Chapter Project Reports 2011 – 2012 California Tau Chapter University of California, Irvine 1

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Page 1: Chapter Project Reports - Tau Beta Pi T.pdf · Chapter Project Reports 2011 – 2012 California Tau Chapter University of California, Irvine Introduction The Tau Beta Pi National

Chapter Project Reports 2011 – 2012

California Tau Chapter University of California, Irvine


Page 2: Chapter Project Reports - Tau Beta Pi T.pdf · Chapter Project Reports 2011 – 2012 California Tau Chapter University of California, Irvine Introduction The Tau Beta Pi National

Introduction The Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society was founded at Lehigh University in 1885 by Dr. Edward Higginson Williams, Jr. with the purpose “to mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as undergraduates in engineering, or by their attainment as alumni in the field of engineering, and to foster a spirit of liberal culture in engineering colleges’, -- Preamble to the Constitution.

Tau Beta Pi is the second oldest honor society in the United States and the oldest engineering honor society to represent all engineering disciples. The national society has a membership of 522,911. The California Tau (CA T) chapter at the University of California, Irvine, was founded in 1982.

The 2011-2012 academic school year saw more than fifty events held by the California Tau chapter of Tau Beta Pi. This booklet provides a comprehensive summary of these projects and events. It is organized into a chronological time frame beginning with the Fall 2011 quarter as well as late summer 2011, continuing through the Winter 2012 quarter, and ending with the 2012 Spring quarter. Events are categorized into the following: Meetings, Socials, Community Service, Fundraisers, Liberal Arts, Professional Developments, and Outreach.

• Meetings are an integral part of the chapter, as they provide organization and community to the society while providing professional development and social activities.

• Social events not only provide a respite from the demanding schedules of future engineers: they also build the networking relationships required in today’s industry.

• Community service helps build character and also allows the chapter give back to the local community.

• Fundraisers provide for the chapter’s monetary needs to maintain the many events conducted throughout the academic year.

• Liberal Arts events aim to expand members’ and initiates’ experiences to develop well-rounded engineers with a holistic education.

• Professional Development encourages the growth in professionalism in an engineer’s career and life.

• Outreach connects the ideals and practices of engineers to future generation as the chapter offers high school students the opportunity to discover the engineering discipline.

The Tau Beta Pi, California Tau chapter, at the University of California, Irvine continues to expand and develop every year by building upon its previous successes. This prosperity is due largely in part of the faculty advisors, student advisors, officers, members, and initiates. It is with passion and dedication that the chapter continues to upholds the societies’ motto, “Integrity and Excellence in Engineering.”


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Advisors and Officers Tau Beta Pi, California Tau chapter recognizes the time and effort the following people have brought to the year’s success:

Professor Derek Dunn-Rankin – Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department Faculty Advisors

Professor Farghalli A. Mohamed – Chemical Engineering & Materials Science Department Professor Ali Mohraz – Chemical Engineering & Materials Science Department Director Said M. Shokair – Director of Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Professor Lorenzo Valdevit – Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department

Derek Chien Student Advisors

Ling Xuan Kong Siavash Ahrar

Jinwan Kim – Incumbent President Officers

Chau Diep – President Elect, Incumbent Activities Committee Co-Chair Katie Mo – Incumbent Vice President Internal Tony Doan – Vice President Internal Elect, Incumbent Activities Committee Co-Chair Ronald Luu – Incumbent Vice President External Daniel Kha Le – Vice President External Elect, Incumbent Webmaster Arjun Goswami – Incumbent Treasurer Indranni Mikkilineni – Treasurer Elect Tony Nguyen – Incumbent Corresponding Secretary Daniel Chien – Corresponding Secretary Elect, Incumbent Outreach Committee Co-Chair Kent Jacob Codilla – Incumbent Recording Secretary Nathan Directo – Recording Secretary Elect Martin Chang – Incumbent Community Service Chair Mary Danielson – Community Service Chair Elect Brandon Wong – Incumbent Outreach Co-Chair Emerald Chun – Incumbent Outreach Co-Chair Kathleen Pham – Outreach Chair Elect Joseph Cuevas – Activities Chair Elect Chao Shen – Incumbent Industrial Relations Co-Chair Kyle Dykman – Incumbent Industrial Relations Co-Chair Fady Barsoum – Industrial Relations Chair Elect Doug Huynh – Incumbent Publicity Chair Kevin Lam – Publicity Chair Elect


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Fall 2011


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 1

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Summer Activities (Summer) 06/30/2011 - 09/08/2011

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Ling Kong Initiates: N/A I. General Description: Officer meetings during the summer were held to reflect on the performance during the past quarter and prepare for the upcoming quarter. Successful events were analyzed and evaluated to replicate in the future. Problems and mistakes were thoroughly discussed for possible avoidance and backup plans. In addition, matters regarding the Outreach program during the summer and possibility of implementing the Bike Project were discussed. The outreach program was very successful and plans for the Bike Project were made. In order to compensate for giving out t-shirts at no charge to initiates after initiation, a car wash fundraising event was also held. The last three meetings focused on planning events for the Fall quarter, including discussions on increased fee for initiation and senior stole. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Reviewed what was learned from past events/meetings 2. Events and activity for the future were brainstormed 3. Officers were assigned specific tasks to complete in order to delegate responsibilities 4. Possible backup plans were prepared

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Administrative

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 7 Hours Participating 10

PEOPLE Number of Members 16 Number of Initiates Total Participants 16

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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V. Problems Encountered: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: They were valuable times to reflect and plan VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 2

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Fall 2011 Officers Meeting 1 (Week 0) 09/22/2011

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, (also various members for different meetings) Initiates: n/a I. General Description: Officer/Member Meeting 1 It was the first meeting after summer, a week before the information session. Email etiquette was reviewed and the final touches to the resume DVD to be submitted to Nationals were planned. Events for the quarter were finalized and three-man teams for each event during the quarter were chosen. A new event, the engineering program seminar series, began to be planned for the quarter. Finally, member Kyle Dykman was interviewed and accepted as a new officer for Industrial Relations position, working along with officer Chao Shen. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Each meeting is unique. See Description. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote establishment of personal connection and learn professional skills V. Problems Encountered: None

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 14 Hours Participating 17

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 24 Total Participants 41

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: General meetings for initiates and members were good opportunities to meet other initiates/members and r eap the benefits of the different meetings VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 3

Adopt-A-Row at Shadetree (Recurring)


Attendance List: Members: Martin Chang, Katie Mo Initiates: None I. General Description: The Adopt-A-Row program allows our chapter to adopt a row of plants/trees to care for at a nursey in the Shadtree Partnership. As an organization we are in charge of weeding, staking, fertilizing, water, re-planting, rooting, as well as many others means of caring for the plants to ensure their growth. II. Organization & Administration: The Adopt-A-Row program is in conjuction with the Shadetree Partnership. The Community Service chair of the chapter is in charge of contacting the organization and making sure the plants are tended to on a monthly basis. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Members of the Tau Beta Pi chapter were invited to come care for the plants. 2. Interested members were contacted in order to schedule a time and plan rides. 3. The attendees of the event drove to the location of the Shadetree Partnership.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program is part of the Community Service aspect of our chapter. It helps to maintain our continuing good relations with the Shadetree Partnership, as we regularly take part in their monthly events at the plant nursery. V. Problems Encountered: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: There were only two members who volunteered for the event. It is desired to bring more interest in the Adopt-A-Row program. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 0 Hours Participating 6

PEOPLE Number of Members 2 Number of Initiates 0 Total Participants 2

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 4

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Fall 2011 Meeting: Information Session & Senior Stole Meeting (Week 1)


Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, (also various members for different meetings) Initiates: Kourosh Adlparvar, Christopher Case, Michael Corrado, Joseph Cuevas, Kevin Kim, Young Min Kim, Kevin Lam, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kathleen Pham, Kenneth Teeter, Jacqueline Thomas, John Tsai, Kevin Wang, Fady Barsoum, Humza Bhakhrani, Nathan Directo, Andrw Esposo, Elliot Huang, Yichen Lu, Michael Lum, Cunxiang Mi, Christine Nguyen, Sara Samaan, Yanwen Wu I. General Description: This was the first information session for the fall quarter. Officers were introduced and President Jinwan Kim presented on who we are, the benefits of becoming part of Tau Beta Pi and the requirements necessary to become a member. Some freshmen were asked to return the following fall and all transfer students met the chapter requirements to be eligible to initiate during the Fall quarter. Professionalism was emphasized during the meeting, and professional attire was required for officers. After the information session, the senior stole meeting for graduating members were held. A large percentage of seniors attended and a l arge number expressed interest in receiving the stole. The meeting was held at 8 pm and took no more than 20 minutes. For the next senior stole meeting, an earlier time was deemed desirable since many felt that the meeting was held too late. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Each meeting is unique. See Description.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 14 Hours Participating 17

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 24 Total Participants 41

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote establishment of personal connection and learn professional skills V. Problems Encountered: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: General meetings for initiates and members were good opportunities to meet other initiates/members and r eap the benefits of the different meetings VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 5

Pool Night Social (Recurring)


Attendance List: Members: Kent Jacob Codilla, Arjun Goswami, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Kyle Dykman, Daniel Le, Martin Chang, Ronald Luu, Brandon Wong, David Ma, Lawrence Andres, Ling Kong, Tony Nguyen, Katie Mo, Emerald Chun, Jinwan Kim, David Shin Initiates: Kourosh Adlparvar, Adnan Anabtwai, Humza Bhakhrani, Christopher Case, Mike Corrado, Joseph Gomez, Yonng Min Kim, Kevin Lam, Michael Lum, Christine Nguyen, Kenneth Teeter, Jacqueline Thomas, John Chen Tsai, Kevin Wang, Sara Samaan, Cunxiang Mi, Yichen Lu, Anthony DeNicola, Giuseppe Venneri I. General Description: The pool night social was a free activity for Tau Beta Pi initiates and members to socialize over games of pool or video games at the UCI Zot Zone.The pool night social gave initiates and members alike an opportunity to meet some very interesting people while relaxing over a friendly game of pool. For people who wished to bond over a competitive Xbox 360 game, they could easily do so as both of the video game systems were rented out for the duration of the event. II. Organization & Administration: Tau Beta Pi's pool night social is not in conjunction with any other school organization or private group, so it is planned and run completely by TBP mates. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Pool tables and Xbox 360s were reserved a few days before the event. 2. The reservation was confirmed the day of the event. 3. Officers in charge of the social arrived at the Zot Zone early to get everything ready.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Pool night is part of the social aspect of Tau Beta Pi. Our chapter encourages initiates to be well rounded, so mingling with like-minded individuals over friendly games is a great way to satisfy that goal. Attending the pool night social helped initiates complete one out of the three socials required to initiate. We highly recommended attending this event to all initiates, because it is by far the easiest one to complete. A short meeting coupled up with a pool social is a g reat way to simultaneously get credit for the social requirement and meeting requirement. V. Problems Encountered: No problems, just good times.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 1 Hours Participating 2

