Christiane Allyssa Dichosa December 17, 2013 Architecture 101 Final Project Learning Portfolio

Christaine Allyssa Dichosa Final Portfolio Fall 2013

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Christiane Allyssa DichosaDecember 17, 2013

Architecture 101Final Project

Learning Portfolio

Site Analysis

For this week, we started analyzing our assigned site for our final project. I really find this week fun but frustrating at the same time. Fun, because I was beginning to feel like a real architect, analyzing and studying the site. I also learn to observe and evaluate every detail of the site, even the tiniest detail, because it may help in my future design . Analyzing the site very carefully and intuitively can also help me avoid future disasters when we start our final project. Also, it practice my observation and analyzing skill.

On the other hand, even though I find site analyzing fun and knowledge expanding, I also find it very frustrating. Being a technical person that I am, I didn’t take time in observing and analyzing the site carefully. I just get measurements of the walls, look where the interaction spot is, the sun’s direction, etc. I didn’t really observe my surroundings, or find inspirations within the site. I just thought in the beginning that site analysis means measurements and such. However, as the class progress, I learn that the real lesson that we should learn in site analysis is enhancing our observation skills. We should look for the strengths and weaknesses of the site and evaluate how to enhance the strengths or solve and improve the weaknesses.

Site Analysis (Cont’d)

- So what did I learn about our site? the town part of the courtyard?

- I learn that the wind mostly come from the west side of the town, it must be the cause of the ocean coming from the west. I also learn that the sun rises in the east and set in the west. Furthermore, I learn that people mostly hang out or sit around in warm places or the site where the sun usually hit. I also learn the strengths and weaknesses of the site. For instance our chosen site,in the very corner side of the wall, I learn that wind may not be so strong in that part than the others because of the high walls. however, even though the site receive less wind it lacks sun, it is usually shaded, and is very cold.

- Learning this facts would really help me in the future. However, I didn’t think about it at that time. I kind of didn’t think it’s important, which is wrong in my part because not considering the site resulted in me making an unsuitable design for my chosen site.


After our site analysis professor Jerry instructed us to construct three individual iterations that responds to the site and design approach that we have chosen. I have constructed my three iterations based on the sectioning approach because I was intrigued by the amazing design this approach emits. These are my iterations.

First IterationStrengths:- Because I used a natural material, branch, as a base component of my structure, I was able to connect it to nature.- I have proportion and hierarchy- there is a sense of lightness.- create tension

Weaknesses:- I wasn’t able to fully construct sectioning- the use of natural wood made my structure look unappealing- I wasn’t able to consider the realistic size for my structure.- I have only a single space.

Discoveries and Insight:- I discover that although using natural materials can make my structure appear connected to nature; however, sometimes it is not the best material in making a structure look appealing. Furthermore, it is difficult to find a constructional material that is the same as the design of the branch.

Second IterationStrengths:- It is now more appealing to look at compare to my first iteration

- I was able to make a slightly two spaced node.

- Have repetition and improved complexity

- was able to apply tensioning.

Weaknesses:- too symmetrical

- Kind of familiar

- still didn’t follow the sectioning approach that I was aiming to comply.

- is still single space even though there are separate nodes inside.

Discoveries and Insight- there is a potential to make two spaces in my structure. Furthermore, I learned that the transparency of my structure take away the surprise from the inside.

- I learned that even though we are only making the human scale measurement of our future structure it is still important to integrate the actual scale measurement so that when recreating it in reality, it won't only be a fiction of the imagination.

Third Iteration

Strengths:- I have layers

-I have a fluid, proportioned, complexity

-I am penetrating spaces to form as one

Weaknesses:- need diversity of space

- have only one entry way

- too symmetrical

- too revealing

- no complexity of spaces

Discoveries and Insight- I discover that I was too fixated to the familiar tent like structure.

- I also learned through my classmates that I should create more entryways because not only does it give complexity in my design but it can also bring a diverse experience.

