Volunteer Orientation “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does” (Margaret Mead)

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Volunteer Orientation Presentation

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Page 1: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Volunteer Orientation Presentation

Volunteer Orientation

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever does” (Margaret Mead)

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Expanding Minds, Empowering Individuals, Enriching Community

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Page 4: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Volunteer Orientation Presentation

Circulation vs. Staffing Capacity

FY07 FY08 FY09 FY105600000










FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY110








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A little help?!

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System-Wide Volunteer TrendsTotal # of Volunteers Total Hours Donated

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Your mission should you choose to accept it:

•Bring community input

•Advocate•Commit 6 months

(or longer)

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Volunteer Rights

• Meaningful assignments

• Treated as co-equal• Effective

supervision• To receive


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Volunteer Perks• It’s FUN! - Rewarding nature of serving community

• Acquire new skills and gain recognized work experience.• Expand your social horizons.• Keep up with the latest books.• Contribute to the success of the largest, busiest, premier library

in North Carolina.


(and be appreciated for it.)

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Volunteer Handbook• Every volunteer has an assigned schedule• Call us if you are going to be late or absent• Notify Volunteer Point Person (VPP) if you are

going on vacation or taking time off• Serve with same high standard of

professionalism as staff• Patron Privacy Guidelines/Confidentiality

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Nuts & Bolts of Dewey• Collections / formats• E, ER, J, YA, AAF, M, R, W,

Bio, Reference• “Mc” vs. “Mac”• 100s, 200s, 300s, 741.5, etc.

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Customer Service on the Floor• Directional

questions• Book

recommendations• Subject related

Reference Questions

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Volunteer Contactsfor Matthews Branch Library

Nancy Granzen 704.416.5012

[email protected]

Chris Morgan 704.416.5002

[email protected]

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Volunteer Program Contacts

Robin Doermann 704.416.5202

[email protected]

Mark Engelbrecht 704.416.5201

[email protected]

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Thank you!