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Devaangi Sharma

Niharika Bhatia

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“he Chi!d is "ather o" the #an$ said %ords&orth' Chi!dren (egin ()

!oving their parents* as the) gro& o!der the) +,dge them* sometimesthe) "orgive them' #ahatma andhi sa)s. “I" &e are to teach rea!

peace in this &or!d. and i" &e are to carr) on a rea! &ar against &ar.

&e sha!! have to (egin &ith the chi!dren'/ %ith increasing chi!d !a(or

in India. the ",t,re o" chi!dren is moving to&ards the darker side'

Sim,!taneo,s!). there have (een o(vio,s conse0,ences on the

societ)' he p,rpose o" this paper is to provide a str,ct,red pict,re o"&hat is kno&n and &hat sho,!d (e kno&n on the socio-economic

conse0,ences o" chi!d !a(or' A!so. o,r aim is to provide the (igger

pict,re in &hich chi!d !a(or not on!) increases. (,t the vario,s

cha!!enges that have come ,p d,e to this pro(!em' 1ario,s "acts and

2g,res "rom re!ia(!e so,rces have (een presented in certain sections'

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“he Chi!d is 3ather o" the #an$ said %ords&orth' 4a&ahar!a! Nehr,

considered chi!dren as one o" the greatest asset "or the nation'enera!!). a chi!d is de2ned ,sing age criterion' A 5chi!d6 as a socia!(eing can ho&ever not (e de2ned mere!) thro,gh an age criterion'Chi!dhood has its re!evance in terms o" persons6 socia! acceptance asad,!ts* genera!!) () providing a space "or participation in socia! a7airs&ith an a,tonomo,s identit)'

According to Internationa! La(or Organi8ation9ILO.:;;: < “ a!! chi!dren,nder => )ears o" age &ho are economica!!) active e?c!,ding those

&ho are ,nder > )ears and those (et&een=:-=@ )ears o!d &ho spend!ess than =@ ho,rs in a &eek opentheir +o(s ,n!ess their activities or occ,pation are ha8ardo,s ()nat,re or circ,mstances. is ca!!ed “Chi!d La(or$' he Internationa!La(or Organi8ation 9ILO< de2nes chi!d !a(or as /&ork sit,ations &herechi!dren are "orced to &ork on a reg,!ar (asis to earn a !iving "orthemse!ves and their "ami!ies. and as a res,!t the) remain (ack&arded,cationa!!) and socia!!) in a sit,ation &hich is e?p!oitative andharm",! to their hea!th and to their ph)sica! and menta! deve!opment' he chi!dren are separated "rom their "ami!ies. o"ten deprived o"

ed,cationa! and training opport,nities and the) are "orced to !eadpremat,re!) ad,!t !ives 9ILO<$'

 he &orst "orms o" chi!d !a(or are those sit,ations &here chi!dren&ork more than nine ho,rs in a da)* earn !ess than a minim,m &ageor no &ages at a!!* &ork in ha8ardo,s conditions "or hea!th and sa"et)*have no access to ed,cation* and. &ork o,tside o" their "ami!)shome' Chi!dren are the ",t,re o" the nation. the) are v,!nera(!e d,eto their age and ph)sica! po&er and the) cannot make p!an "or their

",t,re and cannot ,nderstand the res,!t o" an) &ork' So the) sho,!d(e protected "rom e?p!oitation and sho,!d (e given opport,nities "ortheir ph)sica! and menta! deve!opment' overnment o" India is a!socommitted to ens,ring protection. rights and deve!opment o" chi!drenin o,r co,ntr) to overcoming this target government has enactedvario,s !egis!ations s,ch as &hich prohi(it chi!dren "rom &orking in

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the partic,!ar!) ha8ardo,s and dangero,s activities Chi!d La(orprohi(ition and reg,!ation act ='

