Chapter 17 pictures

Chapter 17 pictures

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Chapter 17 pictures. prokaryotes. Fig 17.3 Gene expression. eukaryotes. Figure 17.4. Question 17.1. RNA polynucleotide chain is single-stranded. Structure of RNA Nucleotides. Transcription. Fig 17.7b. Fig 17.8: Initiation of Transcription begins at the Promoter Region. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 17 pictures

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Fig 17.3Gene expression



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Figure 17.4

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Question 17.1

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RNA polynucleotide chain is single-stranded.

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Structure of RNA Nucleotides

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Fig 17.7b

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Fig 17.8: Initiation of Transcription begins at the Promoter Region

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Fig 17.7: Transcription of RNA

1. Initiation of Transcription

2. Transcriptional Elongation

3. Termination of Transcription

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Pre-mRNA Modifications

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Figure 17.3 Eukaryotic

Gene Expression

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Fig 17.10: Processing of Eukaryotic RNA

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Gene flow and the triplet code

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Question 7.2

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Fig 17.5: Codon Chart

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Fig 17.14 Planer View Structure for Fig 17.14 Planer View Structure for t-RNAt-RNA

Anticodon regionbase pairs with mRNA

Amino acidAttachment site

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3-D and Barrel Shapes for t-RNA3-D and Barrel Shapes for t-RNA

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Fig 17.16 Fig 17.16 Ribosome Ribosome StructureStructure

Computer-generated Model

Schematic Model

Schematic Model 2

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Initiation of TranslationInitiation of Translation

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Fig 17.7 Initiation of TranslationFig 17.7 Initiation of Translation

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Initiation of TranslationInitiation of Translation

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Elongation RepeatedElongation Repeated

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Elongation and Translocation Elongation and Translocation RepeatedRepeated

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Stop CodonStop Codon

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Release Release FactorFactor

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Fig 17.20Polyribosomes(Polysomes)

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Fig 17.24 Base Pair SubstitutionsFig 17.24 Base Pair Substitutions

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Fig 17.23 Base-Pair Substitution in the Fig 17.23 Base-Pair Substitution in the Sickle Cell Gene leads to a Missense Mutation in the Sickle Cell Gene leads to a Missense Mutation in the


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Fig 17.25 Insertions or Deletions in the DNA can lead to Frameshift Mutations in the Codon of mRNA

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Question 17.3