CHAPTER 10 Curves and Surfaces Vivian by Richard S. Wright Jr.

CHAPTER 10 Curves and Surfaces

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CHAPTER 10 Curves and Surfaces. by Richard S. Wright Jr. Vivian. Objectives. Introduce OpenGL evaluators Learn to render polynomial curves and surfaces Discuss quadrics in OpenGL - GLUT Quadrics - GLU Quadrics. What Does OpenGL Support?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: CHAPTER  10 Curves and Surfaces


Curves and Surfaces


by Richard S. Wright Jr.

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Objectives• Introduce OpenGL evaluators• Learn to render polynomial curves

and surfaces• Discuss quadrics in OpenGL

- GLUT Quadrics- GLU Quadrics

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What Does OpenGL Support?

• Evaluators: a general mechanism for working with the Bernstein polynomials- Can use any degree polynomials- Can use in 1-4 dimensions- Automatic generation of normals and texture coordinates- NURBS supported in GLU

• Quadrics– GLU and GLUT contain polynomial

approximations of quadrics

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Quadrics• Void

gluQuadricDrawStyle(GLUquadricObj *obj, GLenum drawStyle);

• void gluQuadricNormals(GLUquadricObj *pbj, GLenum normals);

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Draw a quadrics• Draw a sphere:

– void gluSphere(GLUQuadricObj *obj, GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks);

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Draw a quadricsvoid gltDrawUnitAxes(void)

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Curves and Surfaces Overview

• What is a parametric curve/surface?• Why use parametric curves &

surfaces?• Bézier curves & surfaces• NURBS• Trimmed surfaces• OpenGL library

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What is a parametric curve?2D parametric curve takes the form



Where f(t) and g(t)are functions of t


Example: Line thru points a and bxy

(1-t) ax + t bx(1-t) ay+ t by


Mapping of the real line to 2D: here t in [0,1] line segment a,b

y = mx + b

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What is a parametric curve?3D curves defined similarly




Example: helixxyz



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Parametric representation of curves and surfaces.

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Control Points

The order of the curve is represented by the number of control points used to describe its shape. The degree is one less than the order of the curve.

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Bézier CurvesExample

slinear: b(t) = (1-t) b0 + t b1

quadratic: b(t) = (1-t)2 b0 + 2(1-t)t b1 + t2 b2cubic: b(t) = (1-t)3 b0 + 3(1-t)2 t b1 + 3(1-t)t2 b2 + t3 b3

Bernstein basis Bin (t) = {n!/(n-i)! i!} (1-t)n-i ti




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Bézier Curves in OpenGLBasic steps:

Define curve by specifying degree, control points and parameter space [u0,u1]

Enable evaluatorCall evaluator with parameter u in [u0, u1]

Specify each u:glEvalCoord1*()

Autocreate uniformly spaced u:glMapGrid1*()glEvalMesh1()



Color and texture available too!

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What is a parametric surface?

3D parametric surface takes the form



Where f,g,h are bivariate functions of u and v


mapping u,v-space to 3-space;this happens to be a function too

Example: x(u,v) =

uvu2 + v2

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Bézier Surfaces in OpenGLBasic steps:

Define curve by specifying degree, control points and parameter space [u0,u1]

Enable evaluatorCall evaluator with parameter u in [u0, u1,v0 , v1]


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Bézier SurfaceMultiple patches connected smoothly

Conditions on control netsimilar to curves …difficult to do manually

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NURBSNon-uniform Rational B-splines

B-splines are piecewise polynomialsOne or more Bezier curves /surfacesOne control polygon

Rational: let’s us represent circles exactly

GLU NURBS utility

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From Bézier to B-Splines

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Creating a NURBS Surface• Evaluator →NURBS• Knots

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Trimmed SurfacesParametric surface with parts of the

domain “invisible”

Jorg Peters’ UFL group

GLU Trimmed NURBS utility

