I am delighted to welcome you as a CFMA Chapter President for 2014-15! Given the positive feedback from prior years, we are continuing to conduct an orientation call for Presidents to: Help you hit the ground running as a Chapter President Raise awareness of Chapter resources available from HQ including a new very significant chapter related initiative included in our 2014-15 budget Acquaint you with the Chapter Connection Program and how it can assist you Provide you with information about CFMA’s Strategic Plan Since there are several new chapter-related initiatives this year, we have also invited Chapter Treasurers to participate in this call. Their participation will be beneficial as we explain the substantial new benefits being offered to chapters this year. Orientation Teleconference: Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014 Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT Agenda Introductions Chapter President Checklist Strategic vs. Operational Boards New Chapter Benefits – STAR Program Sample Strategic Planning Agenda Chapter Connection Program Chapter Summit Welcome Letter from Viewpoint Construction Software Membership Renewal & Recruitment CFMA’s Strategic Plan Thank you for accepting an important leadership role with CFMA! I am looking forward to an exciting year ahead, working together with all of you in achieving outstanding results and creating real value for our association, members and chapters. Sincerely, Steve C. Tenney CFMA Chairman Page 1

Chapter President Orientation Email Cover - Amazon S3 · Welcome Letter from Viewpoint ... Work with chapter board on scheduling a ... Begin transition process for new chapter president

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I am delighted to welcome you as a CFMA Chapter President for 2014-15! Given the positive feedbackfrom prior years, we are continuing to conduct an orientation call for Presidents to:

Help you hit the ground running as a Chapter President

Raise awareness of Chapter resources available from HQ including a new very significant chapterrelated initiative included in our 2014-15 budget

Acquaint you with the Chapter Connection Program and how it can assist you

Provide you with information about CFMA’s Strategic Plan

Since there are several new chapter-related initiatives this year, we have also invited Chapter Treasurersto participate in this call. Their participation will be beneficial as we explain the substantial new benefitsbeing offered to chapters this year.

Orientation Teleconference:Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014

Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT



Chapter President Checklist

Strategic vs. Operational Boards

New Chapter Benefits – STAR Program

Sample Strategic Planning Agenda

Chapter Connection Program

Chapter Summit

Welcome Letter from Viewpoint Construction Software

Membership Renewal & Recruitment

CFMA’s Strategic Plan

Thank you for accepting an important leadership role with CFMA! I am looking forward to an excitingyear ahead, working together with all of you in achieving outstanding results and creating real value forour association, members and chapters.


Steve C. TenneyCFMA Chairman

Page 1

2014-15 CFMA Chapter President’s Checklist

April 2014 Contact members who have not renewed (a list of non-renewals will be sent in early-April) Send final nominations for Debra Hahn and Joe Quigley Memorial Awards due April 4 Participate in New Presidents Orientation call on April 10 Early bird registration for CFMA’s 2014 Annual Conference and Exhibition to be held June 7-11 in Las

Vegas ends on April 14 Work with chapter board on scheduling a chapter strategic planning session Registration for 2014 CFMA at Spring Creek opens Determine who will attend 2014 CFMA at Spring Creek

May 2014 Review chapter web site to ensure information is current Begin planning chapter education programming, CFMA resources can be found at

www.cfma.org/education Begin planning chapter meeting topics, a list of potential speakers can be found at

cfma.membershipbuilder.com/speakers Ask chapter members to submit their Financial Survey Online Questionnaire

June 2014 Attend CFMA’s Annual Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas June 7-11 2015 CRP materials sent 2014 Annual CAA Affirmation due at CFMA Headquarters by June 30 Submit Chapter STAR Program reimbursement no later than June 30 for July payment

July 2014 Select person and/or task force to complete 2015 chapter award forms

August 2014 Registration for 2014 CFMA at Spring Creek closes on August 15 Review chapter web site to ensure information is current

September 2014 Submit Chapter STAR Program reimbursement no later than September 30 for October payment

