Characterizing Stereo Matc...Characterizing Stereo Matc hing Problems using Lo cal Spatial F requency Mark W. Maimone Ma y 1996 CMU-CS-96-125 Sc ho ol of Computer Science Carnegie

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Page 1: Characterizing Stereo Matc...Characterizing Stereo Matc hing Problems using Lo cal Spatial F requency Mark W. Maimone Ma y 1996 CMU-CS-96-125 Sc ho ol of Computer Science Carnegie

Characterizing Stereo Matching Problems

using Local Spatial Frequency

Mark W. MaimoneMay 1996


School of Computer ScienceCarnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891 USA

Submitted in partial ful�llment of the requirements for

the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

Thesis Committee:

Steven A. Shafer, chair

Martial Hebert

Paul Heckbert

Michael Jenkin, York University

c 1996 Mark W. Maimone

This research was sponsored in part by the Department of the Army, Army Research O�ce under grant

number DAAH04-94-G-0006, and the NASA Ames Graduate Student Researchers Program NGT 51026.

The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted

as necessarily representing o�cial policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the Department

of the Army or the United States Government.

Page 2: Characterizing Stereo Matc...Characterizing Stereo Matc hing Problems using Lo cal Spatial F requency Mark W. Maimone Ma y 1996 CMU-CS-96-125 Sc ho ol of Computer Science Carnegie

Keywords: Computer Vision, Stereo Matching, Local Spatial Frequency, Gabor Filters,

Scalogram, Phase-based Stereo, Scale Space, Perspective Foreshortening, Ambiguous (false)

Matches, Ground Truth

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The model of local spatial frequency provides a powerful analytical tool for image analysis.

In this thesis we explore the application of this representation to long-standing problems in

stereo vision. As the basis for this analysis, we develop a phase-based algorithm for stereo

matching that uses an adaptive scale selection process. Our approach demonstrates a novel

solution to the phase-wraparound problem that has limited the applicability of other phase-

based methods.

The problem of ambiguous matches, or false targets, can greatly reduce the accuracy

of a stereo vision system. A common approach to alleviating the problem is the use of a

coarse to �ne re�nement strategy, but we show that this approach imposes some (perhaps

overly) strong requirements on the stereo images. Our phase-based method relaxes those

requirements, and is therefore able to handle a wider variety of otherwise ambiguous images.

But sometimes ambiguity is inherent in the images, so we propose a generalized disparity

model to explicitly represent multiple candidates.

Perspective foreshortening, an e�ect that occurs when a surface is viewed at a sharp

angle, can reduce the precision of stereo methods. Many methods tacitly assume that the

projection of an object will have the same area in both images, but this condition is violated

by perspective foreshortening. We show how to overcome this problem using a local spatial

frequency representation. A simple geometric analysis leads to an elegant solution in the

frequency domain which, when applied to our phase-based system, increases the system's

maximum matchable surface angle from 30 degrees to over 75 degrees.

The analysis of stereo vision algorithms can be greatly enhanced through the use of

datasets with ground truth. We outline a taxonomy of datasets with ground truth that

use varying degrees of realism to characterize particular aspects of stereo vision systems,

and show that each component of this taxonomy can be e�ectively realized with current

technology. We propose that datasets generated in this way be used as the foundation for

a suite of statistical analyses to e�ectively characterize the performance of stereo vision


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I am indebted to many people for the completion of this thesis.

My thanks go �rst and foremost to my advisor Steve Shafer. He helped me jump start my

research career in vision and image processing, he encouraged me to develop mymathematical

debugging skills, and his vision and ability to present ideas clearly have been inspirational.

I am especially grateful for his encouraging comments over the years, and for his support

during the �nal wrapup and writing process.

The other members of my committee have done a great deal to improve the content of

this thesis. Thanks to Martial Hebert for providing overall direction, Michael Jenkin for

our face-to-phase discussions, and Paul Heckbert for teaching me something new at every

meeting. This document has bene�ted greatly from their excellent suggestions, as well as

those of Yalin Xiong.

I would also like to express my sincere appreciation for the support, wisdom and friend-

ship of A. Nico Habermann, founding Dean of the School of Computer Science. With his

encouragement I learned to look beyond the present and literally reach for the stars.

For �nancial support, I thank CMU, the O�ce of Naval Research, and the folks at the

NASA Ames Vision Research Lab led by Beau Watson.

The members of the Calibrated Imaging Lab, including Joyoni Dey, John Krumm, Bruce

Maxwell, Reg Willson and Yalin Xiong, have been good friends and outstandingly supportive

colleagues throughout my development as a vision researcher. Carlo Tomasi helped me

overcomemy initial fear of Fourier, and the dozens of members of the Vision and Autonomous

Systems Center and its director Takeo Kanade have made this an intellectually challenging

and personally satisfying environment. I am especially grateful for the support and friendship

of Mei Chen, Jennie Kay, Pete Rander, Henry Rowley, Harry Shum, David Simon, Michael

Smith and more.

The CMU Computer Science Department has been an incredible place to work. Students

like Darrell Kindred, Corey Kosak, Henry Rowley, Bennet Yee, and the amazing folks of SCS

Facilities have been a tremendous resource for all things technical. Our liaisons to the world

outside of the department do an impossibly good job of hiding the gory details; I cannot

give enough thanks to Sharon Burks, Catherine Copetas, Maggie Muller, Karen Olack and

the whole SCS Support Sta� for their friendship and all of their hard work (but I am certain

Aunt Catherine is going to make me try :-).

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My musical colleagues helped keep me sane during this whole process. Many thanks

to the members and directors of the CMU Jazz Choir and Concert Choir, CS folks Angela

Kennedy, Su Yuen Ling, Cli� Mercer, Scott Neal Reilly, Benli Pierce, John Velonis, and

especially Geli Zobel for her dedication to singing and keeping me well fed. Special thanks

to Robert Page for his energy, inspirational direction, support and personal encouragement

of my musical goals.

Thanks too to the many other friends who have made the trip enjoyable in the good

times, and bearable in the bad. Classmates Nevin (and Tess) Heintze, Puneet Kumar, Juan

Leon, Francesmary Modugno, Joe Tebelskis, and AmyMoormann Zaremski helped start and

keep me going. O�cemates over the years put up with me and my strange musical tastes:

Doug Reece, Raul Valdes-Perez, John Cheng, Keith Gremban, Ari Rapkin and Doug Rohde.

And though I'm running out of space and cannot possibly include everyone, Drew Anderson,

Eka Ginting, Chris McGlone, Phil Miller and my �rst advisor Jeannette Wing have all made

special contributions. Warm thanks also to Patty, Mary, Chris, Tom and the rest of the late

night crew.

Most of all, I thank all of my family for their encouragement, especially my parents and

grandparents, without whose love and support none of this would have been possible.

Thanks to Larry Matthies for the image texture used in Figure 1.3 and Chapter 5. Thanks

also to BlueMountain Arts, Inc. for permission to use the image in Figure 4.1 (details follow).

5-DTM created by Stephen Schutz, Ph.D.

Published by Blue Mountain Arts, Inc. (R)

P.O. Box 4549, Boulder, Colorado 80306

Copyright c 1994 Stephen Schutz and Susan Polis Schutz

Reprinted with permission

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Below is a list of notations that are used in this thesis and some of their consequences:

jxjb Remainder remainder(x; b), or x modulo b, or x� bx=bcbx =b y Modular Equality remainder(x; b) = remainder(y; b). Note that

for all a 2 IR, x =b y implies x+ a =b y + a,

and for all a 6= 0, x =b y implies ax = baay

f Focal Length Intrinsic camera (lens) parameter associated

with the pinhole lens model

!�= 1

�Frequency Cycles per unit distance. Although this symbol

is often reserved for angular frequency (in units

of radians), we use ! to avoid confusion with

focal length f . Frequency is the reciprocal

of wavelength.

��= 1


�Wavelength Sinusoid or �lter wavelength, often in units

of pixels

f(x)()F F (!) Fourier Transform Function F (!) is the frequency-domain

equivalent of spatial domain function f(x):

In this work f(x) will be real-valued, thus

F (!) will be complex and odd-symmetric

about the origin, so only the positive

frequencies will be plotted.

� Phase Phase of a complex number (often a Fourier

or Gabor coe�cient �ej�), or phase of a

sinusoid sin(x� �)

� Magnitude or Magnitude of a complex number (often a

Amplitude Fourier or Gabor coe�cient �ej�)


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[low; high] Range (inclusive) The set of numbers from low to high including

the endpoints.

bxc Floor Floor of x, i.e. the greatest integer i � x.

� Convolution

fx : propertyg Set Constructor The set of all x such that property is true.

X \ Y Set Intersection If X and Y are sets, the set of elements

common to both.

jSj Cardinality / If S is a set, the number of elements in S.

Absolute Value Else if S is a scalar, the absolute value of S.

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1 Introduction 1

1.1 Terminology : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3

1.2 The Scalogram: A Uni�ed View of Scale Space : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 7

1.3 Stereo Vision Algorithms : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8

1.3.1 Stereo Matching : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8

1.3.2 Problems with Traditional Methods : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10

1.4 Related Work : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12

1.4.1 Evolution of Phase-based stereo : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13

1.4.2 Foreshortening : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17

1.5 Relationship to Prior Work : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 18

1.6 Thesis Organization : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 18

2 A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments 19

2.1 Overview : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20

2.1.1 Representation of Results : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 22

2.2 The Basics: Mathematical Foundations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 23

2.2.1 Example 1: Phase di�erence as disparity : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 23

2.3 Noiseless Synthetic Imagery : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 26

2.3.1 Example 2: Occlusion Masks : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 27

2.4 Synthetic Imagery with Noise : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30

2.4.1 Example 3: Virtual Checkerboard : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30

2.5 Controlled Environment : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 32

2.5.1 Example 4: Calibration Targets : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 33

2.5.2 Camera Calibration : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 35


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2.5.3 Acquire Dataset Imagery : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 39

2.6 Measured Environment : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 40

2.6.1 Camera and Range Sensor Calibration : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 41

2.6.2 Acquire Imagery and Range Data Concurrently : : : : : : : : : : : : 42

2.6.3 Example 5: Textured Cube : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 43

2.6.4 Example 6: Model Train Set : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 43

2.7 Unconstrained Imagery : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 44

2.8 Implementation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 44

2.9 Summary : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 45

3 Phase-based Stereo 47

3.1 Introduction : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 47

3.2 Local Spatial Frequency : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 48

3.2.1 Gabor Filters : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 51

3.3 Using Phase as Disparity : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 55

3.3.1 Relating Phase to Feature-based Methods : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 55

3.4 Phase Di�erence Measurement Characterization : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 56

3.4.1 Background on Instantaneous Frequency : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 57

3.4.2 Measuring Sinusoid Frequency (�ref) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 61

3.4.3 Measuring Phase (��) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 62

3.4.4 Comparing Frequencies (�) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 66

3.5 Choosing Frequencies (for all �) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 66

3.5.1 The Image Scalogram : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 66

3.6 Combining Filter Estimates : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 69

3.6.1 The Phase Wraparound Problem : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 70

3.6.2 Our Filter Combination Method : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 72

3.7 Our Stereo Method : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 76

3.7.1 Sample Imagery : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 78

4 Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches 81

4.1 The Problem of Ambiguity : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 81

4.1.1 De�nitions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 83

4.1.2 Disparity Space : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 86

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4.2 E�ect of Ambiguity on Stereo Methods : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 89

4.2.1 JISCT Results : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 89

4.2.2 Jones' Method : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 92

4.3 Reducing the Ambiguity Factor : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 93

4.3.1 Coarse to Fine Method : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 94

4.3.2 Coarse to Fine Results : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 95

4.3.3 Solution using Phase-based Stereo : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 96

4.4 Modeling Ambiguity : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 105

4.4.1 Extended Disparity Representation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 105

4.4.2 Demonstrating Improvement on an inherently ambiguous image : : : 109

4.5 Summary : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 114

5 Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening 117

5.1 Relating Disparity to Surface Angle : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 120

5.2 Expressing the Foreshortening Factor using Image Parameters : : : : : : : : 121

5.2.1 Verifying the Foreshortening Factor : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 123

5.3 Applicability : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 126

5.4 Application : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 128

5.4.1 Extending Phase-based Stereo Algorithms : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 128

5.4.2 Results : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 129

6 Contributions 135

A Theodolite Error Analysis 139

A.1 Deriving equations for the coordinate axes : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 140

A.2 Results : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 142

B Derivation of Foreshortening Probabilities 145

C Numbers 147

D Application of Visual Reconstruction 149

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List of Figures

1.1 Illustration of the geometry of a typical stereo vision system. : : : : : : : : : 3

1.2 Evaluation functions are the tools used to �nd corresponding pixels. Given a

pixel in the left image, a set of pixels in the right image is evaluated. The right

pixel that exhibits the smallest error in the evaluation function is selected as

the correspondent. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5

1.3 Stereo pair illustrating the e�ects of foreshortening; image compression, dif-

fering spatial extents. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 6

1.4 Overhead view of a typical Stereo Vision setup. A pair of cameras with focal

length f , separated by baseline distance B, are represented by their focus

points on the lower left. Object point P has corresponding image coordinates

xiL and xiR, and lies at depth Z from the focus points. Mirror image vectors

�xiL and �xiR are shown to make the similar triangles used in Equation 1.1

more explicit. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 9

1.5 Matlab implementation of the Kuglin-Hines Phase Correlation Image Align-

ment method (Kuglin & Hines, 1975). Actual computation of the global

translation vector occurs in the �rst two lines of the function, the �nal six

lines extract the indices of the maximum element in a 2D array. The method

actually achieves subpixel precision, but this unre�ned index-processing code

only returns integer results. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 14

2.1 Disparity as a function of Phase Di�erence. Disparity is the horizontal sepa-

ration between the two signals, and is indicated by the labeled bar just to the

left of 0. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 25


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2.2 Occlusion Mask Generation: Top Row: Stereo pair of images from the Left

and Right cameras; actual disparity maps for those images. Middle Row:

Pointwise occlusion masks for left and right images (note especially the noise

in the right mask around the object borders); disparity maps with pointwise

occlusion masks overlaid. Bottom Row: Plane-�tting occlusion masks for left

and right images; disparity maps with plane-�tting occlusion masks overlaid. 28

2.3 Finding the best-�t plane in the disparity map. There are four 2x2 windows

that contain the center (dark) pixel; the upper right window is highlighted. : 29

2.4 Examples of noise easily modeled with synthetic data. : : : : : : : : : : : : : 31

2.5 Actual image of the Calibrated Imaging Laboratory (CIL) calibration target

with virtual rendering overlaid. The grey background and grid of black dots

are part of the original picture, the white dots are rendered dots located at

the 3D grid point locations. The dots were rendered as spheres using a virtual

camera with the same parameters as those computed from the real image. : : 34

2.6 More sample calibration targets. The left image is the calibration cube from

(Shum et al., 1995), right is an image of the MOVI (INRIA) \inverted cube"

calibration pattern from (Boyer & Berger, 1995). : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 35

2.7 Coordinate frames used in dataset acquisition. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 37

2.8 Textured cube image and the piecewise-planar patches used by Xiong for error

analysis (Xiong, 1995, Figure 3.20). Used with permission. : : : : : : : : : : 43

2.9 Image from CIL-0001 dataset with the locations of ground truth measurements. 44

3.1 Local Spatial Frequency illustration (magnitude only). The Original Signal

(lower right) is a low frequency sine wave embedded in a high frequency wave.

Its Fourier Transform (upper left) has two peaks, one for each frequency. The

Ideal Local Spatial Frequency plot (lower left) associates each sample point

with its proper frequency. The Spectrogram (upper right) only approximates

this ideal plot, but is computed directly from the sample points without explicit

knowledge of the original signal's analytical form. Peaks in the 1D DFT plot

correspond to the dark areas in the 2D images. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 50

3.2 Gabor �lter examples with ! = 1=10 but di�erent m;�f on each row. The

horizontal axis indicates the number of samples in the �lter. : : : : : : : : : 52

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3.3 Scanline Pair used in Table 3.1, highighted in the image from which it was

extracted. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 54

3.4 Instantaneous Frequency Example: ! = 0.06667. The �gure is explained in

Section 3.4.1 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 59

3.5 Instantaneous Frequency Example: ! = 0.03333 to 0.06667 in linear steps,

i.e. a chirp signal. The �gure is explained in Section 3.4.1 : : : : : : : : : : : 60

3.6 The e�ect of measurement error vector ~� on phase angle �. : : : : : : : : : : 63

3.7 Maximum phase angle error as a function of the length ratio. : : : : : : : : : 64

3.8 Sample Magnitude pro�le of several Gabor �lters, illustrating the peak �nding

heuristic. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 65

3.9 Double sine wave signal and associated scalogram (both magnitude and phase). 67

3.10 Frequency Sampling in the Scalogram and other methods. Grey areas show

the central tuning frequencies that are used by each method. Filter widths

vary, but typically cover most of the regions between tuning frequencies (see

Figure 3.13 for an example). : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 68

3.11 Ideal phase di�erence as a function of Disparity, illustrating the phase wraparound

problem. Note that coarser scales are on the left in the Frequency plots, but

on the right in the Wavelength plots. Each graph has 63 sample points spaced

linearly along the X axis. Note that unlike the 2D scalogram plots, here the

wavelength axis is horizontal. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 71

3.12 Filter contributions to the disparity estimate. Pixel intensity represents the

value of the error computed by each �lter's phase di�erence comparison, scaled

by the magnitude. Darker pixels indicate larger error, and white spots repre-

sent areas where the scalograms contained no useful information. The evalua-

tion function (below) is constructed by summing up the values in the columns

and dividing by the number of �lters used. This plot represents the disparity

computation at pixel (128,128) of the stereo pair in Figure 3.14. : : : : : : : 74

3.13 Gabor Filter Frequency Response. The Gabor �lter magnitude in the fre-

quency domain for �lters with wavelength 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 is

presented. The tuning parameters are �f =1

6and m = 4. : : : : : : : : : : : 75

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3.14 Synthetic Stereo Pair with Ground Truth. The top two images form the stereo

image pair of two frontoplanar surfaces, the middle images are the associated

disparity maps with occluded areas marked in black. The lower left image is

the disparity map computed by this method, evaluating 301 disparities from 0

to 30. The lower right image is the di�erence between the stereo disparity and

the ground truth. Mean error over the entire �gure is 2.41 pixels (variance

23.09); all errors � 2 are in black. (intensities not to scale) : : : : : : : : : 79

3.15 Actual Stereo Pair with Ground Truth. The top two images form the stereo

image pair of a at sheet tilted back slightly, and have been corrected for lens

distortion. The middle images are the ground truth data on the left (black

areas have unknown ground truth), and disparities computed by our method

on the right (161 disparities, 0-40). The bottom image shows the di�erences

between our estimates and the ground truth over the central target, scaled

from 0 to 2 (all errors � 2 appear black). Mean error in that region in 1.27701

pixels with � = 2.8446. (intensities not to scale) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 80

4.1 A 340x340 autostereogram of a wolf. See Figure 4.24 for an elucidation of the

embedded structure. Reprinted with permission from Blue Mountain Arts, Inc. 83

4.2 Evaluation Function for pixel (170,100) of Figure 4.1 (with its pre-shifted

counterpart), computed using our phase-based method with linear frequency

samples. This information is presented in the context of a complete scanline

in column 100 of Figure 4.3. Darker pixels denote less error, so the dark stripe

from pixel number 75 to 200 at disparity 7 represents the best guess. : : : : 84

4.3 Disparity Space for row 170 of Figure 4.1 (with its pre-shifted counterpart),

computed using our phase-based method with linear frequency samples. Darker

pixels indicate lower matching errors, i.e., the most likely disparity estimates.

Column 100 can be seen in an expanded view in Figure 4.2. : : : : : : : : : 87

4.4 Coarse to Fine disparity space and associated scales; �ne scales are darker

than coarse scales. These results are also from row 170 of Figure 4.1, as are

those in Figure 4.3. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 89

4.5 Shoe Stereo Pair. These are images SHOE-0 and SHOE-2 from the JISCT

Stereo Evaluation study; each is 480x512 pixels2. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 90

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4.6 Results of several stereo methods on Figure 4.5 as presented in the JISCT

Stereo Evaluation study. Clockwise from the top left are the INRIA 1, INRIA

2, Teleos, and SRI results; each is 59x63 pixels2. Black pixels were marked as

unknown by the algorithms. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 90

4.7 Detail view of SRI disparity results and approximate ground truth for the

middle row of the shoe stereo pair disparities in Figure 4.6. : : : : : : : : : : 91

4.8 Results of Jones stereo method on middle region of speaker images. : : : : : 92

4.9 Speaker Image. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 93

4.10 Evolution of the Coarse to Fine evaluation function at pixel (170,100) in Fig-

ure 4.1. The coarsest scale appears on top, the plots below demonstrate the

successive re�nement. Contrast the bottom plot with Figure 4.2. : : : : : : : 97

4.11 Synthetic Speaker Grill. Actual disparity is 18.3445 pixels, but the pattern

repeats approximately every 3.8 pixels. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 98

4.12 Coarse to �ne results on Figure 4.11. Disparity map (upper left) has mean

error 14.42 with � = 23.1308 pixels, ground truth error image (upper right)

maps all errors � 2 to black. Lower plots are the coarse to �ne disparity

space (left) and scale space (right) for row 240 in the synthetic speaker grill.

Ground truth for pixels 200{400 is 23.52 pixels. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 99

4.13 Coarse to �ne results and images from the Shoe image pair. : : : : : : : : : 100

4.14 Synthetic Grill evaluation functions, illustrating the improvement of the phase-

based method over raw correlation (too many minima) and coarse to �ne

(trapped in local minimum). Actual disparity is 23.52 pixels at pixel (240,300).102

4.15 Synthetic Grill Phase-based Disparity Space and constraint-�ltered Scalogram

for line 240. The raw pixel intensities appear above (the same scanline is

plotted twice), and illustrate the e�ect of the grill edges on the plots below. : 103

4.16 Detail view of phase-based disparity results and approximate ground truth for

a middle row of the shoe stereo pair. Background disparities are consistent,

but incorrect. Figure 4.21 contains the complete disparity space for this scanline.106

4.17 Image Scalogram for the middle row of the left shoe image. : : : : : : : : : : 106

4.18 Phase-based disparity maps for the shoe image pair. Left map is the result

from using no constraints, right map is the result from using the heuristic in

Section 3.4.3. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 107

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4.19 A view of the deviousness used in the construction of the Shoe image pair.

Although the images were taken of the shoe at against the texture (left

image), the fact that the actual disparity is larger than the period of the

checkerboard pattern causes a purely local search to reconstruct the scene with

the shoe \ oating" above the textured background (right image). Reproduced

with permission from Kanade. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 107

4.20 Illustration of the peak-�nding heuristic from Sections 4.4.1 and 3.4.3 on a

sine wave (upper) and the inverted Wolf Evaluation Function from Figure 4.2

(lower). Dashed lines indicate the region in which a Gaussian is �t and then

subtracted. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 110

4.21 Shoe Disparity Space. The upper plot is row 240 from the Shoe image pair,

the lower plot is the disparity space computed by our phase-based method. : 112

4.22 Phase-based Disparity Space with Peaks. Peaks computed using the heuristic

have been superimposed on the disparity space from Figure 4.21. : : : : : : : 113

4.23 SRI Disparity over Phase-based Disparity Space. The seemingly random re-

sults from Figure 4.7 actually �t nicely into the local minima of the phase-

based disparity space (the SRI disparity space was not available). : : : : : : 113

4.24 The structure embedded within Figure 4.1. This image was computed by

applying our coarse-to-�ne stereo method with 5 pixel window and 5 pixel max

disparity per level to the original 340x340 image and a copy of the original

shifted by 58 pixels. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 115

5.1 Overhead view of the foreshortening model. XS is the distance from the point

exactly in front of the left camera (the origin OS at distance ZL) to the point

(S) on the plate being studied; xiL and xiR are the left and right pixel indices

of the image of surface point S; the cameras are separated by baseline B and

the surface tilts away from the cameras at angle �. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 118

5.2 The e�ect of foreshortening on scalogram magnitude. Two views of a at

plate with a sinusoidal texture appear on top, and the scalogram magnitudes

for their central scanlines appear below. The responses are similar, but are

compressed to higher frequencies in the rotated view. : : : : : : : : : : : : : 119

5.3 Overhead view of the foreshortening model. Similar triangles for the left

camera geometry are highlighted (see Equation 5.3). : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 120

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5.4 Overhead view of the foreshortening model. Similar triangles for the right

camera geometry are highlighted (see Equation 5.4). : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 120

5.5 Left and right views of a surface tilted 65 degrees. Upper images are the

central scanlines, lower images are their corresponding scalograms. You can

see similar features in both scalograms: those in the left image are present

at higher spatial frequencies because the left image is subject to greater fore-

shortening e�ects than the right image. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 122

5.6 Verifying the Foreshortening Factor - These graphs compare the predicted

foreshortening factor (dashed line) against that computed using only image

information (solid line). The virtual lab setup (top left) and an example input

image with surface angle of 60� (top right) are shown �rst. Next we have the

results derived from a surface angled at 0� (middle left), 30� (middle right),

45� (bottom left), and 60� (bottom right). The virtual surface is 4.0 units from

the left camera, both cameras have a �eld of view of 45� and are separated by

a baseline of 0.4 (the surface in the actual images is larger than that shown

in the top left rendering). : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 124

5.7 Foreshortening Factor as a function of Depth and Angle. Depth is unitless

relative to the baseline, and varies from 3 to 100. Angle varies from zero to 85�.126

5.8 Ground Truth and computed disparity maps for a surface angled at 65�. The

top row shows ground truth in perspective on the left, a graph of a represen-

tative scanline from all methods on the right. The middle row shows perspec-

tive views of the disparity maps computed by the foreshortening-corrected

method, Kanade/Okutomi and the uncorrected phase method. The bot-

tom row shows di�erences between actual disparities and those computed by

the foreshortening-corrected method, Kanade/Okutomi and the uncorrected

phase method, for pixels that image the plate; darker values denote larger

errors. Only di�erences between 0 and 2 pixels are shown, errors larger than

2 pixels appear as a 2 pixel error. Actual plate disparities range from 25.3 to

39.9 pixels. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 131

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5.9 Ground truth and disparity (computed by both the uncorrected and foreshortening-

corrected phase methods) for the center scanline of the city scene at various

rotations. From left to right (and top to bottom): 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and

80 degrees. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 133

A.1 Region of error. The greatest possible error occurs across one of the Target

Area diagonals (see Figure A.3 for a close up). : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 140

A.2 Two dimensional view of the theodolite imaging process. : : : : : : : : : : : 140

A.3 Target Area Precision (zoom in on Figure A.1): the largest error is the length

of one of the diagonals h and v. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 142

A.4 Error Space for � = 2000 with unit baseline: depth error v(�; ) is greater than

horizontal error h(�; ) for all but the nearest points (when the sum of the

angles is greater than about 90 degrees) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 143

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List of Tables

2.1 Stereo Imagery Characteristics and the types of scenarios for which they are

available. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20

3.1 E�ects of Tuning Parameters on stereo disparity accuracy. Filters with given

values for �f and m were applied to the scanline stereo pair from Figure 3.3

using the method in Section 3.7. Here the table shows the RMS error between

the computed disparity and that known over the portion of the image with

visible texture (153 pixels). 401 disparities from 0 to 10 were tested, and the

smallest and largest errors are highlighted. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 54

3.2 Pseudocode for the basic phase-based stereo algorithm. : : : : : : : : : : : : 77

4.1 Pseudocode for the Coarse to Fine algorithm. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 94

5.1 Probability that a surface exhibits �10% variation between images due to

perspective foreshortening. The distribution of surfaces is assumed to be

uniform within the range of orientation angles from ��2to �

2, and depth ratios

(distance divided by baseline) are as speci�ed. A sample derivation can be

found in Appendix B. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 127

5.2 Pseudocode for the foreshortening-corrected algorithm. Column index c must

be zero in the center of the image. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 129

A.1 GNUplot commands that generated Figure A.4 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 144

C.1 Default parameter values used to generate images in this thesis. : : : : : : : 148


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Chapter 1


It is a foolish thing to make a long prologue, and to be short in the story itself.

| Second Maccabees 2:32

Stereo matching provides the foundation for many methods in computer vision, and a

large number of practical applications: robot navigation, parts inspection, aerial or satellite

mapping, and medical imaging to name a few. In all of these, the distance to objects in

the scene is computed passively by comparing several images of the world. The distance

thus computed might then be used to plan a robot's path, determine the pose of a CAD

model, generate landscaping contours, or position a robot arm. Since these tasks may

be of critical importance, the distance estimates must be well-characterized and precisely

determined. Although one can try to extract distance from a single image (e.g., using shape

from shading) or many images (e.g., using multibaseline stereo or optical ow), we will study

a minimal con�guration for model-independent stereo: two cameras with known position and

orientation, observing a scene comprising di�use objects.

The best way to measure the success of a stereo method is to compare its results against

the ground truth, or range information measured using means other than stereo. Acquisition

of total and accurate ground truth is very expensive, often prohibitively so. But just as

there are trade-o�s in modeling complexity v. precision in the design of vision algorithms,

so too there are trade-o�s in the analysis of their performance. Synthetically generated

imagery gives total ground truth knowledge, but fails to model the complexities of real-

world imaging. Real imagery provides better test data, but greatly reduces the amount

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2 Chapter 1. Introduction

and density of ground truth available for analysis. If computer vision is to become more

of an engineering discipline than craftwork (Shaw, 1990), engineers must be able to predict

and experimentally characterize the behavior of their systems. Such characterization is only

possible when ground truth is available. In Chapter 2 we outline a framework for choosing

a reasonable trade-o� of ground truth density v. image realism in the analysis of stereo


Our approach to the stereo problem will explore the bene�ts of a local spatial frequency

representation. There are two fundamental extremes in the study of 2D imagery: the detail-

oriented spatial view and the wholistic frequency view. In the spatial view each individual

pixel is paramount; an image is represented by the concatenation of independent pixel values,

and each pixel is considered unique and important. In the frequency view only the entire

image matters; although the image is broken down mathematically into several frequency

components, information in each component relates to the image as a whole. Each view

has its bene�ts: the spatial view can represent discontinuous textures and local (pixel-level)

segmentations directly, while the frequency view is a mathematically elegant representation

that enables many useful analyses over large regions. The trouble is, the bene�ts of one

view are di�cult to attain in the other. Fortunately, a compromise can be reached, one

which preserves the localizability of the spatial approach and the analytical bene�ts of the

frequency approach: this combined approach is called local spatial frequency, and forms the

foundation for the discussion of our stereo method in Chapter 3.

