I was just want to insert this post because I know that Registered Electrical Engineering Board Examination is near approaching here in the Philippines. I also want to share some tips I did before which I think will be helpful to you. These are just a short advice. I think at this time you were able to select your review center in which you will going to attend your review class. This is very important because most of the review centers are giving helpful tips and techniques on how you will going to deal with your major subjects. In choosing your review center, be able to know if that review center has a higher percentage passing of examiners. It is best to asked for advice for previous students of that review center regarding their review class experienced. From this, you may have your comparison which review center will you join as your stepping stone for success. Keep in mind that review classes are not giving you 100% topics that you'll going to review for your board exam. They will just give you a guide on how you will going to prepare and study each topics which are mostly covered during board examination. Besides, be able to follow these advices and help they offered because most of them are helpful and will keep you on track during review classes. Explore more on the topics you reviewed during your review classes because this would help you to understand more the concepts or the principles of a certain topic. Solving more application problems are very helpful to understand the used of certain engineering formula. I advice you not just to memorize formula. Use it! More practice helps to built your confident that you could make it on board exams. By the way, here are the common subjects which are commonly given during Electrical Engineering Examinations: For Mathematics:


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I was just want to insert this post because I know that RegisteredElectrical EngineeringBoard Examination is near approaching here in the Philippines. I also want to share some tips I did before which I think will be helpful to you. These are just a short advice.

I think at this time you were able to select your review center in which you will going to attend your review class. This is very important because most of the review centers are giving helpful tips and techniques on how you will going to deal with your major subjects. In choosing your review center, be able to know if that review center has a higher percentage passing of examiners. It is best to asked for advice for previous students of that review center regarding their review class experienced. From this, you may have your comparison which review center will you join as your stepping stone for success.

Keep in mind that review classes are not giving you 100% topics that you'll going to review for your board exam. They will just give you a guide on how you will going to prepare and study each topics which are mostly covered during board examination. Besides, be able to follow these advices and help they offered because most of them are helpful and will keep you on track during review classes.

Explore more on the topics you reviewed during your review classes because this would help you to understand more the concepts or the principles of a certain topic. Solving more application problems are very helpful to understand the used of certain engineering formula. I advice you not just to memorize formula. Use it! More practice helps to built your confident that you could make it on board exams.

By the way, here are the common subjects which are commonly given during Electrical Engineering Examinations:

For Mathematics: Trigonometry Analytical Geometry Differential Calculus Integral Calculus Differential Equations Complex Numbers Probability and Statistics Advanced Engineering Mathematics including Matrices, Power Series, Fourier Analysis, Laplace Transforms and others...For Engineering Sciences and Allied Subjects: General Chemistry College Physics Computer Fundamentals and Programming Engineering Materials Engineering Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Strength of Materials Thermodynamics Electrical Engineering Law Engineering Economics Engineering Management Contracts and Specifications Code of Professional Ethics Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 and 2 ( National Electrical Code ) and others..For Electrical Engineering Professional Subjects: Electric Circuits Electronic Theory and Circuits Energy Conversion Power Transmission and Distribution Instrumentation and Measurement Circuit and Line Protection Control Systems Principles of Communications Electrical Machines Electrical Equipment Components and Devices Electric Systems Power Plant Electronic Power Equipment Illumination Building Wiring and others...I will not go on to details of each subject for the meantime for it is a broad discussion as what we are going to take here inlearning electrical engineering course.

Try to take your pre-board exam because it will helped you know and measure your chances of passing your incoming board exams. It will also make you know which subject is your weaknesses. In line with this, you could still manage yourself in coping up with the subjects that you failed to passed.

Is it important to relax your mind 3 days before board exam. It will help you to think well during your board examination.

Just one thing more. Always be ready and goodluck to you!

Cath me more here inLearn Electrical Engineering for Beginners.

Cheers!- See more at: http://electricalengineeringforbeginners.blogspot.com/2009/08/how-to-prepare-for-electrical.html#sthash.1YeQ4max.dpuf

How to Pass the Board Licensure ExaminationByGener GeminianoWays, tips, pointers and cues to pass the Board Licensure Exam or Examination.(The original contents of this hub was accidentally deleted, hayz, I dont have an idea why it was deleted maybe I could be the culprit or someone deleted it when I forgot to sign out, still this is a blessing in disguise for sure great improvements will be implemented using the vast experience I already got from months of hubbing). In Board Licensure Examination there's no shortcut in passing, you must try to live with it and overcome it. The Board Licensure Examination is not an easy picking so as to speak, I endured a lot of difficulties and lots of time reviewing in order to overcome it. There are a lot of factors to consider in order to perform in the examination with your optimum best. I passed the Board Licensure Examination for Electronics and Communications using various techniques, sheer perseverance and I am going to share this to those who will come across upon this hub. The tips this blog contains is universal, in other words, those who will take examinations and aspires to be teachers (LET), engineers (Board Licensure Examination for Engineers), nurses (Board Licensure Examination for Nurses), lawyers (Bar Examination), doctors, pharmacists, accountants (CPA Board Licensure Examination) and other aspirants who are hoping to be professional in the coming months will surely benefit from this hub.

