescue is needed. These people need to be rescued from self-attention.

A man retired at fifty-five. He thought he would live on his pension. Instead, he lived on aches and pains and gouches.

PRIORITIZING RESPONSIBILITIES (Excerpts from The Way by Dr. Stanley Jones)

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His whole mental occupation was to justify his inactivity – was he not ill; how could he work?

Then he began to work a day or so at a time. Now he is working full time. “He is a different man,” everybody says. He is. Work did it.

Responsibilities rested him, because it brought him into

harmony with himself.

Dr.C.F.J. Richards said: “I am sixty-eight. I still work nine or ten hours a day, and I have never in my life been tired. I used to run a rest cure, and I saw that all these people had one thing in common – a lack of self- command. It was their minds, not their bodies that were sick.”

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A Reader Writes:

Respected Rev Joshua,

Last week I came across your Christ ian Thought Series Volume 10 Issue 1 , Sept-Oct 2014 on Subject: Faith Matters. I don’t know how I got that old volume. In a single sitting I read the entire volume. Thank you very much for your valuable efforts.

From one of the letters in the ‘Readers’ Write’ column I came to know that on-line version is available. I register Issuu and reading your old issues.

I h a v e a S o f t w a r e Consultancy Firm - and today I transferred Rs 10,000/- towards your Building Project Fund. Please accept this small amount towards your great mission.

It is my humblest request to

include me in your mailing list so that I can get the Print Book from year 2016 onwards.

I am a humble servant of GOD and making use of opportunities to share the WORD of GOD in our Church Area Prayer Meetings on Sunday afternoon. I am sure that your magazine is one of the good sources for me to prepare sermons. So I appreciate print media . If you have any subscription mode , please let me k n o w. W i t h P r a y e r s , Vinod Robert, Cochin.

(It brings encouragement and joy when we know the work of the Lord that we are engaged has not gone in vain. Such letters have lifted up our spirits when often we have treaded on lonely path. We acknowledge other partners (though not many), who have quietly done their part through their encouraging words, praying, and financial support. Thank you. Editor).d

Those who know and experience totality of God’s power, grace and love in their life cannot keep quiet – but express them through manifold ways. J.D. d

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y the time you’re reading this, half of January 2016 B

had gone by! But, have you attempted repeating the question found on top of this page?

In other words: “What’s Up For This Year?”

Aren’t there uncertainties of all kinds that shroud our minds? The more man thinks of himself as intelligent, he is all the more f o o l e d b y c o u n t l e s s eventualities that baffle him. Resilient, he may be on the outside, yet restless within. Pride covers him instantly that h e i s t o o a s h a m e d t o acknowledge defeat and failure. Up front, there are stories of success and ahievement that elevates him to the plane of personal glory. If we are to go by only success stories, then the world all around us would be heaven of some kind. If those were so true, then there need not be more cases of felony – say, divorce, murder, robbery, suicide, terrorism and so on. We have seen them all through the year past.

Deep down, there is a fear lurking within the heart of man. Fear of the unknown. Each of

us has discovered his or her own antitode for fear. A man told me that he worships a certain god out of fear. He goes up the mountain to worship deity at the shrine, just to evade fear temporarily.

Christians too have a way of doing away with fear:

**Loud singing.

**Praise and worship

**Bible Studies

**Prayer Fellowship


**Alms Giving

**Part-taking Communion

**Baptism (In Jordan river!)

**Holy Land Tour! (once in a life time!).

Some of you are either laughing to yourselves or angry reading this!

Let’s face them barely. Why do we do these things? Do we do them out of love and reverence for our God? What if you stop any of them for a while? How would we feel? What would happened to those of us who are serious about Church –going? Would we feel psychologically dissatisfied?

What’s In Store?

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Furthermore, what if we might fail to attend a Christmas or New Year mid-night service? Guilt a n d f e a r r i d d l e s o n e ’s conscience, right?