October 2014 CFMA at Spring Creek held October 4-7 and October 8-11

November 2014 Review chapter web site to ensure information is current

December 2014 Submit Chapter STAR Program reimbursement no later than December 31 for January payment Review CFMA Volunteer Leadership Application and share with chapter board members

January 2015 Begin planning spring educational programming

February 2015 Review chapter web site to ensure information is current Begin transition process for new chapter president to take over on April 1 Remind members to renew by March 31

March 2015 List of new chapter officers, Boards of Directors, and Committee Chairs due at CFMA Headquarters by

March 31 Submit Chapter STAR Program reimbursement no later than March 31 for April payment Remind members to renew by March 31 Finalize 2015 CRP Materials due at CFMA Headquarters in early-April Finalize transition process for new chapter president to take over on April 1 Prepare nominations for Debra Hahn and Joe Quigley Memorial Awards due in early-April



A Board Role Continuum











t ag















and M







Strategy and Policy: All board work is focused on the strategic, long‐term direction of the organization, including external scanning, goal and strategy development, policy development, and overall evaluation and accountability. 

Strategy, Policy, and Management:Most board work is focused on strategy and policy but also includesStrategy, Policy, and Management:Most board work is focused on strategy and policy, but also includes some high‐level management functions. 

Management: The majority of the board's work is comprised of managing the operations of the organization, including planning, organizing, directing, supervising, and evaluating operations. 

Management and Operations: The board spends most of its time managing the operations of theManagement and Operations: The board spends most of its time managing the operations of the organization, but also serves as the actual workforce for certain administrative or programmatic operations. 

Operations and Activities: The majority of the board's work is comprised of actually doing the frontline operational work of the organization, because board members also are the organization's volunteers.


CEO Symposium ©2014 Tecker International, LLC  •  www.tecker.com

CEO Symposium ©2014 Tecker International, LLC  •  www.tecker.com

operational work of the organization, because board members also are the organization s volunteers. 

Page 3

CFMA’s Chapter

STAR ProgramSummary

This subsidy is in effect from April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015. After this time, the subsidy program may be

modified or discontinued.

A 2014 Annual Chapter Affiliation Agreement (CAA) Affirmation must be submitted to CFMA Headquarters by

June 30, 2014 for a chapter to be eligible for the subsidy.

During the 2014-15 fiscal year (4/1/14-3/31/15), the $3,000 STAR Program funds may be used for the


1. Chapter administrative services

2. Spring Creek registration and/or travel expenses

3. CFMA National Speaker Program

4. CFMA National Education Programs

5. Chapter Strategic Planning provided by a third-party (CFMA Headquarters will continue to provide

Strategic Planning free of charge)

To use the STAR Program funds for the following items, payment to CFMA Headquarters will be deducted

directly from your Chapter’s STAR Program available balance with no upfront payment required from the


o Spring Creek Registration

o CFMA National Education Programs

For each of the following items, the chapter must send CFMA Headquarters a copy of the paid invoice or

receipt (via email to [email protected] or fax to 609-452-0474) in order to process reimbursement to the

chapter through the STAR Program:

o Chapter Administrative Services

o Spring Creek Travel Expenses

o CFMA National Speaker Program

o Chapter Strategic Planning

Payments to chapters from the subsidy program will be made quarterly via ACH transfer from CFMA

Headquarters. The payment schedule is as follows:

o Invoices received between April 1 and June 30 will be paid in July

o Invoices received between July 1 and September 30 will be paid in October

o Invoices received between October 1 and December 31 will be paid in January

o Invoices received between January 1 and March 31 will be paid in April

For questions about the subsidy program, see our FAQs (http://www.cfma.org/chapter/STAR), or contact

Cathy Wasner at 609-945-2432 or [email protected].

Page 4

CFMA’s Chapter

STAR Program FAQs

Page 1 of 4

What is the STAR Program?

The STAR (Support Training And Resources) Program was created to assisting in providing value to our Chapters and

their members via a $3,000 subsidy which may be used toward 5 pre-identified items:

1. Chapter Administrative Services

2. Spring Creek Registration and/or Travel Expenses

3. CFMA National Speaker Program

4. CFMA National Education Programs

5. Chapter Strategic Planning provided by a third-party

Why are we doing this?

