Chapter 08 Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees © John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved

Chapter 08 Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees © John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved

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  • Chapter 08 Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • The Definition of a Tree A tree is a nonlinear data structure that is used to store data in a hierarchical manner (ex. Family tree) A tree is a set of nodes connected by edges (lines connecting the nodes) The nodes represent the entities (ie. People, data) that make up the organization John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Parts of a Tree The top of the tree is called the root node If the node is connected to other nodes ( children) it is a parent node A node without a child node is called a leaf Visiting all the nodes of the tree in a distinct order is called a traversal Moving from one node to the other is called a path or branch John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Parts of a Tree The root node is Level 0 (note: some trees dont have a root) The parents child nodes are at the parents Level +1 A Level represents all nodes at the same level in the hierarchy A subtree is any parent node with all of the associated child nodes. John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Unordered Trees An unordered tree has no significance by the value of data stored or the order in which it is stored John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Binary Trees Each parent node is limited to only two children This allows for efficiency in programming ( inserting, deleting, and searching ) The child nodes in a Binary tree are called the left and right nodes Data with lesser values are always stored on the left and greater values are always stored on the right This guarantees a specific order to the trees levels Left node Right node John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Building a Binary Search Tree First we construct a generic Node Class that is similar to the Node Class of the linked list code Each node consists of these data elements public class Node { public int Data; //Nodes Data Element public Node Left; //Ref to left Node (< Data) public Node Right; //Ref to left Node (> Data) public void DisplayNode() { Console.Write(Data + " "); } John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Building a Binary Search Tree Next we build a Binary Search tree class(BST) public class BinarySearchTree { public Node root; public BinarySearchTree() //Default Constructor { root = null; } - The first Node object represents the root node of the tree - The default constructor sets the root node to null, creating a null Node on which to build John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Building a Binary Search Tree Next, we include an Insert method to add new nodes to our tree public void Insert(int i) { Node newNode = new Node(); newNode.Data = i; if (root == null) //First node in tree is assigned root = newNode; //as the ROOT of the tree else { // code to add the node into the right or left subtree } This method creates an object of the Node class called newNode Assigns newNode.Data to the data passed by the caller then checks to see if the (BST) has a non-null root node John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Building a Binary Search Tree This determines the correct position for the new node public void Insert(int i) //CONTINUED Node current = root; //Set current node to root of tree Node parent; //Create parent node while (true) //find where the current node belongs { parent = current; //set the prospective parent if (i < current.Data) //if the new node data is < the parent { //traverse to the left subtree and current = current.Left; //replace the prospective parent if (current == null) //if prospective parent is leaf node { parent.Left = newNode; //add this new node as the left node and break; //stop } else //traverse to the right subtree { } John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Set the current node to the right child node of the current node. // else //traverse to the right subtree // { current = current.Right; //replace the prospective parent if (current == null) //if prospective parent is leaf node { parent.Right = newNode; //add this new node as the right node and break; //stop } } // End of while (true) } //End of Insert(int i) } //End of BinarySearchTree class Building a Binary Search Tree John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Building a Binary Search Tree New nodes John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved 5681 227730 9210
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  • Traversing a Binary Search Tree There a three traversal methods used in the BST: Inorder, Preorder, and Postorder. Inorder traversal visits all the nodes in ascending order Preorder traversal visits the root node first, followed by the subtree nodes moving from left to right Postorder traversals visits the subtree nodes left to right first, followed by the root node we will discussed in more detail later (order of operations) John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Inorder Traversal 15 1070 5 50 6080 John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Inorder Traversal Code public void InOrder(Node theRoot) { if (!(theRoot == null)) //End of tree? { //No, then InOrder(theRoot.Left); //Traverse left theRoot.DisplayNode(); //Print node InOrder(theRoot.Right); //Traverse right } //Yes, go home } This is written as a recursive procedure John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Inorder Traversal Code static void Main(string[] args) { BinarySearchTree nums = new BinarySearchTree() nums.Insert(23); nums.Insert(45); nums.Insert(16); nums.Insert(37); nums.Insert(3); nums.Insert(99); nums.Insert(22); Console.Write("Inorder traversal: "); nums.InOrder(nums.root); Output: 3, 16, 22, 23, 37, 45, 99 John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Preorder Traversal : 22 1645 3 23 3799 John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Preorder Traversal : public void PreOrder(Node theRoot) { if (!(theRoot == null)) //End of tree? { //No, then theRoot.DisplayNode(); //Print node PreOrder(theRoot.Left); //Traverse left PreOrder(theRoot.Right); //Traverse right } //Yes, go home } This is written as a recursive procedure Output: 23, 16, 3, 22, 45, 37, 99 John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Postorder Traversal : 22 1645 3 23 3799 John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Postorder Traversal public void PostOrder(Node theRoot) { if (!(theRoot == null)) //End of tree? { //No, then PostOrder(theRoot.Left); //Traverse left PostOrder(theRoot.Right); //Traverse right theRoot.DisplayNode(); //Print node } //Yes, go home } This is written as a recursive procedure Output: 3, 22, 16, 37, 99, 45, 23 John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Finding a Node Three Methods: Minimum, Maximum and Find Minimum Value: The BST always organizes the smallest or Minimum value to be the leftmost Child Node or This Node John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Finding a Node Minimum Values: The leftmost Node public int FindMin() { Node current = root; while (!