CHESTER ON PARADE Our Annual Review for 2009 Ches ter and District Scout Council Regist ered C harity No 511406

CHESTER ON PARADE · Cheshire HikeCheshire Hike Congratulations to all who took part in the 2009 Cheshire Hike: much nicer weather than 2008! 1st Ashton and Manley, 1st Farndon, 1st

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    Our Annual Review fo



    Chester and District S

    cout Council

    Registered Charity N

    o 511406

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    AWARDS 2009

    Congratulations to all those members of the

    District who received well-deserved awards

    during 2009:

    Silver Wolf

    David King, Secretary, District Scout


    Hilary Roberts, County Chaplaincy Team and

    Member, District Scout Fellowship

    in in in in recognition of service of the most recognition of service of the most recognition of service of the most recognition of service of the most

    outstanding characteroutstanding characteroutstanding characteroutstanding character

    Silver Acorn

    Terry Coe, Scout Leader, 18th Chester (St


    Dave Evans, District Cub Scout Leader

    June Hughes, District Vice President and

    District Cub Scout Leader

    Lorna McIntyre, latterly Group Scout Leader,


    in recognition of specially distinguished in recognition of specially distinguished in recognition of specially distinguished in recognition of specially distinguished


    Bar to the Award for Merit

    Wayne Challinor, Group Scout Leader, 8th


    Iain McIntyre, Assistant District

    Commissioner (Youth Programme and

    Events), District Nights Away Adviser,

    Training Adviser

    Alan Wilding, Assistant District

    Commissioner (Cub Scouts), Group Scout

    Leader, 1st Saltney (St Mark’s), Training


    Award for Merit

    Richard Johnson, Assistant District

    Commissioner (Beaver Scouts), Training

    Adviser and Beaver Scout Leader 42nd


    Chief Scout's Commendation for Good


    Christine Birchall, Treasurer, District Scout


    Jayne Challinor, Assistant Group Scout

    Leader, 8th Chester

    Julie Gray, Assistant Scout Leader, 1st


    Mark Gray, Scout Leader, 1st Upton-by-


    Yvonne Harding, Group Scout Leader, 1st


    Charly Hillier, Assistant District

    Commissioner (Scouts) and Scout Leader,

    40th Chester

    Helen Shone, Cub Scout Leader, 42nd


    Joanne Turner, District Chair

    Karan Warburton, District Appointments


    Rose Weaver, Beaver Scout Leader, 1st


    Chief Scout’s Service Awards

    50 years50 years50 years50 years

    David Lloyd, Treasurer, 1st Upton

    30 years30 years30 years30 years

    Maureen Ivens, Appointments Advisory


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    20 years20 years20 years20 years

    Yvonne Harding, 1st Christleton

    25 years25 years25 years25 years

    Joanne Turner, District Chair

    Alan Wilding, ADC (Cub Scouts) and 1st

    Saltney (St Mark’s)

    20 years20 years20 years20 years

    David Mullock, Dewa Explorer Scouts

    Gill Owen, Cestrian

    Alan Reay, DESC and 1st Ashton and Manley

    15 years15 years15 years15 years

    Charly Hillier, ADC (Scouts) and 40th Chester

    Andrew Jones, District Nights Away Adviser

    and Dewa Explorer Scouts

    Brent Wilson, 1st Sandstone

    10 years10 years10 years10 years

    Jonathan Brown, 1st Guilden Sutton

    Jayne Challinor, 8th Chester

    Richard De Beger, 1st Saltney (St Mark’s)

    Helen Shone, 42nd Chester

    John Lambert, 40th Chester

    Julie Gray, 1st Upton by Chester

    Annie Sinclair, 40th Chester

    Paul Wright, Cestrian

    5 years5 years5 years5 years

    Sandra Clarke, 42nd Chester

    David Goodier, 1st Tarporley

    Trish Poole, 5th Blacon (Holy Trinity)

    Tom Woodworth, 1st Malpas

    Wood Badge

    Simon Ashton, Explorer Scout Leader,

    Renegades Explorer Scouts

    Malcolm Koutson, Cub Scout Leader, 1st


    Volunteer Centre – Volunteer Awards

    Members of the District received

    recognition at 2009 event organised by the

    Chester Volunteer Centre. These awards are

    made on the nomination of Group Scout


    Jayne Challinor Jenny Challinor Suzanne Donovan Roger Hewitt Joan Hunt John Riley Jordan Smith Dawn Steaton Victoria Taker


    We remember members of the District who

    died during 2009:

    DavidDavidDavidDavid CapstickCapstickCapstickCapstick

    David was well known as a leader at the 1st

    Upton-by-Chester and his family have long

    been supporters of the Group.