Fourth Iteration

Strengths:- Starting to create multiple entryway

- I was able to create interesting shadow by successfully applying sectioning to my iteration.

- I was able to stay away from symmetry

- I have proportion

Weaknesses:- still fixated to enclosed house like structure.

- consist of only one kit of parts

- still too revealing

- does not respond to my chosen site.

Discoveries and Insights:- I should work on skin

- I learn that the structure does not adopt to me, as an architect I should be the one adopting to the structure.

Fifth Iteration

Strengths:- Was able to combine both nodes and pathway

- have diverse space

- I was able to design a complex iteration

Weaknesses:- kind of arbitrary

- It appears unsafe and impossible to do in the actual construction

- Again, only have one kit of parts

- still, it doesn't respond to my chosen site, aside from sunlight.

Discoveries and Insights:- I learn that I should consider the people’s journey when they venture in my design as I am make my structure.

-Also I shouldn't be too fixated in making my structure look appealing but I should also focus in using the strengths of my chosen site to further improve my design concept.

Sixth Iteration

Strengths:- I was able to enhance my complexity without making it to arbitrary

- I was able to apply my desired hide and reveal concept

- I am able to make multiple entryway

- the opening of the roof creates an experiential atmosphere

Weaknesses:- only one material

- just look like a skeleton of a familiar building

Discoveries and Insights:- I should work on adding an additional kit of part to my design to make it less plain looking

- I should try to create a hybrid, and create a conversation between the two material.

- I also discover that I can enhance my twisting pathway to give a distorting experience to the journey of the people venturing inside my structure.

Seventh Iteration

Strengths:- More clearly defined two themed situation

- I have already two kit of parts

- It gives a feeling of lightness

- I have complexity

Weaknesses:- I don't have transition between the two materials

- does not provide a framed view

- back to single space

- a little revealing

Discoveries and Insights:- I discover that although I was able to expand my kit of parts and establish a unique design, I still lack transition. So, I need to put transition or connection between the two materials so that it wouldn’t look like I just combine the two together.

Eight Iteration

Strengths:- have contrasting quality- there is a slight transition between the two materials

Weaknesses:- Still doesn't respond to the site- it’s design aspect have no special connection to my site, that make it unique to that specific site.- It’s too simple

Discoveries and Insights:- I discovered that what I did looks like a chair.- I discover that although I’ m trying really hard I still can't stop my fixation to one space node.- I should also work on my transitions.

Ninth IterationStrengths:- I was able to create a space within a space; thus, creating an unexpected surprise within my structure.- there is also complexity-I was able to integrate the sectioning approach and hide and reveal concept in this design.

Weaknesses:- It still doesn't show integration, but it have a potential.- still need to show more unity

Discoveries and Insights:- I learn that I need to put a provocative space- to improve the experiential experience within my structure, I learn that I should have an experience of elevation or up the vertical plane.- I discover that my design from iteration one to nine only consist of rectilinear design. So, maybe I could improve my design if i put curvilinear into it as well.

Tenth Iteration

Strengths:- the rotating wall, can gather interest- I was able to introduce rotation in this design

Weaknesses:- look slightly chaotic- I failed in making the two materials look like its integrated- It become too arbitrary- don’t have a logical pattern

Discoveries and Insights:- not only does it gather interest it can also guide the view of viewers-I learn that I can develop the rotation aspect in this iteration to make more clearly defined theme and complex unarbitrary design.


The Team Dark Corner


A journey of various spatial experiences through light color and sound. Responding to the every year journey of the sun. A time of celebration, festival and rebirth at the Winter Solstice. Dualities in nature; light and darkness, certainty and unknowing, mind and body--reflected in framed negative space existing between canopy and structure; two separate nodes symbolizing different and competing reasoning patterns--a jagged abstract structure, attempting to penetrate and occupy space in all directions, imbued with colored ambient light to heighten the experience, and give a sense of wonder and astonishment. Contradictory spatial dimensions endowed with transparency--space recedes and fluctuates in continuous activity. Mirror or lens of nature, periscope and soundtube used as an extension of the senses providing insights and creative response to spaces beyond immediate area.

