9) CHOIR - The next rehearsal is Wednesday, August 2nd - 6:00pm. 10) YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Sundays, 10 a.m. - with Coach Ed Reaves in Café. Sunday Afternoons - Basketball, Games, Food, Fun, Fellowship. No Youth Group on Wednesday’s. We will be having more activities, open gym and small groups outside of church. If you have a middle or high school student and want to get a text message with updates, please let us know. Don’t miss out on the trip to see Chet and some fun activities. The van, bus, cars, etc., will leave the church after the 11:00a.m. worship service on Sunday. Give us a call. We already have about 20 signed up so don’t be the one that misses the fun. CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO CHATTANOOGA AQUARIUM ROCK CITY 11) JR HIGH PROGRAM - “ignite” is the name of our Jr High Ministry. It meets today at 5:00 p.m. We are igniting the spark of Christ in the hearts of young people. Plan to come today and bring your friends to the Walter Flint Youth Center. 12) CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES: Children’s Activities (Ages 4-5th Grade) - JAM (Jesus & Me) meets Sundays at 10 AM. KEWL (Kids Enjoying Worship & Life) meets Sundays during 11am service. KiDsRoCk meets on Wednesdays - 4:00 - 5:30p.m In Multi-Purpose Room. 13) FRIENDSHIP FORCE - 3rd Monday of each month - next meeting is August 21st at 6:00p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. 14) OPEL - Make your plans to go with us to Daphne’s (at Lake Blackshear) for dinner, Tuesday, August 1. We will take the van and depart from the church at 5:00p.m. Let Nancy know if you will be able to go. 15) GOLDEN K KIWANIS CLUB - Meetings are held in the Fellowship Hall every Wednesday from 9-11 a.m. for coffee, refreshments, fellowship and a speaker. *Blue Hymnal #267 All Things Bright and Beautiful Sharing God’s Word Dr. William D. Coker “Batteries Not Included” Call to Discipleship and Silent Prayers of Affirmation Leader: Let us give thanks to God and pray silently to affirm or reaffirm our faith in Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Let us pray. People: (Silent Prayers) Leader: Amen. Please stand as we affirm our faith using the traditional version of the Nicene Creed found on page 15 of your Blue Hymnal. Friends, what do you believe? WE GO IN GOD’S NAME *Blue Hymnal #324 Open My Eyes That I May See *Benediction Romans 12:1-2 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and ap- prove what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Amen. *Benediction Response Sharing the Love Gary Unger Sharing the Love and the Grace of Our Lord Is what we are called now to do, Go forth, make disciples our Savior commands, To love others as God has loved you. *Postlude From Thy Throne So High C.W. Gluck *Those who are able may stand. 1) GUESTS - Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Welcome to our Covenant family. Plan to worship with us as often as you can. For more Information about Covenant, visit us at www.covpc.org. 2) CONNECTION CARDS - Please fill out your Connection Card, fold & drop in Of- fering Plate. Guests, please pick up your gift on the table in the Narthex. 3) LAY READERS TODAY - 9:00am - Cotton Custer; 11:00am - Palma James 4) FLOWERS in the Sanctuary today are given in memory of Bill and Claretta Boder by Larry and Linda Walters. 5) OUR NURSERY IS AVAILABLE FOR NEWBORNS - 3 YRS OLD: Please see an Usher for assistance. Kids’ activity bags are available in Narthex. ROCKING CHAIRS are available in the Narthex for anyone who might need to stay with a baby and still listen to the service. 6) YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP - CALLING ALL YOUNG ADULTS!! Young Adult Small Group Meeting is Tuesdays, at 7:00pm in the Parlor at the church. Text Victor Sullivan (229-344-3474), Cammie Smith (229-669-1058) or Ryan Garnto (478-494-2254) for more information. 7) SMALL GROUPS - Please check the box on your Connection Card if interested in a Small Group and drop in Offering Plate. Young Adult Group - Meets in Parlor - Tuesdays @ 7:00 p.m. 8) PW ACTIVITIES - Bible Study Groups will resume meeting in September. The Evening Bible Study group meeting is Monday, September 11th. The Daytime Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, September 12th at 10:00am in the Multi- Purpose Room. 16) THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY - Join us on Thursday, August 3rd at 9:30a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. 17) LOCAL MISSIONS - Next Dorcas Meeting is Tuesday, August 15th at 9:00a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. 18) PICTURES NEEDED FOR NEW WEBSITE - Our Long Range Planning Team has recommended that we redesign our website. Our new webmaster is request- ing pictures to include in the new design. Please send to [email protected] pictures of Pool parties, Sunday School parties, KiDsRoCk activities, Weddings, Lake events, Small Group Bible Studies, Whiz Kids, Youth events, VBS, SEWN, anything that shows activities of the church. We will pass them on to the Web- master. Thanks to those who have sent us pictures. 19) GET ENGAGED IN CHRIST’S MISSION - Opportunities to Serve: VBS Early Service Set Up KidsRoCk Helper Nursery Helper Sing in Choir Office Volunteer- Change Light Bulbs Prayer Chain Handbells Meals on Wheels JR/SR Hi Youth Advisor Ushering Call the office to let us know how you can help fulfill Christ’s mission. Also, let us know of any other areas of service that interest you. 20) RISE AGAINST HUNGER - The Rise Against Hunger meal packaging event is scheduled for Sunday, October 1, World Communion Sunday, here at Covenant. We need volunteers so please sign up to help with this worthwhile mission event. Set up will start at 2:00p.m. with the event following at 3:00p.m. Thank you. 21) CASTING CROWNS will be in concert in Columbus, GA on October 27th. Call the office for more details. 22) CONGRATULATIONS - to Judge Stephen S. Goss for being elected Chair- man of the Council of Accountability Court Judges of Georgia. 23) JULY BIRTHDAYS 24) PIANO LESSONS AVAILABLE - Remember that our organist, Richard Miller, has a few openings available for anyone who would like to learn to play the piano. Both Young and Mature folks can benefit from piano lessons. Contact Richard at 229-255-9627 or see him around the church for more details. And 20% DIS- COUNT FOR ALL COVENANT FRIENDS. How Will You Serve Christ This Week? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ THE COVENANTER NEWS & EVENTS July 29 Lee Don July 30 Anna Davis July 30 Nelson Rushton July 31 Deb Wilson

CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO ROCK CITY THE … · CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP July 30, 2017 11:00 a.m. Announcements, Peace of Christ, Prayer Requests, Quiet Meditation

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Page 1: CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO ROCK CITY THE … · CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP July 30, 2017 11:00 a.m. Announcements, Peace of Christ, Prayer Requests, Quiet Meditation

9) CHOIR - The next rehearsal is Wednesday, August 2nd - 6:00pm. 10) YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Sundays, 10 a.m. - with Coach Ed Reaves in Café. Sunday Afternoons - Basketball, Games, Food, Fun, Fellowship. No Youth Group on Wednesday’s. We will be having more activities, open gym and small groups outside of church. If you have a middle or high school student and want to get a text message with updates, please let us know.

Don’t miss out on the trip to see Chet and some fun activities. The van, bus, cars, etc., will leave the church after the 11:00a.m. worship service on Sunday. Give us a call. We already have about 20 signed up so don’t be the one that misses the fun.




11) JR HIGH PROGRAM - “ignite” is the

name of our Jr High Ministry. It meets today at 5:00 p.m. We are igniting the spark of Christ in the hearts of young people. Plan to come today and bring your friends to the Walter Flint Youth Center.

12) CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES: Children’s Activities (Ages 4-5th Grade) - JAM (Jesus & Me) meets Sundays at 10 AM. KEWL (Kids Enjoying Worship & Life) meets Sundays during 11am service. KiDsRoCk meets on Wednesdays - 4:00 - 5:30p.m In Multi-Purpose Room.

13) FRIENDSHIP FORCE - 3rd Monday of each month - next meeting is August 21st at 6:00p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. 14) OPEL - Make your plans to go with us to Daphne’s (at Lake Blackshear) for dinner, Tuesday, August 1. We will take the van and depart from the church at 5:00p.m. Let Nancy know if you will be able to go. 15) GOLDEN K KIWANIS CLUB - Meetings are held in the Fellowship Hall every Wednesday from 9-11 a.m. for coffee, refreshments, fellowship and a speaker.

*Blue Hymnal #267 All Things Bright and Beautiful

Sharing God’s Word Dr. William D. Coker “Batteries Not Included”

Call to Discipleship and Silent Prayers of Affirmation Leader: Let us give thanks to God and pray silently to affirm or reaffirm our faith in Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Let us pray. People: (Silent Prayers) Leader: Amen. Please stand as we affirm our faith using the traditional version of the Nicene Creed found on page 15 of your Blue Hymnal. Friends, what do you believe?

WE GO IN GOD’S NAME *Blue Hymnal #324 Open My Eyes That I May See *Benediction Romans 12:1-2 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and ap-prove what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Amen.

