Chase Freedom-U.S. News Consumer Monitor: Findings Conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs - June 15-21, 2010

Chase Freedom-U.S. News Consumer Monitor: Findings

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Chase Freedom-U.S. News Consumer Monitor: Findings

Conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs - June 15-21, 2010

Page 2: Chase Freedom-U.S. News Consumer Monitor: Findings

Interview dates: 15-21 June 2010 Interviews: 1,000 adults; 801 registered voters

Margin of error: + 3% for all adults; + 3% for registered voters

1146 19th St., NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-7300

Chase Freedom-U.S. News Consumer Monitor: Wave 1 (FINAL) NOTE: all results shown are percentages unless otherwise labeled

Below are findings of an Ipsos poll conducted June 15-21, 2010 on behalf of Chase Card Services & U.S. News and World Report. For the survey, a nationally representative, randomly selected sample of exactly 1,000 adults aged 18 and older across the United States was interviewed by Ipsos. With a sample of this size, the results are considered accurate within 3 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, of what they would have been had the entire adult population in the U.S. been polled. All sample surveys and polls may be subject to other sources of error, including, but not limited to coverage error, and measurement error. These data were weighted to ensure that the sample's composition reflects that of the actual U.S. population according to U.S. Census figures. Respondents had the option to be interviewed in English or Spanish. An asterisk indicates a percentage value of greater than zero but less than 0.5. 


S1. First, are you registered to vote?

All adults Republicans Independents Democrats

Yes 80 91 77 81 No 19 9 23 19 DK/Ref 1 0 0 1

S2. Are you, or is anyone in your household, employed in market or public opinion research, or by a newspaper, television or radio station?

All adults Republicans Independents Democrats

Yes 0 0 0 0 No 100 100 100 100 DK/Ref 0 0 0 0


1. Thinking about things in the country…do you feel things in the country are going in the right direction, or do you feel things are off on the wrong track? (IF RIGHT DIRECTION OR WRONG TRACK, IS THAT STRONGLY OR SOMEWHAT?)

June ‘10

Right direction – Strongly 6 Right direction – Somewhat 24 NET Total: Right direction 30 Wrong track – Somewhat 19 Wrong track – Strongly 44 NET Total: Wrong track 62 Don’t know / Refused (VOL) 8

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2. What do you believe is the BIGGEST problem currently facing the United States? 3. FOLLOW UP: And what do you believe is the NEXT BIGGEST problem currently facing the United States?



(first choice)

Q3 (second choice)

Q2/3 (combined)

The Economy/debt 32 18 50 Unemployment 15 12 26 Oil spill 10 7 17 Health Care 5 9 14 Government / politics/ leaders / parties

7 4 11

Global Warming/Environment 4 6 9 Immigration/illegal immigration

4 3 8

President Obama 5 2 7 Terrorism 2 5 6 War (any mention) 3 4 6 Education 1 2 3 Energy * 2 2 Global poverty 1 1 2 Housing Market/Foreclosures * 1 2 Crime (any mention) 1 1 2 Lack of religion 2 * 2 Lack of family values/morals 1 * 2 Racism/racial prejudice 1 1 2 Helping other countries before ourselves

1 * 1

Greed/selfishness 1 * 1 Taxes/taxation (any mention) * 1 1 Foreign policy/foreign affairs * 1 1 Corporate control/greed/ power

* * *

Other – specify 5 5 10 None * * * (DK/Refused) (VOL) 2 16 2

4. Do you believe the economy . . . (READ LIST. RECORD ONE ANSWER)

June ‘10

Has already bottomed out and is GETTING BETTER


Is at bottom and NOT getting any BETTER OR WORSE


Or, has not yet bottomed out and WILL STILL GET WORSE


(DK/Refused) (VOL) 5

Page 4: Chase Freedom-U.S. News Consumer Monitor: Findings

5. Do you believe your personal finances. . . (READ LIST. RECORD ONE ANSWER)

June ‘10

Have already bottomed out and are GETTING BETTER


Are at bottom and NOT getting any BETTER OR WORSE


Or, have not yet bottomed out and WILL STILL GET WORSE


(DK/Refused) (VOL) 9 6. How much control do you feel you have over your personal finances? Are you… (READ LIST. REVERSE.