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Chi!d !a(or is a socio-economic pro(!em' arents "or the reason o" 

povert) have to send their chi!dren in order to s,pp!ement their

income derived "rom chi!d !a(or. ho&ever meager are essentia! tos,stain the "ami!)' he ma+or reason that creates the circ,mstances

"or a chi!d to &ork as a chi!d !a(or inc!,des the "o!!o&ing'

• Socio-economic (ack&ardness

• overt) - #an) a time povert) "orces parents to send their

chi!dren to ha8ardo,s +o(s' A!tho,gh the) kno& it is &rong. the)

have no other a!ternative as the) need the mone)'• I!!iterac) - I!!iterate parents do not rea!i8e the need "or a proper

ph)sica!. emotiona! and cognitive deve!opment o" a chi!d' As

the) are ,ned,cated. the) do not rea!i8e the importance o" 

ed,cation "or their chi!dren'• Fnemp!o)ment o" ad,!t !a(ors - E!ders o"ten 2nd it diGc,!t to get

 +o(s' he ind,stria!ists and "actor) o&ners 2nd it pro2ta(!e to

emp!o) chi!dren' his is so (eca,se the) can pa) !ess and

e?tract more &ork' he) &i!! a!so not create ,nion pro(!em'• Over pop,!ation - #ost o" the Asian and A"rican co,ntries are

overpop,!ated' D,e to !imited reso,rces and more mo,ths to

"eed. Chi!dren are emp!o)ed in vario,s "orms o" &ork'• overnment apath)'

• Fr(ani8ation - he Ind,stria! Revo!,tion has its o&n negative

side' #an) a time #NCs and e?port ind,stries in the deve!oping

&or!d emp!o) &hi!e &orkers. partic,!ar!) in the garment ind,str)'•

Orphans - Chi!dren (orn o,t o" &ed!ock. chi!dren &ith no parentsand re!atives. o"ten do not 2nd an)one to s,pport them' h,s

the) are "orced to &ork "or their o&n !iving'

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 he ILO estimates that the n,m(er o" &orking chi!dren in the >

to =@ age gro,p in the deve!oping co,ntries is :>; mi!!ion. o"&hom at !east =:; mi!!ion are &orking ",!! time' O" these. =

are in Asia. : in A"rica and J are in Latin America'

According to the == Cens,s. chi!d pop,!ation 9>-=@ )ears< in

India &as =J'> mi!!ion. o" &hich the n,m(er o" &orking chi!dren

&as ='@ mi!!ion. indicating that J' o" the chi!d pop,!ation

&ere &orkers'

 he == Cens,s indicated that >': o" the chi!d pop,!ation&ere &orkers'

Chi!d La(or has decreased "rom =':>crores 9Cens,s :;;=< to

;'J>!acs 9Cens,s :;==< and recent!) to @'!acs' Chi!d !a(or is

sti!! a ma+or pro(!em in India'

 he Hindi (e!t. inc!,ding Bihar. #adh)a radesh. Ra+asthan and

Fttar radesh. acco,nt "or =':Jcrores &orking chi!dren in the

co,ntr). engaged in (oth ha8ardo,s and non-ha8ardo,socc,pations and processes'

Over =!akhs chi!d !a(orers in the >-=@ age gro,p are in Fttar

radesh' Ra+asthan acco,nts "or over =:'!acs &orkers "o!!o&ed

() Bihar &ith over ==!akhs and #adh)a radesh &ith =;'!acs'

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 he economic e7ects o" chi!d !a(or can (e divided into those &hich

occ,r at the micro "ami!) !eve!. those on macro varia(!es s,ch as !ong

r,n gro&th and "oreign direct investment. and the e7ects on !a(ormarket' In this paper &e keep to thiscategori8ation and o(serve the "o!!o&ing g,ide!ines'