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 19 Total Participants 36

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $24


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The event was surprisingly successfl even though not too many initiates signed up for the event prior to it. These things have a habit of working themselves out, but it would be nice if the initiates and members RSVP'd prior to the event. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 6

Shrek the Musical (New)


Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Tony Doan, Emerald Chun Initiates: Andrew Esposo I. General Description: Since the Beauty and t he Beast Broadway Show last year was such a successful event, we decided to host another broadway show as a liberal arts event. This time, we picked Shrek the Musical as our choice and was held at the Segerstrom Performing Arts Center. Rides were provided and everyone met at the location as scheduled. To our greatest luck, one of our officers, Emerald Chun, had connections with the ticket master and was able to get us even better seats at no cost! The show was amazing! Compared to the last broadway show, Beauty and t he Beast, Shrek the Musical was more humorous than emotional. Personally, it was one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. I was talking to the others and they were having a great time as well! The show started at 6:30pm and ended at 9:00pm as scheduled. II. Organization & Administration: The Co-chairs for the Activities Committee were the sole organizing body of this event. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Reserve tickets ahead of time. 2. Advertise for the event via meetings and emails. 3. Call and confirm participants. 4. Plan carpool rides to the event.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: TBP wishes for its members to be well versed in both academics as well as the arts. That is exactly why TBP has made liberal arts some of its requirements to join. Instead of the usual concerts and orchestras we host as our events, every once in a w hile, I thought it would be a nice change to watch a broadway show. These shows allows members to just sit back, relax and enjoy every aspect of the show: the music, the comedy, the vocal talents of the actors, their amazing acting skills, and definitely the atmosphere. It's a nice change from academia and though these shows are a bit expensive, they are worth every penny.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 3 Hours Participating 2.5

PEOPLE Number of Members 3 Number of Initiates 1 Total Participants 4

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $440


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V. Problems Encountered: Shrek the Musical had several showtimes, but we couldn't get student discounts unless we went on a weekend. The only weekend that was opened on our calendar was the on the 9th of October, which was actually pretty early. I also had to buy tickets early or else they would run out. The problem was I didn't know the exact number of people who are going. Last year, our broadway event was successful and we also had to order tickets early, but all the tickets were soldout quickly. This year, assuming that the event will be just as successful, we bought 20 tickets. We advertised for our events through announcements during meetings and through emails. Unfortunately, not too many initiates/members were not interested. Ultimately, we resorted to inviting personal friends to come along to use the extra tickets. In the end, we were only able to get a total of 12 people to come. Conclusively, we lost about $200, which includes the $2 processing fee per ticket. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Next time, we could order less tickets. After all, it's better to be on the safe side. Also, we could do a bit more advertising. Some of the possible reasons that made the event unattractive could be the price went up, the event was schedule early and not many people have their schedule set in stone, or people have the wrong conception that the event was a musical instead of a broadway show. When advertising, instead of just telling people what the event is, we can also include about past similar events and how awesome they were. This will surely attract more people's attention and thus, attendance as well. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 7

Engineering Futures: Analytical Problem Solving (Recurring)


Attendance List: Members: Martin Chang, Kyle James Dykman, Jinwan Kim, Tony Nguyen, Katie Mo, Chao Shen, Marvin Chan Initiates: Kevin Kim, Yanwen Wu, Indrani Mikkilineni, Chris Hurst, Yichen Lu, Chris Case, Santush Gurtc, Elliot Kwan, Amanda Nozaki, ShuXiang Zhang, Masin Tuchi, Jacqueline Thomas I. General Description: The Engineering Futures: Analytical Problem Solving event was held to give a new source of information to members and initiates on how to solve problems. It included different ways and perspectives on thinking processes and brainstorming to how to interact and gain value from other people in a team environment. II. Organization & Administration: Engineering Futures: Analytical Problem Solving was organized with Tau Beta Pi National. The Industry Relation chair of the chapter is in charge of contacting the organization and confirmation of the speaker and event. In this two hour event, food and drink were provided to those who attended, including the speaker. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Tau Beta Pi Industry Relations Chair contacts National to plan a date for the Engineering Futures Event.

2. Members and initiates were then invited once the date was set. 3. Confirmation with National was made through email a few days before the event and

information on the specific room and time was sent to the speaker. 4. The Industry Relations Chair would escort the speaker to the room if requested. 5. A Tau Beta Pi Officer would get food and drink for participants (optional).

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This event is held for Professional Development for initiates and members. It helps them to develop professional skills that would be very beneficial for jobs, graduate school, as well as developing other soft skills such as communication and teamwork. V. Problems Encountered: Room booked was a little small for number of participants, chairs were needed from other rooms to compensate for lack of seats.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2 Hours Participating 2

PEOPLE Number of Members 6 Number of Initiates 12 Total Participants 18

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $53.61


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Engineering Futures is a good way for officers to learn a good professional skill while getting to know new initiates and fellow members. It would be suggested that a large enough room is booked just in case more participants show up. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 8

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Fall 2011 Meeting: Q&A Session (Week 2) 10/6/2011

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, (also various members for different meetings) Initiates: Kourosh Adlparvar, Christopher Case, Michael Corrado, Joseph Cuevas, Kevin Kim, Young Min Kim, Kevin Lam, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kathleen Pham, Kenneth Teeter, Jacqueline Thomas, John Tsai, Kevin Wang, Fady Barsoum, Humza Bhakhrani, Nathan Directo, Andrw Esposo, Elliot Huang, Yichen Lu, Michael Lum, Cunxiang Mi, Christine Nguyen, Sara Samaan, Yanwen Wu I. General Description: A Q&A session was held for those who missed the first information session. Although the attire for the session was casual, unlike the information session, professionalism was still upheld. Initiates who attended the first meeting were encouraged to go to the social after the second meeting but not to the second meeting unless they had specific questions. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. n/a IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote establishment of personal connection and learn professional skills V. Problems Encountered: None

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 14 Hours Participating 17

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 24 Total Participants 41

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: General meetings for initiates and members were good opportunities to meet other initiates/members and r eap the benefits of the different meetings VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 9

Shadetree (Recurring)


Attendance List: Members: Martin Chang, Daniel Chien, Chao Shen Initiates: Joseph Cuevas, Indrani Mikkilineni, Nathan Directo, Christopher Case, Kourosh Adlparvar, Yichen Lu, Christine Nguyen, Chris Hurst, Yanwen Wu I. General Description: The Adopt-A-Row program allows our chapter to adopt a row of plants/trees to care for at a nursey in the Shadtree Partnership. As an organization we are in charge of weeding, staking, fertilizing, watering, re-planting, rooting, as well as many others means of caring for the plants to ensure their growth. In conjunction with a monthly Shadetree project, we helped to not only care for our own row of plants, but also weeded twelve other rows. II. Organization & Administration: The Adopt-A-Row program is in conjuction with the Shadetree Partnership. The Community Service chair of the chapter is in charge of contacting the organization and making sure the plants are tended to on a monthly basis. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Members of the Tau Beta Pi chapter were invited to come care for the plants. 2. Interested members were contacted in order to schedule a time and plan rides. 3. The attendees of the event drove to the location of the Shadetree Partnership.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program is part of the Community Service aspect of our chapter. It helps to maintain our continuing good relations with the Shadetree Partnership, as we regularly take part in their monthly events at the plant nursery. V. Problems Encountered: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Established a new row for adoption of trees, as well as obtained equipment from Shadetree Partnership. Additional tasks besides weeding would help to add variety to the project.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 0 Hours Participating 4

PEOPLE Number of Members 3 Number of Initiates 11 Total Participants 14

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 10

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Fall 2011 Meeting: Mandatory Meeting with Medtronic Speaker (Week 3)


Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, (also various members for different meetings) Initiates: Kourosh Adlparvar, Christopher Case, Michael Corrado, Joseph Cuevas, Kevin Kim, Young Min Kim, Kevin Lam, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kathleen Pham, Kenneth Teeter, Jacqueline Thomas, John Tsai, Kevin Wang, Fady Barsoum, Humza Bhakhrani, Nathan Directo, Andrw Esposo, Elliot Huang, Yichen Lu, Michael Lum, Cunxiang Mi, Christine Nguyen, Sara Samaan, Yanwen Wu I. General Description: The third general meeting was mandatory for those who wanted to initiate this quarter. Mandatory session events included catalogue card collection, fee collection, bent distribution and portrait shots of each initiate. The portrait shots of initiates started the prior Spring quarter to help officers learn the name of each initiates. Also for this meeting, Senior Scientist Dr. Baxter from Medtronic was invited to speak about engineering and the career outlook for the engineering students. Much valuable advice was given, including the fact that it is better to submit applications to job openings with requirements that may appear to be above the student's own resume lists and still have chances of getting the job. The speaker was motivating and encouraged students to apply to internships and jobs earlier to get the experience they need in the future. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Each meeting is unique. See Description.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 14 Hours Participating 17

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 24 Total Participants 41

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote establishment of personal connection and learn professional skills V. Problems Encountered: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: General meetings for initiates and members were good opportunities to meet other initiates/members and r eap the benefits of the different meetings VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 11

Adopt-A-Row at Shadetree (Recurring)


Attendance List: Members: Martin Chang, Kyle James Dykman, Jinwan Kim Initiates: Young Min Kim, Michael Lum I. General Description: The Adopt-A-Row program allows our chapter to adopt a row of plants/trees to care for at a nursey in the Shadtree Partnership. As an organization we are in charge of weeding, staking, fertilizing, watering, re-planting, rooting, as well as many others means of caring for the plants to ensure their growth. II. Organization & Administration: The Adopt-A-Row program is in conjuction with the Shadetree Partnership. The Community Service chair of the chapter is in charge of contacting the organization and making sure the plants are tended to on a monthly basis. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Members of the Tau Beta Pi chapter were invited to come care for the plants. 2. Interested members were contacted in order to schedule a time and plan rides. 3. The attendees of the event drove to the location of the Shadetree Partnership.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program is part of the Community Service aspect of our chapter. It helps to maintain our continuing good relations with the Shadetree Partnership, as we regularly take part in their monthly events at the plant nursery. V. Problems Encountered: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: In order to create a sense of continuinity, it is suggested the adopted row be changed from constantly changing smaller plants to larger trees. Additionally, much of the watering set up is an issue, and attending when the system is on is preferable for trouble shooting purposes. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 0 Hours Participating 8