Completely in control 34 Mostly in control 28 Somewhat in control 28 Not at all in control 9 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 1

7. In your household, which – if any – of the following do you use to manage and monitor your expenses?


June ‘10

Use envelopes or file folders to keep your bills or payment records


Keep a written budget 35 Use a spreadsheet on your computer


Use an online program to budget your money


Use financial software to budget your money


Nothing 4 In my head 3 Checkbook/check ledger 1 Myself/my own system 1 Family member does it 1 Hire an accountant * Something else – specify 2 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 8

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8. Which personal spending feature on your credit card would help you the most? READ OUT AND CODE EACH THAT APPLIES. RANDOMIZE EXCEPT ‘SOMETHING ELSE’

June ‘10

A feature to avoid paying interest on everyday purchases


A feature to pay down your balance faster


A feature to track spending trends at a glance


A feature to develop a plan to pay for larger purchases


Don't have a credit card 6 Nothing 2 Lower interest 1 No balance on credit card 1 Something else – specify 3 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 30

9. I would now like to describe a new financial service that helps people manage their finances.

Chase Blueprint is an innovative set of features that dramatically improves the way customers can manage their credit card spending and borrowing. Blueprint helps consumers take charge of their finances with free features designed to help avoid interest, pay off large purchases, pay down balances, and track financial goals. If you had access to this service, how much of an impact would it have on your ability to better manage your personal finances? PROMPT AS NECESSARY FROM RESPONSE OPTIONS BELOW

June ‘10

A large impact 12 A small impact 21 NET Total: Small/large impact 33 No impact 56 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 11

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SUMMER SURVEY 10. Changing subjects, if this coming weekend you received an unexpected $100 and had to decide on the spot

what to do with it, which of the following would you do with the money – treat yourself to something non-essential, spend the money on something you need, save the money, or spend part and save part?

June ‘10 May ‘09

Save the money 36 28 Spend part and save part 27 22 Spend on something I need 24 33 Treat yourself to something fun

8 -

Donate/give away (unspecified)

1 -

Donate to church 1 - Pay bills 1 - Give to friends/family 1 - Donate to charity/someone in need

* -

Other – specify * 3 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 1 1

IF SPENDING [Q10=1,2,4] (Base = 587) 11. And what would you spend it on? OPEN END

June ‘10

Food 27 Bills 22 Entertainment 7 Something for the house 7 Clothes / shoes / boots 5 Children / grandchildren 5 Gas 4 Spend it on my / treat myself 4 Car repairs 3 School 2 Travel 2 Personal / household needs 2 Gifts 1 Save it 1 Casino / gambling 1 Donations / donations to church 1 Spend it on my hair 1 Electronics / appliances 1 Alcohol 1 Books * Doctor/medicine * Other 6 Nothing 1 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 8

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ASK ALL 12. When you think about spending and saving in certain categories, in which of the following categories are you


June ‘10

Entertainment like going to the movies


Dining out 19 Services like dry cleaning or car washes


Personal items likes clothes or beauty products


Small daily items like buying coffee or the newspaper


Transportation and parking 6 Organic or green products that are more expensive


All of the above 1 Food/groceries 1 Other – specify 1 Nothing/none of the above 2 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 7

13. Thinking about the LAST few months, are you relying more or less on credit for standard purchases, or hasn’t


June ‘10 May ‘09

Much more 2 3 Somewhat more 5 3 NET Total: More 7 6 Has not changed 44 45 Somewhat less 9 10 Much less 19 22 NET Total: Less 28 32 Don’t have/use a credit card (VOL) 19 16 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 2 1

I’m going to read you a list of summer activities. For each one, please tell me how likely you are to do this activity this summer. PROMPT AS NECESSARY: IS THAT VERY/SOMEWHAT/NOT VERY/NOT AT ALL LIKELY? READ OUT EACH Q14-Q19. RANDOMIZE ORDER.