    Peter WhitbyPeter WhitbyPeter WhitbyPeter Whitby

    Peter was a long term leader at the 18th

    Chester and was appointed an Honorary

    Scouter just before his death.

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    At the beginning of 2009, our membership stood at 1,294, against 1,173 in 2008. This total was

    made up 1,007 young people and 172 adults in Groups and 115 (including Explorer Scouts)

    under the District return. Thirteen of our 19 Groups increased their numbers. Numbers on their

    own don't make the full story but it's satisfying that our growth continues. Well done all!

    There have been many successes and we have tried to capture these in our monthly newsletter

    and on our web site, which had just been re-launched at the beginning of 2009.

    Our District Directory is now available as a download from the web site and an updated version will be published after the 2010 Annual General Meeting, with regular updates after that, as we have done throughout 2009. Adult training and recruitment are a key priority and training modules are delivered regularly in Chester where the District is pleased to make our Scout Centre available to leaders from all over Cheshire and North Wales so that they can take part in the training they need. In 2009, we had 151 attendances at 42 Modules. Our Sectional teams work hard to help our Groups and Units - this Review gives more details.

    The District Executive Committee and its sub-Committees have continued to provide much

    needed financial and management support to the District. This support is vital and we need to

    ensure that all the vacancies we have for key positions are filled. This year we re-introduced the

    Sponsored Walk and hope that Groups found this a valuable part of their fundraising. Our Scout

    Shop continues to provide essential income for the District as well as a high-quality service to

    Groups and Members.

    The District Action Plan is regularly reviewed and updated and is the framework for the support

    provided by the District Team and the District Executive. The annual District Team Conference in

    May helped us to think through the implications of the plan and the best ways to implement it.

    The great progress in the District is the result of the commitment of so many people that it is impossible to make a list of them all. All we can do is to say thank you to all those who have made Chester and District the active and growing community that it is. 2010 is our centenary year, with all the chances to celebrate and to use the opportunities to make even more progress. The future is bright! Jo TurnerJo TurnerJo TurnerJo Turner David BullDavid BullDavid BullDavid Bull District ChairDistrict ChairDistrict ChairDistrict Chair District CommissionerDistrict CommissionerDistrict CommissionerDistrict Commissioner

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    My! This time of year again, Annual General

    Meeting season; how time flies when you

    are having fun and making friends.

    In Chester and District we have nineteen

    active Beaver Colonies who work very hard

    each week delivering a balanced

    programme for over 300 young Scouts

    enjoying the experience of Scouting, this is

    an increase upon last year and includes a

    new Colony at the 42nd Chester group in


    In 2009, 30 Beaver Scouts were awarded

    their Bronze Chief Scout’s Award.

    Congratulations to them all!

    In April I heard that I was to be awarded the

    Award of Merit, which was presented to me

    at the District Annual General Meeting last

    June. Thank you to all who has helped me

    along the way, I shall wear the award with


    Beavers from most of our Groups marched

    with pride at our St George’s Day parade.

    In July Beavers from around the District

    enjoyed a Beaver Fun Day at Forest Camp,

    where they had fun with Beavers from all

    over Cheshire. In December Beavers from

    the District enjoyed their Christmas Carol

    service at Blacon Holy Trinity Church.

    As I bring this report to a close, I’m thinking

    of the committed leaders we have in the

    District and my thanks to them for their

    commitment each week to the children. We

    are growing in Beavers in the District and

    before I hang up my Assistant District

    Commissioner ‘hat’ I would like to see more

    Beaver Colonies opening across the District,

    but as you know Beaver Scout Leaders don’t

    grow on trees!

    Please accept my sincere thanks to all

    leaders, helpers and parents for

    volunteering each week with leadership and

    for supporting all our young people.

    Beaver Scouting in Chester and District is

    alive and kicking, and with your help it will

    continue for many a year to come.

    God Bless you all.