PEOPLE Number of Members 3 Number of Initiates 2 Total Participants 5

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 12

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Fall 2011 Meeting: Officer/Member Meeting 2 (Week 4) 10/20/2011

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, (also various members for different meetings) Initiates: n/a I. General Description: Officer/member meetings are held to reflect on the progress of the quarter and to plan for upcoming events. Many pro's and c on's of the previous events/meetings were discussed to learn from their mistakes and successes. Although it was a long meeting, many great ideas and opinions were expressed. An important announcement about Tau Beta Pi study room was discussed. The study room was moved to a larger room, but in order to avoid complains from other engineering clubs, it was decided to make it into a "honors society study room" that will be shared with other engineering honors societies. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Each meeting is unique. See Description. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote establishment of personal connection and learn professional skills V. Problems Encountered: None

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 14 Hours Participating 17

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 0 Total Participants 17

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: General meetings for initiates and members were good opportunities to meet other initiates/members and r eap the benefits of the different meetings VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 13

Project Remembering the Unremembered (New)


Attendance List: Members: Tony Doan, Chau Diep, David Ma, Chris Hules Initiates: Kevin Lam, Micheal Lum, Christine Nguyen, Kathleen Pham, John Tsai, Yanwen Wu I. General Description: This Liberal Arts event allows our chapter to learn more about modern dancing to convey massages. Watching this performance let us feel a strong sense of choreographic composition and understanding of elements of modern dance. II. Organization & Administration: The dance was organized by the Activity Chairs from UCI chapter. The performance Remembering the Unremembered brought by Nickerson-Rossi Dance. Nickerson Rossi-Dance is a non-profit dance company under the direction and choreography of Michael Nickerson-Rossi. The activities co-chairs only organized the attendents for our chapter. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Members of the Tau Beta Pi chapter were invited to watch the performance 2. Interested members were contacted in order to buy the tickets and plan rides 3. Called in the box office to order bulk tickets 4. The attendees of the event drove to the Rose Center Theater in Westminster.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program is part of the Liberal Arts aspect of our chapter. It helps to enhance the knowledge of engineers in the field of Arts and spend more time bonding with other fellows members. V. Problems Encountered: The performance desired to attend was Waiting for Godof, not Remembering the Unremembered. However, we did not buy the tickets on time and they were sold out quickly. Remembering the Unremembered is just a back up event. We also arrived 10 mins late at the event because we underestimated the traffict time. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Buy tickets at least a w eek in advance. Take into account of traffic hours.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2 Hours Participating 4

PEOPLE Number of Members 4 Number of Initiates 6 Total Participants 11

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $137


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VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 14

Mini Golf (New)


Attendance List: Members: Tony Doan, Chau Diep, David Ma, Katie Mo, Jinwan Kim Initiates: Chris Case, Elliot Hoang, Sara Saaman, Jonathan Lu, Nicole (coudlnt find from the initiate list) I. General Description: This Social event allows our initiates to have more bonding time with the officers along with playing fun time outdoor (playing minigofl) and indoor (laser tag) II. Organization & Administration: This event is organized by the Activity Chairs from UCI chapter. The mini golf place takes place at Camelot Gofland. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Members of the Tau Beta Pi chapter were invited to sign up for the event 2. Interested members were contacted in order to plan rides 3. Made resercation for group discount tickets 4. The attendees of the event drove to Camelot Gofland.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program is part of the social aspect of our chapter. It helps the innitiates and members to relieve stress with outdoor activities and spend more time bonding with other fellows members. V. Problems Encountered: Some initiates signed up for the event and asked for rides, but didn’t plan on attending, so we had to call some of them to ask if they were going to show up or not. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Tell the initiates to at least inform us if they have a change of plan. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2 Hours Participating 4

PEOPLE Number of Members 5 Number of Initiates 5 Total Participants 10

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $100


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 15

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Fall 2011 National Conference (Annual Conference) 10/27/2011 - 10/30/2011

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim (CAT), other officers/advisors from various chapters and the national headquarter officials Initiates: I. General Description: The Tau Beta Pi National Conference held at Indianapolis was a valuable experience. It was a humbling experience to see and meet officers from chapters from all over the nation and learn how unique each chapter is. Our chapter, California Tau, received three awards during the conference: Membership award, Chapter Project award and R.H. Nagel Most Improved Chapter Award. Such awards served as a reassurance that our chapter is indeed growing but also have more room to grow. Our next goal is to receive all of the awards. We learned that our chapter needs to increase the number of initiates. In order to do so, we will work to resume sending out paper invitations along with the Dean's letter. Our outreach advisor Professor Debra Mauzy-Mellitz put in a good word to the new Dean about our Outreach Program and he has a positive impression about Tau Beta Pi at UCI. We also need t o start initiating more professors, graduate students and industry personnel. Few were interested but no further actions have been taken yet. From talking with other chapters, we realized that we need a way to judge character for the new initiates. We plan to set up a number of questions that need to be asked during officer luncheon to help judge one's character. Also, even though Tau Beta Pi on UCI campus have been better known on campus, further effort must be made. Visibility on c ampus is critical so more school-wide events are in the future plans. Further things learned from the National Conference has been discussed during officer meetings. II. Organization & Administration: National Headquarter and Hosting Chapters (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. National Headquarter and Hosting Chapters Organized

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 3 Hours Participating 24

PEOPLE Number of Members 1 Number of Initiates 0 Total Participants 1

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: To decide on matters regarding the national establishment of Tau Beta Pi and share useful information among chapters V. Problems Encountered: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: It was a g reat opportunity to experience Tau Beta Pi in a national level and interact with leaders from the national headquarter and other chapters. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 16

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Fall 2011 Meeting (Week 6) 11/3/2011

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, (also various members for different meetings) Initiates: Kourosh Adlparvar, Christopher Case, Michael Corrado, Joseph Cuevas, Kevin Kim, Young Min Kim, Kevin Lam, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kathleen Pham, Kenneth Teeter, Jacqueline Thomas, John Tsai, Kevin Wang, Fady Barsoum, Humza Bhakhrani, Nathan Directo, Andrw Esposo, Elliot Huang, Yichen Lu, Michael Lum, Cunxiang Mi, Christine Nguyen, Sara Samaan, Yanwen Wu I. General Description: General Meeting 5: Game Night (11/03/11) The second quarterly Tau Beta Pi Game Night was held. Game night is based on the popular TV show "Minute to Win It." Each team must send a volunteer to complete a task within 60 seconds to win. Initiates, members and officers had a great time and it was a good opportunity to get to know each other. A good MC will make the event even more entertaining. Due to its success, this meeting will be a traditional meeting for the chapter, albeit with some alterations. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Each meeting is unique. See Description. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote establishment of personal connection and learn professional skills V. Problems Encountered: None

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 14 Hours Participating 17

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 24 Total Participants 41

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: General meetings for initiates and members were good opportunities to meet other initiates/members and r eap the benefits of the different meetings VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 17

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Fall 2011 Meeting: Scavenger Hunt (Week 7) 11/10/2011

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, (also various members for different meetings) Initiates: Kourosh Adlparvar, Christopher Case, Michael Corrado, Joseph Cuevas, Kevin Kim, Young Min Kim, Kevin Lam, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kathleen Pham, Kenneth Teeter, Jacqueline Thomas, John Tsai, Kevin Wang, Fady Barsoum, Humza Bhakhrani, Nathan Directo, Andrw Esposo, Elliot Huang, Yichen Lu, Michael Lum, Cunxiang Mi, Christine Nguyen, Sara Samaan, Yanwen Wu I. General Description: Scavenger Hunt meeting is a traditional meeting for the chapter when initiates in various teams with officers compete with each other in a scavenger hunt that involves teamwork, engineering knowledge and speed. The questions in the scavenger hunt ask questions about history of Tau Beta Pi, hypothetical questions with engineering concepts and interesting characteristics of various locations on campus. Top 3 team with the most points and fastest team received gourmet chocolates as prizes. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Each meeting is unique. See Description. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote establishment of personal connection and learn professional skills V. Problems Encountered: None

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 14 Hours Participating 17

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 24 Total Participants 41

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: General meetings for initiates and members were good opportunities to meet other initiates/members and r eap the benefits of the different meetings VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 18

Taste of Fall (New)


Attendance List: Members: Martin Chang, Emerald Chun Initiates: Kenneth Teeter, Kevin Lam, Kevin Wang, Kevin Kim, Nicole Mi, Jacqueline Thomas, Elliot Huang I. General Description: "Taste of Fall" was a gathering of restaurants promoting sustainable food practices. Food was provided to guests paying a one t ime entrance fee. Tau Beta Pi members and initiates helped with setup, general assistance, serving food, and cleaning up. The event took place in a repurposed open warehouse of the Second Harvest Food Bank, and featured musical performances complemented with an art gallery. II. Organization & Administration: The Taste of Fall event was primarily organized by Ecofficiency and The Positive Plate, groups focused on sustainability, and specifically for the latter, in sustainable foods. The Tau Beta Pi chapter contacted Ecofficiency and enlisted as volunteers for their program at the event three weeks prior. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. The Tau Beta Pi chapter initiated contact with Ecofficiency regarding volunteering opportunities at the event.

2. Interested members were contacted in order to confirm attendance, as well as interest in specific shifts during the event.