3irst. &e disentang!e the short r,n and the !ong r,n e7ects o" chi!d

!a(or since the conse0,ences on some economic varia(!es ma)

change over time. and &e rep!icate the ana!)sis "or the e?istence o" 

and a decrease in chi!d !a(or (eca,se the economic imp!ications o" 

chi!d !a(or are not a,tomatica!!) reversed in the case o" a s,ccess",!red,ction in chi!d !a(or' Second. &e ,nrave! the vario,s "orms o" chi!d !a(or K ha8ardo,s and

non-ha8ardo,s activities. agric,!t,ra! and non-agric,!t,ra! &ork. +o(s

in modern and traditiona! ind,stries. economic and non-economic

activities. "orma! and in"orma! econom) occ,pations. ",!!-time and

part-time &ork. &age earners and ,npaid "ami!) &orkers. chi!dren

attending and not attending schoo!. and )o,nger chi!d !a(orers' his

is important (eca,se the economic impacts o" di7erent "orms o" chi!d!a(or can (e K and act,a!!) are K di7erent not on!) in si8e (,t even in

direction' here"ore. "oc,sing on the aggregate n,m(er o" chi!d

!a(orers. &hich is heterogeneo,s. is potentia!!) mis!eading as regards

the st,d) o" economic re!ationships'

3ina!!). &e &o,!d !ike to make c!ear that gro&th. (eing mere!) the rise

in per-capita income. sho,!d not (e considered as the 2na! goa! o" an)

po!ic). inc!,ding those aiming at red,cing chi!d !a(or. (,t rather as anintermediate goa! that ma) he!p K (,t is not s,Gcient "or K reaching

socia! deve!opment' In the present &ork this imp!ies that some o" the

disc,ssed economic e7ects o" chi!d !a(or 9s,ch as income and gender

ine0,a!it)< are re!evant to socia! deve!opment independent o" their

e7ect on gro&th' 1ice versa. the e7ects o" chi!d !a(or on gro&th

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descri(ed (e!o& are important +,st to the e?tent that gro&th can !ead

to socia! deve!opment'

Child Labor impact at the MICRO amil! le"el

-Short r,n e7ects on ho,seho!d income

 he most o(vio,s economic impact o" chi!d !a(or at the "ami!) !eve! in

the short r,n is to increase ho,seho!d income' A!! researchers and

practitioners agree that povert) is the main determinant o" chi!d !a(or

s,pp!). and that chi!d !a(or signi2cant!) increases the income and the

pro(a(i!it) o" s,rviva! o" the "ami!)' Severa! estimates e?ist o" the

proportion in &hich chi!dren contri(,te to "ami!) income "or instance

Fsha and Devi 9=J< 2nd a 2g,re 9on average :;< "or chi!d

!a(orers "rom a vi!!age in ami! Nad, 9India<* and S&aminathan 9=<

reports that @; o" chi!dren in her samp!e 9,+arat. India< contri(,ted

(et&een =; and :; to tota! ho,seho!d income' his contri(,tion is

most o" the time critica! since chi!dren are sent to &ork &hen parents6

earnings are ins,Gcient to g,arantee the s,rviva! o" the "ami!). or are

insec,re so that chi!d !a(or is ,sed as a mean o" minimi8ing the

impact o" possi(!e +o( !oss. "ai!ed harvest and other shocks on the

"ami!)6s income stream'

 In these circ,mstances. the s,rviva! o" the "ami!) depends on chi!d

!a(or irrespective o" &hether it is carried o,t in ha8ardo,s or non-

ha8ardo,s activities. in "orma! or in"orma! econom). or even in paid or

,npaid "ami!) activit)' his !ast point deserves c!ari2cation ,npaid

"ami!) &orkers contri(,te to the ho,seho!d6s income and s,rviva! ()

he!ping their parents in (oth paid and se!"-emp!o)ment activities' It is

common "or "ami!ies to engage in s,(-contracting &here the "ami!) is

paid at piece rates. so that the he!p o" chi!dren is cr,cia! to increaseho,seho!d prod,ctivit) and dai!) income'