*Benediction Response Sharing the Love Gary Unger Sharing the Love and the Grace of Our Lord Is what we are called now to do,

Go forth, make disciples our Savior commands, To love others as God has loved you.

*Postlude From Thy Throne So High C.W. Gluck *Those who are able may stand.

1) GUESTS - Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Welcome to our Covenant family. Plan to worship with us as often as you can. For more Information about Covenant, visit us at www.covpc.org.

2) CONNECTION CARDS - Please fill out your Connection Card, fold & drop in Of-fering Plate. Guests, please pick up your gift on the table in the Narthex.

3) LAY READERS TODAY - 9:00am - Cotton Custer; 11:00am - Palma James

4) FLOWERS in the Sanctuary today are given in memory of Bill and Claretta Boder by Larry and Linda Walters.

5) OUR NURSERY IS AVAILABLE FOR NEWBORNS - 3 YRS OLD: Please see an Usher for assistance. Kids’ activity bags are available in Narthex. ROCKING CHAIRS are available in the Narthex for anyone who might need to stay with a baby and still listen to the service.

6) YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP - CALLING ALL YOUNG ADULTS!! Young Adult Small Group Meeting is Tuesdays, at 7:00pm in the Parlor at the church. Text Victor Sullivan (229-344-3474), Cammie Smith (229-669-1058) or Ryan Garnto (478-494-2254) for more information.

7) SMALL GROUPS - Please check the box on your Connection Card if interested in a Small Group and drop in Offering Plate. Young Adult Group - Meets in Parlor - Tuesdays @ 7:00 p.m.

8) PW ACTIVITIES - Bible Study Groups will resume meeting in September. The Evening Bible Study group meeting is Monday, September 11th. The Daytime Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, September 12th at 10:00am in the Multi-Purpose Room.

16) THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY - Join us on Thursday, August 3rd at 9:30a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room.

17) LOCAL MISSIONS - Next Dorcas Meeting is Tuesday, August 15th at 9:00a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. 18) PICTURES NEEDED FOR NEW WEBSITE - Our Long Range Planning Team has recommended that we redesign our website. Our new webmaster is request-ing pictures to include in the new design. Please send to [email protected] pictures of Pool parties, Sunday School parties, KiDsRoCk activities, Weddings, Lake events, Small Group Bible Studies, Whiz Kids, Youth events, VBS, SEWN, anything that shows activities of the church. We will pass them on to the Web-master. Thanks to those who have sent us pictures.

19) GET ENGAGED IN CHRIST’S MISSION - Opportunities to Serve: VBS Early Service Set Up KidsRoCk Helper Nursery Helper Sing in Choir Office Volunteer-Change Light Bulbs Prayer Chain Handbells Meals on Wheels JR/SR Hi Youth Advisor Ushering

Call the office to let us know how you can help fulfill Christ’s mission. Also, let us know of any other areas of service that interest you.

20) RISE AGAINST HUNGER - The Rise Against Hunger meal packaging event is scheduled for Sunday, October 1, World Communion Sunday, here at Covenant. We need volunteers so please sign up to help with this worthwhile mission event. Set up will start at 2:00p.m. with the event following at 3:00p.m. Thank you.

21) CASTING CROWNS will be in concert in Columbus, GA on October 27th. Call the office for more details.

22) CONGRATULATIONS - to Judge Stephen S. Goss for being elected Chair-man of the Council of Accountability Court Judges of Georgia. 23) JULY BIRTHDAYS

24) PIANO LESSONS AVAILABLE - Remember that our organist, Richard Miller, has a few openings available for anyone who would like to learn to play the piano. Both Young and Mature folks can benefit from piano lessons. Contact Richard at 229-255-9627 or see him around the church for more details. And 20% DIS-COUNT FOR ALL COVENANT FRIENDS.

How Will You Serve Christ This Week? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


July 29 Lee Don July 30 Anna Davis

July 30 Nelson Rushton July 31 Deb Wilson

Page 2: CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO ROCK CITY THE … · CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP July 30, 2017 11:00 a.m. Announcements, Peace of Christ, Prayer Requests, Quiet Meditation

CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP July 30, 2017 11:00 a.m.

Announcements, Peace of Christ, Prayer Requests, Quiet Meditation We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord, We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord,

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored: And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

Prelude I Love the Lord James Southbridge

Call to Worship Psalm 1:1-3 1 Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; 2 but their delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law they meditate day and night. 3 They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper. Let us worship God.