3. The attendees of the event drove to the Second Harvest Food Bank and volunteered. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program is part of the Community Service aspect of our chapter. It helped to encourage sustainable food practices for restaurants. The event also exposed members to such sustainability concepts, and provided ample opportunity to hone their people skills in greeting, serving, and assisting both the hosts and guests. V. Problems Encountered: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The event could have used more volunteers, despite the fact that the volunteer amount was capped at 10 total for the Tau Beta Pi

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 0 Hours Participating 8

PEOPLE Number of Members 2 Number of Initiates 7 Total Participants 9

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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chapter. The event hosts recognized this need at the end, and will likely change this for any future events. Otherwise, the event was a very unique opportunity in which the members were allowed to participate in for free, and the excellent work performed has opened a venue for a source of future service projects with Ecofficiency. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 19

2nd Sundays at Upper Newport Bay (Recurring)


Attendance List: Members: Martin Chang Initiates: Chris Hurst, Mike Corrado, Kathleen Pham, Sara Samaan I. General Description: We went to Upper Newport Bay to help in a monthly nature restoration event. This specific day involved helping remove invasive species of plants and helping maintain and foster the growth of native plants. After removing the invasive plants, the Tau Beta Pi chapter helped to plant new native species of plants in the area and water them. II. Organization & Administration: 2nd Sundays at Upper Newport Bay is hosted by the Orange County Parks organization, and it open to a range of volunteers. This specific day saw a collaborative event between Tau Beta Pi and other engineering student organizations like Phi Sigma Rho, Theta Tau, and also a community service organization, Circle K International. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Members of the Tau Beta Pi chapter corresponded with OC Parks to attend the event. 2. Interested members were contacted in order to schedule a time and plan rides. 3. The attendees of the event drove to the location of the event.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program is part of the Community Service aspect of our chapter. The event helped educate members on t he ecology of the area, and t he importance of maintaining a s trong presence of native plant species. It also opened up the opportunity for social interactions between chapter members are other members of the community such as fellow students in the organizations mentioned above. V. Problems Encountered: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The event was a success, though the collection of four separate student organizations did create an issue initially regarding rides to the event. This particular day saw 127 volunteers, more than OC Parks is used to having, though in the end they were able to accommodate the surplus of volunteers. Future events could be improved with a more organized carpool system.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 0 Hours Participating 4

PEOPLE Number of Members 1 Number of Initiates 4 Total Participants 5

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 20

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the gray text form fields in each of the tables and seven sections below. Be specific but only add information which may be helpful to another chapter. Do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters. Please write in PAST TENSE.

Fall 2011 Meeting: Mandatory Meeting with Director Said Shokair (Week 8) 11/17/2011

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, (also various members for different meetings) Initiates: Kourosh Adlparvar, Christopher Case, Michael Corrado, Joseph Cuevas, Kevin Kim, Young Min Kim, Kevin Lam, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kathleen Pham, Kenneth Teeter, Jacqueline Thomas, John Tsai, Kevin Wang, Fady Barsoum, Humza Bhakhrani, Nathan Directo, Andrw Esposo, Elliot Huang, Yichen Lu, Michael Lum, Cunxiang Mi, Christine Nguyen, Sara Samaan, Yanwen Wu I. General Description: This meeting was the second mandatory meeting when the second initiation payment is collected and initiates' progress towards completing the initiation requirements are evaluated. Initiates brought polished bents for inspection by the officers and any problems with completing initiation requirements were discussed. Also, availability of officer positions were heavily advertised during the meeting because election occurs during the Winter quarter shortly following Fall quarter initiation. During the meeting, Director Said Shokair, who is also one of the chapter's advisors, spoke about the value of engineering education and what the students can do to get the most out of it. He gave a motivating talk about taking charge of their own lives' direction and making smart decisions for their future. Director Said also helped excite and encourage students about the choice to study engineering in a university level. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Each meeting is unique. See Description.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 14 Hours Participating 17

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 24 Total Participants 41

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote establishment of personal connection and learn professional skills V. Problems Encountered: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: General meetings for initiates and members were good opportunities to meet other initiates/members and r eap the benefits of the different meetings VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 21

Bowling Night (Recurring)


Attendance List: Members: Tony Doan, Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Jinwan Kim, Martin Chang, Katie Mo, David Ma, Kent Jacob Codilla, Kevin Leong, Matthew Nease, Brandon Wong, Sourish Bandyopadhyay Initiates: Kenneth Teeter, Christopher Hurst, Indrani Mikkilineni, Christine Nguyen, Andrew Esposo, Joseph Cuevas, Nathan Directo I. General Description: Galaxy Bowling at Irvine Lanes provided initiates and members an opportunity to take their minds off midterms and k ickoff the weekend with an ent ertaining night of bowling, music, and refreshments. From 10pm to 1am, Tau Beta Pi enjoyed unlimited bowling, ate some delicous pizza, and drank several pitchers of root beer and pink lemonade. While the bowling DJ played chart topper music videos from the last 4 d ecades, the initiates and members bowled frame after frame in pursuit of strikes. In between frames, lanes 38 to 40 were ripe with interesting conversation about a variety of topics ranging from classes to weekend plans. The officers constantly made their rounds, making sure everyone was having a good time. II. Organization & Administration: This social was exclusively for Tau Beta Pi members, but we worked with Irvine Lanes to make the event go according to plan. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. First we contacted Irvine Lanes about reserving the bowling night social using three student dollar stretcher coupons.

2. Prior to the event, we had a s ign up s heet to get an idea of the number of initiates and members attending. Outside the bowling arena, we had everyone group up in evenly before going inside.

3. Everyone was given "bracelets" which admitted them to the galaxy bowling event. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Late night bowling at Irvine Lanes fulfills 1 out of the 3 s ocial events required for initiation. The timing of the event is perfect, because engineering students can really use a break during midterm week and there truly is no better way to relax and unwind than bowling at midnight in the company of good friends. Furthermore, this social helps our initiates and members become more well rounded by expanding their social circles and showing them that engineers can not only work hard, but play hard too.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2 Hours Participating 4

PEOPLE Number of Members 12 Number of Initiates 7 Total Participants 19

COSTS Total Income $240 Total Expenses $240


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V. Problems Encountered: No problems were encountered. Things went very smoothly. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Next time, we will notify the initiates of the actual time of the event upon creating the sign up sheet. This will assure that we get as many people as possible to come out. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 22

Shadetree (Recurring)


Attendance List: Members: Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Ling Kong Initiates: Joseph Cuevas, Indrani Mikkilineni, Nathan Directo, Christopher Case, Kourosh Adlparvar, Yichen Lu, Christine Nguyen, John Tsai, Yanwen Wu, Kathleen Pham, Sara Samaan, Andrew Esposo I. General Description: The Adopt-A-Row program allows our chapter to adopt a row of plants/trees to care for at a nursey in the Shadtree Partnership. As an organization we are in charge of weeding, staking, fertilizing, watering, re-planting, rooting, as well as many others means of caring for the plants to ensure their growth. In conjunction with a monthly Shadetree project, we helped to not only care for our own row of plants, but also weeded other sections of the nursery. Our chapter removed approximately 130lbs of weeds. II. Organization & Administration: The Adopt-A-Row program is in conjuction with the Shadetree Partnership. The Community Service chair of the chapter is in charge of contacting the organization and making sure the plants are tended to on a monthly basis. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Members of the Tau Beta Pi chapter were invited to come care for the plants. 2. Interested members were contacted in order to schedule a time and plan rides. 3. The attendees of the event drove to the location of the Shadetree Partnership.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program is part of the Community Service aspect of our chapter. It helps to maintain our continuing good relations with the Shadetree Partnership, as we regularly take part in their monthly events at the plant nursery. V. Problems Encountered: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Additional tasks besides weeding would help to add variety to the project, however the staff specifically requested additional weeding during this activity. This helped to strengthen our relationship with the staff further.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 0 Hours Participating 4

PEOPLE Number of Members 3 Number of Initiates 12 Total Participants 15

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 23

Badminton (New)


Attendance List: Members: Tony Doan, Jinwan Kim, Daniel Le, Tiffany Tu, Yue Zhu Initiates: Yichen Lu, Andrew Esposo, Kathleen Pham, Yanwen Wu, Kevin Kim, Fady Barsuom, John Tsai, Kevin Lam, Mike Corrado, Humza Bhakhrani I. General Description: Tau Beta Pi held a bandminton tournament at the UCI's Anteater Recreation Center (ARC). Badminton was chosen by preference of officers who have regular badminton games at the ARC. Because not many are familiar with badminton, it was a chance for people to learn and understand the game, whereas other sports such as basketball are already well known. In order to account for the varying degree of performance of people in badminton they were grouped together according to their levels so that people were able to enjoy playing the game together. II. Organization & Administration: The organization of the event was solely by the activities co-chairs. Officers also participated in the event. Renting of badminton racquets and shuttles were available at the ARC. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Create a signup list 2. Create a tournament tree 3. Brings gears and water

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Tau Beta Pi, California Tau is always trying something new. We want to try to bring initiates and members together through socials and having the same cliche socials such as movies or dinner becomes quite repetitive. This badminton tournament is new activity to bring initiates and members out of the classrooms and into recreation. This social brings about a competitive yet friendly atmosphere where friends can compete and learn about each other. V. Problems Encountered: The event was schedule for Tuesday night and usually, the badminton courts are open at 8pm. Unfortunately, that night, the courts were still reserved for indoor soccer practice and the badminton club. This issue was due to the fact that the schedule was not read beforehand. Supporting officers quickly suggested perhaps playing tennis, basketball, or ping pong

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 1 Hours Participating 1.5

PEOPLE Number of Members 5 Number of Initiates 10 Total Participants 15

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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instead of badminton, however all the courts were taken. We came up with the idea to use one of the open dojos as a place to practice the basics of badminton. Unfortunately, all of the dojos were taken. The finally solution was to just work out together at the ARC with the given equipment and track. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: In conclusion, the event concluded well. Reflecting back on this event, some recommendations and strong suggestions are always to ascertain that event can be carried out and always have a back-up plan if the ascertained event is forced to be cancel for any particular reason. To make up for the unfortunate badminton cancellation, I invited everyone to come out and play with me and the other officers on a different Friday night. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 24

Shadetree (Recurring)


Attendance List: Members: Martin Chang Initiates: John Tsai I. General Description: The Adopt-A-Row program allows our chapter to adopt a row of plants/trees to care for at a nursey in the Shadtree Partnership. As an organization we are in charge of weeding, staking, fertilizing, watering, re-planting, rooting, as well as many others means of caring for the plants to ensure their growth. During this event we cared for our adopted rows as well as worked with other volunteers to plant new trees. II. Organization & Administration: The Adopt-A-Row program is in conjuction with the Shadetree Partnership. The Community Service chair of the chapter is in charge of contacting the organization and making sure the plants are tended to on a monthly basis. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Members of the Tau Beta Pi chapter were invited to come care for the plants. 2. Interested members were contacted in order to schedule a time and plan rides. 3. The attendees of the event drove to the location of the Shadetree Partnership.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: This program is part of the Community Service aspect of our chapter. It helps to maintain our continuing good relations with the Shadetree Partnership, as we regularly take part in their monthly events at the plant nursery. V. Problems Encountered: None. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The project proceeded smoothly. Our adopted rows are doing well, however the recent strong winds did cause some damage. While there was a s mall number of participants from our chapter, we were able to interact with other volunteers more. It is recommended however to try and enc ourage greater member participation, though the small numbers are understandable given that this even took place immediately before final exams.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 0 Hours Participating 4

PEOPLE Number of Members 1 Number of Initiates 1 Total Participants 2

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) None available.


