Anchor Systems

Charla Anclajes

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sistema de anclajes

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  • Anchor Systems

  • Qu es un Anclaje?Un anclaje es un elemento estructural que tiene la propiedad de fijar un material a otro que hace las veces de base.Material a fijarAnclajeMaterial basePrincipios de funcionamiento......

  • Principios de Funcionamiento: RoceLa carga tensora, N, se transfiere al material base mediante la friccin, R.Para crear la friccin, se necesita una fuerza expansivaEjemplos:

  • La carga tensora, N, est en equilibrio con las fuerzas de soporte, R, que acta sobre el material base.Ejemplos: Principios de Funcionamiento: rea de soporteHLD

  • Produce una unin adhesiva entre la varilla o barra reforzada y el adhesivo y entre el adhesivo y el material baseHVU + HASEjemplos: HIT HY 150 + HASPrincipios de Funcionamiento: AdhesinFormas de falla......

  • Posibles formas de FallaFalla del Hormigncono Corte de la barra Falla del Adhesivo(con el acero) Falla del Adhesivo(con el hormign) Gama de Anclajes Hilti............

  • DesempeoSeguridad Gama de Anclajes HiltiHDIDBZHVUHSLHDAKB-IIIHY-150RE-500HLCHPSTogglerHLDHIT-MMHA 8


    Descripcin del Producto: Ampolla pre-dosificada Metacrilato Uretano de Vinilo (HVU) bi-componente para anclajes en diversas aplicaciones.Ventajas: Desempeo de adherencia superior. Capacitado para soportar cargas ssmicas y vibratorias. Bajo tiempo de curado. Gran resistencia a los ciclo de hielo y deshielo. Gran resistencia a la temperatura. Excelente resistencia al ataque qumico y cido



    Descripcin del Producto: Resina epxica bi-componente para anclajes en diferentes materiales base como hormign, piedra natural, grout, madera etc.Ventajas: Desempeo de adherencia superior. Capacitado para soportar cargas ssmicas. Pequeos dimetros de perforacin. Puede ser instalado inclusive bajo agua. Excelente resistencia a la interperie


  • HIT HY-150

    ANCLAJES QUIMICOSDescripcin del Producto: Resina Hibrida (metacrilato-cemento) bi-componente para anclajes en diferentes materiales base como hormign, piedra natural y grout.Ventajas: Desempeo de adherencia superior. Capacitado para soportar cargas ssmicas. Bajo tiempo de curado. Gran resistencia a la temperatura (soldadura). Buena resistencia al ataque qumico y cido.

  • HIT HY-150



    Descripcin del Producto: Anclaje de expansin extra-fuerte, especialmente diseado para cargas dinmicas y pesadas.Ventajas: Extraordinaria capacidad de carga. Capacitado para soportar cargas ssmicas, vibratorias e impacto. Camisa metlica que otorga capacidad al corte adicional. Apropiado para ser instalado en hormign fisurado. Fuerza de expansin controlada.



    Descripcin del Producto: Anclaje de expansin de una sola cua que acta como tres independientes que proporcionas resistencias medianas a fuertes .Ventajas: Buena capacidad de carga. Capacitado para soportar cargas estticas. Puede ser instalado en agujeros sin fondo. Identificacin de longitudes. Buen rendimiento en perforaciones diamantadas.


    Descripcin del Producto: Anclaje de rosca interna con cono de expansin para ser instalado en hormign.Ventajas: Capacidad de carga mediana. Capacitado para soportar cargas estticas. Poca profundidad de empotramiento. Instalacin al ras para insertar varillas roscadas. Ideal para instalaciones repetitivas.



  • Mtodo de diseo tradicional.Actualmente, los datos obtenidos por los anclajes HILTI, se ajustan a la norma ETAG (anexo C) y el ACI 318 (apndice D) para CC method.Mtodo ClsicoTensiones admisiblesResultados conservadoresSin informacin del comportamiento en la fallaEstado de arte actualCapacidad del hormignTensiones de roturaResultados bastante realesDiferenciacin entre modos de fallaDiferenciacin de coeficientes de seguridad para tipo de carga

  • Ejemplo, Condiciones de diseo

    Anclar soporte tipo bracket para suportacin de tubera de 6 a pilar de hormign en planta de procesos industriales.

    Requerimientos del lugar de instalacin (preseleccin del anclaje adecuado):

    Resistencia a vibraciones (tubera flujo a presin)Resistencia cargas dinmicas.Posible soldadura cerca de la placa.

    Antes de determinar mediante calculo, secciones tipo de acero y empotramientos se debe seleccionar el sistema adecuado.

  • Datos Iniciales:

    Separacin entre soportes 4 mts.Peso de la tubera 50 kgf/mt.Pilar de seccin 50 x 50 cm. Hormign H30 (4000psi)

  • V, dis= 103,5 kgfT,dis = 287 kgf

  • Seleccin anclaje adecuado

    Debemos seleccionar un anclaje segn la condicin requerida:

    resistencia a vibraciones (tubera flujo a presin)resistencia cargas dinmicas.Posible soldadura cerca de la placa.


  • Se propone analizar para un anclaje del tipo:

    HVU + HAS E Estandar 3/8 x 6.1/2 (EMP = 5 ) ADHERENCIA


  • Anchor Systems Departamento de Ingenieria, Tel 6553043; 6553015

    ********Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    *Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training

    **Comment for the presenter:This is a Hilti HIT-RE 500 training. Please note that there are separate Hilti HIT training available - one for Hilti HIT-HY and one for rebar applications (in preparation).For your convenience you will always find the presenter comments below each slide. For an effective training please bring the following along:- a fully equipped Hit MD 2000 case as well as a BD 2000 tool- samples of the HIT-RE 500 cartridges (all sizes available) together with the special mixer - all brochures/ promo material available.

    Welcome to the Hilti HIT-RE 500 system training
