Chapter 18 Reading Guide

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AP European History/Neiffer

Reading Guide: Chapter 18: The French Revolution!The Crisis of the French MonarchyThe Monarchy Seeks New Taxes What caused French debt during this time? Why was taxation such a contentious issue between the Monarchy and the Nobility? Rene Mauperou How did the personal reputations of Louis XV and Marie Antoinette impact the taxation issue? Necker's Report Jacques Necker What did the Necker report blame France's debt on? Calonne's Reform Plan and the Assembly of Notables Charles Alexandre de Calonne (1734-1802) What was Calonne's plan for reform? Assembly of Notables Deadlock and the Calling of the Estates General Calonne fired! Estates General called

The Revolution of 1789The Estates General Becomes the National Assembly The First Estate The Second Estate The Third Estate What is the Third Estate? - Abby Sieyes Voting issues What is the Third Estate doubled? What impact did that have? Cahiers de Doleances Declaration of the National Assembly The Tennis Court Oath Fall of the Bastille The Bastille Prison bread prices The Great Fear and the Night of August 4 Why so serious, France? The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Why was the Declaration issued? What did the Declaration promise? How did its application to men only impact the debate? The Parisian Women's March on Versailles Why did women March to Versailles?1/4

Louis XVI likes watches... and that's about it.

What was the response?

The Reconstruction of FrancePolitical Reorganization What did the new government look like? Active vs. passive citizens Olympe de Gourges's - Declaration of the Rights of Women departments Economic Policy Chapelier Law Confiscation of Church Lands Assignats The Civil Constitution of the Clergy What changes dud the National Assembly make to religious policy in France? Civil Constitution of the Clergy What was the impact of the Civil Constitution? What was the reaction from French citizens? Counterrevolutionary Activity emigres Louis XIV escapes! Declaration of Pillnitz

The End of the Monarchy: A Second RevolutionNational Assembly Legislative Assembly Emergence of the Jacobins What did Jacobins believe? Girondists Declaration of war on Austria Right to bear arms submitted The Convention and the Role of the Sans-Culottes The September Massacres The National Convention sans-coulottes The Mountain Execution of Louis XIV

Europe at War with the RevolutionEdmund Burke Attacks the Revolution Reflections on the Revolution in France The Rights of Man Thomas Paine Suppression of Reform in Britain William Pitt the Younger What actions did Pitt take to stop criticism of his government? The Second and Third Partitions of Poland 1783, 1795

Hard to imagine why the guys didn't want to wear these AWESOME pants...


The Reign of TerrorWar with Europe What was the status of the French war during this time? What was the response by those interested in protection the revolution? The Republic Defended Committee of Public Safety Levee en Masse mass executions The Republic of Virtue and Robespierre's Justification of Terror Maximilien de Robespierre What defense did Robespierre give for terror? Repression of the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women De-Christianization New calendar The Temple of Reason Revolutionary Tribunals Marie Antoinette The End of the Terror Jacques Danton Cult of the Supreme Being Execution of Robespierre

The Thermidorian Reaction9 Thermidore Establishment of the Directory Remobal of the Sans-Culottes from Political Life

Review Questions1. Why has France been called a rich nation with an impoverished government? How did the financial weaknesses of the French monarchy lay the foundations of the revolution of 1789? 2. What were Louis XVIs most serious mistakes during the French Revolution? Had he been a more able ruler, could the French Revolution have been avoided or a constitutional monarchy could have succeeded? Did the revolution ultimately have little to do with the competence of the monarch? 3. How was the Estates General transformed into the National Assembly? How does the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen reflect the social and political values of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment? How were France and its government reorganized in the early years of the revolution? Why has the Civil Constitution of the Clergy been called the greatest blunder of the National Assembly? 4. Why were some political factions dissatisfied with the constitutional settlement of 1791? What was the revolution of 1792 and why did it occur? Who were the sansculottes, and how did they become a factor in the politics of the period? How influential were they during the Terror in particular? Why did the sans-culottes and the Jacobins cooperate at first? Why did that cooperation end? 5. Why did France go to war with Austria in 1792? What were the benefits and drawbacks for France of fighting an external war in the midst of a domestic political revolution? 6. What were the causes of the3/4

Terror? How did the rest of Europe react to the French Revolution and the Terror? How did events in France influence the last two partitions of Poland? 7. A motto of the French Revolution was equality, liberty, and fraternity. How did the revolution both support and violate this motto? Did French women benefit from the revolution? Did French peasants benefit from it?