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Not very likely

Not at all likely

NET: Likely

NET: Not likely

DK/Ref (VOL)

14. Take a road trip 30 24 13 32 55 44 1 15. Go to the movies 28 24 15 32 53 47 0 16. Take a trip to a beach 33 15 14 38 48 52 0 17. Attend a summer music concert 20 19 18 43 38 62 0 18. Attend a minor league baseball

game 10 16 17 56 26 73 1

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19. Are you planning to take a vacation this summer?

June ‘10

Very likely 29 Somewhat likely 15 NET Total: Likely 44 Not very likely 14 Not at all likely 42 NET Total: Not likely 56 Don’t know / Refused (VOL) 0

IF PLANNING TO TAKE VACATION (Q19=1, 2) (Base = 444) 20. How would you generally describe the kind of vacation you plan to take this summer? PRE-CODED OPEN-


June ‘10

Visit friends or family 38 Travel / take a road trip 20 Trip to the beach 18 Visit a historic landmark or national park


Trip out of the country 11 Trip to a theme park 10 Take a “stay-cation” at home 7 Trip to a sporting event 3 Camping 1 Trip to US city 1 Cruise 1 Trip to mountains * Other – specify 6 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 2

IF PLANNING TO TAKE VACATION (Q19=1, 2) (Base = 444) 21. And compared to your last vacation, do you anticipate traveling by car more or less, or about the same?


June ‘10

Much more 18 Somewhat more 8 NET Total: More 26 About the same 60 Somewhat less 6 Much less 6 NET Total: Less 12 Don’t have a car/Don’t plan to use a car (VOL) 3 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 0

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ASK ALL 22. Thinking about the summer activities you are likely to participate in, do you plan to rely more or less on a

credit card for these activities than you may have last summer, or will your reliance on credit cards not change? PROMPT AS NECESSARY: IS THAT MUCH/SOMEWHAT LESS/MORE?

June ‘10

Much more 3 Somewhat more 3 NET Total: More 6 Will not change 49 Somewhat less 6 Much less 19 NET Total: Less 25 Don’t have/use a credit card (VOL) 18 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 1

23. If you were offered 5% cash back on summer travel credit card purchases, would you be more or less likely to

use your credit card, or would it have no effect? PROMPT AS NECESSARY: IS THAT MUCH/SOMEWHAT MORE/LESS LIKELY?

June ‘10

Much more likely 10 Somewhat more likely 10 NET Total: More likely 20 No effect 59 Somewhat less likely 2 Much less likely 5 NET Total: Less likely 7 Don’t have/use a credit card (VOL) 13 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 1

Now I’m going to read you a list of some ways people have said they might cut back on spending this summer. Please tell me if you plan to make this change or something very similar this summer, or if you do not plan to make that change. If the behavior is something you already do regularly, please say so. READ OUT EACH Q24-Q30. RANDOMIZE ORDER. PROMPT AS NECESSARY FROM RESPONSE OPTIONS.

Yes, planning to make that


Planning to

make similar change

No, won’t make that change

Already do that

DK / Ref


24. Skipping a typical summer vacation or outing for a weekend or longer

16 8 49 24 4

25. Reducing typical summer utility spend like using less electric air conditioning

18 6 42 32 1

26. Cutting back on summer novelty purchases like barbeque grills or pool memberships

19 4 39 31 7

27. Biking or walking more to save on gas 11 4 60 22 3 28. Cutting back on summer activities like

summer camp or Little League 12 3 46 26 13

29. Doing home repairs and spring cleaning on your own instead of hiring help

12 2 18 66 2

30. Maintaining your yard on your own 8 * 24 64 3

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instead of hiring someone 24. Skipping a typical summer vacation or outing for a weekend or longer

June ‘10 May ‘09

Yes, planning to make that change 16 29 Planning to make similar change 8 3 No, won’t make that change 49 49 Already do that 24 18 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 4 2

