CHRISTAID MEDICAL EQUIPMENT REPORT: Friends and family of Christaid, I am so thrilled to report a smashing victory and one of the greatest achievements of Christaid that we are so proud of, and will eternally be grateful to God and the great folks of Vail Medical center Colorado. We have been waiting for this equipment for a little over three years now ever since they were donated. The three years seemed like eternity because of the incredible need for them. Now it is obvious that God had His own season because, Indeed in His time, He makes all beautiful just as He has done with this one. This was beyond just beautiful...it was Awesome!! Let’s backtrack a little bit so you know how these huge blessings came about. I got this very kind call from an amazing lady and staff of Vail medical center by the name of Gisele who has been a long time supporter of Christaid. I met Gisele through one great Pastor and wife in the valley by the names of Dan and Kathy Rohlwing who was (at that time) pastoring a church called “Gracious Savior Lutheran in Edwards Colorado” God used him to open this flood gate of blessings because he welcomed Christaid with wide open arms to become part of the family at his church. The news of an available X-Ray unit was just mind blowing for me that I just could not wait to get to Vail and pick it up. I was there right away with a huge truck. Pastor Dan was there to help and so was an angel of a man known as Rev. David Banister a major clinical engineer who specializes on all kinds of Radiology equipment. He is also a Children’s Pastor in His church in Grand Junction which had once welcomed me to do some music about fifteen years ago. Who would have thought that after all those years he would be the same angel God would commission half way around the world to come and set up, not just one X-ray, but two of them! At that point, he looked to me like one of these guys who would say something like this; Lord I will do anything you want, but please, whatever you do, don’t send me to AfricaGuess what? I was wrong God did just that…sent him to Africa and he was obedient. Now this region is in possession of some beautiful, much needed, fully functioning medical equipment that could never be afforded by us at any level except through God’s intervention using the big hearted folks of Vail medical center and all those mentioned above. We are simply blown away by God’s people and the miracles that come through their obedience. This was not just ordinary miracle folks! VOTE OF PURE THANKS: How in the world could we find the right words to thank our dear brother and friend of the poor Rev. David Banister? I don’t think we could even if we tried. This is a man who sacrificed his

CHRISTAID MEDICAL EQUIPMENT REPORT NEWSLETTER.pdf · Dr. Festo took his first X-ray and was able to show it to all. It was a great X-ray of Rev. Banister’s hand. Here we are closing

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CHRISTAID MEDICAL EQUIPMENT REPORT: Friends and family of Christaid, I am so thrilled to report a smashing victory and one of the greatest achievements of Christaid that we are so proud of, and will eternally be grateful to God and the great folks of Vail Medical center Colorado. We have been waiting for this equipment for a little over three years now ever since they were donated. The three years seemed like eternity because of the incredible need for them. Now it is obvious that God had His own season because, Indeed in His time, He makes all beautiful just as He has done with this one. This was beyond just beautiful...it was Awesome!!

Let’s backtrack a little bit so you know how these huge blessings came about. I got this very kind call from an amazing lady and staff of Vail medical center by the name of Gisele who has been a long time supporter of Christaid. I met Gisele through one great Pastor and wife in the valley by the names of Dan and Kathy Rohlwing who was (at that time) pastoring a church called “Gracious Savior Lutheran in Edwards Colorado” God used him to open this flood gate of blessings because he welcomed Christaid with wide open arms to become part of the family at his church. The news of an available X-Ray unit was just mind blowing for me that I just could not wait to get to Vail and pick it up. I was there right away with a huge truck. Pastor Dan was there to help and so was an angel of a man known as Rev. David Banister a major clinical engineer who specializes on all kinds of Radiology equipment. He is also a Children’s Pastor in His church in Grand Junction which had once welcomed me to do some music about fifteen years ago. Who would have thought that after all those years he would be the same angel God would commission half way around the world to come and set up, not just one X-ray, but two of them! At that point, he looked to me like one of these guys who would say something like this;

“Lord I will do anything you want, but please, whatever you do, don’t send me to Africa”

Guess what? I was wrong God did just that…sent him to Africa and he was obedient. Now this region is in possession of some beautiful, much needed, fully functioning medical equipment that could never be afforded by us at any level except through God’s intervention using the big hearted folks of Vail medical center and all those mentioned above. We are simply blown away by God’s people and the miracles that come through their obedience. This was not just ordinary miracle folks!