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Here are my time tested board exam tips that help me pull through.Choose the Right Review Center- Choosing the right review center for you gives you the instant edge, you will discern which review offers the best review programs from your classmates and schoolmates because they will speak lofty of the review center they engaged with before. Bear in mind that the aspirant's factor will always prevail at the end but getting ample help from the best available review center around is indeed tempting yet very helpful. In review center you will be able to gain access to the past problems that were given, you'll get to learn survival techniques, you'll learn about the current trend, get a lot of lift from your classmates or fellow reviewee and give you a lot of confidence. There is a big "but," here however, if you don't have enough cash to enroll in a review center, it is okay there are still an option to get you around and still have strong chance of passing. Depending on your budget you may settle for the second best or any review center that offers cheaper rates. Remember that you carry your own tail and it is you who will determine your passing chances, no more no less. If you don't have cash at all, you need to persevere a lot, be resourceful and this is the key. The following tips will help you pull through in case you cannot afford to enroll in a review center.Gather a lot of review materials and books by borrowing from your classmates and friends. Ask a lot especially about what transpired in the recent examination like what certain problems in a particular field that appeared in the examination, the techniques they used to hurdle the examination, and ask anything under the sun. There is no harm doing this because you are in an all-out effort to be a Licensed professional, what at stake is so great and this is what matters most.Pile up Stock Knowledge- My reviewer one time told me that many honor students even from reputable school also flunked the examination, and they are many, in other words, the outcome of the examination doesn't rely on intelligence alone, and I agree on him. The culprit could be over rationalization, over confidence and/or even lack of preparation. The licensure examination is not a quiz bee thing where the most intelligent individuals are most likely to prevail. This is a marathon contest and the one blessed with immense patience and good study habits are favored. I reviewed 4 to 10 hours a day learning the elements of the examinations and concentrating on problem solving. Yes, stock knowledge is the key in passing any given licensure examination, and it takes a lot of perseverance to do it. Keep on moving by reading as many as you can and if necessary solve a lot.Do not rely on luck- Extreme luck comes in a blue moon when trying to pass the examination, but I believe that you create your own luck based on my experience. Why? Simple, the more you review the more you are exposed to a lot of knowledge and when the time calls for you to make a guess, you are actually making an educated guess. So when you are better prepared and indeed battle ready, your answer in every questions have strong chance of extracting the coveted right answers.Know the Trend- immerse yourself with questions and problems that were previously given, this undertaking will help you a lot in your review. It eases out the tension and pressure in you, plus it acclimatizes you to the real examination. Solving past board problems also helps in boosting your confidence.Unwind Once in a While- You are not a machine and neither a robot, c'mon get real, if you are experiencing burnout already, find time to go to beach with your friends, watch movies or do some activities that will help you regain your energy. Reviewing is a very strenuous job, and you need to relax to keep going and energized. Bear in mind that even the greatest chess grandmasters around the world plays sports or find time to unwind.Don't Rely on Prayers- It is very okay to ask for divine providence all the time, but God only help those who help themselves. While you pray do all your job, review hard as you could and for sure God's blessings will be with you when you take the examination.Motivate Yourself- Always say to yourself that you need to pass the examination with all your might and capabilities, you're future is at stake here.Do Not Pressure Yourself With the Expectations of Other People- You are determined to pass the examination, and what will people speak of your performance is irrelevant they are not the ones that feed you or shouldered your collegiate fees and expenses. This is your fight not theirs and be sure you are giving your best shot.Rest, Eat Well and Exercise- The big three in regaining lost energy and will inevitably make you sharp at all times.Before the Examination- Most examinees usually relax themselves three days before the examination. One fay before the Examination be sure that you have the necessary materials with you that you will need in the examination and be sure that you know your room assignment.During the Examination- Alas, this is your day, relax, take a deep breath often. Answer the easy ones first but be sure that you have answers for every questions 30 minutes before the given time. Don't get carried away with those examinees that passes their papers at an earlier time. Use your time well, these people are not genius, but rather lacks preparation with the examination and as a result they made guesswork with the test.God Bless!

