Chapter 4 the Use of Word

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    Chapter 4 THE USE OF WORD-



    Basic Competencies

    After completing this chapter, students are able to:

    1. identify the menu and icons in word-processing software,

    2. explain the functions of the menu and icons in word-processingprograms,

    3. use the main menu and icons in word-processing software, and

    4. create simple word-processing documents.

    Concept Map


    Kinds of software

    Microsoft WordAmipro

    Identification of


    Standard ToolbarMenu Bar Formatting Toolbar Drawing Bar

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    menu icon menu bar

    standard toolbar formatting toolbar drawing toolbar


    Among available word-processing software, one of the characteristics of

    Microsoft Word is its icon, which is the letterWand its extention, i.e. doc. Word is

    one of the programs in Microsoft Office, which is issued by a world software

    maker, Microsoft.

    The application of the word-processor Microsoft Word basically focuses

    more on the features offormatting, editing, and tools, and all the ease to insert texts

    or other objects (pictures or photos). The higher the version of the word-

    processor is, the more sophisticated and complete the features it has. It is even

    refined with features related to the developing technology (such as the internet)

    and a connection with other applications for file sharing.

    Several things that can be done with the word-processor Microsoft Word

    are writing many kinds of paper and letter, writing and sending email, creating

    documents with newspaper layout, making labels or letterhead, creating web

    pages, making simple labels on documents, etc. After learning this topic, you will

    be able to create many kinds of documents and present them.


    1. Basic Elements in Microsoft Word Document

    When you start the application of Microsoft Word, automatically a blank

    document named Document 1 is displayed. To change the name, save the

    document. The document named Document 1 always appears everytime you

    open Microsoft Word. Then, if you open another new document, the name is

    Document 2, Document 3, and so on.

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    RunningMicrosoft Word:

    Figure 4.1. Starting Microsoft Word

    1. Click Starton the taskbar menu2. After the menu appears, click Program/ All Program3. ClickMicrosoft Office if you are usingMs. Word 20034. ClickMicrosoft Office Word 20035. If you have the shortcutof Microsoft Office Word 2003 on the

    desktop, you can double click it to open it






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    Then, a Microsoft Word document appears as seen in the figure of the basic

    elements of Microsoft Word presented in the figure 4.2 below.

    1. Title Bar

    2. Icon Control

    3. Menu Bar

    4. Standard Toolbar

    5. Formatting Toolbar

    6. Ruler Lines

    7. Drawing Toolbar

    8. View Layout Toolbar

    9. Status Bar

    10.Vertical Scroll Bar

    11.Horizontal Scroll Bar

    12.Restore Down

    13.Task Pane Bar

    14. Insertion Point

    Figure 4.2 A Microsoft Word document


    3 4


    8 7





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    1) Title Baris the application program of the active file.

    2) Icon Control Menuis the menu used to control the active window.

    3) Menu Barcontains the menu in Microsoft Word, from File to Help.

    4) Standard Toolbar contains the shortcuts in the form of icons, such as New,

    Open, Save, Print, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo, etc.

    5) Formatting Toolbarcontains the facilities to format texts, such as Bold, Italic,

    Underline, Indentation, etc.

    6) Ruler Lines contains paragraph spacing, left and right margin, tabs, page

    layout, etc.

    7) Drawing Toolbar contains simple facilities for drawing, Word Art, Clip Art,

    Textbox, etc.8) View Layout Toolbarcontains the kinds of display, such as Web Layout, Print

    Layout, and Outline.

    9) Status Barshows the information about the insertion point.

    10) Vertical Scroll Barcontains the facilities to scroll the screen up and down.

    11) Horizontal scroll barcontains the facilities to scroll the screen left and right.

    12) Restore downis the measure to determine the size of the screen, whether it is

    maximized or minimized.

    13) Task Pane contains the available commands in the form of a panel.

    14) Insertion Pointis the cursor or point in the form of a blinking line.

    2. Menu and Icons

    In Microsoft Word, Menu consists of File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools,

    Table, Window, and Help. Within these menus, there are some submenus. The

    menu File contains the commands that are related to file, Edit contains the

    commands related to editing, View contains those related to display setting, Insert

    contains those related to inserting, Format contains those related to printout

    setting, Tools contains helping tools that are used to complete the previous

    commands, Window contains the commands about working window and others,

    and Help contains the information needed when questions arise during working

    An icon is a symbol that represents a certain operation. It is a symbol that is

    easy to recognize by users, and usually it is adjusted to the character of the

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    command which is represented. For example, saving a file is represented by the

    symbol diskette.

    a. Menu Bar

    Figure 4.3 Menu Bar

    Table 4.1 describes the functions of the icons in the menu bar and its


    Table 4.1. Menu and Submenu

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    b. Standard Toolbar

    Standard Toolbar consists of a group of standard icons available in Microsoft

    Word. By default, the standard toolbar consists of the following icons:

    Figure 4.4 Standard Toolbar

    The icons in the Standard Toolbar can be adjusted to the need of the users. The

    name of the icons can be known by placing the mouse pointer on the targeted

    icons, such as in Figure 4.5 below.

    Figure 4.5 The icon Save

    Table 4.2. Standard Toolbar

    Icon Name






    Print Preview

    Spelling andgrammer





    Format Painter

    Undo Typing

    Icon Name

    Redo Clear

    Insert HyperlinkTables and Borders

    Insert Table

    Insert MicrosoftExcel WorksheetColumns


    Document Map


    ZoomMicrosoft OfficeWord Help


    c. Formatting Toolbar

    Formatting Toolbar is a group of icons that are available in Microsoft Word

    that are used to format an active document.

