Chapter 24662

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 24662


    Production and Growth

    Chapter 24

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    Production and Growth

    A countrys standard of livingdepends on its ability toproduce goods and services.

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    Production and Growth

    ithin a country there arelarge changes in thestandard of living over ti!e.

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    Production and Growth

    In the "nited #tates over the pastcentury, average inco!e as !easuredby real $%& per person has gro'n byabout 2 percent per year.

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    Production and Growth

    &roductivity refers to the a!ount ofgoods and services produced for eachhour of a 'or(ers ti!e.A nations standard of living isdeter!ined by the productivity of its'or(ers.

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    The Variety of Growth Experiences

    Country Period

    Real GDP per

    Person atBeginning of Period

    Real GDP per

    Person at Endof Period Growth Rate(per year)

    J apan 189 !199" #1$19% #&'$ & 8&*

    Bra+il 19 !199 %19 %$& & 1

    ,e-i.o 19 !199" 9&& 8$1& & &"

    Ger/any 18" !199" 1$"'8 &1$' 1 99Canada 18" !199" 1$89 &1$8% 1$90

    China 19 !199" 0" '$0" 1 91

    rgentina 19 !199" 1$8& 9$90 1 "%

    2nited 3tates 18" !199" '$188 &8$" 1 "04ndonesia 19 !199" " 8 '$ 0 1 %0

    2nited 5ingdo/ 18" !199" '$8&% & $0& 1 ''

    4ndia 19 !199" 0'" 1$90 1 '

    Pa6istan 19 !199" 08" 1$09 1 '

    Bangladesh 19 !199" 90 1$ 0 "8

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    Economic Growth Around theWorld

    )iving standards, as !easuredby real $%& per person, varysignificantly a!ong nations.

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    Economic Growth Around the


    *he poorest countries haveaverage levels of inco!e thathave not been seen in the "nited

    #tates for !any decades.

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    Compounding and the

    ule of !"Annual gro'th rates that see! s!allbeco!e large 'hen co!pounded for!any years.Co!pounding refers to theaccu!ulation of a gro'th rate over aperiod of ti!e.

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    Compounding and the

    ule of !"

    According to the rule of +0 , if so!evariable gro's at a rate of percentper year, then that variable doublesin appro i!ately +0- years.

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    An Example of the ule of !"

    /,000 invested at + percent interest peryear, 'ill double in si e in 10 years

    70/ 7 = 10

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    Why Producti#ity $s %o $mportant

    &roductivity plays a (ey role indeter!ining living standardsfor all nations in the 'orld.

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    Why Producti#ity $s %o $mportant

    &roductivity refers to the uantity ofgoods and services that a 'or(er canproduce fro! each hour of 'or(.

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    Why Producti#ity $s %o $mportant

    *o understand the large differences inliving standards across countries. e!ust focus on the production of goods

    and services.

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    &ow Producti#ity is 'etermined

    *he inputs used to produce goods and

    services are called the factors ofproduction .

    *he factors of production directlydeter!ine productivity.

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    The (actors of Production

    &hysical capital

    Hu!an capitalatural resources

    *echnological (no'ledge

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    The (actors of Production

    Capital is a produced factor ofproduction.

    It is an input into the productionprocess that in the past 'as anoutput fro! the production process.

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    Physical Capital

    &hysical capital is the stoc( ofe uip!ent and structures that are

    used to produce goods and services.*ools used to build or repair auto!obiles.

    *ools used to build furniture.

    3ffice buildings, schools, etc.

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    &uman Capital

    Hu!an capital is the econo!ists ter! forthe (no'ledge and s(ills that 'or(ers

    ac uire through education, training, ande perience.

    )i(e physical capital, hu!an capital raises a

    nations ability to produce goods andservices.

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    atural resources are inputs used inproduction that are provided by nature,

    such as land, rivers, and !ineraldeposits.

    4ene'able resources include trees and

    forests.onrene'able resources include petroleu!

    and coal.

    )atural esources

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    Technological *nowledge

    *echnological (no'ledge is theunderstanding of the best 'ays toproduce goods and services.Hu!an capital refers to the resourcese pended trans!itting thisunderstanding to the labor force.

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    The Production (unction

    5cono!ists often use a productionfunction to describe the relationshipbet'een the uantity of inputs usedin production and the uantity of

    output fro! production.

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    The Production (unction

    Y = A F(L, K, H, N) Y 6 uantity of output

    A 6 available production technologyL 6 uantity of labor

    K 6 uantity of physical capitalH 6 uantity of hu!an capitalN 6 uantity of natural resources

    F( ) is a function that sho's ho' theinputs are co!bined.

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    The Production (unction

    A production function has constant returnsto scale if, for any positive nu!ber x ,

    xY = A F(xL, xK, xH, xN)

    *hat is, a doubling of all inputs causes the

    a!ount of output to double as 'ell.

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    The Production (unction

    &roduction functions 'ith constant returns toscale have an interesting i!plication.

    #etting x = 1/L ,

    Y/ L = A F(1, K/ L, H/ L, N/ L)


    Y/L 6 output per 'or(erK/L 6 physical capital per 'or(erH/L 6 hu!an capital per 'or(erN/L 6 natural resources per 'or(er

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    The Production (unction*he preceding e uation says thatproductivity 8Y/L 9 depends on physicalcapital per 'or(er 8K/L 9, hu!an capitalper 'or(er 8H/L 9, and natural resourcesper 'or(er 8N/L 9, as 'ell as the state of

    technology, 8 A 9.

