CHRIST IN YOU To understand the message Christ in You, we should understand what is meant by Christ. Christ Means the Anointed one. We all know it then what is special about it? When we talk about Christ in Us, we are talking about the Anointed one is. That means the anointed self. The anointing flows and will not be stagnant. Whenever Lord anointed anyone in the Old Testament It was evident that they are the anointed one. From Abraham onwards If we name any one, the anointing of the Lord was evident in their lifestyle. Abraham: by his prosperity, David: by his successful life and bravery, Solomon: by his wisdom. Every Prophet was known and identified by their prophecy and special gifts. That means an anointed one can’t be hidden. Even if we hide the prosperity and blessings will show us to the world. A garden is known by the Flower, the Fragrance, the Fruits it produces. The beetles know that there is garden here by the fragrance that is spread around. The garden owner doesn’t send a special invitation to the beetle to help in pollination. The Fragrance of the Flower attracts it. See the Blessing, once one blessing is evident and people identifies it, immediately another blessing is given, a flower changes to a fruit; when people identify the fruit, the lords prepares seed in that. A seed is a forest. There is no end for blessings. Our life is programmed for prosperity. “ Say it Aloud, Christ in me means Prosperous and blessed life” – Amen.

Christ in You

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Page 1: Christ in You


To understand the message Christ in You, we should understand what is meant

by Christ. Christ Means the Anointed one. We all know it then what is special about it?

When we talk about Christ in Us, we are talking about the Anointed one is. That means

the anointed self.

The anointing flows and will not be stagnant. Whenever Lord anointed anyone in

the Old Testament It was evident that they are the anointed one. From Abraham

onwards If we name any one, the anointing of the Lord was evident in their lifestyle.

Abraham: by his prosperity, David: by his successful life and bravery, Solomon: by his

wisdom. Every Prophet was known and identified by their prophecy and special gifts.

That means an anointed one can’t be hidden. Even if we hide the prosperity and

blessings will show us to the world. A garden is known by the Flower, the Fragrance,

the Fruits it produces. The beetles know that there is garden here by the fragrance that

is spread around. The garden owner doesn’t send a special invitation to the beetle to

help in pollination. The Fragrance of the Flower attracts it.

See the Blessing, once one blessing is evident and people identifies it,

immediately another blessing is given, a flower changes to a fruit; when people identify

the fruit, the lords prepares seed in that. A seed is a forest. There is no end for

blessings. Our life is programmed for prosperity. “ Say it Aloud, Christ in me means

Prosperous and blessed life” – Amen.

Let us take the life of Lord Jesus, as soon as the Anointing Came him as the

Holy Spirit Came Upon him couldn’t stop himself, started preaching.(Mat 3:17 Baptized,

Mat 4:17 Preaching) Jesus Could no longer be hidden from the people as a Normal

Man. Though Jesus was identified by the Magi, Simeon and Prophetess Anna(While

Presenting Lord in the Temple)(Luke 2:26,36).

Though Jesus was Son of God, The Christ, he started his work only after the

anointing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Life can be studied in 3 phases as Jesus before

Baptism, After Baptism and After Resurrection. Before baptism he did no remarkable

work and miracles. After Baptism started Preaching, took disciples, performed miracles,

Point to be noted after resurrection, gained power for his name and gave authority to us

to perform more miracles in his name. (Mark 16:17-18) “In my name they will drive out

Page 2: Christ in You

daemons; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison,

it will not hurt them at all; they will place the hands on sick people, and they will get


If Christ is in Us then our life style should be different. If our lifestyle is not as

indicated in the bible then it is serious time for introspection. I am not telling this the

Bible say so. Let us look into John 12:45 “And he that seeth me seeth him that sent


What does this mean, This means that when any one sees us they should see

the Lord. In other words our lifestyle should introduce our Lord to them. One way to

introduce Lord is living as per Mark 16:17-18. There is something more, Let us look at

1Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but

set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

We all know from the Bible that Life and Death lies in the tip of our tongue. So

who ever want to show Christ trough you say this aloud “ I live my life so beautifully

that the world can see the Lord through me, I am an example for fellow believers

in Speech, in life, in love, in faith and in Purity. In Jesus Name – Amen”

How to change our life style?

Again we will look at Rabbi, You know the best part of Christianity, there is no other

God in my knowledge who came to the earth by birth in the way you and me are born,

and went through the similar temptations, rejections, sufferings, etc.

That’s the reason why Lord Jesus always intercedes for us, because he

understands our weakness.

Come on let us see how did Lord Jesus Handle the Temptations! ! ! !

The Temptations and Lord Jesus

Mathew 4 Talks about the three Temptations that Our Lord underwent.

On the 41st Day i.e. after 40 days and nights of Fasting, the tempter asked Jesus “ If

you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread” Mat 4:3 What does this

mean? Superficially for Food. Ok we can manage it. But what is hidden in this


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He wanted Lord Jesus to convert the stones to food, so that he will be tempted to have

the food. So what? What was intention of the tempter? When we eat by mistake during

fasting, we start feeling as if we did a big Sin, and we forget the love of the Father and

forget about the fasting we did. The same thing he wanted Lord Jesus to do, but see

how Lord Jesus handled him.

The Second temptation!!!!! (Jump Form the Mountain Top)

Most of us want to prove to others that our lord is good. More than enjoying the

life for us we want to show to others what we are. There are some Christians, when

their faith or success is questioned, they immediately want to prove themselves to

others and they start calling Lord Jesus to Follow them, instead of Following Lord. For

some of us if anyone doubt our lord, we can’t bear it, we immediately try to jump and

prove that he is wrong.

We should not do foolish things for the sake someone questioned us or doubted

our Lord. We should be confident of Our Lord and we need not prove to others the

Power of the Lord.

Tell them to experience the Power of the Lord by themselves by following Jesus.

The Third Temptation!!!!

When he understood that he is dealing with somewhat a different Youth, he tried

the Last weapon which all the youth of today are still running behind, Financial

Prosperity and Authority.

“But that also our Lord told, him away from me Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship

the Lord your God, and serve him only.” Mat 4:10

How Lord Jesus able to Handle Satan, because he was sure of what Lord Could Do.

He had read bible properly and had a thorough Knowledge of it.

Lord handled Satan through the Word of God. He said “It is Written”. For all the

three situations he used “It is written”. He had a treasure of Word of God.

He did all the miracles based on the Word of God.

For us to change our life style, and show Christ in us, Let us first change our language

and improve the treasure of Words in us. i.e. the word of god in us.

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Dear Father, I submit myself to you. I am thankful to you for the Knowledge of

the rights I have in you through Christ, for the abundance of Word of God in me. In

Jesus Name – Amen.


And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did Acts 8:6


And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. Acts 19:11

And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me. Jn 12:45