*Blue Hymnal #88 All Glory, Laud, and Honor


A Time to be Generous with God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offertory Anthem Sanctuary Medley Arranged by Stan Pethel 1 - Sanctuary John Thompson 2 - Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Melody from “The Sacred Harp” A Message for the Young at Heart (Children 4-5th grade exit for KEWL)

A Time for People to Pray and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


Scripture Lesson Romans 7:14-25 Leader: The Word of the Lord People: Thanks be to God



Sunday, July 30 9:00am - Early Service 10:00am - Sunday School

11:00am - Worship 12:30pm - Chet Trip Monday, July 31 4:15pm - Staff Mtg Tuesday, August 1 4:00pm - Visit Teams

Wednesday, Aug 2 9:00am - Golden K Kiwanis Club- F Hall 10:30am - Al-Anon - Church Parlor 6:00pm - Choir Practice

Thursday, Aug 3 9:30am - Bible Study in the Multi- Purpose Room Friday, Aug 4

PRAYER LIST MEMBERS Family of Lois Arnott Chris Baltenberger Pam & Larry Barfield Allen Beamon Lallie Benkoski Shelvia Casper Dreka Clegg Jimmy Clegg Brenda Cook Addie Denby Family of Gladys Dowdell Chet Dreschel Peggy Guillebeau Alice Hathcock Bobby Hinman Cyndi Jaeckel Tom Korpal Supreeya Lopez Becky Martin Jessica McCall Ann McMurray Spence Pryor Bob Roseen Family of Sandy Sorrells Jill Sellers Larry Sellers Family of Carlysle Sullivan Lilia Sullivan

Saville Sullivan Will Sullivan Myrtle Tarpley Gloria Weathers Linda Williamson RETIREMENT CTRS Century Pines: Jan Warren Senior Living Village: Bea Phelps Lee County: Carolyn Barbree Magnolia Manor Eley Frazier Morningside: Carol Kirkland, Sonny Campbell Pruitt: Rosemarie Barfield, Valencia: Mike Milam Pine Shadows: Jack Brand MISSIONARIES Scot Armistead family - Pakistan Elizabeth Codington - Armenia Susan Codington Chuck and Joyce Harper - Honduras Sandi & Brian Royer Guatemala

Robe Family-Ethiopia FRIENDS/RELATIVES Maddie Armona John Anderson Sam Atkinson Truman Blevins Jeremy Bridges Linda Brimberry Della Bunton Ethel Colville (mother of Deb Baltenberger) Susan Cook Tiffany Cook (friend of Cheryl Hoover) Evan Connelly 12yr- lymph system cancer Creager Family Bill Dorough John Henry Douglas Joan Fender (Carl Croft’s sister) Family of Mickey Garnto William Gilbert Steve Glavich (friend of April Logan) P.L. Gore (father of Beverly Hysler) Beverly Hambrick Carroll Harpole Joy Harpole Cathy Hairston Drew Hausler

Gary & Pam Hudson Karen Johnson Linda Johnson Aretha Jones (friend of Michael Moss) Cameron Jones (Hunter/Olivia’s baby) Max Jon Sam Lambert LSM Paul Luthman Carey Marks Lyles Martin Meghan and Rebecca McReynolds Kari Middleton Tommy Morrison Virginia Moss Family of Frances Olive Jeremy Parkins John Peacock (friend of Ryan Garnto) Vicki Pitt (Regina Parks Mother) Shirley Price (mother of Teresa Cherry) Dennis Pyles Bob Revell Joan Riles Mae Scott Nita Shiyou (sister-in-law of Sue Hamlin)

Family of Sadie Simpson The Family of Keith Smith (Cammie’s father-in-law) Virginia Souter (friend of Kim Barksdale) Stephanie Richardson Dana Robbins (friend of Michael Moss) John Soileau Lily Robinson (friend of Linda Kukuda) Family of Carolyn Steele Gloria Taylor Alex Trammell Jena Velez Tina White Family of Nancy Gahagan Family of Thomas Daniels Amy Moss Granddaughter of Tom Borst Wade Quattlebaum

STAFF Dr. William D Coker, Sr Pastor

Chet Dreschel, Music Director

Gary Unger, Interim Music Dir.

Richard Miller, Organist/Pianist

Cindy Garcia, Preschool Dir.

Cindy Calek Pickren, Children’s Dir.

Gail Korpal, Admin Assistant

Nancy Reimer, Opel Vol Dir.