    Richard JohnsonRichard JohnsonRichard JohnsonRichard Johnson Assistant District Commissioner (Beaver Assistant District Commissioner (Beaver Assistant District Commissioner (Beaver Assistant District Commissioner (Beaver Scouts)Scouts)Scouts)Scouts) CUB SCOUTS

    Swimming GalasSwimming GalasSwimming GalasSwimming Galas

    The District Swimming Gala was held in

    October and was won by 1st Farndon; 18th

    Chester came a close second. The winners of

    each event then formed a team to enter the

    County Swimming Gala. This team consisted

    of Cubs from 1st Farndon, 1st Malpas, 18th

    Chester, 1st Tarporley and 1st Guilden

    Sutton. I am pleased to report that this

    team won the County Gala in November.

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    Totem Pole CompetitionTotem Pole CompetitionTotem Pole CompetitionTotem Pole Competition

    1st Waverton kindly hosted the Totem Pole

    competition in November which was a

    Scouting skills competition, including the

    Waverton ‘Egg drop’. The competition was

    won by 18th Chester (Maclaren).

    Carols and Activities @ ForestCarols and Activities @ ForestCarols and Activities @ ForestCarols and Activities @ Forest

    For the Carol service this year we tried

    something different by holding it at

    Birchwood. We spent the afternoon doing

    various activities as part of the Promise

    Challenge then we finished the afternoon

    by singing Carols around the camp fire.

    Picture: Chester Cubs on the Founder’s Day trip to Picture: Chester Cubs on the Founder’s Day trip to Picture: Chester Cubs on the Founder’s Day trip to Picture: Chester Cubs on the Founder’s Day trip to


    In every Pack each week, there is a great

    deal of activity and I would like to say thank

    you to all the leaders and helpers who put

    in so much effort. Thanks also to our three

    District Cub Scout Leaders, June Hughes,

    Chris Owens and Dave Evans.

    Alan WildingAlan WildingAlan WildingAlan Wilding Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scouts)Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scouts)Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scouts)Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scouts)

    SCOUTS Cheshire HikeCheshire HikeCheshire HikeCheshire Hike Congratulations to all who took part in the 2009 Cheshire Hike: much nicer weather than 2008! 1st Ashton and Manley, 1st Farndon, 1st Tarporley, 1st Upton, 18th Chester, 48th Chester, Farndon Explorers, Renegades Explorers, Dewa Explorers and Wolf Explorers all participated – well done to all. The District trophies were earned by:

    Junior Junior Junior Junior James Realff and Charlie Knock, 1st Farndon Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Alex Bain and Ryan Thomas, 1st Upton Senior Senior Senior Senior Luke Thornton and Peter Young, Dewa and Renegades Explorers Senior Plus Senior Plus Senior Plus Senior Plus Ian Halton and Matthew Smith, Farndon Explorers

    Congratulations to them and all the twenty

    five teams who took part from our District!

    Chief ScoutChief ScoutChief ScoutChief Scout’’’’s Gold Awards Gold Awards Gold Awards Gold Awardssss We were well represented at the County presentation of certificates. Congratulations once again to all those who received their awards.

    World Scout JamboreeWorld Scout JamboreeWorld Scout JamboreeWorld Scout Jamboree SelectionSelectionSelectionSelection 17 young people from Chester and District attended a selection day at Forest Camp, Sandiway. The day was set up to allow all the young people to work together on a range of different tasks put together to test

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    their differing abilities and Scouting knowledge. They also had to attend a short interview. We are pleased to have filled all our allotted places and have since been awarded another place, and are sending 8 young people to Sweden. The successful Scouts are: Michael Oddie (Renegades Explorers), Luke Thornton, Alex Thornton and Richard Ludden (Dewa Explorers), Christopher Harrington (40th Chester), Craig Roberts and Matthew Craig (42nd Chester) and Arun Paul (1st Christleton). Charly HillierCharly HillierCharly HillierCharly Hillier Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts)Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts)Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts)Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts) EXPLORER SCOUTS Members of the six Explorer Scout Units

    located widely round the Chester District

    have enjoyed access to a wide range of


    The young people, assisted by the Explorer

    Scout leadership teams continued to work

    towards both Scouting and Duke of

    Edinburgh’s awards.

