Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) Bathing Evidence-Based Practice Ann C. Meyer, RN,BSN Clinical Antiseptics Manager

Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) Bathing Evidence-Based Practice

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Page 1: Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) Bathing Evidence-Based Practice

Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) BathingEvidence-Based Practice

Ann C. Meyer, RN,BSN

Clinical Antiseptics Manager

Page 2: Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) Bathing Evidence-Based Practice

Disclosures:Employee of Mölnlycke Health Care

Objectives:Describe CHG history and uses to date

Understand the evidence for CHG bathing as an intervention for HAIs


Page 3: Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) Bathing Evidence-Based Practice

Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses States:

• Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the conscientious use of current best evidence

in making decisions about patient care.

• The EBP process is a method that allows

the practitioner to assess research, clinical guidelines, and other information resources

based on high-quality findings and then apply the results to practice.

Reference: Evidence-Based Practice, Published on Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (https://www.amsn.org) 3

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• Chlorhexidine gluconate

• CHG is a positively-charged molecule that binds to

negatively-charged sites such as proteins on human skin and bacterial cell walls.

• The molecule has the unique ability to bind to the

proteins present in human tissues such as skin and mucous membranes

• Protein-bound chlorhexidine releases slowly leading to prolonged activity.

• The bacterial uptake of the chlorhexidine is very

rapid and leads to cell death

Reference: Chlorhexidine Facts: Mechanism of Action , http://www.chlorhexidinefacts.com/mechanism-of-action.html

What is CHG?


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1950sChlorhexidine is discovered while researching the

synthesis of anti-malarial agents.

1954 Chlorhexidine

is first introduced

commercially in the UK as a

disinfectant and topical antiseptic.

1970sHand washing with

chlorhexidine is shown to reduce

skin flora by 86% - 92%.

Chlorhexidine is first introduced

into the US.

1976 Chlorhexidine demonstrates

ability to inhibit the

formation and development

of plaque.

1981 The first urology

lubricant with chlorhexidine.

1988 The first

chlorhexidine and alcohol

skin preparation.

1992 The first


vascular access catheter.

2010 The first


needless connectors.

2012 The first

chlorhexidine-based PICC.

Reference:Chlorhexidine Facts: History of Chlorhexidine, http://chlorhexidinefacts.com/history-of-chlorhexidine.html

History: Chlorhexidine has been in use for 60 years


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• The average length of stay in an ICU unit is 4 days.3

• More than 4 million patients are admitted to ICUs each year in the United


• Mortality rates in patients admitted to the ICU average 10 to 20 percent in

most hospitals.3

• The annual cost of hospital ICUs in the United States is over $90 billion, accounting for more than 20% of total hospital acute-care costs.2

• Patients in ICUs occupy between 5 and 10 percent of inpatient beds in hospitals, but account for 20 to 35 percent of total hospital costs.3

• ICU acquired infections are the leading cause of death.1

References: 1. Dror Marchaim, MD, Infections and antimicrobial resistance in the intensive care unit: Epidemiology and prevention, www.uptodate.com ©2016 UpToDate 2. Muer Yang, et al, The ICU Will See You Now: E cient–Equitable Admission Control Policies for a Surgical ICU with Batch Arrivals3. Facts & Figures | Facing Death | FRONTLINE | PBS , 3/18/2016

Facts from America’s ICUs


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What Are We Fighting?

Reference: Hospital infections: Tying dollars to data; money is the star around which everything revolves, http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2014/06/hospital_infections_tying_doll_1\


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• CHG cleansing results in a persistent log reduction in density of microbial skin colonization.

• Daily bathing with CHG ensures that most patients will have relatively low bacterial skin burden.

• This would compensate for deficiencies in skin

antisepsis, minimize inadvertent contamination, and decrease other avenues of cross contamination.

Reference: Susan C. Bleasdale, MD; William E. Trick, MD, et al. Effectiveness of Chlorhexidine Bathing to Reduce Catheter-Associated Bloodstream Infections in Medical Intensive Care Unit Patients. Arch Internal Medicine/Vol 167 (NO. 19), OCT 22, 2007

28 week cross over study compared soap and

water to CHG bathing at Chicago’s Cook County

Hospital 22 bed MICU.

