AACRAO Annual Meeting Denver 2014 Session ID 1985 Choosing Resources for International Credential Evaluation Getting What You Need with the $$ You Have

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AACRAO Annual Meeting Denver 2014

Session ID 1985

Choosing Resources for International Credential Evaluation

Getting What You Need with the $$ You Have

Where to Begin?

What do you have?



What do you need? General Specific

What is your budget?

Immediate Ongoing

Session ID 1985 2

Where is it?


• Reference/Special Collections

• You as Librarian

Other Offices

• Registrar/Foreign Languages

Other Places

• Yard Sales

Session ID 1985 3

Library: Where and How?

• While print resources are wonderful you need the space to house them.

• Organizing the library: Dewey decimal, geographic, system….

Session ID 1985 4


How Much $?

One time



Is there a line item?

Can it be adjusted?

Who Controls $?

Is it an individual or group?

Make your argument to the

right people

Session ID 1985 5


• Offer to manage the resources for the office: may be the way to influence the budget and the resources purchased and acquired.

Session ID 1985 6

What did you just volunteer for?!?

Growing and Maintaining Your Library • Don’t worry: take it one

day at a time • Collect materials from

your daily workload

• Make notes about unusual cases of admissions decisions

• Keep a running “needs list”

Session ID 1985 7

Okay: Easy enough, but that was just the print resources….

• Overview of Information Research Sources – Official, Unofficial,

Etc. Newsletters Publications and Databases – Free and

Paid Online Verification Examples Diploma Mill Resources Online Trainings General Strategies for Evaluations Links

Session ID 1985 8

Based on a Presentation given at the AACRAO Annual Meeting April 2012 by:

Nancy Katz

Peggy Bell Hendrickson

Updated and Revised by Julia Funaki January 2014

Session ID 1985 9

Official Research Sources

Commissions for Higher Education


Foreign Embassies

Ministry of (Higher) Education

Ministry of Health, Defense, Culture & Tourism, Labor, Interior, Transport, etc.

University Grants Commission

Session ID 1985 10

Unofficial Research Sources

University/institution websites




Journal articles

Google Scholar/Books

Google Translate

Session ID 1985 11

Resources within Resources

Your university library (YAY!!!)

Used book websites (half.com, ebay, bookfinder, amazon, alibris.com, etc.)

InterLibrary Loan

Handouts from conferences (printed or archived online) from AACRAO, EAIE, NAFSA, etc.

Session ID 1985 12

News Sources

AACRAO Transcript

Daily Higher Education News (Higher Education South Africa)

NAFSA wRAP-Up Newsletter

NUFFIC Country Monitor

World Education News and Reviews

Session ID 1985 13

More News Sources

“The Connection” News

Chronicle of Higher Education – Global Newsletter

Inside Higher Ed

International.ac.uk Country Profiles and News

International newspapers online

Session ID 1985 14

Asking Questions Online

AACRAO International Activities List-Serv: http://lists.aacrao.org/mailman/listinfo/internationalactivities

“The Connection” Message Board

Inter-L Yahoo Group

Local international education communities, list-servs, mailing lists, etc.

Session ID 1985 15

Free Publications!! (get ‘em while you can)

EducationUSA Country Profiles

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) Canada

NAFSA Online Guides

NORRIC - Nordic Countries

NUFFIC - The Netherlands

Researching International Education Systems and Institutions

Session ID 1985 16

Free Databases

Central and Eastern European Education Directory (2005 WHED data)


EducationUSA Resource Section


Eurypedia from Eurydice

Session ID 1985 17

Free Databases Cont.

IAU Higher Education Systems

IAU List of Universities

Wisconsin Directory of International Institutions by Country

World Data on Education

Session ID 1985 18

Older Free Publications

ACE e-Bookcase (Bologna documents)


Handbook on Diplomas, Degrees, and Other Certificates (2nd edition 2004)


NARIC Guide to Higher Education Systems in the European Union (last edition 1999)

Session ID 1985 19

Paid Publications (not online)

AACRAO publications

Commonwealth Universities Yearbook

ECE publications

Europa World of Learning

IERF publications

International Handbook of Universities

Session ID 1985 20

Paid Databases

AACRAO Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE)

Australian Education International Country Education Profiles (AEI CEP)

UK NARIC International Comparisons Database

World Higher Education Database (WHED)

Session ID 1985 21

Grow Your Library

Start big, then grow smaller

Focus on large resources covering many countries

Then identify target countries/regions for more details and specifics

Save everything!