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Winter 2012


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 25

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Fall 2011 Final Meeting: Potluck & Slideshow (Week 1) 1/12/2012

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huyunh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, (also various members for different meetings) Initiates: Kourosh Adlparvar, Christopher Case, Michael Corrado, Joseph Cuevas, Kevin Kim, Young Min Kim, Kevin Lam, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kathleen Pham, Kenneth Teeter, Jacqueline Thomas, John Tsai, Kevin Wang, Fady Barsoum, Humza Bhakhrani, Nathan Directo, Andrw Esposo, Elliot Huang, Yichen Lu, Michael Lum, Cunxiang Mi, Christine Nguyen, Sara Samaan, Yanwen Wu I. General Description: This was the last meeting before the Fall initiation. The meeting consisted of a potluck with various food from officers and initiates and a slideshow of all the events during the quarter. This was the first time a potluck/slide show has been tried for a meeting. The potluck went relatively well with a heavy preference for dessert items. The slideshow was a g reat way to look back to all the events the initiates participated in to complete the initiation requirements. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Each meeting is unique. See Description. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Promote establishment of personal connection and learn professional skills V. Problems Encountered: None

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 14 Hours Participating 17

PEOPLE Number of Members 17 Number of Initiates 24 Total Participants 41

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: General meetings for initiates and members were good opportunities to meet other initiates/members and r eap the benefits of the different meetings VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 26

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Winter Officer/Member Meetings (8 Meetings) 01/14/2012 - 03/14/2012

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ronald Luu, Tony Nguyen, Tony Doan, Arjun Goswami, Martin Chang, Kent Codilla, Chao Shen, Chau Diep, Doug Huynh, Daniel Le, David Ma, Brandon Wong, Emerald Chun, Daniel Chien, Fady Barsoum, Indrani Mikkilineni, Joseph Cuevas, Kathleen Pham, Mary Danielson, Kyle Dykman, Nathan Directo, Kevin Lam, Ling Kong Initiates: I. General Description: Officer/member meetings during the winter were held to reflect on the performance during the past quarter and learn more about the possible candidates for the election during the 6th meeting. Successful events during the fall quarter were analyzed and ev aluated to replicate in the future. Problems and mistakes were thoroughly discussed for possible avoidance and backup plans. In addition, details for the outreach STEAM Career Fair were discussed and planned. In order to learn more about the candidates, community service events like Valentine's Day blood drive and s ocials like Paper Airplane competition were planned and ex ecuted. During meetings, responsibilities and duties of available officer positions were outlined and any questions about them were answered. Election was held during the 6th meeting (02/29/12) when the candidates presented a short speech and the next officer board was elected by majority vote. The last two meetings focused on planning events for the Fall quarter and transitioning between the outgoing officers and the incoming officers. Transitioning will continue throughout the Spring quarter. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Reviewed what was learned from past events/meetings 2. Events and activity for the future were brainstormed 3. Activities were conducted to aid in evaluating the candidates

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 8 Hours Participating 11

PEOPLE Number of Members 25 Number of Initiates Total Participants 25

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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4. Candidates were given the opportunities to demonstrate their character, leadership and personality.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Administrative V. Problems Encountered: None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: They were valuable times to learn more about the possible candidates and evaluate their character. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 27

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Winter Bonfire (Single Event) 02/17/2012

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Tony Doan, Brandon Wong, Ling Kong, Chau Diep, Martin Chang, Kyle Dykman, Mary Danielson, Fady Barsoum, Indrani Mikkilineni, Tony Nguyen, Christopher Hules, Initiates: I. General Description: The TBP Winter Bonfire was held at the Corona Del Mar fire pits. The event was organized as an opportunity for members interested in running for officer positions to get to know the outgoing officers and ask any questions they may have. The responsibilities of getting the firewood, food and snacks were delegated among different members. Hot dogs and s'mores were served with variety of drinks. Everyone had an enjoyable time and when it was time to leave, many remained to talk about the upcoming elections. Overall, it was a relaxing social and it would be a good idea to have one again during quaters with initiates. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Decided on time and day of bonfire and made sure the area was available 2. Food purchase was divided among members

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Social interaction V. Problems Encountered: Lack of vegetarian options VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: It was a great social event to get to know more about each other

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 3 Hours Participating 3

PEOPLE Number of Members 13 Number of Initiates Total Participants 13

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $80


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VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 28

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E-Week Paper Airplane Competition (Annual Event) 02/23/2012

Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Tony Doan, Daniel Le, Fady Barsoum Initiates: I. General Description: Paper Airplane Competition is an annual event Tau Beta Pi hosts as part of E-Week Events hosted by Engineering Student Council (ESC). This year, rules have been altered to make it more strict: 2 pieces of paper, 2 paper clips 15 min to create paper airplane. The airplane has to be in recognizeable form and must be approved by the hosting officer. Flight time and distance will be measured and prices will be g iven to first, second and third places. During the previous year, some participants attempted to compete with crumpled ball so rules have to changed to prevent such attempt. This year, some created dual airplane form that separated to give longer distance or a hollow ring that provided long flight time. Competition was fierce and everyone appeared to enjoy the event. Number of participants were much increased compared to last year. Overall, it was successful event. II. Organization & Administration: Jinwan Kim (as part of E-Week organized by Engineering Student Council) (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Time for the event was chosen via signup with ESC 2. Materials were prepared ahead of time (Paper, paper clip, timer, measuring tape)

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Social interaction with non-members V. Problems Encountered: None

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2 Hours Participating 1

PEOPLE Number of Members 5 Number of Initiates Total Participants 5

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $10


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Social event to promote creativity and advertise Tau Beta Pi to non-members VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) N/A


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau Chapter Project Report Project Number: 29

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1st Officer Meeting (New) 03/07/2012

Attendance List: Members: Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Tony Doan, Mary Danielson, Kevin Lam, Joseph Cuevas, Fady Barsoum, Kathleen Pham, Indrani Mikkilineni, Daniel Chien, Nathan Directo, jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Kyle Dykman, Chao Shen, Martin Chang, Dough Huynh, Emerald Chun, Tony Nguyen, Brandon Wong Initiates: I. General Description: First officer meeting was arranged to plan and discuss for schedule for spring quarter. It also helps the president to know the officers better as well as their ideas contributing to the chapter. II. Organization & Administration: TBP (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Met the outgoing president to discuss the plan 2. Organized the list of things to say during the meeting 3. Bought food for new officers

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: To give a general idea of the president's expectations to the officers. Plan the path and direction for the chapter for spring quarter initiation. V. Problems Encountered: none VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Officers need to be on time, quite down the side conversations.

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 4 Hours Participating 1.5

PEOPLE Number of Members 20 Number of Initiates Total Participants 20

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0


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Spring 2012


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA T Chapter Project Report Project Number: 30

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete each of the seven sections below. Any additional information which may be helpful to another chapter would also be appreciated, but do not send extraneous material that would not be useful to other chapters.

Project Name: General/Officer meeting Date of Project: 04/04/2012 Project Area: Community / Liberal Culture University / College Profession / Engineering Chapter / Social Education / Profession Development Number of persons who participated in this project. (Please attach a list of names.) Members: Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Tony Doan, Daniel Chien, Nathan Directo, Kathleen Pham, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kevin Lam, Joseph Cuevas, Fady Barosum, Mary Danielson, Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Martin Chang, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong Initiates: 0 Hours spent on this project. DESCRIPTION: (Please be specific.) I. General Description: The first general meeting is our chapter's first information session to help initiates have an idea of who we are, what we have to offer, and how to become a member of TBP. The officer meeting is to go over the agenda of spring quarter, to discuss about our 3 man team policy, and to go over the event table. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The first info session informs the initiates the benefits and requirements to become a membter of TBP. The officer meeting sets the events for our chapter's activities this quarter. III. Organization & Administration: Met with Jinwan and Katie went over the presentation and the agenda of the officer meeting. Talked to Tony and Daniel to organize and to run the meeting. Brought candidate packets to pass to the initiates. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: 0 V. Special Problems: Jinwan and Katie were late, so we couldn’t pass the information booklets out during the presentation.

Members: 16 Initiates:

Organizing: 2 Participating: 3


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VI. Over-all Evaluation/Results: There weren’t any major problem with the info meeting except the information booklets. The officer meeting was too long: need to shorten it and get things done faster. VII. Index of Exhibits:


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA T Chapter Project Report Project Number: 31

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Project Name: 2nd info session/officer meeting Date of Project: MM/DD/YYYY Project Area: Community / Liberal Culture University / College Profession / Engineering Chapter / Social Education / Profession Development Number of persons who participated in this project. (Please attach a list of names.) Members: Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Tony Doan, Daniel Chien, Nathan Directo, Kathleen Pham, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kevin Lam, Joseph Cuevas, Fady Barosum, Mary Danielson, Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, Emerald Chun, Kent Codilla, Tony Nguyen, Doug Huynh, Meiting Wu, Marvin Chan, Justine Chen, Tiffany Tu, Julian Zhu, Chao Shen Initiates: Hours spent on this project. DESCRIPTION: (Please be specific.) I. General Description: The second info session is for initiates who could not make it to our first general meeting last Wednesday. It also served as a Q&A session and to help the new initiates to know how to use the website.The 2nd info session also had an ice breaker session to get to know the initiates better. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Help initiates to have a better idea of what tau beta pi is and the requirements of becoming a member. Officer meeting is to plan for the events happening next week. III. Organization & Administration: Met with Jinwan and Katie to go over the presentation and the agenda of the officer meeting. Talked to Tony and Daniel to organize and to run the meeting. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: 0 V. Special Problems: The meeting ended earlier than I had expected, and it became a bit awkward when I did not know how to fill in the vacant time before the pool social.