We believe that the strength of CFMA is enhanced by vibrant chapters that provide excellent value to its members. The

subsidy will provide additional resources to the chapters to help them enhance their operations and offerings to

members. The financial success that CFMA has experienced over the past few years provided the opportunity to

develop this program.

How did you determine the five items selected as part of the Program?

Based on the survey results from the June 2013 Chapter Summit, it was determined that those using administrative

services find it invaluable, regardless of Chapter size. In August 2013, CFMA’s Executive Committee examined how

CFMA Headquarters could help Chapters secure these services, and the idea of a subsidy was born. A task force under

the Chapter Resources Committee was formed to develop a proposed subsidy plan for administrative services, along

with the Chapter eligibility requirements. It was later determined by the Executive Committee that it should be

broadened so that all Chapters would be able take advantage of the subsidy, including those already using (or not

desiring) the services an administrator. After additional discussion and evaluation, coupled with survey data analysis

and research by HQ, the Executive Committee in November 2013 developed the list of the 5 subsidy-eligible items.

Why does a Chapter need an administrator?

Feedback from Chapters currently using paid administrative staff has been extremely positive. Chapter leaders

consistently share with CFMA Headquarters their challenges around the administrative tasks involved in running a

chapter. Chapter leaders in attendance at the 2013 Chapter Summit shared how using a paid administrator helps the

chapter run more smoothly and efficiently, as well as makes events more profitable by having someone dedicated to

increasing sponsorships and attendance. The chapter administrator serves as a centralized resource for the Chapter;

coordinates event management and marketing; provides CPE compliance and certificates; ensures consistent

communications; and many other duties. A paid administrator can add to the overall efficiency, effectiveness, and

success of the chapter.

Can I use these funds to offset the costs of our current chapter administrator?

Yes. The Program funds may be used to help pay for the costs of a current chapter administrator, as well as for the

costs of an administrator a chapter decides to hire in this fiscal year (4/1/14-3/31/15).

How was the subsidy amount determined?

At the January 2014 CFMA Officer Retreat, the Officers took into consideration the financial outlook for the organization

and approved a $3,000 per chapter subsidy plan which would enable chapters to take advantage of the subsidy in any

of the 5 aforementioned areas. The subsidy was approved by both the Finance and Executive Committees in March


Page 5

CFMA’s Chapter

STAR Program FAQs

Page 2 of 4

What are the requirements to be eligible for the STAR Program?

Chapters must only submit a completed 2014 Annual CAA Affirmation before becoming eligible to use the subsidy.

How much is provided per chapter in the STAR Program?

Each chapter who complies with the eligibility requirements will be entitled to receive a $3,000 subsidy for the current

fiscal year (4/1/14-3/31/15).

How long will the STAR Program be in effect?

This Program will be in effect from April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015. CFMA’s Officers and Executive Committee will

assess whether to extend, modify or eliminate the program for the future based upon several factors including, but not

limited to, chapter utilization of the benefits and CFMA’s financial outlook.

Why are chapters given a choice of ways to use the subsidy?

We took into consideration the fact that several of our Chapters may choose not to hire a chapter administrator. The

five elements of the Chapter STAR Program offer valuable options allowing every chapter to take advantage of the

Program while adding value and strength to the Chapter experience. Nonetheless, we still believe the first and best use

of the subsidy is for funding chapter administrative services.

Why doesn’t the amount of the subsidy vary by the size of the chapter?

While we considered a by-size subsidy amount, the political implications of that decision were too complicated to

address and therefore a standard subsidy amount that we feel is fair, equitable and beneficial to all Chapters was

applied across the board. In other words, a $3,000 across the board subsidy was considered a compromise. While

large chapters might believe they should receive a larger subsidy, smaller chapters could argue they will be able to

impact their chapters more if they received the larger subsidy. In short, reasonable people could argue which is the

best approach. It was determined by the Officers, the Finance and Executive Committees that this approach was the

appropriate decision under the circumstances.