The evaluation of any experimental method requires a characterization of the accuracy

and precision of its results. By precision we mean the number of signi�cant digits in the

numeric result, and by accuracy we mean the agreement between the experimentally-derived

result and the ground truth. The claim that for all stereo images, all pixels have a disparity

of 3.14159 pixel units is very precise, but probably not very accurate. In contrast, the claim

that for all stereo images, all pixels have a disparity of 0 � 512 pixel units is accurate,

but not very precise. Chapter 4 will show how to improve accuracy using better models of

ambiguous matches and Chapter 5 will show how to improve the precision of stereo results

in the presence of perspective foreshortening.

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1.1. Terminology 3

Left Image Right Image



Overlaid Images

Disparity =

( )xR





Figure 1.1: Illustration of the geometry of a typical stereo vision system.

1.1 Terminology

Some of the terminology used in describing the behavior of stereo algorithms can be described

as follows:

Local Spatial Frequency Two common approaches to image interpretation are frequency

analysis (e.g., using Fourier transforms) and direct pixel-based analysis (spatially di-

viding a picture into a grid of pixels). For years only one of these approaches was used

at a time: frequency analysis for global e�ects, spatial analysis for local e�ects. But

now local spatial frequency representations allow both techniques to be used simultane-

ously, at the cost of greatly increasing the amount of data used to represent the image.

A 1D scanline and its Fourier transform can each be expressed in one dimension, but

a local spatial frequency version of the same scanline will span two dimensions. Some

examples of local spatial frequency representations are wavelets, Wiener �lters, scalo-

grams (which are comprised of Gabor �lters), and spectrograms (short time Fourier


Disparity The problem of computing distance from two images can be reduced to that of

�nding which pixels correspond between the two images. Given a pair of corresponding

pixels, the distance between the two cameras and their orientations, it is easy to apply

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4 Chapter 1. Introduction

triangulation to �nd the distance to the point in world coordinates represented by

those pixels. The stereo task is to �nd the vector o�sets between corresponding pixels:

this vector is called the disparity at a given pixel, and is measured in units of pixels in

the image plane. Informally, the disparity tells you how far you must shift a pixel in

one image to have it line it up with its correspondent in the other image.

Disparity Image The goal of all stereo methods is the creation of a disparity image (also

known as a disparity map) from a pair of intensity images. Pixels in a disparity image

represent not the intensity of incoming light, but rather the amount of disparity as-

signed to a pixel in the original image pair. Unfortunately the range of disparities can

sometimes be very small, so for purposes of visualization all the disparty images in this

thesis have been scaled in intensity to bring out as much structure as possible. Smaller

disparities indicate objects that are far from the camera, and are rendered with dark

grey intensities. Pixels that are occluded (or for which no disparity is known) will be

rendered in black. Objects that are nearer have light grey intensities; there will be

no purely white or black pixels representing a numeric disparity. Unfortunately our

intensity scaling occurs independently in each disparity image, so it is not possible in

general to compare absolute intensities between disparity maps. When such a compar-

ison is important, the disparities from a single scanline will be plotted separately so

their numeric values can be seen.

Disparity Error Image When the ground truth is known, it is possible to display not

only the raw disparities returned by a stereo method, but also the di�erence between

the computed and actual disparities. This is illustrated in a disparity error image, in

which pixel intensity indicates the absolute di�erence between the ground truth and

measured values. Lighter intensities indicate better matches, and black pixels indicate

an absolute error of two or more pixels. Unlike the disparity maps, pixel intensities

here span the whole range from white (no error) to black (two or more pixel error).

Areas in which ground truth is either not available or not appropriate are rendered in


Evaluation Function The function that measures the di�erence between two small areas

from a pair of images is called the evaluation function. It gives the pair of areas a

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1.1. Terminology 5

Left Right Evaluation Function






Ideal Evaluation Function:

Figure 1.2: Evaluation functions are the tools used to �nd corresponding pixels. Given a

pixel in the left image, a set of pixels in the right image is evaluated. The right pixel that

exhibits the smallest error in the evaluation function is selected as the correspondent.

numeric value that indicates the likelihood that the two areas represent di�erent images

of the same 3D object. Some common evaluation functions include cross correlation,

sum of squared di�erences (SSD), and sum of absolute di�erences (SAD). The best

match between areas is indicated by larger values for cross correlation, but by smaller

error values for SSD and SAD.

Evaluation function pro�le Since each pixel in one image will be compared with a num-

ber of pixels in the other, a visualization of the results of these comparisons can be

helpful; see Figure 1.2. The evaluation function pro�le provides this information for a

given pixel. The x-axis is Disparity, and the y-axis is the result of applying an evalu-

ation function to the pair of pixel areas (i.e., this pixel and the one that corresponds

with disparity x in the other image). The evaluation function pro�les that appear in

this thesis all use a SAD-like evaluation function, in which smaller values indicate a

better match. Thus the y-axis label will be \Error" to re ect the fact that larger values

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6 Chapter 1. Introduction

Figure 1.3: Stereo pair illustrating the e�ects of foreshortening; image compression, di�ering

spatial extents.

indicate worse matches, i.e., matches having greater error.

Window Size The core calculation in all stereo methods is the comparison of a small area

in one image with a similar area in the other. The width of this area is known as the

window size because the comparison occurs only through this small \window" on the

original image. While this region might be as small as a pixel or as large as the entire

image, often it is a rectangular region several pixels wide. Although windows can have

height as well as width, for much of this work we will be concerned with windows that

are only 1 pixel tall.

Several factors encourage designers of area-based stereo algorithms to use small search

windows. Smaller windows not only reduce the computational cost of a method, but

also improve its accuracy by reducing the number of pixels a�ected by the blurring

that inevitably occurs near depth discontinuities, since the search windows are typically

run over entire images without regard to an initial segmentation. They cannot be too

small, however; trying to match single pixels between images is notoriously error prone,

since lighting e�ects and measurement errors often cause corresponding pixels to have

di�erent intensities in the stereo images. Even when the corresponding pixels have

similar intensities, very often many nearby pixels share similar intensities.

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1.2. The Scalogram: A Uni�ed View of Scale Space 7


Object surfaces are rarely viewed head-on in both images of a stereo pair. Instead, they

may appear more compressed in one image, due to perspective foreshortening, as in

Figure 1.3. When a surface has a textured appearance, this e�ect makes matching its

two images very di�cult, since its appearance di�ers so much between the two images.

This leads to confusing results from area-based stereo matching techniques, because

the visible areas vary so much between the two images. In Chapter 5 we develop a

model of perspective foreshortening that enables us to quantitatively predict its e�ect

on stereo image pairs. We present two equivalent forms of a correction factor that allow

us to reason about foreshortening e�ects in both 3D world coordinates and 2D image

coordinates. We show how to improve the accuracy of phase-based stereo matching

systems using this information, and demonstrate its application to a particular Gabor

�lter-based stereo system. Applying the correction factor to this system increased its

maximum matchable surface angle from 30 degrees to over 75 degrees.

1.2 The Scalogram: A Uni�ed View of Scale Space

We will use a model of Local Spatial Frequency to address long{standing problems in stereo

vision. The scalogram is one of several representations that makes use of the local frequency

content of an image.

Why Local Frequency? Many of the problems in traditional stereo arise from its limited

image representation. Certain imaging phenomena are more succinctly described (and more

easily manipulated) in the Fourier domain than in the spatial domain. For example, a

sinusoidal pattern at any scale can be fully described by four values in the Fourier domain:

amplitude, frequency, phase shift, and a constant (DC) o�set. The power of the Fourier

transform is its ability to extract this information from any signal in a straightforward and

deterministic way. You can think of an image as expressing a function as a sum with delta

functions forming the basis, and the Fourier representation as representing the same function

but with sinusoidal basis functions. The problem with using the Fourier transform directly

is that it extracts frequency information contained everywhere in the image; you may �nd

the precise frequencies present in a signal, but you won't know where in the signal those

frequencies occur. This is unacceptable for image matching.

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8 Chapter 1. Introduction

However, we can compromise by applying the Fourier transform not to the entire image,

but rather to a small subset, or window of the image. By restricting attention to the parts

of the image immediately surrounding a given pixel, we can learn about the local frequency

context, the patterns present only at that pixel. There is a trade-o�, however. By restricting

ourselves to a small window on the image, we sacri�ce the precision with which we can isolate

particular frequencies.

There are many local frequency representations: spectrograms (Short Time Fourier

Transforms), Wigner-Ville distributions, wavelets and scalograms to name a few. All are

similar in e�ect, but slightly di�erent in structure. The spectrogram uses a �xed window

size at all scales and a logarithmic sampling of wavelengths. This can be useful for tex-

ture analysis, where you expect to see the same pattern repeated often at small scales, but

seems less useful for image matching. The �xed window size means that high frequency

results will not be easily localized, and low frequencies may not have enough support. In

contrast, the scalogram uses a variable window size, one which is always a constant number

of wavelengths long. This makes high frequencies much more localizable, and provides the

necessary support for low frequencies. The scalogram is actually a special case of the very

general wavelet functions: the scalogram is a wavelet with a Gabor function as the transfer

function. Wigner-Ville is a compromise between spectrograms and scalograms, but often

contains many cross terms that complicate automated analysis. A general overview of all

these representations can be found in (Rioul & Vetterli, 1991), with a nice overview of their

application to computer vision in (Krumm, 1993).

1.3 Stereo Vision Algorithms

1.3.1 Stereo Matching

Stereo matching is a useful tool in a variety of applications: robot vision, parts inspection,

and aerial mapping to name a few. It is used to acquire knowledge about distance to objects

in the world. It is a passive technology, relying on the interpretation of pixel luminance

intensities in two or more images to reconstruct 3D information. Active technologies also

exist (e.g., laser range�nders, sonar, and radar), but we will limit our scope to the passive

imaging method of stereo matching.

The minimum system requirements for stereo vision are a pair of cameras positioned with

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1.3. Stereo Vision Algorithms 9












Figure 1.4: Overhead view of a typical Stereo Vision setup. A pair of cameras with focal

length f , separated by baseline distance B, are represented by their focus points on the lower

left. Object point P has corresponding image coordinates xiL and xiR, and lies at depth Z

from the focus points. Mirror image vectors �xiL and �xiR are shown to make the similar

triangles used in Equation 1.1 more explicit.

overlapping �elds of view. These cameras could be arranged in any number of ways, but

to simplify the forthcoming discussion we will restrict our attention to a simple case: both

cameras on a horizontal plane with optical and vertical axes parallel, and known baseline

(distance between them). Thus we explicitly avoid issues dealing with camera vergence

(rotation about the vertical axis), torsion (rotation about the optical axis), unknown baseline

separation, image recti�cation, and camera calibration. Such issues can be addressed by

other methods (e.g., weak calibration (Robert et al., 1994), Fundamental Matrix recovery,

explicit hardware control (Ross, 1993)) and thus can reasonably be avoided here.

A constraint that is often applied to stereo systems is the epipolar constraint. The main

idea is that given a pixel in the left image, one need not search through the entire right

image looking for a correspondent. Instead, attention may be limited to a straight line, the

so-called epipolar line. Why is it a line instead of some 2D region? The object represented

by a pixel in the left image must lie on a ray that extends in the world from the left focal

point through that pixel on the left image plane. The epipolar line is the image on the

right image plane of that ray in the world; the projection of a straight line is still a straight

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10 Chapter 1. Introduction

line. A nice introduction to epipolar anaysis can be found in (Boufama & Mohr, 1995), and

a very detailed description in (Faugeras, 1993). When the optical axes are parallel, as we

have assumed here, we enjoy the further property that epipolar lines are guaranteed to be

horizontal, and therefore all correspondents will lie on the same-numbered scanline in the

other image.

The primary task in stereo matching is to locate pairs of pixels that are images of the

same point in space. Once a correspondence has been established, it is a simple matter to

determine the distance to that point using triangulation. We can derive the exact relation by

considering the overhead view in Figure 1.4. Similar triangles give us two equations relating

the pixel indices xiL and xiR to depth Z:




B +�B




Solving both of these for �B and setting them equal, we obtain the canonical expression

relating horizontal disparity to depth:

Disparity = xiL � xiR =Bf


Equation 1.2 gives pointwise disparity only; we will show how to extend this description

to surfaces at arbitrary angles in Chapter 5.

1.3.2 Problems with Traditional Methods

In spite of the strong physical constraints available to stereo methods, many problems remain

in their implementation. While the mapping from disparity (i.e., pixel correspondence) to

depth is well understood, the automatic extraction of disparity is still subject to error. A

complete review of all stereo matching problems is beyond the scope of this work, but we

will review some of the basic advantages and disadvantages of the standard approaches here.

In feature-based stereo, it is assumed that the objects in the world have distinguishing

features that can be easily extracted by a 2D image processing operator. Features might

be objects of a particular color, areas with sharp intensity contrast in one direction (edges)

or in four directions (the Moravec operator), or any other easily detectable property. One

advantage to the use of features in stereo is that the properties of the 3D object represented

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1.3. Stereo Vision Algorithms 11

by the 2D features are usually very well understood, and can therefore be located with high

(subpixel) precision. Another advantage is a computational savings; instead of searching

every pixel in the other image, there will generally be only a small number of features

detected in the corresponding epipolar line. Thus fewer comparisons are required, and only

those image areas that exhibit interesting structure will be checked.

There are many disadvantages to feature-based stereo, however. Since correspondence is

only establishing at a small number of pixels, the resulting depth map will be very sparse.

Thus any underlying shape may be di�cult to extract. There may be large areas in the

images that exhibit only small changes in visible texture, and therefore will not have obvious

features; no disparity will be computed in such areas. And features visible in one image might

not be found in the other; this can cause nonrobust methods to match features incorrectly,

resulting in highly inaccurate disparities. Thus while feature-based matching may be useful

in applications where the features are known to be visible and only sparse disparities are

required, it is not so useful for extracting dense depth maps.

Correlation-based stereo, on the other hand, can provide completely dense depth maps.

Subpixel precision may also be obtained, by interpolating the evaluation function's error

values in the neighborhood around the minimum disparity. Some of the feature-based meth-

ods' problems due to the incorrect matching of features can be alleviated by increasing the

size of the correlation window, to provide a disambiguating context around the features.

And while this type of stereo requires much computation, there are already many real-time

implementations of correlation-based stereo, so computation time is not a bottleneck.

Unfortunately, although correlation-based stereo provides dense disparity maps, there is

no guarantee that the results will be accurate. Some of the issues that arise in picking a

window size have been discussed in Section 1.1, but the main problem is that the results at

depth discontinuities and occlusion boundaries are generally quite unreliable; the extent of

an object tends to \spill over" into the background, or vice versa. Also, use of the same-sized

matching window in both images means that objects are assumed to be basically planar and

viewed from the front. Finally, traditional correlation-based stereo performs matching based

on a single view of the world; more robust methods use multiple views, either acquired using

additional cameras or generated from the image pair using �lters.

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12 Chapter 1. Introduction

1.4 Related Work

Many types of stereo algorithms have been published in the literature. Overviews of the

then-strongest techniques can be found in (Barnard & Fischler, 1982) and (Dhond & Ag-

garwal, 1989), while more recent results on image registration are described in (Brown,

1992). Existing stereo algorithms from the computer vision literature can be loosely classi-

�ed under one of three headings: traditional correlation-based stereo, feature-based stereo,

or frequency-based (often phase-based) stereo.

In correlation-based stereo (henceforth called \traditional" stereo, e.g., (Mori et al., 1973)

and the two image case of (Okutomi & Kanade, 1991)), disparity is computed by �xing a

small window around a pixel in the left image, then measuring the correlation or Sum-of-

Squared-Di�erence error between intensities in that window and those in similar windows

placed at di�erent locations in the right image. The placement that yields the lowest error

gives the disparity estimate. This procedure is applied to the image at successively higher

resolutions in a coarse-to-�ne manner, restricting the search according to the disparity esti-

mate from the previous (lower resolution) image.

In feature-based stereo (e.g., (Matthies, 1989)), a dense image is converted into a spatially

sparse set of features (e.g., corners, edges) which are then matched. This results in a sparse

disparity map which must be interpolated to yield disparities at every pixel.

Finally, in frequency-based stereo (e.g., (Sanger, 1988)) the original signal is transformed

to Fourier space, and some part of the transformed signal is used to compute the disparity.

Often the phase of the transformed signal is used, in any of several possible ways (Jenkin &

Jepson, 1994). Since our method evolved from those methods which use the phase component

of frequency, we present in Section 1.4.1 a short history of phase-based stereo methods and

discuss the improvements each method has made over its predecessor.

Several frequency-based methods do not use phase as the primary matching feature, how-

ever. Jones and Malik (Jones, 1991) applied 2D oriented derivative-of-Gaussian �lters to a

stereo pair, and used the magnitude of the �lter responses at each pixel as matching features.

Their iterative framework allowed them to address scale space selection, half occlusion, and

perspective foreshortening, but their solution requires an initial disparity map that is com-

puted without the bene�t of models for these problems. Thus their solution is more of a

constraint-based post-processing re�nement technique. The cepstral method �rst presented

in (Yeshurun & Schwartz, 1989) and improved upon in (Smith & Nandhakumar, 1996) also

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1.4. Related Work 13

works in the frequency domain, but uses cepstral magnitude as the matching feature.

Another post-processing re�nement technique is the Kanade/Okutomi variable-window

method (Kanade & Okutomi, 1991). This method addresses the occlusion and foreshortening

problems by dynamically adjusting the size of the matching window according to constraints

on the local variation of both intensity and disparity. In this way they attempt to avoid

the boundary problems that arise when the correlation window encompasses two objects at

di�erent depths. While the method seems to work very well at depth discontinuities, we

will see in Chapter 5 that its ability to handle foreshortening problems is limited (its depth

estimates are approximately correct, but imprecise).

Perhaps the most promising spatial domain approach for two image stereo is that of

(Belhumeur, 1993). The method uses dynamic programming to segment each scanline into

a number of surfaces, and evaluates the surface matches using a Bayesian probability func-

tional; the segmentation with greatest probability yields the �nal result, which is a completely

dense disparity map. Although computationally expensive, the real power of this method is

its use of the hypothesized segmentation; it is much easier to compare two objects, whatever

their shapes, if you know their boundaries in advance. His examples show excellent results

even in the presence of occlusion, surface creases, and foreshortening, but only involve a

small number of separate surfaces.

Another successful spatial domain approach is the use of multiple cameras, sometimes

known as multibaseline stereo. First described in (Kanade et al., 1992), the approach ad-

vocates using a relatively simple SAD stereo matching algorithm over several image pairs.

By incorporating multiple views of the world using known camera calibration, many of the

shortcomings of the direct yet simple SAD method are eliminated: e.g., specular highlights

are ignored, noisy disparity maps become smoother, and some occluded surfaces become vis-

ible. Recent extensions have addressed the issues of occlusion (Nakamura et al., 1996) and

real-time stereo (Kanade et al., 1995) more directly, but the current approach still su�ers

from window e�ects at depth discontinuities and fails to explicitly address foreshortening.

1.4.1 Evolution of Phase-based stereo

One of the �rst applications to exploit phase as translation was the Kuglin-Hines Phase

Correlation Image Alignment method (Kuglin & Hines, 1975). The method assumes that

two images | related by pure translation | overlap in some way, and it is conceptually very

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14 Chapter 1. Introduction

function y = kuglin (l, r)

% Compute translation between 2D matrices l and r

pdi� = angle(fft2(l))-angle(fft2(r));

kuglin = ifft2 (exp (i*pdi�));

[ rowmax, rowind ] = max(kuglin);

[ allmax, colind ] = max(rowmax);

y = [ rowind(colind) colind ] - 1;

[ row col ] = size (l);

y = y - (y(1) > row/2) .* [row 0 ] - ...

(y(2) > col/2) .* [0 col ];


Figure 1.5: Matlab implementation of the Kuglin-Hines Phase Correlation Image Alignment

method (Kuglin & Hines, 1975). Actual computation of the global translation vector occurs

in the �rst two lines of the function, the �nal six lines extract the indices of the maximum

element in a 2D array. The method actually achieves subpixel precision, but this unre�ned

index-processing code only returns integer results.

simple: take the image FFTs, subtract phases, and apply the inverse FFT (see Figure 1.5).

The result is a matrix whose element with maximum magnitude corresponds to the best-�t

global translation. In that sense the technique is similar to image correlation, but phase

correlation results in a matrix that has better properties: fewer maxima, and a sharper

peak around the principal maximum (Horner & Gianino, 1984). Although it returns a single

translation vector, it can still be used in the context of stereo vision by comparing subwindows

within a larger image. Such a strategy was adopted by Szeliski in (Szeliski, 1994), in which

this method provides initial estimates for his image mosaicing technique.

Although the Kuglin-Hines method succeeds at demonstrating the potential of phase-

based methods, it has several important problems when considered as a stereo vision solution.

Chief among these is the fact that it fails to account for Fourier coe�cients whose magnitudes

are so small that the phase is unreliable (see Section 3.4.3). Although the paper mentions

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1.4. Related Work 15

that the phase di�erences can be weighted by magnitude, they provide no details or insight

on how to accomplish this. The following method provides one solution to that problem.

The Windowed Fourier Phase (WFP) method by Weng (Weng, 1993) is similar to the

multiple-window use of the Kuglin-Hines method, but uses variable-sized windows, and linear

interpolation of phases in regions where the magnitude is too small. The justi�cation for

interpolation comes from the idea of instantaneous frequency: if the phase derivative is

constant, then a linear interpolation between known phases is appropriate. This method uses

far fewer �lters within each region (O(log n) where n is the width of the largest window)

than Kuglin-Hines (O(n)), and allows the window size to vary so that the measurements

made by high-frequency �lters can be better localized. The �lters are assumed to be band

pass, and are applied in a coarse-to-�ne manner to handle large disparities. Truly ideal �lters

would respond at a single frequency, but would require input signals of in�nite extent, so in

practise band pass �lters are the best we can expect.

Unfortunately, this method has several problems. The core of the algorithm assumes

that phase is linear, or as he calls it \quasi-linear;" that is, in regions where the magnitude

is low, the phase is simply interpolated across the scanline to preserve its supposed linearity.

In many real images, phase measurements are simply too nonlinear, and this fact cannot be

detected reliably simply by using the �xed magnitude threshold he proposes. Also, the use

of a pure box �lter as the windowing function results in �lters that are not band pass, but

rather have multiple peaks in the frequency domain. Mention is made of the possible use of

Gaussian windows (the so-called WFG), but all the results and further theory rely on the

box �lter. Results obtained with the WFP have been found to be less reliable than those

from other phase-based techniques (Jenkin & Jepson, 1994).

To better approximate the band pass behavior desired in the �lter set, Sanger proposed

a method using Gabor �lters (Sanger, 1988).1 Unlike the coarse-to-�ne method of Weng,

Sanger's method combined independent disparity estimates from each �lter simultaneously,

with a weighting function designed to eliminate outliers and �lter out phases with dissimilar


Although this work predates Weng's, it uses a better �lter set and handles �lter magnitude

1The seminal work of Gabor (Gabor, 1946) showed that there are fundamental limits on the resolution

attainable by any local-spatial-frequency �lter, and the class of �lters he described which achieves the

maximum possible space/frequency resolution are now known as Gabor �lters. The real and imaginary

components of these �lters are sinusoids modulated (multiplied) by a Gaussian window.

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16 Chapter 1. Introduction

more e�ectively. Still, it still su�ers from a naive integration of �lter estimates. For example,

while Weng's range of candidate disparities is limited to half the width of the largest �lter,

Sanger's is bounded by half the width of the smallest �lter. The similar-magnitude constraint

is also ill-founded; it assumes that each �lter's magnitude will be similar over the entire extent

of each image of the same world object. Filter magnitudes rarely appear equal between two

images, and are in any case a less important feature than phase (Oppenheim & Lim, 1981)

in this context. Finally, this work assumes that the response of a given �lter corresponds

exactly to the �lter's peak frequency. But since the �lter is band pass, it may in fact be

measuring responses from any frequency (or many) within a range.

The work of Fleet, Jepson and Jenkin (Fleet et al., 1991) improved this model by allow-

ing the �lter's frequency to vary, providing additional phase measurement constraints, and

employing a coarse-to-�ne strategy (similar to that later used by Weng) thus eliminating

the smallest-�lter restriction of Sanger's method. Instead of assuming that measured fre-

quencies correspond to the �lter's peak frequency, the local phase derivatives from the two

images were combined, the assumption being that each �lter measured a single frequency

at some point in its band pass region. The additional phase constraints also did a better

job of �ltering out \unstable" phase measurements, thus improving the resulting disparity


However, this work failed to address the control-strategy problems produced when phase

estimates at coarse scales are unavailable. Presumably a simple linear interpolation of the

surrounding disparities was used to �ll in regions where all the phase information from the

O(log n) �lters was not available (i.e., the Gabor �lter outputs failed to satisfy Equation 3.10).

And while the instantaneous frequency improved the resulting precision somewhat, it was

used in a fairly ad hoc manner, simply averaging frequency estimates from the two images.

A much more sophisticated solution was developed by Xiong (Xiong, 1995). Instead

of assuming that each �lter output represents a response at a single frequency, he models

the response of each Gabor-like �lter as a polynomial. Various properties of his so-called

hypergeometric and moment �lters make them a much better representation for high-precision

matching, since they are able to model directly the e�ects of �nite-width windows and small

amounts of perspective foreshortening. Xiong shows how the constraints developed by Fleet

et al represent a constant approximation to his more general representation. Use of these

�lters that account for the window e�ect and local foreshortening yields results that can be

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1.4. Related Work 17

orders of magnitude more precise than those of other methods.

However, like the other methods mentioned above this too is limited to a small range of

disparities, being bounded by the �lter width. This framework also only allows for a small

amount of perspective foreshortening, since it compares phases using the same �lters from

each image. And �nally, like most other stereo methods, this method uses a limited model

of disparity that is unable to represent the possibility of an ambiguous match. These topics

will all be addressed in the forthcoming chapters.

1.4.2 Foreshortening

Local spatial frequency has already been identi�ed as a valuable tool for modeling surface

shape and segmenting multiple textures in a single image (Krumm, 1993; Malik & Perona,

1989). These approaches use �lter magnitude in the frequency domain as the feature of inter-

est, and require either that the surface textures exhibit speci�c properties (e.g., periodicity),

or that they be viewed directly head-on.

Local spatial frequency representations have also been successfully applied to optical ow

problems (Barron et al., 1994; Xiong, 1995), using phase information as well as magnitude.

The stereo problem is more constrained than optical ow, so we should be able to do better

by taking advantage of the additional constraints.

There have been a few attempts at modeling foreshortening in the context of stereo

matching. Jones and Malik (Jones & Malik, 1991) applied local spatial frequency to the

problem, but used an a�ne transformation matrix in the spatial domain without providing

a description of its e�ect in the frequency domain. Belhumeur (Belhumeur, 1993) addressed

the problem in the spatial domain, but his method requires an estimate of the disparity

derivative, an inherently noisy estimator. The variable window method of Kanade and Oku-

tomi (Kanade & Okutomi, 1990) implicitly addresses foreshortening in the spatial domain

by allowing corresponding windows to have di�erent sizes, but is intended to function as a

high-precision re�nement technique: without proper guidance from other sources it tends to

get stuck in local minima and atten out sloped surfaces. The cepstral method of (Smith

& Nandhakumar, 1996) is claimed to be robust in the presence of foreshortening, but only

slants up to 43 degrees have been demonstrated.

Several phase-based stereo methods have been described in the literature (Fleet et al.,

1991; Sanger, 1988; Weng, 1993), and a review of the more popular variations can be found

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18 Chapter 1. Introduction

in (Jenkin & Jepson, 1994). Although some of these mention foreshortening as an issue,

none has explicitly modeled it or corrected for it.

1.5 Relationship to Prior Work

Some of the results in this thesis have appeared (often in compressed form) in other papers.

Chapter 2 is a revised version of (Maimone & Shafer, 1996) and includes more information

about the CMU Calibrated Imaging Lab (CIL) Stereo Datasets with Ground Truth that have

been made available on the Internet.2 The speci�c procedures for using CMU CIL facilities

to acquire such data are presented in some detail in (Maimone, 1995). Earlier versions of

Chapter 5 and portions of Chapter 3 appeared in (Maimone & Shafer, 1995a) and (Maimone

& Shafer, 1995b), but the sample image pair was unreadable, the Internet URL has changed,

and the pseudocode in Table 2 of the former reference was missing an important term.

Additional information is available on the Internet via the Calibrated Imaging Lab home

page,3 Mark Maimone's index page,4 and the Computer Vision home page.5

1.6 Thesis Organization

Chapter 1 has introduced the problems that inspired this thesis, given background to provide

the context for understanding them, and discussed the related work. In Chapter 2 we

describe a general framework for the acquisition of high-precision datasets and independent

validation of stereo results, and discuss the particular datasets used in this thesis. Chapter 3

presents the concept of local spatial frequency and outlines the phase-based stereo method

that provides the foundation for later discussion and analysis. Chapter 4 addresses the

problem of ambiguous matches, and Chapter 5 that of perspective foreshortening. Finally,

Chapter 6 lists our contributions and summarizes their impact.





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Chapter 2

A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer

Vision Experiments

The beauty of truth, as of a picture, is not acknowledged

but at a distance.

| Joseph Glanvill, The Vanity of Dogmatizing XV

Much of computer vision research is an attempt to solve the impossible: to acquire full

three-dimensional knowledge given limited two-dimensional data. The state of the art has

advanced to a point where there now exists a plethora of partial solutions to computer vision

problems. We're getting lots of answers, but just how accurate are they? A few methods

provide an estimate of uncertainty with each answer, but those uncertainties do not tell us

what we really need to know: by how much does the estimated answer di�er from the truth?

