Chapter 22 Section 2 The Republicans in Power

Chapter 22 Section 2 The Republicans in Power. Election of 1920 Democrats nominate James M. Cox (Ohio) League of Nations Republicans nominate Warren

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Chapter 22 Section 2

The Republicans in Power

Election of 1920 Democrats nominate James M. Cox (Ohio)

League of Nations

Republicans nominate Warren G. Harding (Ohio)

Lacked Wilson’s intelligence

Pro-business platform

Tax revision, higher tariffs, limits on immigration, some aid to farmers

“America’s present need is not heroics but healing, no false cures but normalcy, not revolution but restoration”

Receives 16 million votes or 60% of popular vote

Harding’s Pro Business Administration “less Government in business and more business in government”


Secretary of Treasury Andrew Mellon, Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover


Reduce National debt

WWI – 1 Billion to 25 Billion

Charles Dawes (Head of Budget) cut government budget

Promote economic growth

Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act

Pushed tariff rates to all time high

“If government takes away an unreasonable share, the incentive to work is no longer there and slackening of effort is the result” – Andrew Mellon

Lowered taxes on the rich


Unemployment is low, tremendous economic growth

Effects of Republican Policies Surplus capital caused industry to boom

More than 1,000 mergers

Combining two or more companies

Greater efficiency and higher profits


Incomes grow by 10%


Profits increase 60%

Promoted American Plan

Union-Free Open shops


Not helped by Fordney-McCumber

New Directions for Women Women’s rights activists – Feminists

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) – “men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction”

Mary Anderson

Director of U.S. Women’s Bureau

Opposed ERA

Movement failed to win political support

The Harding Scandals Ohio Gang

Harding’s friends

Charles Forbes – Director of Veterans Bureau

Pocketed millions through corrupt schemes

Attorney General Daugherty

Taking Bribes

“I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies all right, It’s my friends that keep me walking the floor nights.” – Warren G. Harding

Harding has a heart attack in San Francisco

Dies August 2nd

Teapot Dome Scandal

Secretary of interior Albert Fall

Secretary of Navy Edwin Danby

Fall grants private leases to oil reserves in Elk Hills, Calif. and Teapot Dome reserves in Wyoming

In return he received personal loans, cash, and cattle

Convicted of accepting bribes

Thrown in jail


Coolidge takes Charge Vice President Coolidge sworn in

Known as Silent Cal

Fires scandalous people

Wins Presidential nomination in 1924

Democrats split over prohibition

Vote 103 times

John W. Davis


Robert La Follette

Angry farmers and workers

Coolidge wins by a landslide

Receives 15.7 million votes to Davis 8.4 million, Follette 4.8 million

Coolidge’s pro-business position “The business of America is business” – Calvin Coolidge

Revenue Act of 1926

Cut estate taxes in half, reduced taxes on wealthy

Coolidge kept government spending low

Vetoed Bonus Bill

Aid to World War I veterans

Vetoed McNary-Haugen Bill

Boost farm prices

Government buys surplus and sells it abroad

Found Presidency burdensome

Did not run for re-election


Election of 1928 Republican’s nominate Secretary of Commerce

Herbert Hoover


New York Governor Alfred E. Smith - Catholic

Moderate progressive

Opposition to Prohibition

Ties to Tammany Hall

“the party of progress and liberal thought”

– Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hoover wins election

58% of the vote
