CHAPTER 3 PC REPAIR FUNDAMENTALS A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e

CHAPTER 3 PC REPAIR FUNDAMENTALS - Parkway … · CHAPTER 3 PC REPAIR FUNDAMENTALS ... Make notes that will help you backtrack ... Understand how an operating system is loaded

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A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Basic repair skills

Developing a maintenance plan

Implementing a maintenance plan

Working inside a computer case

Following sequence of events that occur at startup

Advanced repair skills

Using common-sense guidelines to solve problems

Interviewing a user

Determining if a problem occurs before or after boot

Troubleshooting and solving a problem of a failed boot

PC Support Technician Tools

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Help you maintain a computer

Help you diagnose and repair computer problems

Criteria for choosing tools:

Level of PC support you expect to provide

Amount of money you can spend

Some essential tools:

Ground bracelet, ground mat, or ground gloves

Torx screwdriver set

Recovery CD, DVD, or floppy disk for target OS

Store tools in toolbox for PC troubleshooting

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Figure 3-1 PC support technician tools

Recovery CDs

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Used to boot a system

Also used to repair and reinstall Windows

Primary recovery CD sources

PC manufacturer (preferred)

Operating system distributor, such as Microsoft

Some hard drives have a hidden recovery partitions

A hidden partition can be used to reinstall Windows

A utility for creating recovery CDs may be provided

Access hidden utilities by pressing a Fn key at startup

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e 6

Figure 3-2 Windows Setup CD and Windows Recovery CDs

for a notebook computer

Loop-Back Plugs

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Used to test various ports

Some port types: serial, parallel, USB, network

How to use a loop-back plug

Plug in the loop-back plug

Run the software that comes with the plug

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Figure 3-3 Loop-back plugs used to test serial and parallel ports

Cleaning Pads and Solutions

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Various types are designed for specific uses

Example: contact cleaner

Cleans contacts on expansion cards

Warning: solutions may be flammable and/or toxic

Sources of safety and emergency instructions:

Side of the can of solution

Material safety data sheet (MSDS)

Adhere to safety procedures of your employer

Example: fill out an accident report (if required)

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Figure 3-5 Each chemical you use should have available

a material safety data sheet

Post Diagnostic Cards

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Report computer errors and conflicts at POST

How to use a POST diagnostic card:

Install card in an expansion slot on the motherboard

Attempt to boot your system

Record any error codes appearing in LED panel

Look up the entry associated with the error code

Examples of Post diagnostic cards:

PCI Error Testing/Debug Card by Winic Corporation

POST card V3 by Unicore Software, Inc.

Post Code Master by MSD, Inc.

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Figure 3-6 Post Code Master diagnostic card by MSD, Inc.

Personal Computer Preventive Maintenance

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Preventive maintenance reduces number of problems

Goals of preventive maintenance plans:

Prevent failures

Reduce repair costs

Reduce downtimes

Goal of disaster recovery plan: manage failures

Some causes of PC failure: heat, dust, spills, viruses

When a PC is your Permanent Responsibility

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Tasks and procedures to prepare for troubleshooting

Keep good backups of data and system files

Document all setup changes, problems, and solutions

Protect the system against viruses and other attacks

Always use a firewall (software or hardware barrier)

Install and run antivirus software

Keep Windows Updates current

Physically protect your equipment

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Figure 3-9 Configure antivirus software to scan e-mail and

instant message attachments and to download updates


Creating a Preventive Maintenance Plan

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Plan based on history or pattern of malfunctions

Example: PCs in dusty areas need more maintenance

Goals common to maintenance plans

Extend the working life of a PC

Anticipate problems that could disrupt service

Ensure data is secure and backed up

Provide support to PC users

Basic steps involved in designing a plan

Define your overall goals

Incorporate procedures for achieving goals

Dealing with Dust

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Dust accumulates in layers over components

Two major problems due to dust blankets

PC components directly overheat

Cooling fans jam, also resulting in overheating

Maintenance task: remove the layer of dust

Two tools used to remove dust:

Antistatic vacuum

Compressed air

Preparing a Computer for Shipping

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Adverse factors to consider:

Rough handling

Exposure to water, heat, and cold

Misplacement or theft of computer

Some shipping guidelines to follow:

Backup the hard drive onto a backup medium

Remove inserted disks, tape cartridges, or CDs

Coil and secure all external cords

Separately wrap hardware components

Purchase insurance on the shipment

Disposing of Used Equipment

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Various guidelines for disposing of equipment:

Table 3-2

Manufacturer documentation

Local environmental regulators

Danger posed by monitors and power supplies

Residual charge in capacitors can cause shock

Modern devices discharge if unplugged for 60 minutes

Older devices may require discharge with a probe

Destroy secondary storage devices with sensitive data

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Table 3-2 Computer parts and how to dispose of them

How to Work Inside a Computer Case

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Objective: dismantle a computer, put it back together