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    Figure 4.6 Sub menu in Formatting Toolbar

    Table 4.3. Formatting Toolbar

    Icon Name

    Styles andFormatting



    Font Size




    Align Left

    Icon Name

    CenterAlign Right


    Line Spacing



    Decrease Indent

    Increase Indent


    HighlightFont Color

    d. Drawing Toolbar

    Drawing Toolbar is a group of icons that are available in Microasoft Word to give

    some effects on pictures.

    Figure 4.7 Sub menu in Drawing Toolbar

    Table 4.4. Drawing Toolbar

    Icon Name


    Select Objects






    Insert Word Art

    Insert Diagram

    Insert Clipt Art

    Insert Picture

    Icon Name

    Fill Color

    Line Color

    Font Color

    Line StyleDash Style

    Arrow Style

    Shadow Style

    3-D Style

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    C. The Functions of Sub menus and Icons

    a. Menu Bar

    Menu Bar consists of the submenus File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table,

    Window, and Help. Each submenu has its own functions, they are:

    b. File Menu

    This menu contains some commands used to organize a file. It consists of some

    submenus as presented in Table 4.5.

    Table 4.5 File Menu

    Menu and Icon Function

    To open a new document

    To open a document that has beenmade before

    To close an active document

    To save an active document

    To save a document using anothername

    To save a document as a web page

    To search for a file

    To know the version of MicrosoftWord used

    To preview a web page

    To set a page

    To preview the printout on screen

    To print a document on paper

    To send a file between directoriesand web

    1. Turn on the computer to display a Microsoft Word

    document.2. Look at the menu and icons. Identify the available menu.

    3. Identify the submenus displayed in the main menu of

    Microsoft Word. Write the results in a table.

    TASK 1

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    Menu and Icon FunctionTo exit from Microsoft Word

    c. Edit Menu

    This menu contains commands used to edit a document, such as in the following


    Table 4.6 Edit menu

    Menu and Icon FunctionTo cut a paragraph or word

    To copy a paragraph or word

    To paste something copied

    To paste something copied with special


    To select all texts and pictures in adocument

    To find a word or a phrase

    To find and replace a word or a phrase

    To go to a certain page

    d. View Menu

    This menu contains commands used to organize the screen display and the

    positions of additional menu and icons.

    Table 4.7 View menu

    Menu and Icon Function

    To display a document in simple view

    To display a html (hyper text markuplanguage) view like in the Internet Explorer

    To display a print layout

    To display a document in the form of anoutline and to set its structureA group of icons often used for editing,consisting of:1) Standard, which is used in the operations

    of every document, such as opening,closing, and copying a document

    2) Formatting, which is used to format adocument, such as font, bold, italic,underline, and indentation

    3) Border, which is used in the creation ofborders

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    Menu and Icon Function

    4) Database, which is used in the databaseoperation such as sorting data, organizing

    a file, and adding data5) Drawing, which is used in the operation

    of shapes and other objects such as lines,boxes, and colors

    6) Forms, which is used when working withforms

    7) Microsoft, which is used when workingwith other programs such as MicrosoftExcel and Microsoft Power Point

    To help seeing and organizing a document

    To display a document map per page, perchapter and per file on the left windowTo display and organize the header and footeron a pageTo place and organize the position of footnotesin a documentTo organize comments in a project

    To display a document in a full screen so thatonly the active document is visibleTo set the display of the editor screen based onpercentages; a bigger percentage will result in

    a bigger document display

    e. Insert Menu

    This menu contains a group of commands that are used to insert certain format

    into an active document, such as in the following table.

    Table 4.8 Insert menu

    Menu and Icon Function

    To insert a page break

    To insert the page numbers of an activedocument

    To insert date and time in an activedocument

    To insert special words that have beenmade in the internet (usually is used byinternet users)

    To insert fields for formulas and others

    To insert certain symbols

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    Menu and Icon Function

    To insert comments in an active document

    To insert a footnote, caption, cross

    reference, and indexTo insert pictures in a document in severalways:1. Clipart, to insert objects that are

    already in the computer files2. From file, to insert objects from certain

    files in the hard disk, CD, or others3. From a scanner or camera, to insert

    objects resulted from a scanner or acamera

    4. New drawing, to insert objects madeby drawing

    5. Autoshapes, to insert objects using thefacilities available in autoshapes

    6. Wordart, to insert objects with artisticdesigns

    7. Organization chart, to insert objects inthe form of diagrams

    To insert diagrams in a document

    To insert a textbox in a document

    To insert a file (another document) in anactive document

    To insert an object in a document

    To insert a bookmark in a document

    To insert a hyperlink in a document

    f. Format Menu

    This menu contains commands used to format a document as presented in the following


    Table 4.9 Format menu

    Menu and Icon Function

    To choose font type, size, style, color, and effect

    To format a paragraph, such as indentation,spacing, margin, and before and after spacing

    To choose indentation type whether using

    bullets or numbersTo choose paragraph or page borders and

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    Menu and Icon Function


    To choose the number of columns to be used(usually is for magazines and newspapers)

    To choose the tabulation of a selectedparagraph

    To give an bigger effect to a letter, usually thesize is equal to three lines in a selectedparagraph

    To give an effect of text direction (up to 3600) ofa selected paragraph

    To change the case of letters in a text or aselected paragraph

    To give a background color to a document

    To give a background texture to a document

    To make the table of content of an activedocument

    To format a document with formats that arecommonly used

    To choose the style and format to be used

    To change the style, font, language, indentation,bullets and numbering that are already used

    g. Tools Menu

    This menu contains commands that are used to control other commands, such as:

