Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great

Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

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Page 1: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

Chapter 17Part 4

Peter the Great

Page 2: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

Peter the Great 1682-1725

His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young

She plotted to have him killed and was found out

Peter had her banished to a monastery

His mother took over as regent until he was 22

He was 7 feet tall and very strong He was a poor loser at games, tests

of skill

Page 3: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

Peter the Great

Was fascinated with new technology of the West

Toured parts of Western Europe “in disguise”

Was a dock worker in the Netherlands

Was determined to westernize and modernize Russia…even culturally

The Beard Tax (was graduated based on ability to pay)

Page 4: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

The Revolt of the Strelski 1698

The Moscow Guard Had successfully overthrown

previous leaders Attempted to keep Peter from the

throne The revolt was crushed

(any similarities to the Fronde in France?)

Louis XIV and Peter the Great…both considered the quintessential Absolutist of his region

Page 5: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

Greatest Concern: Military Power

Each Russian village had annual quotas: warm bodies for the military…25 year commitment!

75% of National Revenue went to the military

Army numbered 200,000+ men AND an additional 100,000 special

Cossack forces

Page 6: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

The Military

Peter established Royal Military and Artillery Academies

All young male nobles were required to leave home and serve 5 years of compulsory education

Non-nobles had opportunities to rise within the ranks

Large navy (850 ships) built on the Baltic

Page 7: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

The Great Northern War (with Sweden) 1700-1721

Russia, Poland, Denmark, Saxony v. Sweden

Most important Battle: Battle of Poltava was a decisive Russian victory over Sweden

1721 Treaty of Nystad: Russia gained Latvia and Estonia (Russia’s “Window on the West”) in the Baltic Sea

Page 8: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his


Peter imported western technicians and craftsmen to help build large factories in Russia

By 1725 Russia out-produced England in Iron Production (Sweden and German produced more)

Factories had industrial form of serfdom (factory workers bought and sold with the factory or not) But industrial serfs produced inferior goods

Page 9: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his


State regulated monopolies

Similar to those in Western Europe

Page 10: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

The Government

Became more efficient The Tsar ruled by decree (absolutist) Theoretically: the tsar owned all land in

the state The Nobles and peasants served the

state No representative assemblies All landowners owed a lifetime of service

to the state (either military or in the civil service or in the courts)

In return, the Boyars gained more control over the serfs

Page 11: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

Table of Ranks

Educational standards for civil servants (most were nobles)

Peter tried to replace old Boyar nobility with new service-based nobility loyal to the tsar (like in the West)

Secret Police ruthlessly crushed all opponents of the state (tsar)

Page 12: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his


Head tax on every male Heavy taxes on sales and rent

Page 13: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

The Church

Took control of the Church by making it a cabinet-level department: The Holy Synod in 1700 after the death of the Patriarch

Page 14: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

St. Petersburg

Tried to create a city similar to Amsterdam

Built the Winter Palace there By 1725 it was the largest city in

Northern Europe Population of 75,000

St. Petersburg became the capital of Russia

Page 15: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

The Winter Palace

Page 16: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

St. Petersburg

Construction began in 1703 Labor was conscripted (drafted)

Peasants Heavy death toll Many Nobles were ordered to move

there and build their homes according to Peter’s plans

Merchants and artisans also ordered to live in the city and to help build it

Page 17: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

Peter’s Reforms

Modernized Russia Had a more modern military and

state bureaucracy

Peter began issuing explanations of his decrees to gain popular support

Page 18: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his

Peter the Great

Strangled his son with his bare hands

Page 19: Chapter 17 Part 4 Peter the Great. Peter the Great 1682-1725 His sister, Sophia, was his first regent when he was very young His sister, Sophia, was his