Members: 25 Initiates:

Organizing: 3 Participating: 2


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VI. Over-all Evaluation/Results: Need more of a plan to fill in the left over time before the pool social. VII. Index of Exhibits:


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA T Chapter Project Report Project Number: 32

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Project Name: Pool Night Social Date of Project: 04/11/2012 Project Area: Community / Liberal Culture University / College Profession / Engineering Chapter / Social Education / Profession Development Number of persons who participated in this project. (Please attach a list of names.) Members: Initiates: Hours spent on this project. DESCRIPTION: (Please be specific.) I. General Description: This was a pool night social at the Zot Zone. We played pool with some of the new initiates and got to know them better. I thought it was a great way to start off the quarter. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was for new initiates to get to know other members and officers in a social setting. This way we could make more personal connections with them and indetify their character better. Also, identifying with them on a personal level makes it more likely that they are willing to stay active in Tau Beta Pi, even after they initate and become a member. III. Organization & Administration:The organization/administration was very minimal for this event as it was on campus. All I had to do was got to the Zot Zone and reserve a 2 hour time frame for 4/11/12. Also, as this was the first event of the quarter and meant to be very informal, no sign-ups were necessary. (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: Reserving 6 pool tables and 2 xboxes cost $16. Personally, I just had to go reserve the space and put down a payment. V. Special Problems: None



Organizing: 1/2 Participating: 2


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VI. Over-all Evaluation/Results: I thought that the pool night went very well as I got to meet most of the new initiates, and it seemed like everyone was having a good time. VII. Index of Exhibits:


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA T Chapter Project Report Project Number: 33

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Project Name: Spring Conference 2012 Date of Project: 04/14/2012 Project Area: Community / Liberal Culture University / College Profession / Engineering Chapter / Social Education / Profession Development Number of persons who participated in this project. (Please attach a list of names.) Members: Chau Diep, Ling Kong, Tony Doan, Martin Chang, Indranni Mikilineni, Kevin Lam Initiates: Hours spent on this project. DESCRIPTION: (Please be specific.) I. General Description: Spring Conference is for our district's chapters to get together and have updated from the national chapter regarding new programs as well as 2012 convention. II. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The conference helps our chapter to exchange and learn more idea from other chapters as well as strengthening the bond and fellowship better the chapter in our district. III. Organization & Administration: Distric diretor sent out email to every chapter. Signed up and followed the deadline Drove to Harvey Mudd College for the Conference (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) IV. Cost & Personnel Requirements: $30 each car to drive to Claremont V. Special Problems: none VI. Over-all Evaluation/Results: It was a good experience when our chapter could present our strength compared to other chapters and learn how to improve.

Members: 6 Initiates:

Organizing: 1 Participating: 9


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VII. Index of Exhibits:


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 34

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Seminar Session: AutoCAD (One-Time) MM/DD/YYYY

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing Hours Participating

PEOPLE Number of Members Number of Initiates Total Participants

COSTS Total Income $ Total Expenses $ Attendance List: Members: Initiates: I. General Description: II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No )


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III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Find and contact LaTeX instructor 2. Reserve a computer lab

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Tau Beta Pi strives to be w ell-rounded. In addition to events in liberal arts and community service, Tau Beta Pi also hosts academic-related events to promote independent advancement. These events are in no way mandatory and are for those who seek to improvement in their skills or just looking to add a new item to their list of qualities. V. Problems Encountered: n/a VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The presenter began the session with a 15-minute power point, which introduces what LaTeX is and w hy it’s different from other document editing program. LaTeX involves coding, but not as intense as actually program coding. He also mentioned that the initial learn curve is a bit hard because you’ll have to get used to the coding style and the key functions. Throughout the session, the instructor would stop and ask if anyone had any clarifications or if anyone is behind. This is allows everyone to stay on track with the presenter and won’t fall behind. The presenter also mentioned that the session will be recorded so if anyone did not understand something or have forgotten something, he or she can refer back to the recorded session. Overall, everything went quite well. A lot of topics were covered in such a short time, so I thought it was very quick, but did not lack in detail. Some improvements would be perhaps covering fewer topics, thus giving more time to each topic and perhaps having a handout that could include a section for suggested topics to further do independent research on. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.): the instructor did not provide a PDF of the handout.


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 35

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Week 3 mandatory meeting and officer meeting (Recurring) 04/18/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Meeting/UCI Chapter / Social California Tau Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 3 Hours Participating 3

PEOPLE Number of Members 16 Number of Initiates 29 Total Participants

COSTS Total Income 0 Total Expenses 0 Attendance List: Members: Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Tony Doan, Daniel Chien, Nathan Directo, Kathleen Pham, Indrani Mikkilineni, Joseph Cuevas, Fady Barosum, Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Martin Chang, Kyle Dykman, Ling Kong, Julian Zhu, Tony Nguyen. Initiates:


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I. General Description: Mandatory meeting was for initiates to pay the membership fee, receive the rough cast bent, fill in and turn in the catalog card, as well as getting a mug shot picture. The mandatory meeting also invited a guest speaker who is our chapter advisor, Professor Mohraz. He came to the meeting to talk about engineering ethics. We also had our officers talked about the events happening on week 3. For officer meeting, we mainly talked about fundraising issue. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Daniel Le invited guest speaker, Dr. Mohraz 2. Chau brought the bents to the meeting 3. Jinwan and Tony Nguyen brought the catalog cards to the meeting 4. Daniel Le brought camera to take mug shot 5. Chau discuss with Jinwan about the tasks needed to be completed at the meeting

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: T he mandatory meeting was an important meeting for our initiation this quarter. V. Problems Encountered: There was none VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The meeting went as well as we expected. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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Board Game Night (One-time) 4/21/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social X Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2.5 Hours Participating 3

PEOPLE Number of Members 8 Number of Initiates 13 Total Participants 21

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0 Attendance List: Members: Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Chau Diep, Joseph Cuevas, Nathan Directo, Chao Shen, Tony Nguyen, Brian Vu Initiates: Jesus Ramos, Maverick Chengcuenca, Michelle Hwang, Brian Polson, Titus Chen, Ash Shih, Michael Wang, Ben Zhou, Miles Newton, Adalberto Cuellar Franco, Jose Jimenez, Thompson Taing


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1. General Description: In this social the participants were to get together and enjoy a nice night of playing board games, listening to music, and eating snacks.

II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Came up with a simple and inexpensive way to get both initiates and members together, in order to learn more about each other and grow closer as a family.

2. Found a couple of appropriate board games. 3. Picked a location and reserved it ahead of time. 4. Set up a Google Form to give the participants information about the event, and allow them to

sign up ahead of time. 5. Got transportation for participants sorted out. 6. Bought a few snacks and drinks for the event.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was to place the participants in a comforting environment that allowed them to relax and be themselves in an effort to get to know each other better. The event showed the initiates that TBP isn’t only about hard work. TBP is a society where they can develop their professional skills while meeting new people and having fun on the way. V. Problems Encountered:

1. Forgot to bring paper and a pen for a sign in sheet VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The event turned out to be a success. The members and the initiates both got a chance to make new friends and bond with each other. Next year maybe everyone can bring pillows and blankets, and rather than sitting around tables, everyone can sit on the floor to give and even more comforting aspect to the event. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 37

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Wayzgoose Fundraising (New) 04/21/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising 04/21/2012 Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 6 Hours Participating 6

PEOPLE Number of Members Number of Initiates Total Participants

COSTS Total Income $186.50 Total Expenses $ Attendance List: Members: Daniel Kha Le, Tony Doan, Chau Tu Diep, Fady Barsoum, Martin Chang, Jinwan Kim, Kevin Leong, Yue Zhu, Katie Mo Initiates: Tro Babikian, Titus Chen, Andrew Clark, Andrew Esposo, Aria Etemadieh, Kayvon Hosseini, Michelle Hwang, Jose Jimenez, Miles Newton, Brian Polson, Melissa Quinonez, Jesus Ramos, Ash Shih, Thompson Taing, Aaron Wong, Chun Yim Wong, Ben Zhou I. General Description:


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At this event, we made organic hand squeezed orange juice, snow cones, and freshly brewed Thai tea with tapioca pearls. B y making these at home with material purchased on sale from supermarkets, we were able to keep our costs down. We sold at a very competitive price, half the price of competitors who bought pre-made drinks from stores. B y advertising organic, hand squeezed orange juice, and freshly brewed Thai tea with “boba,” the tapioca pearls made on the spot, we attracted many customers at our event. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes ( No ) The president and vice presidents (external and internal) worked together to go grocery shopping to purchase the supplies needed. After obtaining the necessary supplies, we had to brew the Thai tea the night before in large quantities to use the following day at the fundraising event because there wouldn’t be enough time to make it on the spot. The tapioca pearls were made in several batches right before the event as well as during the event. Orange juice has to be squeezed prior to the event because there wouldn’t have been enough time to squeeze oranges during the event. III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Purchase supplies for the boba drink such as Thai tea leaves, tapioca pearls, cups, large straws, half and half creamer, sugar, and water.

2. Purchase supplies for orange juice such as oranges, sugar (also used above in Thai tea), water.

3. Purchase supplies for snow cones such as dry ice to keep ice cold during the event, snow cone syrup, ice shaver machine.

4. Pre-brew thai tea, pre-squeeze orange juice. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Use our personal skills to keep costs down and fundraise to gain money for our community service projects such as working with underprivileged kids to encourage them to go for higher education, especially in engineering! V. Problems Encountered:

Most of our costs were in cups, straws, and other various materials that were left over. We may not have made a lot, but we broke even with what we did, and we ended up with plenty of material to fundraise again!

At the event, we ran out of drinking water for everyone to drink and use to make the boba, thai tea, and orange juice. We had to send people to refill 1-gallon water bottles. We closed down early because we ran out of Thai tea (over 6 gallons sold), but this is understandable as this is our first time.

Our snow cone idea did not make as many sales probably due to the weather and other

circumstances. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: We originally planned on selling fried dumplings, but changed at the last minute due to some external problems. In trying to sell Thai tea with boba for the first time, homemade, we realized that the appeal of homemade products and organic materials DO appeal to customers. M any people were surprised that we made everything ourselves and did not order pre-made items from stores. A suggestion would be to buy large 5-gallon tanks of water to contain freshly brewed tea because we


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did our sales in 1-2 gallons batches that ran out quickly and the process of filtering the tea leaves takes time. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

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Week4 General and Officer Meeting (Recurring) 4/25/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Meeting/UCI Chapter / Social California Tau Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2 Hours Participating 2

PEOPLE Number of Members 12 Number of Initiates Total Participants

COSTS Total Income 10$ Total Expenses 10$ Attendance List: Members: Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Tony Doan, Daniel Chien, Nathan Directo, Kathleen Pham, Indrani Mikkilineni, Joseph Cuevas, Fady Barosum, Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ling Kong. Initiates: I. General Description: Week 4 meeting had our guest speaker, professor Madou from the department of Biomedical Engineering came and talked about nano fibers technologies. The presentation was about 40 minutes. After that the officers introduced the events for next week. I also


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reminded the initiates polishing the bents as well as officer luncheon. During officer meeting, we mainly focused out discussing the problem Fady had to face, not enough rides for his industry tour. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Ling invited guest speaker, Professor Madou. 2. Chau planned out the events for next week

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: General meeting an had educational guest speaker to talk to the initiates. The officer meeting was to solve problems officers encounter as well as planning events efficiently. V. Problems Encountered: none VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: President needs to have transitions between different parts of the meeting. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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C&D Zodiac Tour (One-time) 04/26/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional x Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 3 Hours Participating 3

PEOPLE Number of Members 3 Number of Initiates 2 Total Participants 5

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0 Attendance List: Members: Fady Barsoum, Kathleen Pham, Indrani Mikkilineni Initiates: Aria Etemadieh, Melissa Quinonez I. General Description: C&D Zodiac is an aircraft interior designer and manufacturer. The managers of Flammability and Design each gave us a short presentation on what their departments are responsible for. We were afterwards taken on a tour of the factory floor where aircraft interior components were being build.