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    Economic Growth andPu+lic Policy

    $overn!ents can do !anythings to raise productivityand living standards.

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    Go#ernment Policies That aiseProducti#ity and ,i#ing %tandards

    5ncourage saving and invest!ent.

    5ncourage invest!ent fro! abroad5ncourage education and training.

    5stablish secure property rights and!aintain political stability.

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    The $mportance of %a#ing and$n#estment

    3ne 'ay to raise future productivity isto invest !ore current resources in theproduction of capital.

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    (a) Growth Rate 1960-1991 (b) Investment 1960-1991

    %outh *orea%ingapore



    West Germany0exico1nited *ingdom

    )igeria1nited %tates




    Growth Rate (percent)" 2 3 4 5 !

    %outh *orea%ingapore



    West Germany0exico1nited *ingdom

    )igeria1nited %tates




    Investment (percent of GDP)" " 2" 3" 4"

    Growth and $n#estment

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    The $mportance of %a#ing and$n#estment

    As the stoc( of capital rises, the e traoutput produced fro! an additional unitof capital falls: this property is calleddi!inishing returns.

    ;ecause of di!inishing returns, anincrease in the saving rate leads tohigher gro'th only for a 'hile.

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    The $mportance of %a#ing and$n#estment

    In the long run, the higher saving rateleads to a higher level of productivityand inco!e, but not to higher gro'th in

    these areas.

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    The $mportance of %a#ing and$n#estment

    *he catch

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    $n#estment from A+road

    $overn!ents can increase capitalaccu!ulation and long

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    $n#estment from A+road

    Invest!ent fro! abroad ta(es severalfor!s7

    =oreign %irect Invest!entCapital invest!ent o'ned and operated by aforeign entity.

    =oreign &ortfolio Invest!entInvest!ents financed 'ith foreign !oney butoperated by do!estic residents.

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    An educated person !ight generate ne'

    ideas about ho' best to produce goodsand services, 'hich in turn, !ight entersocietys pool of (no'ledge and provide

    an e ternal benefit to others.

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    3ne proble! facing so!e poor

    countries is the brain drain

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    Property ights and Political%ta+ility

    Property rights refer to the ability ofpeople to e ercise authority over the

    resources they o'n.An econo!y

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    (ree Trade

    *rade is, in so!e 'ays, a type oftechnology.

    A country that eli!inates traderestrictions 'ill e perience the sa!e(ind of econo!ic gro'th that 'ould

    occur after a !a>or technologicaladvance.

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    (ree Trade

    #o!e countries engage in . . .

    . . . in'ard

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    Control of Population Growth

    &opulation is a (ey deter!inant of acountrys labor force.

    )arge populations tend to produce greatertotal $%&.

    Ho'ever, $%& per person is a better !easure

    of econo!ic 'ell

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    esearch and 'e#elopment

    *he advance of technological (no'ledgehas led to higher standards of living.

    ?ost technological advance co!es fro! privateresearch by fir!s and individual inventors.

    $overn!ent can encourage the develop!ent ofne' technologies through research grants, ta

    brea(s, and the patent syste!.

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    The Producti#ity %lowdown

    *he slo'do'n in productivity gro'th isa 'orld'ide pheno!enon.

    *he slo'do'n cannot be traced to thosefactors of production that are !osteasily !easured technology !ay be the


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    79"89 "

    9 "893"

    93"89 "

    9 "89!"



    The Growth in eal G'P Per Person

    G r o w

    t h R a

    t e ( %

    p e r

    y e a r )

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    5cono!ic prosperity, as !easured by real$%& per person, varies substantiallyaround the 'orld.

    *he average inco!e of the 'orlds richestcountries is !ore than ten ti!es that in the'orlds poorest countries.

    *he standard of living in an econo!ydepends on the econo!ys ability toproduce goods and services.

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    &roductivity depends on the a!ounts ofphysical capital, hu!an capital, naturalresources, and technological (no'ledgeavailable to 'or(ers.

    $overn!ent policies can influence the

    econo!ys gro'th rate in !anydifferent 'ays.

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    *he accu!ulation of capital is sub>ect todi!inishing returns.

    ;ecause of di!inishing returns, highersaving leads to a higher gro'th for aperiod of ti!e, but gro'th 'ill eventuallyslo' do'n.

    Also because of di!inishing returns, thereturn to capital is especially high in poorcountries.

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    (a) Growth Rate 1960-1991 (b) Investment 1960-1991

    %outh *orea%ingapore



    West Germany0exico

    1nited *ingdom)igeria

    1nited %tates$ndia



    Growth Rate (percent)" 2 3 4 5 !

    %outh *orea%ingapore



    West Germany0exico

    1nited *ingdom)igeria

    1nited %tates$ndia



    Investment (percent of GDP)" " 2" 3" 4"

    Growth and $n#estment

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    The Growth in eal G'P Per Person








    7!"8 79"8 9 "8 93"8 9 "8 9!"8"

    G r o w

    t h R a

    t e ( %

    p e r

    y e a r )