Linda Walters, Financial Sec

Tom Knighton, AudioVisual Dir

Michael Moss, Treasurer

Savannah Strickland, Nursery

Sarah Strickland, Nursery

John Bullock Sexton

Gregory Cline, Sunday Sexton


Superintendent - Gregory Cline


Class of 2017: Lallie Benkoski

Class of 2018: Larry Walters

Class of 2019: Chick Flournoy


Sally M. Hairston

Cecil Wrenn

Palma James

Barbara Nichols



Rev. Dr. Paul Luthman

Rev. Ben A. Rice

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Cheryl Coker, Co-Moderator

Linda Walters, Co-Moderator

Debbie Syfrett , Secretary

Deb Wilson, Treasurer

Cathy Darby, Program Director

Beverly Hysler, Dorcas Ministry

Sheila Ratliff, Christian Community


Ruby Pickron, Bereavement

Cheryl Coker, Arrangements


Circle of Hope: Beth Flournoy

Circle of Faith: Joy Carver,

Sheila Ratliff


William Coker, Moderator

Jay Smith, Clerk of Session

Class of 2017: Jimmy Fuller, Steve Goss,

Dan Pope, Larry Sellers, Terry Lee

Class of 2018: Jay Smith, Michael Moss, Ed

Reaves, Sheridan Rushton, Roland Sims

Class of 2019: Ronnie Keel, Deb Wilson,

Proctor Johnston, Vic Sullivan


Otis Moore, Moderator

Ben Strickland, Vice Moderator

Class of 2017: Rita Cline, Tom Korpal, Judy

Miller, Ben Strickland, Linda Walters

Class of 2018: Otis Moore, Chip Underdown,

Victor Sullivan, Sue Henson, Cheryl Coker

Class of 2019: Joy Carver, Bruce Gunnels, Jo

Musgrove, Bill Baker, Donna Lambert



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Elder/Deacon JULY Assignments Ushers

9:00a.m. - Steve Goss 11:00a.m. - Gail Allen

Visitation: Dan Pope and Jay Smith Attendance - 7-23-17

9:00a.m. Worship Service - (15) 10:00a.m. Sunday School - (44)

11:00a.m. Worship Service - (78)

Covenant Presbyterian Church

2126 W Edgewater Drive

Albany, Georgia 31707

[email protected]; www.covpc.org


CARE and CONTACTS Home Visits - Dr. Coker and Cecil Wrenn visited the homes of Mike and Meghan Geise and Keith and Ruth Anne Posey.

Hospital Visits - Dr. Coker and Cecil Wrenn visited Spence Pryor, Lois Spohn and Ben Shellhaas.

Other Contacts: Dr. Coker’s other contacts were the Beamons, Terry and Arnott families; Lee Don; Steve & Patti Shellhass; Gary Unger; Beth Tyrer; Cindy Pickren; Andrea Hill; Bob Farr; Donna Lambert; Terry Kobs.

Please let us know If you would like a visit, and Dr. Coker, and Elders/Deacons will be happy to come and pray with you. If you prefer a visit by appointment, let us know.

Financial Snapshot - Wk Beginning 7-24-17 Current YTD

YTD Revenue 196,227.64 YTD Expenses 221,641.25 Surplus (Deficit) (25,413.61)

Capital Campaign Monthly Note 4,166.00 July Given 1,900.00

July Needed 2,266.00

STAFF CORNER with Linda Walters An Unexpected Visitor They grumbled in their tents and did not obey the Lord. . . . they did not destroy the peoples as the Lord had commanded them, but they mingled with the nations and adopted their customs. . . . they defiled themselves by what they did . . . Therefore, the Lord was angry with his people and handed them over to the nations. Many times he delivered them but they were bent on rebellion and they wasted away in their sin. (Various verses from Psalm 106)

This week we had an unexpected visitor in the office who had been temporarily aban-doned by her family for her rebellious attitude. She had nowhere to go and no one to come for her. She was frightened. She was shy. She was alone. So she walked to our church for help. We managed to feed her a meal, give her a book and encourage her to return home and follow the rules. We also contacted some agencies to try to get her help. Eventually her mother was contacted and the way was paved for her to receive some counseling. We then took her home. While she was here, we treated with love and encouragement. Several times she men-tioned how much she liked our church and wanted to come here. She longed for love and acceptance and it was evident that she felt some peace here. We realize this was but a moment in her life and that she needs long term help, but in hindsight we were blessed to witness the power of His transforming love. It is powerful.

Pray for her. He knows her name and He used Covenant to minister to her in her time of need.

Psalm 106:44-45 But He took note of their distress when He heard their cry and for their sake He remembered His covenant and out of His great love he relented.