    In April members took part in the annual St

    George’s Day bell boat race and barbecue.

    Camping and outdoor activities are a

    feature of the Explorer Scout Section all

    year around, including paddles sports and

    winter camps and this year was no


    Twenty two Explorer Scouts from three

    Districts took part in Chester's Young Leader

    Training Course at the Clogwyn Activity

    Centre at Bangor in North Wales and

    another eighteen from Chester and District

    took part in a second course, with Luke

    Thornton (Dewa Explorers) receiving his

    Young Leader belt.

    The weekends were spent working in

    groups with many interruptions for games.

    By the end of the courses all had planned a

    twelve week programme for their Sections,

    along with risk assessments and ideas for

    badge work - all with the key goal of a

    balanced programme.

    Alan Reay, District Explorer Scout Alan Reay, District Explorer Scout Alan Reay, District Explorer Scout Alan Reay, District Explorer Scout Commissioner to 2010Commissioner to 2010Commissioner to 2010Commissioner to 2010 Simon Ashton, District Explorer Scout Simon Ashton, District Explorer Scout Simon Ashton, District Explorer Scout Simon Ashton, District Explorer Scout Commissioner from 2010Commissioner from 2010Commissioner from 2010Commissioner from 2010

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    CHESTER AND DISTRICT SCOUT FELLOWSHIP This has been another enjoyable and successful year for the Fellowship. We have had a varied programme of meetings during the year including presentations on “The role of a PCSO” by Karen Denis, "Chester Silverware" by Dr Campbell of Tarporley Cottage Hospital and a practical talk on "Self Defence" by Amanda Wilson. We also enjoyed several social events with a cheese and wine evening to start the year, a Mystery coach trip arranged by Christine Birchall, a barbecue at the District Centre, two quizzes, a canal trip arranged by Rex & Jean Wilson, a Sunday walk around Brimstage and Thornton Hough followed by lunch and finally our annual Christmas dinner. Members of the Fellowship were also kept busy helping Scouting in Chester and District, both at Group and District levels. We provided help at St George's Day Parade with marshalling, flag marshalling, setting up the cathedral with service sheets and arranging the collection, the Sponsored Walk with administration and marshalling and the Scout and Guide Orchestra performance at Chester Cathedral. Many members were again involved with the Gang Show at the Kings School: Gang members, backstage, front of house and catering for the Gang on Saturday afternoon and also with the Gang Show camp. We provided refreshments for several District events including Awards Day, the Annual General Meeting and two weekend Young Leader training courses. Members also represented the District with David Bull at Remembrance Day and County Scout Sunday.

    We held our Annual General Meeting at the District Scout Centre followed by a fish and chip supper. David King, Christine Birchall and I were re-elected as Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman. I am pleased to report that Fellowship is still very active and providing help to the District as well as having a varied social programme. I would like to thank all of our members, particularly our Secretary and Treasurer, David King and Christine Birchall for all their help and support over the year. We are also looking forward to the forthcoming change to a Scout Active Support Unit. John RJohn RJohn RJohn Rileyileyileyiley ChairmanChairmanChairmanChairman, Chester and District Scout , Chester and District Scout , Chester and District Scout , Chester and District Scout FellowshipFellowshipFellowshipFellowship ANNUAL AWARDS DAY We chose Upton High School as the venue for the 2009 Awards Presentation and were honoured by the presence of the Sheriff of Chester, Councillor David Hull. Representatives of most Groups in the

    District were at the School on 15 March to

    receive certificates of recognition of their

    achieving the Chief Scout's Award at

    Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels.

    There were a total of 69 certificates


    Alice Wood (5th Blacon) received the Stan

    Hinson trophy and Hilary Clarke (also 5th

    Blacon) the Chief Scout's Commendation for

    Good Service.

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    Warmest congratulations to them all!

    ST GEORGE’S DAY Our annual parade and service to celebrate

    our Patron Saint takes place on the nearest

    Sunday to 23 April each year. This event

    gives us all the opportunity to let the

    general public know that we are Scouts. It

    also gives every one of us the opportunity

    to reflect on what Scouting is all about, and

    what our Promise means. This is the event

    where we all stand up and renew that

    Promise, and pledge again “to do our best”.