Why not decrease dues instead of utilizing funds as a subsidy giving back to chapters?

It was felt there is more value in these programs than a small dues decrease for all members. This subsidy will allow

chapters to utilize programs and services they otherwise may not have been able to and will strengthen all of our

chapters for the future. We believe this is taking a more long-term view of providing value to our members directly

through the Chapters, and a way of giving back after several financially successful years.

How does the Chapter get reimbursed for chapter administrative services?

Submit a copy of a paid invoice for chapter administrative services with the official STAR Program Reimbursement Form

approved by the Chapter President via e-mail to [email protected] or fax to 609-452-0474.

Does CFMA have resources for finding a chapter administrator?

Yes. After Chapter Summit, six chapters who currently use chapter administrators were polled as to tasks of the

administrator, hours worked per month, and salary. From that, the Task Force developed a sample RFP, contract, and

list of potential duties for a chapter administrator. Each of these can be customized to fit the specific needs of the

Chapter. These resources are available at http://www.cfma.org/chapter/STAR.

Page 6

CFMA’s Chapter

STAR Program FAQs

Page 3 of 4

How do I register for Spring Creek using funds from the Chapter STAR Program?

Whether registering online or using the paper form, choose “STAR Program” as your payment option. Your registration

will not be confirmed until it has been verified that the Chapter’s available STAR Program funds balance will cover the

$995 registration fee. The Chapter President MUST verify the Chapter has agreed to use STAR Program funds for

Spring Creek registration. No payment will be required for registration; the $995 Spring Creek registration fee will be

deducted from the Chapter’s available STAR Program funds balance.

How are Spring Creek travel expenses reimbursed?

Submit a copy of your receipts for travel with the STAR Program Reimbursement Form, approved by the Chapter

President, via e-mail to [email protected] or fax to 609-452-0474. Note that reimbursement for Spring Creek

travel expenses will be sent to the Chapter, not to individual members.

How will CFMA National Speaker Program speaker fees be reimbursed?

After the speaker has come to the chapter, submit a copy of the paid invoice with the STAR Program Reimbursement

Form, approved by the Chapter President, via e-mail to [email protected] or fax to 609-452-0474.

How can the STAR Program funds be used for CFMA National Education Program resources?

When placing an order for education course materials indicate on the request form that you plan to utilize the STAR

Program for partial or complete payment. Once the course is complete you will have the option on the invoice you

receive to allocate STAR Program funds to the balance. It is a requirement that the Chapter President MUST verify the

Chapter has agreed to use STAR Program funds for education either via e-mail or on the invoice. No up-front payment

will be required with the order; the fees will be deducted from the Chapter’s available Chapter STAR Program funds

balance and any remaining balance due shall be billed accordingly.

Can my Chapter use only part of the funds for a particular purpose (for example: Can the Chapter allocate

$1,000 toward education, $1,000 toward Spring Creek, and $1,000 toward an administrator)?

Yes. The Chapter President may approve a specific maximum dollar amount toward any of the 5 items that are part of

the STAR Program; any remaining balance due shall be billed accordingly. Such requests need to be communicated on

the STAR Program Reimbursement Form.

Will CFMA Headquarters still provide Chapters with strategic planning free of charge?

Yes. Contact Cathy Wasner (609-945-2432 or [email protected]) for additional information or to schedule your HQ-

facilitated session.

If Chapters can get free strategic planning from CFMA Headquarters, why are funds being provided for strategic

planning by a third-party?

Strategic planning is offered as an option for STAR Program funds so chapters have the flexibility in utilizing a local

strategic planning firm rather than CFMA Headquarters. Some Chapters currently have existing relationships with local

facilitators they have used in the past, and this gives them the flexibility to continue that relationship.

My chapter is not interested in using the funds for any of these five items. Will CFMA send us $3,000 to use for

something else?

