Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who commanded our armies And pushed back the enemy Glory to King Creon Glory to gleaming sun Guardian of our fair city

Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

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Page 1: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Chorus Section A A great war is overAnd the traitors lie deadIn the streets of our cityWe have won a glorious victoryHere comes our great leaderWho commanded our armiesAnd pushed back the enemy Glory to King CreonGlory to gleaming sunGuardian of our fair city

Page 2: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 1Herald: All hail King Creon! Glory to the leader of our

victorious army!

King Creon: Subjects! The war is over! Polynices is dead! He was a traitor to our city, and as such his punishment in death will be to lie and rot in the street!

Citizen: But Creon, the gods...

King Creon – Silence! The gods were with us on the battlefield and we won! They will be with us again now!

Page 3: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 1 continued

Citizen 2: Creon, you are a truly great leader, but this feels wrong...

King Creon – If you are not with me, you are against me! What do you have to say?

All: We are with you King Creon!

Page 4: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Chorus Section BThe king has spokenBut is this wise?He has created a lawAgainst that of the godsHe is wise and powerfulBut wise and powerful menForget about the power of natureAnd the dark forcesThat we do not nameThat can destroy even a king

Page 5: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 2

Antigone: Our brother’s burial has been banned! Sister – we cannot just leave him to rot – he must be buried!

Ismene: Sister – I love you, but I dare not go against the King – if we are discovered, we will be punished – maybe even killed!

Antigone: Well, I will bury him by myself! And if Creon’s guards catch me, I will tell Creon he is wrong, and that his law is evil and unjust!

Page 6: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 2 continued

Ismene: Please – you ...

Antigone: My mind is made up. I have decided to do what is right, and if I am discovered, I will still have my honour!

Ismene: I will not act to help you, but I cannot stop you – I hope I will see you again soon.

Page 7: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Chorus Section C

Two sisters on two sides of the lawOne sister braveThe other sister unsureBut is Antigone wise to take on a king?And bury her brother, an enemy who sinned?Is Ismene wise to ignore her duty?Or will this choice come back and haunt her cruelly?

Page 8: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 3

Messenger: Creon, I have bad news! Someone has buried the body of Polynices – he is gone from the streets and lies under the ground. His soul has pased into Hades...

Creon: What? Who dares disobey me?

Messenger 2: We captured her – it is his sister who did the deed – Antigone! She stole his body in the night, and took it to the buriel place and performed the sacred ritual to set his soul free...

Page 9: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 3 continued

Creon: Antigone!

Antigone: Your law was against nature Creon, so I broke it. No king has authority over the dead!

Creon: And you do not have authority over your King!

Page 10: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 3 continued

Antigone: The war is over – show mercy, as all great leaders do. It will only make your people love you more!

Creon: I do not need love. Fear and respect will guard this city from enemies within. You are an enemy of Thebes!

Antigone: My only crime is I loved my brother!

Creon: Guards! Take her to the mountain cave, and wall her up in there so that she may starve to death! Let this be a warning to all who break my laws!

Page 11: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Chorus Section D

Antigone only tried to do what was rightShe was brave and honestAnd has been punished for her crimeIn these dark timesYou are either with us, or against usAnd a king must keep his people safeBut who will protect the king from himself?

Page 12: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 4

Haemon (Creon’s son) : Father! I have heard the news! You have made a great mistake father – Antigone is to be my wife! You must release her!

King Creon: She is a traitor, my son. One day, when you are King, you will know what I have done is right.

Haemon: But father – please!

King Creon: My decision is final!

Page 13: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 4 continued

Haemon: Do you not love me father?

Creon: It is not a question of love, my son. I must punish the enemies of our city to keep us safe.

Guard 1: Antigone is walled up in the Great Cave, my Lord. There she will starve and rot for her crimes. You are a wise King, and all your enemies will fear your revenge now.

Page 14: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 4 continued

Haemon: Father you must set her free. She is my love!

Creon: Let that be the end of it. Trouble me no more with your whining. A prince may choose any bride! Be gone!

Page 15: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Chorus Section E

The king stands firmHis word is the lawLove is not a reason to back down from dutyAntigone’s brother must be an exampleOf what happens to traitors in this cityForgiveness is weaknessLove is for foolsThe king’s son is a foolish youthThe king has the wisdom of age

Page 16: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 5

Tiresius: My lord – I have come with grave news. You are in danger! I have seen the signs, even though I am blind. I feel that

Creon: Old man! You cannot con me! Your magic is a lie! Simple tricks, no more. I am not afraid

Tiresius: You should be! If you do not change your mind, bad things will happen – I feel it in my bones. You know I am right, deep inside – you must pull back and change your mind!

Page 17: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 5 continued

Creon: How dare you tell me what to do!

Tiresius: Because I am older, wiser, and more powerful than you can imagine Creon! If you do not change your course, you will be doomed! The furious ones will destroy you!

A Messenger: My Lord! Outside the storm clouds are gathering – Zeus is sending down his thunder upon us!

Creon: I am not afraid. This is my city, and this is my law!

Page 18: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Chorus Section F

If you carry on CreonThere lie in wait for you the Furies who destroyYou must pull back and forgive the deadWhat can you win when you only wound a corpse?It is good advice and will save you from the fires.You are too proud and too stubbornYou must act nowBefore it is too late...

Page 19: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 6A Messenger: I have terrible news, my lord – Antigone is

dead – rather than starve in the cave, she has killed her self. Your son found her body when he tried to set her free.

Creon: My son did what? Bring him to me!

A Messenger: Alas, only his body remains. He took his sword and did to himself as Antigone had done, so he could join her and be at peace!

Creon: My son is dead? I have made a terrible mistake. I am a fool!

Page 20: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Scene 6 continued

Messenger: I am afraid there is more to say.

Creon: What more misery must I endure!

Messenger: Your wife, on hearing of your son’s death, cursed you, and took her own life in her grief. Your wife is dead, Creon.

Creon: My misery is complete. My heart is shattered. I am cursed. Why did I not listen to the warnings I was given? Why was I such a fool!

Page 21: Chorus Section A A great war is over And the traitors lie dead In the streets of our city We have won a glorious victory Here comes our great leader Who

Chorus Section G

Creon has been rash and foolish. His stubborness has killed his wife and son. Fate has brought all his pride and turned it on him in anger. There is no happiness where there is no wisdom; No wisdom but in submission to the gods. Big words are always punished, And proud men in old age learn to be wise.