CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Copyright 2007, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman

CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

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Page 1: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

CHAPTER 22The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

World Civilization: The Global ExperienceFifth Edition


Copyright 2007, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as LongmanCopyright 2007, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman

Page 2: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

I. The First Big Changes: Culture and CommerceII. Science and Politics: The Next Phase of Change III. The West by 1750

Page 3: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

I. The First Big Changes: Culture and Commerce

A. A New SpiritFrancesco Petrarch (1304-1374)

Secular writing

B. The Italian Renaissance

Begins 14th, 15th centuriesIn northern Italy

ItalyUrbanizedMerchant classPolitical rivalry

Petrarch, BoccaccioUse ItalianSecular topics

PaintingUse of perspectiveShadow, distanceFocus on humans

Western Europe in the Renaissance and Reformation

Page 4: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

I. The First Big Changes: Culture and Commerce

B. The Italian RenaissanceMichelango Buonarotti

Leonardo da Vinci

Nicolo Machiavelli

HumanismLooking back to classical pastStudy of texts, especially ancient

C. The Renaissance Moves Northward

By 1500, impetus moves north

Northern RenaissanceFrance, Low Countries, England,

GermanyThence to eastern Europe

More concerned with religious mattersWilliam ShakespeareMiguel de Cervantes

Page 5: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

I. The First Big Changes: Culture and Commerce

D. The Protestant and Catholic Reformations

1517, Martin Luther's challengeAttacks church institutionsBible the only authority

Vernacular translations

Protestant protest used for political gain

German opposition to the papacyRulers seize church lands

Henry VIIIEstablishes Anglican church

Jean CalvinCalvinism


Catholic ReformationRenewalJesuits


Page 6: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

I. The First Big Changes: Culture and Commerce

E. The End of Christian Unity in the West

Religious WarsFrance

Calvinists v. Catholics1598, Edict of Nantes

Promises Protestants’ toleration

30 Years War (1618-1648)Devastating to GermanyNetherlands independent

Literacy increases

F. The Commercial Revolution Inflation, 16th century

Gold, silver from New WorldDemand outstrips supply

G. Social ProtestProletariat developsAttitudes towards poor changeProtestsWitchcraft hysteria

Western Europe in the Renaissance and Reformation

Map on p. 484

Page 7: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

II. Science and Politics: The Next Phase of Change

A. Did Copernicus Copy?

Nicolai CopernicusPolish monkKnowledge of work of al-Urdi,

al-Tusi?Earlier Arab scientists

Page 8: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

II. Science and Politics: The Next Phase of Change

B. Science: The New AuthorityNew instruments add to data

collectionGalileo Galilei

Uses Copernicus' work

Kepler’s observations confirm earlier work

William HarveyCirculatory system

MethodsFrancis Bacon

Empirical researchRené Descartes

SkepticismIsaac Newton

System of natural laws

DeismGod does not intervene with


John LockeUse of reason

Page 9: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

II. Science and Politics: The Next Phase of Change

C. Absolute and Parliamentary Monarchies

17th century, medieval balance disrupted

France dominatesCentralized monarchyBureaucracy“Absolute monarchy"Louis XIV the best example

Nobles kept at court

Other absolute monarchsSpain, Prussia, Austria-HungaryTerritorial expansion

EnglandDifferenceCivil War

Parliament triumphant

Western Europe under Absolute Monarchies

Page 10: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

II. Science and Politics: The Next Phase of Change

D. The Nation-StateDefinition

Common language, culture

National literature, songs, foods

Territorial aspect

Common allegiance

Page 11: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

III. The West by 1750

A. Political PatternsGreat change in central Europe

Frederick the Great of PrussiaReligious freedomState regulates economyOverseas commercial networks

Continual warfareFrance v. Britain

Rivalry over overseas territory

Prussia v. AustriaTerritorial conflicts

Page 12: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

III. The West by 1750

B. Enlightenment Thought and Popular Culture

Scientific Revolution leads to Enlightenment

Scientific methods applied to other fields

General principlesPeople are goodReason the answerBelief in progress

Political scienceAdam Smith



Women's rightsProtection of childrenAttack inequities

Page 13: CHAPTER 22 The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750 World Civilization: The Global Experience Fifth Edition Stearns/Adas/Schwartz/Gilbert Copyright 2007,

Chapter 22: The Transformation of the West, 1450-1750

Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, 5th Edition Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

III. The West by 1750

C. Ongoing Change in Commerce and Manufacturing

Mass consumerism

AgricultureNitrogen-fixing cropsStockbreedingSwamp drainagePotatoes, etc. introduced

Domestic systemHouseholds produce finished goods

D. Innovation and InstabilityChange becomes the norm