Created by MiMit & KrissyK Art at its best

Chapter One - · PDF fileIf anything it felt so much safer to love another ... I told you Markson was real, see the proof here. ... gry tears fall from his eyes

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Created by MiMit & KrissyK

Art at its best

Chapter One If any one would have asked Mark what he was thinking in that moment he would have told them it wasn’t even about Jackson in the first place. It seriously wasn’t his fault; Jackson had just randomly been popping up in his head for months. Mark had thought it was because Jackson was his best friend but soon those months turned into years. Mark could still remember when he first realized that he was completely fucked because he loved his best friend. It was on a rainy morning and everyone was getting ready to get leave for rehearsals.

Jackson had just gotten out of the shower and was brushing his teeth. Mark him-self made sure to shower before his roommate because Jackson took forever inside

the shower, using an array of products he traded with BamBam so that they looked their best. As Mark hung up his towel and turned around to face Jackson he noticed the man had spilled toothpaste on his chest. How Jackson managed to get himself dirty so quickly after showering baffled Mark but he was so used to it by now that it didn’t faze him too much. He was always cleaning up after Jackson anyway so it wasn’t unusual for Mark to reach for a hand towel and wipe the mess clean from Jackson’s body. Jackson looked confused for a second before smiling, mouth full of minty bubbles and said, “Thank you.” That minty thank you had been one of the most beautiful things Mark had ever heard and that was when he knew he was in love with the wild and sexy Jackson Wang.

~ Being in love with Jackson was fine with Mark; it wasn’t like he was having an identity crisis for loving a guy. If anything it felt so much safer to love another

guy, after all Mark understood guys because he was one. He felt comfortable being in love with Jackson. What was so wrong about the warming feeling he got in his chest when he saw his friend? His love was innocent because it was all his own. No one knew about it and Mark planned on keeping it that way. Of course it was surprisingly easy to keep it that way.

Mark rarely talked in general so it was simple enough to just not say, “Hey Jackson you have lint in your hair and oh by the way I love you.” Instead Mark loved his best

friend in silence and tried to treat Jackson the same way as he did everyone else but even he wasn’t blind to the fact that they just drew to each other like magnets.

They even had a show named after them, everyone seemed to like Markson but if that was the case why was there still so much hate. Fan service was only good when

it brought in money to the company, it was frowned upon however when it was real. The world was afraid to love something different.

~ Mark had gone months after his realization of loving his friend without any hiccups so when he actually messed up he was actually surprised himself. They

were currently doing a radio show about their knew album Mad, an album that showed a more serious side of them. Everyone was really happy about the concept and it seemed that they were getting good feedback. It was easy enough to just let the other members vocalize their love for the concept and have them talk through the radio show as Mark only commentated when a question was directed right to him.

Questions were normally geared to the other members but for some reason he was becoming very popular because of this concept himself. Supposedly everyone was

really surprised by how well Mark had done but Mark had only done what he was told to do and if when he said or rapped his parts of the lyrics who cared if he pretended to be talking to Jackson. No one needed to know that. Well know one expect the whole world apparently because it seemed those words just came from his mouth…live….and on air.

“What do you mean when you said you were talking to Jackson?” The radio host asked, confusion and interest written on their face. They looked like a child in a

candy store who just discovered something amazing that they had never seen before.

Mark looked at his room and saw all eyes on him and swallowed hard. He needed an excuse. Thankfully BamBam came to his rescue by saying, “Why Jackson, why

not me?” BamBam’s commentary made everyone laugh for a bit but the radio host was still staring at Mark with a look as if they just knew something. Mark could just feel Jack-son staring at him along with the eyes of the rest of the radio station staff as they all whis-pered amongst each other.

“So Mark, you really put feeling into what you were saying and it really sounded as if you were broken hearted or desperate for love in your new album. I must person-

ally say that this was the album for you. Where did you get your inspiration? Was it per-haps Jackson as you said before?” The radio host said, laughing a bit at the end but Mark did not feel like laughing.

“I…I don’t know I just kind of thought about what it would feel like to be in that person’s position.” Mark said, trying to calm himself as he gripped his hands togeth-

er in his lap.

“In that position, do you mean someone in love?” They asked. Mark knew the host was just doing his job but he hated them for it. For prying into doors that needed

to stay shut.

“Yes, someone in love.” Mark said, trying so hard not to glace over at Jackson for comfort because he knew it would just making everything worse. He needed to

stop where this was going and fast.

“Have you ever been in love Mark? Or perhaps was Jackson in love and you asked him what it was like?”

“I didn’t ask him that, I… just thought about it.”

“Well it felt very natural, Jackson perhaps Mark has something he would like to tell you.”

Switching back to English Mark let out a very forced, “Nope.” Which might have been a bit rude but Mark couldn’t help it his brain was going insane. Screaming at

how much he just fucked up.

The rest of their time on air Mark stayed deadly quiet and hoped that this did not just ruin his entire life.

~ Today was a very bad day for Mark because as soon as they finished the show everyone began to ask questions, most of which stared with a, “What the hell


Mark backed himself up away from his members until he heard their manager call Mark over.