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II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) Planned and executed by chapter leadership III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Contacted company contact and received possible dates for the tour 2. Decided on one of the dates and set up online RSVP form 3. Officers signed up to help organize (and to drive) 4. Advertised the event through the chapter website, Facebook, and weekly chapter email

newletter IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: To foster member professional development and industrial relations V. Problems Encountered: Contact postponed the tour last-minute Miscommunication resulted in last-minute rush to find enough rides for everyone going Only half of the initiates who signed up actually showed up VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Feedback was overall very positive of the tour. In the future, it might be better if information such as which officers are going and w ho is providing rides is recorded and made widely accessible to everyone involved in the event. Also, especially with such a small group, it would be wise to call sign-ups a day or two ahead of the event to confirm they’re still planning to go. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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Engineering Futures: People Skills (One-Time) 04/26/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional x Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 4 Hours Participating 4

PEOPLE Number of Members 6 Number of Initiates 6 Total Participants 12

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $76 Attendance List: Members: Fady Barsoum, Indrani Mikkilineni, Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Tim Kang, Arman Motavvef Initiates: Tro Babikian, Maverick Chengcuenca, Joseph Gomez, Jesus Ramos, Bryant Vu, Chun Yim Wang I. General Description: Engineering Futures session on P eople Skills with Scott Escersall. Open and advertised to all engineering students. Food Provided.


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. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) Planned and executed by chapter leadership. III. Steps taken to plan the event: Location and date decided. Then EF contacted to reserve speaker. Once confirmation arrived, we booked the room. Kept in contact with speaker up to the day. Food was bought an hour or so before. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Develop professional skills in members V. Problems Encountered: Which to make sure of first? Room or speaker? We reserved the speaker before reserving the room. Once he was confirmed, we checked and there were no suitable rooms available for that day and time, so we reserved another time then contacted the speaker directly to ask for a change of time. Thankfully the other time was also convenient for him. This issue was discovered and resolved early, about 2-3 weeks before the actual session. Because there was food, people ate for a while before we started so we ended up starting late. Pizza from Domino’s was expensive. It might be better to get it elsewhere. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Overall reception seemed positive, but the length and lateness of the session was tiring for many (especially after a day of classes). Starting earlier in the day and starting immediately, letting people eat during the presentation (which happened anyway) might be better. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 41

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Karaoke (New) 4/27/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social X Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2 Hours Participating 2-3

PEOPLE Number of Members 3 Number of Initiates 6 Total Participants 9

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0 Attendance List: Members: Joseph Cuevas, Nathan Directo, Ker Chia Chen Initiates: Phuong Nguyen, Melisa Quinonez, Ash Shih, Chun Yim Wong, Ben Zhou, Justin Do


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1. General Description: In this social the participants got together at Ding Dong Karaoke in Garden Grove and sang the night away while getting to know each other better.

II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Find a karaoke location nearby. 2. Contact for hours and prices 3. Make google form listing location, time, and prices.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this even was to place the participants in an environment where they are able to break out or their shells and show their fellow Tau Bates who they really are in order to grow closer together. V. Problems Encountered:

1. People did not read the form correctly and did not meet at the flag poles as they were supposed to.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The event turned out to be a success. The participants who attended got to know each other better and had a lot of fun. We even went to eat Pho after the event as a group to prolong the night a little further. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 42

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Ring Road Fundraising(Recurring) 5/2/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising X Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 6 Hours Participating 8

PEOPLE Number of Members 13 Number of Initiates 11 Total Participants 24

COSTS Total Income $ Total Expenses $ Attendance List: Members: Ker Chia Chen, Meiting Wu, Kevin Lam, Michael Lee, Daniel Kha Le, Tony Doan, Chau Diep, Daniel Chien, Fady Barsoum, Indrani Mikkilineni, Jinwan Kim, Kathleen Pham, Nathan Directo Initiates: Jonathan Perez-Bernal, Hyung Phouasalit, Melinda Malley, Joseph Chris Gomez, Adalberto Franco, Bryant Vu, Phuong Nguyen, Mechael Wang, Maverick Chengcuenca, Andrew Esposo, Justin Do


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I. General Description: We bought Thai Tea leaves and home brewed them to make thai tea. This tea was sweetened with pure sugar and sold cold and fresh to customers. We also bought potstickers Ling Ling brand from Costco to sell. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes ( No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Buy Thai Tea leaves and brew them 2. Sweetener and cream for the thai tea 3. Bought potstickers, made sure there was enough gas for the portable stoves 4. Utensils, plates, cups, straws, and napkins for the customers 5. Sign up list with specific time slots for volunteers 6. Advertise with a pricing made relative to the costs of the materials

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Fundraising to raise money for the chapter to spend for events and chapter outreach projects that will be conducted during the summer. V. Problems Encountered: We ran out of potstickers. We initially bought 4 bags at a price of about $10 each thinking that it would be enough. However, the demand greatly surpassed our expectations and we had to rush to get more potstickers and ice. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: It is always a gamble with how much ice to buy and how much food supplies to buy, but for the future, we should try to aim a little bit higher in order to reduce the stress in the middle as we had to rush to get more supplies. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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Chapter Project Report Project Number: 43

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Physical Graffiti Showing (New) 5/3/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social X Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2 Hours Participating 2

PEOPLE Number of Members 4 Number of Initiates 13 Total Participants 17

COSTS Total Income 0 Total Expenses 0 Attendance List: Members: Joseph Cuevas, Kent So, Tony Doan, Fady Barsoum Initiates: Titus Chen, Maverick Chengcuenca, Adalberto Cuellar Franco, Justin Do, Jose Jimenez, Melinda Malley, Miles Newton, Phuong Nguyen, Johnathan Perez-Bernal, Brian Polson, Melissa Quinonez, Jesus Ramos, Chun Yim Wong


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1. General Description: In this event the participants attended a liberal art performance which was hosted at our very school. The performance consisted of various musical pieces to which performers would dance to.

II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Went online and found an event at an adequate time 2. Called for ticket availability and pricing. 3. Created a google form with the details on when, where, and how much the event would be. 4. Bought the tickets in advance. 5. Collected the money from the participants and distributed the tickets.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was for engineers to experience something outside of engineering and for them to appreciate the work of another major. V. Problems Encountered:

1. None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The event turned out to be a success. The performance was extremely entertaining and everyone seemed to enjoy it. No one left ahead of time. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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Chapter Project Report Project Number: 44

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Week 6 General Meeting (Recurring) 5/9/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Meeting/ UCI Chapter / Social Cali Tau Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 3 Hours Participating 2

PEOPLE Number of Members 18 Number of Initiates 0 Total Participants 18

COSTS Total Income $ Total Expenses 60$ Attendance List: Members: Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Tony Doan, Daniel Chien, Nathan Directo, Kathleen Pham, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kevin Lam, Joseph Cuevas, Fady Barosum, Mary Danielson, Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Martin Chang, Chao Shen, Tony Nguyen, Kent Codilla Initiates: I. General Description:


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The meeting was for officers to go over the past events to reflect and learn from past mistakes and improve our future events. We went over meetings, fundraising, social, professional developments events. We learnt that event chairs cannot wait till last minute when encounter problems. 3man team had to be enforced more strictly. Also went over ACE and senior stole ceremony events. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Discussed with Jinwan the things we have to say at the meeting 2. Tony and Daniel bought food from in and out 3. Got the key from engineering dean office

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: It helped improve the quality of our events. We learnt many different lessons from fundraising bout reserving the place. We also learnt our mistakes and made sure it wont happen again in the future. V. Problems Encountered: Tony and Daniel were late due to buying food. The meeting couldn’t start until 7:30. EG 3161 room was only available until 8 but we pumped the other club out. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Be on time next time. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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Seminar Session: AutoCAD (Recurring) 5/14/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing Hours Participating

PEOPLE Number of Members Number of Initiates Total Participants

COSTS Total Income $ Total Expenses $ Attendance List: Members: Initiates: I. General Description: II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No )


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III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Find and contact AutoCAD instructor 2. Reserve a computer lab

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Tau Beta Pi, needless to say, is an advocator of academic fulfillment and by hosting one or two seminar sessions a q uarter, our chapter hopes to provide a means for engineering students as well as members of Tau Beta Pi to expand their skill sets. V. Problems Encountered: The times of the event was advertised on the organization’s website as from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Somehow, there was a misunderstanding between the planner of the event and the webmaster so participants did not arrive until 6:30pm. The presenter, who arrived at 6:00pm, had half an hour to make adjustments to his schedule, shortening certain sections while leaving more important sections the same. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Besides the time hiccup, everything went swell! The instructor had a cheat sheet for the participants, which definitely made learning the program easier as the audience can reflect back to some command shortcuts. Every now and then, the instructor would stop and ask if anyone is stuck or does anyone have any questions. The instructor would help each person individually, which I thought was part of the reason why this seminar was so successful. Some of the shortened sections can be referred back to the handout. Near the end of the session, the instructor gave an exercise that utilizes all the skill sets that were taught at the seminar session. The instructor made sure that the amount of time allocated to this exercise completion was just enough to include questions and answers, and allowed the instructor to help individuals whenever needed. The instructor did not have to run around much because I noticed that most people were relying on the people next to them if they needed help. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.): the instructor did not provide a PDF of the handout.