I" the &ork o" chi!dren is needed "or meeting the essentia! needs o" 

the "ami!). an) e7ort to red,ce chi!d !a(or 9(oth in "orma! and

in"orma! occ,pations< m,st take into acco,nt that the income o" 

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"ami!ies invo!ved &i!! (e a7ected negative!). o"ten p,shed (e!o& the

s,rviva! !eve!' Hence socia! sec,rit) "or poor "ami!ies &ith chi!dren in

schoo! (ecome o" cr,cia! importance "or the e7ectiveness o" chi!d

!a(or red,ction programs'

- Long r,n e7ects on ho,seho!d povert) thro,gh h,man capita!

A!tho,gh parents ma) act rationa!!) () sending their chi!dren to &ork

in order to increase their pro(a(i!it) o" s,rviva!. the) ma) not

perceive the !ong r,n negative imp!ications o" chi!d !a(or "or their o&n

"ami!)' Since chi!d !a(or competes &ith schoo! attendance and

pro2cienc). chi!dren sent to &ork do not acc,m,!ate 9or ,nder-

acc,m,!ate<h,man capita!. missing the opport,nit) to enhance their

prod,ctivit) and ",t,re earnings capacit)' his !o&ers the &age o" 

their ",t,re "ami!ies. and increases the pro(a(i!it) o" their o7spring

(eing sent to &ork' In this &a) povert) and chi!d !a(or is passed on

"rom generation to generation'

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Child Labor impact o# lo#$ r%# $ro&th a#d de"elopme#t

Having disc,ssed the short and the !ong r,n economic impact o" chi!d

!a(or at the "ami!) !eve!. in the present section &e ana!)8e the e7ects

o" chi!d !a(or on !ong-r,n gro&th' A revie& o" the theoretica! and

empirica! !iterat,re on chi!d !a(or has !ead ,s to the identi2cation o" at !east si? channe!s thro,gh &hich chi!d !a(or might have a negative

impact on !ong r,n gro&th !o&er h,man capita! acc,m,!ation. higher

"erti!it). &orse hea!th. s!o&er investment and technica! change.

higher income and gender ine0,a!it)' It sho,!d (e reminded that

some o" these channe!s K name!) h,man capita!. hea!th and

ine0,a!it) K are important indicators o" a co,ntr)6s !eve! o" socia!

deve!opment' Chi!d !a(or can s!o& do&n !ong r,n gro&th and socia!

deve!opment thro,gh red,ced h,man capita! acc,m,!ation'  A !o&erh,man capita! acc,m,!ation a!so has a direct negative e7ect on the

!eve! o" socia! deve!opment' So chi!d !a(or not on!) indirect!) a7ects

!ong r,n gro&th. (,t a!so direct!) a7ects socia! deve!opment'

#oreover. to the e?tent that higher per capita incomes contri(,te to

socia! deve!opment. chi!d !a(or can have an indirect e7ect on socia!

deve!opment thro,gh !ong r,n gro&th'

-E7ects thro,gh income ine0,a!it)

Chi!d !a(or certain!) has an impact on income ine0,a!it). (,t the

direction o" this impact might (e am(ig,o,s and co,!d var) in the

short and in the !ong r,n' In the short r,n. chi!d !a(or provides poor

"ami!ies &ith the income the) need "or their s,rviva!' 3rom this point

o" vie&. there"ore. chi!d !a(or !essens income ine0,a!it). () raising

the income o" those at the (ottom o" the distri(,tion'On the other side. it is o"ten arg,ed that chi!d !a(or adds to the

s,pp!) o" ,nski!!ed !a(or. in this &a) depressing the &age rate o" 