Session ID 1985 22

Electronic Verifications

University websites York, Delhi, and Melbourne Universities

Examination Council websites Bangladesh, CXC, WAEC (Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia,

Sierra Leone)

Government Request Services China, Haiti

Government Online Verification Ecuador, Mexico, Moldova

Session ID 1985 23

York University, Canada

Session ID 1985 24

University of Delhi Exams

Session ID 1985 25

University of Melbourne

Session ID 1985 26

Bangladesh Secondary

Session ID 1985 27

Caribbean Examinations Council

Session ID 1985 28

West African Exams Council

Session ID 1985 29


For application numbers begin with 20131, they should be checked through


For application numbers begin with 20130, they can be checked through


Session ID 1985 30

Haiti Verification Request

Send copy of Haitian Diplome d'Etudes Secondaires to: Ministère de l’Éducation National, de la Jeunesse, et

des Sports (MENJS)

Bureau National des Examens d’Etat (BUNEXE)

Attn: Renan Michel, Directeur du Bunexe

#5, Rue Dr. Audain

Port-au-Prince, HAITI

[email protected]

[email protected]

Session ID 1985 31

Ecuador Online Verification

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Mexico Online Verification

Session ID 1985 33

Moldova Online Verification

Session ID 1985 34

Official Diploma Mill Resources

CHEA Degree Mills

Maine Department of Education

Michigan Civil Service Commission

Oregon Student Assistance Commission, Office of Degree Authorization http://www.osac.state.or.us/oda/diploma_mill.html

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

UK degree information -

Session ID 1985 35

Unofficial Diploma Mills Resources



Diploma Mill News

Get Educated


Session ID 1985 36

Online Training

AACRAO Webinars

ECE Webinars

EdUSA Connects

NAFSA Webinars

WES Webinars

Session ID 1985 37

General Evaluation Strategies

Country Sheets

Grading Scales and Equivalencies

Country Files

Sample Sources

Your Requirements – Secondary

Your Requirements – Post-Secondary

Session ID 1985 38

Country Sheets

Overview of education system

Maintain your grading scales and sources

Identify higher education institutions

Keep track of equivalency determinations

Encourages consistency among multiple evaluators

Allows for repeated outcomes for infrequent evaluations

Session ID 1985 39

Grading Scales & Equivalencies

Country-specific publications (AACRAO, NAFSA, ECE, NOOSR, etc.)


EducationUSA Country Fact Sheets

NAFSA ADSEC/wRAP-Up Newsletter

New Country Index


WES Grade Conversion

Session ID 1985 40

Country Files

Likely both a physical and electronic file unless you've gone paperless

Primary location(s) for storing data you have collected on country/region

Summaries of emails, saved web pages, conference handouts, evaluation notes, e-books, articles, sample documents

Make it accessible to all but changeable by few

Session ID 1985 41

Sample Sources



Index of Secondary Credentials

NAFSA Newsletter

Workshops and Conferences

Session ID 1985 42

More Samples – Russian ENIC

Session ID 1985 43

More Samples – Bologna

Session ID 1985 44


• EducationUSA - https://www.aei.gov.au/CEP/

• Braintrack - http://www.braintrack.com/country.htm

• Wikipedia - http://www.wikipedia.org/

• Google Translate - http://translate.google.com/

• Google Books - http://books.google.com/

• AACRAO CONNECT - http://www.aacrao.org/resources/resources-list-view/aacrao-connect

• The Connection - http://theconnection.ece.org/Home

• Daily Higher Education News (Higher Education South Africa) - http://newssite.co.za/dhen.html

• NAFSA wRAP-Up Newsletter - http://www.nafsa.org/groups/files.aspx?groupid=16

• NUFFIC Country Monitor - http://www.nuffic.nl/international-organizations/international-education-monitor/country-monitor

• World Education News and Reviews - http://www.wes.org/ewenr/

• AACRAO Transcript - http://www2.aacrao.org/transcript/

• Chronicle of Higher Education – Global Newsletter - http://chronicle.com/section/Global/433/

• Inside Higher Ed - http://www.insidehighered.com/news/focus/international

• International.ac.uk Country Profiles and News - http://www.international.ac.uk/member-services/country-profiles.aspx

Session ID 1985 45

More Links

• NAFSA Admissions and Credential Evaluation (ACE) Network - http://www.nafsa.org/groups/home.aspx?groupid=16

• Inter-l Yahoo Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/inter-l/

• EducationUSA Country Profiles - https://www.educationusa.info/secure/highered-reacs.php

• International Qualifications Assessment Service - http://employment.alberta.ca/Immigration/12638.html

• NORRIC - http://norric.org/publications

• NUFFIC - http://www.nuffic.nl/international-organizations/international-education-monitor/country-monitor

• Researching International Education Systems and Institutions - http://www.transcriptresearch.com/Research.pdf

• Central and Eastern European Education Directory - http://www.ceebd.co.uk/ceeed/prof.htm

• CountryStudies.us - http://countrystudies.us/

• EducationUSA Resource Section - http://www.educationusa.info/highered.php#.T2mICdmAY3k

• ENIC-NARIC - http://www.enic-naric.net/

• IAU List of Universities - http://www.iau-aiu.net/content/list-heis

Session ID 1985 46

Even More Links

• Wisconsin Directory of International Institutions by Country - http://www.grad.wisc.edu/admin/gradcoordinators/iadmiss/countrylist.html