How in the world could we find the right words to thank our dear brother and friend of the poor Rev. David Banister? I don’t think we could even if we tried. This is a man who sacrificed his

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most needed time by his family and job to come and be with us, became just like us, driving miles and miles of our several feet deep potholes and mud, hey, even ate grass hoppers with us. In the end, he was able to set up two great X-rays which are saving lives even right now as you read this report. We call him “Dr. Meticulous” around here because he was a man on a mission and was not going to compromise his perfection by making short cuts, even when about 80% of the odds were against him. No power tools, no nearby Wal-Mart or home depot, still for him everything had to be perfect and so everything was. Blessings like rain on David’s boss whom David bragged about a lot when he was here who was so kind and compliant with this noble cause.

The big hearted folks of Vail medical center for your loving kindness and generosity. We will always keep you posted as we constantly pray for you. The words “thank you” are definitely not enough to express our heartfelt gratitude. Please send us a medical team next year. That would be absolutely a blast!! We need you! Gisele you are an angel straight from the good Lord with the biggest heart in the world. The good Lord bless and prosper the labor of VMC big time so that you can bless (even much more than this) many more souls that are hurting in this world of so much pain and disaster.

Thanks to the Templars for your relentless hard work and dedication. Surely God will shower you with His amazing grace and blessings. When I get older, I want to be old just like you. You are an inspiration and that is a fact.

Thanks to Anne Dean for job of excellence and sacrifice…Blessings like rain on you my sister.

Big thanks to the Board of Christaid for you insight full of God’s wisdom. God bless you for your leadership, direction and all the other sacrifices. This project would never have happened without your counsel and blessing.

Steve swalm:

All the years that the X-rays took to get to Uganda, including a mountain of other medical equipment donations, they found safety in our dear brother’s and servant of Christ warehouse. We thank Steve more than words for being a friend of the poor in the most remarkable way and for the huge sacrifice he has made for God’s people of Uganda by donating ample space to prepare, refurbish, crate and ship these valuable tools of the gospel of our Lord Jesus to Uganda. This is not the first or the second shipment that is originating from His Warehouse. Obviously we would have paid a fortune if we had rented a place and consequently defeating the purpose of investing into people. We in Uganda are praying that God will reward you “abundantly” because you have given “extravagantly”

Blessings like rain on all our Donors towards this project. You all never cease to amaze me! Your labor is not in vain folks. May our good Lord replenish your resources over and over again because He knows what you do with them….save lives!!

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Rev. David (knocked out) on a long 250 miles drive to Fort Portal soon after his arrival from USA.

How about your first Ugandan meal

Samuel and Dr. Festo (Christaid alumnus and success stories) ready to share a welcome meal with Dave Banister.

Hunting for the materials and tools to use for the huge project ahead (Y’all have a Home depot nearby???)

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Choosing the wood sizes for the project.

“Christaid mobile” all loaded and ready to go on site.

We kept our good old Honda generator nearby because of the frequent power failures. We never get announcements here about when they are going to take power and for how long.

Work begins full force

Different parts of the X-ray being assembled by Brother David

Poor Dave…we do not have the power tools and was able to manage with what we have!

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God is working here with us. He is definitely in control and we are not!

More construction work including building a 7Ft cubicle for the X-ray control room.

Breaking bread together after a long and hard working day.

At the local electronic store smaller than a Seven eleven considered to be the (Best buy of the town) “Sir, do you have a 110 transformer…American?”

The X-ray beginning to take shape.

David doing what he is a real guru at. Thank God Just about everything arrived intact. If something was lacking or a bit problematic, Mr. Meticulous (David) broke it a part in hundreds of pieces until he recreated it with newer perfection.

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October 9th was Uganda’s Independence day. We worked while most Ugandans slept.

David working around the clock to leave behind a “problem free” huge life saving blessing from Vail Medical center and our “one of a kind” donors.

More radiology ingenuity at its finest, in the “almost zero” resources community. There are only three real qualified Clinical engineers for a country of about 32 million people and one of them lives in South Africa.

Time to pass on the wealth of wisdom to a native. Guess who that is? Dr. Festo Magezi..a success story of Christaid and one of our key alumni. Christaid paid for this guy’s education and he majored in Radiology. Coincidence?? No sir…Divine providence!! And did not dissappoint.

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Dr. Festo is sharp, catching on fast. He did not disappoint!!

Dr. Festo under training became the first volunteer for an EKG machine that came along with other donations.

Dr. Festo is learning how to read EKG results. He was found to be healthy.

Rev. David Banister conducting a Radiology lecture for some of the students of the university..it was great to equip future Doctors and nurses of this community.

Students listen intensively.