If computer vision is to become more of an engineering discipline than craftwork (Shaw,

1990), engineers must be able to predict and experimentally characterize the behavior of their

systems. Such characterization is only possible when ground truth is available. Synthetically

generated imagery gives total ground truth knowledge, but fails to model the complexities of

real-world imaging. Real imagery provides better test data, but greatly reduces the amount

and density of ground truth available for analysis. In this chapter we outline a framework

for choosing a reasonable trade-o� of ground truth density v. image realism in the analysis

of stereo algorithms.

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20 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments


Math NoiselessSynthetic

100% Precise Disparity

Image Noise

Occlusion Maps

Sparse Disparity

Real World Noise

Fundamental Principles

Complex Scenes

Syntheticwith Noise





* **


Measured Environ.

Controlled Environ.

Table 2.1: Stereo Imagery Characteristics and the types of scenarios for which they are


In performing the research described in this thesis, especially in Chapter 5, it was de-

termined that the only way to e�ectively judge its success would be to use stereo imagery

with precise ground truth. Unfortunately, very little such data was publicly available, so

it became necessary to create our own datasets. We found that there were several distinct

scenarios through which ground truth could be acquired, each serving an important func-

tion in the evolution of the stereo algorithm. What follows is a description of these various

scenarios and the types of situations in which each is most appropriate.

2.1 Overview

The characterization of a vision algorithm's performance is a tedious and di�cult task. This

is primarily due to the lack of appropriate performance measurement speci�cations. This

chapter will enumerate the scenarios and types of data that can be used, give examples of

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2.1. Overview 21

interesting properties of stereo vision systems, and explain how best to measure them, in the

sense of achieving the most accurate and representative ground truth.

Table 2.1 illustrates some interesting properties of stereo vision data, and matches them

with the scenarios in which they can be measured. Because many properties can be measured

using any of several scenarios, only a few are likely to be needed for a particular analysis set.

The list of rows in Table 2.1 is merely suggestive; other properties can be easily matched

with the appropriate scenarios.

A complete statistical framework to take advantage of this data is beyond the scope of

this work (see (Matthies, 1989) for an approach assuming unimodal disparity error). We will

instead discuss the representation of the data and ways to acquire it, with the understanding

that its most e�ective use will be in the context of a complete analysis package. Such a

package would measure interesting properties over several subimages, e.g., the whole image,

occluded regions, non-occluded regions, pixels above a known ground plane, etc.

Although comparisons of stereo algorithms have been done before, many have su�ered

from a lack of available ground truth. One such study, the ARPA JISCT stereo evaluation

(Bolles et al., 1993), compared the results of four stereo methods. However, since ground

truth was not available, most of their statistics dealt with agreement between the results;

not \method A is 80% accurate", but \methods A and B agree on 80% of the image". Thus

they could neither evaluate stereo methods independently nor quantitatively characterize

their performance. The study's conclusion states in part that \Ground truth is expensive,

but there is no substitute for assessing quantitative issues."

Even those studies that included ground truth have been limited by available technology.

An ISPRS study (G�ulch, 1991) compared the results of several stereo algorithms using ground

truth, but in all but one image pair each true pixel disparity was computedmanually, without

interpolation. Their manual collection of 23,000 total pixel correspondences from eleven 240

� 240 image pairs was a noble, not to say Herculean, e�ort, but we argue that the technology

for the construction of ground truth images of complex scenes (with much greater density

and less required manual intervention) not only exists, but is easy to use.

We demonstrate this claim by outlining a taxonomy of ground truth scenarios (abbrevi-

ated in the column headings of Table 2.1), and providing a concrete example for each level.

Sections 2.2 through 2.7 present the scenarios, ordered by increasing realism and decreasing

amount of ground truth, Section 2.8 describes the tools used to implement these scenarios

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22 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

and their availability, and Section 2.9 summarizes our contribution.

2.1.1 Representation of Results

Stereo vision is a powerful approach for computing 3D information, but unlike active range�nd-

ing systems stereo works indirectly, by converting pixel correspondences into depth measure-

ments. The quality and density of the resulting depth map depends directly on the character

of these correspondences.

Unfortunately, even exact pixel correspondences alone rarely give a complete picture

of the range map. This is due to several e�ects, e.g., nonoverlapping �elds of view in

parallel and outward-verging cameras, self and half occlusion of objects in the scene, and

a lack of intensity variation in areas with bland texture. It is unreasonable to expect a

correspondence-based stereo method to calculate completely dense depth maps, since even

perfect pixel correspondences can leave gaps in their implied depth maps.

How then should stereo data be represented? There are several possibilities, principal

among them disparity maps, depth maps, and object models. Researchers have reported

stereo results using all of these representations, but each has its drawbacks. We would

prefer to use a representation that allows di�erent stereo methods to be compared on an

equal basis. Object models are quite useful, but can only be computed from raw stereo

data by making many model-based assumptions. Depth maps would be ideal, but require

exact knowledge of the camera geometries (which may not be available), and cannot be

completely computed from correspondences alone. To compare results computed from two

images without requiring camera calibration information then, disparity maps with occlusion

masks are the most general representation.

One need not eliminate metric information completely when providing disparity maps,

however. By simply including the parameters of the actual camera system in the dataset (e.g.,

baseline and camera focal lengths), disparity can be converted easily to depth when needed.

Since depth resolution of a stereo system can be increased simply by adjusting the camera

separation and/or focal length, the precision of a stereo method is often measured in pixels

(units of disparity) rather than Euclidean length (units of depth). But most applications will

express requirements in depth units, so this metric information should still be kept available.

The ground truth must also be expressed as a disparity map. This is accomplished by

running the 3D ground truth information through the appropriate camera model, to generate

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2.2. The Basics: Mathematical Foundations 23

a depth map in the same coordinate system as that of the image being matched. From here

it is a simple matter to generate a disparity map, and we will see in Section 2.3.1 how to

compute occlusion masks from disparity maps derived in this way.

The model for stereo experimentation is thus to run the stereo algorithm, and compare

the computed disparity map with that of the ground truth known from other methods. The

rest of this chapter presents several scenarios and examples of test data with ground truth,

explains the bene�ts and limitations of each, and discusses some implementation issues that

arose in the course of generating the sample data. Thus we demonstrate that the technology

for creating datasets with interesting properties and dense ground truth already exists, and

is easy to use.

2.2 The Basics: Mathematical Foundations

The �rst scenario is that of continuous functions. When describing an algorithm, the �rst

step should be to demonstrate the principle in the simplest possible domain. In stereo vision,

the simplest case is typically the comparison of two 1-D functions that represent scanlines.

There is often much insight to be gained by focusing attention to a level of detail in which

all quantities can be interpreted directly.

This is the level at which the general principles of an algorithm can be demonstrated.

At this point it is not necessary for the inputs to have precisely the same qualities as those

present in actual discrete imagery. Indeed, using continuous functions as input can often

simplify the presentation by allowing the solution to be expressed analytically (in closed

form) rather than operationally (e.g., \the result after 10 iterations") as in (Fleet et al.,

1991; Sanger, 1988).

This level of description is also useful for discerning and describing any theoretical limi-

tations of the method, e.g., the points at which its assumptions break down.

2.2.1 Example 1: Phase di�erence as disparity

The use of phase di�erence as disparity lies at the heart of many phase-based stereo al-

gorithms (Sanger, 1988; Weng, 1993; Fleet et al., 1991). But unless one is already quite

familiar with the frequency domain (and Equation 3.6 in particular), the name itself inspires

fear. Suppose one remained uncertain of the underlying principles; how could you convince

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24 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

yourself that the technique really works? By considering the simplest possible examples

according to the representation, and following the processing step by step.

In this example we are interested in studying how the phase of a sine wave relates to

stereo disparity. So consider the simple case in which the left and right image scanlines are

both sinusoids. A one-dimensional sinusoid is in general completely determined by three

parameters: amplitude (A), frequency (!), and phase (�).

Sinusoid: A sin�2� ! x� �

For this demonstration we will �x the amplitude A at 1, frequency ! at 1

8, phase of the left

image at 0, and allow the right phase � to vary freely:

L(xL) = sin�2�


�R(xR) = sin


8xR � �


Stereo disparity is the amount of shift required to make the left and right images appear

equal. While in general the disparity in an image will vary at every pixel, in our example all

pixel disparities will be equal (this actually happens in a real image whenever a planar surface

is viewed head-on, so it is a realistic assumption for this demonstration). Mathematically,

disparity is the di�erence between the left pixel index (xL) and the right pixel index (xR). So

we �nd disparity by setting the formulas in Equation 2.1 equal and solving for this di�erence:



�= sin


8xR � �


8xL =2�


8xR � �

Disparity := xL � xR =8 � 8

2�� (2.2)

Thus we see that disparity is indeed related to the di�erence of the left and right phases

(remember the left phase is zero in this example). Figure 2.1 graphically shows the disparities

that result from particular values of the right function's phase. You can convince yourself

that the mapping from phase to disparity works by plugging the values of � into Equation 2.2

and comparing the answer with the amount of shift visible in the graphs of Figure 2.1.

This example also illustrates an important issue in the design of phase-based stereo

techniques: phase-wraparound. In interpreting Figure 2.1, we knew the phase di�erence was

relatively small (i.e., less than 2�), so the disparity could be computed directly. But the

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2.2. The Basics: Mathematical Foundations 25

� = 0




-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8


� = ��4




-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8



� = ��2




-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8





-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8



Figure 2.1: Disparity as a function of Phase Di�erence. Disparity is the horizontal separation

between the two signals, and is indicated by the labeled bar just to the left of 0.

disparity formula in Equation 2.2 is only de�nedmodulo the wavelength of the sine wave. This

means we cannot compute a unique disparity from a single phase value; at this frequency,

disparities of 1, 9, 17, : : : all appear equivalent. This is an important observation: when

evaluating any phase-based stereo method, be sure to consider how it addresses the problem

of phase-wraparound. Some authors use a coarse-to-�ne approach to alleviate it (Weng, 1993;

Fleet et al., 1991), others choose to ignore it (Sanger, 1988) thus restricting themselves to

�nding only small disparities. Our solution combines phases from several �lters at arbitrary

frequencies simultaneously, so instead of wrapping around at the wavelength of the smallest

or largest �lter, our estimates wrap at the least common multiple of all wavelengths that

comprise the signal (this is typically larger than the size of the image, and thus tends to

yield a unique result). More detail can be found in Section 3.6.1.

This simple, direct analysis has resulted in several important insights: an understanding

of the basic technique, and an appreciation for an important property of all phase-based

stereo methods.

Limitations: While this level of demonstration is important in communicating the

intuition behind an algorithm, it has many limitations. The most obvious is that when

images are processed only discrete samples are measured, since images have a �xed resolution.

So this general description must be restated in more concrete terms that take the limited

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26 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

resolution into account. Also, while a purely mathematical scene description is easy to reason

about, complex scenes would require such detailed modeling that constructing a continuous

version would be too cumbersome.

2.3 Noiseless Synthetic Imagery

The next scenario is that of discretely sampled synthetic imagery. Having established basic

principles using continuous functions, the generalization of the method to complete images

must be characterized. The broadening of attention from minute pixel-level details to those

encompassing entire objects can also yield important insights. For these purposes synthetic

data prove most useful. Such data may also be used to verify the implementation of an

algorithm on full-sized images.

Synthetic images can be generated by any means, but should initially be created according

to a model of the imaging environment in which an algorithm will be deployed. This model

should come as close as possible to approximating the real world, though for the moment a

noiseless environment should be assumed. In particular, objects being \imaged" should have

3D structure, and should be rendered using the samemodel as that assumed by the algorithm.

For stereo vision this model will typically include full perspective projection, e.g. the pinhole

lens model. Use of computationally simpler imaging models such as orthogonal projection

or linear (a�ne) warping, should be avoided except in providing data for debugging an

algorithm that makes that assumption. This task is not as di�cult as it might seem: the

Computer Graphics community has developed many realistic renderers, some of which are

freely available and easily modi�ed (Haines, 1993).

The camera model used by the synthetic image generator should be as similar as possible

to that used in the actual laboratory camera calibration. Using the same model makes it

possible to close the loop; 3D info computed from real imagery can be re-rendered from

the same (now virtual) camera position. Figure 2.5 shows how useful this can be: the 3D

locations of dots in a real image of a calibration grid are rendered according to the computed

camera model, and overlaid on the real image. Such tools can make inspection and validation

of 3D reconstructions much easier.

Perfect ground truth is also quite helpful in debugging. While this may seem a trite

truism, the di�culty of developing image processing software and the current lack of in-

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2.3. Noiseless Synthetic Imagery 27

tegrated matrix debugging environments have discouraged vision software developers from

adopting this approach of using full-sized image ground truth. Yet freely available software

can provide arbitrarily complex test cases that can help the debugging process tremendously.

The following example demonstrates how complete ground truth pointed out the aws in a

common technique for generating occlusion masks.

2.3.1 Example 2: Occlusion Masks

Depth maps in complex scenes are typically discontinuous, and therefore di�cult to reason

about analytically. Also, when opaque objects are imaged from di�erent viewpoints, portions

of those objects will be visible only in one image. For these reasons it becomes important to

provide occlusion masks with stereo ground truth: correspondence-based stereo algorithms

cannot be expected to predict accurate disparity in areas where no correspondence exists.

Occlusion masks are binary images that indicate which pixels are visible in both images of

a stereo pair. They are de�ned relative to a pair of viewpoints: screen pixels in one viewpoint

are occluded if the 3D point they represent is not visible from the other viewpoint. How

can occlusion masks be generated? One method that works nicely with synthetic data is to

simply place a point light source at the focal point of the second viewpoint and re-render the

scene (Williams, 1978), taking care to turn o� interre ections, translucency, and other light

sources. Pixels in shadow are then marked as occluded. However, if the pixel subsampling

should di�er between the image and occlusion mask renderings, border pixels may be labeled


Another method works directly with the depth map used in the construction of the

synthetic image. The top row of Figure 2.2 shows a sample stereo pair of images and their

disparity maps. A popular technique in stereo algorithms computes occlusion masks by

performing a pointwise comparison between the disparity maps for the left and right images.

Any corresponding pixels whose disparities are not equal in magnitude and opposite in sign

are marked occluded by this method (Jones, 1991). While this is a useful approximation,

it often fails at object boundaries because of steeply-sloped surfaces, as illustrated by the

results in the middle row of Figure 2.2. Since this algorithm produces noisy results even

with absolutely correct disparity maps, a more robust approach is clearly needed.

There are two main problems with the pointwise method: sharply sloped surfaces may

cause the corresponding pixels to point to the same surface but at very di�erent depths, and

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28 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

Resolution used for oating point comparison: 1.0 pixels

Resolution used for oating point comparison: 0.1 pixels

Figure 2.2: Occlusion Mask Generation: Top Row: Stereo pair of images from the Left and

Right cameras; actual disparity maps for those images. Middle Row: Pointwise occlusion

masks for left and right images (note especially the noise in the right mask around the object

borders); disparity maps with pointwise occlusion masks overlaid. Bottom Row: Plane-�tting

occlusion masks for left and right images; disparity maps with plane-�tting occlusion masks


the pixel subsampling strategy may cause border pixels to point to the wrong object entirely.

We can address these problems by �tting a plane to each pixel in the disparity map. If each

scene object has an extent of at least two pixels, then it is reasonable to assume that for

a given pixel, the 2 � 2 surrounding window with the least variation in depth will be the

appropriate surface patch (see Figure 2.3). We compute each pixel's best plane by �nding

that 2�2 window which has the least variation in depth (i.e., for which max2�2(disparities)�

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2.3. Noiseless Synthetic Imagery 29

Figure 2.3: Finding the best-�t plane in the disparity map. There are four 2x2 windows that

contain the center (dark) pixel; the upper right window is highlighted.

min2�2(disparities) is minimized). This window selection therefore helps avoid the pointwise

method's error of pointing from a slanted surface to the wrong object. (Grant, 1992) provides

a good overview of shading techniques in rendering applications. Our approach is most

similar to his P2-bu�er algorithm, which also �ts a plane to adjacent depth values.

The problem of varying depth on a surface is addressed by using the range of disparities

found in the 2�2 surrounding window selected above. Instead of comparing disparity values

directly, the disparity in one image is compared to the range of values contained in the 2� 2

window surrounding its correspondent. In practise, we found that extending the measured

range by 100% on either side allowed us to increase the oating point resolution of the

comparison from 1.0 pixels in the pointwise method to 0.1 pixels; some results are shown in

Figure 2.2. That is, two values are considered equal if they di�er by at most this amount.

It should be possible to extend this notion to arbitrary viewpoints. The key point is

to perform the range check using normalized inverse depth. When the optical axes are

parallel, this simply means using the disparity. Given two arbitrary viewpoints, the same

termBf=depth can be used, though it will no longer represent the magnitude of the disparity.

Converting the depth values from one viewpoint to another will require the application

of the complete camera models from both views (not just the linear translation/rotation

matrix), but this should pose no problem with synthetic data since both camera models are

known exactly and an analytic inverse of the perspective projection is easily coded. This

use of arbitrary viewpoints is important for many extensions to the standard stereo model

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30 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

of parallel optical axes: e.g., verged cameras, multibaseline stereo, and arbitrary motion

between frames.

In summary, the use of synthetic data enabled the elucidation of noise-causing e�ects in

a popular stereo method of generating occlusion masks. We also showed how those e�ects

could be mitigated by using a new method of �tting planes locally, and how this method

can be extended to a completely general 3D case with arbitrary viewpoints.

This problem is also important to the Computer Graphics community, where occlusion

masks are used as shadow maps. However, their goal is to �nd the amount of incident light

over a large area, not to �nd individual point matches. Most shadow map methods simply

smooth over pointwise matches to even out the shading e�ects (Williams, 1978; Reeves et al.,


Limitations: Though useful for validating software integrity, noiseless synthetic imagery

cannot be used to measure robustness to noise, an inevitable problem with real imagery.

2.4 Synthetic Imagery with Noise

A good way to characterize the robustness of a method is to take known data and introduce

noise along independent dimensions of the imaging model (e.g., gaussian or focus distance

blurring, white noise, lighting intensity, camera misalignment). Using synthetic imagery,

the amount of error introduced along each dimension can be quanti�ed precisely, and the

degradation of an algorithm according to a particular type of noise model can be determined.

This type of data can be quite useful in experimentally characterizing an algorithm's

performance, providing engineers with a quantitative measure of robustness. The ability

to track performance loss as a function of noise is an important parameter in engineering


2.4.1 Example 3: Virtual Checkerboard

Figure 2.4 illustrates some types of noise that can be easily modeled using synthetic data.

The top row contains perfect data, computed as described at the beginning of Section 2.3.

As before, we have a perfect disparity map with the occlusion mask in black (in this �gure it

is computed for the rightmost image). The middle rows illustrate how typical noises a�ect

image formation; here the left image is shown modi�ed according to each particular type

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2.4. Synthetic Imagery with Noise 31

Stereo Image Pair Disparity Map

Perfect Data

Point Light Source

0.025 0.05 0.1Focus Blur (aperture:

radiusfocus distance )

1.0 2.0 4.0

Gaussian Blurring

(� in pixels)

1� 2� 4�

Optical Axis Rotation


0.5 0.25 0.125

Light Source

(intensity fraction)

Increasing Noise

All types of noise in the


Figure 2.4: Examples of noise easily modeled with synthetic data.

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32 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

of noise. When actually performing experiments both images will be modi�ed, and the

original disparity map used as ground truth. The e�ect of each type of noise is quanti�ed by

comparing the disparities computed from each noisy image pair against the known (constant)

ground truth and measuring residual error. In this way the robustness of the algorithm to

various types of noise can be estimated, and statistics derived by applying the same noise

models to many synthetic datasets and tracking overall error. These noise e�ects can be

combined arbitrarily; the bottom row of Figure 2.4 shows some examples.

Limitations: While these types of experiments are useful for calculating robustness

along particular dimensions, they will nevertheless fail to address all the possible e�ects of

real-world imaging. Multiple extended light sources, complex interre ections, nonlambertian

objects, complex shapes, and errors introduced in the imaging process such as sensor pixel

noise are extremely hard to model precisely, yet they a�ect every image. Synthetic data are

useful for simple validation and characterization, but for algorithm performance veri�cation

there is no substitute for actual imagery.

2.5 Controlled Environment

The most useful stereo datasets are those with real imagery and 100% ground truth. Hav-

ing used synthetic data to establish correctness and characterize robustness along particular

model dimensions, one can move on to real images of controlled scenery. This introduces

many unmodeled errors in the lighting, camera and optics, but allows them to be charac-

terized by highlighting di�erences between the disparity map known from the ground truth

and that computed by the algorithm.

Several types of noise are introduced here that are typically not modeled in synthetic

imagery. The CCD array is subject to preampli�er noise, dark current, shading e�ects,

and photon noise (Photometrics, 1990). Optical e�ects also become apparent: radial and

tangential lens distortions, poor overall focus due to lens manufacturing errors and dust, and

misalignment of the lens with the CCD array. Perhaps most importantly, e�ects such as the

interaction of complex light sources with the objects being imaged and the sheer complexity

of actual scenes introduce artifacts into real imagery that must be treated as noise by systems

that fail to model them.

Some measurement errors can be compensated for in preprocessing. For example, one

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2.5. Controlled Environment 33

common problem with stereo imagery is a di�erence in gain between the two cameras. The

problem is manifest as very di�erent brightness, or distributions of pixel values between the

two images. This e�ect can arise from many causes, e.g., di�ering apertures on the two

lenses and specular highlights on the objects. Yet a simple histogram equalization can bring

these distributions closer and make matching easier.

To acquire this type of data the shapes of the objects being imaged must be precisely

known. This information ideally will be acquired using methods other than vision, since our

objective is to evaluate the quality of a vision-based reconstruction. This can be accomplished

by machining an object to precise speci�cations (as is often done with calibration targets),

or by measuring the dimensions of existing objects with known shape (e.g., the sphere in

(Jenkin & Jepson, 1994)).

Camera calibration is also a requirement for collecting accurate ground truth. Even if

the shapes of objects in the scene are known, their absolute distance and orientation will be

unknown. Camera calibration information should be computed even if the stereo algorithm

being evaluated does not make use of it, to aid in the computation of dense ground truth.

Euclidean camera calibration will enable quantitative analysis of the algorithm's precision.

2.5.1 Example 4: Calibration Targets

A common application of totally structured environments is the acquisition of camera cali-

bration parameters, as will be described in Section 2.5.2. Most camera calibration techniques

depend on the reliable extraction of 2D feature points from images, and many require precise

3D localization of features in the world as well. Since industrial applications often allow the

scene environment to be manipulated during calibration, a common technique is to construct

(and position) a target using these constraints:

1. The target must contain many feature points,

2. Those points will be spread throughout most of the camera's �eld of view when imaged,

3. The points can be easily located by simple image processing techniques, and

4. The 3D locations of the feature points are known to a high degree of precision.

Figure 2.5 shows a sample calibration image used in the Tsai-derived calibration proce-

dure developed byWillson (Willson, 1994), and used in this work as well. The target is a grid

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34 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

Figure 2.5: Actual image of the Calibrated Imaging Laboratory (CIL) calibration target

with virtual rendering overlaid. The grey background and grid of black dots are part of the

original picture, the white dots are rendered dots located at the 3D grid point locations.

The dots were rendered as spheres using a virtual camera with the same parameters as those

computed from the real image.

of black dots on a at white background, each dot one inch from its horizontal and vertical

neighbors. The center dot has been whited out to provide a reference spot for interimage

registration. This at target is mounted on an accurate translation stage, so by imaging it

at several locations many 3D calibration points may be acquired. Because the 3D structure

is known, the 2D extracted features are easily mapped into a 3D representation. To demon-

strate how well the 3D representation �ts with the original data, some of the recovered 3D

feature points have been rendered as white spheres using the computed camera model (via

a computer graphics ray tracer), and overlaid onto the original image in Figure 2.5. This

projection back into 2D agrees nicely with the original data.

Figure 2.6 shows some more calibration targets. While CMU's Calibrated Imaging Lab-

oratory (CIL) target from Figure 2.5 must be imaged at several locations to sweep out a 3D

volume, these other targets have inherent 3D structure. Shum's cube (Shum et al., 1995)

(leftmost in Figure 2.6) is useful because its regular structure means it can be imaged from

any angle and still provide a number of features. The disadvantage is that this regularity

implies there will always be some ambiguity when matching feature points from di�erent

cameras, especially if the camera separation is large and the optical axes all intersect within

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2.5. Controlled Environment 35

Figure 2.6: More sample calibration targets. The left image is the calibration cube from

(Shum et al., 1995), right is an image of the MOVI (INRIA) \inverted cube" calibration

pattern from (Boyer & Berger, 1995).

the target. The MOVI \inverted cube" target (Boyer & Berger, 1995) on the right su�ers no

such ambiguity, because its faces are joined at di�erent angles (the vertical faces are joined

at approximately 120 degrees). It is an \inverted" cube because it resembles an o�ce corner:

the angles between its visible faces are closer to 90 degrees than to the 270 degree angles

found on a cube. A useful property of this target and the CIL target is that either may

be left in place during later experiments and can thus provide useful ground truth for the

background pixels.

Construction of calibration targets can be a di�cult and expensive task. The MOVI tar-

get in Figure 2.6 is a set of precisely-machined metal plates, and the CIL target in Figure 2.5

is a PostScript �le printed in high resolution on laminated and self-sticking paper, mounted

on posterboard and attached to a metal frame on an automated translation stage.

Having seen examples of real objects built to precise speci�cations, we now outline the

procedure required to put them to good use.

2.5.2 Camera Calibration

The task of determining in general how 2D image points correspond to 3D scene points is

accomplished by assuming a camera model and performing camera calibration. First the

correspondence between a representative set of 2D and 3D points is determined, then the

parameters of the chosen camera model that best �t those data are found.

Typical camera models comprise external (or extrinsic) and internal (or intrinsic) param-

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36 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

eters. Some common external parameters are X, Y and Z axis translations and rotations,

and common internal parameters include image center, thick/thin/pinhole lens focal lengths,

lens distortion coe�cients, and aspect ratio. In astronomical image processing, lens models

must also compensate for speci�c manufacturing defects by imposing a dense grid of co-

e�cients over the lens surface, to model the point-spread function at each pixel or small

group of pixels. Computer vision lens models tend to be much simpler, requiring only a few

parameters. This is largely due to the fact that in computer vision, objects can be moved

close enough to the camera to compensate for the small-scale lens defects that astronomers

are forced to model.

Some calibration techniques require 3D information (Tsai, 1987; Willson, 1994; Bani-

Hashemi, 1993), some use correspondences between images to compute the stereo epipolar

geometry without complete Euclidean knowledge (Zhang et al., 1995; Faugeras & Toscani,

1986), and others control or restrict camera motion instead (Hartley, 1994; Stevenson &

Fleck, 1995; Stein, 1995). We will summarize here the requirements for the �rst type of

procedure (e.g., the one described in (Willson, 1994, Chapter 5)) for acquiring Euclidean

geometry without restricting camera motion, and then extend it to include the acquisition

of arbitrary ground truth in Section 2.6.

De�ne and Register Coordinate Frames

The �rst step is to de�ne and register all coordinate frames. The eventual goal is the

acquisition of imagery and co-registered ground truth of well-understood objects. Thus the

mapping between images and the world must be modeled to perform the calibration and

ground truth registration. This is purely a representational issue, and is used to determine

the types (i.e., units) of measurements that will be used in both the calibration and data

acquisition steps below.

To relate imagery to the real world, there are four reference frames of interest: 3D ob-

ject coordinates, 3D world coordinates, 3D viewing coordinates, and 2D screen coordinates.

These are illustrated in Figure 2.7 along with a range frame (explained in Section 2.6). The

shape of every object in the scene is described in its own coordinate system, each of which

is related to a single world coordinate frame. World coordinates are related to viewing co-

ordinates by the external parameters of the camera model (translation and rotation), and

viewing coordinates are related to screen coordinates by the remaining internal parameters.

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2.5. Controlled Environment 37






Figure 2.7: Coordinate frames used in dataset acquisition.

In many cases the dataset collection process can be streamlined somewhat by equating the

world reference frame with the calibration target's object coordinate frame.

Speci�cation of a coordinate system comprises the directions of the axes, the unit of

length along each axis, and the location of the origin. Choosing 2D screen coordinate axes is

relatively straightforward: the axes point horizontally and vertically along the CCD array,

the units are typically pixels, and the origin is either a corner of the image, the center

pixel of the CCD, or is speci�ed by the internal calibration parameters. Speci�cation of

the remaining 3D frames will depend upon the application, but the units of the viewing

coordinate Z axis will typically be the same as the depth estimates computed by the stereo

algorithm, and each set of coordinate axes will usually be orthogonal.

The parameters that relate these coordinate frames are calculated during the camera

calibration process.

Establish Calibration Target and Scene Objects

The 3D structure of the calibration target and scene objects must be determined to the best

resolution possible, typically on the order of a millimeter or some fraction thereof. This

can be accomplished by measuring existing objects or by manufacturing new ones. The

calibration target should satisfy the constraints given in Section 2.5.1, but most importantly

will ideally sweep out the entire volume of the area to be imaged: not just the volume of

the target, but also that of any textured background areas. An easy way to do this is to

use a at or concave calibration target that occupies the entire image, and leave it in the

background while imaging the scene objects.

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38 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

Software that extracts features and builds an internal CAD model of everything in the

scene must be developed concurrently with the physical construction of the calibration target

and scene objects. These pieces are complementary; e.g., the speci�cations for the target

should be driven by the capabilities of the software. Feature points on the calibration target

should be constructed so that their image locations can be accurately measured to subpixel

resolution. For example, the targets shown in Section 2.5.1 all use circular feature points

for which the centroid can be determined to subpixel precision (Willson, 1994, Appendix

D). The software must be able to robustly �t extracted features to the target's known

3D structure, allowing for those distortions that will inevitably occur due to the as-yet

unmodeled camera parameters. Although this process is often performed manually (and

should always be manually veri�ed), by automating it a substantial bottleneck in dataset

acquisition can be avoided.