No. At this time, STAR Program funds can be used ONLY toward the 5 items specified as part of the Program. The

CFMA Executive Committee feels these five items cover a viable range of options that every Chapter may avail

themselves of, and believes these uses will increase the Chapter’s effectiveness.

Page 7

CFMA’s Chapter

STAR Program FAQs

Page 4 of 4

Once my Chapter has submitted for reimbursement, how long will it take to receive STAR Program funds?

Funds will be sent to chapters via ACH transfer. The payment schedule is below:

Approved reimbursement requests received between 4/1 and 6/30 will be paid in July

Approved reimbursement requests received between 7/1 and 9/30 will be paid in October

Approved reimbursement requests received between 10/1 and 12/31 will be paid in January

Approved reimbursement requests received between 1/1 and 3/31 will be paid in April

An e-mail will be sent to the Chapter President and Chapter Treasurer when the transfer has been made confirming the

STAR Program funds used and the remaining balance.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Contact Cathy Wasner at 609-945-2432 or [email protected] with any questions regarding the STAR Program.

Page 8

Providing our Chapters financial assistance in support of

their delivery of member and Chapter value.

Chapter Name:

Included in this request is reimbursement for the following:

STAR Program ItemFull Reimbursement

Request (circle one)

If Not Full

Reimbursement Request,

Indicate Partial Amount



Chapter Administrative

ServicesYes No $ $

Spring Creek Travel

expensesYes No $ $

CFMA National Speaker

ProgramYes No $ $

Chapter Strategic

PlanningYes No $ $


Chapter President Name (please print):


Chapter President Signature of Approval:

A copy of paid invoices/receipts must accompany this form for all approved reimbursements.

Completed forms should be sent to [email protected] or faxed to 609-452-0474.

Payment via ACH to the Chapter on approved requests shall occur based on the following schedule:

Approved requests received: Reimbursement paid:

April 1– June 30, 2014 July 2014

July 1 – September 30, 2014 October 2014

October 1 – December 31, 2014 January 2015

January 1 – March 31, 2015 April 2015

CFMA’s 2014-15

STAR ProgramReimbursement Form

Page 9

Strategic Planning Session


Ground Rules / Role of Facilitator

Vehicle Exercise

“Out-of-the-Box” Thinking Exercise

SWOT Analysis

Chapter Committees



Structure of the Board of Directors

Composition (GE/AS)

How Chosen

Term Limits?

Role of the BOD

Does the Work?

Delegates to Committees?

Proving Ground for Future Leaders

Chapter Succession Plan

Identifying Leaders

Requirements for Leadership

Leadership Path

HQ Support

What are resources available from CFMA HQ

Goals (What Can We Do vs. What Do We Want to Do?)

Within the Next 6 Months (Short Term)

For the 6 Months – 1 Year (Medium Term)

2 Years or More (Long Term)

“To Do” List

Page 10

Chapter Connection Program

Welcome to the 2014-15 Chapter Connection Program!

The Chapter Connection Program was created to connect Chapter Presidents withCFMA leadership and headquarters. Each Chapter President will be assigned a‘Connection’ who will be a member of CFMA’s Executive Committee, a recent pastmember of CFMA’s Executive Committee or a CFMA staff member.

The goal of the Chapter Connection Program is to form a relationship betweenChapter Presidents and CFMA leadership. Through this relationship, the ChapterPresident can share concerns or challenges, get another perspective on the workingsof the chapter, as well as celebrate chapter successes. Chapter Presidents will beconnected with national leaders and your comments and concerns will be heard byCFMA leadership.

This program will provide the opportunity to connect and embark on a year-longrelationship with CFMA leadership. Your Connection is available to assist with yourconcerns, be an advocate for your chapter, communicate available resources andknowledge, and offer advice based upon experience gained through past chapterleadership and national leadership. Each relationship is unique, you and yourConnection will work together to best determine how and how often you shouldcommunicate.

Connections become a conduit between CFMA Headquarters and ChapterPresidents. Through this relationship, CFMA Headquarters can better connect withchapters and better understand what chapters want and need. Any areas of concerncan be addressed and actions can be taken. This program is co-chaired by amember of the Executive Committee and CFMA’s Acting Director of ChapterServices.

Connection assignments will be finalized by May 16. Your Connection will reachout to you prior to CFMA’s Annual Conference and Exposition in June. All ChapterPresidents and Connections will have the opportunity to meet at the ChapterConnection Program mixer on Monday, June 9 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm at theCFMA Annual Conference and Exposition in Las Vegas.

If you have any questions about the Chapter Connection Program,contact Cathy Wasner, CFMA’s Acting Director of Chapter Services

at 609-945-2432 or [email protected].

Page 11

Chapter Summit XIISaturday, June 7, 2014

Las Vegas, NV

Draft Agenda

7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. Welcome

8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Igniting Passion in Your Chapter (Tom Emison/Pat Cebelak)

9:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Chapter Challenges and Opportunities

10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Break

10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Chapter Challenges and Opportunities

11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. HQ’s Educational Opportunities (Brian Summers)

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CFMA Headquarters Update (Various)- Review of CFMA website and chapter websites- STAR Program

12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Lunch

12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Open Discussion and Breakouts

2:00 p.m. Adjourn

Page 12

March 10, 2014

Subject: Viewpoint's Resource Kit 2014

Dear CFMA President,

Congratulations on your recent nomination as President of your CFMA Chapter! As a CFMA Principal Partner, Viewpoint

Construction Software would like to extend a special welcome. Viewpoint has partnered with CFMA over the years

because of their dedication to educating and supporting contractors of all types, which helps Viewpoint support our

commitment to the construction industry at large.

As a partner of CFMA, Viewpoint is here to offer insight and observation on the technology needs of construction

organizations, specifically those areas for which construction financial professionals are primarily responsible. We are

here as a resource to help you execute a successful term and make the most of your upcoming year as President.

Following this letter is a resource kit we have developed that might be able to help you with programming this year. In

this kit, we have a line-up of resources to accompany your planned curriculum for events, newsletters and other

outbound communications to your members. Content includes non-product specific topics we’d love to present at your

events, whitepapers and articles that can be included in your member newsletters and video links that can help round

out the content offered on your chapter website. In true partner form, we are open to brainstorming other ideas to

hone our content to better fit your chapter’s needs.

We look forward to partnering with you wherever possible to help ensure you and your members are making the most

of this upcoming CFMA event season. Please contact Ann Finlay at [email protected] or 971.255.5313 if you

have any questions, if interested in using our materials or if you’d like to include a speaker at your event.


David A. De Rego

VP of Global Marketing, Viewpoint Construction Software

Viewpoint's Resource Kit 2014PRESENTATIONS

1. BIM, Beyond the Models: Explore what BIM means for different key project stakeholders, and how BIM can be a tool

to help provide critical data to these stakeholders throughout the entire construction lifecycle, from job bid to

construction to facility maintenance.

2. Technology Integration Strategies and Benefits: Understanding the value of integrated solutions and the immediate

benefits contractors experience after replacing disparate stand alone systems.

3. Project Collaboration vs. Project Management: Understanding the benefits of both, and how collaboration is

revolutionizing the way contractors access the critical data they need to help ensure projects are managed in an

efficient, cost-saving manner.

4. Disaster Avoidance and the Cloud: Is there a dollar amount that you can assign your critical data? Having real time

backup of your organization’s data stored in the cloud enables data retention and security, no matter your company’s


5. KPI’s and Technology: How integrating key performance indicators with your technology solutions can help support

your goals through everyday business processes.

6. Mobile Technology: How leading contractors are taking advantage of the latest mobile technologies to improve data

capture, data sharing and providing the reports to best stay on top of project progression.

7. Managing the Paper Explosion – The Benefits of Enterprise Content Management: Losing control of the constant

flow of documents, invoices and project data is not only disorganized, it could have a detrimental effect on your


8. Leveraging Collaboration Tools to Better Monitor Construction Compliance: Collecting communication records help

capture an auditable record while also preserving records that impact compliance.