    Because of other services at the Cathedral,

    we were unable to be there in 2009 but

    were guests at St John’s Church, the parish

    church of Chester. Fr David Chesters and all

    at St John's made us very welcome and

    there was a great turnout from the District –

    the church was full.

    After the service, many Groups laid on lunch

    at Macdonald's, picnicking on the Groves

    and bell boating - a great way to enjoy the

    good weather!

    We always use the Castle Square to start

    and finish our parade, and the County

    Council allow us to use it free of charge. We

    also receive support from the Police, who

    have to close roads to allow us to march

    through our City.

    I would like to place on record our thanks to

    Cheshire West and Chester Council, the

    Police, the City of Chester Band and

    Warrington Phoenix Drum and Trumpet

    Corps and the staff of St John’s for all their


    Iain McIntyreIain McIntyreIain McIntyreIain McIntyre Assistant District Commissioner (Youth Assistant District Commissioner (Youth Assistant District Commissioner (Youth Assistant District Commissioner (Youth Programme and Events)Programme and Events)Programme and Events)Programme and Events) GANG SHOW 53rd PRODUCTION

    Our show returned to the King’s School with me as Producer for the second year. Once again, performances took place during the February half-term. We had the benefit of the experience of the 2008 show at the School but nonetheless there was still the need to provide things like sound and lighting systems, extra curtain tracks, dressing rooms, intercom and an orchestra pit, all from scratch. But when the first night arrived, the production, scenery, and wardrobe and makeup teams together with all our other supporters had done their work and the Business sub-Committee had raised money and sold the tickets. Curtain up! This time we had Beaver Scouts as well as older members of the District in the eighty-four strong Gang and everyone had a fantastic time, with good and very appreciative audiences for all six performances. On to the Centenary show! Keith HardingKeith HardingKeith HardingKeith Harding Producer, Chester Gang ShowProducer, Chester Gang ShowProducer, Chester Gang ShowProducer, Chester Gang Show

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    LINKS WITH POLISH SCOUTING AND GUIDING Seven members of the District Team from Garwolin in Poland were in Chester during October. Led by their Commissioner, Zbyszek Winiarek, the group stayed with members of the Chester team and were made welcome to Chester. There were discussions on future joint activities – and we hope that we shall develop permanent links with them.


    The District Centre at Weston Grove was

    painted externally and internally during the

    summer as part of the Community Payback

    scheme; our thanks to Cheshire Probation

    Service for managing this service.

    Our building at Trafford Street was

    surveyed and treated when asbestos was

    revealed to have been used in construction.

    The treatment has now eliminated the risk

    and the building is being improved for its

    new use as storage for the District activity

    equipment and Gang Show costumes and


    Buildings at Filkins Lane and Mickle

    Trafford are managed pending disposal.

    The building at Tarvin is held pending re-

    opening of the Group there.

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    We serve the community in many locations

    in Chester and its surroundings and are

    currently planning to re-establish a Group

    in Tarvin to serve the eastern, rural part of

    the District as well as extending our

    presence in other areas where demand is


    Ashton Hayes: 1st Ashton and Manley Bickerton (also serving Tattenhall): 1st Sandstone Blacon: 5th Blacon (Holy Trinity) Christleton: 1st Christleton Farndon: 1st Farndon Farndon Explorer Scouts Guilden Sutton: 1st Guilden Sutton Hoole: 42nd Chester Huntington: 40th Chester Malpas: 1st Malpas Garrison Explorer Scouts Newton: 48th Chester (St Columba's) Saltney: 1st Saltney (St Mark's) Saughall: 1st Saughall Sealand Road/Canalside: 8th Chester Tarporley: 1st Tarporley Maverick Explorer Scouts

    Tilston: 1st Tilston Upton: 1st Upton-by-Chester District Scout Centre and Scout Shop Hollyoaks Scout Network Wolf Explorer Scouts Vicars Cross and Mickle Trafford: Cestrian Dewa Explorer Scouts Waverton: 1st Waverton Westminster Park and Handbridge: 18th Chester (St Mary's) Renegades Explorer Scouts

    At the close of 2009, we were

    looking forward to the celebrations

    of the centenary of the Chester Local

    Association of Boy Scouts (now

    Chester and District Scout Council).

    Our next Annual Review will be

    filled with accounts of the special

    events and the resulting progress in

    the District. We hope you will enjoy

    our centenary year!