Child Custody Litigation Factors By Douglas Borthwick

Child custody litigation factors by douglas borthwick

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Child Custody Litigation Factors

By Douglas Borthwick

Page 2: Child custody litigation factors by douglas borthwick

Child Custody Litigation Factors

Well established as a California attorney, Douglas Borthwick is experienced in a wide range of corporate litigation matters and in family law. Doug Borthwick represents clients in complex child custody cases that are part of many divorce proceedings. Frequently contested, the cases may require witnesses and expert courtroom testimony.

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Child Custody Litigation Factors

In divorce proceeding disputes over child custody, judgments frequently side with the mother in the case, particularly when the child in question is young. The court considers a wide range of additional factors when determining custody and associated visitation rights, including mental health and ability to properly take care of the child. However, joint custody may be also arranged in cases where one party does not receive sole custody. Mediation is a voluntary aspect of the court custody process that parties may be compelled to enter into if they cannot arrive at an agreement. 

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Child Custody Litigation Factors

Securing the services of an experienced divorce lawyer is vital in obtaining a favorable court result. 

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