Now, where do things go wrong in Christian life?

Those things we find above in the list or not bad things (except the last two things are in question to me personally).

To me, something like this makes sense- and it is this: “If you and I are already, filled, you do not have to ask: “What’s in Store?”

Have we ever thought of this? What is it to be filled? The Bible talks about a life which can be full to the brim. Jesus Himself affirmed this:

“I came that you may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10).”

One of the foremost purposes of Christ’s coming into the world is that we might find that kind of abundant life in Him. It is not a future experience but a present reality, a realization of every Christian in this world.

Many Christians seem to live as though they have lost out everything in this world. Many of whom are appearing to be seeking something all the time. But they are not sure what it is. There is a kind of void-deep

emptiness within. There is constant fear and worry that fill their minds. But for a child of God who is confident not in possessions or positions, but Christ alone, he or she might be able to say boldly like the apostle Paul:

“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20:24)”.

If we set our goal right, then we shall be filled with the joy of the Lord (Ps.4:7/ I Sam.2:1), and of His Spirit (Isa.61:1).

There would be no need for us to look elsewhere for things which we might believe would satisfy us.

Further, like anyone else, Christians too find themselves in the grip of terror which might strike them any time. Though none of us ever speak it out, it lies deep down within us. Media does not bring to us good news. It is all about terrorism, explosion of bombs, massive killings, political turmoil, economic instability and so on. Who on earth would just listen to a TV news and laughs at all the happenings? “What is in store?”- every one of us ask.

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At some stage, we thought we were smart enough to handle situations that were adverse. But then, our own smartness failed us. “Oh well, I have years of experience – in medicine, education, law, politics… I can with my knowledge and skill can handle eventualities!” This is man’s way of explaining away the realities of life.

The recent floods in Chennai and elsewhere in Tamil Nadu swept away men and materials by surprise. None of the experts could come and rescue the victims of nature’s fury. Our securities themselves were washed away! Then comes the

question: “What’s in store for 2016?”

As Christians, we can live “in spite of ” or “on account of.” This means our loyality to God’s Kingdom at all costs – on all accounts must be one which is sincere and deeply committed.

“Seeking The Kingdom,” at all times, at all costs and on account of the God whom we trust will put our perspectives at rest.

“The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will quietness and confidence forever .

My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of r est”. (Isa.32:17).

Amidst turbulance, tumult or turmoil, this assurance of God should be able to sustain us through hard times ahead.

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TRUSTWhat happens when we lose the simplicity and profoundity that is found in child-like trust? Christian faith is essentially based on our trust in a living Saviour. “Trusting the One in whom we believe,” is foundational to every other belief and conduct in Christian life.We do not seem to have so much problem trusting an earthly father ( for Jesus said: ‘You are evil, yet able to give good gifts to your children, how on earth do we trust a Father who is in heaven?’If the child-like faith is absent, then we will only be parroting the words without meaning: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy name!” We are yet to fully understand the greatness of His name or His Kingdom.




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s your mission or ministry Idone all through the year with f inanc i a l cons ide ra t ions, material security and monetary calculations? You may have other reasons as well!.

If so, then it is high time you and I boldly attempt to change or set goals for the ministry.

We are part of a society and culture which is market-driven and profit-oriented. The sole aim of any one who is part of the material world is none other than economic prosperity. None of us wants to be a loser. On the other hand we make calculations for being at the gaining end.

We have a master who taught us differently. It was not about gain, but loss. In losing one’s own life, we save ourselves, is how our Lord taught us. Somehow, it does not seem to make any sense for most of us. We are so caught up with the world’s paradigm of wealth making.

This is where many ministries and missions have gone wrong.

While saying this, we do not minimize the need for money. We are saying that money alone cannot build the Kingdom of

G o d . We m i g h t b u i l d monuments in the name of religion. If we need to establish the Kingdom of God, then the power of God alone serves as the greatest resource.

