Jalalabad Ghazni Kandahar Mazar Herat Bamayan Kabul Back Page Snow Chance of Rain Chance of Rain Chance of Rain Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 18C 15°C 22°C 12°C 24°C -1°C 6°C 7°C 17°C 7°C 9°C 9°C 3°C 13°C Daily Outlook Weather Forcast March 02, 2016 Add: V-137, Street-6, Phase, 4, District 6, Shahrak Omed Sabz, Kabul Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 www.outlookafghanistan.net Ahmad Zia Massoud Ambassador China to Extend $72m in Military Aid to Afghanistan KABUL - A high ranking Chi- nese military official on Mon- day said besides development and economic cooperation his country would extend 480 million Chinese yuan (nearly $72 million) in military aid to Afghanistan. General Fang Fenghui, the Chief of the General Staff of the PLA, who arrived in Kabul on an official visit at the head of a high-level delegation, met President Ashraf Ghani at the LONDON - Russia’s interest in developing contacts with the Taliban in Afghanistan on the pretext of countering Daesh may be a ploy to not only block fighters from enter- ing Central Asia, but to also frustrate plans of the U.S. and NATO in the region, experts say. On Feb. 25, the website Rus- sian Planet quoted Russian Special Envoy to Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov telling the Af- ghan media that Russia was ready to support any force fighting Daesh in Afghani- stan, which clearly outlined the country’s position on prospects of engaging with the Taliban. Kabulov was KABUL - The governor on Tuesday asked UNICEF and Bill Gates Foundation officials to hire a permanent taskforce for supervising anti-polio vac- cination campaigns in eastern Nangarhar province. As many as 28 polio cases have been detected in Nangarhar so far this solar year, with some 35,000 children missing out on polio vaccinations in some dis- tricts due insecurity. Governor Salim Khan Kun- duzi during a meeting with UNICEF and Bill Gates Foun- dation officials asked them to step up their efforts at eradi- cating the disease from Nan- garhar. ...(More on P4)...(14) Experts Call for Greater Afghan-Pak Anti-Terror Cooperation Certain Elements do not Want Taliban to be Suppressed Insider Attack Kills 4 ANP, Taliban Claims Responsibility Analysts Skeptical of Russia’s Ambitions in Afghanistan Permanent Anti-Polio Taskforce Needed in Nangrahar No Insurgents from CA in Af-pak Camps quoted as saying that Russian may find it “better to fight the Islamists on Amu Daryan than on the Volga”, implying that an early engagement far afield from domestic borders is a much preferable option for Russia politically and eco- nomically. This also looks like seeking as- surances against any backdoor entry of fighters returning to Central Asia using Afghani- stan’s borders with Tajikistan or Turkmenistan. Davide Frat- tini, an Italian reporter with newspaper Corriere della Sera, wondered in an article published on Feb. 17 if Ka- bulov was advising Russian President ...(More on P4)...(10) of the checkpoint went miss- ing along with their weapons, the official added. However, the official didn’t identify the exact location of the bloody incident. Meanwhile, Kandahar police spokesman, Zia Durani in in a series, was attended by a Pakistani delegation, led by Muhammad Shoaib Suddle. The Pakistan delegation was comprised of Ayesha Gulalai Wazir, Shazia Marri, Muham- mad Tahir, Syed Anwaar- ul-Hassan, Naeema Batool ...(More on P4)...(11) are certain circles that do not want Taliban to be sup- pressed in military opera- tions. Massoud said that these cir- cles in ...(More on P4)...(12) talks with Xinhua confirmed the incident but said the at- tacked checkpoint belongs to Uruzgan police. However, Uruzgan provin- cial police chief, Ghulam Sakhi Rogh Liwanai rebuffed the ...(More on P4)...(13) KABUL - A police personnel obviously loyal to Taliban out- fit opened fire and killed four colleagues in Taliban former stronghold the southern Kan- dahar province on Tuesday and fled the scene, a local se- curity official said. “A police personnel, appar- ently affiliated with Taliban militants opened fire on his colleague in a checkpoint in Tarogh area on Kandahar- Uruzgan highway early Tues- day and after killing four po- lice on the spot made his good escape,” the official told Xin- hua on condition of anonym- ity. Ten more police personnel BISHKEK - There are no insur- gents or terrorists from Central Asia in the camps on the bor- der of Pakistan and Afghani- stan, Ambassador of Pakistan Qazi Habib-ur-Rehman told reporters here in Bishkek on Tuesday. “Pakistani army is controlling the situation. Most parts of the border area have been cleared,” he said. The Ambassador also spoke about upcoming Pakistani cultural events in Bishkek. He said ex- hibition of food, clothing, and photographs will be held soon in Bishkek. “There is also a pos- sibility for holding an exchange of experience between the foot - ball teams,” he said. (AKIpress) KABUL - Participants of an unofficial dialogue on Af- ghanistan-Pakistan peace pro- cess on Tuesday urged both governments to continue their efforts for peace and increase counter-terror and security cooperation. The Track 1.5/II Dialogue in Kabul, the latest KABUL - Ahmad Zia Mas- soud, President Ashraf Gha- ni’s Special Representative on Reform and Good Gov- ernance, in an interview with TOLOnews said that there Presidential Palace in Kabul. President Ghani had earlier urged China to help the Af- ghan security forces in their fight against terrorists. A statement from the Presi- dential Palace said President Ghani met with General Fang Fenghui and the delegation accompanying him. The statement said Gen. Fang informed President Ghani about his Chinese counter- part’s ...(More on P4)...(9)

China to Extend $72m in Military Aid to Afghanistan 02, 2016/Back Pa… · of Rain Chance of Rain Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 24 12°C 22 15 °C 18C-1°C 6°C 17 7°C 13 3°C °C

