Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia Inner and East Asia 600-1200 600-1200

Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

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Page 1: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Inner and East AsiaInner and East Asia


Page 2: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

The Sui Dynasty (581-618)The Sui Dynasty (581-618)

Yang Jian (Sui Wendi)Yang Jian (Sui Wendi)Established capital at Chang’anEstablished capital at Chang’anWhat did the Han Dynasty (Liu Bang) What did the Han Dynasty (Liu Bang)

declare was the state philosophy?declare was the state philosophy?Used Daoism and Buddhism to unify ChinaUsed Daoism and Buddhism to unify China

Founded Buddhist monasteries and appointed Founded Buddhist monasteries and appointed Buddhist monks as political advisorsBuddhist monks as political advisors

Page 3: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Sui Dynasty cont.Sui Dynasty cont.

What was the Sui Dynasty’s greatest What was the Sui Dynasty’s greatest construction project?construction project?

Completion of the Grand CanalCompletion of the Grand Canalaka the artificial Nileaka the artificial Nileapprox. 1200 mi longapprox. 1200 mi long links Yellow and Yangtze Riverslinks Yellow and Yangtze Rivers

Facilitated trade, communication and the Facilitated trade, communication and the transportation of goodstransportation of goods

Also allowed for troops to be quickly dispatched to Also allowed for troops to be quickly dispatched to troubled areas of the empiretroubled areas of the empire

Page 4: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established
Page 5: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Sui Dynasty cont.Sui Dynasty cont.

Sui Yangdi was tyrannical and waged Sui Yangdi was tyrannical and waged expensive military campaignsexpensive military campaigns

After his death, Sui Dynasty died as wellAfter his death, Sui Dynasty died as well

For more info on the Grand Canal:For more info on the Grand Canal:www.chinapage.com/www.chinapage.com/canalcanal.html .html


Page 6: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Tang Dynasty (618-907)Tang Dynasty (618-907)

Founded by Li YuanFounded by Li YuanPushed aside by son Li ShiminPushed aside by son Li Shimin

Took title Tang TaizongTook title Tang TaizongExpanded empire-Expanded empire-How??Established a tributary system as a resultEstablished a tributary system as a result

Page 7: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Buddhism and the Tang EmpireBuddhism and the Tang Empire

Influence of Buddhism on PoliticsInfluence of Buddhism on Politics Importance of MahayanaImportance of MahayanaExpansion of the empireExpansion of the empire

Interaction w/Central Asia and India increasedInteraction w/Central Asia and India increasedWhile many converted to Buddhism and While many converted to Buddhism and

Confucianism, many regions kept their own Confucianism, many regions kept their own local religions and traditionslocal religions and traditions

Tang Empire-”cosmopolitan”Tang Empire-”cosmopolitan”Explain what this means.

Page 8: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Civil Service ExaminationCivil Service Examination

Process used to select public servantsProcess used to select public servantsCould not prevent aristocratic influenceCould not prevent aristocratic influence

Primary path to a career in governmentPrimary path to a career in governmentRelatives of employees were not permitted Relatives of employees were not permitted

to take the examto take the exam Included questions about Buddhism, Included questions about Buddhism,

Daoism and Confucianism-Daoism and Confucianism-Why??

Page 9: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Economy and SocietyEconomy and Society

Economy grew in size and complexityEconomy grew in size and complexityStill mainly agriculturalStill mainly agriculturalMost land owned by aristocratic familiesMost land owned by aristocratic families

Peasants overburdened by taxes forced into Peasants overburdened by taxes forced into serfdom or slaveryserfdom or slavery

Tang Dynasty tried to reduce noble’s power Tang Dynasty tried to reduce noble’s power and maximize tax revenue by adopting an and maximize tax revenue by adopting an “equal field” system“equal field” system

What is an “equal field” system?

Page 10: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Economy cont.Economy cont.