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Officer Meeting (Recurring) 05/16/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University General meeting Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 3 hours Hours Participating 2 hours

PEOPLE Number of Members 15 Number of Initiates Total Participants

COSTS Total Income 0$ Total Expenses 25$ Attendance List: Members: Chau Diep, Tony Doan, Kathleen Pham, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kevin Lam, Joseph Cuevas, Fady Barosum, Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Kyle Dykman, Martin Chang, Ling Kong Initiates: I. General Description: The general meeting held a graduate night panel with graduate students came from different majors came and talked about their experience going to grad school at UCI. The initiates and members also


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had questions they concerns and asking for tips going to grad school. We also reminded the initiates to finish the requirements since the end of the quarter is getting close. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Tony and Chau contacted grad students 2. Tony got the cookies and water for grad students 3. Tony and Martin set up the tables 4. Chau planned the meeting/things to talk

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: General meetings that helped initiates who are interested in going to grad schools. V. Problems Encountered: Two of the grad student didn’t show up, and one came quite late. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Ling had to fill in the spot of a grad student for BME. Needs to invite more people just in case some did not show up VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Symposium 05/19/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University: University of California, Irvine Chapter / Social: No Community Service: Yes Fundraising: No Liberal Culture: No Professional: Yes Education / Outreach: No

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing: 10 hrs Hours Participating: 8 hrs

PEOPLE Number of Members: 2 Number of Initiates: 23 Total Participants: 25

COSTS Total Income: 0 $0 Total Expenses: 0 $0 Attendance List: Members: Mary Danielson, Kevin Lam Initiates:

1. Jesus Ramos 2. Miles Newton 3. Brian Polson 4. Michelle Hwang 5. Titus Chen


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6. Jonathan Perez-Bernal

7. Ash Shih 8. Tro Babikian 9. Phuong Nguyen 10. Andrew Clark 11. Michael Wang 12. Bryant Vu 13. Ben Zhou 14. Hyung Phouasalit 15. Melissa

Quinonez 16. Maverick

Chengcuenca 17. Jose Jimenez 18. Adalberto Cuellar

Franco 19. ChunYim Wong 20. Thompson Taing 21. Aaron Wong 22. Joseph Gomez 23. Kayvon Hosseini

I. General Description: UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium, held by UROP: an annual event held in May that allows hundreds of undergraduates the opportunity to present the results of their research or creative activities in a professional setting. Volunteers have to choose between 3 teams to work on: Room Monitors, Floaters, or Registration. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ): Yes, UROP. III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Meet with UROP representative; get all the information for the volunteering hours and roles initiates can sign up for.

2. Send out email to all initiates with all the information regarding the event. 3. Create a Google doc sign up form and have the initiates sign up for shifts and the team/role

they would like to be on. Have a deadline to sign up prior to the Training Sessions before the event.

4. Contact the UROP representative with a l ist of initiates participating. Make sure to include: name, email, phone #, shift, and training session they attended.

5. Send out reminder emails to initiates prior to event. Made sure they attended. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Fulfills the 8hrs of community service requirement. It allowed the initiates to become exposed to the research being conducted on campus by students from all majors and see how research presentations are conducted. V. Problems Encountered: Some initiates were unable to attend this event, had to create an alternative community service event so they could complete their requirement.


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VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: I suggest making this a mandatory volunteering event for the Spring Quarter initiation and emphasizing importance of signing up early to volunteer to the initiates. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.) List of Expenses: $ 0


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 48

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Beach Day (New) 5/20/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social X Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 4 Hours Participating 2-3

PEOPLE Number of Members 5 Number of Initiates 16 Total Participants 21

COSTS Total Income $10 Total Expenses $10 Attendance List: Members: Joseph Cuevas, Nathan Directo, Chao Kent So, Indrani Mikkilineni, Matthew Nease Initiates: Tro Babikan, Titus Chen, Chun Yim Wong, Justin Do, Ben Zhou, Adalberto Cuellar Franco, Aaron Wong, Andrew Clark, Andrew Esposo, Aria Etemadieh, Joseph Chris Gomez, Kayvon Hosseini, Jose Jimenez, Hyung Phouasalit, Bryant vu, Melissa Quinonez


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1. General Description: In this social the participants went to the beach to spend a day in the sun playing sports, tanning, eating snacks, and getting to know each other a little better.

II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Pick a beach close to school. 2. Set up a google form for initiates to sign up and be able to check the time, place, and

requirements. 3. Get in contact with members to get supplies. (i.e. Frisbees, balls, boogie boards, ice chest) 4. Sort out rides 5. Buy drinks and snacks

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was to place the participants in a comforting environment that allowed them to relax and be themselves in an effort to get to know each other better. The event also served as well needed exercise for anyone who doesn’t go out often. V. Problems Encountered:

1. Initiates failed to bring their own snacks and drinks so anything that was brought was shortly ingested.

VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The event turned out to be a success. The members and the initiates both got a chance to make new friends and bond with each other. A more mutual contribution of snacks and drinks should be enforced more the next time around. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 49

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Officer Meeting (Recurring) 05/23/12

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University General meeting Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 3 hours Hours Participating 2 hours

PEOPLE Number of Members 15 Number of Initiates Total Participants 15

COSTS Total Income 0$ Total Expenses 20$ Attendance List: Members: Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Tony Doan, Nathan Directo, Kathleen Pham, Indrani Mikkilineni, Kevin Lam, Joseph Cuevas, Fady Barosum, Jinwan Kim, Katie Mo, Ling Kong Initiates: I. General Description:


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Reflected on the events that happened the past weeks. What happened and how to improve. Went over initiate list to see who’s able to initiate and who is not. Reinforced 3 man team. Planed to have more events next week. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Chau and Tony went to buy chips/cakes and drinks 2. Chau emailed the officers to prepare a list of initiates who completed the requirements to make

sure everything go well. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Made sure initiates will be able to initiate by the end of this quarter V. Problems Encountered: Everything went as planned VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: It was a good meeting, when everything went as planed VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 50

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Jazz Concert (New) 5/23/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social X Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 2 Hours Participating 2.5

PEOPLE Number of Members 2 Number of Initiates 12 Total Participants 16

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0 Attendance List: Members: Joseph Cuevas, Daniel Le Initiates: Tro Babikan, Andrew Clark, Aria Etemadieh, Joseph Chris Gomez, Kayvon Hosseini, Michelle Hwang, Hyung Phouasalit, Thompson Taing, Bryant Vu, Michael Wang, Aaron Wong, Ben Zhou


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1. General Description: In this event the participants attended a liberal art performance which was hosted at our very school. The performance consisted of various musical jazz pieces performed by students and teachers from UCI.

II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Went online and found an event at an adequate time 2. Called for ticket availability. 3. Created a google form with the details on when and where the event would be.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: The purpose of this event was for engineers to experience something outside of engineering and for them to appreciate the work of another major. V. Problems Encountered:

1. None VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: The event turned out to be a success, although some of the participants did seem to be kind of bored. The performers tended to be inexperienced so the quality of the music was not very great. This made some of the participants want to leave before the event was over. Next time more thought as to how entertaining the event will be shall placed into picking the liberal art event. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 51

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Engineering Futures: People Skills (Recurring) 04/26/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University Chapter / Social Community Service Fundraising Liberal Culture Professional x Education / Outreach

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing 4 Hours Participating 4

PEOPLE Number of Members 6 Number of Initiates 6 Total Participants 19

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $82 Attendance List: Members: Fady Barsoum, Chau Diep, Daniel Le, Yue Zhu, Philip Chao, Ryan Garcia, Alan Olverz, Brian Vu, Andrew Karman, Meiting Wu, Chen Chun Kang, Ker Chia Chen, Ahmed Dessouki Initiates: Miles Newton, Ben Zhou, Jose Jimenez, Andrew Clavin, Kagvon Hosseini, Justin Do I. General Description: Engineering Futures session on Effective Presentation Skills with Scott Escersall. Open and advertised to all engineering students. Food Provided. .


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II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) Planned and executed by chapter leadership. III. Steps taken to plan the event: Location and date decided. Then EF contacted to reserve speaker. Once confirmation arrived, we booked the room. Kept in contact with speaker up to the day. Food was bought an hour or so before. IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Develop professional skills in members V. Problems Encountered: Which to make sure of first? Room or speaker? We reserved the speaker before reserving the room. Once he was confirmed, we checked and there were no suitable rooms available for that day and time, so we reserved another time then contacted the speaker directly to ask for a change of time. Thankfully the other time was also convenient for him. This issue was discovered and resolved early, about 2-3 weeks before the actual session. Because there was food, people ate for a while before we started so we ended up starting late. Also, lack of prior planning and procrastination led us to need to rush quickly to get the food from the same place as the previous EF session, which was expensive (even more so this time because there were more people). VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: Overall reception seemed positive, but the length and lateness of the session was tiring for many (especially after a day of classes). Starting earlier in the day and starting immediately, letting people eat during the presentation (which happened anyway) might be better. Get less expensive food. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)


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The Tau Beta Pi Association Chapter: CA Tau

Chapter Project Report Project Number: 52

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Rocket Science Tutors UCI Day 05/30/2012

PROJECT AREA Meeting / University University of California, Irvine Chapter / Social: No Community Service: Yes Fundraising: No Liberal Culture: No Professional: No Education / Outreach: Yes

TIME SPENT ON PROJECT Hours Organizing: 3hrs Hours Participating: 4 hrs

PEOPLE Number of Members: Number of Initiates: Total Participants

COSTS Total Income $0 Total Expenses $0 Attendance List: Members: Initiates:


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I. General Description: Rocket Science Tutors (RST) is a v olunteer organization of technical professionals and students dedicated to stimulating interest in middle school students from Santa Ana in math, science, and engineering through weekly hands-on modules. At the end of the school year, RST brings the students to UCI to tour some of the labs on campus. II. Organization & Administration: (In conjunction with another group? Yes No ) III. Steps taken to plan the event:

1. Email with RST representative; get all the information for the volunteering hours and roles initiates can sign up for.

2. Send out email to all initiates with all the information regarding the event. 3. Create a Google doc sign up form and have the initiates sign up.. Have a deadline to sign up

prior to the event. 4. Contact the RST representative with a list of initiates participating. Make sure to include: name,

email, phone #, shift, and training session they attended. 5. Send out reminder emails to initiates prior to event. Made sure they attended.

IV. Purpose & Relationship to Objectives of TBP: Fulfills 4 hours of the community service requirement. As a volunteer, initiates were responsible for guiding a group of middle school students to each lab to watch prepared demonstrations. This was a great opportunity for the initiates to reach out to the community and share their experiences as an aspiring engineer and excitement for math and science! V. Problems Encountered: None: although the tour bus group arrived a l ittle late, the tour itself proceeded with no problems. VI. Overall Evaluation/Results and Suggested Improvements: This was an enjoyable event that allowed for members and initiates to fulfill requirements while reaching out to the community. VII. Index of Exhibits: (Pictures, List of Expenses, Flyers, Handouts, etc.)