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The chancellor of the university Professor Edward Rugumayo (center made occasional visits to encourage us. In red on the left is Mrs. Bashabire the head nurse for the public health department. Radiologists

Let’s call this “PIZZA IN THE BUSH”.

Believe it or not! It is a pizza place out in the bush town. It is ran by a Dutch couple and provides some “sub standard” (fire wood made Pizzas) Pizza hut like? NOT!! But man! They are okay! This was a surprise for David.

Some of the staff getting some training from brother David. Here we have the head of the public health, one of the radiologists and a medical Doctor looking on and all listening to David.

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Mr. Meticulous converting an X-ray reader from 110 volts (US) to 240 (Uganda)

There was a lot of drilling, breaking, constructing and painting the rooms to meet the requirements of a modern X-ray department.

The day we cut the ribbon and dedicated the X-ray room as officially open for use. The Chancellor, I and David (not quite visible in the photo) put our hands together to cut the ribbon.

Yes, it is official. This is it! It is real! And it is here to stay to the glory of God and His people, by His great people of Colorado

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This attracted the local media and it was a big headline in all the news the next day. Festo

Dr. Festo took his first X-ray and was able to show it to all. It was a great X-ray of Rev. Banister’s hand.

Here we are closing the dedication day with a powerful prayer. We want to see Jesus in that clinic always.

Some of the invitees at the dedication and official opening ceremony.

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Vote of thanks from (Ret) Dr. Kyewunda, one of the heads of department and lecturer.

Sendoff party and gifts to Rev. David

David Mporampora handing over a letter of donation to the medical services.

“Okay son, tell them everything I taught you” David takes the listening role as he allows his trainee Dr. Festo to conduct a tour of the room professionally explaining everything as David would. It was like trusting your brand new Cadillac to your teenager who has just got his Driver’s license. But this young driver was up to the task.

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Dr. Festo (Son of Christaid) breaking it down as he has been schooled.

Glorious achievement witnessed by faculty, staff and community members.

Sorry Mr. Mporampora we are closed. Come during X-ray hours!

Whaaatuup y’all? ( A Lizard at one of the compounds)

We took David to a couple of the community hospitals and the conditions were appalling!

Rooms were heavily congested, Furniture dilapidated…just pathetic. Pray for us please.

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Kid’s ward was one sad story!! Some kids smiled anyway.

Welcome to Kicuna Brother David.

David (Engineer now turned to preacher) being welcome at our village church (built by Christaid) for the community.

Church bells sound!

Welcome song from the choir to David.

Hey bro, We thought you were just an engineer!! You are a preacher too?

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Rev. David was our preacher for that Sunday..it was life changing.

Rev. David doing “spiritual radiology’ he must have prayed for over a hundred young people on that day having them rededicate their lives to Christ and becoming Godly leaders.

Kids waiting for David to bless them.

He even got an “honorarium” rooster. Not to keep time because he was on American time any way but for His dinner

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The place where the rooster was devoured and the culprits.

Rev. David is a children’s pastor at His church and we could not let him go yet without seeing the shinning and beautiful kids of Christaid academy. Here he is being welcome by the kids and staff.

Kids listening to the kid’s style sermon from Dave as he spoke for their chapel.

Using visual aids to communicate a powerful message about being aware of the devil’s games in kids. He comes to steal, kill and destroy, David says.

More ministry to the kids who were having immense

This is called “abundant Oreo cookie” with extra chocolate to the right!

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I don’t know what this is!! Looks like some authentic love of Christ being practiced.

This is called Intimate Oreo!

So, the grandmas cooked an all Ugandan feast for David. The millet meal was not particularly great but everything else was tasty.

No way man! Can’t leave without hugging some few ever loving and sweet Christaid grandmas.

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As tradition is here, he had to sit on one of the grandma’s laps and held like a grandchild or the natives will get restless. Dave was cool with that.

Dave’s granny in the bush.

A grandma sharing a gift ( a beautiful beaded cow tail) to show her love and deep appreciation of Dave.

Dave receiving a handmade gift from one of the grandmas.

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Yeah! The grandmas did spoil him alright!!

Hey Dude! I need a ride, can you find a little room In there?

David responding at the dinner.

The Chancellor of the university making a thank you speech to Christaid and David at a beautiful send off dinner.

Half way heading back to catch a flight to USA. Bu first, we must have the bush country KFC… (Chicken on a stick)

A grasshopper for desert! Yum! Yum!!




COUNTRY DIRECTOR-UGANDA www.christaidintl.org