Chiild Labour with data

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  • 7/26/2019 Chiild Labour with data



  • 7/26/2019 Chiild Labour with data



    Introduction Categories of child labour Child labour in India

    Basic reasons for child labour Consequences of child labour Some facts about child labour

    Child labour in Statistics Child labour laws in India


    Child labour: STILL A BIGCALL!"G!

  • 7/26/2019 Chiild Labour with data


    Child labouris the practice ofhaving children engage in economic

    activity, on part or full-time basis.The practice deprives children oftheir childhood, and is harmful to

    their physical and mentaldevelopment. overty, lac! of goodschools and gro"th of informaleconomy are considered as theimportant causes of child labour



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    Poverty and

    Hazardous ChildLabour: A icious


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    Pre!aring tobacco


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    According to the Census "##$ %guresthere are $&"' crore (or)ing children in

    the age grou! o* +,$- as co.!ared to thetotal child !o!ulation o* "+&" crore& /hereare a!!ro0i.ately $" lacs children(or)ing in the hazardousoccu!ations1!rocesses (hich are coveredunder the Child Labour 2Prohibition 3Regulation4 Act i&e& $5 occu!ations and '+!rocesses& Ho(ever6 as !er surveyconducted by 7ational 8a.!le 8urvey

    Organization 2788O4 in "##-,#+6 the


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  • 7/26/2019 Chiild Labour with data



    $#('$) C'&SES

    C&*T&$'* C'&SES('C$OECONO(#C


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    $#('$) C'&SES

    #nternational *abour Organi+ation #*Osuggests poverty is the greatest singlecause behind child labour. orimpoverished households, income froma child/s "or! is usually crucial for his orher o"n survival or for that of the

    household. #ncome from "or!ingchildren, even if small, may be bet"een01 to 234 of these household income.Other scholars such as 5arsch on

    'frican child labour, and Edmonds and

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    C&*T&$'* C'&SES#n European history "hen child labour "ascommon, as "ell as in contemporary child labourof modern "orld, certain cultural beliefs haverationali+ed child labour and thereby encouraged

    it. Some vie" that "or! is good for the character-building and s!ill development of children. #nmany cultures, particular "here informal economyand small household businesses thrive, the

    cultural tradition is that children follo" in theirparents/ footsteps6 child labour then is a means tolearn and practice that trade from a very earlyage. Similarly, in many cultures the education ofgirls is less valued or girls are simply note7pected to need formal schooling, and these

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    C'&SES8iggeri and (ehrotra have studied the macroeconomicfactors that encourage child labour. They focus their studyon 9ve 'sian nations including #ndia, a!istan, #ndonesia,

    Thailand and hilippines. They suggest that child labour is

    a serious problem in all 9ve, but it is not a ne" problem.(acroeconomic causes encouraged "idespread childlabour across the "orld, over most of human history. Theysuggest that the causes for child labour include both thedemand and the supply side. :hile poverty and

    unavailability of good schools e7plain the child laboursupply side, they suggest that the gro"th of lo" payinginformal economy rather than higher paying formaleconomy is amongst the causes of the demand side. Otherscholars too suggest that in;e7ible labour mar!et, si+e of

    informal economy, inability of industries to scale up and

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    /his is ho( child labour a;ectsthe nation:

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    Conse?uences o* child

    labourThe presence of a large number of child laborersis regarded as a serious issue in terms ofeconomic "elfare. Children "ho "or! fail to getnecessary education. They do not get theopportunity to develop physically, intellectually,

    emotionally and psychologically. #n terms of thephysical condition of children, children are notready for long monotous "or! because theybecome e7hausted more >uic!ly than adults. This

    reduces their physical conditions and ma!es thechildren more vulnerable to disease. Children inha+ardous "or!ing conditions are even in "orsecondition. Children "ho "or!, instead of going toschool, "ill remain illiterate "hich limits theirability to contribute to their o"n "ell being as