• World Education Services Country Profiles - http://www.wes.org/ca/wedb/

• World Data on Education - http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en/services/online-materials/world-data-on-education/seventh-edition-2010-11.html

• ACE e-Bookcase - http://www.aic.lv/ace/publicat/default.htm

• Eric.ed.gov - http://www.eric.ed.gov/

• Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) -http://seameo.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=354&Itemid=578#MOE

• NARIC Guide on Higher Education Systems in the European Union - http://shelbycearley.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/naric_guide.pdf

• AACRAO Publications -

• Commonwealth Universities Yearbook / Association of Commonwealth Universities - http://www.acu.ac.uk/

• ECE Publications - http://publications.ece.org/

• Europa World of Learning - http://www.worldoflearning.com/

• IERF Publications - http://ierf.org/index.php/institutions/

• International Handbook of Universities - http://www.iau-aiu.net/content/ihuwhed

• AACRAO Electronic Database for Global Education - http://edge.aacrao.org/

Session ID 1985 47

Some More Links

• Australian Education International Country Education Profiles - https://www.aei.gov.au/CEP/

• World Higher Education Database - http://www.whed-online.com/

• York University - http://www.registrar.yorku.ca/graduation/yuverify/

• University of Delhi - http://www.du.ac.in/index.php?id=136

• University of Melbourne - https://sis.unimelb.edu.au/cgi-bin/awards.pl

• Bangladesh Examinations Council - http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/

• Caribbean Examinations Council (current year only) - http://ors.cxc.org/studentportal

• West African Examinations Council - http://www.waecdirect.org/ and http://www.ghanawaec.org/services.htm and http://results.liberiawaec.org/ and http://www.waecgambia.org/resultchecker/

• China CDGDC - http://www.chinadegrees.cn/en/

• Iraqi verification - http://s.b5z.net/i/u/10090719/f/Authentication/Authentication_Steps_from_Iraq-E.pdf

• Ecuador degree title verification - http://www.senescyt.gob.ec/web/guest

• Mexico degree title verification - http://www.cedulaprofesional.sep.gob.mx/cedula/indexAvanzada.action

• Moldova education document verification - http://acte.edu.md/

Session ID 1985 48

Yet More Links

• CHEA Degree Mills - http://www.chea.org/degreemills/

• Maine Department of Education - http://www.maine.gov/education/highered/Non-Accredited/non-accredited.htm

• Oregon Student Assistance Commission, Office of Degree Authorization - http://www.osac.state.or.us/oda/diploma_mill.html

• Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board - http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/index.cfm?objectid=EF4C3C3B-EB44-4381-6673F760B3946FBB

• Degree.net - http://www.degree.net/accreditation/

• Diploma Mill News - http://www.diplomamillnews.blogspot.com/

• Get Educated - http://www.geteducated.com/diploma-mill-police

• AACRAO Webinars - http://webinar.aacrao.org/

• ECE Webinars - https://www.ece.org/main/content=ECE-Learning&SubSite=2&LeftNav=5

• EdUSA Connects - http://www.educationusa.info/edusa_connects/highered/

• WES Webinars - http://www.wes.org/webinars/index.asp

Session ID 1985 49

Wow – More Links

Shelby's Big Book of Samples - http://shelbycearley.wordpress.com/manuals/

Russian ENIC - http://www.russianenic.ru/rus/diplom.html

Europass - http://www.europass.ie/europass/

Concordia University - http://international.concordia.ab.ca/files/2012/04/International_Credential_Table.pdf

Josef Silny - http://www.mdc.edu/internationalstudents/images/guide.pdf

International Academic Credentials Resource Sheet, NCAA - http://grfx.cstv.com/photos/schools/ncst/sports/compliance/auto_pdf/2011-12/misc_non_event/International_Resource_Sheet.pdf

Palm Beach County - http://www.palmbeachschools.org/multicultural/documents/TranscriptGuide.pdf

Clemson University - http://www.registrar.clemson.edu/pdf/itcel.pdf

Colorado State University - http://graduateschool.colostate.edu/documents/International-Credential-Guidebook.pdf?3/10/2012%209:39:55%20PM

Duke University - http://gradschool.duke.edu/documents/admissions/Credentials.pdf

University of Waterloo - https://uwaterloo.ca/graduate-studies/application-admission/review-admission-requirements/international-credentials

University of Wisconsin-Madison - http://www.grad.wisc.edu/admin/gradcoordinators/iadmiss/countrylist.html

Session ID 1985 50

Useful Links from Other Evaluators

Europe: Eurydice Glossary of Credentials - http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/index_en.php

Europe: TEMPUS Overviews of Higher Education Systems - http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/tools/publications_en.php

Europe: European Higher Education Arena - http://www.ehea.info/article-details.aspx?ArticleId=73

Global: UNESCO International Bureau of Education: http://www.ibe.unesco.org/en.html

UK: City & Guilds - http://www.cityandguilds.com/uk-qualifications.html

Session ID 1985 51