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the sims 4

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Tekan Ctrl + Shift + C lalu akan muncul cheat box lalu ketikan kode berikut:Efek KodeSemua rumah akan gratis saat cheat diaktifkan. Aktifkan cheat saat di Neighborhood screen.freerealestate {on/off}

Menyelesaikan Milestoneaspirations.complete_current_milestone

Menampilkan command keyhelp

Edit Sim saat dalam game.cas.fulleditmode

Edits the hubungan atau romance antar 2 sims.modifyrelationship (your sim full name) (target sim full name) (-100 to 100) Friendship/Romance_Main

Aktifkan/Nonaktifkan cheat.testingcheats {on/off}

Keluar dari game.quit

Menyembunyikan plumbob, thought balloons and speech balloons. saat berbicara.hideheadlineeffects [on|off]

Menambah 1,000 Simoleonskaching OR rosebud

Menambah 50,000 Simoleonsmotherlode

Ubah nama sims. Ex. resetsim Bob Smithresetsim (sims first name) (sims lastname)

Set Exact Household Fundsmoney amount here (no quotations)

Tampilan fullscreen.fullscreen

Tampilkan fpsfps [on|off]

Stats.set_skill_level major_handiness 10- make handiness 10. Note the Major_ before the skill name. If you did this, you'd see the level 10 popup. If you want to see what unlocks with each level, read the guide or adjust it by 1 each time so that you can see information on each new level. Here are all the skills you can type Major_Bartending (Mixology) Major_Charisma Major_Comedy Major_Fishing Major_Gardening Major_GourmetCooking Major_Guitar Major_Handiness Major_Herbalism- Outdoor Retreat Game Pack Major_HomestyleCooking Major_Logic Major_Mischief Major_Painting Major_Piano Major_Programming Major_Reaping Major_RocketScience Major_VideoGaming Major_Violin Major_Writing Skill_Child_Creativity Skill_Child_Mental Skill_Child_Motor Skill_Child_Social Skill_Fitness

Enter the following data into the console (CTRL + SHIFT + C) and fill out the code with their respected skills.Using the console you can enter the codes below for this cheat, this requires "Testing Cheats". This will automatically set the skill level of your current active Sim. Make sure to replace the with the available options below followed by the level you wish to set it to. stats.set_skill_level Example: stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Logic 8 Result: Will set your Logic skill to Level 8.EffectCode

Selects the Charisma SkillAdultMajor_Charisma

Selects the Child's Creativity SkillSkill_Child_Creativity

Selects the Child's Mental SkillSkill_Child_Mental

Selects the Child's Motor SkillSkill_Child_Motor

Selects the Child's Social SkillSkill_Child_Social

Selects the Comedy SkillAdultMajor_Comedy

Selects the Cooking SkillAdultMajor_HomestyleCooking

Selects the Fishing SkillAdultMajor_Fishing

Selects the Fitness SkillSkill_Fitness

Selects the Gardening SkillAdultMajor_Gardening

Selects the Gourmet Cooking SkillAdultMajor_GourmetCooking

Selects the Guitar SkillAdultMajor_Guitar

Selects the Handiness SkillAdultMajor_Handiness

Selects the Logic SkillAdultMajor_Logic

Selects the Mischief SkillAdultMajor_Mischief

Selects the Mixology SkillAdultMajor_Bartending

Selects the Painting SkillAdultMajor_Painting

Selects the Piano SkillAdultMajor_Piano

Selects the Programming SkillAdultMajor_Programming

Selects the Reaping SkillAdultMajor_Reaping

Selects the Rocket Science SkillAdultMajor_RocketScience

Selects the Video Gaming SkillAdultMajor_VideoGaming

Selects the Violin SkillAdultMajor_Violin

Selects the Writing SkillAdultMajor_Writing

Cheats/Console CommandsPressCtrl + Shift + C, type the Cheat/Command into the text box that appears, and then hit EnterEffectCode

Adds specified amount of satisfaction points to current simsims.give_satisfaction_points #

All homes are temporarily free while the cheat is active. Enter cheat in the Neighborhood screen. If purchased, beware of the Taxes in these lots.freerealestate {on/off}

Backs out of dialog or makes a choice automaticallyui.dialog.auto_respond

Call Handymansoak.create_soak_handyman_situation

Call Maidsoak.create_soak_maid_situation

Call Partysoak.create_soak_party_situation

Complete Current Milestoneaspirations.complete_current_milestone

Completes current aspiration milestoneaspirations.complete_current_milestone

Death By Embarrassment - Cause Death Within 5 Hourssims.add_buff Buff_Mortified

Death By Exahustionsims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning

Death By Hunger - 24 Hour Deathsims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving

Death By Repairsims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning

Disables DeathDeath.toggle

Displays available commandshelp

Earn a demotion in chosen careercareers.demote[name of career]

Earn a promotion in chosen careercareers.promote[name of career]

Edit Sim mid game.cas.fulleditmode

Enable Handymansoak.enable_soak_handyman_situation

Enable Maidsoak.enable_soak_maid_situation

Enable Partysoak.enable_soak_party_situation

Enable/Disable cheatstestingcheats {true/false}

Exits the game.quit

Force Bills Duehouseholds.force_bills_due

Hides all Sim overhead effects such as plumbob, thought balloons and speech balloons.hideheadlineeffects [on|off]

Infinite Consumablesobjects.consumables_infinite_toggle

Influence DeathYou Can't - But You Can Add Buffs

Make Any Sim or Ghost Appear Pregnantsims.add_buff Pregnancy_InLabor

Make Maid - Turn Offsims.remove_buff NPC_Maid

Make Maid - Turn Onsims.add_buff NPC_Maid

Makes Acquaintances with ALL sims Note: Includes recently deceased sims. Takes a few seconds to complete.relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others

Moodlets are removedsims.remove_all_buffs

Provides 1,000 Simoleonskaching OR rosebud

Provides 50,000 Simoleonsmotherlode

Raise a Child's Grade PerformanceCareers.promote Gradeschool OR Careers.promote Highschool

Reset your sim. Ex. resetsim Bob Smithresetsim (sims first name) (sims lastname)

Set Sim Age to Adult Note: Exercise caution with this.setage [Age Wanted]

Spawn a Friend for Me Note:Spawns a sim on your lot with a 50% friendship status with your active sim.relationships.create_friends_for_sim

Spawn objectobjects.gsi_create_obj

Spawn specified number of Sims (keep the number low to avoid crashes + don't keep these [])sims.spawnsimple[number of Sims desired]

Toggles fullscreen.fullscreen

Turns the frame rate display in the bottom left corner.fps [on|off]

Unlocks all career awardsbb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement