CHAPTER 26-”The U.S. in Today’s World” Identifications

CHAPTER 26-”The U.S. in Today’s World” Identifications

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Page 1: CHAPTER 26-”The U.S. in Today’s World” Identifications

CHAPTER 26-”The U.S. in Today’s World”


Page 2: CHAPTER 26-”The U.S. in Today’s World” Identifications

• 245. William Jefferson Clinton-42nd president...Democrat...vowed to strengthen weak economy & lead Demo party in a more moderate direction.

• 246. Columbine High School-April ’99, two students at h.s. in Colorado, killed 12 students and 1 teacher (wounded 23) before killing themselves...school violence.

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• 247. World Trade Center I-first terrorist on WTC in NYC...1993 (bomb exploded in basement parking garage).

• 248. Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing-1995...Timothy McVeigh convicted of detonation which destroyed federal office building, killing 168 men, women and children.

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• 249. World Trade Center II-second terrorist attack on WTC...”9-11”...hijacked planes flown into buildings which collapsed...3000+ killed...panic resulted.

• 250. US/UN in Bosnia-US troops joined other NATO troops in fighting Serbs and their “ethnic cleansing”...helped to negotiate a peace settlement.

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• 251. Newt Gingrich/Contract with America-”94, he turned voters’ dissatisfaction with Clinton into Republican support...drafted “contract”-10 items Republicans promised to enact if they won control of Congress...included, term limits, balanced budget amendment, tax cuts, tougher crime laws & welfare reform...con’t---------

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• Congressional Election of ’94, Republicans defeated Democrats and won control of both houses of Congress...Gingrich = Speaker of the House...Congress clashed with Clinton...fed government shut down for several weeks in 1995.

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• 252. Clinton investigated & impeached-’70’s involved in Whitewater (Land) Development scheme—used $$ improperly to fund governor (ARK) campaign...Aug ’94, independent counsel (Kenneth Starr) investigated Whitewater + relationship with intern (Lewinsky) + charge that Clinton lied under oath...Dec”98 House of Reps voted (cont)-

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• to impeach Clinton on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice...2nd president (1st in 130 years) to be impeached...vote fell short of conviction-Clinton apologized for his actions.

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• 253. George W. Bush-2000 election...Republican defeated Al Gore-”too close to call election”...Gore won popular vote...Bush won Electoral College via Florida...and 5 to 4 in US Supreme Court.

• 254. service sector-part of economy that provides services to consumers.

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• 255. downsize-trim payrolls to streamline operations and increase profits.

• 256. Bill Gates-celebrated entrepreneur...advent of personal computers...software company-Microsoft...2000=wealthiest perosn in the world with assets of about $60 Billion.

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• 257. information superhighway-network of communication devices linking people and institutions across the nation and the world.

• 258. internet-international network linking computers and allowing almost instant transmittal of text, images and sound...from late 1960s-by 1995, “internet” had become household word.

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• 259. Proposition 187-1994, California passed...cut all education and nonemergency health benefits to illegal immigrants...ruled unconstitutional in March ‘98