Chapter 10 Section 1

Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

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Page 1: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Chapter 10

Section 1

Chapter 10

Section 1

Page 2: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

13th Amendment13th Amendment Ratified in December, 1865.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

• Abolished slavery

Page 3: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

President Lincoln’s PlanPresident Lincoln’s Plan

Page 4: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Why did President Why did President Lincoln favor a Lincoln favor a

lenient policy towards lenient policy towards the South?the South?

Page 5: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Wade-Davis Bill (1864)Wade-Davis Bill (1864) By Radical Republicans

Wanted terms much more difficult for southern whites to accept

made it impossible for Confederate states

RESULT: Less confederate states would return to Union




HenryW. Davis(R-MD)

Page 6: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

President Andrew Johnson

President Andrew Johnson

Elected after Lincoln was assassinated

Page 7: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Freedmen’s Freedmen’s BureauBureau

Page 8: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Freedmen’s Bureau (1865)

Freedmen’s Bureau (1865)

Congress forms the Freedmen’s Bureau.

Counteracts the Black Codes

Page 9: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Freedmen’s Bureau (1865)

Freedmen’s Bureau (1865)

Organized to help ex-slaves with


medical care



Page 10: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Freedmen’s Bureau Seen Through Southern Eyes

Freedmen’s Bureau Seen Through Southern Eyes

Plenty to eat and

nothing to do.

Page 11: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Successes of Freedmen’s Successes of Freedmen’s BureauBureau

• Gained support quickly from African Gained support quickly from African AmericansAmericans

• Elected as officials by African American Elected as officials by African American votersvoters

• BuiltBuilt– SchoolsSchools– ChurchesChurches

• Modernize the SouthModernize the South

Page 12: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Struggles of Struggles of Freedmen’s BureauFreedmen’s Bureau

• Were accused of having ulterior motivesWere accused of having ulterior motives

• Were not looking out for the best interest Were not looking out for the best interest of African Americansof African Americans

Page 13: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Freedmen’s Bureau School

Freedmen’s Bureau School

Page 14: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

What were the What were the purposes of the purposes of the freedoms bill?freedoms bill?

Page 15: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

President Johnson’s Plan (10%+)

President Johnson’s Plan (10%+) Made most Confederate states eligible for pardons if

they became loyal

Created easy terms so Confederate states could return to their place in Union

States had to hold constitutional convention

Write new constitution to void


Ratify 13th Amendment

Stop payments of state war debts

Page 16: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Things didn’t work out…Things didn’t work out… Many Southern state

constitutions fell short of minimum requirements.

Revival of the South


Page 17: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Black CodesBlack CodesPurpose:

* Guarantee stable labor

Forced many blacks to become sharecroppers

Plantation owners would rent land to black families.

Give 1/3 of crop to plantation owner

Page 18: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

• Southern rulesSouthern rules

• Blacks could not own gunsBlacks could not own guns

• They could only own property in the ‘black’ They could only own property in the ‘black’ part of town (less desirable areas).part of town (less desirable areas).

• Not allowed to testify in courtNot allowed to testify in court

• They could be arrested for being rude to They could be arrested for being rude to whites or for not having a job.whites or for not having a job.

Black CodesBlack Codes

Page 19: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Whom did President Whom did President Johnson blame for Johnson blame for

the war?the war?

Page 20: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

1. Bestowed full citizen ship on African-1. Bestowed full citizen ship on African-AmericansAmericans

2. Overturned black codes2. Overturned black codes

3. Overturned 1857 Dred Scott decision3. Overturned 1857 Dred Scott decision

Civil Rights Act of 1866Civil Rights Act of 1866

Page 21: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment
Page 22: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

14th Amendment14th AmendmentRatified in July, 1868.

* Provide a constitutional guarantee

* for rights of freed people.

Southern states would be punished

denying the right to vote to black citizens!

Page 23: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

• Johnson tries to impede Radical Johnson tries to impede Radical ReconstructionReconstruction

• February, 1868--Congress impeachesFebruary, 1868--Congress impeachesUses Tenure Act as an excuseUses Tenure Act as an excuse

Real cause is differences over ReconstructionReal cause is differences over Reconstruction

• Senate refuses to convict JohnsonSenate refuses to convict Johnson

• Radical Republicans seen as subversive Radical Republicans seen as subversive of Constitution, lose publics support of Constitution, lose publics support

Johnson ImpeachedJohnson Impeached

Page 24: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

15th Amendment15th Amendment Ratified in 1870.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

It gives black males the right to vote.

Page 25: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

What two laws did the What two laws did the Radical Republicans Radical Republicans

pass to reduce pass to reduce presidential power?presidential power?

Page 26: Chapter 10 Section 1 Chapter 10 Section 1. 13 th Amendment  Ratified in December, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment

Complete the Graphic Organizer below to explain how each Complete the Graphic Organizer below to explain how each listed piece of legislation affected African Americanslisted piece of legislation affected African Americans

Legislation Effect

Black Codes

Civil rights Act of 1866

14th Amendment

15th Amendment