TIPS ON HOW TO PASS THE BOARDEXAM!Passing the Board Exam was never been easy so heres so tips that might help you to pass the exam.CHOOSE THE BEST REVIEW CENTER-For me choosing the best review center will certainly give to an instant edge. Pick the one that has a lot of passing students. Because that is an indicator that they know what they are doing. I have to admit also that I learned as much during my review as I did in college especially in the application side. In my case I picked the one that finish early, so that I still have time to self review and digest what is taught in the review center. In contrast to other review center, that their review will last a week before the exam, so the dont have sufficient time to learn more beside what they learned from the review center.WHILE YOU ARE PREPARING FOR THE EXAM YOU SHOULD HAVE THE FOLLOWING:1.SCHEDULE Im suggesting to you to have a calendar in your room and then make an outline of your exam as a basis of your schedule. This will also help you not to cram during the review. Just make sure you have the discipline to follow your schedule.2.REVIEW MATERIALS-Gather all the material that you will be needing during the review, you can borrow from your classmates and friends or buy some books and review, but usually the review center also provide some reviewer, but in my case that is not that is not enough since they are only distributing some handout or guidelines.3.ASK SOMEONES HELP Ask some people who already took the board and ask some advice from them, surely they will give you very helpful tips and advice that you can use during the review or even in the actual examination. Also ask them about the recent examinations like what certain problems in a particular that appears in the examination, and the technique that they used when they took the exam. Ask any thing by the way its good because you are learning and at the same time its for free.Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope fortomorrow.Theimportant thing is not to stop questioning.-Albert Einstein4.A STUDY AREA This one depends on the person, are you a kind of listening to music while studying or do you want a quiet place while studying like me. In my case I like studying at night because I am sensitive in noise, I am very much easily destructed and irritated by the noise so what I did is make the day evening and evening a day for me to be able to study, because that is the time that all the distraction are gone.5.BE OPTIMISTIC-Optimism is a springboard that enables you to bounce back to your most desired success in passing the board exam. It is a mindset as one Philosophers said I think, therefore I am. Indeed, when you feel positive that you can pass the licensure, you really can. Research claims that the more the person envisions success, the more it becomes achievable.Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of charactersays Albert Einstein.A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.All things being equal, the person with a positive attitude WILL get the promotions and the person with a negative one will not. Work on your likeability factor daily.6.RELAX Our brain is not a computer processor which can process 24/7. If you feel so much stress as if no matter how hard you review, nothing comes in, its the best time to stop and relax. Try to spend time with your family, friends and special someone. Though you are not learning relative lessons from them, you got motivation. This will help you once again to pursue what you have started.One thing I have observed is that noisy people are not productive. They toot their own horns their voices are loud but they do not perform well.The quiet ones are the dangerous ones. They may be silently accomplishing much and because they are productive, they do not have time to indulge in useless revelries.Be excellent in what you do and here is one important advice I want to share with you: Make a noise quietly.Pile up Stock KnowledgeMy professor told me that many honor students even from reputable and highly respectable school also flunked the examination (that will somehow boost my confidence as you know I am one of the average students) and they are many, in other words, the outcome of the examination doesnt rely on intelligence alone, and I agree on him. May be because they are over confidence and/or even lack of preparation. The licensure examination is not a quiz bee thing where the most intelligent individuals are most likely to prevail. This is a marathon contest and the one blessed with immensePATIENCEandGOOD STUDY HABITSare favored. I reviewed almost a day learning the elements of the examinations and concentrating on problem solving, I focus in solving 50 math problems a day math is the foundation so you need to stick into it! After the 50 problems then I proceed to another subject, there are times that I am so lazy that I only solve 20 or even 10 and there are times that I feel so inspired that I can solve 60 or even 70.. But it doesnt matter! All it matters is you do it EVERYDAY!! Yes,stock knowledgeis the key in passing any given licensure examination, and it takes a lot of perseverance, patience and hard work to do it. Keep on moving by reading as many as you can and if necessary solve a lot practice a lot of solving problems until your brain is dead!ONE THING THAT I LEARNED IN LIFE IS..LIFE IS SUPPOSEDLY HARD, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT GOD INTENDED TO DO TO STRENGTEN US, HE WANTS US TO STRIVE HARD AND PRAY HARDER. I REMEMBER WHATC. S. Lewis says: God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.The question is, are you listening?Do not rely on luck Extreme luck comes in a blue moon when trying to pass the examination, but I believe that you create your own luck. Why? Simple, the more you review the more you are exposed to a lot of knowledge and when the time calls for you to make a guess, you are actually making an educated guess.Make an Educated Guessfor multiple choice questions that you dont know the answer for, try to make an educated guess by eliminating the possible answers that dont fit the question. For example if you meet a question that has A,B,C,D for choices but you know that it isnt answerable by choice A and C then you only have to take a guess between B and D. Which gives you a 50% chance of getting the right answer. Way better than a 25% chance right? (more chances of winning ika nga ).So when you are better prepared and indeed battle ready, your answer in every questions have strong chance of extracting the coveted right answers.Have Faith I believe that prayer helps greatly in helping you pass an exam (along with hard work). It is very okay to ask for divine providence all the time,but God only help those who help themselves. While you pray do all your job, review hard as you could and for sure Gods blessings will be with you when you take the examination. Let me tell you a story, I have classmate in review center (I will hide his name a.k.a. john rey) he is a very lazy student and always absent, and he is always saying that he will just pray to God for the exam and hes not study our lessons or even look at it anymore, to make a long story short he pass the exam not only passing the mock exam but one of the highest, I really dont know what happened and even have an idea, may be he sneak a pick to my classmates paper or something else but the moral lesson of this story is he never run out ofFaith,he always believing that something good will happen and if you believed that is the time miracle happened! Amazingisntit? Therefore PRAYER IS VERY POWERFUL so you better pray! There are great prayers available which ask for intercession from saints for helping you pass exams. One such saint isSt. Joseph of Cupertino, the patron saint of exam takers. AndSt. Jude,the patron of the hopeless where my classmate mark went every Thursday beside Malacanang Palace (kahit na bumabagyo). You may also go to Baclaran church every Wednesday, may be you can see me and my friend arjay, praying the novena toOur Lady of Perpetual Help.Motivate Yourself Always say to yourself that you need to pass the examination with all your might and capabilities, youre future is at stake here. And always remind yourself to the people who inspire and motivate you the most to study hard, like your family, special someone, and God.Do Not Pressure Yourself With the Expectations of Other People You are determined to pass the examination, and what will people speak of your performance is irrelevant and non sense they are not the ones that feed you or shouldered