“Mark JYP would like to speak with you and Jackson in person.” Was all he said be-fore herding up the rest of the members so they could leave. When Mark moved to

go inside the van the manager told him and Jackson that they would be taking a different car directly to the company building because JYP was already waiting for them.

Had word of the radio show really traveled that fast? His phone told him that it was a definite yes as articles and social media began to buzz with titles like, Mark in

love? Mark’s hidden heartbreak? And then there was Mark’s personal favorite; I told you Markson was real, see the proof here.

“Mark what was that?” Jackson asked when they got inside the car. His friend looked completely thrown of guard and Jackson was looking at Mark as if he had

never seen the boy before in his life and that…that hurt.

“I don’t know…it just slipped out.” Mark said before staring out the window.

“Just slipped out? Things like that don’t just slip out Mark. What the hell did you mean when you said that?” Jackson said, talking to him in English because

he was getting worked up.

“I don’t know what I meant.” Mark said and put his headphones in and tried to tune out Jackson. As Mark looked out the window he tried his hardest not to let the an-

gry tears fall from his eyes. When his phone rang from his mother he didn’t answer either. Talking to his parents would just make him crumble. He didn’t tell them about his love for Jackson but Mark knew his parents weren’t stupid. They knew were Mark’s heart was.

When they arrived at JYP’s building Mark could only hope that the man wouldn’t take it out on Jackson, and that he wouldn’t fire him right away either. Mark knew

he might have just ruined his life but hey maybe he didn’t right?

Chapter Twenty

Leaving work Jungkook texted Jimin and asked him to stop by the house. He didn’t get an answer back but he knew the man was probably going to swing by anyway. Jungkook could only hope that he made it back before Jimin in order to make sure Taehyung was awake and ready for Jimin to come back. If no one go insulted through out the rest of the night Jungkook would consider this a good day.


When Taehyung woke up again Jungkook wasn’t in bed. He figured that was a good thing. He did feel a bit silly after crying on him all night, but he was happy that Jungkook understood. He wanted to trust the man but he knew that he couldn’t. After what happened yesterday Taehyung knew he couldn’t stay here. Before Jooheon had brought Taehyung in the back he had over heard him talk to Shownu, the local weapon master in Jooheon’s territory.

It sounded like they were bringing in much stronger guns for some party they were hav-ing in a few days. It was going to be a blood bath as Jooheon was planning on stealing over more territory from other Joker members. After all, the rule of the Joker’s was if you can take it, it’s yours. That’s why being in that gang was so difficult because there was no such thing as trust. Shownu was the closet thing Jooheon had to trusting anyone for an extended period amount of time but even Taehyung knew not to trust that. If Jooheon extending his reach of power Taehyung knew he needed to go into a different district, somewhere that ill make it harder for the man to find him. Taehyung had called in a favor but he knew that it wouldn’t be a definite yes, only time could tell. He just needed to be a little patient.

Rolling over in bed Taehyung looked towards the bedroom door when he heard it begin to unlock. It seemed a little to early for Jungkook to be coming home but maybe he slept longer than he thought?

When the door opened however, it wasn’t Jungkook but Jimin instead and when his eyes landed on Taehyung he didn’t look pleased.

“What exactly are you doing in my boyfriends bed for?” Jimin said, his eyes narrow-ing.

Not really knowing what else to say Taehyung said, “I was sleeping before you woke me up.” Taehyung still remembered what Jimin had said about him before. Taehyung

didn’t really think Jungkook had high standards but even Taehyung thought Jungkook could do better than Jimin. Showing Jungkook that video of him had been cruel and for that Taehyung hated the man.

“Sleeping, didn’t he throw you in the guest bedroom. Are you really trying to seduce my boyfriend by just laying in his bed? Even Jungkook isn’t stupid enough to fall for some-thing like that.”

Smiling at the older man Taehyung said, “Seduce, now why would I have to do that when he was here before. You honestly don’t think that I would sleep in here all by myself did you? I gotta tell you Jimin your boyfriend smells fantastic. I bet he tastes fantastic too huh?” Taehyung said, making his voice a bit deeper, dirtier.

“Jungkook did not sleep with you and you’re an even bigger idiot than I thought if you really thought I’d buy that.”

“Oh really then why’d he ask me to sleep on the left side because his is on the right?” Taehyung asked remembering the bit of information that would surely piss off Jimin.

“Taehyung that’s enough.” Jungkook said, his voice surprising both Jimin and Tae-hyung.

“Jungkook-” Jimin began t say but Jungkook quickly cut him off with a, “I did not fuck him. I did however sleep with him, which is why he’s still in bed. I’ll explain that part later though.” Jungkook said, his voice clearing showing his annoyance. Just what hap-pened at work to make him so upset?

“Jimin first I just wanted to say that what you did was wrong, Taehyung isn’t trying to steal me from you and if he did I’d send him somewhere else.” Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung when he said it. Taehyung blinked at the older man but said nothing. He did however turn away when Jungkook reached over and kissed Jimin. As Jimin and Jung-kook left the room Taehyung didn’t miss the pointed look Jimin sent him. Score one point for Jimin…

When they left the room Taehyung got out the bed. If Jungkook was so easily ready to remove Taehyung then he was going to leave before hand. After all he didn’t want to be here anyway…


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