Led to increased rural prosperity and gov’t Led to increased rural prosperity and gov’t revenue when enforcedrevenue when enforced

Aristocracy learned how to manipulate the Aristocracy learned how to manipulate the systemsystem Began accumulating large tracts of landBegan accumulating large tracts of land

Increase in populationIncrease in population Period of social stabilityPeriod of social stability

These pressured the government systemsThese pressured the government systems Tang Dynasty failed to resolve these problemsTang Dynasty failed to resolve these problems

Page 11: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Economy cont.Economy cont.

What were some of the innovations of this time period?mastered art of steel manufacturingIntroduction of cotton led to new textilesInvention of gunpowder

Page 12: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established


Gov’t was leery of trade so they kept Gov’t was leery of trade so they kept monopolies over key commodities monopolies over key commodities ex. saltex. salt

Paper currency introduced 8Paper currency introduced 8thth/9/9thth cent. cent.Not backed by metal coinsNot backed by metal coinsWhat happened as a result?

Page 13: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Trade cont.Trade cont.

Introduction of creditIntroduction of credit Led to developments In bankingLed to developments In banking Complex calculations made easier w/the invention of Complex calculations made easier w/the invention of

the abacusthe abacus

Silk Road was revived and reached its peak Silk Road was revived and reached its peak during this timeduring this time

Chang’an became the eastern end of the Silk Chang’an became the eastern end of the Silk RoadRoad Became very rich!Became very rich!

Canton became major port in Southern ChinaCanton became major port in Southern China Brought the bubonic plagueBrought the bubonic plague

Page 14: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Trade cont.Trade cont.

What were some of the traded goods?Chinese viewed the world in a hierarchical Chinese viewed the world in a hierarchical

mannermannerHow does the tributary system

illustrate that?

Page 15: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Uighur and Tibetan EmpiresUighur and Tibetan Empires

Why were the Uighurs so important to trade?

What role did Tibet play in the Tang Empire after the fall of the Uighurs?

Page 16: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Upheavals and RepressionUpheavals and Repression

Buddhism seen as undermining Confucian Buddhism seen as undermining Confucian ideas of family and as a model for the ideas of family and as a model for the statestate

Push for a return to ConfucianismPush for a return to ConfucianismWhy else did the government want to

return to Confucianism?What happened as a result?

Page 17: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

The End of the Tang EmpireThe End of the Tang Empire

Military campaigns and overburdened tax Military campaigns and overburdened tax system contributed to the empire’s system contributed to the empire’s downfalldownfall

Internal strife-rebellions, funding cuts for Internal strife-rebellions, funding cuts for the military, political and cultural the military, political and cultural disintegrationdisintegration

Page 18: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

The Song Dynasty 960-1279The Song Dynasty 960-1279

3 states emerged after the Tang:3 states emerged after the Tang:1.1. Liao Empire (Khitan)Liao Empire (Khitan)

• NorthNorth• Gov’t centered on cities, but leaders preferred Gov’t centered on cities, but leaders preferred

nomad campsnomad camps

2.2. Tangguts (Minyak)Tangguts (Minyak)• WestWest• Connected to the Tang EmpireConnected to the Tang Empire

3.3. Song DynastySong Dynasty• Central ChinaCentral China

Page 19: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Song Dynasty cont.Song Dynasty cont.

Competition b/t the groups was inevitableCompetition b/t the groups was inevitableAll three empires were very different-All three empires were very different-

How??Song was cut off from Inner and Central Song was cut off from Inner and Central

AsiaAsiaWhat did they do as a result?

Page 20: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Song Dynasty cont.Song Dynasty cont.

