Chapter 33 etymology practice

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  • 8/14/2019 Chapter 33 etymology practice


    Chapter 33 Etymology Practice

    Nomen mihi est ______________________ datum est ________I. Look at the following list of English words which are derived from Latin words in Chapter 33.

    In the first column give the Latin word from which each word is derived. (Hint: you may use the

    same word more than once.) In the second column find the definition of each word from the listbelow, and write it here.

    Latin word Definition of English word

    1. fortuitous ________________ _______________________________

    2. stele ________________ _______________________________

    3. proceed ________________ _______________________________

    4. sanguine ________________ _______________________________

    5. disgust ________________ _______________________________

    6. pestilence ________________ _______________________________

    7. gustatory ________________ _______________________________

    8. edible ________________ _______________________________

    9. complete ________________ _______________________________

    10. vulnerable ________________ _______________________________

    11. enumerate ________________ _______________________________

    12. uvula ________________ _______________________________

    13. aspersion ________________ _______________________________

    14. interpret ________________ _______________________________

    15. site ________________ _______________________________

    16. animation ________________ _______________________________

    17, lunar ________________ _______________________________

    18. vestment ________________ _______________________________

    19. lapidary ________________ _______________________________

    20. peccary ________________ _______________________________

    21. lunacy ________________ _______________________________

    22. in lieu ________________ _______________________________

    23. nasal ________________ _______________________________

    24. et cetera ________________ _______________________________

    25. rescind ________________ _______________________________

    26. medic ________________ _______________________________

    27. scissors ________________ _______________________________


    *dealer in precious stones *pig-like animal *damaging remark *pertaining to the moon

    *to count off *wildly foolish act *pertaining to the nose *explain the meaning of

    *gown worn by clergy *fleshy mass in back of throat *doctor *cutting tool

    *able to be eaten *stone slab *of a red color *epidemic disease *offend or sicken

    *to go forward *happening by chance *process of imparting life *having all parts

    *susceptible to injury *related to sense of taste *location *insanity *in place of

    *unspecified things *repeal

  • 8/14/2019 Chapter 33 etymology practice


    II. Fill in the blanks below with derivatives from part I that complete each blank in the

    story below.


    Because the chicken had been sitting on the table in the sun for several hours, my mom

    said it was no longer __________________. Since I was hungry, ___________ ofeating chicken, I decided to grill a burger. While waiting for my food in the picnic grove,

    a herd of ___________________ ran by. I was in the path of 3 of them, making me

    ___________________ to being run over and hurt. This was a

    _______________________ incident, it certainly wasnt planned. As I ran from these

    pig-like creatures, my face was a bright red _______________ color. My mother

    thought the behavior of the animals was because of the ______________ eclipse which

    was occurring. I thought that idea was pure _______________, or craziness, and told

    my mom I disagreed. She scolded me for these ___________________, saying I

    should never talk like that about her again.When my burger was finally cooked, it was too large to eat, and not having a knife,

    I cut it in two with the _________________ my sister was using to create confetti.

    She was angry that it now had burger juice on it, since she could not _____________, or

    finish, her project. I saw she already had a huge pile of confetti and told her to

    ________________ them to see if she had enough. While she was counting them, the

    wind blew up and some of the confetti blew in her mouth and landed on her

    _____________. We had to call a ________________ to come quickly and see if the

    confetti could be removed before she choked on it. The doctor came to our location, or

    ____________, but on the way to our picnic table, he tripped on a large_____________ that was placed there. This contained inscriptions in honor of the local

    _________________, a famous gem cutter of our town. He died when a great

    __________________, the Avian Influenza outbreak occurred in our community. The

    doctor gashed his knee and to stop the bleeding, the church priest offered his

    ______________ to wrap around the wound.

    Meanwhile, my sister was choking, and to get our attention began dancing around

    with spirited _________________. We ________________ to run to her and, after

    drinking copious glasses of water, she recovered. We __________________ this as a

    sign that it was time to go home before anything else happened. I think I will

    _________________ any future plans to go to that park again.