    Table 4.10 Tools menu

    Menu and Icon Function

    To set, choose, and activate the patternof autocorrect grammar and spellingso that every word will be checkedbased on it

    To set and choose the language used inthe activated autocorrect grammar andspelling check

    To count the words in a selected block(page)

    To compare an active document with anew file that is to be merged; if theresult is the same, both are not merged

    To protect a document for security and

    secretTo create mail-merged letters with

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    Menu and Icon Function

    many addresses to be printed

    To create, record, and protect macros

    To set things related to wordcorrection and Auto Wizard

    To set, add, and reduce active icons tobe used in the menu

    To choose setting methods in save, edit,view, file location, grammar and spelling,and other common settings

    h. Table Menu

    This menu contains commands that are used to make and format tables and also

    manipulate them, such as:

    Table 4.11 Table menu

    Menu and Icon FunctionTo create a new table

    To insert a table

    To delete a table

    To select a table

    To merge several cells into only one cell

    To split a cell that is previously merged

    To split a table because of page changesor other reasons

    To create a table with available formats

    To create a table that is autofitted to thewidth of the texts, column, etc

    To use a title or header repeatedly

    To convert a table into text and viceversa

    To sort the content of a table based onselected criteria, either ascending ordescending

    To write a formula in a cell

    i. Window Menu

    This menu contains commands that are used concerning the active window.

    Table 4.12 Window menu

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    Menu and Icon FunctionTo open a new window

    To arrange all active windows

    To compare documentsTo split an active document into two

    To show an active document

    j. Help Menu

    This menu contains commands that help users use Microsoft Word when they

    experience difficulties.

    Table 4.13 Help menu

    Menu and Icon Function

    To display Microsoft Word Help thatcan be used to solve problems

    To show or hide the office assistant

    To create an internet connection withMicrosoft Office online

    To create an internet connection tocontact Microsoft

    To give information to Word Perfectusers

    To check for updates from the officialsite of Microsoft

    To detect and repair errorsautomatically

    To activate the product of MicrosoftOffice

    To offer choices to Word users to givefeedback to Microsoft

    To display information about the

    program of Microsoft Word used

    2. Standard Toolbar

    The standard toolbar contains commonly used commands that are the same as

    other software. The functions of the icons are such as in Table 4.14.

    Figure 4.8 Sub menu in Standard Toolbar

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    Table 4.14 Functions of Standard Menu

    3. Formatting Toolbar

    The functions of the icons in the Formatting Toolbar are related with the document

    setting or format. The toolbar consists of the following icons:

    Figure 4.9Sub menu


    Icon Name Function

    New To create a new document

    Open To open a fileSave To save a file

    PermissionTo determine the accessibility option ofusing a document

    E-mail To create an e-mail

    Print To print a document

    Print Preview To preview a document before printing

    Spelling and grammer To check spelling and grammar

    Research To search for a certain document

    Cut To cut an object into a clipboard

    Copy To copy a documentPaste To paste objects in the clipboard

    Format PainterTo format a document with the paintingfacility

    Undo TypingTo cancel the last command

    Redo Clear To cancel undo typing

    IInsert Hyperlink To insert and fix hyperlink

    Tables and Borders To format tables and borders

    Insert Table To insert a tableInsert Microsoft ExcelWorksheet

    To insert a Microsoft Excel worksheet

    Columns To create columns

    Drawing To show the drawing toolbar

    Document Map To activate the document map

    Show/Hide To show and hide characters

    Zoom To zoom in and out a display

    Microsoft Office WordHelp

    To display the Help menu

    Read To display Reading Layout

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    Formatting Toolbar

    Table 4.15 Functions of Formatting Menu

    4. Drawing Toolbar

    The icons in the drawing toolbar are used in drawing lines, inserting pictures,

    making artistic writing, and etc. The functions of the icons are:

    Figure 4.10 Sub menu in Drawing Toolbar

    Table 4.16 Functions of Drawing Menu

    Icon Name Function

    Draw To organize objects

    Select Objects To select objects

    AutoShapes To draw a shape

    Line To draw a lineArrow To draw an arrow

    Icon Name Function

    Styles andformatting

    To show the style and formatting task pane

    Style To choose the style of a chosen paragraph

    Font To determine the font type

    Font Size To determine the font size

    Bold To thicken selected text

    Italic To italicize selected text

    Underline To underline selected text

    Align Left To align left text

    Center To center textAlign Right To align right text

    Justify To justify text

    Line SpacingTo determine the space of the chosen text orparagraph

    Numbering To give numbers

    Bullets To give bullets instead of numbers


    To decrease indentation left


    To move indentation right

    Border To give borders/frames

    Highlight To highlight text

    Font Color To give font color

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    Icon Name Function

    Rectangle To draw a rectangle

    Oval To draw an oval

    Textbox To draw a textbox

    Insert Word Art To insert a word art

    Insert Diagram To insert a diagram

    Insert Clipt Art To insert a clip art

    Insert Picture To insert picture and other files

    Fill Color To fill the color of an object

    Line Color To color a line

    Font Color To give font color

    Line Style To modify the thickness of a line

    Dash Style To format a dash style

    Arrow Style To format an arrow style

    Shadow Style To give a shadow to an object3-D Style To give the effect of 3D

    D. The Use of Menu and Icons

    1. The Use of Menu and Icons in the Menu Bar

    The menu bar can be used in two ways:

    a. Using a Mouse:

    1) Place the mouse pointer on one of the icons in the menu bar, for example on the

    menu File

    2) Click the menu File, then a sub menu appears which contains file formatting

    commands as presented in Figure 4.8.