Founded by Song TaisuFounded by Song TaisuCould not take over the Khitan peopleCould not take over the Khitan people

Established capital @ Kaifeng where the Established capital @ Kaifeng where the Grand Canal intersects the Yellow RiverGrand Canal intersects the Yellow River

When pressure from the north increased, When pressure from the north increased, moved capital further south to Hangzhoumoved capital further south to HangzhouOn the coast of the Yangtze River deltaOn the coast of the Yangtze River deltaEmperors here known as the Southern SongEmperors here known as the Southern Song

Also lost control over TibetAlso lost control over TibetDespite political and military problems, ruled Despite political and military problems, ruled

during economically prosperous timeduring economically prosperous time

Page 21: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

The Liao and Jin ChallengeThe Liao and Jin Challenge

Page 22: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Liao and Jin Challenge cont.Liao and Jin Challenge cont.

Liao Empire (960-1121)Liao Empire (960-1121)Siberia to Central AsiaSiberia to Central AsiaPastoral traditionsPastoral traditionsEncouraged people to keep their individualityEncouraged people to keep their individuality

How? Introduced siege machinesIntroduced siege machines1005: Song Dynasty began paying them an 1005: Song Dynasty began paying them an

annual tribute of cash and silk…continued for annual tribute of cash and silk…continued for more than a centurymore than a century

Eventually got sick of payingEventually got sick of paying

Page 23: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Liao and Jin challenge cont.Liao and Jin challenge cont.

What did the Song do as a result?Who were the Jurchens?

From ManchuriaFrom ManchuriaEventually became enemies of the SongEventually became enemies of the Song1127-capturedSong capital @ Kaifeng1127-capturedSong capital @ KaifengNorthern China left in Jurchen controlNorthern China left in Jurchen controlSong allied themselves with the MongolsSong allied themselves with the Mongols

Page 24: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Civil Service ExaminationCivil Service Examination

3 levels of exams given:3 levels of exams given:1.1. Qualifying examQualifying exam

• If pass, qualified for position, but most likely got If pass, qualified for position, but most likely got positions at the local level as village teacherspositions at the local level as village teachers

2.2. Could take the next exam; given every three Could take the next exam; given every three years at the imperial capitalyears at the imperial capital

• Could apply for official positionsCould apply for official positions

3.3. Final exam-given every three years at the Final exam-given every three years at the imperial palaceimperial palace

• Those who pass were eligible for high positions Those who pass were eligible for high positions in the central bureaucracy or as district in the central bureaucracy or as district magistratesmagistrates

Page 25: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Exams cont.Exams cont. Ignored claims of cheatingIgnored claims of cheating Exams were open to all males except criminals Exams were open to all males except criminals

and members of restricted occupationsand members of restricted occupations Set up schools to provide education for potential Set up schools to provide education for potential

candidatescandidates Still did not provide equal opportunityStill did not provide equal opportunity

Open only to malesOpen only to males Gov’t did not offer basic educationGov’t did not offer basic education Only those in upper classes could enter state Only those in upper classes could enter state

schoolsschools Gov’t full of corruption and infightingGov’t full of corruption and infighting Used positions to help family members get jobs-Used positions to help family members get jobs-

did not see that as nepotism- did not see that as nepotism- Why not??

Page 26: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Industry, Economy and Society Industry, Economy and Society during the Songduring the Song

What were the scientific/technological advances during the Song Dynasty?

Civil man outranked military manCivil man outranked military manNew interpretations of Confucian New interpretations of Confucian

teachings emergedteachings emergedCalled neo-ConfucianismCalled neo-ConfucianismWho was Zhu Xi? Why was he important to

the neo-Confucian movement?How did Buddhism change during this

time which allowed it to continue in China?

Page 27: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Industry. Economy and society in Industry. Economy and society in the Song Dynasty cont.the Song Dynasty cont.

What were the social implications for passing the civil service exams? What were the negative social implications for failing the exam?

How did moveable type change the exam?

How did moveable type change country life?

