Chapter3: Credit Instruments International Settlements Definition of credit instruments A credit (financial) instrument is a written or printed paper by means of which funds are transferred from one person to another. 1. Traditional credit instruments: notes Definitions in the general sense, documents of title in the narrow sense, notes, negotiable securities with the purpose of payment in money, signed by the issuer, unconditionally paid by the issuer or another person.

Chapter3: Credit Instruments International Settlements

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Chapter3: Credit Instruments International Settlements. Definition of credit instruments A credit (financial) instrument is a written or printed paper by means of which funds are transferred from one person to another. 1. Traditional credit instruments: notes Definitions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter3: Credit Instruments International Settlements

Definition of credit instruments A credit (financial) instrument is a written or printed

paper by means of which funds are transferred from one person to another.

1. Traditional credit instruments: notes– Definitions in the general sense, documents of title in the narrow sense, notes, negotiable securities with the purpose

of payment in money, signed by the issuer, unconditionally paid by the issuer or another person.

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Chapter3: Credit Instruments International Settlements

– Notes in ChinaBill of exchange/draftPromissory noteCheck/cheque– Legal Framework

– Anglo-American framework , focusing on rights and liabilities of parties concerned

1882, Bills of Exchange Act

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Chapter3: Credit Instruments International Settlements

Mainland Framework , focusing on statutory forms of behaviors related to bills.

Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Signed at Geneva, 1930;

Uniform Law for cheques Signed at Geneva, 1931.

The difference between the above two frameworks:

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United Nations Framework Convention on International Bills of Ex

change and International Promissory Notes, 1987;

Convention on International Cheques.China Law of the People’s Republic of China

on Negotiable Instruments, 1st, Junanry,1996

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Chapter3: Credit Instruments International Settlements

我国票据法的特别规定:1 、不得采用不记名背书;2 、承兑不得附条件,否则视为拒绝承兑;3 、不允许部分付款;4 、本票仅指银行本票;5 、允许持票人在到期日前进行追索;6 、凡签发持票人或来人抬头的汇票无效。

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– Characteristics NegotiabilityAssignment: share certificate, life policies, certific

ate of government stock, debenture;


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Chapter3: International Settlement Instruments

– Characteristics NegotiabilityAssignment: share certificate, life policies,

certificate of government stock, debenture;

Transfer: B/L, warehouse receipt, dock warrants, quasi-negotiable instrument;

Negotiation: bills of exchange, promissory notes, checks, CDs, bearer securities, negotiable instrument.

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Negotiable instrument is a chose in action, the full and legal title to which is transferable by delivery of the instrument with the result that complete ownership of the instrument and all property it represents passes freely from equities to the transferee, providing the latter takes the instrument in good faith and for value.

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Non-Causative Nature: the efficacy of the instrument is independent on the causes for issuing.

Requisite in Form: to be effective, a bill must embody the required items.

Presentation: the holder must present the bill to the payer in order to be paid.


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Part4 : 国际结算中的业务风险及防范– Risks in bills Forgery of bills (票据的伪造)

– 狭义的票据伪造,指假冒他人名义为出票行为;

– 广义的票据伪造,指假冒他人名义而为的各种票据行为,包括出票、背书、承兑、保证等票据行为的伪造。

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Part4 : 国际结算中的业务风险及防范 Falsification of bills (票据的变造)

– 所谓票据的变造,是指无权变更票据记载事项的人,擅自变更票据上的(除签章外)的记载事项的行为。例如:变造票据的记载金额、票据的到期日等等。

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Part4 : 国际结算中的业务风险及防范 Droit flaws (票据的所有权缺陷)

– 持票人对票据享有的所有权有缺陷。– 票据的持有人以欺诈、胁迫、暴力或恐吓


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1. Bill of Exchange – Definition A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in

writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a specified or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.

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必要项目汇票字样, bill of exchange

出票日期和地点( date and place )

付款期限( tenor )

无条件付款命令, pay to sb.……

收款人( payee )

受票人或付款人( drawee/payer )

出票人( drawer )

汇票金额( amount )

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the date and place of issuance


to determine whether the presentation of the draft has expired;

——见票后定期付款的汇票,持票人应当自出票日起 1个月内向付款人提示承兑;

——见票即付的汇票提示付款期限自出票日起 1个月。 to determine the payment date;

to decide whether the drawer has the issuing ability.