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    Figure 4.11 Menu Bar

    3)Click one that is needed. For example, clicking New means opening a new


    4)Do the same thing on other menus.

    b. Using Keyboard:

    1) Using Alt key

    If you see a programs menu, in each of the sub menus there is a letter that is

    underlined. This shows that to run its function, you can use the Alt key. For example,

    in the menu File, the underlined letter is F. To run it, press the Alt and F at the same

    time. Another example is the menu New, in which the key N is pressed to create a

    new document. The same also applies to other menus.

    b.Using Ctrl key

    Basically, the use of Ctrl is almost similar to that of Alt. However, not all menu can

    use the function of the Ctrl key. Here are some of the menu that use Ctrl key:

    Table 4.17 Functions of Ctrl key

    Action Function

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    Action FunctionCtrl + N To create a new document

    Ctrl + O To open a document

    Ctrl + W To close a document

    Ctrl + S To save a document

    Ctrl + P To print a documentCtrl + F To find a text

    Ctrl + G To go to a specific area (cell, range) and worksheet

    Ctrl + X To cut a part of a document

    Ctrl + Y To cancel an command and go to previous condition

    Ctrl + Z To go to the next condition

    Ctrl + C To copy data

    Ctrl + V To paste copied and cut data

    Ctrl + 1 To format data cells

    The function of Ctrl key can be seen in the display of the submenu in each Menu Bar.Look at the submenu in the Edit menu:

    The command of using Ctrl key in the submenuEdit

    Figure 4.12 Function ofCtrl key

    2. The Use of Icons in Standard Toolbar

    There are some steps to use the icons in the standard toolbar:

    a. Locate the mouse pointer on the icon

    For example, locate the pointer on the icon in the standard toolbar.

    b. Click the left button of the mouse.

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    c. As a result, a new document is created. Try to do the same thing to other icons.

    3. The Use of Menu and Icons in Formatting Toolbar

    There are some steps to use the icons in the formatting toolbar:

    a. Block the words or sentences to be formatted.

    b. Locate the mouse pointer on the icon.

    For example, locate the mouse pointer on the icon in the formatting toolbar.

    c. Click the left mouse button.

    d. As a result, the words/sentences selected will be thickened. Try to do the same

    to other icons.

    4. The Use of Menu and Icons in Drawing Toolbar

    Some steps to use the icons in the drawing toolbar are:

    a. Locate the mouse pointer on the icon.

    For example, locate it on the icon in the drawing toolbar.

    b. Click it using the left mouse button.

    c. As a result, the command to be used is word art. Try to do the same to other


    E. Operating Microsoft Word

    1. Opening a Microsoft Word Window

    To open Microsoft Word, there are some steps to do:

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    Figure 4.13 Opening a Microsoft Word window

    1. Click Startin the taskbar menu

    2. After the menu appears, click Program/ All Program

    3. Click Microsoft Office if using Ms. Word 2003

    4. Click Microsoft Office Word 2003

    5. If there is a shortcut of Microsoft Office Word 2003 on the Desktop,

    doubleclick it

    6. Wait for a moment until a Microsoft Word window is displayed and

    ready to be operated

    2. Creating a New Document

    The steps to create a new document in Microsoft Word are:

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    Figure 4.14 Creating a new document

    a. Choose menu File

    b. Click New.

    c. A document of Ms. Word is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Be careful with cables and

    220 volt connector.K3

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    Figure 4.15 A New Document

    Besides, you can also use another alternative:

    a. Click the icon (New Blank Document)in the standard toolbar.

    b. You can also use the combination of Ctrl+N keys to display a new document.

    3. Opening a Saved Document/File

    Computers have some advantages. They are able to save documents/files that

    you have made, able to reopen them so that you can add the content, able to reprint them,

    and so on.

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    Below are the steps to open a document/saved file:

    Figure 4.16 Opening a new document

    a. Click menu File

    b. Click Open

    c. The Open dialog box is displayed

    Figure 4.17 Open Dialog Box

    d. Choose the file that you want to open first by deciding the folder position ofthe document/saved file.

    e. Click the file name to open it

    f. Click Open, so the chosen file will be opened by Microsoft WordBesides, you can use other alternatives i.e:

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    a. Click the icon in the standard toolbar

    b. This can also be done by pressing the keys Ctrl+O, so the file is displayed on

    the screen

    4. Saving a Document

    Among all activities in typing and processing a document, the most important

    activity is saving it. This is to prevent from the possibility of losing it. The steps of saving a

    document are as follows:

    Figure 4.18 Saving a document

    a. Click menu File

    b. Click Save/Save As.

    c. The computer screen will show Save As dialog box

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    Figure 4.19 Save Dialog Box

    d. On the command Save in, choose and click a drive or a folder.

    e. In the File name, type the name of the document

    f. Click Save or enter to save it

    g. Save the file as often as possible, to avoid the posibility of losing the data

    when the computer suddenly shuts down.