The costs of establishing a good calibration target and creating recognition software

will be easily recovered, in terms of both resources and time, in the form of more accurate

measurements and faster dataset acquisition. However, the construction of scenes with

complete ground truth is not always possible. For outdoor scenes in particular, the cost of

constructing a large enough calibration target and acquiring completely dense ground truth

is often prohibitive. The best way to approximate this is to construct models in a laboratory

and adjust the lens parameters to simulate outdoor imagery, or compromise the results by

using a calibration target smaller than the scene being imaged and acquiring only sparse

ground truth such as will be described in Section 2.6.

Acquire Calibration Imagery and Calibrate

An integral part of the calibration process is the acquisition of several images of the calibra-

tion target. Before acquiring the calibration imagery, however, the layout must be checked to

ensure that the scene images will accurately re ect the desired properties of the scene. The

lighting levels must be set, the camera parameters adjusted (e.g., lens aperture, exposure

time, focal length), the objects positioned, and some sample imagery taken (both with and

without the scene objects). Performing this run-through prior to acquiring the calibration

imagery will help ensure that the data collected will measure the properties actually found

in the dataset scene imagery.

The calibration data should be acquired under the same conditions as the later scene

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2.5. Controlled Environment 39

imagery. Therefore the camera parameters should be established with both the scene objects

and calibration target in mind. For example, when using a target with a white background

the aperture must be adjusted so that the calibration imagery is not overexposed.

No matter how many images in the dataset, some calibration target feature points must

be visible from all viewpoints. The target should be �xed in one place if possible, to facilitate

the inter-image registration that must follow. If the target is moved to accommodate multiple

viewpoints, then this transformation must also be known to high precision.

Although the 3D structure of the calibration target and any scene objects are assumed

to be known, an independent measurement of the objects (or feature points) can provide a

useful sanity check. Tools such as those described in Section 2.6, if available, could be put

to good use in such redundant measurements.

Finally, images of the calibration target and the corresponding camera locations (if

known) are recorded. These images, the inter-camera transformations, and known struc-

ture of the calibration target are all input to the camera calibration procedure.

Camera calibration itself occurs in two steps. First, calibration features are located in the

images and mapped to their corresponding 3D world coordinates. This is best accomplished

with calibration target-recognition software as described in the previous section. In the

second step, these data points (image coordinate and world coordinate vector pairs) are fed

into the calibration routine, which uses them to determine the parameters that best �t the

camera model.

Once the camera calibration parameters have been computed to a reasonable level of

precision, images of the actual scene objects may be taken.

2.5.3 Acquire Dataset Imagery

Finally, the actual stereo datasets can be acquired. The cameras are positioned in the

same locations and orientations as were used for the calibration, and with the same settings

(e.g., aperture, focal length, and gain). This can be achieved (with di�culty) by building a

stable multi-camera head (e.g., as in (Ross, 1993)) or a single camera platform with highly

reliable positioning capabilities (e.g., (Willson, 1994, Appendix A). In addition to imagery,

completely dense ground truth will also be acquired in each camera's reference frame.

The best tools for performing the ground truth measurement will vary with the appli-

cation. One possibility is to use image-based �tting just as was done with the calibration

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40 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

target. But this technique limits the types of objects that can be imaged to only those with

software robust and precise enough to do the �tting. Another is to use measurement tools

such as those described in Section 2.6 below to locate key features in 3D world coordinates,

and apply the known object shape to �ll in the details. In this case the ground truth mea-

surements need only be acquired once since they are expressed in the world coordinate frame;

the �nal result for each camera is computed by simply applying the external parameters for

that camera to the world coordinate measurements.

Finally, these completely dense depth maps can be processed as described in Section 2.3.1

to yield occlusion masks for the resulting disparity maps.

Limitations: By controlling the environment, completely dense ground truth may be

acquired along with real imagery. However, this approach is very restrictive. The hard work

of constructing scenes so that precise ground truth is available over an entire image limits

the approach to relatively simple scenes. If the eventual application will include complex

scenes as well, imagery of more complex scenes with ground truth must be developed.

2.6 Measured Environment

Adding a range sensor to the laboratory allows images of complex static scenes to be acquired

with ground truth. But by relaxing constraints on the objects to be imaged, the acquisition

of complete ground truth becomes untenable. Some information is available, e.g., piecewise-

planar patches can be measured, but most of the imagery will have unknown ground truth.

Even so, this is an important scenario, because it comes the closest to the application of

the method outside the laboratory, while still providing some measure of con�dence in the

results since at least part of the disparity map can be computed precisely. It is generally no

longer possible to compute the complete occlusion mask however, because often the missing

disparities are exactly those at occlusion boundaries. But at least some of the disparities

computed by the stereo method can be veri�ed.

Object shape knowledge and range sensors are used to acquire the ground truth. The

locations of feature points in the scene can be measured using pointwise devices such as sur-

veyor's theodolites. Theodolites measure angles rather than distance, but with two theodo-

lites and a simple calibration step, pairs of measured angles can be directly converted to

3D coordinates. By choosing feature points e�ectively, dense depth maps can be computed

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2.6. Measured Environment 41

using knowledge of the shape of the objects in the scene. For example, when imaging poly-

hedral objects, corner point locations can be interpolated to yield dense depth maps over

the objects' surfaces.

Why not just use an imaging range�nder? Range�nders are indeed useful tools, and could

be used to provide some ground truth information, but there are limits (Besl, 1988). Even

a perfectly accurate range�nder would not provide an exact depth map unless it were co-

located with the imaging elements. The scienti�c use of range�nders is still being studied,

and even some popular LIDAR laser range�nders are subject to outright errors in their

measurements, particularly at occlusion boundaries (Hebert & Krotkov, 1992), which makes

them unreliable sources of information for evaluating the e�ect of occlusion on stereo data.

Image-based range�nders that use controlled lighting together with the same CCD array

could be very useful in some laboratory situations (see (Tada et al., 1993; Nayar et al., 1995)

for two image-based range sensors), but would likely depend on the same camera calibration

methods used in the stereo method, resulting in \ground truth" measurements that have

some of the same biases as the stereo method.

2.6.1 Camera and Range Sensor Calibration

Data acquisition at this level requires calibration of both the range sensor and the camera.

Camera calibration was described in Section 2.5, but the additional requirements and some

example datasets are described below.

Calibrate Range Sensor

Ground truth measurements are acquired by introducing a range sensor into the laboratory.

Placement and use of the range sensor is complicated by the fact that its use must not

interfere with the acquisition of stereo data. Completely dense ground truth measurement

will be impossible, for unless the range sensor uses the same CCD elements as the stereo

cameras, it cannot be co-located with them, and will therefore be unable to view all the

same points.

One choice for range sensor is a pair of surveyor's theodolites. A theodolite is an optical

measurement tool consisting of a lens system, stable platform with levels, and instrumenta-

tion that measures the angle between an initial direction and that of a point in the world.

Angles are converted to distance measurements by combining angles from two theodolites

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42 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

with the known baseline between the instruments and then triangulating. This system

has the desirable properties that it provides range measurements independent of the stereo

camera equipment, and makes no restriction on the type of objects that can be measured

(except that some features must be visible to each theodolite). The resolution attainable by

this system is discussed in Appendix A.

Theodolite calibration occurs in several steps. First the vertical axes are aligned by

checking the levels. The horizontal coordinate frame is initialized by aiming each instrument

at the other to set a preliminary zero angle, then rotating each by 90 degrees and resetting

to zero again. Once both instruments' vertical and horizontal axes have been made parallel,

the baseline separating them can be calculated by placing a ruler somewhere in the shared

�eld of view, measuring the angles to two points on the ruler and plugging those angles and

the interpoint distance into a known formula.

Determining the best separation for the theodolites is di�cult. The best resolution

in depth measurements will be obtained with a wide baseline separation, but when the

theodolites are too far apart there will be many points near occlusion boundaries that are

not visible to both theodolites. This will limit the number of points for which ground

truth can be measured, thus reducing the density of the �nal depth map. Therefore it is

important to coordinate the placement of objects, including the camera calibration target,

with the positioning of the theodolites.

De�ne and Register Coordinate Frames

As in Section 2.5.2, the four types of coordinate frames (screen, viewing, world, and object)

must be de�ned and registered. In addition, the coordinate frame of the range sensor must

also be determined (see Figure 2.7). This is typically done by locating features on the

calibration object using the range sensor, and computing the transformation between the

range frame and the calibration object frame.

2.6.2 Acquire Imagery and Range Data Concurrently

Finally the actual datasets can be acquired. Because the recommended range sensor requires

a long time to gather measurements, only static scenes may be imaged.

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2.6. Measured Environment 43

Figure 2.8: Textured cube image and the piecewise-planar patches used by Xiong for error

analysis (Xiong, 1995, Figure 3.20). Used with permission.

2.6.3 Example 5: Textured Cube

An example of a dataset from the literature that bene�ts greatly from even sparse ground

truth is the textured cube from (Xiong, 1995). This dataset consists of one stereo image

pair, from which an image is reproduced in Figure 2.8. Since each face is known to be planar,

only a few points need to be measured to acquire reasonably dense ground truth.

Xiong does in fact use the known planarity to characterize the shape of this object,

but instead of taking independent distance measurements he �ts planes to the computed

disparities on each face. Thus he is able to quantify his algorithm's ability to recover shape

information from stereo disparity, using the residuals from the planar �t as the error measure.

2.6.4 Example 6: Model Train Set

Figure 2.9 illustrates a sample image of a more complex scene with sparse ground truth,

taken from the publicly accessible CIL-0001 dataset.1 The scene includes many complex

surfaces, few of which are absolutely planar, yet some reasonable approximations can be

made. For instance, planes can be �t to those roofs where corner locations are available, and

to the front faces of the houses and castle towers. The background pixels can also be �lled


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44 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

Figure 2.9: Image from CIL-0001 dataset with the locations of ground truth measurements.

in completely, since the shape of the background grid is known from the camera calibration.

The precision of these ground truth measurements is derived in Appendix A.

2.7 Unconstrained Imagery

The �nal and heretofore most common type of stereo data is that for which no ground truth

is made available. The di�culty with such data is that the disparity maps computed by

stereo algorithms cannot be assessed metrically, only by human inspection or by ground

truth expressed in pixel units.

A common application for this is autonomous navigation. In a typical scenario the

acquisition of ground truth is impractical, due to the sheer volume of data being processed.

But at least one group has attempted to address this, by simulating road conditions using a

static outdoor scene with explicit �ducial marks.2

2.8 Implementation

Our work has bene�ted greatly from the use of stereo datasets with ground truth. Data

from each level of this taxonomy has been used in the research presented throughout this

2The Link�oping University Division of Computer Vision provides a small calibrated outdoor dataset at


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2.9. Summary 45

thesis. Both synthetic and real imagery were used to develop algorithms, debug their imple-

mentations, and characterize their performance. Several examples are given throughout this


Rayshade, a freeware ray tracing program, provided the foundation for the synthetic

datasets used throughout this thesis. Several enhancements were made to adapt this tool to

the task of providing stereo datasets with ground truth: automatic depth map extraction,

extension of the camera model to include con�gurable image center and radial lens distortion,

addition of back-end tools for depth map manipulation, disparity and occlusion processing,

and image format interchange. These extensions and their documentation have been made

freely available to the research community.3

Software developed for the Calibrated Imaging Laboratory (CIL) has been successfully

used in the collection of stereo datasets with ground truth by several researchers. Camera

calibration tools originally developed by Willson (Willson, 1994) have been improved and

made more robust, with the result that the time required for dataset acquisition has been

reduced from days to minutes. These tools, though somewhat speci�c to the CIL, are readily

available to laboratory members and visitors.

The datasets collected in this laboratory are among the �rst of their kind to be made avail-

able to the general research community: high-quality images with piecewise-dense ground

truth.0 Publications by other researchers using these datasets have already appeared in

peer-reviewed publications, e.g., (Wang & Jepson, 1994).

2.9 Summary

The analysis of stereo vision algorithms can be greatly enhanced through the use of datasets

with ground truth. We have outlined a taxonomy of datasets with ground truth that use

varying degrees of realism to characterize particular aspects of stereo vision systems, and

shown that each component of this taxonomy can be e�ectively realized with current technol-

ogy. We proposed that datasets generated in this way be used as the foundation for a suite

of statistical analyses to e�ectively characterize the performance of stereo vision systems.

3See the Computer Vision Source Code web page at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cil/v-source.html.

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46 Chapter 2. A Taxonomy for Stereo Computer Vision Experiments

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Chapter 3

Phase-based Stereo

In theory, a tomographic imaging scanner capable of multiphasic resolution would

be able to penetrate this much interference.

| Lt. Commander Data, helping to save the day in

the �nal Star Trek:TNG episode All Good Things

Section 1.4 described several types of stereo vision algorithms. In this chapter we restrict

our attention to a particular class of �lter-based methods, the so-called phase-based stereo

methods. We will give a short overview of local spatial frequency, develop our phase-based

method, contrasting it with existing ones, and point out issues that must be considered when

using any type of phase-based method. The method developed here will be analyzed and

extended in later chapters to address issues of foreshortening and ambiguous matches.

3.1 Introduction

There has been a resurgence in interest in �lter-based stereo methods. Unlike methods that

work by tracking particular features in an image (thus yielding sparse results), �lter-based

methods allow disparity to be densely computed over entire images. The exponential growth

of computer processing power continues to enable new, more powerful and compute-intensive

techniques such as multi-camera stereo. Those methods derive their power from the ability

to process more data quickly and e�ectively. Another approach whose appeal is growing is

the class of phase-based stereo methods.

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48 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

In this chapter we will present a phase-based stereo method that requires only a pair of

images, but takes advantage of extra processing power to transform its data into represen-

tations most appropriate for the task of stereo matching. This presentation of our method

takes advantage of the epipolar constraint, and the discussion is therefore restricted to op-

erations on 1D image scanlines. The method can be summarized in one equation, for the

disparity at a given pixel:

For all �; Disparity =��(�)

2�� �ref (3.1)

The parameters of Equation 3.1 will be discussed as follows. The overall framework for

the mechanics of the computation is a model of local spatial frequency using Gabor �lters.

Disparity will be incorporated as a search parameter in the spatial domain. The phase �

will be computed by the Gabor �lters, and the phase di�erence �� will be the principal

measured value extracted from the �ltered input. The selection of �lter wavelengths for all

� will be discussed, and the process of wavelength (nee frequency) re�nement �ref will be


This gives us the structure for this chapter. We will �rst review the concept of local spatial

frequency, and discuss why Gabor �lters seem to be the most appropriate representation for

the problem of stereo matching. Next we give some intuition behind the use of the phase of

Gabor �lter outputs as a measurement of disparity, and the use of instantaneous frequency

as a means of re�ning the value of the signal's wavelength. Having thus outlined the use of a

single �lter, we discuss the use of multiple �lters at di�erent frequencies and the issues that

arise in combining their estimates. We then combine all of these into a description of our

initial phase-based stereo method, giving several example image pairs and disparity maps.

This method will be re�ned still further in Chapter 5.

3.2 Local Spatial Frequency

There are two fundamental extremes in the study of 2D imagery: the detail-oriented spatial

view and the wholistic frequency view. In the spatial view each individual pixel is paramount;

an image is represented by the concatenation of independent pixel values, and each pixel is

considered unique and important. In the frequency view only the entire image matters;

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3.2. Local Spatial Frequency 49

although the image is broken down mathematically into several frequency components, in-

formation in each component relates to the image as a whole. Each view has its bene�ts:

the spatial view can represent discontinuous textures and local (pixel-level) segmentations

directly, while the frequency view is a mathematically elegant representation that enables

many useful analyses over large regions. The trouble is, the bene�ts of one view are di�cult

to attain in the other. Fortunately, a compromise can be reached, one which preserves the

localizability of the spatial approach and the analytical bene�ts of the frequency approach:

this combined approach is called local spatial frequency.

In the hope of appealing to those already familiar with Fourier transforms, we will demon-

strate this concept using a spectrogram, also known as the Short Time Fourier Transform

(STFT). If you are already familiar with spectrograms, or do not care to become more fa-

miliar, feel free to skip this paragraph. The 2D spectrogram is made up of a sequence of

Fourier transforms applied to small, overlapping segments of the signal: each column is the

1D Fourier transform of a window on the signal centered at that same column (i.e., pixel

number). The size of this window is �xed (e.g., at 100 pixels in Figure 3.1), but as the

window grows adjacent columns will become more and more similar, since most of their

windowed input will be the same. It is a highly redundant representation of a signal, an

example of which can be found in Figure 3.1. At the limit, if the window size equals the

length of the signal, the spectrogram will be only one column wide, and its contents will be

the same as the 1D Fourier transform. Now back to the topic at hand.

The general concept of local spatial frequency is illustrated in Figure 3.1. For the moment

we consider magnitude only; phase will be introduced later. We begin with a 1D Original

Signal, which in this example is a sinusoid with wavelength � = 20 pixels (frequency ! =

1/20 = 0.05) embedded within a sinusoid having � = 7 pixels (! = 1/7 = 0.14). This

signal is then sampled into 128 pixels from each sinusoid fragment, for a total of 384 data

points (we will also call them image samples). The frequencies of the original signal can be

calculated directly from these samples using the 1D Discrete Fourier Transform (or DFT,

see �gure), but cannot be localized; we see there are two strong frequencies in the DFT, but

we cannot determine where they occur in the original signal. What we want to see is a 2D

Ideal Local Spatial Frequency plot, also shown in the �gure. In such a plot, not only would

the particular frequencies be known, but also the areas of the original signal in which they

occur. In fact such a plot can be approximated, as is demonstrated by the spectrogram in

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50 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

Original Signal (1D)

100 200 300





Spectrogram (2D)

100 200 3000









Ideal Local Spatial Frequency (2D)

100 200 3000











0.5Discrete Fourier Transform (1D)

Figure 3.1: Local Spatial Frequency illustration (magnitude only). The Original Signal

(lower right) is a low frequency sine wave embedded in a high frequency wave. Its Fourier

Transform (upper left) has two peaks, one for each frequency. The Ideal Local Spatial

Frequency plot (lower left) associates each sample point with its proper frequency. The

Spectrogram (upper right) only approximates this ideal plot, but is computed directly from

the sample points without explicit knowledge of the original signal's analytical form. Peaks

in the 1D DFT plot correspond to the dark areas in the 2D images.

Figure 3.1, which was computed directly from the image samples without prior knowledge of

the original continuous signal.

But this representation has some practical and fundamental limitations. On the practical

side, the Nyquist interval associated with the Sampling Theorem tells us the analysis window

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3.2. Local Spatial Frequency 51

must be at least twice as wide as the longest wavelength being analyzed; but a wide window

will tend to blur the measurements around discontinuities in the original signal (witness the

horizontal blurring around the dark lines in the spectrogram of Figure 3.1). More funda-

mentally, there is a limit to the amount of frequency and localization information that can

be extracted. The greater the number of independent frequencies being studied (i.e., the

�ner the frequency resolution), the coarser the spatial resolution that can be attained, and

vice versa. The �rst mathematical statement of this phenomenon was made by Gabor in

(Gabor, 1946), by analogy to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. We can state this \Law

of Conservation of Misery" informally as:

�x � �! � 1


where �x and �! are the spatial and frequency resolution, respectively. Without going into

details (these can be found in (Gabor, 1946, eqs 1.21 { 1.26)), Equation 3.2 says that there

is a limit to the amount of local spatial frequency information that can be automatically

extracted from sampled data: if you want more frequency information, you have to give up

spatial resolution.

3.2.1 Gabor Filters

Having established these fundamental bounds, Gabor went on to describe a family of analysis

�lters that achieves this optimal resolution. These are now referred to as Gabor �lters, and

they consist of a complex exponential multiplied by a Gaussian window:

Gabor(x; !) = u � e�i2�!x � e�0:5�


�2for x 2





with Magnitude �(x; !) = u � e�0:5�




and Phase �(x; !) = 2�!x (3.5)

where ! is the tuning frequency of the �lter, u = !=(p2�m�f) is a scaling term and m

and �f are constant tuning parameters; these are discussed below. Gabor �lters are closely

related to the Fourier transform. In fact, the complex exponential component of the �lter

is actually identical to the kernel of the Fourier transform. Where the Gabor �lter di�ers

is in its view of the input data. Whereas the Fourier transform uses the entire image to

compute its results, the Gaussian window in the Gabor �lter limits attention to a small

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52 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

20 40-0.06



20 40-0.06



20 400


20 40-3.1416



20 40-0.0416



20 40-0.0416



20 400


20 40-3.1416



10 20-0.1199



10 20-0.1199



10 200


10 20-3.1416



10 20-0.0827



10 20-0.0827



10 200


10 20-3.1416



Figure 3.2: Gabor �lter examples with ! = 1=10 but di�erent m;�f on each row. The

horizontal axis indicates the number of samples in the �lter.

region in the input image. Also, unlike the Fourier transform which uses a �xed window

size at each frequency, the Gabor �lter uses a window that shrinks and grows as the tuning

frequency changes (witness the ! term in the Gaussian component of Equation 3.3). At

high frequencies the e�ective window width will be quite small, thus ensuring that only the

nearest pixels will be used to compute �lter outputs. At low frequencies the window will be

much wider, and will therefore require more data from the original signal.

In addition to the tuning frequency, two additional parameters must be speci�ed to

completely de�ne a Gabor �lter. The �rst is the number of wavelengths (m) to include in

the window. The Sampling Theorem tells us that for an input signal whose lowest frequency

component is !L (with corresponding wavelength �L = 1

!L), we must include 2�L samples

of the signal to reliably extract information about that frequency. More data would be even

better, but this number of wavelengths is the minimum. Thus we can choose any value as

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3.2. Local Spatial Frequency 53

long as m � 2.

The second parameter is how much of the Gaussian to include in the window (�f).

Parameter �f is the fraction of the window size that corresponds to one standard deviation

(�) of the Gaussian, typically 1/6. Although theoretically the Gaussian has in�nite extent,

99.7% of its area is located within three standard deviations from the origin. Thus it is

reasonable in practise to limit the extent of a Gaussian window to six standard deviations

(three on either side). Since even extreme values of the Gaussian never really equal zero, this

causes the tails of the Gaussian to be truncated arbitrarily, but the numerical insigni�cance

of these extreme values makes this a reasonable compromise for digital implementation.

Figure 3.2 illustrates four Gabor �lters. Each horizontal row of the �gure corresponds

to a single �lter. Since Gabor �lters are complex-valued, two plots are required to com-

pletely illustrate their components. The �gure presents each Gabor �lter in two ways: as

a real-imaginary pair, and as a magnitude-phase pair. All of the �lters in the �gure have

constant tuning frequency ! = 1=10, but the extra parameters (m,�f) vary from top to

bottom: (4; 1=6) on the top, (4; 1=4), (2; 1=6), and (2; 1=4) on the bottom. The plots have

been scaled in both directions to make the �lters appear as similar as possible, so that the

variations in shape and number of samples that result from changes in these parameters can

be emphasized.

Parameter Tuning

Tuning of these two additional `magic' parameters is still somewhat of an art. The resolution

of the frequency information is greatest when both m and 1=�f are large, allowing lots of

data and many wavelengths to be used in the computation. This is �ne when the input image

consists of entirely one type of signal. Unfortunately, images often contain many objects,

with only a small number of pixels representing each one. And in that case we would prefer

to use as little data as possible (just the relevant pixels) to perform computations; otherwise

our results will be corrupted with what is e�ectively noise from images of the other objects.

This adds a new wrinkle to Gabor's uncertainty principle: not only is the resolution limited,

but to accommodate the analysis of multiple objects we should restrict the number of spatial

data points even further.

The e�ects of tweaking these parameters are illustrated in Table 3.1. Ignoring for the

moment the details of the stereo algorithm, we can still see that simply changing these �lter

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54 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

�f n m 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

0.2 0.372339 0.204195 0.185642 0.192559 0.187348 0.196636 0.191339

0.25 0.342084 0.192126 0.180964 0.187143 0.166857 0.182314 0.178613

0.3 0.394752 0.232775 0.211052 0.214945 0.166194 0.18913 0.183344

�f n m 18 20 22 24

0.2 0.910356 0.668425 1.18127 1.64487

0.25 0.20824 0.230053 1.10322 1.68861

0.3 0.211346 0.223421 1.09542 1.78614

Table 3.1: E�ects of Tuning Parameters on stereo disparity accuracy. Filters with given

values for �f and m were applied to the scanline stereo pair from Figure 3.3 using the

method in Section 3.7. Here the table shows the RMS error between the computed disparity

and that known over the portion of the image with visible texture (153 pixels). 401 disparities

from 0 to 10 were tested, and the smallest and largest errors are highlighted.

Figure 3.3: Scanline Pair used in Table 3.1, highighted in the image from which it was


parameters has a signi�cant e�ect on the apparent precision of a method using them. In this

case, the overall precision varies by an order of magnitude. But predicting such deviations

is quite di�cult; for example, the results in the table are not strictly unimodal in either

dimension, so no general trends can be inferred.

A �nal note about the magnitude of the Gabor �lter envelope as used in this thesis.

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3.3. Using Phase as Disparity 55

Although Gabor �lters can be used as wavelets, where shape is preserved across scales,

our �lters will instead preserve constant area across scales. The is accomplished by using a

Gaussian envelope with unit area (scaling with u in Equation 3.3) to normalize the magnitude

of the �lter outputs across all frequencies. Low frequency �lter outputs would otherwise

disproportionately dominate the those at high frequencies because the magnitude would

grow in proportion to the window size.

3.3 Using Phase as Disparity

The notion that phase corresponds to translation is a familiar one to the signal processing

community. The best example of this is the Fourier Shift Theorem, which states that a

translation a in space corresponds to a phase shift 2�a! in the frequency domain:

If f(x) ()F F (!); Then

f(x� a) ()F e�j2�a!F (!) (3.6)

The problem with this theorem is that it is strictly only true for functions with in�nite

support. Since we want to work with �nite images, we have several options: ignore the

problem; extend images to in�nity using zero-padding, repetition or re ection; or modify the

theory to account for the �niteness of function f . Work that extends the theory to handle the

�niteness of images (aka the \window e�ect") can be found in (Xiong, 1995). Although that

work doesn't completely eliminate the window e�ect, it reduces it to numerical insigni�cance

through the use of polynomial approximation. But the intuition from this theorem is still

good for �nite images, as we will see, so our work will call upon the �rst two options instead.

An illustration of this concept can be found in Section 2.2.1.

3.3.1 Relating Phase to Feature-based Methods

Convolution with a Gabor �lter is a procedure similar to �nding the local shape of a smoothed

version of a signal. More precisely, it is like �tting a sinusoid with varying amplitude and

phase to a smoothed input signal. Unlike methods that extract binary features such as edges

from their input, by using phase one gets the advantage of a detector of continuously varying

features. You don't just get edges, you get \edginess" too. Think of phase as saying what the

local signal shape is, and amplitude as the con�dence of that interpretation. This view, that

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56 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

phase values are features to be matched, provides the intuition behind our stereo method

which will be presented in Section 3.7.

But you get more than just features from phase measurements. Because the shape of

the analysis �lter is known (it has a sinusoid as its kernel), you can use the numeric value

of the phase measured at one point to predict the phase at another. This is the basis of the

so-called direct phase methods, which work by assuming that phase will change linearly, so

by measuring the local di�erence you can jump from one pixel directly to its correspondent.

There are problems in interpreting Gabor �lter outputs directly, however. The next

section discusses the reliability of measurements made using Gabor �lters.

3.4 Phase Di�erence Measurement Characterization

Instead of matching intensities directly, phase methods convolve intensities with continuous

�lters, then use properties of the �lter outputs to determine disparity. This idea was illus-

trated in Section 2.2.1, and can be derived algebraically using the Fourier Shift Theorem

(stated above in Equation 3.6). We will now derive this basic result, already presented in

Equation 3.1, but to simplify the derivation we will only consider the e�ect of translation on

a 1D image scanline.

Let image scanline l(x) be given; this will be the left image. Now let an arbitrary disparity

d be given; this is a global disparity that will apply to every pixel in the image. The right

image is the same as the left, shifted by the amount d:

l(x) is the left image

r(x) = l(x� d) is the right image

We can compute the Fourier transform of each scanline independently:

l(x) ()F L(!)

r(x) ()F R(!)

The Fourier Shift Theorem tells us how L(!) and R(!) are related:

R(!) = e�j2�d! L(!) (3.7)

and note that Equation 3.7 holds for any value of !. So all of the complex Fourier coe�cients

from the right image are exactly the same as those from the left image, except that their

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3.4. Phase Di�erence Measurement Characterization 57

phases are shifted by some amount. Since the magnitude of the coe�cients does not change,

let us restrict our attention to just the phase components of Equation 3.7. We will use the

notation that �L = arg[L(!)].

arg[R(!)] = arg[e�j2�d! L(!)]

�R = �2�d! + �L

d =�L � �R2�!

Solving for the disparity d results in the formula that was presented back in Equation 3.1,

the relation that lies at the heart of all phase-di�erence or direct phase methods. For

convenience we restate it here:

disparity =��

2� frequency=


2�� �ref (3.8)

This equation can be readily understood by applying it to an example of a continuous

sine wave. It simply says that disparity (or shift in x needed to align the signals) is equal

to the translation of the sine wave (i.e., phase di�erence ��, measured in radians) scaled

by a re�ned estimate of its wavelength, or period �ref. The same intuition works for win-

dowed continuous sine waves as well (e.g., Gabor �lters which are sine waves multiplied by

Gaussians). Problems arise when applying this to discrete signals, however. How is the

actual frequency of the sinusoid measured? Phase plays an important role in the disparity

computation, but how accurately can it be measured? Also implicit in Equation 3.8 is the

assumption that the left and right phases are measured at the same frequency, i.e., on similar

sinusoids; is that assumption reasonable?

To illustrate the sensitivity of these components consider what happens when the signal

being studied is a simple sinusoid.

3.4.1 Background on Instantaneous Frequency

The concept of instantaneous frequency is useful in many signal processing applications, and

to phase-based stereo in particular. The term was introduced in (Carson & Fry, 1937) as

part of a description of the mathematics behind frequency modulation transmission (i.e.,

FM radio). In that application, a low frequency signal (the audio signal) is transmitted on

a very high frequency carrier wave (at the radio station's tuning frequency) by adjusting

the frequency of the carrier wave over a wide range. Those adjustments, the changes in the

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58 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

carrier frequency, encode the lower frequency signal of interest, and instantaneous frequency

is the framework that extracts the original signal from those changes.