25. Reducing typical summer utility spend like using less electric air conditioning

June ‘10 May ‘09

Yes, planning to make that change 18 37 Planning to make similar change 6 3 No, won’t make that change 42 34 Already do that 32 25 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 1 1

26. Cutting back on summer novelty purchases like barbeque grills or pool memberships

June ‘10 May ‘09

Yes, planning to make that change 19 23 Planning to make similar change 4 2 No, won’t make that change 39 50 Already do that 31 22 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 7 4

27. Biking or walking more to save on gas

June ‘10 May ‘09

Yes, planning to make that change 11 21 Planning to make similar change 4 3 No, won’t make that change 60 61 Already do that 22 16 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 3 -

28. Cutting back on summer activities like summer camp or Little League

June ‘10 May ‘09

Yes, planning to make that change 12 15 Planning to make similar change 3 1 No, won’t make that change 46 60 Already do that 26 15 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 13 9

29. Doing home repairs and spring cleaning on your own instead of hiring help

June ‘10 May ‘09

Yes, planning to make that change 12 26 Planning to make similar change 2 1 No, won’t make that change 18 17

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Already do that 66 56 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 2 1

30. Maintaining your yard on your own instead of hiring someone

June ‘10 May ‘09

Yes, planning to make that change 8 17 Planning to make similar change 0 1 No, won’t make that change 24 26 Already do that 64 54 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 3 2

31. How do you expect the summer to affect your savings? Do you expect… READ OUT. DO NOT REVERSE.

June ‘10

To increase your overall savings by the end of summer


To decrease your overall savings by the end of summer


Or do you expect no change to your overall savings by the end of summer?


(DK/Refused) (VOL) 4 32. And what impact do you expect the summer to have on your income? Do you expect … READ OUT. DO NOT


June ‘10

To earn more by the end of the summer


To earn less by the end of the summer


Or do you expect no change in your earnings by the end of summer?


(DK/Refused) (VOL) 2 33. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: If a company or brand offers a rewards

program, I will choose that company or brand over others. IF AGREE/DISAGREE: Is that strongly or somewhat?

June ‘10 May ‘09

Strongly agree 21 23 Somewhat agree 35 34 NET Total: Agree 56 57 Somewhat disagree 21 20 Strongly disagree 16 18 NET Total: Disagree 36 37 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 8 6

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34. Thinking about how you might choose a credit card rewards program, which of the following is MOST appealing to you? READ LIST, ACCEPT ONE ANSWER. RANDOMIZE EXCEPT ‘OTHER’



(first choice)

Q35(second choice)

Q34/35 (combined)

5% Cash back on purchases 37 12 49 Retailer Discounts 11 16 27 Travel rewards (Airline miles, Points, hotels)

11 9 20

Rapid accumulation of points 6 9 15 Flexibility and ease of redemption

4 9 13

Online discounts 4 6 10 Don’t use credit cards 3 * 3 Low / lower interest rates 2 1 3 Other – specify 1 1 2 None 3 2 5 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 18 36 18

DEMOGRAPHICS D1. Which of the following ranges includes your age? READ LIST

18-24 11 25-34 18 35-44 15 45-54 22 55-64 12 65 and over 19 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 4

D2. What is the last grade you completed in school? READ LIST

Some high school 10 High school graduate 36 Technical/vocational 3 Some college 20 Graduated college 18 Professional/Post Graduate 8 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 4

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D3. For statistical purposes only, in which of the following ranges did your total annual 2009 household income fall? READ LIST

$25,000 23 Between $25,000 and $49,999 21 Between $50,000 and $74,999 12 Between $75,000 and $99,999 9 Between $100,000 and $149,999 6 Between $150,000 and $199,999 3 Between $200,000 and $299,999 1 Over $300,000 1 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 23

D4. Are you currently employed full-time outside the home, employed part-time, self-employed, looking for a job, or are you a homemaker, a student or retired?