    Besides, you can use other alternatives i.e.:

    a. Click the icon (Save) in the standard toolbar

    b. Press Ctrl+S

    5. Closing a Document

    After you finish working on a document and want to close it without leaving

    Microsoft Wordwindow, you can close it by doing the following steps:

    Before closing a document, makesure that the document HASBEEN SAVED.K3

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    Figure 4.20 Closing a Document

    a. After saving the document, to close it, choose the menu File in Microsoft

    Word windowb. Click Close, so Microsoft Word will close the active document

    c. Or press (close) in the menu bar

    6. Closing Microsoft Word Window

    The last activity in document processing is leaving Microsoft Word window. You

    can do it as follows:

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    Figure 4.21 Leaving Microsoft Word window

    a. Make sure the document is saved, then choose the menu File

    b. Click Exit to close Microsoft Word window

    c. Besides, closing Microsoft Wordwindow can be done by clicking X on top

    right ofMicrosoft Wordwindow

    F. Formatting Text

    1. Using a Pointer

    Pointer is mouse direction when it is used and moved to access a command.

    The shape can be changed according to the commands. By default a pointer is in the shape

    of a small arrow if pointing to an icon, a vertical line if it is in a typing area, and a sand

    glass ( ) if you are processing something.

    2. MovingInsertion Point(cursor)

    Insertion point is the same as cursor, the difference is in the shape. Insertion point is

    a vertical line (I-beam) which blinks in Windows application. It functions as a location signal

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    to start typing or blocking text. In order to move it fast in a large document, you have to

    know the commands.

    Using a mouse, you can only click the areas shown on the screen. You can also use

    the vertical scroll bar or horizontal scroll bar, with the symbol , on the right and

    bottom of the screen. However, these scroll bars only function to scroll the screen not to

    move the insertion point/cursor.

    Table 4. 18 Moving a cursor using keyboard

    Key Function

    orTo move the cursor one character rightor left

    or To move cursor one line above orbelow

    Ctrl+ or Ctrl+To move the cursor one word right orleft

    Ctrl+ or Ctrl+To move the cursor one paragraphabove or below

    Home and EndTo move cursor to the beginning or theend line

    Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+EndTo move cursor to the beginning or tothe end of the document

    PgUp or PgDn To move the cursor one screen aboveor below

    Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDnTo move the cursor to the above orbelow page

    3. Blocking Text

    A text block is a text area to be processed. The area can be characters, paragraphs, or

    the whole text in a document. By blocking a text, you can copy, move or delete it, and color

    it fast.

    a. Blocking text using a mouse

    Table 4.19 Blocking text using a mouse

    Activity Function

    Click and drag text, move to the wanted textTo block text based onneed

    Click twice the wanted word To block one word

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    Activity Function

    Click on selection bars To block one line

    Press Ctrl (hold) and click the wanted

    sentence To block some lines

    Press Ctrl and click the wanted sentence To block one sentence

    Click words at selection bar or click 3x atparagraph part

    To block one paragraph

    Press ALT and drag the mouse to the wantedposition

    To block a column

    b. Blocking text using keyboard

    Table 4.20 Blocking text using keyboard

    Activity Function

    Shift+ To block one character to the left

    Shift+ To block one character to the right

    Shift+ To block one above line

    Shift+ To block one line below

    Ctrl+Shift+ To block one word to the right

    Ctrl+Shift+ To block one word to the left


    To block up to the beginning of a paragraphCtrl+Shift+ To block up to the end of a paragraph

    Shift+Home To block up to the beginning of a line

    Shift+End To block up to the end of a line

    Shift+PgUp To block up to one screen above

    Shift+PgDn To block up to one screen below

    Ctrl+Shift+Home To block up to the beginning of a document

    Ctrl+Shift+End To block up to the end of a document

    Ctrl+A To block the whole text in a document

    Note:To cancel a text block, click the left button of the mouse anywhere in the


    4. Text Alignment

    Here you learn how to use left, center, right and justify alignment.

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    How to align text using formatting toolbar

    a. Block the text to be processed

    b. Then click the icon of text alignment

    Figure 4.22 Example of aligning a document

    Table 4.21 Text Alignment (alignment icon)



    Name Function

    Ctrl + L Align Left To left align a text

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    Ctrl + E Center To center align a text

    Ctrl + R Align Right To right align a text

    Ctrl + J Justify To justify a text

    5. Changing Font Type and Style

    Figure 4.23 Font Type and Style

    There are various font types in Ms Word. Moreover, if you have software that

    provides many font types and install them to Windows, your text will be much more


    Fonts have names, such as Arial, Times New Roman, and Comic Sans MS. To

    change the font type, do the following steps:

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    Figure 4.24 How to format font typea. Block text whose font type will be changedb. Click the icon Font in the formatting toolbar to display a list of font typesc. Click the font type you want, for example Times New Romand. The previous font is replaced by Times New Romane. Do the same steps for other texts

    You can also use other alternatives:

    a. Click the menu Format in the menu bar, then click Font to show the font

    dialog box as seen below.

    Figure 4.25 Font Dialog Box

    b. Press Ctrl+Shift+F to change the font type

    6. Changing Font Size

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    In a blank document, by default Ms. Worduses the font type Times New Roman

    sized 12 points. The steps to change the font size are as follow:

    Figure 4.26 How to format font size

    1. Block the text whose font size will be changed2. Click the icon Font Size in theformatting toolbarto display a list of font sizes3. Click a font size , for example 124. The font size is now changed into 125. For other font types follow the steps above.

    Besides, you can use other alternatives:

    6. Click the menu Format on menu bar, click Font to open the font dialog box.

    Choose the font size.

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    Figure 4.27 Font Dialog Box

    2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to change the font size

    7. Choosing Font Style

    To give and change font style of a text, do the following steps:

    Choose and block the text that will be changed.

