Chapter 20 Progressivism

Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

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Page 1: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Chapter 20


Page 2: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Changes in American Life

• Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government to regulate industry

• Urbanization (the movement of people to cities) occurred rapidly as people moved to get employment

Page 3: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government


• The number of schools also increased and more people went to college

• Some of this was made possible by philanthropists, wealthy people who donated money to various causes

• Women and blacks often went to colleges just for them

• The Tuskegee Institute was founded by Booker T. Washington and had George Washington Carver as a professor

Page 4: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government


• The amount of work required went down and time for leisure went up

• Many people went to baseball games and boxing matches as well as concerts and theaters

• Interest in literature also rose and Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) became one of the most popular writers of the time

Page 5: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Social Gospel

• Christianity began to be influenced by the social problems of the day and came up with the social gospel which did not emphasize the importance of salvation

Page 6: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Agnosticism and Darwinism

• Two other viewpoints gained popularity at this time

• One of these, led by Robert Ingersoll, said that man cannot know for certain if there is a God

• Another was created by Charles Darwin who came up with the theory of evolution

Page 7: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Reform and Outreach

• B.B. Warfield, a professor at Princeton, championed the inerrancy of the Bible

• Billy Sunday, a former baseball player, spoke against the dangers of alcohol

• Others shared this view and formed temperance societies, groups that were against alcohol

Page 8: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Interdenominational Organizations

• The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) was formed to provide a form of entertainment in large cities

• The Salvation Army provided help for the poor and set up rescue missions to assist those who were down and out

Page 9: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government


• Progressives focused on making life better through reform and called their movement progressivism

• They wanted the government to take the lead in making changes

Page 10: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Government Corruption

• Corruption was rampant at all levels of government

• Boss Tweed was a leading example of this as he cheated taxpayers out of millions of dollars

Page 11: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government


• Muckrakers, journalists who exposed society’s ills, gained popularity

• Lincoln Steffens exposed Philadelphia politicians who used non existent people to gain votes

• Ida M. Tarbell exposed the practices of Standard Oil

• Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle about the meatpacking industry in Chicago

Page 12: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Instituting Reforms

• To curb corruption, cities began hiring a city manager. Other cities tried a commission form of government that made it easier to find corruption

• Voters also instituted a recall that allowed politicians to be removed from office

• An initiative allowed voters to propose their own legislation and a referendum allowed voters to pass judgment on acts already passed

• A final reform was the direct election of senators

Page 13: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Instituting Reforms

• Reformers also focused on improving the standard of living through settlement houses which provided for the needs of women

• Chicago’s Hull House founded by Jane Addams was the most famous example

Page 14: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Protecting People and Resources

• The government took more action in regulating industry by passing the Pure Food and Drug Act which allowed for inspectors in slaughterhouses

• Conservation was another emphasis for Roosevelt. The first national parks were created during his terms

• Gifford Pinchot became chief forester and helped preserve land

Page 15: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

The Election of 1912

• After handpicking his successor in William Howard Taft, Roosevelt became upset with his policies and decided to run for president again

• Roosevelt created a new political party called the Bull Moose Party and took votes from Taft, allowing Woodrow Wilson to win

Page 16: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Woodrow Wilson and Business

• Wilson initially favored small government and set up the Federal Trade Commission, an agency focused on stopping abuses

• He also encouraged Congress to pass the Clayton Anti-Trust Act which defined the unjust acts which corporations could be punished for

Page 17: Chapter 20 Progressivism. Changes in American Life Due to the spread of greed and dishonesty, many Americans became progressives and pressured the government

Woodrow Wilson and Financial Reform

• Wilson believed in a low tariff and hoped that it would force American businesses to be more efficient. The Underwood Tariff of 1913 was the first major tariff decrease in 40 years

• Wilson also had the Federal Reserve System set up which gave control of the economy to one board