Page 28: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Economy and society in the Song Economy and society in the Song DynastyDynasty

Agriculture is still profitableAgriculture is still profitableWhat was city life like in Hangzhou? Began using credit- Began using credit- what did it depend

on??Use of paper money caused severe Use of paper money caused severe

inflationinflationLand no longer the main source of wealthLand no longer the main source of wealth

Page 29: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Economy and society in Song Economy and society in Song DynastyDynasty

How did the role of women in society change as society moved back towards Confucianism?

What were the two ways in which marriage customs changed during this time?

Page 30: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

New Kingdoms in East AsiaNew Kingdoms in East Asia

Did not rely on the civil service examDid not rely on the civil service examMost gov’t positions went to the higher Most gov’t positions went to the higher

classesclassesRich learned to read Chinese and Confucian Rich learned to read Chinese and Confucian


Page 31: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established


Conquered by the Chinese during the Han Conquered by the Chinese during the Han DynastyDynasty

After Han Dynasty collapsed in 220 CE, After Han Dynasty collapsed in 220 CE, broke free of Chinese rulebroke free of Chinese ruleRemained a vassal of ChinaRemained a vassal of ChinaSui and Tang tried to take them over but failedSui and Tang tried to take them over but failedKorea maintained independence but had Korea maintained independence but had

tributary statustributary status ““younger brother/older brother” relationship younger brother/older brother” relationship

with Chinawith China

Page 32: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Korea cont.Korea cont.

20% of the land was farmable20% of the land was farmableMain contribution: woodblock printingMain contribution: woodblock printingHow did this work?

Page 33: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established


Never fell under Chinese rule but adopted Never fell under Chinese rule but adopted cultural hegemonycultural hegemony

Most Chinese ideas in Japan came by way Most Chinese ideas in Japan came by way of Koreaof Korea

A lot of immigration to Japan from China A lot of immigration to Japan from China and Koreaand Korea

11% farmable land11% farmable landJapanese gov’t sent ppl to China to learn Japanese gov’t sent ppl to China to learn

and adopt Chinese modelsand adopt Chinese models

Page 34: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Japan cont.Japan cont.Did not copy everything-Did not copy everything-Explain..Fujiwara (645)Fujiwara (645)

Adopted Chinese culture, religion and gov’t to Adopted Chinese culture, religion and gov’t to unify Japanunify Japan

646 Taika reforms (“great change”)646 Taika reforms (“great change”)Consolidated administrationConsolidated administrationExtensive road constructionExtensive road constructionAbolished private ownership of land and Abolished private ownership of land and

established equal field systemestablished equal field systemLand redistributed w/generational changeLand redistributed w/generational change

Page 35: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Japan cont.Japan cont.

710-established new capital modeled after 710-established new capital modeled after Chang’an in NaraChang’an in NaraEmperor also served as chief priest of ShintoEmperor also served as chief priest of ShintoWhy didn’t the dynasty ever change?Began to record historyBegan to record history in in Nihon ShokiNihon Shoki

(written in Chinese)(written in Chinese)Wrote legends in Wrote legends in KojikiKojiki (Japanses/Chinese (Japanses/Chinese


Page 36: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Japan cont.Japan cont.

How were women treated?How did they contribute to Japanese

culture?1156-1185-increase in military values1156-1185-increase in military values

Established Kamakura shogunate-Established Kamakura shogunate-explain..Emergence of the samuraiEmergence of the samurai

Page 37: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Vietnam (Annam)Vietnam (Annam)

Political and economic life centered on the Political and economic life centered on the Red River Valley in the north and the Red River Valley in the north and the Mekong River valley in the southMekong River valley in the south

Why was agriculture possible? What did they grow?

Elites adopted many parts of Chinese Elites adopted many parts of Chinese culture as wellculture as well

Page 38: Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia 600-1200. The Sui Dynasty (581-618) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) Established capital at Chang’an Established

Vietnam cont.Vietnam cont.

Dai Viet (936)Dai Viet (936)How did Champa rival Dai Viet?How did they interact with the Song

Dynasty?How did the role of women in Vietnam

differ from the role of women in China, Japan and Korea?