    1. If you want to thicken a text, choose and click Bold in the formatting toolbaror press Ctrl+B

    2. If you want to italicize a text, choose and clickItalic in the formatting toolbaror press Ctrl+I

    Figure 4.28 Using Bold and Italic

    Table 4.22 The Icons of Bold and Italic

    Icon Name Function

    Bold To type bold letters

    Italic To italicize letters

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    8. Underlining a Text

    To underline a text, do the steps below:

    a. Choose and block the text to change

    b. Choose and click the icon Underline in the formatting toolbar:

    1) Press Ctrl+Shift+Uto give single underline2) Press Ctrl+Shift+D to give double underline3) Press Ctrl+Shift+Wto give single underline on words only

    Figure 4.29 Using Underline

    Table 4.23 The Icon Underline

    Icon Name Function

    Underline To underline a text

    9. Choosing Font Color

    If it is needed in typing, you can show text in color, so the letter display will be more

    interesting. To change font colors the steps are as below:

    a. Choose and block text to change and color

    b. Choose and click the icon (Font Color) in theformatting toolbar



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    Table 4.30 The Icon Font Color

    Icon Name Function

    Font Color To change font color



    g a Text

    If you

    make a


    in typing,

    you can

    edit it in



    1. Press BackSpace to delete one character on the left of the cursor

    2. PressDeleteto delete one character on the right of the cursor

    3. To repeat the text that you have just typed, choose the menu Edit, then Repeat

    Typing (Ctrl+Y)

    4. To delete the text that you have just typed, choose and click the menu Edit, then

    Undo Typing(Ctrl+Z) or click the icon (Undo) in the standard toolbar

    5. To move a text to a new line without inserting a paragraph sign, press Shift+Enter

    1. Copying a Text

    To copy a text, do the following steps:

    a. Block the text to copy

    b. Click the menu Edit and choose Copy in the standard toolbar or the icon


    c. Move the cursor/insertion point to the copying location

    d. Click the menu Edit and choose Paste or click the icon (Paste)

    Table 4.25 The icon copy and paste

    Copy the text Trik Menghemat Listrik in the appendix, with

    the following requirements:

    a. Type in 2 different fonts; you are free to choose any font type

    and sizeb. Type foreign terms in Italic

    c. Type the title in Bold and Underline

    d. Type in 1.5 space

    TASK 2

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    Icon Name Function

    Copy To copy a text to an outside area

    Paste To take/attach the copy result

    Or by:

    a. Blocking the text to copy

    b. Pressing Ctrl+Dragthe text and scroll the mouse to the copying location

    Or by:

    a. Blocking the text to copy

    b. Pressing Ctrl+C

    c. Moving the cursor/insertion point to the destination area

    d. Pressing Ctrl+V

    2. Deleting a Text

    To delete a text, do the following steps:

    a. Block the text to delete

    b. Click the menu Edit, then choose and click Cut or click the icon (Cut) in the

    standard toolbar.

    Table 4.26 The icon cut

    Icon Name Function

    Cut To cut/delete

    Or the following steps:

    a. Block the text to delete

    b. PressDelete

    3. Moving a Text

    To move a text do the following steps:

    a. Block the text to move

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    b. Click the menu Edit, then choose and click Cut or click the icon (Cut) in the

    standard toolbar

    c. Move the cursor/insertion point to the destination area

    d. Click the menu Edit and choose Paste or click the icon (Paste)

    Or the following steps:

    a. Block the text to move

    b. Drag the text and scroll the mouse to the destination area


    a. Block the text to move

    b. Press Ctrl+X

    c. Move the cursor/insertion point to the destination area

    d. Press Ctrl+V

    The steps to cancel a command:

    a. Click the menu Edit

    b. Click Undo


    Click the icon (Undo) in the standard toolbar

    Table 4.27 The icon Undo Typing

    Icon Name Function

    Undo To cancel the last command


    Press Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace

    To repeat a command, do the following:

    a. Click the menu Edit

    b. Click Redo

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    Click the icon (Redo) in the standard toolbar

    Table 4.28 The icon Redo

    Icon Name Function

    Redo Typing To cancel the last cancellation

    E. Formatting a Paragraph

    A paragraph is anything which is ended by pressing the Enter key. It may be the title of

    a report, part of a list, a blank line between two paragraphs, a series of texts or sentences

    that have the same idea. You can format a paragraph by using one of the following:

    1. Choose the paragraph to format, then format it as you wish.

    2. Place the cursor at the beginning of a paragraph or format, then type the paragraph

    that you want. By doing this, all paragraphs starting from the cursor will follow the

    format that you choose until you make some changes or move the cursor to other

    parts of the document.

    1. Setting a Paragraph and Spacing

    To set a paragraph and space in a document, do the following:

    a. Click the menu Formatand click Paragraph

    b. Click Indents and Spacing

    Figure 4.30 Paragraph Setting

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    Notes:a. Alignment, to set the text alignment. in 4 types i.e.

    1) Left : text/script is left-aligned

    2) Centered : text/script is center-aligned

    3) Right : text/script is right-aligned

    4) Justified : text/script is aligned in both on the left and right

    b. Left, to determine paragraph indentation from the left margin

    c. Right, to determine paragraph indentation from the right margin

    d. Before, to set spacing before current line (text)

    e. After, to set spacing after current line (text)

    f. Line Spacing, to determine spacing from text.

    1) Single : setting one space

    2) 1.5 lines : setting one and a half space

    3) Double : setting two spaces

    4) At least : setting minimum space5) Exactly : setting definite space

    6) Multiple : setting space twice than beforeg. Special, to set paragraph type, whether indented on the first line or hanging;

    spacing is determined in the option by located to the right of the option

    2. Breaking and Joining Paragraphs

    a.Breaking a paragraph

    Place the insertion point in sentences to break, then press Enter.

    b.Joining paragraphs

    It can be done by deleting the symbol enter ( ) at the end of a paragraph. To

    show the symbol in a document, click the icon in the standar toolbar.