Patients in the CHG intervention group were

significantly less likely to acquire a primary BSI (4.1 vs 10.4 infections per 1000 patient days).

Kill the Bugs!



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• All patients in ICU areas were bathed daily with CHG as part of a bundle to

reduce CLABSIs.

• Other components included “scrubbing

the hub”, standard connectors and wiping the proximal 6” of the line with CHG.

Reference: Edward J. Septimus, MD; Mary K. Hayden, MD; et al. Does Chlorhexidine Bathing in Adult Intensive Care Units Reduce Blood Culture Contamination? A Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Trial Infect Control Hospital Epidemiology 2014

Results: Significant reduction in bloodstream infections. Also: 45% reduction in blood culture contamination.

Does CHG Bathing in ICUs Reduce Blood Culture Contamination?The strength of this study was the large size and rigorous design. 43 hospitals were included over 18 months. The goal was to reduce CLABSIs using national

guidance for best practice.



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The Yale-New Haven Hospital MICU spans 36 beds, making it the largest MICU in New England. They implemented the

following bundle for CAUTI reduction:

Reference: Laura DeVaux, Patient Safety Nurse MICU, Harry Byrne, Infection Preventionist Quality Improvement Support Services, et al. Zero Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at Yale-New Haven Hospital (YNHH), Poster presentation APIC, 2013

• Standardized closed system used for urinary catheter placement.

• Foley was changed if in place for more than 48 hours prior to sample collection time.

• Rounds were done daily utilizing a check list

including “catheter in use” All patients were bathed daily with 4% Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG).

• After implementing the bundle, CAUTI numbers decreased.

CAUTI Bundles are Successful




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• The combined measures of routine daily CHG bathing (97% compliance) and enhanced HH

compliance (Average HH compliance rates during the 3 periods were 59.48%, 71.23%,

and 74.24%, respectively) reduced the rate of

infection in critically ill patients.

• The combined intervention reduced the rates

of VAP and CAUTIs.

Reference: Michel Fernando Martínez-Reséndez MD, et al. Impact of daily chlorhexidine baths and hand hygiene compliance on nosocomial infection rates in critically ill patients. American Journal of Infection Control 42 (2014) 713-7

Infection rate increased after the discontinuation of CHG

Reducing VAPs and CAUTIsThe Dr José Eleuterio González University Hospital, a 450-bed tertiary care teaching hospital in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico evaluated

chlorhexidine bathing and hand hygiene compliance in the reduction of HAIs in the intensive care unit.

1007 Patients included over

18 months


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Reference:1. Farrin A. Manian, The Role of Postoperative Factors in Surgical Site Infections: Time to Take Notice. Clinical Infectious Diseases 20142. Robert Cima, MD, Eugene Dankbar, MS, et al. Colorectal Surgery Surgical Site Infection Reduction Program: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Driven Multidisciplinary Single-Institution Experience, J Am College Surgery, Vol. 216, No. 1, January 2013

Post-operative Period

Postoperative measures in the Mayo Clinic Colorectal study included:

• Patient shower with 4% CHG skin cleanser after dressing removal

• Dismiss patient with 4oz bottle of soap-based CHG

• Resulted in a significant reduction in SSIs from 9.8%

to 4.0% overall and 4.9 to 1.5% in superficial SSIs.2

Surgical site infections (SSIs) continue to occur despite high compliance with best practice measures. Evidence suggests that many SSIs occur

as a result of pathogens gaining access to surgical wounds.

Evidence also supports frequent acquisition of methicillin-resistant

Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) during the postoperative period.1


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• Group 1: Implemented MRSA screening and isolation

• Group 2: Targeted decolonization (screening, isolation,

and decolonization of MRSA carriers).

• Group 3: Universal decolonization (no screening, and

decolonization of all patients).

• Results: Universal decolonization was more effective than targeted decolonization or screening and isolation

in reducing rates of MRSA clinical isolates.