Site Rationale

- Our team chooses the dark corner because we are confident that we can come up with a lot of ways to improve or answer the needs of the dark, forlorn place. Because the site is in the dark back corner of the courtyard, a place of hidden potential, surrounded by a building on one side and a 16 feet wall on the other, we decided to enhance the place by redirecting sun into it and bring light to the once shady space. The site also shows a lot of unique aspect that can be responded to, such as the wall itself, it have a lot of bolt holes that we can use for our installation. These hole are significant for it can be used to secure the canopy and install the sunlight redirector that can shine the space.

Site Design Response and Concept

- We use the back corner of the yard as a metaphor of our base self. The site itself is part of the design of our model; without it our model would be like a fish that is out of the water. It is not something that can be moved and be its own entity. The site location works with rest of the model to convey our message and intrigued the viewer. The shady corner and the black bottom structure combine satisfy the compositional intentions of letting the viewers know that something is disturbing about the darkness of the corner; also, the black structure enhance the natural characteristic of our chosen site. So. in our design, in order to bring joy into this dark place we decided to hang a canopy with colored film and use mirrors to redirect the sun into the space. Furthermore, as the light from the mirror travels through the film it light up the space underneath with different colors. In addition, the Canopy is made up of different size triangles to keep a unity of form with the black structure beneath. Each triangle hang at its own angle to give the canopy a feel of dynamics. The angling or the slants of the triangle also serve practical purpose to drain rain water.For, the basic reason of a canopy is to serve as a type of support system to protect the bottom design .

Inspiration and Research

Rjukan Norway:

- Our group are really inspired by this approach because it shows the procedure that we would want to follow in order to light up our shady space. They inspire us because having a similar situation as them not only teach us how to redirect sunlight in our dark spot but we are confident that it is legit because they themselves are experiencing and doing the redirecting of the sun.

Inspiration and Research Cont’d

Lebbeus Woods:

- Our group was inspired by this artist because his paintings shows the dystopian aspect that we want to integrate to our design concept. We want to design a dystopian structure because we want to represent the dark inner thoughts of people that they are unaware of or tried to ignore. Similar to our site, because it is a dark place, students are mostly unaware of it but because the space feels cold and lonely they try to venture away from it.


Canopy: * Fir/White wood* colored cello wrap*semi transparent white plastic sheeting

Bottom structure:*Foam Core*Black plastic sheeting

Sun redirector:* Swiveling Television mount* acrylic Mirror

Periscope:* 3 inch diameter PVC Pipe and elbow* small mirror

Connectors:* eye bolts* rope* black and white duct tape* Shipping tape* screws, nuts and washers* Fishing line

Material Rationale

- We use lightwood because it is not heavy enough to be problem when hanged in the air and it is also not light enough to be easily swept by the wind.- Next, the material that we use to bring color to our space is the semi-transparent plastic sheeting and the colored cello wrap. We combine this two materials because we fear if we use cello wrap alone, it will not endure the rain. So, to enhance the durability of the colored cello wrap and at the same time doesn’t obstruct its intended effect we combine semi-transparent plastic sheeting with it.- Then, we use foam core for our bottom structure because we were looking for an economic material at that time, and we were aiming for its weight to not be a hassle to us whenever we move it around. However, because the foam core is weak and flimsy, my group fear of what would happen to it if by chance it will rain. so, to protect the foam core from getting wet we covered it up with black plastic sheeting; for, not only does the plastic sheeting protect the foam core from getting wet but its color also give the foam core a heavier appearance, which is ironic because foam core is anything but heavy.- We use acrylic mirror for our project because it is lighter and it wouldn't shatter when we drill hole into it.- We also use TV mounting for our project for it is the cheapest and fastest way to move our mirror around when redirecting the sun.-For our Periscope, we use a 3 inch diameter white PVC Pipe and elbow so that we can put mirror into it. The size can also produce a wider view for our viewers.