Some safety precautions to follow: Make notes that will help you backtrack

Keep screws and spacers orderly

Do not stack boards on top of each other

Do not touch the chips on circuit boards

Do not use a graphite pencil to change DIP settings

Turn off the power, unplug and ground the computer

Do not remove covers of monitors or power supplies

Keep components away from hair and clothing

Static Electricity

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Build-up of charge due to absence of conductors

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) Due to dissimilar electrical surfaces making contact

Only 10 volts of ESD can damage PC components

Walking across carpet generates up to 12,000 volts

Two types of damage: catastrophic and upset failure

Tool and methods for grounding yourself and the PC Ground bracelet, ground mats, static shielding bags, antistatic


If working inside a monitor, do not ground yourself

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Figure 3-13 A ground bracelet, which protects computer

components from ESD, can clip to the side of the computer case

and eliminate ESD between you and the case

Steps to Take Apart a Computer

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Essential tools:

Ground bracelet

Phillips-head screwdriver

Flat-head screwdriver, paper, and pen

Follow safety precautions at all times

Summary of Steps 1 - 4

1. Enter CMOS and write down customized settings

2. Power down the system, unplug all components

3. Put the computer on a good-sized table

4. Remove the cover of the PC

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Figure 3-19 Removing the cover

Steps to Take Apart a Computer (continued)

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Summary of steps 5 - 11

5. Diagram cable connections and switch settings

6. Identify cables connecting drives to motherboard

7. Remove the cables to all drives

8. Remove the expansion cards

9. Remove the motherboard (or drives)

10. Remove the power supply from the case

11. Remove each drive (if not already removed)

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Figure 3-33 Remove the motherboard from the case

Steps to Put a Computer Back Together

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1. Install power supply, drives, motherboard, cards

2. Connect all data and power cables

3. Plug in the keyboard, monitor, and mouse

4. Ask instructor to check work (if in a classroom)

5. Turn on the power and check PC functions

Understanding the Boot Process

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Key learning objectives

Know how to boot a PC

Understand what happens first when a PC is turned on

Understand how an operating system is loaded

Booting a Computer

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Process that drives a computer to a working state

Hard (cold) boot: turn the power switch on

Soft (warm) boot: allow the OS to reboot

How to soft boot Windows XP

Click Start

Click Turn Off Computer

Click Restart

Choosing Between a Hard Boot and a Soft Boot

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Hard boots are more stressful on machines

Power surges through system when PC is turned on

Reasons to choose a soft boot over hard boot

Less stressful on the machine

Faster due to skipping initial steps

Some computers have a soft and hard power switch

Soft power switch shuts down and restarts Windows

Hard power switch cuts power and restarts machine

The Startup BIOS Controls the Beginning of the Boot

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


The startup BIOS gets a system up and running

Four phases of the boot process:

BIOS runs the POST and assigns system resources

POST: power-on self test

BIOS searches for and loads an OS

OS configures system and completes its own loading

Application software is loaded and executed

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Figure 3-40 Boot Step 1: The ROM BIOS startup

program surveys hardware resources and needs and

assigns system resources to satisfy those needs

Changing the Boot Sequence

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BIOS looks to CMOS RAM to locate the OS

Boot sequence: order of drives checked for an OS

Change boot sequence using CMOS setup utilities

Access CMOS setup utilities when PC is turned on

Example: press F8 before Windows screen appears

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Figure 3-42 Numbered steps show how BIOS searches for and begins

to load an operating system (in this example, Windows NT/2000/XP is

the OS)

How to Troubleshoot a PC Problem

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Assume the attitude of an investigator

Do not compound the problem by your own actions

Look at the problem as a learning opportunity

Ask questions until you understand the problem

Believe that you can solve the problem

Steps to Solving a PC Problem

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


Key advice:

Ask good questions

Document the process

Four-step problem solving process:

Step 1: Interview the user

Step 2: Back up data

Step 3: Solve the problem

Step 4: Verify the fix and document the solution

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Figure 3-44 General approach to troubleshooting

Troubleshooting a Failed Boot

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It takes time to acquire troubleshooting skills

Hands-on training: troubleshooting a failed boot

My Computer Won’t Boot

A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your PC, 6e


First step: maintain your calm

Second step: develop a game plan

Figure 3-45 provides a procedure

Plan is driven by a set of yes-no questions

Example: Does the PC boot properly?

If no, troubleshooter is directed to another question

If yes, troubleshooter is directed to stop (for now)

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Figure 3-45 Use this flowchart when first facing a computer problem

Troubleshooting Major Subsystems Used For Booting

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Categories of troubleshooting steps in Figure 3-45

The electrical subsystem

Essential hardware devices

The motherboard, memory, and the CPU


Reading from the hard drive

Key aides: tables identifying error codes

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Table 3-4 Beep codes and their meanings