your collegiate fees and expenses and gives allowance. You cannot please anybody. This is your fight not theirs and be sure you are giving your best shot work hard.Before the Examination Most examinees usually relax themselves three days before the examination or even 2 weeks as my classmate said. One day before the Examination be sure that you have the necessary materials with you that you will need in the examination.During the Examination-relax, and take a deep breath often. Answer the easy ones first, but be sure that you have answered every questions 30 minutes before the given time. Dont get carried away with those examinees that pass their papers at an earlier time. Use your time well, these people are not genius, but rather lacks preparation with the examination and as a result they made guesswork with the test.GENIUS IS 99% PERSPIRATION AND 1% INSPIRATIONBooks will be your constant companion during your review, love them and youll learn a lot from them. Be persevering and youll reap inevitable rewards soonA person who does not invest will never amount to anything.Before you profit, you should first invest.There is no short cut to success.Short term gains equals long-term pains.Start investing in yourself today.DONT BE AN AMNESIA BOY/GIRL DURING THE EXAMLet me tell you a story. My classmate, kuya robin and I was thinking what if we have amnesia during the board exam, and all of our hard works in memorizing all the formula and the lessons that we studied day and night were all gone. Seriouslythere are people who go on mental blank and amnesia state in such a situation of duress. Let us try to avoid that, future board exam taker, passer and (if you follow my advice and devise your own effective ways)topnotcher!You will not earn it without hard work of some sort, if not during the review sessions, at least in the last 5 years of our college life you were trying so hard to make the grade and master everything. Or even in the last 2 months after the review (sa PATTS) or 2 weeks of the preparation, where you were not able to talk to anybody else because you arecrammingeverything in.But we avoid cramming because its not dignified and its not kind to ones body.Its the worst harassment you can possibly inflict on yourself: to cram your ass out, especially during the board exam. Some people find it effective, and I respect that. But my recommendation for long preparation is a tried and tested thing, believe me brothers and sisters.Give it your all. Do it right the first time .Do it now!Baka mag-double or triple take ka pa nyan, sayang naman yung time mo.The chances of passing the exam diminish each time you fail it because it lowers your morale more and more. But never lose hope!Meron akong kilala, 7 times syang nag take ng exam bago pumasa, tiwala lang talaga!There are things we should be serious about and there are things we can take lightly. It is the wise person who understands the difference and does what it right all the time.One wise person says: I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh, but I never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry.Even with early planning, you still run the risk of being so nervous during the exam (remember there is no single person that never been nervous during the exam). Physical conditioning will have to come in last in our series of tips here. What I will discuss now is more important, if you are at the 6 months before or more stage of your preparation.Lets cut to the chase, how do we not have amnesia on an exam?Engr. Renigen has put the best tip succinctly and clearly:Kulitin mo yung sarili mo dun sa formula!Mag practice ka ng mag practice!Matuto kang mag derive ng formula para konti lang mememoryahin mo!(if you have a Math-intensive exam like ours).And if I may add: kulitin hanggang halos isuka mo na yung concepts at formula.At wag kang makakalimot mag dasal sa Diyos!In a nutshell and in more dignified-sounding words: Formula, terms, concepts, strategies, techniques and other important things in the board exam field of study MUST, SHOULD, WILL be familiarized.I shall use my 2 review buddies as an example on how to apply what sir. Renigen taught us:We have a review session together with my 2 classmates, (I will hide their names as binz and dovs because they are very private person) in dovs house for 3 days, so we studied together, we studied same review materials, we share what we knew, asking some question to each other. But did you know the difference between the three of us?dovs had 5-6hrs of sleep, and I had 8-9hrs, and binz had 10-12 hrs of sleep. He studiedA LOT! We have a study session and I ended up sleeping halfway through a math problems and binz is already sleeping even though he never gets started. But dovs willcontinue.And we did not just solve during our review classes in PATTS or rely only for what the review center can offer or give to us, we have what we called alittle extrasof making kulit of our self with everything that needs to be mastered for the board exam.Math was one subject and only 10% in board exam. I answered 1001 Engineering Math Problems books besides from what they gave us in the review center because it is already in the complete package though I know that this is not enough so I search some extra reviewer, I even enrolled to a calculus class online in Stanford university (but unfortunately I received an e-mail that saying that our class will be move on January instead of August). It all sounds so simple right? But will actually reach that point where I want to throw the books and forget about taking the exam!BUT CONTINUE!Kulit yourself to the point of brain death!I firmly believe that this is what sets the dividing line between the passers and the topnotchers. The passers follow theirfeelingsand only solve when they feel like it. They only aim to pass the exam, so the extra effort matters so little to them.Thetop notchersare driven to top. They take a break and then get back to it as soon as possible.Anyone can give up, its the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, thats true strength.Feelings did not matter for me, then. I had a calendar that says solve 50 problems in Math everyday. And spend the rest of the day dividing the other subjects. In engineering, Math is the foundation.So we stick to the foundation.Index cards with terms and formulas are really useful for me especially when I am in the vehicle. Manila paper posted on walls containing the important terms, laws, etc. This is my Principle in Studying for the exam:Read everything at least three to five times.The first time, to comprehend.The second time,to improve recall.The third time,to help you summarize.The fourth time,to help you memorize.The fifth time,to make it so much a part of you already that even without the book, you know it BY HEART.if you hear you forget, if you see you remember, but if you do you understand-PAPAROTry to solve as many problems as you can, practice is the key! There was a point in time that some problems were just naturally embedded that during the mock exam, I did not even have to solve those types of questions. I just had to look at the choices or input it directly to the calculator and I found the logical answer. Thats a golden time saver when you are having an exam under time pressure. (specially now na 100 items na yung questions sa board exam).What did I do when I felt tempted to throw away the calendar of my review schedule? I have, on the other side of the bedroom wall a sign. It was a letter to myself which I prepared so that I will read it when I am feeling down and discouraged and unable to solve or stick to my calendar:Victory belongs only to those strive hard and pray hardest(Promise me to be a winner)It was the REMINDER of the things I envision myself to have even before I started the review. It was my peg that defined the mindset I cultivated the entire time. And many times during my review, I will felt so swamped, so lost and so confusedkung ano ang uunahinko. But never give up.I also wrote a bunch of notes on my bedroom wall to console and restrain myself from not having Internet during the review, Its like putting my self in exile, or worst from not being able to talk to my friends on facebook(I feel like dying), and from not even being able to watch all the movies I wanted to watch, or television shows that I really like. From that bedroom wall of ambition and the backdrop of steady hard labor, it materialized. I had spiritual and moral support too from people whoreally special to me, but lets save that for another time.THANK FOR READING MY BLOG!

