Childhood Obesity What Every Parent & Child Should Know UCSF WATCH Clinic Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health

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Childhood ObesityWhat Every Parent & Child Should Know

UCSF WatCh Clinic Weight assessment for teen and Child health

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The Increasing Problem of Childhood Obesity in the U.S.

Obesity in children is on the rise. In the past twenty years, the percentage of overweight children has tripled. If your child is obese, he or she is definitely not alone. however, it is very impor-tant that you do something about it now!

the percent of overweight children & adolescents has tripled in the last 30 years

the increased rate of obesity means that obesity-related chronic diseases are now becoming common in children and teenagers:

• Type � Diabetes • Orthopedic Problems

• Heart Disease • Lipid Problems

• Asthma • Trouble sleeping

• Menstrual problems • Gallstones

• Liver Problems • High Blood Pressure

The Causes of Obesity in Children

the causes of obesity are complex, and include genetic, biologi-cal, behavioral, nutritional, and cultural factors. Obesity occurs when a person eats more calories than the body burns up. So the root causes of obesity are increased energy intake, reduced energy burning, or both.

If one parent is obese, there is a 50% chance that their children will be obese. When both parents are obese, their children have an 80% chance of obesity.

Many genetic and environmental factors contribute to the amount of calories people eat and burn up, which is why weight loss and weight gain can be different for different people.

It’s very hard to lose weight. It is easier to stabilize weight, and allow children to grow into their weight. It is also hard to perma-nently change dietary and exercise habits. therefore, it is essen-tial to do something sooner, rather than later.

For this reason, it is very important that you support your child while he/she makes difficult changes in his/her lifestyle. It’s best when the whole family participates.

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What Can We Do About It ???

The Calorie �Calories are a measure of the amount

of energy you get from food. the basic laws of energy say that if you eat more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight. and, if you burn more calories than you eat, you should lose weight. Weight gain = Calories eaten – Calories burned

Just eat less and exercise more! Sounds easy, right? But…

Unfortunately, our bodies were designed to protect us from starvation, so hunger pains can often get the better of us when we try to make drastic reductions in the amount of food we eat. also, when we starve, our bodies burn less energy in an attempt at conservation.

however, there are a few simple things that you and your child can do to reduce the amount of calories you ingest each day without it affecting your hunger:

Drop the calories in what you drink! What NOT to Drink• Soda

• Fruit Juice (even 100% juice - eat a piece of fruit instead!)

• Whole or 2% milk

• Sports drinks

• Drinks in a bag or box!

• A 1� oz. glass of orange juice contains 180 calories, which is the same as � chocolate-chip cookies!

• Did you know that drinking just one 1� oz. can of soda a day is equal to ��,000 calories or 1� lbs. of weight gain per year?

What to Drink Instead

• Water, Water, Water!!!

Water has everything you need, and nothing you don’t. It quenches your thirst, has no added sodium to make you more thirsty, and it has ZERO calories.

• Sparkling water (without sugar added)

• Nonfat milk (skim only)

• Diet soda (if you must) or Crystal Light

Check the calories in liquids: � or less is fine – 6 or more, leave at the store!


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Building Your Plate For a Better Meal

Fruits &









Skim Milk

Soy milk




Vegetables and salads:

Lettuce, carrot, green pepper, broccoli,

cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini, mushroom,

spinach, or (NOT corn and potatoes)


Apple, banana, strawberry, orange, kiwi,

mango, grape, pineapple, watermelon, peach,

pear, whatever you like!

Use olive or canola oil for cooking and dressing on salad

Whole grain bread

Whole wheat pasta

Brown rice

High-fiber cereal

Lean meat Fish

Poultry Tofu

Beans Eggs

Nuts Seeds







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Add Fiber to Your Family’s Diet

Sure, fiber is good for you, but why?

Fiber helps control your weightFiber slows the rate that sugar enters your bloodstream, which prevents rapid spikes and falls in blood sugar that lead to hunger and overeating

Fiber makes your intestines move faster and helps fill you upFiber helps you eat less and reduces second portions. this also helps keep you regular (normal bowel movements)

Fiber is like a scrub brush for your colonFiber keeps a healthy balance of bacteria in your intestines. this keeps your intestinal lining healthy and reduces your risk for colon cancer

Fiber reduces risk for heart diseaseFiber reduces various body chemicals that can damage blood vessels

the entire family should eat a diet high in fiber, which include the following foods. Check the food label for the grams of dietary fiber to find breads, cereals and other foods high in fiber.

