Chapter 5.8r

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 5.8r


    5.8 Example 8Cricket Sightscreen

    A cricket sightscreen has been proposed for a cricket ground in Rockhampton,Queensland (Region C). Design wind loads are required to be determined.

    Figure 5.16 Cricket sightscreen

    The structure has a nominal solidity of 0.90.

    Regional wind speed

    The sightscreen will be exposed to winds for 40 days a year for 20 years. Then the

    estimated total exposure time is (40/365)20 = 2.2 years.

    With possible occupancy of 5,000-10,000 people in the ground: treat structure as Level 3

    (AS/NZS1170.0 Table F1). Hence take average recurrence interval, R, equal to 500years (AS/NZS1170.0 Table F2).

    From Table 3.1in AS/NZS1170.2, VR= Fc.66 = (1.05).66 = 69 m/s (rounded to nearest

    1 m/s)

    Wind direction multiplier Md= 0.95 (Section 3.3.2)

    (Sightscreen can be at any orientation to wind)

    Terr ain-height multiplier

    z=h=6.1m, For Terrain Category 3, Mz,cat

    = M6.1,cat3

    = 0.82 (Table 4.1(B))


    Structure is shielded by the grandstand for all directions.

    For this case take Ms= 0.80

    5 m

    6 m

    6.1 m

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 5.8r


    Topographic M ultipli er

    Mt= 1.0

    Site wind speed, Vsit,= 69 (0.95)(0.82)(0.8)(1.0) = 43.0 m/s for all (Equation 2.2)

    Design wind speed

    Vdes,= Vsit,= 43.0 m/s

    Aerodynamic shape factor

    Treat structure as freestanding hoarding/wall.

    h = 6.1 m, c = 5 m, b = 6 m. (Figure D1)

    c/h = 5/6.1 = 0.82b/c = 6/5 = 1.20

    For normal winds (=0 deg),Cp,n= 1.3 + 0.5(0.3 + log101.2) (0.80.82) = 1.30 (Table D2(A))

    Eccentricity of load, e = 0

    For oblique winds (=45 deg),

    Cp,n= 1.3 + 0.5(0.3 + log101.2) (0.80.82) = 1.30 (Table D2(B))

    Eccentricity of load, e = 0.2b = 1.2 m from vertical centerline

    Net porosity factor, Kp= 1- (1-0.9)2

    = 0.99 (Equation D1)

    Then Cfig= (1.3)(0.99) = 1.29 (Equation D2)

    Dynamic response factor

    Take Cdyn= 1.0 (natural frequency greater than 1.0 Hertz) (Section 6.1)

    Design wind pressur e

    p = (0.5 air) Vdes,2CfigCdyn= (0.5)(1.2) (43.0)

    2(1.29)(1.0) = 1431 Pa = 1.43 kPa

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 5.8r


    Design l oadings (ul timate limit states for overtur ning)

    Figure 5.17 Design loads cricket sightscreen

    Serviceabil i ty limi t states

    The sightscreen is required to operable at more common wind speeds. For thiscalculation take average recurrence interval R to be equal to 20 years (consistent withAS1170.0, Appendix C)Then Regional wind speed = V20= Fc.45 = 45 m/s

    (Note that Fc= 1.0, for R < 50 yearsSection 3.4)

    For serviceability limit states, terrain-height multiplier is obtained from Table 4.1(A)not

    Table 4.1(B).

    Mz,cat= M6.1,cat3= 0.83

    Vdes,= 45(0.95)(0.83)(0.80)(1.0) = 28.4 m/s

    Ultimate limit states loads can then be factored by (28.4/43.2)2= 0.43

    Net load across sightscreen for serviceability limit states = 1.44 0.43 = 0.62 kPa

    1.43 kPa

    1.43 kPa

    1.43 kPa

    1.43 kPa

    1.2 m