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tenor sight bill: pay on demand (example3-9)

time bill (example3-10):

pay on a fixed future date;

pay at xx days after date;

pay at xx days after sight.

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unconditional order to payPay to ABC co. Or order the sum of one thousand USD$.

Pay to ABC co. Providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of ten thousand USD$.

Pay to ABC co. The proceeds in our No.1 account the sum of one thousand USD$.

Pay to ABC co. or order the sum of ten thousand USD$ and charge/debit the sum to applicant’s account maintained with you.

Pay to ABC co. or order the sum of ten thousand USD$ drawn under L/C No.12345 issued by XYZ bank, N.Y. dated on 15th. Aug. 2004.

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payee bearer title:

Pay to bearer or Pay to ABC co. or bearer.

Restrictive title:

Pay to John Davids only or Pay to John Davids not transferable.

Indicative title:

Pay to the order of ABC co. or Pay to ABC co. or order.

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the name and address of the drawee or payer sequence of debtors’ payment to bills of exchange:

before acceptance: the issuer, the first endorser, the second endorser,……..;

after acceptance: the drawee, the drawer, the first endorser, the second endorser,……

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signature of the issuer

“for” “on behalf of ” “for and on behalf of” “per pro”

e.g. for ABC co. Ltd. London

John Smith,

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behaviors related to bills of exchange issuance ; endorsement Endorser: when a payee or a holder signs his name on

the back of the instrument for the purpose of transferring it to another person, he is called an endorser. He is liable to any of his subsequent endorser.

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Endorsee: the person to whom an instrument is endorsed. He is the holder of an instrument.

blank endorsement: For Bank of China


indicative endorsement:

Pay to the order of (name of the endorsee)

for (name of endorser)

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restrictive endorsement: Pay to (name of endorsee) only Pay to (name of endorsee) not transferable Pay to (name of endorsee) not to order for (name of endorser) presentation or presentment

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Acceptance: If the drawee agrees and assents to the order in writi

ng addressed to him on a bill of exchange, he will sign his name on its face, indicating that he will pay on due date. Then the drawee becomes an acceptor.

ordinary acceptance: Accepted DATE For (name of drawee) signature

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restrictive acceptance:(1) conditional acceptance: Accepted Date Payable on delivery of B/L For (name of drawee) signature

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(2) partial acceptance: Accepted Date Payable for amount of GBP20,000 only For (name of drawee) signature

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(3) acceptance at a designated place: Accepted

Date Payable at the Hambros Bank and there onl

y For (name of drawee) Signature

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(4) Deferred acceptance: Accepted Date Payable at 6 months after date For (name of drawee) signature

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payment dishonor and protest

Dishonor: a failure or refusal to make acceptance on or payment of a draft when presented.

Protest: A written statement under seal drawn up and signed by a Notary Public or other authorized person for the purpose of giving evidence that a bill of exchange has been presented by him for acceptance or for payment but dishonored.

Advice of dishonor: China 3 days; England two days; Geneva 4 days.

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A bona fide holder can claim payment from all parties liable on the instrument when dishonored by the acceptor.

A bona fide holder is the person who is in possession of an instrument that is complete and regular on its face; taken ① ②before maturity without notice of its previous dishonor; taken ③in good faith and for value; taken without notice of any ④infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating it.

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持票人对汇票、本票出票人和承兑人的权利,自票据到期日起 2年;见票即付的汇票、本票自出票日起 2年。

持票人对支票出票人的权利,自出票日起 6个月。

持票人对前手的追索权,自被拒绝承兑或被拒绝付款之日起 6个月。

持票人对前手的再追索权,自清偿日或被提起诉讼之日起 3个月。

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types of bills of exchange commercial drafts and bankers’ drafts

Commercial draft: a bill of exchange issued by a firm on another firm or on a bank.

Bankers’ draft: a draft drawn by a bank on another bank.

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Commercial acceptance bill and banker’s acceptance bill

clean bill and documentary bill Clean bill: a bill without shipping documents attached thereto.Documentary bill: a bill with shipping documents attached thereto.

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promissory notes – definition:

A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to the bearer.