    Table 4.29 The icon Show/hide

    Icon Name of Function

    Show/hide To show or hide paragraph sign

    c. Setting Indentation

    You can indent a paragraph to left margin, right margin or both, either

    indentation of the first line, or hanging indentation. The steps are as follow:

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    1) Choose and place the cursor in a paragraph to indent.

    2) Click the menu Format, then choose and click Paragraph.

    3) In theParagraph dialog box, clickIndents and Spacing.

    4) In indentation box, set the indentation that is wanted:

    a) Left, sets indentation space from left margin

    b) Right, sets indentation space from right margin

    c) Special, determines special indentation with the space as it is in box By.

    (1) (none), no special indentation

    (2)First line, left indentation is for the first line only.

    5) Hanging, set hanging indentation, in which all lines except the first line are


    6) See indentation sample inPreview

    7) Click OKor Enter to end it

    Left IndentationFirst Line IndentationHanging IndentationRight Indentation

    Left margin Right margin

    Figure 4.31 Indentation Setting

    Table 4.30 The icons Increase Indent and Decrease Indent

    Icon Name Function


    To increase the indentation


    To decrease the indentation

    F. Inserting Objects

    1. InsertingWord Art

    Word Artis a facility which is provided byMicrosoft Word to create good looking and

    artistic writing. The steps are:

    a. Choose one of the things below:

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    - Click Insert, Figure, thenWord Art in the standard toolbar

    - Or click the icon (Word Art) in the drawing toolbar,

    Figure 4.32 WordArt Setting

    b. Choose Word Artmodel that you likec. Type a text in Word Art

    d. Click OK

    Figure 4.33 Editing WordArt Text

    2. InsertingClipt Art

    a. Inserting Clipt Art in a document

    1) First, open a document to insert a picture from Clipt art

    2) Set the position of the picture, e.g. in the middle of a document.

    3) Choose and click Insert, Figure, Clipt Art and wait until a dialog box is


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    Figure 4.34 Clip Art dialog box

    4) In Search for, type a name to search, e.g. Religion, then click the icon Go or


    5) After the pictures are shown, click a picture that you want.

    6) Click Insert or drag it, soMs. Word will place the clipt art in the document.

    7) Then click the icon (Close)

    b. Changing Picture Size

    See the explanation below.

    Figure 4.35 Changing picture size

    1) Click the picture to set, then a picture with borders and drag points is shown.

    2) Move the mouse pointer in drag points, click the left button, and drag as you wish.

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    a) Use angular point to change the figure size in the same shape

    b) Use horizontal point to maximize or minimize the picture to the right and to the


    c) Use vertical point to make figure longer or shorter to top or bottom.

    c. Moving a Picture

    A picture in a document is sometimes difficult to format. It is because it is bound

    to the original position. So if you want to place it as you wish, you have to set it first. To

    do this, do the following:

    1) Choose and click View, Toolbar, Picture

    2) Click Text Wrappingand choose Square

    3) Then place the picture as you wish by dragging it

    d. Determining distance between picture and text

    A picture in a text/document has its own characteristics concerning distance and

    size. So, in order that the document has a proportional layout in relation to text and

    pictures, you have to set it first.

    The steps are as the following:

    1) Choose and click first the picture to set

    2) Choose and click Format, Picture

    Figure 4.36 Layout Dialog Box

    3) Click on the tabLayout

    4) Choose and clickAdvanced

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    5) Choose Text Wrapping

    6) Click Square and Both slide

    7) Set and click the arrow on Top, Bottom,LeftandRight

    8) Finally click OK

    e. Decorating a picture with frame and background

    To decorate a picture, you can add borders and colors. The steps are:

    1) Choose and click first the picture to format

    2) Choose and click Format, Picture

    Figure 4.37 Colors and lines Dialog Box

    a) Click the tab Color and Lines

    b) InFill, choose a color that you like

    c) InLine, choose line color

    d) Choose the thicknessof the line is in Dashed

    e) Finally click OK

    J. Formatting a Page

    Formatting a page depends onprint out result. The steps are:

    1. Click the menu File, then choose and click Page Setup.

    2. Wait untillPage Setupdialog box appears

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    Figure 4.38 Page Setup Dialog Box

    1. Margins

    a.Margin, to set the margin of a page. To determine the size, click the symbol .

    1) Top, to set the top margin of a document from the paper top edge.

    2) Bottom, to set the bottom margin of a document from the paper bottom edge.

    3)Left, to set the left margin of a document from the paper left edge.

    4)Right, to set the right margin of a document from the paper right edge.

    5) Gutter, to give specific distance on the left or top for bindery.

    6) Gutterposition, to provide two alternative positions, i.e. left or top position

    b. Orientation, to determine page orientation.

    1)Portrait, for vertical page orientation.

    2)Landscape, for horizontal page orientation.

    c. Mirror Margin, to set the margin so it can be printed like a book.

    d.Apply to, to determine where the format is applied in a document. There are some


    1) Whole document, the margin is set for the whole document

    2) This point forward, the margin is set from the active page (i.e. in insertion point

    position) up to the last page.

    2. Paper

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    Figure 4.39 Paper Setup

    Paper Size, is used to set paper size. The default size is letter. To choose other sizes,

    click .

    a. Width, for paper width size

    b. Height, for paper height size


    The format is seen in Preview. When you have finished formatting the document,

    click OK to close the dialog box.