8 Steps In Preparing Yourself For The Board Exams

Completing the five-long engineering course is a great milestone for a young engineer full of ambitions and aspirations. The day of graduation is really worth a thousand celebrations. However, the journey doesnt end there. The bigger and more challenging landmark will be passing the licensure examinations.

Like an athlete preparing to compete for the Olympics, your preparations for taking the licensure exams will be very vital in the outcome of your board results. A carefree preparation oftentimes, yields negative result. Likewise, overdoing your review will not help either. I have seen some examinees reviewing until the wee hours of dawn, yet later falter during the board exams due to fatigue and lack of sleep.

Like a training regimen champion athletes ardently follow, it is more than helpful to have your sets of programs to follow like a roadmap during your course of review. It will serve as your guide, as well as, your reference to check your development from time to time.

Saying this, lets discuss the eight steps you need to do as you start preparing for your board review.


Before start reviewing, you would need to know the scope of the tests that will be given in the board exams. Knowing this, you can avoid wasting your time reviewing the subjects not included in the exams. Secondly, you can focus more your efforts on the relevant subjects and give more emphasis on those with the heftier points.


Now, having familiar with the scope of the tests, you are more or less familiar with the subjects you need to review. You are now aware, too, about the weight in percentage of each subject category.

Having this, make an inventory of the books and reviewers you currently have. You may have bought some reviewers and books during your earlier years in college. It is the right time again to dig them from your closet and read.

If you dont have much of them, you can buy some sets from your favorite bookstores like NBS and Merriam and Webster branches near you. It would be helpful, too, if you can borrow or at least, photocopy reviewers from your senior acquaintances who have just passed the board exams.

Get as much different versions of reviewers as you can. This will help widen your knowledge base as you will be encountering a wide array of questionnaires as well as problem-solving solutions.


Check your scientific calculator if it is still functioning well. You dont want to ruin your arduous preparation and your bright hopes just because your calculator malfunctioned during the exams.

If it is necessary, buy a new piece now. The good thing about buying at this early will familiarize yourself with your calculator. Just be aware, though, that the EE board allows only specific types of scientific calculators during the examinations.

Buy a ream or two of brown wove or white wove coupon bonds whichever you may prefer. Use this during your practice of solving problems. Solve as much questionnaires as you can. Remember that the engineering board exams are more on solving problems. The more problems you solve accurately, the more you will boost your confidence and the more you feel prepared in taking the board examinations.


Now that you know the scope of the examinations, plan when you will start your review. The earlier you will start, the more emphasis and value you can give to your board exam readiness.

Count the days from the first day you plan to open those books, until the first day of the examinations. I would suggest you leave at least 14 days window before the first day of exams to make way for your refresher course prior to the exams.

Tabulate these total numbers of days with the total subjects you have in the program of examinations. Give more allowance to those subjects you have difficulty with or to the subjects you want to focus more. You may insert rest days to do other personal things or to just wind down. The final product of this table will be yourReview Master Plan.

Your Review Master Plan will be the most important tool you will have during your course of review. Having this will assure you that you have reviewed all the subjects listed in the program of examinations. It will also serve as your monitoring guide to see if you are lagging behind or you are just affront on your review scope.

Pledge yourself to passionately follow your Review Master Plan or else everything will go into naught.


Now that you have your perfect Review Master Plan as guide, you can now decide yourself what review center you will be going to attend.