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– Sample3-11– Difference between a promissory note and a bill of

exchange A promissory note is an unconditional promise to pay,

whereas a bill of exchange is an unconditional order to pay;

There are two parties to a promissory note, whereas there are three parties to a bill of exchange;

The maker is primarily liable on a promissory note, whereas the drawer is primarily liable for a sight bill and the acceptor is primarily liable for a time bill.

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– types: bank notes

check– definition:

A check is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by a person to a bank, signed by the person making it, requiring the bank to pay on demand a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to the bearer.

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– Sample(3-12)– Types:Cash check, transfer check, ordinary checkCrossed check: a check under which funds must be paid to

a bank only.General crossing: the bank through which the check is pai

d is not specified. Example3-14.Special crossing: only the bank mentioned in the check ca

n receive payment from the drawee bank. Example3-15

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traveler’s check – definition: A traveler’s check is a specially printed form of check

issued by a financial institution, leading hotels, and other agencies in preprinted denominations for a fixed amount to a customer for use when he is going to travel abroad. A traveler’s check is actually a draft on a bank or other agency.

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– partiesIssuer: the financial institutions, leading hotels

or other agencies issuing the traveler’s check.

Selling agent or office: the one that sells the traveler’s check. The selling agents should keep separate accounts to record the total amount of checks received and sold and remit the proceeds to the issuer at once.

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Holder: When purchasing the check, the person must sign his name thereon on the counter of selling agent.

Paying agent: the one that undertakes by arrangement with the issuer to pay the traveler’s check presented by the holder.

Transferee: the one to whom the traveler’s check is transferred.

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– ProceduresFirst, after filling in an application form, the purchaser sign

s his name on the face of each check in the presence of the teller and pays the amount equivalent to the total value of the checks plus commission;

Secondly, whenever the holder needs to cash the check, he countersigns on each check in the presence of the cashier. After ensuring that the signature is identical with that already signed thereon, the cashier encashes the check;

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Thirdly, After paying the check, the paying agent sends the check forward for collection and instructs the issuing bank to pay the proceeds either to its account or to some other bank for credit to its account.

– AdvantagesSafe; widely acceptable; convenient

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credit card short-term small amount consumer’s credit

extended by a bankParties: issuing bank, cardholder, and

merchant. Cyber-payments– DefinitionCyber-payment is a system that facilitate the

transfer of financial value through Internet or smart cards.

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– Advantages Cyber-payments can provide the

transacting parties with immediate, convenient, secure and potentially anonymous means to transfer financial value.

– Disadvantages Cyber-payments also have the potential to

facilitate the international movement of illicit funds.

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– development Magnetic cards: such as credit card, ATM cards,

prepaid cards, debit cards, cards that contain a magnetic stripe that allowed the user to gain access to a line of credit or bank account;

Chip cards: such as memory cards, smart cards, optical cards or laser cards. Smart cards are micro-processor-equipped cards that work with card readers installed in the computers of consumers, an access device and a self-contained store of value.

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Exercise: 天津纺织品进出口公司出口美国 ABC Trade Co. (add: Roo

m15, the 10th floor Great Building, Revenue Street, N.Y., USA) 一批货物 , 金额为 23845美元 . 假定天津纺织品进出口公司于 2002年 12月 5 日签发以其指定人为为收款人、见票后 60天付款的远期汇票,请代替天津纺织品进出口公司完成下列行为:

1 )出具汇票。2 )指定付款人于 2002年 12月 12 日承兑汇票,完成汇票的普通承兑行为。

3 )计算汇票的付款到期日。

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我国票据业务的创新票据权益投资集合资金信托 ——一种权益投资方式,由信托公司作为受托人和管理人,向合格投资者募集资金,主要用于银行持有的已贴现、未到期银行承兑汇票收益权。


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我国票据业务的创新票据信托的主要风险 ——承兑银行认为已贴现票据存在瑕疵,不予付款,一般情况下,存在瑕疵的情况主要包括印章不清,背书人不连续等。



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我国票据业务的创新票据存管业务 ——甲方为乙方提供票据签证、权属登记、实物票




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我国票据业务的创新代理签发银行承兑汇票业务 ——代理行接受同业客户的委托,利用代理行全国性的机构网络和良好的市场信誉,为同业机构指定的企业客户开立银行承兑汇票,代为办理异地票据结算业务。