A more physical way to think of it is like the measurement of velocity on a car's speedome-

ter. Assuming a 1D signal comprises a possibly changing sinusoid at each moment in time

(like a car being driven at di�erent speeds), the frequency of that sinusoid (i.e., the car's

velocity) at each moment is the instantaneous frequency of the signal. There are several ways

to compute it, each of which is applied to a small window of the signal surrounding the point

of interest.

One bad way to estimate the instantaneous frequency is to convolve the window with

a bank of band pass �lters tuned to di�erent frequencies, �nd the �lter with maximum

magnitude response, and treat the tuning frequency of that �lter as an estimate of the

signal's instantaneous frequency. The problem is that if only a small number of �lters is

used it will not be very accurate. Band pass �lters respond to any frequency within their

pass band, and since a common width is an octave (Fleet & Jepson, 1993) the resulting

estimate may be o� by a factor ofp2. The estimate can be improved somewhat by �tting

a curve to the responses of adjacent �lters and �nding the frequency that corresponds to

the peak, but the number of �lters required for this approach to be e�ective makes it less

attractive than the following option.

If the input signal is known to have come from a single sinusoid, its instantaneous fre-

quency can be computed directly from the phase derivative of a single band pass �lter. The

intuition for this notion does not come easily: frequency and phase are often presented as

independent components of a sinusoid (for example in Section 2.2.1), so how can they be


The relationship is illustrated in Figures 3.4 and 3.5, which demonstrate the same analysis

on two di�erent sinusoids. Plot a) shows a sinusoid (with �xed frequency in Figure 3.4 and

varying frequency in Figure 3.5) and the magnitude envelope of the Gabor �lter that is used

to analyze it in Plots d) and e). Plot b) shows the phase of the signal, both as absolute

phase (zero at the origin and monotonically increasing) and phase modulo 2�, as it will be

estimated below. These plots were computed analytically; the phase is known to change

linearly over time for �xed frequencies, and it wraps around at 2� exactly where one period

of the sinusoid repeats. Plot c) shows the derivative of this phase, i.e., the slope of the plot

above. As you can see, the value of this phase derivative is everywhere equal to the frequency

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3.4. Phase Di�erence Measurement Characterization 59

Wavelength = 15 Frequency = 1

Wavelength = 0.06667

Original Signal / Gabor Envelope

a) sin 2�15x




-200 -100 0 100 200

Absolute Phase / Modular Phase

b) �(x) = 2�15x



-200 -100 0 100 200

Phase Derivative

c) 1









-200 -100 0 100 200


Phase of Gabor response / Modular Phase


Angle�Gabor � sin 2�





-200 -100 0 100 200

Gabor Phase Derivative / Modular Phase Derivative

e) 1


����dAngle (� � �)dx




-200 -100 0 100 200

Figure 3.4: Instantaneous Frequency Example: ! = 0.06667. The �gure is explained in

Section 3.4.1

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60 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

Wavelength goes from 30 to 15 Frequency = 1

Wavelength = 0.03333 to 0.06667 in linear steps

Original Signal / Gabor Envelope


sin 2�x�


20+ x





-200 -100 0 100 200

Absolute Phase / Modular Phase

b) �(x) =



20+ x




-200 -100 0 100 200

Phase Derivative

c) 1






-200 -100 0 100 200


Phase of Gabor response / Modular Phase


Angle (Gabor � sin � � �)-3.14159



-200 -100 0 100 200

Gabor Phase Derivative / Modular Phase Derivative

e) 1


����dAngle (� � �)dx




-200 -100 0 100 200

Figure 3.5: Instantaneous Frequency Example: ! = 0.03333 to 0.06667 in linear steps, i.e.

a chirp signal. The �gure is explained in Section 3.4.1

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3.4. Phase Di�erence Measurement Characterization 61

of the original sinusoid. Amazing! To acquire some intuition as to why this must be so, study

the �gures and compare the original signal's appearance to the X-axis. A sinusoid has a �xed

shape, but may be stretched or compressed along the X-axis by changing its frequency. In

exactly the same way, the phase of a sinusoid will always change linearly, and its rate of

change (i.e., slope) will be related to the original signal's period, or frequency.

The linear change in phase of a sinusoid is not only theoretically interesting, it can

also be measured in an arbitrary signal using a band pass �lter. The bottom two plots

of Figures 3.4 and 3.5 demonstrate this by convolving the original sampled signal with

a single Gabor �lter whose tuning frequency is ! = 1=20. Even ignoring the details of

the computation, one can see in Plot d) that the phase computed by the Gabor �lter is

approximately equal to the analytically known phase, the dashed line in both Plots b) and

d). Finally, the derivative of the Gabor phase is shown in Plot e), again with the analytically

known value plotted as a dashed line. Except around the discontinuities at the ends of the

signal, the empirically-derived Gabor estimates are extremely close to the analytically known

values, even in the chirp signal (Figure 3.5) where the frequency keeps changing. The most

interesting property to notice here is that this method of computing instantaneous frequency

is reasonably independent of the analysis �lter's tuning frequency, since the same Gabor �lter

was used to compute the phase in both �gures, and the frequencies in the chirp signal span

an entire octave.

As an aside, when the tuning frequency of the �lter di�ers signi�cantly from the frequency

of the sinusoid, an aliased response may result. In that case the sampled phase derivative

may not re ect the instantaneous frequency at all. For a nice explanation and illustration

of the e�ects of aliasing, see (Krumm, 1993).

Now that we have su�cient background in the frequency domain, we must consider

the operational issues involved in turning the theory of phase-based stereo matching into a

working algorithm. The following sections consider each component of Equation 3.1 in turn,

discussing issues of reliability and measurement precision for each parameter in the equation.

3.4.2 Measuring Sinusoid Frequency (�ref)

When �ltering a periodic signal there are two common techniques for determining the fre-

quency of the signal: using the frequency of the pass-band �lter with highest magnitude

response or measuring the phase derivative of the �ltered signal.

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62 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

Using the �lter tuning frequency directly is troublesome because any discrete �lter will

have a blurred response | it combines the responses to all of its passed frequencies. Some

systems use the approximation that the �lter's peak tuning frequency is a good enough guess

(Sanger, 1988; Weng, 1993), but this assumption may reduce the precision of the results.

One \advantage" to using this is that its variance is a �xed quantity; it does not depend on

the actual signal content.

The phase derivative (aka instantaneous frequency) was shown in Section 3.4.1 to be

a good predictor for the example signal. While it provides a more accurate measure of a

sinusoid's frequency in theory, in practise its accuracy depends on the amplitude of the input

signal. This has led several researchers to develop constraints that �lter out unreasonable

phase-derived frequencies (Fleet et al., 1991; Xiong, 1995). The constraint developed by

Fleet et al �lters out those responses whose phase derivatives predict frequencies that lie

outside the range of the �lter. While this constraint provides a useful \sanity check" on the

validity of the computed frequency, it cannot be used to completely eliminate the e�ects of

aliasing or compensate for perspective foreshortening. Still, it will be useful in improving

the accuracy of our results, so we discuss it further in the next section.

3.4.3 Measuring Phase (��)

The output of a Gabor �lter is a complex number. We are primarily concerned with measur-

ing the phase component of this number, but how accurate is a given phase value? Assuming

the standard model of broadband white noise (Horn, 1986, p. 129), each complex coe�cient

in the frequency domain will have a complex error added to it (we represent the error as a

2D vector ~�). ~� may di�er at each frequency, but will always be a perturbation with magni-

tude of at most � and a random phase orientation. Figure 3.6 gives us some intuition. The

vectors represent the Gabor coe�cients which are complex numbers; the length of a vector is

its magnitude, and the angle between the vector and the horizontal axis is its phase. Adding

an error vector ~� with length � has little e�ect on the phase of the longer vector, but results

in a completely random phase value for the smaller vector. The precision of a particular

vector's phase can be determined exactly by comparing its length to that of the error vector


Given a vector ~v and an error vector ~�, we can compute the potential error in its phase

6 ~v exactly using Equation 3.9 below, derived as follows. Place the tail of ~v on the origin

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3.4. Phase Di�erence Measurement Characterization 63


-"!# "!

# �






Figure 3.6: The e�ect of measurement error vector ~� on phase angle �.

and rotate ~v so that it points to the right on the horizontal axis (i.e., with phase angle

zero). Draw a circle of radius � centered at its head. To �nd the maximum phase error,

draw the line tangent to the error circle that also intersects the origin (actually there are

two symmetric such lines; draw the one on top). The slope m of that tangent line gives us

the maximum error angle: m = tan error. To �nd the slope, plug the equation for the line

(y = mx) into the equation for the circle ((x � j~vj)2 + y2 = j~�j2) and solve the resulting

quadratic equation for x. At the point of intersection this equation will have two real and

equal roots, so we set the discriminant equal to zero and solve for m:

tan error = m =

vuuut 1�j~vjj~�j

�2 � 1


Equation 3.9 tells us that the maximum phase error depends solely on the ratio between the

lengths of vectors ~v and ~�. Sample phase angle errors are plotted as a function of this ratio

in Figure 3.7.

There are many factors that contribute to the error vector ~� and therefore reduce the

precision of the measured phase value: the precision used in the oating point arithmetic,

the blurring of the �lter response due to the presence of information at nearby frequencies,

the discretization of the �lters themselves (especially at high frequencies), and aliasing due

to image textures with wavelength less than two pixels to name a few.

A technique for �ltering out unreliable phase measurements can be found in (Fleet &

Jepson, 1993). They identify two sources of unreliability, and provide a constraint that iden-

ti�es those regions of space-frequency where measurements should not be trusted. Using the

phase and magnitude notation for a Gabor �lter with tuning wavelength �, their constraint

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64 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo











0 2 4 6 8 10




Ratio of Magnitude over Maximum Error

Potential Phase Error


Figure 3.7: Maximum phase angle error as a function of the length ratio.

for �nding reasonable measurements can be expressed as:�������(x; �)�x� 2�



�(x; �)

��(x; �)


����� < Threshold (3.10)

This formula for the constraint was derived from the following two observations:

� The phase derivative (aka instantaneous frequency) of a Gabor �lter should be roughly

equal to its tuning frequency.

� The amplitude derivative should be small.

These observations (and the constraint in Equation 3.10) are helpful in eliminating unreliable

measurements, but they are somewhat simplistic. For example, Chapter 5 will demonstrate

that not only can the instantaneous frequency di�er from the tuning frequency, it will di�er

when the image pair exhibits perspective foreshortening. Also, Xiong has re�ned this con-

straint to an arbitrarily higher degree using Moment Filters (Xiong, 1995). But since we will

adapt this constraint to handle foreshortening, and since (like Fleet et al) we also use Gabor

�lters, Equation 3.10 will be useful for us as well.

A Peak-�nding Heuristic

Another approach at eliminating unreliable estimates that was found to be useful on some

images involved a more heuristic process applied to the output of several �lters (i.e., one

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3.4. Phase Di�erence Measurement Characterization 65







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Wavelength (pixels)

Magnitudes for pixel 153

Original SignalOriginal minus first peak

Peak Regions

Figure 3.8: Sample Magnitude pro�le of several Gabor �lters, illustrating the peak �nding


column of the scalogram, discussed below). Inspired by the intuition that the most reliable

results could be found by concentrating the search on those �lters whose magnitude was

highest, it isolates those �lters whose magnitudes exhibit a peak (or spike) in the overall

frequency pro�le. This kind of scheme works best when the input consists of a sum of

band-limited signals, and makes an e�ort to deal with interference between nearby �lters.

The heuristic peak �nding scheme works as follows. We attempt to �nd those regions

of the magnitude pro�le that exhibit explicit peaks by iteratively �tting and subtracting

Gaussian curves to the peak regions of the current pro�le (illustrated in Figure 3.8). The

extent of the peak region is determined by a simple heuristic: start with a maximum value,

move outward until the second derivative is no longer negative or the end of the function is

reached, then back up one or two pixels. The indices of the current peak region are stored

at each step, a Gaussian curve is �tted to that region and subtracted from the function, and

the process repeats, terminating when the current (subtracted) function's maximum is less

than some fraction of the original maximum.

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66 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

3.4.4 Comparing Frequencies (�)

In order for phase di�erence to yield a precise disparity estimate, it must re ect measurements

taken at the same frequency. But what if the instantaneous frequencies measured by the

same �lter on a pair of corresponding image regions di�er, as can occur with perspective

foreshortening? Others have smoothed over the e�ects by using the �lter tuning frequency, or

the average of the two instantaneous frequencies (Fleet & Jepson, 1993), but these are very

coarse approximations not based on physical reality. One contribution of this thesis is the

development of a theory for �nding the proper frequencies based on the physical geometry of

the scene, presented in Chapter 5. However, there are di�culties in combining estimates from

di�erent �lters even when the frequency contents of the image pair are directly comparable,

e.g., when there is no foreshortening.

3.5 Choosing Frequencies (for all �)

So far we have discussed primarily the properties of a single �lter, applied to signals with

a single frequency component. However, unless the input is known to be of a certain form

(e.g., an image consisting only of sine waves with restricted frequencies), any useful analysis

will require many �lters. A nice overview of local spatial frequency models that use multiple

frequencies can be found in (Rioul & Vetterli, 1991), with a longer enumeration of speci�c

models in (Hlawatsch & Boudreaux-Bartels, 1992).

3.5.1 The Image Scalogram

For most of this thesis the image scalogram's �lter set will be used. The image scalogram

is the result of applying a collection of Gabor �lters to a 1D image scanline, and therefore

consists of a 2D matrix with complex-valued elements; an example is presented in Figure 3.9.

Its seemingly unusual triangular shape is due to the interaction between the varying �lter

window size and the border of the scanline. The high frequency �lter outputs found at the

top of the scalogram are computed using only a few pixels, so their values can be computed

over most of the width of the image. At lower �lter frequencies, the number of points that

must be sampled increases (as required by the Sampling Theorem), reducing the number of

outputs that can be computed from the �xed number of scanline pixel values. Finally, the

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3.5. Choosing Frequencies (for all �) 67

100 200 300


Pixel Number



Original Signal (1D)

Pixel Number




Scalogram MAGNITUDE (2D)

100 200 300





Pixel Number




Scalogram PHASE (2D)

100 200 300





Figure 3.9: Double sine wave signal and associated scalogram (both magnitude and phase).

�lter with lowest frequency (located at the bottom of the scalogram) can only be computed

at a single point, since it requires the entire scanline as input. Although techniques for �lling

out the \missing" areas exist, they require either knowledge of the signal beyond the bounds

of the input image, or heuristic assumptions about the pattern at the image border. We

have chosen to avoid the use of heuristics by considering only those �lter outputs for which

all the data is available; hence the triangular shape.

The sampling along the (vertical) frequency axis is one of the principal di�erences between

the image scalogram and other local spatial frequency representations. The sampling used in

the spectrogram (e.g., Figure 3.1) is the same as that computed by the FFT: a linear sampling

of n frequencies from ! = 2=n to 1=2 (where n is the width of the sampling window). In

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68 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo







255 510


100120 W



h (p



Coarse to Fine

255 510


100120 W



h (p




255 510



Pixel Number







255 510



Pixel Number







255 510



Pixel NumberW



h (p




255 510



Figure 3.10: Frequency Sampling in the Scalogram and other methods. Grey areas show the

central tuning frequencies that are used by each method. Filter widths vary, but typically

cover most of the regions between tuning frequencies (see Figure 3.13 for an example).

contrast, the extreme values of the image scalogram's frequency axis are the same, but the

sampling is linear in wavelength, which is the reciprocal of frequency. Why do we prefer

the latter? In part because it was found in practise that weighting the contributions of the

lower frequencies more strongly (e.g., by using more low frequency �lters) often improved

the accuracy of the phase-based stereo method. This dense sampling will also be helpful in

compensating for perspective foreshortening e�ects, as will be explained in Chapter 5.

The scalogram also provides a convenient framework for discussion of other samplings

reported in the literature. Because its frequency sampling is based on window width, it

is easy to see how the selection of �lters in this domain compares with spatial domain

approaches like coarse-to-�ne (aka image pyramid), and variable window size. Since many of

those approaches use far fewer �lters than the scalogram, their e�ectiveness at capturing the

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3.6. Combining Filter Estimates 69

essence of the useful frequency information from the image can be seen by considering how

completely they sample the structures evident in the dense scalogram. Some comparisons

are illustrated in Figure 3.10 by highlighting the regions of the scalogram that correspond

to the �lter sets of those other methods.

Some problems with the often-used coarse-to-�ne stereo methods become apparent in

the context of the image scalogram. A common approach in many spatial domain stereo

methods (Matthies, 1992; Nishihara, 1984), coarse-to-�ne has also been used in phase-based

stereo methods (Weng, 1993; Fleet et al., 1991). In these approaches, information from the

lowest frequency (lowest horizontal stripe in each part of Figure 3.10) is used to provide

initial coarse disparity estimates, which will be re�ned by later processing at subsequent

higher frequencies. The di�culty is that there are likely to be regions of the scanline over

which the �lter outputs will be unreliable,1 and therefore the initial disparity estimates

will be unreliable as well. Even when the higher frequencies theoretically provide enough

information to compensate for this problem, the �nal disparities computed by these methods

can be highly inaccurate in such regions. This subject will be addressed in detail in Chapter 4,

but it points out the need to consider all the �lter outputs concurrently, rather than in an

arbitrary �xed order.

3.6 Combining Filter Estimates

Section 2.2.1 showed how the phase of a sinusoid, and by extension the measurement of

phase using a Gabor �lter, could be used to compute stereo disparity. In this section we

show how estimates from several �lters may be combined to yield more accurate results.

This technique is mainly useful in conjunction with methods that compare phases between

images using the same-numbered pixel (the so-called direct phase method), such as those in

(Sanger, 1988; Fleet et al., 1991; Weng, 1993), but it will also be useful in our search-based


1The prevalence of unreliable phase measurements is discussed at length in (Fleet & Jepson, 1993). That

it is a common occurrence can be inferred from the number of \measles" (white spots) in the scalograms

shown throughout this thesis; they represent regions whose Gabor �lter outputs exhibit low magnitude, and

are found in most scalograms of real imagery.

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70 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

3.6.1 The Phase Wraparound Problem

Direct phase methods make explicit use of phase di�erence as disparity, so all such methods

have to contend with the problem of phase wraparound. The di�culty lies in the fact that

phase can only be measured modulo 2�. Therefore, unless special steps are taken, a given

�lter will only be able to estimate disparities less than the wavelength speci�ed by its tuning

frequency. Mathematically, the problem is that the measured phase di�erence �� might not

equal the ideal phase di�erence ��ideal:

��ideal = 2�Disparity


But �� =�����ideal



So ��ideal = ��+ k 2� (3.13)

where k =




So �� is only part of the answer: the additional factor k must be known if disparity is to be

computed exactly from a single �lter. Unfortunately, there is no way to measure k without

knowing the ideal disparity. While there are some techniques that recover these k values

from a set of �lter outputs (the so-called phase unwrapping techniques of (Tribolet, 1977;

Ghiglia & Romero, 1994)), they require accurate phase measurements (and therefore high

magnitude response) from all �lters, a condition rarely met in real images. Because recovery

of these k values is so di�cult, many methods either assume k = 0 or arrange the processing

so that k is assumed to be known.

How likely is it that the wraparound issue will arise? Figure 3.11 shows several plots

of ideal phase di�erence as a function of disparity. As the disparity increases, so does the

number of times the phase value is expected to wrap around. Methods that rely on many

high frequency �lters are especially likely to su�er wraparound e�ects as the disparity grows


This wraparound problem weighs heavily on Sanger's method, which is actually limited to

disparities less than the smallest wavelength of his �lter set. The restriction comes from his

technique for combining estimates: averaging the disparity predicted at each �lter, assuming

k = 0 for all phase di�erences. His method is therefore unable to take advantage of the

�ne detail present in the highest frequencies of the input images, since the wavelength of

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3.6. Combining Filter Estimates 71







se D

iffDisparity 0

2 64






se D









Disparity 2

2 64






se D








se D


Disparity 5

2 64













se D


Disparity 20

2 64






se D


Figure 3.11: Ideal phase di�erence as a function of Disparity, illustrating the phase

wraparound problem. Note that coarser scales are on the left in the Frequency plots, but on

the right in the Wavelength plots. Each graph has 63 sample points spaced linearly along

the X axis. Note that unlike the 2D scalogram plots, here the wavelength axis is horizontal.

the highest frequency �lter must meet or exceed the maximum expected disparity. You

can see how his �lter set di�ers from other methods (by lacking the highest frequencies) in

Figure 3.10.

Other direct phase methods (Fleet et al., 1991; Weng, 1993) address the phase wraparound

problem using a coarse-to-�ne approach. Low frequency �lters provide initial coarse dispar-

ity estimates, which are used only to �x the value of k for the next-higher frequency. This

results in two advantages over Sanger's method: disparities as large as the longest wavelength

in the �lter set can be computed, and information from much higher frequencies can also be

incorporated. Unfortunately, these approaches make the unreasonable assumption that all

�lters will have accurate measurements at every pixel. Since there are actually many regions

in the scalogram where phase measurements are unreliable (Fleet & Jepson, 1993), the value

of k used in the �lter with next-higher frequency could be completely wrong, resulting in

wildly inaccurate disparity outliers. Weng attempts to address this problem by linearly in-

terpolating phase in the unreliable areas, but his method has still been found to be the least

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72 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

precise of several phase-based methods (Jenkin & Jepson, 1994). How then can we combine

estimates from many �lters without knowing in advance which of them will have reliable


3.6.2 Our Filter Combination Method

The usual approach in direct phase methods is to compute disparity directly from the phase

di�erence measurements. But we can turn the computation around too, and address the

complementary problem: given a particular disparity, what are the expected phase di�erences

from all �lters? The solution to this problem is straightforward; simply apply Equations 3.11

and 3.12 to the known disparity and �lter wavelengths to �nd the expected or \ideal" phase

di�erences. Figure 3.11 shows the ideal values associated with several disparities. The stereo

task then becomes one of �nding that disparity whose ideal phase di�erences best match what

was measured. Why bother with this restructuring? By stating the problem in this way, we

eliminate the need to compute the appropriate value for k at each �lter.

The problem now is how to de�ne the \best" match between measured phase di�erences

and the ideal phase di�erences associated with a particular disparity. We need an evaluation

function that computes a quantitative agreement between these two sets of phase di�er-

ences. It should combine estimates from any number of �lters with arbitrary tuning frequen-

cies, should deemphasize the unreliable measurements, and must account for the potential

wraparound e�ects of comparing phases (phase di�erences). Empirical tests of various �lter

combinations (sums of unnormalized v. normalized magnitude), weighting functions (magni-

tude, squared magnitude, square root of magnitude), and phase comparisons (raw di�erence,

modular di�erence, with and without absolute value) were performed on several image pairs,

and this formula:

EvalDirect (disp; c) =1

jW jX�2W

�(c; �)AbsDi�Mod���ideal(disp; �);��(c; �)


Where disp is the candidate disparity,

c is the current pixel number,

� is the magnitude normalized by window size,

��(c; �) = j�L(c; �)� �R(c; �)j2� ; (3.15)

and AbsDi�Mod is the smallest di�erence between phases, i.e.

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3.6. Combining Filter Estimates 73

AbsDi�Mod(a; b) = mink2f�1;0;1g

fjjaj2� � jbj2� + k2�jg (3.16)

was found to provide the most accurate results using the direct phase approach. As men-

tioned previously, the �lters used are typically those of the image scalogram, i.e., linear

samples of wavelength from 2 pixels to the one quarter the width of the complete image.

Smaller values of Equation 3.14 indicate better matches with the predicted phase di�erences,

so the disparity that yields the minimum value is the best estimate. As an aside, one might

be able to replace the AbsDi�Mod(a; b) function with cos(a � b), then use the maximum

value to indicate the best match. The bene�t would be in using a simpler function, but the

e�ect of its new shape (a curve that is smoothly varying rather than being sharply peaked

at zero) on the precision of the method would need to be studied.

Figure 3.12 illustrates how each Gabor �lter and each candidate disparity contributes to

the �nal error estimate. Each column in the �gure is labeled with a disparity, and represents

the goodness-of-�t of all of the measured phase di�erences to the ideal phase di�erences pre-

dicted by that disparity. Each column is summed over all appropriate wavelengths (witness


in Equation 3.14), and forms the overall estimate for the likelihood that this disparity

is correct for this pixel.2

This evaluation function satis�es the requirements given above. It does not depend on

a particular set of tuning frequencies; any set of wavelengths W can be used, and they

need not be related according to a �xed hierarchical scheme (although nothing prohibits

such a sampling). For example, one might use the scalogram's linear wavelength sampling

W = f2 : : : N=mg pixels, where N is the width of the scanline and m is the Gabor �lter

tuning parameter for number of wavelengths per window. Or one could use just the sparse

sampling of the coarse to �ne methods; Figure 3.13 shows the frequency response for such

a set of hierarchical Gabor �lters). Whatever the sampling, unreliable measurements are

deemphasized in Equation 3.14 by eliminating the worst of them from W and by weighting

most strongly those outputs from �lters with high magnitude (Section 3.4.3 explained the

relationship between magnitude and reliability). The wraparound problem is addressed by

�nding the smallest absolute modular di�erence between �� and ��ideal.

This method has several advantages. It allows regions with unreliable phase measure-

ments to be ignored safely, without compromising multi-scale processing. Since the mea-

2Figure 3.12 was actually generated using the error function from Table 3.2 instead of Equation 3.14, but

the summation method is the same for both error functions.

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74 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo





Individual Filter Errors for Pixel 128,128

0 10 20 30 40 50







0 10 20 30 40 500






Evaluation Function for Pixel 128,128

Figure 3.12: Filter contributions to the disparity estimate. Pixel intensity represents the

value of the error computed by each �lter's phase di�erence comparison, scaled by the mag-

nitude. Darker pixels indicate larger error, and white spots represent areas where the scalo-

grams contained no useful information. The evaluation function (below) is constructed by

summing up the values in the columns and dividing by the number of �lters used. This plot

represents the disparity computation at pixel (128,128) of the stereo pair in Figure 3.14.

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3.6. Combining Filter Estimates 75

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.50










Gabor Filter Frequency Response

Figure 3.13: Gabor Filter Frequency Response. The Gabor �lter magnitude in the frequency

domain for �lters with wavelength 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 is presented. The tuning

parameters are �f =1

6and m = 4.

surement from each �lter (equivalently, each scale) makes a contribution independent of the

others, those with unreliable measurements can be safely omitted fromW . The method also

has the interesting property that it can be used to evaluate the likelihood of disparities much

larger than the size of the �lters used, when the images being studied have non-interfering

periodic texture (i.e., they exhibit speci�c magnitude peaks in the frequency domain). This

is because the evaluation function combines the �lter outputs simultaneously, and combines

estimates across frequencies based on the content of the signal; the signal determines the

scales that are used. Coarse to �ne methods, in contrast, use scales that are related in a

strictly hierarchical manner and are �xed in advance. For example, given an input signal

that is the sum of n sinusoids with wavelengths �1; : : : ; �n, coarse to �ne methods can only

compute disparities half as large as the largest Gabor �lter in the analysis set, whereas

our method can evaluate disparities as large as LCM(�1; : : : ; �n), a potentially much larger


However, this version of the direct phase approach has a problem. Because this is a

direct phase method, �� is calculated by subtracting Gabor phases from the two scanlines

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76 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

at the same-numbered pixel (witness the c in Equation 3.15). From Section 3.2.1 we know

that the window size of a Gabor �lter varies as a function of wavelength, so �lters with

small wavelengths (high frequencies) will use relatively small windows for their input. In

the presence of a disparity larger than the smallest wavelengths in W , this means that the

phases measured by the corresponding �lters will be from parts of the image that not only

do not overlap, but may not even represent the same object's texture. This problem is faced

by all direct phase methods, and provides one motivation for the coarse to �ne approach

used by others (Westelius, 1995; Weng, 1993; Fleet et al., 1991) and their assumption that

the true disparity is less than the �lter wavelength. But one cannot depend on responses at

the lower frequencies, since the phase measurements there might be unreliable; Chapter 4

will show this in more detail. Fortunately, there is an alternative.

3.7 Our Stereo Method

Our stereo method is constructed out of the pieces described in the earlier sections of this

chapter. We compute disparity using many Gabor �lters, caching the outputs in 2D image

scalogram matrices. Those measurements assumed to be unreliable are agged and do not

enter into the computations. A search over candidate disparities is made at each pixel,

and the ideal phase di�erences associated with each disparity are compared against those

measured in the images. A given disparity corresponds to a single, unique phase-di�erence

curve; the curve that best �ts the measured phase di�erences will give our disparity estimate.

Pseudocode for this algorithm can be found in Table 3.2. Matlab code for performing the

computation is available on the web from Mark Maimone's Index Page.3 This method will

be extended in Chapter 5 to address the perspective foreshortening issue, but we outline the

basic method here. Let a pair of images be given. We assume that these images have the

same dimensions, and were taken with a pair of cameras whose optical axes are parallel (so

that the epipolar constraint holds). If the cameras are properly calibrated, this constraint

reduces the matching problem from two dimensions to one, because like-numbered scanlines

in the two images are guaranteed to correspond to the same plane in the world. We can thus

limit the following discussion to the problem of matching a single row in the image pair.

Pick a pair of corresponding rows, each containing n pixel intensities. Compute the


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3.7. Our Stereo Method 77

Given: A pair of greyscale images, and a list of candidate disparities.