When Peter raised the lame man, he claimed: “I do not own silver or gold.” Yet by the power of the Holy Spirit, he was able to lift up the lame man and made him walk. The power is available through the Holy Spirit and not s imply through f inancia l resources. There is a fallacy prevailing among God’s people t h a t m u c h c o u l d b e accomplished for God through the use of material resources. Often, this proves to be wrong.

By spending millions of pounds or dol lars, huge cathedrals and Gothic structures were built hundreds of years ago in the UK, Europe and elsewhere in the West. They were done in the name of established religion called Christianity. Today, there are not many takers for established religion. Money was poured in to build huge structures for worship. Today, there are not many worshippers in those buildings. Huge pipe organs

Changing Goals & Priority In Ministry

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were installed for the church music to be played on Sunday after Sunday. But there are no choirs to sing along.

While there is a great need to raise more smaller churches all across the world – in towns and v i l l ag es, these impos ing structures are not being utilized to the fullest purposes.

Where did things go wrong?

Somehow, wth all our claims and great achievements, God was given a diminishing role. Instead of depending on the Lord, we tend to be putting our confidence in ‘chariots and horses.’

“ I t i s n o t p e r s o n a l achievement or success or the success of one’s mission or cause but the glory of God that should be dominant motive of every servant of God, let alone the ministry he or she is committed to.

We must take serious note of this when mission leaders are referred to as Chief Executive Offices (CEOs) and they tend to regard themselves as mere managers. With all the training in management technique and methods, our leaders should be trained to be shepherds and pastors. This is God’s method (quoted from: Called To Lead by Rev. Dr. T heodor e Williams)”

Missionaries today are provided with ‘Insurance Coverage’ ‘Retirement Benefits’ Children Education Scholarship’, ‘Vehicle Loans’ etc.,

In keeping with the changing times, these may appear to be necessary. But this also turns out to be a snare in the sense that we rely on them than the Provider of all our needs. There is nothing wrong with perks. P r o v i s i o n s m a d e f o r missionaries’ welfare is good. The danger lies when one becomes preoccupied with these than to Christ and His mission itself!

Missions and ministries all over the world have flourished when God permitted their personnel to go through wants and needs. When there were difficult situations such as pover ty, persecut ion and personal health requirments, they seemed to be doing quite well in the mission fields. Today, we have innumerable facilities ava i l ab l e - w i th mob i l e technology and internet, the souls are impoverished in the fields. The Churches are no exception. The way clergy man are paid with their decent salaries with perks that equals the salary of an IT personnel ! Unfortunately, they do not even

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deliver a decent sermon on a Sunday morning worship. There used to be simple pastors who fasted and prayed during the week shook the pews with their sermons on Sundays. What a difference!

Today, the perks are aplenty. Our workforce is large enough. The mansions are cal led “mission-centres.” The poor believer cannot enter into such facilities. Some of the centres we posses for our missions are so imposing and they may match the style that of the Tata’s or Birla’s of our country.

I wonder, that when earthly goods increase, sp ir i tua l r e s o u r c e s t o o d e c r e a s e correspondingly. Having acquired assets and equipments for our mission centres, we should be producing more disciples, winning more souls and bring out the much needed quality in our Christian work.

The susta inabi l i ty and

stability of any mission or ministry is when its work results in Spiritual growth inwardly and multiplication of disciples outwardly. There must be evidence of Church growth. Thereon, the mission must produce more Churches and Christian work and worship must go hand in hand until Christ returns.

Every mission leader must understand this principle. As long as mission continues to be a movement, there wil l be evidences of fruitfulness.

In this New Year, we are called to re-think once again about how we will continue our ministry or mission into the next decade. In a world of intellectualism, materialism and humanism, the authenticity of the gospel of Jesus Christ must be proved beyond doubt – and that can be done by proven life-style as true disciples of Jesus Christ.