    K. Printing a Document

    1. Print Preview

    To make sure that a document is neatly organized, it is better if you view the result

    first in Print Preview. It is to check if there is any mistake in typing. The steps are below:

    a. Choose and click File

    b. Click Print Previewc.Print Preview is displayed as in Figure 4.40.

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    Figure 4.40 Print Preview

    Besides, you can use the icon in the standard toolbar:

    Table 4.31 The icon Print Preview

    Icon Name Function

    Print Preview To view a document before printed

    2. Printing a Document

    Before printing, make sure the printer is plugged and installed to your computer.

    The steps are:


    Click the menu fileb. Then choose and click Print

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    Figure 4.41 Print Dialog Box

    1) Name, to choose active printer type, click and choose the printer type.

    2) Page rangeprovides three printing alternatives:

    a) ALL, i.e. printing the whole document.

    b) Current page, i.e. printing an active page, which depends on the cursor


    c) Pages, i.e. printing the pages that you want. For example 1,3,5-12

    (meaning to print page 1, 3, and page 5 up to page 12).

    3) Print what, fill document if you want to print a document.

    4) Printsprovides three printing alternatives, odd, even, or all pages.

    5) Copies is used to determine the total copy of printed documents. If you want

    to print 5 copies, fill in it with number 5.

    6) The optionproperties can be used to choose paper type, printing quality, and

    so forth.

    c. Click OKor Enterto print.

    You can also use the icon (Print) in the standard toolbar.

    Table 4.32 The icon Print

    Icon Name of Function

    Print To print a document

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    Put a tick () in the column provided if you understand or you

    agree with the statements provided in the previous column.

    Understand Statements Word Processor The material gives skill

    and knowledge.

    Menu bar The material increasesconfidence.

    Toolbar The material can givethe opportunity to havea bussiness, e.g. typingservice.

    Menu The material can

    strengthen cooperationamong friends.

    Icon The material in thechapter is presentedorderly.

    Menu Bar The material in thechapter can broadenstudents knowledge towrite variousinformation.

    Standard Toolbar

    Formatting Toolbar

    Drawing Toolbar


    1. Microsoft Word or Ms Word is word processing software which can be used to present

    information. Besides Ms Word, there are other word processing software like AmiPro,Word Perfect, WordStar, and so on.

    2. Menu in software is the facilities or group of commands in an application program. For

    example, Ms Word contains 9 main menus i.e File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools,

    Table, Window, and Help.

    3. Each menu in software has submenu and each submenu has its own function.

    4. Icon is a command shown in a figure or symbol which represents specific operation in

    order to be easily remembered by users. In other words, icon is a shortcut to do a


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    5. Menu and icon can be activated in two ways by clicking a mouse and pressing keys on a



    A. Multiple-choice Questions

    Instruction: Choose the correct answers.

    1. The Extention of Microsoft Word is .

    a. MDL c. DOC

    b. XLS d. PPT

    2. The menu to control the active window is

    a. title bar c. menu bar

    b. status bar d. icon control menu

    3. Shortcuts such as the icons New, Open, Save, Print and so on are

    located in the . toolbar.

    a. Standard c. Formatting

    b. Drawing d. Toolbar

    4. The icon of Microsoft Word is .

    a. c.

    b. d.

    5. The following are the products of Microsoft Word, except .

    a. a newspaper c. a letter

    b. a web page d. a database

    6. Here are examples of menu bar, except .a. Front c. Format

    b. File d. Edit

    7. The icon which is used to open a new document is

    a. c.

    b. d.

    8. The button which is used to format the screen size to become one full

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    screen is .

    a. Minimize c. Restore

    b. Maximize d. Close

    9. The icon below that is used to save a document is .

    a. c.

    b. d.

    10.The steps below are to close or end Microsoft Word, except.

    a. File Exit c. Alt + F4

    b. Button close (X) d. Alt + Delete

    11.The first step to run application program through the start button is


    a. Menu File c. Start

    b. Icon on a desktop d. Shortcut

    12.The paragraph command is in the menu:

    a. Insert c. Tools

    b. Format d. Table

    13. The column command is in the menu:

    a. Insert c. Tools

    b. Format d. Table

    14. If in the Insert Table dialog box we fill in 8 in the Number of columns and

    5 in the Number of rows, the table will contain:

    a. 3 rows, 8 columns c. 8 rows, 5 columns

    b. 5 rows, 8 columns d. 8 rows, 8 columns

    15. Split Cells is used to:

    a. divide cells into few lines or rows

    b. divide cells into few lines

    c. divide table into few cells

    d. divide cells into some sub table

    B. Essay-type Questions

    1. What are the functions of the application program of Microsoft Word?

    2. What are the uses of the application program of Microsoft Word in

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    your school administration ?

    3. What is a menu?

    4. What is an icon?

    5. What is Menu Bar? Explain it.

    6. What does Standard Toolbar consist of? Explain it.

    7. What is Formatting Toolbar? Explain it.

    8. Mention the steps to activate the application program of Microsoft

    Word using the start button in the taskbar.

    9. Mention the differeneces between activating an application program

    using the start button in the taskbar and using icon of a program on

    the desktop.


    Practice again:

    1. Running Ms Word

    2. Making folder and sub-folder

    3. Copying file from My Document to Flashdisk, then from Flashdisk to

    My Document

    4. Sending a file from a Drive to another drive using Send To

    5. Collecting some files in the same category or information to a folder

    6. Tracing a folder or subfolder that you have just made using Windows


    7. Writing a formal letter using Ms Word.