For each row

Compute Left and Right Scalograms L and R

For each column c

WL(c) = f� : �L(c; �) exists and �L(c; �) is reliablegWR(c) = f� : �R(c; �) exists and �R(c; �) is reliableg

For each column c

For each disparity d such that pixel c+ d exists

W = WL(c) \WR(c+ d)

error =1

jW jX�2W

�L(c; �)AbsDi�Mod���ideal(jdj1; �); (�L(c; �)� �R(c+ d; �))

Return d that yields minimum error

Table 3.2: Pseudocode for the basic phase-based stereo algorithm.

scalograms of these rows, using particular Gabor �lter parameters (e.g., m = 4 and � =


6). The scalogram for a given row is a two dimensional matrix of complex numbers: for

convenience in discussion, we split it into two matrices, magnitude � and phase �. So

�L(c; �) is the magnitude of the left row's scalogram entry at pixel c with wavelength �,

�L(c; �) is the phase of the left row's entry at that point, and similarly for the right row with

�R and �R.

To compute the disparity for a given pixel number c, we �rst mark unreliable estimates

using Equation 3.10. Having thus ignored potentially unreliable phase values, we use the

remaining left and right phases to �t phase di�erences. First we enumerate a list of possible

disparities and compute the \ideal" phase di�erence curve for each disparity using Equa-

tion 3.11. If we let W be the set of wavelengths whose outputs are considered reliable, then

the error for a particular disparity is given by the version of Equation 3.14 found in Table 3.2.

Finally, we select the disparity that exhibits minimum error as the result for this pixel.

Note that by enumerating candidate disparities, we greatly reduce the phase wraparound

problemmentioned in Section 3.6.1. Instead of comparing phase values at the same-numbered

column, we use columns that are actually expected to correspond (i.e., we include disparity

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78 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

d in the phase di�erence (�L(c; �) � �R(c + d; �)) part of Table 3.2's error computation).

Thus the ideal phase di�erences need only re ect the remaining subpixel disparity (see the

jdj1 term in Table 3.2). Since the maximum remaining disparity will be one pixel, and the

highest �lter frequency will never have a wavelength of less than two pixels, the predicted

phase di�erences will never wrap around. There is no such restriction on the measured

phase di�erences, however, so care must still be taken to use the AbsDi�Mod function from

Equation 3.16 for the comparison.

Some form of phase interpolation is required to achieve the highest precision. However,

none is explicitly speci�ed in the implementation given in Table 3.2. The reason is that this

interpolation has been encoded into the computation of the ideal phase di�erence. Rather

than interpolate between the measured phases to �nd the perfect match (with zero disparity

and hence uniformly zero ideal phase di�erences), we tune the ideal di�erence to compensate

for this subpixel shift. So we are using a form of the direct phase method here, but since it

is only applied to subpixel disparities we will not incur the wraparound problem.

3.7.1 Sample Imagery

Some example images with stereo results and ground truth are presented in Figures 3.14

and 3.15. The results illustrate some of the limitations of using 1D �lters: in particular,

errors at depth discontinuities are more jagged than would be expected from a method using

2D �lters. And although the average RMS errors seems high (being greater than 1 pixel),

it is di�cult to compare with other methods since few others have reported ground truth

results over complete images. Visual inspection of the area in the center of the images reveals

that the error there is usually much less than 1 pixel.

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3.7. Our Stereo Method 79

>= 2



Disparity Error(pixels)

Figure 3.14: Synthetic Stereo Pair with Ground Truth. The top two images form the stereo

image pair of two frontoplanar surfaces, the middle images are the associated disparity maps

with occluded areas marked in black. The lower left image is the disparity map computed by

this method, evaluating 301 disparities from 0 to 30. The lower right image is the di�erence

between the stereo disparity and the ground truth. Mean error over the entire �gure is 2.41

pixels (variance 23.09); all errors � 2 are in black. (intensities not to scale)

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80 Chapter 3. Phase-based Stereo

>= 2



Disparity Error(pixels)

Figure 3.15: Actual Stereo Pair with Ground Truth. The top two images form the stereo

image pair of a at sheet tilted back slightly, and have been corrected for lens distortion.

The middle images are the ground truth data on the left (black areas have unknown ground

truth), and disparities computed by our method on the right (161 disparities, 0-40). The

bottom image shows the di�erences between our estimates and the ground truth over the

central target, scaled from 0 to 2 (all errors � 2 appear black). Mean error in that region in

1.27701 pixels with � = 2.8446. (intensities not to scale)

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Chapter 4

Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous


Time ies like an arrow; fruit ies like a banana.

| Groucho Marx

A problem shared by virtually all stereo methods is that of ambiguous matches, or false

targets. When two or more parts of an image pair are similar in appearance, as can happen

when a repetitive pattern like a checkerboard or picket fence is present, a part of the pattern

in one image might seem to match several parts in the other. When this happens, when

there are multiple potential correspondents for a given pixel, an ambiguous match is said to

exist. This problem arises because image points are compared in a purely local fashion, and

the e�ects can be seen in disparity estimates that are wildly inaccurate.

In this chapter we will show examples of ambiguous matches, explain how their presence

a�ects several stereo methods, and demonstrate that our phase-based method compensates

for the problem more e�ectively than other methods. The Disparity Space provides the

framework for this analysis, and motivates a generalized representation of disparity.

4.1 The Problem of Ambiguity

Ambiguous matches are second only to modeling and calibration errors as a source of inaccu-

racy in stereo vision systems. By modeling errors, we mean the violation of any assumptions

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82 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

about the image formation process that went into producing a particular stereo pair. Stereo

methods by their nature make many implicit assumptions about their input images, e.g., that

the units of horizontal and vertical spacing in the real world are identical, the left image was

taken by the left camera, surfaces are di�use, the lens caps have been removed, etc. And by

calibration, we mean any computation that will in uence (independently of the stereo image

data) either the range of disparities being checked or the process by which they are checked

in the stereo method. It should be obvious that any part of the image acquisition process

that violates modeling assumptions or reduces the accuracy or precision of the calibration

results could cause inaccurate results to be generated. Yet even when all of these constraints

on the physical system have been met, the correspondence problem remains.

The correspondence problem lies at the heart of all stereo methods. In many methods

the determination of correspondence is based solely upon information found in the stereo

image pair, without knowledge of the actual 3D scene structure or image segmentation. Yet

even though a stereo method returns the \best" answer according to its model, sometimes

the \best" correspondence is not the correct one. When an improper correspondence is

established, the resulting disparity can be very inaccurate.

This problem can be alleviated somewhat by incorporating more data and using better

models in the stereo method. There are many such techniques in the literature: using

many more than two cameras as in multibaseline stereo (Kanade et al., 1995; Webb, 1993),

using more realistic models of image formation (Bhat & Nayar, 1995; Belhumeur, 1995, and

Chapter 5 in this text), and interpreting the same data at several scales (the subject of the

following sections). Although they di�er in their approaches, all of these techniques share

the common goal of �nding the single best disparity estimate for a given pixel.

But sometimes the \best" answer is not the desired one. Figure 4.1 shows an arti�cial

example of this phenomenon. In the �gure a stereo image pair is actually embedded into a

single image; this type of image is called an autostereogram.1 In an autostereogram, it would

appear that the left and right stereo images are identical. And when stereo processors are

given the same left and right stereo images, most (including your eyes) will conclude that

the \best" disparity map is a uniform zero shift, i.e., the images contain no interesting 3D

structure. However, in this case the interesting stu� happens when you realize that the left

and right images of interest are not identical; in Figure 4.1, the left image does indeed start

1Some people have di�culty seeing the depth in images like this. Give it your best shot.

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4.1. The Problem of Ambiguity 83

Figure 4.1: A 340x340 autostereogram of a wolf. See Figure 4.24 for an elucidation of the

embedded structure. Reprinted with permission from Blue Mountain Arts, Inc.

at the left border, but the right image starts about one sixth of the way in. Running a coarse

to �ne stereo method on such pre-shifted images brings out the structure that was embedded

into the original �gure (see Figure 4.24 after trying it yourself), and demonstrates that in

this case it is not the \best" disparity that is of interest, but rather the \second best."

The rest of this section will give us the language and concepts required for our discussion

of ambiguity. The sections that follow will discuss both the impact of ambiguity on stereo

methods, and extensions to stereo methods that will model, if not eliminate, problems due

to ambiguous matches.

4.1.1 De�nitions

An ambiguous match occurs when a stereo method is unable to determine a unique cor-

respondent for a particular pixel. Ambiguity can be viewed in two ways: as an inherent

property of an image, or as an artifact of a particular stereo method. It is certainly possible

to construct inherently ambiguous stereo images. Consider two images of a frontoplanar

checkerboard, where the checkerboard occupies the entire �elds of view: the alignment of

the squares cannot be determined from the images alone. Naturally, these types of images

will cause problems for stereo matchers, but they are not the only source of ambiguity.

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84 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

0 10 20 30 40 50 600











Wolf Phase Based Evaluation Function (170,100)

First local minSecond local min


Figure 4.2: Evaluation Function for pixel (170,100) of Figure 4.1 (with its pre-shifted coun-

terpart), computed using our phase-based method with linear frequency samples. This in-

formation is presented in the context of a complete scanline in column 100 of Figure 4.3.

Darker pixels denote less error, so the dark stripe from pixel number 75 to 200 at disparity

7 represents the best guess.

The limitations of stereo matchers can also cause image regions in stereo imagery to appear


Informally, ambiguous matches will occur when the small area around one pixel \looks

like" more than one area in the second image. This is because most stereo algorithms

reduce the computational complexity of the matching process by determining correspondence

using only small image patches at some stage of their processing. Even the so-called multi-

scale coarse to �ne methods only make local decisions, based on one or possibly two levels

of hierarchy. It is this narrowing of attention, the making of a hard decision based on

local information at a single scale, that makes stereo algorithms especially susceptible to

ambiguous matches.

The chance of encountering ambiguity looms large in images with repetitive texture, since

many image patches will appear to be nearly identical, but ambiguity can also occur even

when the images do not exhibit obvious repetition. For many algorithms, all that is necessary

is that two small patches appear identical, where \small" and \identical" are de�ned by the

search window size and evaluation function used by the algorithm.

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4.1. The Problem of Ambiguity 85

The presence of ambiguous matches can be determined by inspecting a pixel's disparity

space, i.e., the result of the evaluation function. If the evaluation function pro�le is unimodal,

i.e., if it has a single minimum and a monotonically increasing �rst derivative, then a unique

disparity exists at that minimum and there is no ambiguity. However, if as is often the

case the evaluation function pro�le is not unimodal, then any of the alternate local minima

must be considered potential matches as well, and therefore an ambiguous match exists (see

Figure 4.2). The degree to which the match at that pixel is ambiguous can be informally

determined by considering the ratio of values of the evaluation function at the lowest minima:

the closer the ratio is to 1, the more ambiguous is the match.

Ambiguity Factor � =error (First local minimum)

error (Second local minimum)(4.1)

As a special case, if the function has only one minimum, the error at the second minimum

is de�ned to be in�nity (yielding an ambiguity factor of zero).

Computation of the ambiguity factor in actual images is di�cult. While it is easy to

locate the �rst local minimum (the global minimum) in a vector, it is a bit harder to isolate

the second minimum, because it is not necessarily the vector element with second-lowest

value. Rather, it is the element with minimum value where the �rst derivative changes

locally from negative to positive, outside the in uence of the original minimum. Of course,

in real signals there will be small perturbations in the evaluation function that should not

be treated as actual minima, so these will have to be ignored in some way. We have created

a useful (but not perfect) heuristic for �nding the �rst n minima, that can be used to aid

in the computation of the ambiguity factor. It works automatically by �nding the minimum

value, locally �tting a Gaussian curve to the values surrounding the peak, eliminating the

in uence of the Gaussian and iterating on the newly formed signal. The process repeats until

the desired number of peaks or an evaluation function threshold is reached. This heuristic

is discussed further in Section 4.4.1.

In summary, an ambiguous match occurs when a pixel's evaluation function exhibits

multiple local minima. The presence of an ambiguous match does not necessarily mean the

disparity estimate will be wrong, just that the potential for a false match exists.

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86 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

4.1.2 Disparity Space

Having discussed the presense of an ambiguity at a single pixel, we now consider its e�ect

on a scanline.

To understand how ambiguous matches arise we must consider the way stereo methods

assign disparities. Recall that the goal of all �lter-based stereo algorithms is to associate

a unique depth value with each pixel in the input images. Most often a disparity value is

assigned to a pixel; other values are possible (e.g., a pixel might be marked as occluded), but

for now we only consider disparities. Theoretically speaking, each pixel in a stereo image can

potentially be assigned any of a wide range of disparities. Stereo methods work by eliminating

improbable disparities until only the most likely ones remain. To understand this process

of elimination, we want to know the likelihood that each disparity will be assigned to each

pixel. A useful visualization tool for this task is the disparity space.

The concept of disparity space is straightforward. Instead of associating a single disparity

with each pixel, we associate a vector representing the likelihood of all disparities that might

be assigned to it. This notion can be applied to a single pixel, a row of pixels, and even a

matrix of pixels (i.e., an image). So while the disparity map for an image is 2D, the disparity

space over a whole image will be 3D. To make it easier to visualize, we usually only consider

the disparity space for a single pixel (by plotting the disparity evaluation function at that

pixel, as in Figure 4.2), or for a single scanline (by creating a 2D image where intensity

represents likelihood, as in Figure 4.3). Think of the disparity space as a visualization of the

penultimate step in disparity computation; the disparity for a given pixel is determined by

�nding the disparity space vector element with minimum error.

Figure 4.3 contains an example of the disparity space matrix associated with a pair of

image scanlines. The horizontal axis is indexed by Pixel Number and corresponds to the

original scanline, and the vertical axis is the list of candidate disparities. Pixel intensities

in Figure 4.3 correspond to the match error computed by the evaluation function; column

100 encodes the same information as in Figure 4.2. Dark regions in the image denote areas

where the error is large, i.e., they represent those disparities that are least likely to become

associated with the pixel numbered below. The disparity space makes the presence of ambi-

guities on a scanline easy to see. Any column with more than one bright spot represents a

pixel likely to be involved in an ambiguous match.

The disparity space is a natural representation for search-based methods like dynamic

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4.1. The Problem of Ambiguity 87

Pixel Number




Phase−based Disparity Space

50 100 150 200 250 300











Figure 4.3: Disparity Space for row 170 of Figure 4.1 (with its pre-shifted counterpart), com-

puted using our phase-based method with linear frequency samples. Darker pixels indicate

lower matching errors, i.e., the most likely disparity estimates. Column 100 can be seen in

an expanded view in Figure 4.2.

programming and our phase-based method from Chapter 3. In fact, the pseudocode for our

algorithm presented in Table 3.2 computes exactly this information in its innermost loops.

Note that by the time our phase-based method has constructed this image, all of the work

in the frequency domain has been completed. The phase measurements have already been

combined by the evaluation function to produce the likelihood that a particular disparity

is appropriate. So the disparity space framework represents purely spatial phenomena, and

can be applied directly to stereo methods that work exclusively in the spatial domain as

well. We will elaborate on the bene�ts of the frequency domain in Section 4.3.3, but for now

simply discuss the characteristics of the disparity space.

Once the disparity space is constructed, the usual way to generate a single disparity

estimate for each original pixel is to �nd the minimum entry in each column, and call its

associated disparity the best answer. We will often highlight these minimal disparities in

disparity space plots by connecting them together across adjacent columns. In this way we

can see not only the disparities for a particular scanline, but also the shape of the evaluation

functions that led to their extraction. An estimate of precision can be provided as well,

by measuring the curvature of the evaluation function around the minimum value (i.e., the

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88 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

second derivative of the evaluation function with respect to disparity, evaluated at that

disparity at which the evaluation function has its minimum). Although one might consider

using the raw evaluation function outputs as a measure of con�dence and therefore precision,

they are likely to be too variable to be of e�ective use. Simple changes in gain between the

two cameras, or changes in object re ectance due to viewpoint change, could cause massive

shifts in the amount of error, and therefore it is not in general robust enough to function as

an independent precision estimator.

Disparity space images are not limited to search-based methods, they can also model the

results of coarse to �ne algorithms (e.g., the algorithm presented later in Table 4.1). The

results are not quite identical to those of search-based methods, however. The main di�erence

is that coarse to �ne methods by their very nature do not compute an evaluation function

at every possible disparity. Instead, they navigate through the disparity space in large

(\coarse") steps, re�ning and evaluating only those subregions that meet some minimum

criterion. As a result, the disparity evaluation functions associated with a given pixel are

computed in completely di�erent contexts, and therefore cannot be compared directly. So

the argument above, that the disparity space was the penultimate step followed by minima

extraction, is no longer appropriate. However, coarse to �ne disparity spaces can still provide

interesting visual information, especially when compared against a complete disparity space

generated by a search-based method.

There are two complementary views of the disparity space for coarse to �ne algorithms,

each illustrated in Figure 4.4. The �rst view is identical to the one above, where we simply

plot the value of the evaluation function between a pixel and a disparity. We cannot extract

the minimum value to �nd the disparity in this representation, but it is still useful for

visual inspection of the overall shape of the evaluation functions. The second view is the

more appropriate one for coarse to �ne methods. In this case the pixel intensities do not

indicate the value of the evaluation function, but rather the number of the highest scale

used to compute the evaluation function for a given pixel/disparity pair, with coarse scales

numbered lower than �ne scales. This plot has the same advantage for coarse to �ne methods

that the other plot had for search-based methods: the best disparities can be found by visual

inspection, since the disparity returned by the algorithm will always be one of those searched

at the highest scale. This plot also provides an explicit road map, demonstrating how

the method chose to navigate through the detailed disparity space used by a search-based

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4.2. E�ect of Ambiguity on Stereo Methods 89

Pixel Number




Scales in Disparity Space

50 100 150 200 250









Pixel Number




Coarse to Fine Disparity Space

50 100 150 200 250









Figure 4.4: Coarse to Fine disparity space and associated scales; �ne scales are darker than

coarse scales. These results are also from row 170 of Figure 4.1, as are those in Figure 4.3.


The actual content of the disparity space will depend on the evaluation function of each

particular stereo method. It provides a way to visualize the search strategy used by that

method, but should not be regarded as an inherent property of the image pair. Rather, it

summarizes the interpretation of the image pair according to a particular method.

These disparity space representations provide the framework for our discussion of ambi-


4.2 E�ect of Ambiguity on Stereo Methods

The usual e�ect of ambiguity on stereo methods is the production of outliers, sharp spikes

in the disparity map. In the worst case, such as will be illustrated in Figure 4.7, none of the

disparities is computed correctly.

4.2.1 JISCT Results

Out �rst illustration of the problem comes from a recent survey and evaluation of stereo

methods, the JISCT Stereo Evaluation study (Bolles et al., 1993). Figure 4.5 is a stereo

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90 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

Figure 4.5: Shoe Stereo Pair. These are images SHOE-0 and SHOE-2 from the JISCT Stereo

Evaluation study; each is 480x512 pixels2.


SRI Teleos

Figure 4.6: Results of several stereo methods on Figure 4.5 as presented in the JISCT Stereo

Evaluation study. Clockwise from the top left are the INRIA 1, INRIA 2, Teleos, and SRI

results; each is 59x63 pixels2. Black pixels were marked as unknown by the algorithms.

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4.2. E�ect of Ambiguity on Stereo Methods 91









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70




Pixel Number

Approx Ground TruthSRI Middle Row

Figure 4.7: Detail view of SRI disparity results and approximate ground truth for the middle

row of the shoe stereo pair disparities in Figure 4.6.

pair from that survey of a tennis shoe over a mostly-checkered background. Because the

background is so regular, almost every pixel in it has multiple potential correspondents

within a small area. Figure 4.6 shows the coarse disparity maps computed by several stereo

methods in the study, illustrating the problems caused by the checkered pattern. In many

of these results, the disparities computed within that pattern either jump around a lot (SRI

and INRIA 2) or have signi�cant gaps (all but Teleos).

These problems can be attributed to the repetitive nature of the input image. Each of

the methods exhibiting spotty results uses correlation with 11x11 pixel �lters as the �nal

step (before interpolation) in assigning correspondence. Because this image is so regular, one

match looks very much like another. Thus the background image (a carpet whose 3D shape is

actually at) appears to have many spikes in it. This is in spite of the fact that both methods

explicitly try to eliminate such spikes: the INRIA methods employ morphological shrinking

of the disparity map to remove outliers, and the SRI method uses multiple passes over the

input data to eliminate unreliable matches. Yet you can see just how irregular the results

are in Figure 4.7, which plots the SRI disparities for the middle row of the image against

the approximate ground truth, generated by manual inspection. Not only are the results

erratic, matching any of several candidate disparities, but most of the disparity estimates do

not even match the correct piece of the pattern.

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92 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

Left Image

Right Image

Left Horizontal Disparity

Right Horizontal Disparity

Left Occlusions

Right Occlusions

Figure 4.8: Results of Jones stereo method on middle region of speaker images.

Of the four methods in the JISCT study, only the Teleos algorithm was able to match

the background successfully. Teleos' use of very large windows (from 25x25 to 90x90 pixels)

helped them avoid getting trapped in the abundance of similar features at the �nest scales,

instead seeming to track stains in the carpet whose in uence can only be seen at larger

scales (Bolles et al., 1993). But this feature comes at a cost; since the search windows are

so large, disparity is not computed at the pixels around the border of the image. Even

more importantly, the shape of the tennis shoe (readily apparent in all the other methods)

is greatly washed out, blurred by the extra-large search windows.

4.2.2 Jones' Method

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4.3. Reducing the Ambiguity Factor 93

Figure 4.9: Speaker Image.

Another consequence of the disparity spikes caused by ambiguous matches is their e�ect

on postprocessing techniques. For instance, Jones' stereo method (Jones, 1991) includes

a special postprocessing step that addresses occlusions. The method compares disparities

computed for the left and right images; if corresponding pixels do not have the same disparity,

they are marked as occluded.2 Given sharp disparity spikes, however, this step results in

many spurious occluded pixels, as can be seen in Figure 4.8, especially in the area of the

speaker grill. In this implementation of Jones' method, only the �rst pass and occlusion

processing have been used.

4.3 Reducing the Ambiguity Factor

The goal of many stereo methods is to construct or modify the evaluation pro�le so that

the Ambiguity Factor � is as small as possible. In the multibaseline method of (Kanade

et al., 1995) this is accomplished by summing the evaluation functions across multiple image

pairs. In a similar way, our phase based method sums evaluations functions from multiple

�lter outputs. However, the usual approach is to employ a coarse to �ne re�nement strategy.

Coarse to �ne methods smooth over the evaluation function, in an attempt to avoid falling

into a local minimum.

In this section we will compare the coarse to �ne approach with our phase-based �lter

combination method. We will see that although coarse to �ne works well in some situations,

in the presence of ambiguity its naive approach fails to resolve the ambiguity. We will

2A more robust method is outlined in Section 2.3.1 of this text.

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94 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

Given: A pair of greyscale images L and R, search window size W , max disparity D,

smallest resolution R, averaging �lter halve.

Function c2f :

Matrix prior, result Disparity results from coarser level, and this level

If (resolution / 2 > R)

prior = c2f (halve (L), halve (R), ...)


prior = bD+24

c� I[resolution/2, resolution/2]

For each row r

For each column c

For disparity d = -D2to D


error(d) = 1

W 2


Wj left window (r; c) - right window (r; 2 prior[r=2; c=2] + d) j

Pick d with minimum error, preferring values near 2 prior[r=2; c=2] in a tie

result (r; c) = d

return result

Table 4.1: Pseudocode for the Coarse to Fine algorithm.

demonstrate that our phase-based technique does a better job of compensating for this


4.3.1 Coarse to Fine Method

A common approach to overcoming the problem of ambiguous matches in two-camera stereo

is to employ a coarse to �ne (or image pyramid) search strategy. The intent is to limit

the number of disparities checked at a given resolution; the fewer disparities checked, the

lower the likelihood of an ambiguous match. An additional bene�t is that a wide range of

disparities may be checked for relatively small cost; the coarsest levels have the least data,

yet span the widest disparity range in the original image.

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4.3. Reducing the Ambiguity Factor 95

To see how such methods compare with our phase-based approach, we have constructed

a \typical" coarse to �ne stereo algorithm. The method is typical in that it starts with a

SAD correlation of the coarsest versions of the images, then iterates using only the results

computed at the previous level to restrict the search at the current level. Pseudocode for

this method can be found in Table 4.1. In practise we have applied this algorithm using a

3x3 Gaussian smoothing �lter (� = 1), search windows that are 5 pixels wide at each level,

a 5 pixel maximum disparity at each level, and 20 pixels as the smallest resolution.

There is one aspect of this type of method in particular that distinguishes it from our

phase-based method. Although both approaches consider the scale space decomposition of

the original images, the coarse to �ne approach marches through the scale space in a �xed

order without regard to the content of the image. Decisions made at the coarse levels become

prior assumptions at �ner levels, and are taken at face value. Figure 3.10 demonstrates the

scales used: the results from longer wavelengths are used to constrain those computed at

higher wavelengths. In contrast, our phase-based method considers the entire scale space

pro�le as a unit, selecting only those scales whose data are known to be valid, and combining

them without regard to a prede�ned order. We will demonstrate shortly the bene�t our

phase-based method derives from this approach.

4.3.2 Coarse to Fine Results

The coarse to �ne approach to image analysis is a popular one for two reasons. It is e�cient,

allowing large image regions to be searched at relatively low computational cost; and often

it reduces errors, smoothing over small variations in the evaluation function.

An assumption implicit in the design of coarse to �ne methods is that evaluation functions

have an overall \bowl" shape, with a unique minimum. Minor variations (i.e., local minima)

are tolerated as well, because they will be smoothed over by the processing at the coarsest

levels. Another aspect of that assumption, not often stated explicitly, is that the evaluation

functions at all scales must exhibit that structure; even the coarsest image is assumed to

have a well-behaved evaluation function.

Figure 4.10 shows how the evaluation function evolves with each progressive level for a

pixel in the wolf stereogram (Figure 4.1). Contrasting the �nal shape in Figure 4.10 with

the evaluation function computed by the phase-based method in Figure 4.2, we see that

the coarse to �ne method was able to focus attention on the correct region in spite of the

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96 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

presence of the second and third local minima. So in this case the scale-based smoothing

imposed by the coarse to �ne method worked well, and allowed the correct local minimum

to be extracted. You can view the �nal disparity map for this image (pair), as computed by

the coarse to �ne method, in Figure 4.24.

Problem with Coarse to Fine

Unfortunately, in some cases this model can lead to signi�cant errors. The method worked

well on the wolf stereogram because that image has a lot of texture at many scales; many

details can be seen in the coarse images. But in some cases the coarse versions of images

will not have su�cient structure. When that occurs, the method will still select a region in

which to continue the search at a �ner level, but that decision will be based on incomplete

information. The coarse to �ne strategy does not allow su�ciently for the possibility that

a given level's evaluation function may not exhibit an obvious and unique minimum. Even

though our implementation attempts to address this problem by preferring disparities near

to the one predicted by the coarser level, it does not always succeed.

Consider the synthetic speaker grill in Figure 4.11. Although the original image contains

much structure, and the correspondence between the two images seems obvious to a person,

all of the interesting structure is washed out at coarser levels. Therefore, the coarse to �ne

search strategy cannot use the results from coarser levels to e�ectively constrain the search at

�ner levels. The resulting disparity image and coarse to �ne disparity space for the middle

row of the synthetic speaker grill illustrates the e�ect in Figure 4.12. Although the true

disparity lies at a constant 23.52 pixels in the middle of the image, the coarse to �ne method

is unable to maintain the proper focus. Therefore most of its estimates are incorrect except

at the very ends of the grill, where the grill and background colors cause a sharp edge to

appear at all scales.

This e�ect is not limited to synthetic imagery, it occurs in real images as well, as can be

seen in the results (and coarse images) from the Shoe stereo pair in Figure 4.13.

4.3.3 Solution using Phase-based Stereo

Our phase based method does a better job at addressing these problems. In this section we

demonstrate that our method, as presented in Chapter 3, e�ectively reduces the ambiguity

factor when the image pair contains enough information.

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4.3. Reducing the Ambiguity Factor 97

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40



Figure 4.10: Evolution of the Coarse to Fine evaluation function at pixel (170,100) in Fig-

ure 4.1. The coarsest scale appears on top, the plots below demonstrate the successive

re�nement. Contrast the bottom plot with Figure 4.2.

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98 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

Figure 4.11: Synthetic Speaker Grill. Actual disparity is 18.3445 pixels, but the pattern

repeats approximately every 3.8 pixels.

Our phase based method addresses the problem using the same tool as the coarse to �ne

method: a multiscale representation of the image. However, instead of enforcing an arbitrary

ordering on the scales that are used, a more intelligent adaptive search is performed. In

addition, results from di�erent scales are combined according to the known relationship

between the �lters that created them. Because each scale generates a real-valued phase

measurement, we have high-precision disparity estimates from all scales, not just the �nest

ones. These factors combine to yield a better behaved evaluation function in general, and in

ambiguous areas in particular.

Con�dence Estimates One of the advantages to the local spatial frequency framework

is that each multiscale measurement includes a con�dence estimate. In our phase-based

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4.3. Reducing the Ambiguity Factor 99

>= 2



Disparity Error(pixels)

Pixel Number




Scales in Disparity Space

100 200 300 400 500








Pixel Number

Coarse to Fine Disparity Space

100 200 300 400 500





Figure 4.12: Coarse to �ne results on Figure 4.11. Disparity map (upper left) has mean error

14.42 with � = 23.1308 pixels, ground truth error image (upper right) maps all errors � 2

to black. Lower plots are the coarse to �ne disparity space (left) and scale space (right) for

row 240 in the synthetic speaker grill. Ground truth for pixels 200{400 is 23.52 pixels.

method, the magnitude of the Gabor �lter output is a measure of con�dence in the phase

value. More precisely, a combination of high magnitude and the constraint in Equation 3.10

provide a measure of con�dence. This is an advantage over the coarse to �ne approach in the

spatial domain, which uses multiscale measurements without the bene�t of an independent

evaluation of their utility.

There are other phase based methods that use the coarse to �ne structure, and therefore

enjoy the bene�t of a con�dence estimate with their measurements. But they lack the ability

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100 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

Coarse to fine Disparity

100 200 300 400 500





Row 240 Scale Space

100 200 300 400 500





240 x 256

50 100 150 200 250





120 x 128

20 40 60 80100120



60 x 64

20 40 60




30 x 32

10 20 30




Figure 4.13: Coarse to �ne results and images from the Shoe image pair.

