Chapter24 26 War in Europe

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    Chapter 26 World War II The War BeginsChapter 26 World War II The War Begins

    World War II Memorial Washington, DCWorld War II Memorial Washington, DC

  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    Steps to WarSteps to War Hitler ignores the Versailles Treaty

    Hitler knew the west would not raise ahand to stop him, he was right

    March 7, 1936 he took back the Rhineland

    Great Britain allowed Hitler to take backthe Rhineland

    Appeasement European nations would

    satisfy reasonable demands in exchange

    for peace.

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    Nazi Soldiers Retake The Rhineland

    Major Industrial Region along the Rhine River

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    You have only to look at the map to

    see that nothing we could do could

    possibly save Czechoslovakia frombeing overrun by the Germans.- British PM Neville Chamberlain, writing to his

    sister in 1938.

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    Munich ConferenceMunich Conference British, French, German and Italian

    representatives Reached an agreement to allow Hitler

    to have his demands

    Hitler got Sudetenland and the

    Czechs were abandoned by the west.

    Neville Chamberlain PrimeMinister of Britain claimed he had

    negotiated Peace for our timePeace for our time

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    Winston ChurchillWinston Churchill

    Great BritainGreat Britain

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    WomanUnable to


    her miseryas she



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    Hitler Invades PolandHitler Invades Poland Hitler demanded the Polish port of Danzig

    Great Britain offered to protect Poland

    France & Britain tried to negotiate a deal with Soviets to protect


    August 23, 1939 Hitler and Stalin

    agree on a treaty:

    Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact:

    Stalin gets control of Eastern Poland Sept. 1, 1939 Hitler invades Poland

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    Sept 1, 1939Sept 1, 1939

    HitlerHitlerAddresses ReichstagAddresses Reichstag

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    German Soldiers Enter Poland

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    September 1939September 1939

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    German Blitzkrieg 1940German Blitzkrieg 1940

    Poland DestroyedPoland Destroyed

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    German soldiers march through

    Warsaw, Poland.

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    THE BLITZTHE BLITZ German Blitzkrieg lightning war using

    armored columns called

    panzer divisions with air

    support Panzer Tanks = 300 per division

    Sept. 1939 - In 4 weeks, Poland

    Surrenders, then

    April 1940 Denmark, Norway,

    Yugoslavia May 1940 Netherlands,

    Belgium and then France!

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    German Stuka dive-bombers fly over Yugoslavia during the

    German invasion of Yugoslavia, which began on

    April 6, 1941.

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    Click on picture to view video

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    Hitler Takes Continental EuropeHitler Takes Continental Europe French sign an

    armistice on June22, 1940 withGermany.

    Britain was his lasttarget to defeat

    US stands by under

    FDR isolationism FDR wanted to go towar, but did not

    have public support

    Hitl Gl t

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    Hitler Gloats

    Click on picture to view the video

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    Th B l f B i i

  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    The Battle of BritainThe Battle of Britain German Luftwaffe (LOOFT vah fuh) =

    German air force led bombing raids ofBritain

    Hitlers 1st mistakeHitlers 1st mistake: Frustration led to a

    change of targets in Britain from militaryto civilian targets

    Move backfires British people show

    remarkable resolve and determination

    British military able to respond w/out attacks

    By September Hitler postponed British invasion

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    German Luftwaffe (LOOFT vah fuh)

    SHitl I d S i t U i

  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    Hitler Invades Soviet UnionHitler Invades Soviet Union

    June 22, 1941 Hitler breaks

    non-aggression pact, invadesUSSR

    1,800 mile long front Early winter and fierce Soviet

    fighting halted German advance 22ndnd big mistake for Hitlerbig mistake for Hitler

    creates a 2 front war

    P l H b

  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    Pearl HarborPearl Harbor December 7, 1941 Japanese aircraft

    bomb US Pearl Harbor base in Hawaii Japanese had launched assaults

    throughout Asia with great success

    Japanese viewed Americans as soft, asurprise attack would give them Pacificcontrol

    4 days after Pearl Harbor Hitlerdeclares war on US. Believes US actionin Pacific would make them weak in


    P l H b i Att k d

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    Pearl Harbor is Attacked

    Click on picture to see video

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    A i AlliA is s Allies

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    Axis vs. AlliesAxis vs. Allies

    ALLIES: Great Britain, USA, and USSR

    agree to fight until the Axis Powerssurrender unconditionally

    AXIS: Germany, Italy, Japan

    FDR and Winston Churchill (Britain) meet

    in US and plan massive attacks in Europe

    US first attacks in Africa vs. Italian andGerman troops

    May 1943 US/British troops force

    German/Italian surrender in Africa

    4/5 of the World at War

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    4/5 of the World at War

    St li dStalingrad

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    Most terrible battle of the war

    Stalingrad major industrial center inUSSR

    Germans finally stopped after fiercefighting in winter conditions

    The entire German Sixth Army (their

    best) surrenders at Stalingrad

    Hitler gives up on plans of winning in


    Battle of Stalingrad

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    Battle of Stalingrad

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    General Eisenhower with troops.

    Training in Britain.

    D Day:D Day: Historys greatest naval invasionHistorys greatest naval invasion

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    D-Day:D-Day: History s greatest naval invasionHistory s greatest naval invasion June 6, 1944 Allied forces under command of US general

    Eisenhowerlanded on Normandy beaches of France Within 3 months the Allies had landed 2 million men and

    million vehicles Allies broke through German lines beginning the push towards


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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter24 26 War in Europe


    B-26 Drops Bombs on GermanyB-26 Drops Bombs on Germany

    Hitler SurrendersHitler Surrenders

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    Hitler SurrendersHitler Surrenders January 1945, Adolf Hitler moves into

    a bunker 55 feet deep under Berlin Hitler blamed Jews for the war

    April 28th

    Mussolini shot and killed byItalian resistance fighters

    April 30th Hitler commits suicide in


    War in Europe was over

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