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Page 1: China to Extend $72m in Military Aid to Afghanistan 02, 2016/Back Pa… · of Rain Chance of Rain Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 24 12°C 22 15 °C 18C-1°C 6°C 17 7°C 13 3°C °C

Jalalabad Ghazni Kandahar Mazar Herat Bamayan Kabul

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18C 15°C 22°C12°C24°C

-1°C 6°C

7°C 17°C

7°C 9°C 9°C 3°C 13°C

Daily Outlook Weather Forcast

March 02, 2016

Add: V-137, Street-6, Phase, 4, District 6,Shahrak Omed Sabz, Kabul

Email: [email protected]: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019


Ahmad Zia Massoud


China to Extend $72m in Military Aid

to AfghanistanKABUL - A high ranking Chi-nese military official on Mon-day said besides development and economic cooperation his country would extend 480 million Chinese yuan (nearly $72 million) in military aid to Afghanistan.General Fang Fenghui, the Chief of the General Staff of the PLA, who arrived in Kabul on an official visit at the head of a high-level delegation, met President Ashraf Ghani at the

LONDON - Russia’s interest in developing contacts with the Taliban in Afghanistan on the pretext of countering Daesh may be a ploy to not only block fighters from enter-ing Central Asia, but to also frustrate plans of the U.S. and NATO in the region, experts say.On Feb. 25, the website Rus-sian Planet quoted Russian Special Envoy to Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov telling the Af-ghan media that Russia was ready to support any force fighting Daesh in Afghani-stan, which clearly outlined the country’s position on prospects of engaging with the Taliban. Kabulov was

KABUL - The governor on Tuesday asked UNICEF and Bill Gates Foundation officials to hire a permanent taskforce for supervising anti-polio vac-cination campaigns in eastern Nangarhar province.As many as 28 polio cases have been detected in Nangarhar so far this solar year, with some 35,000 children missing out on polio vaccinations in some dis-tricts due insecurity.Governor Salim Khan Kun-duzi during a meeting with UNICEF and Bill Gates Foun-dation officials asked them to step up their efforts at eradi-cating the disease from Nan-garhar. ...(More on P4)...(14)

Experts Call for Greater Afghan-Pak Anti-Terror


Certain Elements do not Want Taliban to be Suppressed

Insider Attack Kills 4 ANP, Taliban Claims


Analysts Skeptical of Russia’s Ambitions in


Permanent Anti-Polio

Taskforce Needed in Nangrahar

No Insurgents from CA in Af-pak


quoted as saying that Russian may find it “better to fight the Islamists on Amu Daryan than on the Volga”, implying that an early engagement far afield from domestic borders is a much preferable option for Russia politically and eco-nomically.This also looks like seeking as-surances against any backdoor entry of fighters returning to Central Asia using Afghani-stan’s borders with Tajikistan or Turkmenistan. Davide Frat-tini, an Italian reporter with newspaper Corriere della Sera, wondered in an article published on Feb. 17 if Ka-bulov was advising Russian President ...(More on P4)...(10)

of the checkpoint went miss-ing along with their weapons, the official added.However, the official didn’t identify the exact location of the bloody incident.Meanwhile, Kandahar police spokesman, Zia Durani in

in a series, was attended by a Pakistani delegation, led by Muhammad Shoaib Suddle.The Pakistan delegation was comprised of Ayesha Gulalai Wazir, Shazia Marri, Muham-mad Tahir, Syed Anwaar-ul-Hassan, Naeema Batool ...(More on P4)...(11)

are certain circles that do not want Taliban to be sup-pressed in military opera-tions.Massoud said that these cir-cles in ...(More on P4)...(12)

talks with Xinhua confirmed the incident but said the at-tacked checkpoint belongs to Uruzgan police.However, Uruzgan provin-cial police chief, Ghulam Sakhi Rogh Liwanai rebuffed the ...(More on P4)...(13)

KABUL - A police personnel obviously loyal to Taliban out-fit opened fire and killed four colleagues in Taliban former stronghold the southern Kan-dahar province on Tuesday and fled the scene, a local se-curity official said.“A police personnel, appar-ently affiliated with Taliban militants opened fire on his colleague in a checkpoint in Tarogh area on Kandahar-Uruzgan highway early Tues-day and after killing four po-lice on the spot made his good escape,” the official told Xin-hua on condition of anonym-ity. Ten more police personnel

BISHKEK - There are no insur-gents or terrorists from Central Asia in the camps on the bor-der of Pakistan and Afghani-stan, Ambassador of Pakistan Qazi Habib-ur-Rehman told reporters here in Bishkek on Tuesday. “Pakistani army is controlling the situation. Most parts of the border area have been cleared,” he said. The Ambassador also spoke about upcoming Pakistani cultural events in Bishkek. He said ex-hibition of food, clothing, and photographs will be held soon in Bishkek. “There is also a pos-sibility for holding an exchange of experience between the foot-ball teams,” he said. (AKIpress)

KABUL - Participants of an unofficial dialogue on Af-ghanistan-Pakistan peace pro-cess on Tuesday urged both governments to continue their efforts for peace and increase counter-terror and security cooperation. The Track 1.5/II Dialogue in Kabul, the latest

KABUL - Ahmad Zia Mas-soud, President Ashraf Gha-ni’s Special Representative on Reform and Good Gov-ernance, in an interview with TOLOnews said that there

Presidential Palace in Kabul.President Ghani had earlier urged China to help the Af-ghan security forces in their fight against terrorists.A statement from the Presi-dential Palace said President Ghani met with General Fang Fenghui and the delegation accompanying him.The statement said Gen. Fang informed President Ghani about his Chinese counter-part’s ...(More on P4)...(9)