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4.3. Reducing the Ambiguity Factor 101

to correct for data missing at the coarsest scales.

Scale Selection Thanks to the evaluation function, our method is able to use an

adaptive search through scale space. To understand how this works, consider the error eval-

uation function in Equation 3.14. While the heart of the error computation is the di�erence

between the ideal phase di�erence and that measured in the image, there is also a weighting

term, which is the magnitude of the �lter output. The e�ect of that term is to amplify the

measurement errors of those �lters with high magnitude. In other words, deviations around

�lters with low magnitude are less important than those with high magnitude, since they

contribute less to the error.

Although this is an indirect argument, the point is that the �lters with most reliable

measurements will contribute the most to the matching error term. Thus the algorithm will

choose the proper �lters (i.e., scales) for the computation based on the characteristics of the

images themselves, not because of an arbitrary requirement imposed by an in exible search


Scale Independence Our method not only allows arbitrary scales to be selected, but

also considers each scale independently from the others. Because each �lter's contribution is

merely summed with all the rest, there is no arti�cial order in which they must be evaluated.

This is in contrast to coarse to �ne methods, which rely on the coarsest scales to constrain

potential mismatches at the �nest scales.

High Precision Another advantage of the phase-based approach is the quality of the

estimates produced at lower frequencies. Coarse to �ne methods typically use lower frequency

estimates only to restrict the range of disparity estimates checked at higher frequencies, but

our method produces real phase measurements at each scale.


To understand why our phase-based method outperforms the coarse to �ne approaches in

instances of ambiguity, we will compare their evaluation functions. And we will use the scalo-

gram to understand the reasons behind the improved shape of the phase-based evaluation


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102 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

0 10 20 30 40 50 60Disparity



0 10 20 30 40 50 60





0 10 20 30 40 50 60




Synthetic Grill pixel (240,300) Evaluation Functions

Figure 4.14: Synthetic Grill evaluation functions, illustrating the improvement of the phase-

based method over raw correlation (too many minima) and coarse to �ne (trapped in local

minimum). Actual disparity is 23.52 pixels at pixel (240,300).

Synthetic Speaker Grill

The synthetic speaker grill image provides a nice test case. Its regular structure makes it a

prime candidate for ambiguous matches in any stereo method, as can be seen in the evaluation

functions for raw correlation, coarse to �ne, and phase based stereo in Figure 4.14. In the

�gure, the raw correlation evaluation function pro�le exhibits ten local minima, all with

approximately the same amount of error, resulting in an ambiguity factor of nearly 1. It

seems clear that any local method such as this will be prone to ambiguous matches in the

grill image pair, but what about a coarse to �ne approach? Its evaluation function (also in

Figure 4.14) has a better pro�le, with a unique global minimum and low ambiguity factor,

but still has problems. The evaluation function has more than one local minimum, but

even worse, the unique global minimum found by the algorithm is not the correct disparity.

Both of these algorithms were fooled into making a false match by the numerous candidate

matches, a problem which their search strategy was unable to model successfully.

Our phase based approach not only �nds the correct solution, but also exhibits an eval-

uation function pro�le that would be considered ideal by any stereo method: a virtually

unimodal function with a single minimum located at the correct disparity. And as the Dis-

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4.3. Reducing the Ambiguity Factor 103

300 315 3301535

100 200 300 400 5000




el In



Synthetic Grill row 240

300 315 3301535

100 200 300 400 5000




el In



Synthetic Grill row 240




Phase−based Dis arity S ace

100 200 300 400 500









Scalogram Magnitude

100 200 300 400 500



Figure 4.15: Synthetic Grill Phase-based Disparity Space and constraint-�ltered Scalogram

for line 240. The raw pixel intensities appear above (the same scanline is plotted twice), and

illustrate the e�ect of the grill edges on the plots below.

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104 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

parity Space in Figure 4.15 shows, every pixel in this row has a similarly-shaped evaluation

function pointing to the correct disparity. How was our method able to succeed where the

others failed?

The explanation can be found in an analysis of the left magnitude scalogram for this

row, shown in Figure 4.15. By far the most prominent features are the dark vertical columns

that correspond to the edges of the speaker grill. Their presence is to be expected; the

Fourier transform of a step edge (e.g., the light/dark transitions in the original image) has

energy content at all frequencies. Another expected feature is the horizontal bar at the

top of the scalogram. This bar extends across the width of the speaker grill, and its row

number corresponds to the period of repetition of the holes in the grill (about 3.8 pixels).

The presence of a speci�c peak in each column like this is exactly what you would expect

from an image intensity pro�le that looks like a sinusoid. But the key to understanding why

the evaluation function maintains such a useful pro�le over the whole row is the dispersion

of the dark columns that occurs at the edges of the grill.

Recall that our phase-based stereo method compares columns in the left and right scalo-

grams. This dispersion results in higher magnitudes, and therefore more reliable phase

measurements, not only at the edges of the grill but also at low frequencies throughout the

central grill region. If only the highest frequencies in that region were considered, then the

evaluation functions for the center pixels would look much like the raw correlation pro�le

in Figure 4.14, thanks to the phase wraparound problem mentioned in Section 3.6.1 and

illustrated in Section 2.2.1. But in this case the analysis �lters with lowest frequencies were

wide enough to include the strong in uence of the step edge at the borders of the region. So

when the columns that represent pixels in the middle of the grill are considered, the analysis

also includes nonlocal information about the full extent of the similarly-textured region; the

�lters in the central columns know about the edges of the grill too. Therefore, our approach

to multiscale analysis is able to combine the very high and very low frequency measurements

e�ectively, eliminating the ambiguity faced by other methods.

This analysis also clari�es the reason the coarse to �ne method failed to resolve the

ambiguity. Even though there is good information at coarser scales (i.e., low frequencies),

there is no information at medium scales, as the white region in the middle of the scalogram in

Figure 4.15 demonstrates. And since the coarse to �ne method requires that some decision

be made at each scale, it is not surprising that decisions made in the absence of useful

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4.4. Modeling Ambiguity 105

information at middle scales would lead to incorrect results.


Our method is not foolproof, however. Consider the results of the phase-based method on

the Shoe image pair. The results look quite encouraging; the shoe disparities look good,

the background color is solid. But the background pattern is a repetitive checkerboard, and

the disparity found by our method is not the actual disparity; this is shown graphically in

Figure 4.16.

In fact this image pair was designed to produce ambiguity, as Figure 4.19 illustrates.

The fact that real imagery can exhibit inherent ambiguity like this forces us to rede�ne our

notion of disparity at a pixel.

4.4 Modeling Ambiguity

Sometimes it is simply not possible to reduce the degree of ambiguity present in an image.

In such situations it is best to model the ambiguity, rather than attempt to correct the

evaluation function by assuming no ambiguity exists. In this section we present a framework

for such an analysis, and demonstrate its potential for improving disparity estimates.

4.4.1 Extended Disparity Representation

Our ambiguity model requires us to extend the traditional notion of depth values recovered

by a stereo method. The usual model for depth at a pixel is a single disparity estimate,

possibly with an indication of the precision, or variance, of the result. Unfortunately, this

model does not include any information regarding the accuracy of the estimate. In fact,

it presumes an \all or nothing" approach to depth measurement; either the measurement

exists and is known to a certain precision, or no depth estimate is known (e.g., the pixel is

occluded). Thus the model implicitly assumes that all evaluation functions will have a single

unique minimum. As this chapter has demonstrated, e.g., in Figure 4.14, there are times

when this simpli�ed model is not su�cient.

The problem is that this model assumes a unique disparity can always be found. While

the 3D point imaged at a given pixel will certainly have a unique depth, there may be many

plausible disparities under a particular 2D evaluation function. The only way to incorporate

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106 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches








0 100 200 300 400 500 600




Pixel Number

Approx Ground TruthPhase-based Middle Row

Figure 4.16: Detail view of phase-based disparity results and approximate ground truth for

a middle row of the shoe stereo pair. Background disparities are consistent, but incorrect.

Figure 4.21 contains the complete disparity space for this scanline.

Pixel Number




Shoe Scalogram

100 200 300 400 500







Figure 4.17: Image Scalogram for the middle row of the left shoe image.

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4.4. Modeling Ambiguity 107

Figure 4.18: Phase-based disparity maps for the shoe image pair. Left map is the result

from using no constraints, right map is the result from using the heuristic in Section 3.4.3.

Figure 4.19: A view of the deviousness used in the construction of the Shoe image pair.

Although the images were taken of the shoe at against the texture (left image), the fact

that the actual disparity is larger than the period of the checkerboard pattern causes a purely

local search to reconstruct the scene with the shoe \ oating" above the textured background

(right image). Reproduced with permission from Kanade.

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108 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

multiple candidate disparities under the unique disparity model would be to decrease the

precision of the estimate by many pixels so that all candidates are included. That would be

a needless waste of information since each estimate is likely to be known rather precisely,

often to subpixel precision. A better model would allow a pixel to have several disparity

estimates, each with its own precision and relative likelihood. More formally,

Estimates = ( hdisparity, variance, error i : : : ) (4.2)

where disparity is the best estimate at a local minimum, variance is the curvature of that

minimum, and error is the evaluation function value at that minimum, expressed relative to

the other estimates at this pixel using the formula:

Error =errorn

maxi2PeakIndices errori


The PeakIndices are those disparities whose evaluation functions exhibit local minima. Their

automatic extraction is in general very di�cult, but we have constructed a heuristic approach

that works well enough to demonstrate the principle. By applying the following heuristic to

the evaluation function of single pixel, e.g., Figure 4.2, not only the global minimum but all

useful minima may be extracted. In this way multiple disparity estimates may be generated

at a pixel.

Automatic Estimate Extraction

The locations of local minima in a sampled function can be identi�ed using the heuristic

peak �nder �rst described in Section 3.4.3. Recall that the method works by locating the

global maximum, extracting a window of values around the maximum (up to the point

where the sign of the second derivative changes), �tting and subtracting a Gaussian to those

points, then iterating on the newly subtracted signal. The intuition behind it comes from the

observation that the same process that creates the local maximum will have residual e�ects

nearby, e�ects that diminish with distance from the peak. This occurs in the frequency

domain application of Section 3.4.3 because the frequency response of the Gabor �lters has

a Gaussian envelope, so nearby overlapping frequencies will indeed see diminishing e�ects

that fall o� as a Gaussian. In this new domain of evaluation functions, the assumption is

that the evaluation function error will increase monotonically when moving away from the


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4.4. Modeling Ambiguity 109

A few adjustments do need to be made to accommodate the new domain. Since the

original method �nds local maxima, and we are now interested in minima, the evaluation

function values must �rst be negated and translated to have a nonnegative minimum value

before calling the peak-�nder. Also, while the magnitude pro�le of overlapping �lters tends to

vary smoothly, in this case the evaluation function pro�le may have more abrupt transitions,

and generally will be subject to more noise. Therefore another threshold is introduced, to

enable the method to ignore small perturbations in its input. Whereas the previous method

expanded the window around the maximum until the second derivative became greater than

zero (i.e., changed sign), for this application we will set the threshold slightly above zero,

e.g. 0.5. The e�ect of this threshold is to allow the support window to grow larger in the

presence of noisy data, which should enable a better Gaussian �t. Finally, in order to avoid

spurious results from the smaller peaks that result from the subtraction step, we mark all

values that contribute to the Gaussian �t as unusable peaks. Should one of those pixels be

found to be the maximum, the iteration of the peak-�nding procedure will terminate.

Figure 4.20 illustrates this heuristic procedure on two examples. Regions of the function

that contributed to the Gaussian �t are marked with dashes in the �gure, and each extracted

maximum is highlighted with a dark circle.

Output from this heuristic provides exactly the multiple estimates demanded by Equa-

tion 4.2. The location of the peak indicates the disparity, the curvature of the evaluation

function provides the variance, and given a complete set of peaks the error can be computed

using Equation 4.3. In the next section we apply this heuristic to an image pair to illustrate

the bene�ts of the representation.

4.4.2 Demonstrating Improvement on an inherently ambiguous


Given the locations of the local minima in a pixel's evaluation function, multiple precise

disparity estimates may be associated with that pixel. Although multiple disparities can

model the results of stereo methods more accurately, in practise it is extremely di�cult to

put them to good use. The problem lies in the generalization from pixels to surfaces: if

all possible combinations of even as few as two estimates were considered, the number of

possible surfaces in a single scanline would be 2512, i.e., beyond astronomical. We will not

propose a general solution to this problem, but rather will demonstrate that useful results

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110 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches


p 2


p 3


p 4

0 20 40 60 80 100Final Result

Peak Finding on a sinusoid


p 1


p 2


p 3

0 10 20 30 40 50Final Result

Peak Finding on inverted Wolf evaluation function


p 1

Figure 4.20: Illustration of the peak-�nding heuristic from Sections 4.4.1 and 3.4.3 on a sine

wave (upper) and the inverted Wolf Evaluation Function from Figure 4.2 (lower). Dashed

lines indicate the region in which a Gaussian is �t and then subtracted.

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4.4. Modeling Ambiguity 111

may still be obtained.

We will use the Shoe image pair for this demonstration, since even our phase-based

method was fooled by its inherent ambiguity. Figure 4.21 illustrates the phase based dis-

parity space for the central scanline of the image pair, with the scanline plotted above for

comparison. In addition, local minima extracted by the heuristic (using a peak threshold

of 70% of the maximum) have been identi�ed and plotted directly over the disparity space

image in Figure 4.22. Only the peak locations have been plotted, their variance and error

components are implicit in the disparity space image. These local minimamake any inherent

ambiguities plain: when a column exhibits more than one local minimum, the corresponding

pixels will have a non-zero ambiguity factor.

The nature of the overall ambiguity becomes clear by inspecting the connectivity between

adjacent columns. All columns in the area representing the shoe (pixels 150{250) have a

single minimum at the correct disparity, and are thus clearly unambiguous. The area of

the checkerboard pattern has lots of peaks, though; individual columns have as few as two

or as many as nine potential matches within the given disparity range (0-50 pixels). The

majority of those peaks fall into disparities about 6 pixels apart: this corresponds nicely to

the period of the checkerboard in the original image, which agrees with our intuition that

the self-similar checkerboard texture makes pixels in the background prime candidates for

ambiguous matches.

The utility of this representation becomes clear when you contrast this combined minima

plot (Figure 4.22) with the disparity results of the phase based method (Figure 4.16) and of

SRI's method (Figures 4.7 and 4.23). From manual inspection of the original image pair in

Figure 4.5 (especially the black stripe on the right hand side that indicates the end of the

texture), we know that most of the actual image disparities lie around 10 � 2 pixels. The

incorrect results from both methods are easily explained as alternative local minima in the

disparity space that were chosen because the evaluation function rated them more favorably.

By plotting all of the local minima, we are more likely to �nd the actual disparity along with

other potential match points.

Once all the candidate matches have been found, we can accurately describe the match

quality over the entire scanline. Columns with a single match can be interpreted as be-

fore, where a single disparity value represents the most accurate reconstruction possible. In

areas with multiple candidates, techniques other than �nding the raw evaluation function

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112 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

0 100 200 300 400 5000




200Shoe row 240



Pixel Number

Pixel Number




Shoe Phase Based Disparity Space

100 200 300 400 5000






Figure 4.21: Shoe Disparity Space. The upper plot is row 240 from the Shoe image pair, the

lower plot is the disparity space computed by our phase-based method.

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4.4. Modeling Ambiguity 113

Pixel Number




Disparity Space with Peaks

100 200 300 400 5000






Figure 4.22: Phase-based Disparity Space with Peaks. Peaks computed using the heuristic

have been superimposed on the disparity space from Figure 4.21.

Pixel Number




Shoe SRI Peaks

100 200 300 400 5000






Figure 4.23: SRI Disparity over Phase-based Disparity Space. The seemingly random results

from Figure 4.7 actually �t nicely into the local minima of the phase-based disparity space

(the SRI disparity space was not available).

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114 Chapter 4. Accuracy: Dealing with Ambiguous Matches

minimum can help eliminate false targets. For example, morphological operations on a bi-

nary \peaks-only" image could be used to group similar disparity estimates together and

eliminate outliers. In the shoe example, such a procedure might �nd that the background

region has eight possible interpretations that can be grouped into three categories: a plane

that lies much closer to the camera than the shoe, nearly the same distance as the shoe, or

much further than the shoe. Such a procedure might average the error terms of the candi-

date matches to present those multiple interpretations in a particular order. By grouping

the multiple candidate matches together at adjacent pixels, we reduce the complexity of

the model from an astronomical number of independent pixel disparities down to a more

manageable eight potential surfaces.

A similar approach has already been demonstrated in (Zitnick & Webb, 1995). The core

of their stereo algorithm groups match candidates into surfaces, then chooses the surface with

the greatest number of points as the correct one. However, their method currently requires

that a pattern be projected into the scene, so it is not a passive stereo method. Further details

of their method are beyond the scope of this work, but the interesting point is that nearly

all prior work on stereo has focused on improving the shape of the evaluation function, while

Zitnick and Webb eliminate the evaluation function entirely, relying instead on pixel to pixel

matches (i.e., a 1x1 pixel evaluation window). This chapter has presented a compromise;

improve the evaluation function, and work with the extracted potential mismatches.

4.5 Summary

The problem of ambiguous matches, or false targets, can greatly reduce the accuracy of a

stereo vision system. We have shown that the usual approach to alleviating the problem, a

coarse to �ne re�nement strategy, imposes some (perhaps overly) strong requirements on the

stereo images. Our phase-based method relaxes those requirements, and is therefore able to

handle a wider variety of otherwise ambiguous images. We have also proposed a generalized

disparity model that explicitly represents multiple candidates. This model allows higher

level functions to reason more accurately about the structure of the image.

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4.5. Summary 115

Figure 4.24: The structure embedded within Figure 4.1. This image was computed by

applying our coarse-to-�ne stereo method with 5 pixel window and 5 pixel max disparity per

level to the original 340x340 image and a copy of the original shifted by 58 pixels.

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Chapter 5

Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening

Changes in latitude, changes in attitude.

| Jimmy Bu�ett

In this chapter we show how perspective foreshortening is manifest in the local spatial

frequency representation of stereo images. Ours will be a forward-reasoning analysis, begin-

ning with complete knowledge of the three-dimensional geometry of the scene and ending

with its two-dimensional projection in the image plane. The primary result is the presen-

tation (in Equation 5.10) of the Foreshortening Factor that allows us to compensate for

arbitrary foreshortening e�ects without explicitly warping the images. This result makes

no restrictions on the surface texture, and will not require the use of disparity derivatives.

The complementary technique (starting with the projections to determine three-dimensional

geometry) will be presented in Section 5.4.

To simplify the analysis, we assume the only object in the world is a textured at plate

that is either parallel to the image plane, or rotated about the vertical axis by some angle

�. We further assume that the stereo cameras have parallel optical (depth) and vertical

(height) axes. Note that we can restrict our attention to the e�ects of foreshortening in

one-dimensional image scanlines, rather than complete two-dimensional images, since all

disparities will be horizontal under this assumption. Our world model will likewise be a

two-dimensional slice through the three-dimensional scene. Figure 5.1 shows an overhead

schematic of a horizontal slice through the world. We adopt the convention that parameters

measuring distances in the world will be capitalized (e.g., XS , ZL), and those measuring

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118 Chapter 5. Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening











Figure 5.1: Overhead view of the foreshortening model. XS is the distance from the point

exactly in front of the left camera (the origin OS at distance ZL) to the point (S) on the plate

being studied; xiL and xiR are the left and right pixel indices of the image of surface point

S; the cameras are separated by baseline B and the surface tilts away from the cameras at

angle �.

pixel or camera distances will be lower case (e.g., xiL, f).

Figure 5.2 illustrates the e�ect of this foreshortening in the frequency domain. To simplify

the demonstration, a at plate that has a surface texture with a single frequency component

is used: a sine wave. The �gure has two images of the plate on top, and the corresponding

scalogram magnitude plots below. The head-on view of the plate on the left side of the

�gure has the expected scalogram; a horizontal line centered at the frequency of the sine

wave, with some extra energy (dark regions) at the edges of the plate where it borders the

plain white background. The rotated view also has a straight line in the scalogram, but

it appears at higher frequencies and is no longer horizontal. This transformation will be

quanti�ed precisely in the closed-form foreshortening factor developed later in this chapter.

Although our ultimate goal is to �nd the disparity between two stereo images, we must

�rst determine how the appearance of the object's surface texture will di�er between them.

Speci�cally, we want to know how the sampling rate varies between the two images. This is

a geometric formulation; what matters is how much of the surface is being mapped to each

pixel, not the actual surface texture (i.e., color intensity). So for each location XS on the

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Head-on Plate Rotated 60 degrees

Scalogram Scalogram

Figure 5.2: The e�ect of foreshortening on scalogram magnitude. Two views of a at plate

with a sinusoidal texture appear on top, and the scalogram magnitudes for their central

scanlines appear below. The responses are similar, but are compressed to higher frequencies

in the rotated view.

surface, we want to compare the pixel areas in the left and right images. Mathematically,

we want to compare the left sampling rate �XS

�xiLto the right sampling rate �XS


Sampling ratio =�XS





Simplifying the ratio in this way proves most useful. The resulting formula tells us we

can compute the sampling ratio (which will be called foreshortening factor later) in image

space, without having to explicitly model the distance XS along the object. Unfortunately,

it also implies that we need the disparity derivative (recall �disparity=�xiL is simply �(xiL�

xiR)=�xiL = 1� Sampling Ratio). Since our ultimate goal is to estimate disparity, it would

be best if we could avoid using both disparity and its derivative in our calculations (the

derivative of a noisy signal will be even noisier). The remainder of this section will show

how we can express this ratio with terms that do not require disparity derivatives.

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120 Chapter 5. Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening






Xs cos


Z + Xs sinL




Figure 5.3: Overhead view of the fore-

shortening model. Similar triangles for the

left camera geometry are highlighted (see

Equation 5.3).







Z + Xs sin

Xs cos − B






Figure 5.4: Overhead view of the fore-

shortening model. Similar triangles for the

right camera geometry are highlighted (see

Equation 5.4).

5.1 Relating Disparity to Surface Angle

How is disparity related to the surface angle? Equation 1.2 gives the disparity for an individ-

ual point, but we will now show how it varies across a surface. We will focus our attention on

the distance from the left camera to the surface point immediately in front of it, expressing

other depths in terms of this value ZL.

Recall that disparity is the di�erence of the left and right pixel indices. So let's see how

each of the left and right indices (xiL and xiR) relates to the surface angle �. A quick look

at Figure 5.1 shows us the general answer using similar triangles:

pixel index

focal length=

X World Coordinate

Z World Coordinate(5.2)

Figures 5.3 and 5.4 highlight the similar triangles for the left and right scene geometries.

Applying Equation 5.2 to those �gures we obtain expressions for xiL and xiR:


=XS cos �

ZL +XS sin �(5.3)


=XS cos � �B

ZL +XS sin �(5.4)

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5.2. Expressing the Foreshortening Factor using Image Parameters 121

Equations 5.3 and 5.4 give us expressions for xiL and xiR in terms of the focal length f ,

baseline B, distance in front of the left camera ZL, surface angle �, and location on the

surface XS . These equations represent projections of the same surface point XS into two

image planes, and we can �nd the relationship between them by solving Equations 5.3 and

5.4 for XS and setting them equal.

xiLZLf cos � � xiL sin �

=xiRZL +Bf

f cos � � xiR sin �(5.5)

Solving Equation 5.5 for the right pixel index gives us:

xiR = xiL

�1 +


ZLtan �



And �nally, recalling that disparity is the di�erence of the two indices:

disparity = xiL � xiR =Bf

ZL� xiL


ZLtan � (5.7)

Equation 5.7 is nearly the answer we want. It relates disparity to the scene parameters,

and does not depend on knowing the actual surface location. It does require knowledge of

ZL (distance to the surface point in front of the left camera), unfortunately, but we will

eliminate this restriction below.

Equation 5.7 has some interesting interpretations. When the surface is frontoplanar (i.e.,

� = 0 and thus tan � = 0) it reduces to the familiar expression relating disparity to depth

from Equation 1.2; this is correct since all surface points would lie at the same depth ZL.

And for an arbitrary �xed angle � the disparity derivative is constant, i.e., the disparity

varies linearly with respect to the image location xiL. While we won't take advantage of this

property of the derivative, it could prove useful to shape-recovery techniques.

5.2 Expressing the Foreshortening Factor using Im-

age Parameters

Now that we know how the disparity and pixel locations relate to surface angle, let us return

to the Foreshortening Factor (Equation 5.1) and eliminate the derivative by substituting

for xiR:

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122 Chapter 5. Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening

Figure 5.5: Left and right views of a surface tilted 65 degrees. Upper images are the central

scanlines, lower images are their corresponding scalograms. You can see similar features in

both scalograms: those in the left image are present at higher spatial frequencies because

the left image is subject to greater foreshortening e�ects than the right image.

Foreshortening Factor =�xiR�xiL


�1 + B

ZLtan �

�� Bf



from Equation 5.6

Geometric Form = 1 +B

ZLtan � (5.8)

This expression is very interesting. It tells us that for a given at surface, the Foreshort-

ening Factor is constant over both images of the surface. In other words, the local spatial

frequencies of the left and right images are related by a simple constant scale factor. You can

get a feel for this by visually tracking the low magnitude phase singularities (white spots)

between the two image scalograms in Figure 5.5.

The fact that foreshortening causes frequency shifts has been noted in the literature (Fleet

& Jepson, 1993), but no explicit model was given to explain it in the context of stereo vision

(but see (Krumm, 1993; Malik & Perona, 1989) for single image texture-based models).

Instead, the instantaneous frequency was recovered using a heuristic averaging technique.

This technique yielded somewhat better results than the use of direct frequency, but did not

take advantage of the scene geometry to compute the precise shift. This averaging technique

also failed whenever the frequency shift caused the instantaneous frequency to fall outside the

range of the �lter in either of the images. Our model overcomes these problems by making

use of all available frequency bands, rather than limiting attention to a small number.

The result in Equation 5.8 is useful for describing the form of the foreshortening e�ect

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5.2. Expressing the Foreshortening Factor using Image Parameters 123

(that of a constant scale factor), but it would be useless in a stereo matcher since it requires

knowledge of the depth ZL. A program that computed depth given depth would not be very

impressive. So how can we eliminate the need to know ZL? Consider the ratio BZL. We can

rewrite Equation 5.7 as:




f � xiL tan �(5.9)

and replace that in Equation 5.8, giving us this �nal expression for the projected form of the

Foreshortening Factor:

Projected form = 1 +disparity tan �

f � xiL tan �(5.10)

This is what we want! Equation 5.10 relates parameters in the image plane to the surface

slope �, but does not require prior knowledge of the distance to the object or an estimate

of the disparity derivative. It does require use of some known parameters (focal length f ,

image location xiL) and variables being estimated (disparity, surface angle �), but we will

see how to manage these algorithmically in Section 5.4.

In this section we described the e�ect of perspective foreshortening in terms of local

spatial frequency. We developed this theory in steps to demonstrate several properties:

the frequency shift (aka foreshortening factor) between images of an oriented at surface

is constant, it is independent of the surface texture, and it can be expressed using only

disparity and surface angle (without disparity derivatives). Section 5.4 will show how these

results can be applied to a stereo matching system.

5.2.1 Verifying the Foreshortening Factor

Before continuing, we will verify the geometric form of this Foreshortening Factor using a

simple example: a at surface with a sinusoidal texture. If the model is correct, the surface's

apparent spatial frequencies will be shifted between the two images by the amount given in

Equation 5.8. Note that we're not solving the stereo problem yet, in fact this demonstration

will use the known disparity to compare the left and right image frequencies at the same

surface locations. What this will show is that Equation 5.8 accurately predicts the frequency

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124 Chapter 5. Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening









0 50 100 150 200 250










0 50 100 150 200 250










0 50 100 150 200 250










40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220


Figure 5.6: Verifying the Foreshortening Factor - These graphs compare the predicted fore-

shortening factor (dashed line) against that computed using only image information (solid

line). The virtual lab setup (top left) and an example input image with surface angle of

60� (top right) are shown �rst. Next we have the results derived from a surface angled at

0� (middle left), 30� (middle right), 45� (bottom left), and 60� (bottom right). The virtual

surface is 4.0 units from the left camera, both cameras have a �eld of view of 45� and are

separated by a baseline of 0.4 (the surface in the actual images is larger than that shown in

the top left rendering).

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5.2. Expressing the Foreshortening Factor using Image Parameters 125

shift of a simple signal. We will use synthetic data so that our ground truth can be as precise

as possible.

Recall the geometric form of the Foreshortening Factor from Equation 5.8:

Foreshortening Factor = 1 +B

ZLtan �

Just what is this foreshortening factor? It describes the relationship between the spatial

frequencies at two image pixels representing the same surface point. How can we measure

such frequencies, and how do we know they correspond to the same surface point?

Finding the frequency is easy, but imprecise; we will use an arti�cial surface texture

that contains a single peak in the positive frequency domain, i.e., a sine wave. Its apparent

frequency can be found simply by locating the �lter output with highest magnitude.1 As a

further re�nement, we will use the instantaneous frequency (phase derivative) of that �lter

output as our frequency estimate. Under the scalogram representation this corresponds to

picking the maximum magnitude value in each column.

The procedure for �nding corresponding points is somewhat complex, but simply stated

involves using knowledge of the ground truth to give the disparity at each pixel (disparity

is inversely related to depth, which is known from the 3D model). Remember, we are not

trying to solve the stereo problem at this point, we are simply trying to verify a property of

corresponding pixels.

Having established the correspondence in the 2D images, we extract the apparent fre-

quency at each pixel using the method described above, linearly interpolating the instan-

taneous frequency measurements from the right image. Finally, we graph the ratio of the

computed image frequencies values against the predicted ratio in Figure 5.6, for several sur-

face angles. The computed ratio is quite accurate but gets progressively less precise as the

angle increases. The loss of precision occurs from several factors, e.g., our use of simple

linear interpolation to compute the frequencies, and our �lter set which only samples the

highest frequencies very sparsely.

1In practise our windowing scheme provides only high frequency info at the image borders, so our com-

puted Foreshortening Factor will become inaccurate at the ends of the graph since the actual spatial frequency

is lower than the lowest measured by the �lters at that pixel.