• Whole grain breads with at least � grams of fiber per serving. Most breads have very little fiber. Make sure to check the fiber content by reading the nutrition label

• Cereals with at least � grams of fiber per serving. High-fiber cereals are made from whole grains, bran or rolled oats. Check the nutrition label

• Brown rice is brown because the husk is fiber. White rice has no fiber because the husks have been removed

• Beans and legumes are a great source of both fiber and protein

• Fruits and vegetables also contain fiber. This is another reason that eating fruit is much better for you than drinking juice, which has no fiber

What About Food ?

there is no doubt that eating a healthy diet can be beneficial both for weight loss and for improving long-term health.

Many children today also have several unhealthy eating practices, such as:

• Skipping breakfast

• Snacking after school

• Eating a late dinner/snacking before bed

• Eating in front of the TV

• Eating when not hungry because of boredom or stress

• Ordering super-size at fast food restaurants

Serving sizes and portion control are literally out of control!

In addition to watching total caloric intake, it can also

be important to focus in on the types of foods

your child is eating. the revised food

pyramid is a good way to

guide your diet.

210 calories this is really 2 servings!

450 calories this is 4 servings!

540 calories and this is 5 servings!!!

Use Sparingly RedMeatButter

WhiteRice,WhiteBreadPotatoesand Pasta;Sweets

Dairy or CalciumSupplements 1-2 times/day

Fish, Poultry, Eggs.0-2 times/day

Nuts, Legumes, 1-3 times/day

Vegetables(no limit) Fruits, 2-3 times/day

Whole Grain Foods(at most meals)

Daily Exercise and Weight Control

Plant Oils, including OliveCanola, Soy, Corn, Sunflower

Peanut and other Vegetable Oils

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Stress Eating

Work…bills…traffic…chores. Grades…peer pressure…conflict with parents. Both parents and children encounter lots of daily hassles, and news of national and local tragedies add to the stress.

Stress changes our metabolism. Stress makes us want to eat…especially “comfort foods” that are high in fat and sugar. the problem is that the “comfort” is temporary, and we are usually left feeling more stressed, guilty, and angry at ourselves.

Address the Stress (Short-term)• Tune in. We often don’t even realize we’re stressed. Recognize

signs of stress like headaches, backaches, irritability, rapid heartbeat or breathing, sleeping too much or too little, anxiety, or depression

• Know the triggers. Understanding what stresses you is KEY. Often it is rejection, loneliness, or helplessness. Keep notes for a week or two on when, where, why, and what you eat. Recognizing your feelings before, during, and after eating can help you sort out physical from emotional hunger

• Physical activity. Take a walk. Exercise is a natural stress-reducer

• Breathing. Yes, breathing. Close your eyes and focus on your breath for � to 10 minutes

Address the Stress (Long-Term):

• Understanding what causes your stress can help you address the problem

• Know when to ask for help. Overcoming stress eating on your own is not easy. You may need professional help:

• If the stress becomes more than you can handle on your own

• If you are feeling really sad or down

• If you find it hard to control how much you eat

• If you spend a lot of time thinking about food or feeling guilty about what you eat

What about exercise?

On the other end of the weight equation is the number of calories burned. So, if your child burns more calories than he/she eats (or drinks), he/she will lose weight.

30 minutes a day of aerobic physical activity (running, team sports) will only MaINtaIN your weight.

Encourage Physical ActivityNearly 75% of all american youths aged 12-21 are not vigorously active on a regular basis.

Sadly, this is not surprising given that more than 60% of adults in the U.S. do not engage in levels of physical activity necessary to provide health benefits. So, what can you do? Set an example.

80% of SF Unified School District students in 5th, 7th, and 9th grade can’t pass the Phys. Ed. Exam.

As a Parent, You Can…

• Learn what your children want from physical activity programs and help them choose appropriate activities

• Volunteer to help your children’s sports teams and recreation programs

• Play and be physically active with your children. It’s good for you too!

• Discourage sedentary time in front of the TV or computer games

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Managing Obesity

Obese children need a thorough family/diet/exercise/medical evaluation by a pediatrician or family physician to consider the possibility of a biochemical disorder.

Making changes at home and school often results in weight loss. If weight gain continues, a biochemical disorder may be suspected.

Lasting weight loss can only occur when there is self-motivation. Since obesity often affects more than one family member, making healthy eating and regular exercise a family activity can improve the chances of successful weight control for the child or adolescent.

The UCSF WATCh Clinic (Weight Assessment for Teen & Child health)

We are a group of physicians, nutritionists, and psychologists with the expertise to diagnose and treat childhood obesity.

We evaluate patients and their families both behaviorally and biochemically. We are particularly adept at discerning the links between biochemistry and behavior, as they apply to energy balance.

We assist with weight management and treat the other diseases that are present in the obese child. We perform clinical research into the causes and treatments of obesity. We pursue drug and surgical therapy in appropriate and select patients.

SDPED0465 • Rev. 05/07