WHITEPAPERS/ARTICLES1. Project Collaboration vs. Project Management – Greg Schoppman, Principal, FMI Corporation.

2. The Science of Efficiency and Productivity – Greg Schoppman, Principal, FMI Corporation. Efficiency is quickly

becoming a mantra across construction organizations. How do you achieve a level of efficiency to affect your productivity



3. Observations of a CPA: Top Financial Attributes of Successful Construction Companies – James E. Hazel, Jr., CPA. This

article focuses on several key financial management and accounting practices that contribute to a successful

construction company.

4. Closing the Gaps in your Accounts Payable Workflow Process. Explore ways in which a fully integrated accounts

payable solution better manages invoices and eliminates the “black hole” that some documents get lost in during the

routing process.

5. Managing the Paper Explosion. How contemporary software tools are designed to manage, organize, and distribute

your company’s documents.

6. Working Smarter: How Mobile Solutions Increase Productivity and Profits. Running an efficient and profitable

organization means construction firms need to find new ways to capture a project’s progress from the field.

7. Business Development: Dictation or Collaboration? – Greg Schoppman, Principal, FMI Corporation. Proper planning

before the hand-off to the project team is key to project success.

8. Business Continuity and Management Succession Planning – What’s That? Who and how your company will be

owned and managed in the future.

9. Increasing Profitability in Uncertain Times: Prevailing Wage – What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Your Bottom Line.

Reviewing common practices of prevailing wage employers on public work contracts funded by the Federal Government.


Schopp Talk videos http://www.viewpointcs.com/Conversion-Pages/Schopp-Talk-Library.aspx

An engaging and entertaining series of videos that discuss the latest issues and challenges facing construction companies

today. Each video features conversation between industry specialist, Gregg Schoppman, with FMI and Viewpoint’s own

Market Development Manager, Tim Gray. Filled with stories and anecdotes about managing a construction business in

the new technology millennium, Gregg and Tim dig deep into their own experiences and provide excellent advice for

navigating this new landscape.

Best Practices with Christian Burger

Christian Burger is President of Burger Consulting Group and a highly respected consultant and adviser dedicated to the

information systems concerns and requirements of construction businesses. A regular speaker for CFMA chapters as

well as A/E/C Systems conferences, Burger regularly contributes to many prominent industry publications. In this

engaging and comprehensive video series, Burger highlights the features and benefits of software for managing your

subcontracts, equipment, and purchasing. He also discusses the importance of standardization and having a solution in

place for divisional reporting. Accompanying these videos are informative demos about the features and benefits of

Viewpoint V6 Software for managing these important tasks. An example video can be found here


Accessing Chapter Dues Payment Detail

1. Go to www.cfma.org

2. Log in using your User Name and Password

3. Click on “Membership” tab

4. Click on “My Account” link

5. Click on “Admin Tools” link

6. Click on “Chapter Remittance Report”

7. Input dates for reports you want to access

Each time an ACH transfer is initiated to yourchapter, the chapter representative we have onfile receives an e-mail notification. Included inthese future e-mails will be a date your chapterwill need to be able to access the correct report.

8. Click on “Run Report”

Only the Chapter President and Chapter Treasurer have accessto this information. If additional chapter members need access

the Chapter President must submit a request.

Page 16

JOIN todayCFMA helps you build a better bottom line in 2014

and your company10 waysIndustry & Professional Connections – To Help You Profit & Stay on Top Access to more than 6,600 construction financial professionals who have “been there” and “done that” in the industry and profession. You can call any CFMA member and know that your call will be answered. Exclusive member-only benefit.

CFMA Building Profits Magazine & BP Online – Profitable, Cost Saving Knowledge, Tips, and Techniques for CFMsThis award-winning, bimonthly magazine covers topics unique to construction financial professionals and is included with your membership. Archived issues and articles are available through BP Online, the digital version of the magazine. Exclusive member-only benefit.