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God Speaks Naturally! God’s way of guiding us is mostly though our normal faculties of mind through the Spirit. Every day, our guidance and help comes through our communion with God. When we pray and study the word, God speaks. It is not always through dreams and visons that God intervenes. When our mental faculties are in perfect control under Holy Spirit, God does not have to speak to us through para-normal means!


J.D. d

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m a g i n e , a b e a u t i f u l Ilandscape with a meadow thickly carpeted with lush green grass. Just down below lies that quiet, serene pool with crystal clear water. Having spent the day with nature’s lap, enjoying the fresh breath of air, the refreshing water, I go on to spend my evening at the cottage nestled in between the cedar trees. One can still hear the soft -chirping of birds on the trees. Soon the day ends. There is absolute quietness. As I enter, the light and warmth in the central hall is a welcome sight where in the hearth logs of wood are kept neatly. They make strange notes of music as they crackle when the fire consumes them. There is the comfort of warmth and the smell of the burning Acacia wood fills the room.

As the dinner time comes, I smell the flavours and the exotic aroma arising out of the choicest meat broiled and the freshness

of bread just taken out of the oven.

Before I go to sit at the table, the owner of the castle draws out a flask of oil. And there, he welcomes me with His wide spread arms. With the embrace of love he kisses me and wraps around me a towel around my shoulders. There, he opens up the jar and pours out the sweet smelling oil on my head. The smoothness of the oil – from the freshly plucked and crushed o l i v e s t h a t flows from my head down to m y b e a r d . That i s the highest honour I would ever receive from the One Who is Great Shepherd – who owns a thousand hills and valleys with vegetation and abundance of crops.

Before I lie down to sleep, the thought of the abundance of goodness I enjoyed all through the day fills my mind with gratitude to my Loving Shepherd.

Anyone who knows this Great Shepherd will receive His goodness and mercy for ever.

Now read your favourite Psalm 23!


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he problem of evil is so Tcomplex that it is not possible to put one’s finger down and say that is due to this or that. It is the same as any medical complications in our body. The fact is that evil is present – almost everywhere. It is hard to find some good amidst so much o f ev i l wh ich pe r vades everywhere. If you happen to switch on the television, you see evil – violence, crime, killing, looting – and they are all presented in a package called entertainment. It does entertain some, but entwines their nerves to much of stress and strain which they are unaware of.

We are coming to a stage when just living under the protection of one’s own roof becomes all the more dangerous – for evil is lurking everywhere. And for addressing evil, one could be branded with names of all sorts – the lesser terms being eccentric, puritan, weird, too self-righteous and so on. More clever terms could be invented by those who could use them to silence those who speak against evil. There are even such terms like psychotic, neurotic or abnormal are being used against

those who care to stand for Scriptural truth. But for those who honour God just with their lips, it poses no problem at all. They happily attend their weekly Bible-studies and safely leave them then and there. They pray in the comfort of their homes- for their prayer does not shake the foundations of hell and the devil just doesn’t care.

Instead, the devil goes to those who take the Word of God seriously in their life. Evil comes to them at all angles. Do we see this point?

When we take Christ and His world seriously, watch what happens. Evil is the perversion of all that is normal and natural.

Of late, evil has masqueraded as the angel of light, and we might see such happenings in Christian homes, Churches – and among every other Christian group. For their activies are so suble and evil expresses crafily through spiritual deception.

Evil makes you fear men more than you fear God. Abnormal symptom isn’t it? Evil produces jealously which consumes you from within. It produces a burning effect – a foretaste of the hell itself. When


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evil surrounds, you cease to be a happy man or woman – dissatisfied with every thing you have. Evil makes you compare with others and what they possess.

Ev i l h a s a powe r t o manipulate, evade and exploit others. You keep others under your control – as bonded men and women. Their freedom which God gave had been snatched by you.