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    8titching soccer


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    SO(E 'CTS '8O&T C5#*%

    *'8O&$'ccording to the #ndian census of ?@@?, there are ??.0Amillion "or!ing children under the age if fourteen years in#ndia. Over A14 of this child labour is in the countryBs rural

    areas, "or!ing in agricultural activities such as farming,livestoc!, rearing, forestry and 9sheries. The "orldBs highest number of "or!ing children is in#ndia. #*O estimates that 0?A million children "ere involvedin child labour in 0332, of "hich ?0 million "ere engagedin ha+ardous "or!. The 5indi belt, including 8ihar, (adhya radesh,$a

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    A child


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    @here does .ost child labouroccur

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    Child labour

    la(s 3initiativesA*ter its inde!endence *ro. colonial rule6 India

    has !assed a nu.ber o* constitutional!rotections and la(s on child labour& /heConstitution o* India in the unda.entalRights and the Directive o* 8tate Policy!rohibits child labour belo( the age o* $-

    years in any *actory or .ine or castle orengaged in any other hazardous e.!loy.ent2Article "-4& /he constitution also envisionedthat India shall6 by $9'#6 !rovide

    in*rastructure and resources *or *ree and

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    /he .aor national legislativedevelo!.ents include the *ollo(ingF

    /he actories Act o* $9-5F The 'ct prohibits the employment of

    children belo" the age of ?2 years in any factory. The la" alsoplaced rules on "ho, "hen and ho" long can pre-adults aged ?1G?Ayears be employed in any factory.

    /he =ines Act o* $9+"F The 'ct prohibits the employment of

    children belo" ?A years of age in a mine.

    /he Child Labour 2Prohibition and Regulation4 Act o* $95'FThe 'ct prohibits the employment of children belo" the age of ?2years in ha+ardous occupations identi9ed in a list by the la". Thelist "as e7panded in 033, and again in 033A.

    /he uvenile ustice 2Care and Protection4 o* Children Act o*"###F This la" made it a crime, punishable "ith a prison term, foranyone to procure or employ a child in any ha+ardous employmentor in bondage.

    /he Right o* Children to ree and Co.!ulsory >ducation Act

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    In $996 the Indian govern.ent*or.ed the

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    =any 7 India6 Child Rights and ou6 India etc& have been(or)ing to eradicate child labour in India&

    Pratha. is Indias largest non,govern.entalorganization (ith the .ission every child inschool and learning (ell& ounded in $99-6

    Pratha. has ai.ed to reduce child labour ando;er schooling to children irres!ective o* theirgender6 religion and social bac)ground& It hasgro(n by introducing lo( cost education

    .odels that are sustainable and re!roducible&

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    BI< CHALL>7%espite a la" in force in #ndia, prohibiting childlabour, millions of children to be employed in

    homes, at roadside restaurants and in factoriesacross the country. These young !ids are alsosub

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    or(ard 8te!s:The ideal scenario on Child :elfare "ould be "hen everychild enuate health facilities. #t is impossible toattain these facilities by the child labour. 'll the children"ere able to en

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    @hat J@eK can do as a!erson to sto! child labour

    To donate funds in NIOs "or!ing for therehabilitation of street children.

    To contact NIOs and ma!e them a"are about childlabour happening in our society.

    To ma!e the rural people a"are about the bene9tsof education.

    To provide free education for the orphans.

    To start campaign against child labour.

    To help the government to stop child labour.

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    ConclusionThe problem of child labour continues to pose achallenge before the nation. Iovernment has beenta!ing various pro-active measures to tac!le thisproblem. 5o"ever, considering the magnitude ande7tent of the problem and that it is essentially a

    socio-economic problem ine7tricably lin!ed topoverty and illiteracy, it re>uires concerted e=ortsfrom all society to ma!e a dent in the problem.

    The social evil of child labour can be brought under

    control, if each individual ta!es responsibility ofprevailing child labour. Each and every citi+en shouldbe a"are of their responsibilities and should ta!ecorrective measures to stop child labour, so that "ecan have a better and developed #ndia. Child labourcan be controlled if the government functions

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