Material Rationale Cont’d

Connectors:- We use fishing line to hang our bottom structure because its transparency make our structure seems like floating, and even though he fishing line seems thin and fragile it is much more stronger that it looks.- T secure our structure we use screws, nuts, and washers- To connect our canopy to the wall we se rope because it is much durable than the wire that we are intending to use that time.- We also use shipping and duct tape to connect our structure together.


Finding, Discoveries, and Insight

- We learn that by combining material together even if the material is weak and flimsy they can endure elements and situation that normally they can’t.

Findings, Discoveries, and Insights Cont’d

- We discover that making our original design concept is impossible in our actual site because we fail to consider the wind coming from the north side of the courtyard, which makes it impossible for our light weight materials to not get swept by the wind. So, in order for our project to work we change our design concept on the spot, seeing as we have no time, in order for our bottom structure to work.

Findings, Discoveries, and Insights Cont’d

- Also, we discover that our canopy have a potential to be a unique bottom structure because when stood up on the ground it looks like a design concept that produce a unique experiential space and gives an appearance of inside from the outside.

Findings, Discoveries, and Insights Cont’d

- Furthermore we discovered that the ramp could be of use to us. To tell the truth me and my group mates thought that ramp would be hindrance to us because of its elevation. However, we were able to find a use to it by using it as one of our stabilizer to hold the bottom structure to the ground. When we discover the use of the ramp, we were really grateful that it was there because it helps us with the finishing our bottom structure successfully.

Time Lapse

Juror's Opinion:

Strengths:- We were a clever team because we were able to come up with a project that fit with our site We were also able to enhance the needy site in a short amount of time.-We were able to evoke an experiential experience by giving a sense of floating aspect and wonder to our structure.- We were very smart to come up with a way to break down the barrier between our site and the courtyard above by making a periscope.- Again, we are clever by demonstrating a great use of irony, such as making what appears to be heavy objects to float.-We were a bold team to make our structure, which mostly consist of flimsy, weak foam core, to work.- We did a good job in finding a way to reach up to the needs of our site. Such as, using mirrors to redirect sunlight or the use of periscope to bring the upper courtyard to our site- Our structure are full of ideas and is well constructed.- The Jurors also said that they like the dynamic quality of project, on how it floats and have the quality to move with the wind.- The Jurors also like the transparency and materiality of our canopy, and the way the bright colors pop out because the bottom structure is black.- They said that we are evoking forefold with our structure.

Project’s Positive Results

Jurors Opinion Cont’d:


- We lack intimate space, we weren’t able to evoke the intimacy that our model demonstrate. They said that we should've made the second space more enclosed and layered.

- Even though were able to integrate the chair a little, it is still not enough. The Juror suggest that maybe we can find a way to cover our chair and make it appear one with our bottom structure.

- They said that we should develop our joinery technique, like putting extensions to make the hole appear cleaner.

Critique Pictures:


- Doing the project, it really tested my patience and capabilities to finish our design concept. In all honesty, there is a lot of time that I want to give up and throw in the towel with this project; there is just so many things that we should do to successfully build our structure. However, thanks to my family and friends that keeps on encouraging me, I was able to experience the wonderful result of not giving up with our project. Seeing our modeled structure come to life and hearing the positive opinions of other people to the project you made, makes all the stress and hard work worth it. Also, by not giving up, I was able to learn a lot of new things that I could later apply in the future. So, to all students that are just taking this course, to be honest this course is very tiring; however, all the new things you will learn in this course, all the good and talented people you will be able to befriend, and all the positive outcome and result you will experience in taking this course makes all the difficulties you experience in the past all worth it.