To choose the best review center in town, ask the experiences and recommendations of your senior acquaintances for a particular review center. The more people you ask from, the more you can get opinions and referrals which is the best among the list. However, attending the best review center may not assure you will pass the board. It is still depends on how you prepare yourself for the exams.


After you have completed your rigorous review regimen, we highly recommend you must attend a refresher course.It is a short yet comprehensive review class, more or less conducted at least two weeks before the board exams.

Unlike the boring regular review classes conducted by the review centers, refresher courses are more comprehensive and substantial. Past board exam questionnaires were discussed most of its entirety in a refresher class, so you can get the feel of being in the examination room at this early stage.

One of the real meaning of attending the refresher course is the valuable tips and problem solving techniques your instructor may share during the course.


To avoid the unnecessary cramming and waste of time later on when you apply for examination in the coming REE board, it would be smart to prepare the necessary documents as early as possible.


I extract this passage from my favorite book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by one of the famous leadership book authors of present times, Stephen R. Covey.

Now that you have fulfilled the necessary ingredients in preparation for your board review, you need to convey your horizon in passing the board exams into action.

Start reviewing your lessons according to your Review Master Plan. Begin your review with a clear vision in your mind of your desire of passing the board exams. Then continue each day of your review by focusing your actions to make that desire of passing the board exams into reality as the time of board exam nears.

One of these actions is following religiously your Review Master Plan. Second example might be avoiding things that may disturb your focus during your course of review, like for example, attending late night parties or playing your favorite Android games at the same time reviewing.

Always remember that you are the one who creates your own destiny and the sole person to secure the future you envision.

The 5Ps Of Passing The Board Exams

Victory belongs to the most persevering- Napoleon Bonaparte -

If you have read the article 8 STEPS IN PREPARING YOURSELF FOR THE BOARD EXAMS, we have discussed the basic steps you need to do to prepare for the board examinations.

This article aims to complement the 8 STEPS and we hope it will help you in a way or two to pass your board examinations.

On few occasions, mostly after the release of the board results, we visit the university belt just to get some news related to the results of the recent board exams. Quite often, we would hear some sentiments of those unsuccessful board takers. Frequently, we would hear them blaming the lack of time reviewing for the board exams. Still, some blame the review centers they had attended due to some reasons that may sound valid or not.

On our point of view, most of the unsuccessful examinees failed mainly because of the following:

PROCRASTINATIONSince the board exams were still months away, some examinees feel they have much time to spare with other things other than reviewing early. As the examination date nears, they would cram and would spend time reviewing their lessons up to the wee hours in the morning. Come examination day, they feel heavily exhausted and drained out.

DEPENDENCY ON THE LECTURES OF REVIEW CENTERSince enrolled in a review class with good standard of passing percentage, some examinees feel with high confidence that the lessons given in their review classes were more than enough to carry them pass the board exams. After attending their review lesson of the day, they would spend their time with other activities rather than solving engineering questionnaires and reading their reviewers.

LACK OF FOCUS AND CONCENTRATIONAny activities that may divert your attention away from reading and solving your review materials may lead you to fail your board exams. Reviewing needs focus and ardent attention in order to fully understand your lessons.

To help you during your preparation for the board examinations, we outlined 5 important values that we feel may help you do well during the engineering board examinations.

We may call these the5Ps of Passing The Board Examinations.


PASSIONIn order to succeed in your board examinations, you must set into yourself that your most important goal at the moment is passing your board examinations.In conquering this objective, you must believe you can hurdle all hindrances and seize the necessary actions to succeed in this aspiration. This is what you may call as Goal-Setting.

PERSEVERANCEAfter setting your goal, you need the necessary actions to realize that goal. Lay your profound commitment in your goal of passing the board. Eliminate the hindrances along the way and focus more on the necessary actions you need to realize your objective.

Example of this is to give up your TV time and spend more hours reading and solving engineering problems in your reviewers and textbooks.

In case you find difficulties on some subjects, dont give up. Stop reading for a while, chill out and relax a little bit. Once you feel comfortable, then read on and try again to understand the subject matter.

Perseverance is about your commitment to reach your aspirations; no matter how difficult would be the tasks. Complement this commitment with hard work, patience and sacrifices and you will succeed in passing your board exams.

PREPARATIONIf you come in your exams ready and prepared, there is no reason you will fail in your licensure examinations.Read again the8 Steps in Preparing Yourself For The Board Exams. Follow diligently yourReview Master Plan.

In case you are a bit behind in your schedule, try to catch up by spending a little more reviewing time but beware of overdoing it. In case you are a few steps ahead, try to cover more topics you find to be relevant reviewing. Prepare more and expect the unexpected.

Two days before the examinations, visit your designated examinations room to get acquainted yourself with the place. Familiarize the traffic condition and the travel time if you will be coming from a far-off place.

Prepare the necessary documents and the necessary materials you need during the examinations two days ahead. Come examination time, you will feel comfortable and confident when everything has already been in place.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND PRACTICEEngineering board exams were mostly problem solving. And the key to be familiar with most of the problem solving topics is by computing and solving them often. Get your ream of coupon bonds and compute as many problem solving questionnaires as you can.