,nski!!ed ad,!ts' his. o" co,rse. makes the distri(,tion o" income more ,ne0,a!' he

net e7ect on income ine0,a!it) in the short r,n there"ore depends on

the si8e o" the ,nski!!ed ad,!ts &age !oss re!ative to the chi!dren &age


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A di7erent stor) &orks in the !ong r,n' As e?p!ained a(ove. chi!d !a(or

negative!) a7ects the income o" the invo!ved "ami!ies and o" their

descendants thro,gh m,t,a!!) rein"orcing !o& ed,cation and high

"erti!it)' At the same time. the scarce s,pp!) o" ed,cated !a(or keeps

the ski!!ed &orkers &age rates at high !eve!s' here"ore in the !ong

r,n there is no do,(t that chi!d !a(or &orsens. or at !east perpet,ates.

income ine0,a!it)' Income ine0,a!it). in t,rn. direct!) red,ces a

co,ntr)6s !eve! o" socia! deve!opment'

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Child Labor a#d 'lobali(atio#

Chi!d !a(or emerged as a g!o(a! iss,e &hen man) deve!oped

co,ntries started "earing that e?ports "rom the deve!oping co,ntries.

o&ing their competitiveness to !o& !a(or standards. co,!d res,!t in

trans"erring +o(s to the 5hird %or!d6' he image o" m,!tinationa!corporations c!osing their p!ants in deve!oped co,ntries to take

advantage o" !o& !a(or standards. inc!,ding chi!d !a(or. in deve!oping

co,ntries has (een o"ten depicted' ,t in economic terms. the &orr)

arises "rom the "act that the e?p!oitation o" chi!dren in man)

deve!oping co,ntries can arti2cia!!) depress the cost o" !a(or. !eading

to ,n"air “competitive advantage$ in &or!d markets and to a

do&n&ard press,re on ,nski!!ed &orkers &ages and emp!o)ment in

rich co,ntries'

!o(a!i8ation might give deve!oping co,ntries the opport,nit) to

increase their gross domestic prod,ct 9D< per capita via ne& trade

possi(i!ities and ascending "oreign direct investment 93DI< inMo&s'

 et. the increase in D per capita entai!s an increase in chi!d !a(or

emp!o)ment' B,t on the other hand. g!o(a!i8ation might en"orce

deve!oping co,ntries &hich have !ess stringent !a(or market !a&s and

reg,!ations compared &ith the deve!oped co,ntries to trans"er andadopt the stricter standards and reg,!ations o" deve!oped co,ntries'

Ne?t to those ass,mptions. it might a!so (e s,pposed that deve!oped

co,ntries trans"er their !a(or intensive ind,stries to the !a(or

a(,ndant deve!oping co,ntries in order to (ene2t "rom !o&er !a(or

costs' In that sense. deve!oping co,ntries might en+o) the

comparative advantage o" their chi!d !a(or a(,ndance'

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Child Labor Impact o# Ad%lt U#emplo!me#t or )a$e Rate

 he idea that chi!d !a(or might depress ad,!t &ages is strict!) !inked

to the idea that chi!d !a(or creates ad,!t ,nemp!o)ment' I" chi!dren

enter the !a(or market and have a !o&er reservation &age K the

arg,ment reasons K either the) disp!ace ad,!ts "rom their +o(s.creating ad,!t ,nemp!o)ment. or the) !o&er the ad,!t &age rate' Both

o,tcomes are s,(+ect to the condition o" chi!dren (eing s,(stit,tes "or

ad,!ts 9and vice versa<. &hose va!idit) has (een disc,ssed in the

previo,s section'

Here &e sha!! e?amine in &hich circ,mstances &e &o,!d e?pect

higher ad,!t ,nemp!o)ment to (e more !ike!) than !o&er ad,!t &ages'

3irst o" a!! it sho,!d (e c!ari2ed that the "o!!o&ing ana!)sis app!ies to

an) t&o s,(gro,ps o" &orkers that can (e considered s,(stit,tes "or

one another and &ho act,a!!) compete "or the same +o(s' Based on

the evidence that chi!d !a(or is essentia!!) ,nski!!ed. the re!evant

s,(gro,ps here are chi!dren and ,nski!!ed ad,!t &orkers'

raph = represents a h)pothetica! !a(or market "or ,nski!!ed ad,!ts.