If you say you have no enemies – then it is probable that you are maintaining very good terms with the world and the devil. For the way of Christ is strongly objected to by the way of the Evil One. That is why we pray: “Lead us not into test (God may permit any situation to test us – not tempt us), but deliver us from evil (The Evil One – means the Devil).

The personification of evil is often angelic in form and beauty. Many have followed his course and fallen a prey to his deceit.

Evil companionship and friendship is diametrically opposed to true meaning and purpose of Christian fellowship.

Evil is so subtle and crafty that it can creep and slither into our homes, Churches and

society-at-large. Often its presence is not observed initially – until its diabilical outcome results in catastrophe.

Reflect:?Are you the one who

tolerate evil happening around you??While you pretend to be

the epitome of good virtues, do you create and encourage a system of evil??Are there evil habits – say,

fear of rejection make you do things that are ungodly??Sexual Immorality – are

you being taken captive by the Evil One ??Emotional Bondage -

Imprisoned by a spirit of fear- living always by others’ opionion – fear of what others would say – false guilt incarcerated – suppress ion of joy and happiness.?Anxiety – Uneasiness,

uncertainty, imaginary fear.There are a lot many

Christian believers battling with this.

Jesus said: “If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36).

We might make this our goal this year to be completely free from the shackles of the evil. We must be those who should be enjoying absolute freedom that is available in Christ.

VOL.13, ISSUE 2Christian Thought Series16



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od’s concern is my concern. It is contained in G

the Lord’s prayer: “Your Kingdom come – Your will be done.”

Not many of us give importance to this. God’s mission comprised of sending His own Son (Missio-Dei), and of His Son relinquishing His glory and splendour of heaven and coming to ear th in obedience to the will of His Father.

We must be t h o s e w h o s h o u l d b e ‘ g o i n g ’ o r ‘sending’ in the c o n t e x t o f fulfilling God’s mission.

“Whom shall I send?” “Who will go for us?” echoes all through the ages. Men and women have obeyed this mandate from every continent – all through the centuries past.

One wonders if there will be centuries left before Christ returns!

Time is short. God’s people everywhere feel the intensity of the eleventh hour. The return of Christ is imminent.

We need to simply bring to

Focus For 2016our minds all that our Lord foretold his disciples before He ascended to heaven (Matthew 24).

God is looking for those who are spiritually enduring. Unlike the way-side-fallen-seed which sprouts and withers away soon, we need to be grounded deep with our roots penetrating deep.

God is not interested in over-night saints.

One cannot be a disciple, if he/she does not take Christ

seriously.Christ cannot

be taken for granted for long. We must make Him as our Lord and king. People have no problem

calling Him as Saviour.With this endeavour, through

the ministry of Disciples For Christ we have been attempting (most times failing!), to reach out, train, mobilize, motivate and mentor men and women for Christ. This had gone on for many years in and through our country.

God alone has a record of how we have sown. We need to watch out if we are building on wood, stubble or on costly metal.

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The methods, means and motives we employ in the work of the Lord will have to be tested through fire.

We need partners who will sign up, partner with us in this venture of disciple making.

If you find a certain spiritual need in your local area, Church or Christian community, please keep in touch. We shall together reach out and meet the needs with the resources available to us from our Lord.

We pray that the Lord will direct us to places where His Kingdom will be extended. This means when men and women obey God’s call, submit to the gospel and begin to serve Him.

With this in mind, we pray and make sincere efforts to meet as many groups as possible and train as many pastors, evangelists and missionaries across the country.

For further details: Pl call or email to: / 09380709875.

[email protected]

VOL.13, ISSUE 2Christian Thought Series18

This year, experience the power of God – so you live not on your ‘reserves’ but God’s resources. You need to learn to tap them daily –it could be a fountain, a river or a spring. Draw from them and drink till your thrust is quenched. When you try to live on your reserves, it will go dry someday and you will thirst again.(Stanley Jones).

