Cheapest Transport to Get From Narita Airport to Tokyo

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  • 7/24/2019 Cheapest Transport to Get From Narita Airport to Tokyo


    Cheapest Transport to Get From Narita Airport to TokyoSeptember 24, 2015by Greg LaneShare 78 Tweet 14

    For newcomers to Tokyo it can come as quite a surprise that Tokyos main international gatewayNarita Airportis not really very close to Tokyo at all !n "act its so rural an# remote that the view onthe $rst part o" the train %ourney is pre#ominantly o" rice pa##iesoh& an# a "au'()utch win#mill

    Photo bywendy huff*hile $n#ing the cheapest transport to get "rom Narita to Tokyo is a worthy quest in itsel"& it hasbecome more important because o" the arrival o"low(cost carriers like +etstar +apanwhich use Naritaas their base o" operations "or #omestic ,ights out o" Tokyo -ome o" the "ares are cheap enough tomake tourists coming to +apan consi#er whether they shoul# get the+. /assor %ust book a couple o",ights on an LCC 0owever& since Narita Airport is not right in the mi##le o" Tokyo 1like the much moreconveniently locate#0ane#a Airport2 transport "ees to an# "rom Tokyo shoul# be "actore# into youroverall costs3us

    Limousine Bus lineup | Photo byRob Youngused underCCLimousine Bus Although the convenience o" not having to cart your luggage aroun# is great&theLimousine 3usservice 1the buses are in "act the least limousine(like wheele# transport you arelikely to take2 to ma%or hotels all over Tokyo at 4&566 yen each way 1an# 7&866 yen "or a return ticket2is #e$nitely not the cheapest option

    Have an amazing Tokyo experience without the expensive price tag -download our ebook
  • 7/24/2019 Cheapest Transport to Get From Narita Airport to Tokyo


    Tokyo Shuttle9 Consi#erably cheaper& is theTokyo -huttle The bus costs only :66 yen with areservation 1an# 5&666 yen cash without a reservation2 an# runs to the ;aesu

  • 7/24/2019 Cheapest Transport to Get From Narita Airport to Tokyo


    For trans"ers on to the +. ;amanote Line& get o at Nippori Look out "or the notice on the trainDThis iswhat the Nippori -tation /lat"orm looks likeD

    0ea# up the escalator& "ollowing the +. signsD

    Go through the +. trans"er gateits marke# as This is not an e'itD

  • 7/24/2019 Cheapest Transport to Get From Narita Airport to Tokyo


    0ea# to the +. ;amanote line 9 plat"orms 56 1to tokyo2 an# 55 1to -hin%ukuJ-hibuya2

    lat!orm 10 !or Tokyo lat!orm 11 !or "ke#ukuro$ Shin%uku$Shi#uya:

    An# get on the train> 1

  • 7/24/2019 Cheapest Transport to Get From Narita Airport to Tokyo


    For this route& stay on the eisei train until it reaches Keno 1usually the last stop2 *hen you leave theticket gate& hea# le"t& an# #own stairs "ollowing the signs "or Tokyo @etro GinBa Line 1this line isorange2

    ;oull then hea# through an un#ergroun# walkway till you reach the Tokyo @etro GinBa Line

    An# heres a nice picture o" the GinBa Line plat"ormmake sure youre on the plat"orm hea#e# toAsakusaD

    /hoto cre#it cheB%ulia-ky Access

  • 7/24/2019 Cheapest Transport to Get From Narita Airport to Tokyo


    orKenostations ;oull pay an e'tra 56 yen over the regular train so the trip "rom Narita to -hinbashiwill cost you 5&=6 yen an# take 5 hour an# = minutes The -kyliner oers the spee#iest travel time%ust 4? minutes to Nippori or 75 to Kenobut it will cost you =&7M6 yen each way 1or =&=66 yen i" youpurchase a ticketonlinebe"ore coming to +apan2 This is the same company that runs the Tokyo -huttleso they also oer some #iscount tickets"or the subwayNarita