sho&ing their share into the !a(or "orce on the hori8onta! a?is and

their &age rate re!ative to the econom)6s average &age rate on thevertica! a?is' 3or the time (eing ass,me that the average &age rate

in the econom) is constant. and that !a(or s,pp!) and demand have

the standard ,p&ard s!oping and do&n&ard s!oping shapes


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S,ppose that an e?ogeno,s increase in the re!ative n,m(er o" 

chi!dren in !a(or "orce 9or an e?ogeno,s decrease in chi!dren6s re!ative

&age rate< takes p!ace. and that this change red,ces the !a(or

demand "or ,nski!!ed ad,!ts at an) given re!ative &age' In graph =this is represented () the !a(or demand shi"ting to the !e"t 9"rom D to


So "ar &e have ass,med an ,p&ard s!oping !a(or s,pp!)' Ho&ever.

the impact o" chi!d !a(or on the ,nski!!ed ad,!ts !a(or market act,a!!)

depends on the s!ope o" the !a(or s,pp!)' I" the s,pp!) o" ,nski!!ed

ad,!ts is in2nite!) e!astic 9graph :A< the shi"t in !a(or demand &i!!

ca,se a "a!!in the re!ative emp!o)ment o" ,nski!!ed ad,!ts !eaving their re!ative

&age rate ,nchanged'

A!ternative!). i" the !a(or s,pp!) o" ,nski!!ed ad,!ts is per"ect!)

ine!astic 9graph :B< the shi"t in !a(or demand can prod,ce a "a!! in

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,nski!!ed ad,!ts re!ative &age rate &ith no change in their re!ative

emp!o)ment !eve!'

Simi!ar!) a red,ction in re!ative chi!d !a(or s,pp!) 9in case o" an

eGcient (an on chi!d !a(or or comp,!sor) ed,cation !a&< or an

increase in chi!dren re!ative &age rate 9in case o" a socia! protection

!a&< () shi"ting !a(or demand "or ,nski!!ed ad,!ts ,p&ards. &o,!d

!ead to an increase in the ,nski!!ed ad,!ts re!ative &age &hi!e !eaving

their re!ative emp!o)ment ,nchanged in case o" Me?i(!e &ages 9"rom

B to A in graph :(<' On the other hand. i" ad,!t &ages are pinned

do&n to a minim,m and there is initia! ,nemp!o)ment 9as in point C

o" graph :B<. a red,ction in chi!d !a(or might create ad,!t

emp!o)ment &itho,t a7ecting ad,!t &ages 9"rom C to A<'

It might (e ,se",! to reca!! that the previo,s statements re"er on!) to

chi!d !a(orers competing &ith ,nski!!ed ad,!ts in paid activities@' In

the case &here chi!dren and ad,!ts are comp!ements rather than

s,(stit,tes the e7ect is the opposite 9more chi!d !a(or ind,cing moread,!t emp!o)ment andor higher ad,!t &ages<' #oreover. chi!dren

&ho &ork ,npaid in ho,seho!d enterprises or in domestic services

have no e7ect on ad,!t &ages or emp!o)ment !eve!' 3ina!!) t&o

a!read) mentioned &arnings app!) 2rst. (anning chi!d !a(or "rom

certain ind,stria! activities might +,st p,sh chi!dren into &orse "orms

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o" chi!d !a(or* and second. increasing the &age rate o" chi!dren might

simp!) p,sh o,t o" (,siness man) poor emp!o)ers ca,sing a dead

!oss o" income and emp!o)ment'

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 he 3actories Act o" 9==< &as the 2rst !a& to de2ne chi!d and toprescri(e prohi(itor) reg,!ations "or emp!o)ment o" chi!dren (e!o& J)ears o" age'

 he 3actories Act. 9===< prohi(ited emp!o)ment o" chi!dren indangero,s occ,pations and &orking d,ring night ho,rs'

 he 2rst Convention o" ILO. compe!!ed amendment o" the Act in9=::<. to rise the minim,m age o" chi!d to => )ears' Ho&ever.chi!dren (e!o& the age o" =: )ears &here prohi(ited "or emp!o)ment' he age rose to = )ears in => ,nder the Act'

 he 3actories Act. 9=@<. prescri(es prohi(itor) reg,!ations "oremp!o)ment o" chi!dren (e!o& =@ )ears o" age in an) "actor)'

India #ines Act. 9=>:< prohi(its emp!o)ment o" chi!dren (e!o& =)ears in an) ,ndergro,nd mines'

!antation La(or Act. 9=>=< prohi(it the emp!o)ment !ess than age o" =: )ears'

rotection o" chi!dren "rom se?,a! o7ence Act. :;=:. has severa!"eat,res that are chi!d centered'

 he #otor ransport %orkers Act 9==< a(so!,te!) prohi(itsemp!o)ment o" chi!dren in motor transport'

 he Shops and Commercia! Esta(!ishments Acts o" di7erent States.a!so prohi(it emp!o)ment o" chi!dren in the shops hote!s. dha(as.street shops and commercia! p!aces'

 hose )o,ng persons &ho are emp!o)ed. these !egis!ations are care",!a(o,t their hea!th' %hi!e restricting the night &ork. the) provides "or

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medica! 2tness certi2cates () the )o,ng persons' A!so. the parents&ho satis") their economic needs !ie a(o,t the age o" their chi!dren'

 he Chi!d La(or 9rohi(ition and Reg,!ation< Act &as enacted in =' he Act prohi(ited emp!o)ment o" chi!dren (e!o& the age o" =@ )ears

in certain occ,pations and processes' hese inc!,de the transport o"passengers. goods and mai!s and other ha8ardo,s &ork in rai!&a)sand ports. the process !ike Beedi making. cement man,"act,ring.man,"act,ring o" matches and e?p!osives. mica c,tting. soapman,"act,ring. &oo! c!eaning and (,i!ding and constr,ctionind,stries' he rd part o" the Act provides "or reg,!ations o"conditions o" &ork () prescri(ing minim,m &orking ho,rs. prohi(iting&ork at night. prohi(iting overtime &ork. and &eek!) ho!ida)' A!so.the Act provides meas,res "or hea!th and sa"et) o" chi!d &orkers' Itemphasi8ed on maintenance o" a register having detai!s o" chi!dren i"emp!o)ed () an) organi8ation' %hi!e prohi(iting emp!o)ment incertain occ,pation and processes. the !a& !ega!i8ed emp!o)ment o"chi!dren in other cases' Indirect s,pport &as e?tended "or s,ch an evi!practice &hich sho,!d (e tota!!) prohi(ited irrespective o" the nat,reo" emp!o)ment

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Chi!d !a(or is a nationa! shame and one o" the "orgotten iss,es o" o,rco,ntr)' Fndo,(ted!). povert) is one among other on the seed (ed

"or chi!d !a(or and enhances pro(!em great!)' It is the socia!!) andeconomica!!) deprived section o" the pop,!ation &ho are &orking'Hence en"orcement a!one cannot he!p to so!ve it' hr,st area isReha(i!itation o" these chi!dren and on improving the economicconditions o" their "ami!ies' Amp!e o" gro,nds come to the research(,t it is ,s,a!!) t&o in o,r vie&* that is one. a concern "or the poorho,seho!ds that depends on the earnings o" the chi!d &orkers andsecond!). the ina(i!it) to en"orce a (an on chi!d !a(or in a sit,ation o"povert)'