Reference: Susan S. Huang, M.D., M.P.H., Edward Septimus, M.D. et al. Targeted versus Universal Decolonization to Prevent ICU Infection,.The New England Journal of Medicine, May 30, 2013

MRSA Decolonization

Both targeted decolonization and universal decolonization of patients in intensive care units are strategies to prevent healthcare-associated

infections, particularly those caused by MRSA.

43 hospitals (including 74 ICUs and 74,256 patients) were randomly assigned to one of three strategies:


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• Following a 12-month chlorhexidine bathing period there was a 51.8% reduction of CRAB

acquisition rates

• In addition to the acquisition rates of CRAB,

the rates of CRAB contamination on the

environment (especially patient-staff gowns and bed rails) were reduced significantly

from 30.7% to 9.5%.

Reference: Yun Kyung Chung MD, PhD, Jae-Seok Kim MD, PhD, et al. Effect of daily chlorhexidine bathing on acquisition of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) in the medical intensive care unit with CRAB endemicity. American Journal of Infection Control (2015) 1-7

Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB)

A single-center, interventional study in the medical ICU initially spent 14 months implementing preemptive contact precautions with enhanced

environmental cleaning. Despite these measures, there was no significant reduction either in acquisition or environmental contamination of CRAB


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CHG Bathing Protocol Found Significant Decreases in Clostridium difficile

• 90% protocol adherence was seen in critical care units (57.7% adherence in non-critical areas)

• Results show that there was a 70% decline in CDIs in the ICU during the daily bathing period.

• The incidence of C. difficile infections increased

once chlorhexidine bathing was halted.

Reference: Rupp ME. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol Clinical

All patients in a 689-bed academic medical center (excluding neonates and infants) were included in a daily 4% CHG bathing protocol for

188,859 patient-days. 68,302 CHG baths were administered.




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2015 CHG Bathing Study at Vanderbilt

In this trial, results indicated daily application of CHG did not reduce the incidence of HAIs including CLABSIs, CAUTIs, VAP, or C difficile.

2% CHG cloths were used.

References: 1. Michael J. Noto, MD, PhD et al, Chlorhexidine Bathing and Health Care–Associated Infections A Randomized Clinical Trial, http://jama.jamanetwork.com/ on


2. Steady as She Goes: The Case for Daily Patient Bathing as Part of a Bundled Intervention Protocol

3. Decolonization in Prevention of Health Care-Associated Infections, Edward J. Septimus, Marin L. Schweizer. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, April 2016

There were several limitations to this study:

• Conflicts with many published, evidence based, peer reviewed studies.3

• Bundled interventions are also important, as demonstrated in the literature.

• Did not monitor adherence to the bathing protocol, so it is possible this

reflected inadequate bathing.3

• Intervention was only 10 weeks long.3

• Single center with very low infection rate and very short ICU lengths of



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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(AHRQ)The following is a nursing protocol for adult ICUs implementing Universal Decolonization. There was a reduction in BSIs and MRSA

clinical cultures when using this protocol as it is written:

CHG Bathing Instructions:

• Lines and Tubes: CHG is safe on lines, tubes, and devices.

• Bathe with CHG right up to dressing. Okay to bathe over occlusive dressings.

• After bathing skin, clean 6 inches of tubes/Foley nearest patient.


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Bundles, Steps, Systems, Documentation….Routine


Systems, or processes, within the hospital can help prevent human error in healthcare

delivery by creating standard functions or actions and preventative feedback.

Reference: Why Hospital Quality Improvement Should Depend on Systems More Than People, http://www.beckershospitalreview.com

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Evidence Demonstrates CHG Bathing Effectiveness

• Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) is the skin decolonization agent that

has the strongest evidence base.

• CHG skin decolonization is an

effective horizontal strategy to

reduce both the bioburden on the skin and subsequent infection.

Reference: Decolonization in Prevention of Health Care-Associated Infections, Edward J. Septimus, Marin L. Schweizer. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, April 2016


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