Are you a Christian belonging to a powerless Christianity? Jesus taught about receiving ‘power’ through the Holy Spirit. Boldness, courage, confidence (not in ourselves but Christ) are all derived through the power of the Holy Spirit. If you have this, it cannot be self-contained. It will have to pass through you or penetrate from your end to the lives of others.

Have you been living with this inner reinforcement?


Short-term interruptions of life in the course of our walk

with God must never deter long-range purposes. Instead,

interruptions must be interpreted later in keeping with

the Sovereign will and purpose of God both in private and

public life of an individual or the community of Christ. J.D.


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VO 2L.13, ISSUE C a rhristi n Thought Se ies 19

e ventured boldly into Wb a s i c c o n s t r u c t i o n acitivity about six months ago. We had l.2 lac of rupess in hand. We proposed a budget of Rs.50 lacks for the entire project. As funds were trickling in, we began with minimum work. Today, we have built an area of 430sq.ft – comprising of a small hall, a wash-room and kitchen. The cost is Rs.5.40 lakhs. As payments had to be made to the builder from time to time, we had to make some very personal sacrifices as usual.

The builder had agreed to build another phase with same area of 430sq.ft for the same cost. We have just begun the ground work/base and raising of columns. (Pl.find pictures below).

If partners could chip in, the work could be completed without much strain or delay. Kindly pray.

If you are reading CTS for this first time,we do not w a n t t o intimidate you w i t h t h i s appeal. Those who know us for years may p r a y a n d c o n s i d e r

UPDATE ON BUILDING PROJECT - Phase IIsupporting this project. If God prompts even a new reader to be a faith partner in this ministry, one may do so. On the whole, we do not want to exert pressure or engage in fund raising tactics. God loves a cheerful giver and giving to God must be purely voluntary and of free-will.

P l . c o n t a c t f o r a n y c l a r i f i c a t i o n o r d e t a i l s ( j o s h b a l u @ y a h o o . c o m / 09380709875).

C h e n n a i p a r t n e r s a r e welcome to visit our site. We request you to pray for these efforts. Any contributions solely for building project may kindly be sent to:

Disciples For Christ,

HDFC Bank, A/C No. 50200007377501

IFSC HDFC0000124,

Kellys Branch, Chennai 10.

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VOL.13, ISSUE 2Christian Thought Series20

• It has completed 13 years of publication.The magazine covers topics such as: Mission, Evangelism, Church-planting, Discipleship, Spiritual Renewal, Believers' Faith And Conduct and emphasizes The Church's Role and Responsibility through Teaching And Preaching the above Subjects.

• Copies printed are over 1000. There are about 3000 students in Bible College/seminaries who make use of this magazine.

• Distributed mostly free of charge to individual persons, Seminaries, Libraries in Bible colleges across India, Christian Leaders, Pastors and Bishops, Mission Agencies and their CEO's.

• Some very meagre contributions are received from time to time.• Cost of printing, postage, packing and forwarding expenses

(approx)Rs.15,000/ • The On-line version of CTS is uploaded through Issuu.com.• Statistics indicate that there are now more than 26,000 readers

world wide.• Readers are from South Africa, United States, Phillippines,

Lebanon, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Germany, Kenya, Malaysia, Togo, Canada, Malawi, Lithuania, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.

• We request you to pray fervently for the on-going work of this literature ministry.

• Publication of Pastor's Manual, Gospel Tracts in local language and in English are also published and distributed-mostly free.

• Printing Cost for bulk copies of Tracts and other materials are put around Rs.30,000/- each time.

There have not been regular contributions received in order to maintain or manage this task in all these years.Enquiries, Free-will offerings are welcome.Please contact if you have been prompted in your spirit to share in the Lord's work and be a partner of this ministry. Kindly look for further information and details of bank accounts on the last page.E-mail: [email protected]/09380709875

PROFILE, PRODUCTION, PROMOTIONCTS is published bi-monthly by Disciples For Christ Ministry.

Christian Thought Series

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