 he hea!th conditions that have a de!eterio,s impact on their ph)sica!a(i!it) and deve!opment. m,!tip!e remedies need to (e adopted' he!a& m,st (e en"orced stringent!). &ith strong mechanism "orinspection and prosec,tion against the daredevi!s' Resc,ed chi!drenneed speed ed,cationa! intervention to prepare them "or reg,!arschoo!s' It sho,!d a!so (e made mandator) "or a!! emp!o)ers to takesteps "or inte!!ect,a!. vocationa! and ed,cationa! &e!!-(eing and,p!i"tment o" chi!d &orkers &ho &ere so "ar engaged () them' henon-government organi8ations sho,!d make a pertinent d,t) to

convince the parents that a promising ",t,re a&aits "or them and "ortheir chi!dren i" the) send their kids to the schoo! instead o" &ork 2e!dand no matter in the sea o" ed,cated ,nemp!o)ment their chi!drenma) get thro,gh and can e?pect a (right ",t,re instead o"perpet,ating their povert) and degradation () not doing so'

#an) NOs !ike CARE India. CR. !o(a! #arch against chi!d !a(or. etchave (een &orking to eradicate chi!d !a(or in India' he chi!d !a(orcan (e stopped &hen kno&!edge is trans!ated into !egis!ation and

action. moving good intentions and ideas into protecting the hea!th o" the chi!dren' he end,rance o" )o,ng chi!dren is higher and the)cannot protest against discrimination' 3oc,sing on grass rootstrategies to mo(i!i8e comm,nities against chi!d !a(or and re-integration o" chi!d &orkers into their homes and schoo!s has provencr,cia! to (reaking the c)c!e o" chi!d !a(or' A m,!ti discip!inar)approach invo!ving specia!ist &ith medica!. ps)cho!ogica!. and socio-

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anthropo!ogica! !eve! is needed to c,r( this evi!' It is in this conte?tthat &e have to take a re!ook at the !andmark passing o" the Right o"Chi!dren to 3ree and Comp,!sor) Ed,cation 9RE< Act :;;. &hichmarks a historic moment "or the chi!dren o" India'

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=' he Overcoming o" Chi!d La(or in India In perspective o" Constit,tiona! an

!egis!ative 3rame&ork 4o,rna! o" B,siness #anagement P Socia! Sciences

Research 94B#PSSR< ISSN No :=->=@ 1o!,me =. No'. Decem(er :;=:

:' En"orcing Ban on Chi!d La(or in India A Socio Lega! erspective 1o!,me =

Iss,e J Q Dec :;=: ISSN No ::JJ K =;

' he Economic Impact o" Chi!d La(or ISBN :-;=@-@=-

@' “Chi!d La(or$- A rod,ct o" Socio-Economic ro(!em "or India. 3indings and

reventives- A Case o" Bh,(anesh&ar 9A State Capita! o" India< 9ISSN :=@=->==< 1o!' :9< pp' ==-=:; 4,ne :;==

>' he E7ects o" !o(a!i8ation and Openness on Chi!d La(or in Deve!oping

Co,ntries 4,ne =J-=. :;;

' !o(a!i8ation and Chi!d La(or Evidence "rom India ISSN =@@=->@:


J' Does !o(a!i8ation Increase Chi!d La(or %or!d Deve!opment 1o!' ;. No'

pp' =>JK=>. :;;:

' he e7ects o" g!o(a!i8ation on chi!d !a(or in deve!oping co,ntries 1o!,me :

Iss,e : Q 4,!) :;=; Qpp' J-@J

' Is Chi!d La(or Harm",! he Impact o" %orking Ear!ier in Li"e on Ad,!t

Earnings IA D No' ;:J Septem(er :;;J

=;' Chi!d !a(or and hea!th evidence and research iss,es 4an,ar) :;;:

==' Chi!d La(or in India () Srikanth Bo!!a

=:' he Cha!!enge o" Chi!d La(or in R,ra! India A #,!ti-Dimensiona! ro(!em

Need o" an Orchestrated o!ic) Response'