Construction Financial-Specific Educational Programs – Now Available in Convenient, Online Webinars and Virtual ClassesFrom Cash to Treasury to Risk Management, specialized CPE credit topics are available for different levels of construction financial professionals online or in person. CCIFP Certification Prep Webinar also available online.

CFMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibition – Learn & Earn up to 34 CPE CreditsMembers receive discounted registration to the only conference focused on construction financial topics and concerns. CFMA’s 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition will be held in Las Vegas, June 7-11. CFMA’s 2015 Annual Conference & Exhibition will be held in Chicago, June 27- July 1. Register at www.cfma.org.

Free KnowledgeNOW Webinars – Access to What You Need to Know NOWEach month, timely, relevant topics are presented for construction financial managers and their staff and offer 1 CPE credit each. A $720 value, free to members. Exclusive member-only benefit.

CFMA Cost Savings Programs – Save Time & Money From credit card payment solutions from Comdata to mid-sized vehicle fleet services from Enterprise Fleet Management, ConsensusDOCS, and PartnerSHIP discounts on FedEx and UPS shipping. Your firm could save more than $3,000, worth significantly more than your annual dues investment. More savings opportunities through NPP with Verizon Wireless, Expedia , EarthCam, Staples and Fastenal. Exclusive member-only savings benefits.

CFMA Connection Café – Get Answers to Your Questions from Your Peers An online community specifically for construction financial professionals. Discuss your toughest issues and connect into our network of more than 6,600 members with questions and answers. Develop relationships that will last your entire career. Exclusive member-only benefit.

“The Book” and the Construction Financial Benchmarker – Benchmark Your Success Find out how your company compares by region, sales volume, and company type. “The Book” is considered the Bible of the industry. Special pricing for members. Exclusive member-only benefits.

Professional Certification – Certified Today, Skilled for Tomorrow Join more than 900 Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals around the country who are improving their companies’ bottom lines with the industry recognized CCIFP® designation.

Local Chapter Network – Get a Competitive Edge in Your Market Valuable connections focus on local construction issues to help your company’s bottom line. There are 88 chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada. Exclusive member-only benefit.












Courses, Webinars & E-Learning Designed to Help You Build a Better Bottom Line


s e l f - s t u d y



s e m i n a r s

CFMAeducati nLIVE

CONTACT Ariel Sanchirico | 609-452-8000 | [email protected] | www.cfma.org



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VALUABLE localchapter connections

Valuable connections focus on local construction issues to help your company’s bottom line. There are 88 chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada.







Local Chapter Network Valuable connections focus on local construction issues to help your company’s bottom line. There are 88 chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Professional Certification Certified Today. Skilled for Tomorrow. Join more than 850 Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals around the country who are improving their companies’ bottom lines with a recognized industry certification (CCIFP®).


Reaching Out to the Community Opportunity Village

Regional Conference







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Mission CFMA's mission is to be essential to the success and growth of construction financial professionals. Goals MEMBER VALUE CFMA will continually develop and deliver value to members and their companies.

Review and evaluate the value of all CFMA products and services. Develop and communicate opportunities that provide value to members. Enhance the member experience by offering opportunities to build relationships and

access knowledge.

CHAPTER/HEADQUARTERS RELATIONSHIP CFMA will enhance the member experience by strengthening the Chapter/Headquarters relationship.

Improve awareness of resources available to chapter leadership. Develop effective chapter leaders. Assist chapters with local events, as well as statewide and regional conferences. Help chapters consistently provide a positive member experience.

EDUCATION CFMA will be the premier source of education for construction financial professionals.

Develop an educational framework based on subject areas and levels of expertise. Continually evaluate and recommend improvements for existing products. Launch new products and explore additional delivery methods to support the educational

framework. Expand availability and use of CFMA’s educational products by members, chapters, and

external organizations.

EXTERNAL RECOGNITION CFMA will be the source of construction industry financial information and expertise.

Establish and nurture relationships with industry organizations. Be a leading advocate for financial issues that impact the industry. Build and develop media relationships to promote matters of financial interest in the industry.

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