Employed full-time 40 Employed part-time 11 Self-employed 5 Looking for work/unemployed 9 Homemaker 5 Student 3 Retired 21 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 5

D5. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an independent, or something else? [IF REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT:] Do you consider yourself a strong (Republican/Democrat) or a not-so-strong (Republican/Democrat)? [IF INDEPENDENT:] Would you say that you lean more toward the Republicans or more toward the Democrats?

Strong Republican 13 Not-so-strong Republican 9 Independent - lean Republican 7 Independent 21 Independent - lean Democratic 4 Not-so-strong Democrat 9 Strong Democrat 19 Conservative 1 None 2 Other – specify 2 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 13

D6. What is your current credit card balance? That is, approximately how much do you currently owe on all of your credit cards?

Less than $500 39 Between $500 and $999 6 Between $1,000 and $2,999 7 More than $3,000 13 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 35

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D7. What is your current total savings, excluding retirement? Do you have…

Less than $500 20 Between $500 and $999 7 Between $1,000 and $2,999 10 More than $3,000 32 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 31

D8. And for which of the following purposes are you currently saving money? Please select all that apply.

No particular reason 26 Because I am supposed to 24 To purchase a home 9 Retirement 8 To purchase a car 6 To travel 5 College/school 5 To pay bills/to live on 3 Children / grandchildren 2 Emergencies 2 Not saving 2 Healthcare 1 To pay taxes 1 For the future 1 Family / personal reasons 1 For a rainy day * Home repair / maintenance / renovation * To pay off debts * Security * Funeral / burial expenses * For large-ticket items (general) * Other – specify 1 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 13

D9. What is your total retirement savings currently? Do you have…

Less than $5000 29 Between $5000 and $9,999 6 Between $10,000 and $49,999 8 More than $50,000 18 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 38

D10. Are you married, single, separated, widowed, or divorced?

Married 50 Single 24 Separated/Divorced 13 Widowed 9 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 4

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D11. Do you have children? Yes 70 No 26 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 4

D12. How many total credit cards does your household have?

0 26 1 16 2 4 3 11 4 or more 21 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 12

D13. Have you or anyone in your family ever served in the U.S. military or National Guard?

Yes - myself 11 Yes - family member 35 No 50 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 4

D14. What is your religion?

Protestant 25 Catholic 24 Christian 8 Baptist 8 None 4 Methodist 2 Lutheran 2 Atheist 2 Jewish 1 Muslim 1 Mormon 1 Agnostic 1 Non denominational 1 Pentecostal 1 Pagan/Wicca 1 Episcopal * Jehovah's Witness * Presbyterian * Latter Day Saints * Church of Christ * Other – specify 2 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 15

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ALL WHO ARE PROTESTANT AT D14 (Base = 301) D15. (IF PROTESTANT IN D14) Which one of these words best describes your kind of Christianity -- fundamentalist, evangelical, charismatic, Pentecostal or moderate to liberal?

Moderate to liberal 32 Evangelical 18 Fundamentalist 17 Charismatic/Pentecostal 9 Nondenominational 1 None 0 Something else 3 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 19

ASK ALL D16. How often do you attend religious services -- every week, once or twice a month, several times a year, or hardly ever?

More than once a week 12 Once a week 27 Once or twice a month 14 Several times a year 9 Hardly ever 20 Never 11 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 7

D17. What is your race?

Caucasian 73 African-American 12 Hispanic 9 Asian/Pacific Islander 1 American Indian * Mixed * Other – specify * (DK/Refused) (VOL) 5

D18. Are you from a Hispanic, Latino or Spanish-speaking background?

Yes 14 No 81 (DK/Refused) (VOL) 5

D19. Region

Northeast 19 Midwest 22 South 37 West 23

Note: 2009 results shown are from the Chase Consumer Spending & Saving Survey conducted by phone with 1,004 adults nationwide from April 28 to May 3, 2009. It was sponsored by Chase Card Services and fielded by Braun Research and has a margin of error of +/-3.1 percent.