Try also to derive the formulas yourself. Once you derive a formula, you dont need to memorize them, as you know by then where that formula was derive from.

A good tip we got from my refresher class was to familiarize more the unit of the formula instead of memorizing the formula itself. Once you forgot the formula, yet you were familiar with its unit, it is easy later on to solve the problem. You wont be lost since the other figures in the problem were given in the test questionnaire.

The test exams were easier at present, since the questionnaires were already multiple choices by nature in comparison to 10 years ago when you need to write down the answer as well as the solutions in your test papers. Gone with the time when we put QEDs beside our answers.

PRAYERWe believe one of the important factors that carry us through during our review and help us passed our board examinations were prayers, lots of it.Seek guidance through prayer before you start your review for the day. You will feel stronger when you feel the Lord Almighty is just beside you and guiding you every day as you carry out your daily review lessons.When you feel uncomfortable because some lessons seem doesnt sink-in, take a little walk to wind down, say a little prayer to ask for comfort and re-start your lessons again.A day before your exams, loosen up, attend a morning mass and ask for blessings during the day of your examinations. Say a prayer before you leave your home during your exams day. It would be helpful and comforting also to cite a small prayer for guidance prior to the time of examinations.

Foods To Help Boost Your Memory During Review

The rigor of preparing and reviewing for the EE board exams requires a thorough preparation for both body and the mind. To maintain mental alertness as well as memory sharpness, you must augment your body and brain with memory-boosting foods and supplements.The first thing that may come up into your mind might be vitamins and oral supplements which may be available over the counter. One very popular supplement a decade ago is the supplement known as Posellite-B.Supplements like this might be enticing to take given the superb marketing ads and hypes about the product. However, we may not aware about some possible side effects these might bring later on into your system. Besides, these may be expensive in the pocket of a college student on-allowance tight on a budget.Dont be discouraged, however, for in reality, brain foods were just around the corner and commonly full in abundance in your local tiangge or markets. You may not just aware which among those foods can help boost and maintain your memory sharpness.Lets discuss them one by one.


Omega -3 fatty acids are essential unsaturated fatty acids that are vital to our normal metabolism. Among the kinds of omega-3 that were best known for good health benefits are the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. A good benefit of these essential fatty acids, as a result by a study, is that it helps the brain repair damage by promoting neuronal growth. Still, some studies have shown that eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids could help slow the usual cognitive deterioration that comes with aging.Abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids are salt water fishes such salmon, mackerel, anchovies and sardines. A good level of this can also be found in tilapia and tuna.


Choline-rich eggs and chicken may sharpen your memory, this reveals by one US study which performed long-term health study on a group of adults related to brain changes associated with dementia.Other foods high in choline include legumes (such as soy and kidney beans), saltwater fish, liver and milk.


Quercetin is a bioflavonoid commonly found in fruits, grains and vegetables.It is a powerful antioxidant that has many health benefits. Among them is neutralizing the free radicals in the body and brain which damages cell membranes. It also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and antihistamine, and may help protect against heart disease and cancer. Quercetin has found also to protect the brain from damages associated with Alzheimers disease.Quercetin-rich fruits are grapes, whether red or black, apples, grapes, berries, lemons and cherries.Onions, cauliflower, tomato, broccoli and some green-leafy vegetables are among the vegetables that are also rich in quercetin.Tea lovers benefit from this flavonoid, too, as tea, both green and red, were very rich of quercetin.Tea, anyone?

What's Next After the Board Exams?After the graduations, the main focus and aspirations of newly graduate engineers is to pass the board exams. They believe that the board license will be the spring board to employment and bright engineering career.

Sadly, in reality, engineering license doesnt matter most, if not little, when you apply for an employment especially in the manufacturing industry.

Few companies at present hire newly graduates, as entry level engineers. The engineering license was not a big factor, too, during the recruitment period. Oftentimes, the recruitment officer gives deeper emphasis on the eagerness and enthusiasm of the applicant. Better preferences were given to those who will show learning potential during the course of interview.

However, there are ways to increase your hiring potential even though you are a neophyte fresh from the academe. One of these ways is the three steps which we may call asC-R-T.Lets discuss these three steps in full detail.


Decide which industrial field you wanted to start and build your career. As an electrical engineer, the following are some of the possible paths you can follow and build your core competence. Facilities / Utilities Engineering Equipment Maintenance Engineering Process Engineering Instrumentation, Control and Automation Engineering Maintenance Planning EngineeringEach of these mentioned fields requires certain specific skills. For the meantime, lets just have your choice among these five fields mentioned.


As a greenhorn in the manufacturing environment, it is understandable it's your first time to hear these engineering careers. To augment your knowledge, you must conduct research related to those mentioned above. The fastest and rich medium would be the internet.

Read topics related to the one you choose. Lets take Utilities Engineering as an example.

Utilities engineering is related to the maintenance of utilities equipment such as Air Compressors, Air Conditioning Units, Steam Boilers, Intake and Exhaust Blowers, AC Generators, Electrical Building maintenance, Domestic Water and Water Treatments, Waste Water Treatment and the like.