(current.Left == null)) current = current.Left; return current.Data; } John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Finding a Node Maximum Value: The BST always organizes the largest or Maximum value will always be the rightmost child Node John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Finding a Node Maximum Values: The rightmost Node public int FindMax() { Node current = root; while (!(current.Right == null)) current = current.Right; return current.Data; } John Urrutia 2011, All Rights Reserved John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Finding a Node Find method: used to determine if a specified value is stored in the BST The method creates a Node object and proceeds to compare it to the other Nodes in the tree by moving left or right until it is found or there are no more Nodes to search: John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Finding a Node John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Finding a Node public Node Find(int key) { Node current = root; //Start at root while (current.Data != key) //key found? { //No, then if (key < current.Data) //key < data? current = current.Left; //Yes, reset to left subtree else current = current.Right; //No, reset to right subtree if (current == null) //End of Tree? return null; //Yes, key not found } return current; //key was found, return node } John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Deleting a Leaf Node Think of it as pulling a real life leaf off of a tree. There is nothing else attached to it. The Node to be removed simply found and set to null Before After John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Deleting Node with One Child The node is cut from the tree links single child to the parent of the removed node John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • 22 16 3 45 23 3799 John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved Deleting with Two Children This is more complex. We cant just connect the child Node to the deleted Nodes parent. Delete Node 23 CANT HAVE TWO LEFT NODES
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  • 22 16 3 45 23 3799 John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved Deleting with Two Children Replacing the parent with the leftmost leaf Node of the rightmost subtree (successor) Loss of balance
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  • Delete Method Method used to delete a value from the BST First checks to see if the value is a leaf If not, find the value that needs to be placed in deleted node to ensure correct tree structure For the left subtree this is will be rightmost successor node For the right subtree this will be the leftmost successor node This will always work but introduces another problem. Loss of balance. John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • Deleting Nightmare The successor to any Node is the in order Node that follows it. John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved 15 1070 5 50 6080 5 10 15 50 60 70 - 80 6080
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  • Deleting Nightmare Worst Case the successor has 1 child in the right subtree. John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved 15 1070 5 50 806080 65 Step 1:SuccessorParent leftChild = Successor.rightChild Step 2:Successor rightChild = DeletedNode.rightChild Step 3:ParentNode rightChild = Successor Step 4:Successor leftChild = DeletedNode.leftChild SP S DN
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  • BST Imbalance oops The previous examples have shown perfect scenario BSTs. The trees were fairly balanced but what can easily happen is shown here.
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  • Self-Balancing BSTs Tree structure Levels Complete Level 0 15 1070 5 50 806080 65 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
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  • Self-Balancing BSTs A balanced tree maintains a predefined ratio between its height and width. This offers a guaranteed BST search performance of close to log 2 (n) Several Types: AVL trees Red-Black trees 2-3 and 2-3-4 trees Splay trees B-trees, and more
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  • The Huffman Code We have seen BSTs used to: Efficiently search for elements in an ordered list Represent a way of processing algebraic expressions using precedence BSTs can also be used to compress messages using Huffman codes. John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • The Huffman Code SUSIE SAYS IT IS EASY John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • The Huffman Code Assigns a unique set of bits for each character in the message which will save bytes. I.E. now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. ( are the blanks/spaces between words) 1 st Create a priority queue by character frequency in the message 2 nd Assign a bit string to represent each character 3 rd translate the characters to the bit string John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved
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  • The Huffman Code now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. ( are the blanks/spaces between words) 1 st Create a priority queue by character frequency from the message John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved oteihmnracdflgsuwy 15 976433332222211111
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  • The Huffman Code now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. ( are the blanks/spaces between words) 2 nd Assign a bit string to represent each character John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved oteihmnracdfl 001001011001101110 0111 0 1111 0 0111 10 1111 10 0111 110 1111 110 0111 1110 1111 1110 gsuwy 0111 1111 10 1111 1111 10 0111 1111 110 1111 1111 110 0111 1111 1110
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  • The Huffman Code now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. ( are the blanks/spaces between words) 3 rd translate the characters to the bit string John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved 11110101111111111000 0110111111111000 010111011000 01001100111011000 011111101001111000 111110111111101111111000 01111111101010111111000 0111011001111000 0101000 0111110100111011000 0101000 01011101100 11111100110111111000 100111111000 0101110110011001111000 0111110100111111111011110010011110011111111110
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  • The Huffman Code now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. ( are the blanks/spaces between words) 3 rd translate the characters to the bit string John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved 111101011111111110000110111111111000010111011000 010011001110110000111111010011110001111101111111 011111110000111111110101011111100001110110011110 000101000011111010011101100001010000101110110011 111100110111111000100111111000010111011001100111 100001111101001111111110111100100111100111111111 10 F5 FF 86 FF 85 D8 4C EC 3F 4F 1F 7F 7F 0F F5 7E 1D 9E 14 3E 9D 85 0B B3 F3 7E 27 71 76 67 87 D3 FE F2 79 FF 80
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  • The Huffman Code now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. ( are the blanks/spaces between words) Efficiency 53 down to 35 ~30% savings in space John Urrutia 2013, All Rights Reserved