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126 Chapter 5. Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening

Frequency Shift as a function of Depth and Angles(1,y,x) 4.57 4.33 4.1

3.86 3.62 3.38 3.14 2.91 2.67 2.43 2.19 1.95 1.71 1.48 1.24

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0








Depth Ratio

Surface Angle (radians)

Scale Factor

Figure 5.7: Foreshortening Factor as a function of Depth and Angle. Depth is unitless

relative to the baseline, and varies from 3 to 100. Angle varies from zero to 85�.

5.3 Applicability

How important is this foreshortening analysis? More speci�cally, how often do situations

arise in which the assumption that a surface is frontoplanar can cause problems for stereo

systems? Intuitively the analysis would seem to be needed any time a surface is slanted

at a sharp angle; but what if the surface is so far away the slant can't be measured? One

might also think it only necessary for surfaces at the sharpest angles; but close up images

can exaggerate even small angles. We will use the Foreshortening Factor to quantify these

e�ects in the spatial domain.

Since we want to consider the scenery being imaged rather than the images themselves, we

will use the geometric formulation of the Foreshortening Factor from Equation 5.8. Although

this expression is a function of three variables, we can reduce it to two if we consider the

ratio of depth over baseline ZLB

to be a single variable. In the rest of this chapter the word

depth will denote this unitless version of depth, expressed relative to the camera baseline. For

example, the distance between a person's eyes would be 1, the distance to their computer

monitor 4-6, and the distance to the far wall in a typically small three-person graduate

student o�ce about 100. Figure 5.7 plots the near-complete Foreshortening Factor space for

a person looking at objects in such an o�ce.

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5.3. Applicability 127

Depth Range P(�10% e�ect) Example Domain

0-100 0.210355 Human in o�ce

5-20 0.354404 Robot Vehicle

30-100 0.0808227 Inspection Robot

Table 5.1: Probability that a surface exhibits �10% variation between images due to per-

spective foreshortening. The distribution of surfaces is assumed to be uniform within the

range of orientation angles from ��2to �

2, and depth ratios (distance divided by baseline)

are as speci�ed. A sample derivation can be found in Appendix B.

Figure 5.7 shows the Foreshortening Factor computed from many combinations of depth

and orientation (except for the extreme values near the point at which it approaches in�nity).

The graph makes it clear that the Foreshortening Factor has its greatest impact when objects

are sharply slanted and/or located near the cameras. We can quantify its in uence using

the contour lines that separate regions of large and smaller foreshortening e�ects. Suppose

we assume that surface depth and orientation are uniformly distributed throughout a scene.

Then we can compute the probability that a surface will require at least a 10% correction

term by �nding the area under the 1.1 Foreshortening Factor contour curve. The derivation

follows in Appendix B, but the result is that given a uniform distribution of angles from 0�

to 90� and depths from 0 to 100, the probability that a surface will require at least a 10%

correction is 0.210355. Try it out; if you're sitting in an o�ce, see if you can �nd one sharply

foreshortened surface for each set of four nearly head-on surfaces in your immediate vicinity.

Of course the probability of �nding foreshortened surfaces depends very much on the

domain being studied. Robot vehicles like Carnegie Mellon's NAVLAB often use a very

wide baseline, on the order of one meter. With the nearest visible ground point being about

�ve meters away, depth ratios of 5 to 20 are common in this domain. In that range, under the

same assumptions of uniform distribution, the probability of �nding a foreshortened surface

jumps to better than one in three (see Table 5.1). Inspection robots typically use much

smaller baselines, with corresponding depth ratios from 30 to 100. Even in that range, the

probability of �nding a 10% foreshortened surface is signi�cant (nearly one in twelve). These

results suggest that a wide variety of stereo vision systems could bene�t from an analysis

that considers the e�ects of foreshortening.

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128 Chapter 5. Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening

5.4 Application

The analysis in Section 5 is not only theoretically interesting, it can also improve the per-

formance of real stereo algorithms. Phase-based methods such as (Fleet et al., 1991; Sanger,

1988; Weng, 1993) as well as our method can bene�t from this analysis. In this section we ex-

plain how to apply the Frequency Shift to these phase-based stereo matching algorithms and

demonstrate how its application to our system increased the maximum matchable surface

angle from 30 degrees to over 75 degrees.

5.4.1 Extending Phase-based Stereo Algorithms

Some have argued that a small number of Gabor �lters are su�cient for stereo matching.

(Fleet & Jepson, 1993; Weng, 1993) The idea is that although the phase may vary slightly

across nearby frequencies, the amount of variation is small enough that the error introduced

in measuring it at what might be the wrong frequency will be insigni�cant. But the assump-

tion is made that the same �lters can be applied to both images, i.e., that both images can

be sparsely sampled at the same set of spatial frequencies. As was shown in the preceding

section, that assumption is not true when perspective foreshortening occurs in the images;

indeed, we have seen that frequency shifts of even 10% can occur often. Instead of introduc-

ing error by sampling at the wrong frequency, we would like to turn these perturbations to

our advantage by using them to con�rm hypotheses of surface slant.

We will need a dense sampling of the phase space to get the most accurate results. We

will also interpolate phase values between adjacent frequencies when possible. The image

scalogram provides a useful framework for such computations, and will be used as the basis

for our foreshortening-corrected stereo algorithm.

The method outlined in Section 3.7 uses a global minimization strategy to �nd the best

disparity from a list of candidates. This framework makes it easy to include a foreshortening

correction term: in addition to searching disparity space, we also search over surface angle.

Recall from Figure 5.2 that a foreshortened object will generate a response at di�erent

frequencies (i.e., scalogram rows) in the two images. Searching over surface angle allows us to

predict the corresponding frequency directly. Pseudocode for this revised algorithm is given

in Table 5.2. The only di�erence between this and the original algorithm is the presence of

the correction term on the right image phase measurements. This simple presentation of the

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5.4. Application 129

Given: A pair of greyscale images, lists of potential

disparities and surface angles, focal length f .

For each row

Compute Left and Right Scalograms L and R

For each column c

For each disparity d

For each angle a

correction = 1 + d tanac tana�f

error =X


�L(c; �)�

j��ideal(d; �) � (�L(c; �) � �R(c+ d; � � correction))j2�

Return d (and a) that yield minimum error

Table 5.2: Pseudocode for the foreshortening-corrected algorithm. Column index c must be

zero in the center of the image.

algorithm is only made feasible because of the large number of �lters used in the scalogram.

The large �lter set gives us a dense set of phases at many scales from which to compute the

appropriate subsampled phases.

There are several implementation details that arise from this simple correction factor.

It depends on three variables: the currently hypothesized disparity, surface angle, and the

current location within the image. Because these values vary at each pixel on the image

scanline, it must be recomputed for each hypothesis. And as was mentioned above, the

corrected frequency will almost certainly not be one of those already present in the scalogram;

some method of interpolation will be required. These are not serious problems, but imply

that their implementation will be very compute-intensive.

5.4.2 Results

We added the correction term to the algorithm presented in Section 3.7 using linear inter-

polation between adjacent phases. In this section we present the results of our method on

real images that have been synthetically mapped onto planar surfaces. The use of synthetic

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130 Chapter 5. Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening

data allows us to quantify its precision using perfect knowledge of the ground truth.

Consider the stereo pair in Figure 1.3. It shows a synthetic stereo image pair of a at plate

rotated 65 degrees from the image planes, with the image of a city scene texture-mapped

onto the plate. The actual disparity map (known from the 3D world model) and di�erences

between the ground truth and disparity computed by three stereo methods are presented

in Figure 5.8. The �gure shows disparity maps rendered as perspective surfaces; only the

area known to have texture is shown since the plain white background makes depth recovery

impossible in those areas.

For this demonstration of the foreshortening-corrected algorithm, a set of 501 potential

disparities were considered (0 to 50 in steps of 0.1), and the angle was �xed at 65 degrees.

The RMS error of this result was 0.38 pixels over the entire plate, with � = 0.63. The bulk

of this error can be attributed to two causes: the dark spots and a subtle systematic error

over the surface. The spots most likely arise from an artifact of the rendering process which

caused a few nearby pixels in one image to map to the same intensity. The more subtle

e�ect is that the disparity error, while within measurement bounds at the ends and center

of the plate, varies by as much as 0.5 pixels between the center and end of the plate (see

Figure 5.8, upper right).

The Kanade-Okutomi variable-window re�nement method (Kanade & Okutomi, 1990)

uses a statistical analysis to grow the window from 3x3 to some maximum, stopping when

an error criterion (based on local changes in intensity and disparity) is exceeded. For this

test we let disparity vary between 0 and 50 pixels (as in our method), let the window size

vary from 3 to 21 pixels, and ran the method for 10 iterations. It approximated the surface

shape well, but produced manymore outliers and quantized the at tilted surface into several

stair-step frontoplanar patches (see Figure 5.8, upper right). The RMS error of this method

was 0.99 pixels over the entire plate, with � = 2.36.

The uncorrected phase method results are also shown in Figure 5.8. The same 501

potential disparities were considered, but foreshortening correction was not applied. The

RMS error of this result was 3.77 pixels over the plate, with � = 6.23. The main source of

error is a general attening trend over the entire plate, most likely due to the larger windows

used at lower frequencies. Like most traditional stereo matchers, the uncorrected method

has a strong bias toward frontoplanar surfaces, but unlike Kanade/Okutomi this uncorrected

phase method is unable to restrict its attention to the smallest-sized windows.

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5.4. Application 131





60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Plate Disparity (row 127)

Ground TruthForeshortening-corrected

Kanade/OkutomiUncorrected Phase

Foreshortening-corrected Kanade/Okutomi Uncorrected Phase

>= 2



Disparity Error(pixels)

>= 2



Disparity Error(pixels)

Figure 5.8: Ground Truth and computed disparity maps for a surface angled at 65�. The top

row shows ground truth in perspective on the left, a graph of a representative scanline from

all methods on the right. The middle row shows perspective views of the disparity maps

computed by the foreshortening-corrected method, Kanade/Okutomi and the uncorrected

phase method. The bottom row shows di�erences between actual disparities and those

computed by the foreshortening-corrected method, Kanade/Okutomi and the uncorrected

phase method, for pixels that image the plate; darker values denote larger errors. Only

di�erences between 0 and 2 pixels are shown, errors larger than 2 pixels appear as a 2 pixel

error. Actual plate disparities range from 25.3 to 39.9 pixels.

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132 Chapter 5. Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening

Other Rotation Angles A cross-section of results for di�erent angles of rotation is pre-

sented in Figure 5.9. For these results only a representative scanline is shown, to demonstrate

how closely the computed disparity matches the actual ground truth. Only the disparities

on the plate itself are correct because the region behind it is a plain white background, and

there is no way to distinguish the correct disparity of a featureless surface.

The uncorrected method does reasonably well with small angles, but at slants greater

than 30� its performance degrades by several pixels. In contrast, the foreshortening-corrected

method performs well even at 75�, though at 80� the systematic error becomes more apparent.

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5.4. Application 133












0 50 100 150 200 250 300





0 GROUND TRUTHUncorrected Phase

Foreshortening Corrected










0 50 100 150 200 250 300





15 GROUND TRUTHUncorrected Phase

Foreshortening Corrected












0 50 100 150 200 250 300





30 GROUND TRUTHUncorrected Phase

Foreshortening Corrected












0 50 100 150 200 250 300





45 GROUND TRUTHUncorrected Phase

Foreshortening Corrected









0 50 100 150 200 250 300





60 GROUND TRUTHUncorrected Phase

Foreshortening Corrected











0 50 100 150 200 250 300





75 GROUND TRUTHUncorrected Phase

Foreshortening Corrected









0 50 100 150 200 250 300





80 GROUND TRUTHUncorrected Phase

Foreshortening Corrected

Figure 5.9: Ground truth and disparity (computed by both the uncorrected and

foreshortening-corrected phase methods) for the center scanline of the city scene at vari-

ous rotations. From left to right (and top to bottom): 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 80 degrees.

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134 Chapter 5. Precision: E�ects of Foreshortening

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Chapter 6


And at the laste he took conclusioun.

| Chaucer, the Knight's Tale

This thesis has addressed several long-standing problems in stereo vision: perspective

foreshortening, ambiguous matches, and the quantitative evaluation of stereo results. We

also demonstrate by example the utility of the local spatial frequency representation in the

context of stereo vision. Some particular contributions include:

Perspective Foreshortening We addressed the long-standing problem of perspective fore-

shortening in stereo vision. Ours is the �rst work to provide an analytical closed-form

expression for the e�ect of perspective foreshortening on stereo matching in the fre-

quency domain, and demonstrate that the model improves the results of a real stereo

method. Results relating foreshortening to the frequency domain have appeared in the

shape-from-texture literature (Krumm, 1993; Malik & Perona, 1989), but without a

description of the use of disparity; instead, the mapping between two areas was left

as a general a�ne matrix. Similarly, (Jones & Malik, 1991) uses an a�ne matrix to

relate two corresponding image patches in the context of stereo, but does not provide

the analytic relationship. Ours is the �rst presentation to unify these three themes

(stereo, foreshortening, frequency domain) and the �rst to demonstrate good matching

even at slants up to 75 degrees (the spatial-domain system of (Belhumeur, 1993) might

perform as well, but this has not been demonstrated).

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136 Chapter 6. Contributions

Adaptive Scale Selection We demonstrated the improvement of our scale-adaptive algo-

rithm over traditional multiscale (e.g., coarse to �ne) algorithms. Ours is the �rst

multiscale phase-based method that is not confused by missing information at inter-

mediate scales. Most of the prior stereo systems work either at a single scale or using

a coarse-to-tine approach in a �xed order. Ours is the �rst system to invoke automatic

scale selection (via �lter magnitude weighting) in a nonrestrictive manner. (Sanger,

1988) also used magnitude weighting, but imposed a restrictive limit on candidate dis-

parities. (Jones, 1991) also used some scale-space processing, but only to eliminate

the coarsest scales at depth discontinuities. Ours is the �rst system that can handle

missing information at any scales.

Phase Wraparound We eliminated the restriction of previous phase-based stereo algo-

rithms on the maximum disparity range, and described a new stereo algorithm that

eliminates the problem of phase wraparound. Ours is the �rst phase-based stereo

method to overcome these limitations.

New Disparity Model We proposed a new error model for disparity that more accurately

represents the inaccuracies that result from ambiguous matches. This new model

characterizes the results of stereo processing more appropriately than the traditional

two parameter model (disparity value with variance).

Datasets We proposed a new taxonomy for stereo vision experiments, and provided some

of the �rst public datasets with piecewise dense ground truth. These datasets and

the easy-to-use tools for creating them should encourage the community to use (and

demand) more quantitative evaluations of stereo systems.

To summarize, our method uses an adaptive search through scale space. We combine

estimates from the most reliable scales in a framework that can be used to evaluate the

likelihood of arbitrary disparities at each pixel; we are not limited by the wavelength of

any single �lter, as are all previous phase-based methods. The method eliminates the need

to perform explicit phase unwrapping, thereby improving accuracy, but at the cost of an

additional search over candidate disparities.

Potential future extensions to this work include:

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1. Addition of a precision parameter (variance) to the representation of ground truth in

Chapter 2 to account for measurement errors and variation within a pixel.

2. Development of a synthetic data generator with better lighting models (e.g., using

radiosity rather than ray tracing).

3. Addition of sequences of stereo images to the taxonomy in Chapter 2.

4. Experimentation with the shape of the evaluation function (as in Equation 3.14); a

replacement for AbsDi�Mod such as a cosine might yield smoother results, or be faster

to implement.

5. Speed up the processing by incorporating the fast wavelet transform with appropriate

interpolation in place of the complete scalogram computation, using a smaller set of

�lters, and a smaller set of foreshortening angle candidates.

6. Extend the occlusion and disparity models to account for multiple depths within a


7. Explore the use of nonsymmetric �lters (in place of the Gaussian envelope used by

Gabor �lters) to better address the disparity spillover that occurs at depth disconti-


8. Develop search strategies over the binary \peaks-only" images of Chapter 4 to merge

pixel disparities into potential surfaces.

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138 Chapter 6. Contributions

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Appendix A

Theodolite Error Analysis

Both stereo disparity and ground truth measurements have �nite precision which should be

made explicit. As a �rst step toward extending our notion of ground truth to include this

precision, we present in this section an analysis of the resolution obtainable using surveyor's

theodolites in their present con�guration as part of the Calibrated Imaging Laboratory (CIL).

The Calibrated Imaging Laboratory theodolites (Sokkisha, 1984) can repeatably measure

angles to within about 20 seconds of arc. That is, during a single test run, an individual can

repeatedly aim the theodolite site at a target, unlock it, then aim again and be con�dent

that the di�erence between successive measurements will never be more than 20 seconds.

This is in spite of the fact that the instrument readout is apparently measured to the nearest

tens of seconds (tens not tenths).

We would like to know how accurate subsequent X-Y-Z computations can be, under

this limitation. A simple two-dimensional (X-Z) analysis will give us a rough idea of the

magnitude of the precision in the horizontal plane. Figure A.1 shows the overall model:

depending on the angles measured, the computed depth D might lie anywhere within the

shaded region. Since that region is polygonal, we know that the largest possible error (i.e., the

maximum distance between any two points in the region) will occur between the endpoints

of one of its two diagonals. Just how long are the diagonals? To determine that, we need to

derive equations for the horizontal and depth coordinates. We address the horizontal �rst.


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140 Appendix A. Theodolite Error Analysis




Target Area

Figure A.1: Region of error. The greatest possible error occurs across one of the Target Area

diagonals (see Figure A.3 for a close up).


Target point

L RLeftTheodolite





Figure A.2: Two dimensional view of the theodolite imaging process.

A.1 Deriving equations for the coordinate axes

Figure A.2 shows the geometry of the scene. We will treat the two theodolites (as well as

the target) as points. � is the angle measured by the left theodolite, is that measured by

the right. B is the length of the baseline between the two theodolites; the baseline is split

in two at the projection of the target point: B = L+R. D is the distance from the baseline

to the target point. If we de�ne the left theodolite to be the origin of a coordinate system

with horizontal axis along the baseline, we have D as the vertical depth coordinate, and L

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A.1. Deriving equations for the coordinate axes 141

as the horizontal coordinate.

Now we need to express D and L as functions of the two angles and baseline alone. The

left and right angles bear a simple relationship to the two baseline parts:

tan � =L

Dand tan =



Solving for D and setting them equal, we have:




tan( )

Recalling that L and R sum to the baseline B, we have by substitution:

L =B

1 + tan( )tan(�)

and R =B

1 + tan(�)tan( )


This solves our horizontal coordinate problem: we have an expression for L that depends

only on angles �, and the baseline. Moving on, these equations give us two expressions for

the distance D between the baseline and target point:

D =L

tan �=



both of which reduce to the same symmetric result:

D =B

tan � + tan (A.2)

So now we have the depth coordinate D as well. Without loss of generality, we assume

the baseline is a constant factor and write D = d(�; ) and L = l(�; ). Now we can compute

the lengths of the two diagonals in the Target Area; the larger one will give us the maximum

possible error.

To compute the lengths of the diagonals h and v (shown in Figure A.3), we �nd the

Euclidean distance between their endpoints. Call the theodolite measurement error �: for

the CIL theodolites � is 2000. Then the length of the \horizontal" diagonal h (it's not really

horizontal) is:

h(�; ) =q(d(�; � �)� d(� � �; ))2 + (l(�; � �)� l(� � �; ))2 (A.3)

The vertical diagonal v (it's not really vertical) is computed in the same way:

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142 Appendix A. Theodolite Error Analysis

Target Area



Figure A.3: Target Area Precision (zoom in on Figure A.1): the largest error is the length

of one of the diagonals h and v.

v(�; ) =q(d(� � �; � �)� d(�; ))2 + (l(�� �; � �)� l(�; ))2 (A.4)

Now we're done; the length of the horizontal diagonal is the maximum error in the

horizontal direction, the vertical diagonal is the maximum error in depth. All that remains

is to plug in the measurement error � = 2000.

A.2 Results

In the current laboratory con�guration, the theodolite measurements will vary from 10 to

70 degrees, if all objects of interest lie on or above the object optical table. Figure A.4

shows the shape of the error surface for this con�guration, with � = 2000 and assuming a unit

baseline. How do we interpret this?

The largest error in Figure A.4 is about 0.0015, when both theodolites have angles of 10�.

What does this really mean? Assuming a baseline of 86.1 inches (219cm), it means an object

6:21m away can only by measured to within 3:3mm.1 However, the far end of the optical table

is only about 3m away from the baseline, and according to the model the center point on the

far edge gives angles of about 20� for each theodolite. The error for those angles is 0.0004,

which means the best precision for the far end of the table is 0:876mm= 0:0004�219cm. Thus

16:21m= 2:19mtan10�+tan 10�

and 3:3mm= 219cm�0:0015

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A.2. Results 143

Theodolite Error (10 to 70 degrees)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1020







Depth ErrorHorizontal Error

Figure A.4: Error Space for � = 2000 with unit baseline: depth error v(�; ) is greater than

horizontal error h(�; ) for all but the nearest points (when the sum of the angles is greater

than about 90 degrees)

it's safe to say our theodolite measurements over the optical table are in general accurate to

within a millimeter.

Nearer measurements have better accuracy. For example, in the CIL-0001 Stereo

Dataset the left horizontal angles range from 41 to 50 degrees, and right angles from 31

to 42 degrees. The maximum error in that range is 0:296mm = 0:000135 � 219cm.

It is in fact possible to compute the precision at each point. Simply plug the angles

measured into the error terms de�ned above. Or to estimate the precision for a whole

region, run the code in Table A.1 through the GNUplot package with appropriate limits

(instead of 10� to 70�), and visually pick out the largest error.

Limitations: The acquisition of ground truth requires that static objects be imaged in

a laboratory environment. However there are many applications for which dynamic imagery

is required, and stereo systems must be tested using comparable data. The acquisition of

such data implies that no ground truth will be available.

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144 Appendix A. Theodolite Error Analysis

d2r = pi / 180.0

hor(x,y) = 1/(1+tan(x * d2r)/tan(y * d2r))

ver(x,y) = 1/(tan(x * d2r) + tan(y * d2r))

d = 20.0/3600

splot [10:70] [10:70] \

sqrt((hor(x-d,y-d)-hor(x,y))**2 + \

(ver(x-d,y-d)-ver(x,y))**2) title "Depth Error", \

sqrt((hor(x-d,y)-hor(x,y-d))**2 + \

(ver(x-d,y)-ver(x,y-d))**2) title "Horizontal Error"

Table A.1: GNUplot commands that generated Figure A.4

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Appendix B

Derivation of Foreshortening


We present here the derivation of one of the probabilities from Table 5.1. Figure 5.7 showed

the Foreshortening Factor computed from many combinations of depth and orientation (ex-

cept for the extreme values near the point at which it approaches in�nity). The graph makes

it clear that the Foreshortening Factor has its greatest impact when objects are sharply

slanted and/or located near the cameras. We can quantify its in uence using the contour

lines that separate regions of large and smaller foreshortening e�ects. Suppose we assume

that surface depth and orientation are uniformly distributed throughout a scene. Then we

can compute the probability that a surface will require at least a 10% correction term by

�nding the area under the 1.1 Foreshortening Factor contour curve. This derivation assumes

the depth range begins at zero (the more general results require a little more work).

We want to �nd:

P (Foreshortening Factor � 1:1 or � 0:9) = P

�����tan �d����� � 0:1


for d = ZLB2 [0 : 100] and � 2 [��

2 : �2 ], each uniformly distributed. Since tan is symmetric

we can eliminate the absolute value by restricting the angle � to [0 : �2 ]. Continuing:


�����tan �d����� � 0:1

!= P

tan �

d� 0:1


R �


0 min�

tan�Foreshortening Factor�1 ; 100

�d�R �



R 1000 dd d�


R �


0 min�tan �0:1 ; 100




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146 Appendix B. Derivation of Foreshortening Probabilities

To eliminate the min from the integral we must �nd the minimum angle requiring a 10%

correction at distance 100:

�min = arctan 100(Foreshortening Factor� 1) = arctan 10 = 84:2894�

Now we can split up the integral into two parts and evaluate it:

Z �



tan �

0:1; 100

!d� =

Z �min


tan �

0:1d� +

Z �





"ln sec �




+ 9:96688

= 23:0756 + 9:96688

This brings us to the �nal result:


�����tan �d����� � 0:1



50�= 0:210355

So under the assumption of uniform distribution on depth ratio from 0 to 100 and angle

from �90� to 90�, the probability of a surface exhibiting at least a 10% foreshortening e�ect

is 0.210355.

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Appendix C


Table C.1 shows the default parameter values used to generate the images in this thesis.

Additional details can be found in the Matlab source code used to generate many of the

actual images, especially those in Chapters 3 and 4. This code is available on the web from

Mark Maimone's Index Page.1



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148 Appendix C. Numbers

Parameter Value Comments

Disparity Range d 0, 1, : : : , 50 The range of candidate disparities

can usually be inferred by �gure axes,

and the step size by the visible

quantization in disparity space images.

Often the step size will be less than 1,

which indicates subpixel precision.

Wavelengths W 2, 3, : : : , n=4 Unless otherwise stated, we typically

use the image scalogram sampling

which is linear in wavelength.

Wavelengths per window m 4 The Gaussian envelope of a Gabor

�lter will be truncated outside this

many wavelengths. This determines the

window size.

Sigma fraction �f 1/6 Given a �xed window size (m),

the � parameter of the Gaussian will

be this fraction of the window.

Fleet threshold .05 Cuto� for Equation 3.10.

Table C.1: Default parameter values used to generate images in this thesis.

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Appendix D

Application of Visual Reconstruction



Pittsburgh, PA XXXXX

(412) XXX - XXXX

work: (412) 268 - 7698

email: [email protected]

October 3, 1995

Prof. Peter Schickele



New York, NY XXXXX

Dear Colleague:

Greetings! I am writing to inform you of a most remarkable discovery: the visual ap-

pearance of Herr P.D.Q. Bach's headstone within the mausoleum on the outskirts of Baden-

Baden-Baden. Although said mausoleum was destroyed in the 1840s ([1] pp. 112-113),

computer analysis of the data collected by your esteemed research team ([1] pp. 131-135)

has made possible visualization of this artifact whose historical signi�cance cannot be un-


Page 176: Characterizing Stereo Matc...Characterizing Stereo Matc hing Problems using Lo cal Spatial F requency Mark W. Maimone Ma y 1996 CMU-CS-96-125 Sc ho ol of Computer Science Carnegie

150 Appendix D. Application of Visual Reconstruction


As you are no doubt aware, my own area of expertise lies in techniques for reconstruction

of three-dimensional shapes from oblique imagery [2]. Application of these techniques to

those passages of text referring to Herr Bach's exploits at Madame H�ollender's ([1] pp. 100-

101) resulted in images of a variety of organic experience [3] unsuitable for publication in

any reputable medium of scienti�c discourse. I remained �rmly committed to the project,

however (anybody who says I'm not is a liar), and following a, hunch, applied the principles

of super-resolution [4] to your original images graciously made available to me by a random

house-keeper for a remarkably small fee.

I shan't bore you with the details of the reconstruction, but merely outline the process.

Having accepted our dough, a dear (a female dear) house-keeper started us o� with the data.

Following the principles of laser holography [5], a specially-modi�ed computer �ltered the

light ray (a drop of gold on Sun interface was required) passed by me through a Headpiece to

the Sta� of Fa ([6] ) over a distance of some kilometers, a long long way to run. So like a

needle pulling thread1, the beam was fed through the IID/NM T-junction [7] while I retired

for a drink with jam and bread (that will bring us back to dough). Having scaled these

obstacles { naturally �ltering out any non-diatons we found oating around { we achieved

our �nal result, an image of which is enclosed herewith.

Should you �nd yourself with access to the World Wide Web I encourage you to examine:


for background.

Anxiously awaiting your reply I remain...

Your Honor's and my most especially Highly

Honored Sir's most obedient servant,

Mark W. Maimone


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[1] P. P. Schickele. The De�nitive Biography of P.D.Q. Bach. Random House, 1976.

[2] M. W. Maimone and S. A. Shafer. Modeling foreshortening in stereo vision using local

spatial frequency. In Intelligent Robotics and Systems, pages 519{524, 1995.

[3] P. Schickele. Schickele Mix no. 40. Public Radio International (formerly APR).

[4] P. Cheeseman, B. Kanefsky, R. Kraft, J. Stutz, and R. Hanson. Super-resolved surface

reconstruction frommultiple images. Technical Report FIA-94-12, NASAAmes AI Research,

December 1994.

[5] S. A. Benton. Photographic holography. In SPIE Proc. Optics in Entertainment,

volume 391, pages 2{9, January 1983.

[6] I. Jones, M. Brody, and Sallah. Scaling the tannis map room. [recently declassi�ed

Top Secret Army Intelligence Report 9906753], 1936.

[7] D. Adams. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, pages 11{13. Random House,


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152 Appendix D. Application of Visual Reconstruction

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accuracy, 2


Factor �, 85

autostereogram, 82

banana, 81


errors, 81


calibration, 38

models, 35

motion, 36


virtual, 31

correspondence problem, 82

cross correlation, 5

Data, Lt. Commander, 47

disparity, 3


error image, 4

image, 4

map, 4

disparity space, 86


constraint, 9

line, 9

evaluation function, 4

evaluation function

pro�le, 5

false target, 81

Fourier Shift Theorem, 55

fruit ies, 81

Gabor �lters, 51

histogram equalization, 33

image pyramid, 94


local frequency, 8

modeling errors, 81

MOVI target, 35

multibaseline stereo, 1, 13, 30, 82, 93

Nyquist interval, 50

occlusion, 93

occlusion masks, 27


unwrapping, 70, 136

wraparound, 24, 70, 72, 73, 77, 104,


precision, 2


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(sum of absolute di�erences), 5, 95

Sampling Theorem, 50, 52, 66

scalogram, 7, 8, 66{69, 73, 76, 77, 101, 103,

104, 106, 119, 122, 128, 129, 137


(sum of squared di�erences), 5

(sum of squared distance), 12

synthetic noise, 30

window e�ect, 55

window size, 6