Most of the details regarding the equipments mentioned are widely available on the internet. It depends upon your patience and perseverance to look for the useful materials you need. Focus your energy more on the systems of operation and maintenance aspects and let it sync-in into your system.


Now that you get acquainted with the different equipments based on what have you read, you need to put what you read into practical experience.

You need to soil your hands and have your actual experience by attending seminars and trainings offered by institutions with good reputation around the industry. Two of these institutions are TESDA and UP-ISSI. Both of these are government-owned institutions which focus on the practical and technical skills enhancement.

Private institutions which are among the best in this field are Meralco Foundation Institute, DUALTECH and Marikina Institute of Science and Technology.

Once youve completed your seminars and trainings from one of these institutions, you can be confident to apply for job interviews and affirm that you are at the very least, conversant about the job you are applying for.

One of the advantages of attending such trainings and seminars will be having a certificate of attendance which you can show once asked during the interview. The institutions reputation in the industry may carry you, too, during your job interviews.

How to Pass The Board Exam, Tips, Tricks, Prayersupdated onOctober 18, 2014byADAMinBOARD EXAM RESULTS 24 3 How to pass theboard exam? was one of the questions I had in mind when I took the licensure exam for engineers way back 2003. I am proud to say that I passed it on the first take.Have you asked yourself do I really need to pass the board exam? the answer is it depends. If you belong to technical courses like engineering, there are some companies which do not require for an applicant to pass the licensure exam although most of the time they would say it is an advantage. For an accounting graduate, you can apply for a job that does not require a CPA license but then your privileges are on hold.For teachers, I think in order to apply for a job you also really have to pass the LET. For medical courses (Doctors, Nurse, PT, Medtech) license is really a big deal so you really have to pass the licensure / board exam. Are you ready to pass the board exam? See the things I did to pass the board exam (tips, tricks and prayers) below.

Things I did to pass the Board / Licensure ExamI attended a review center course. At school, most of the time our professor would teach us about solving problems based on what the book says, but in the review class you would learn almost every technique to reduce time in solving particular problem. Also, it would give you tips about the trend of questions during the actual exam.There are two ways in choosing the review center. First, I asked my schoolmates ahead of me who already passed the exam about their preferred review center. Second, I did research about the existing review centers. Let your fingers do the walking, just search for it online. I would suggest that you choose a review center that is already in the field for so many years because they are most experienced.Invest in review materials, purchase additional review books if you must.I attend refresher course (optional)On this course, simulations of the actual exam are being done. So I answered the questions the best that I could. I focused and took it seriously because Ill never know if those questions will appear in the real board exam. I know a friend who did not take the course who actually became number 3 on board exam. During the review, I dont overwork myself. I dont stay up late at night, it would affect my ability to memorize formulas and terms.If you want to attend refresher course but cant due to financial constrain, you can borrowquestionnaires from your batchmates / friends who attend the refresher course. Just photocopy it and return it to them.What I did religiously to pass the board examPrayers can move mountains. I prayed all the time, believing and trusting Him. As theverse in biblesaysAnd all things you ask in prayer, believe and you shall receive. Matthew 21:22.I attended novena to St. Jude Thadeus, it would only consume an hour of a week for nine days.This is beyond any belief but during the Novena, I once bring my calculator and pencil and have it blessed by holy water.As the saying goes: Do your best and GOD will do the rest, is still applicable these days. Pray for guidance but you should also study hard. Memories formulas, and solve problems.Review at HomeOf course, most of the time you will be staying at home, so review. Make a schedule so you can still maintain a balanced life while preparing for the big two days / three days / four days exam. Remove all destruction while reviewing; mobile phones, laptop, Facebook, Twitter, DOTA, and everything that will let you lose your focus.If you intend to, you can stay inside your room to study but get out of your cave and talk to your family from time to time. Do some exercise, you dont need to go to the gym. You can do some jumping jacks, chair pushups, jogging in place, and situps. It can help reduce stress, maintain good blood circulation, and focus.Day before the board examI visited the location of the school so that during the exam I wont be rushing looking for the place. Knowing the place helped me feel very prepared on that day. During the Board Exam I woke up early and I arrived at the place 30 minutes before the exam time. I also wore comfortable clothes or in some cases you can wear the prescribed uniform (like for nurses).The exam would last for about 8 hours per day, so I bought Gatorade and mammon just to keep my stomach alive and kicking. I did it for 3 consecutive days. Before I start the test, I prayed that all of the questions listed on the board exam were those I reviewed.Words of WisdomLet me remind the exam takers to always follow instructions in answering the test papers. Use your time well and dont be over confident, I mean dont count your perceived correct answers and mistakes. Just answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.Board exam questions are tricky, you should take note of the details especially decimal differences given in the multiple choice. Double check your answer as much as possible.Also, dont tell your co-examinees that the exam is easy to try to look smart because it can backfire sometimes especially when the results are out and you cant see your name on it (hehehe).If somehow you didnt make it on your first take, dont be discouraged, after six months re-take the exam. Never quit, study harder, and also pray harder. Allow me to share this quote to you:

Credits to the ownerThis is how I pass the board exam.How about you? Can you share how you were able to pass the board exam. If you are planning to take the exam, can you share your preparations? If you think this post would help your friends pass the exam, please share this to them.