Chapter McGraw-Hill/Irwi Copyright  © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc !ll Long-Te rm Debt and Lease Financing 16

Chap016 Long-Term Debt and Lease Financing

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McGraw-Hill/Irwi Copyright  © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc !ll

Long-Term Debt

and Lease


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Chapter Outline

•  Analyzing long-term debt

• Bond yield and prices

• Refunding the obligation upon decline ininterest rates

• Long-term lease obligations and its

characteristics• Bankruptcy

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The Expanding Role of Debt

• Growth in corporate debt is attributed to ! Rapid business e"pansion

 ! #nflationary impact on the economy

 ! #nade$uate funds generated from the internaloperations of business firms

• %"pansion of the &'(' economy has placed

pressure on &'(' corporations to raisecapital ! )ew set of rules ha*e been de*eloped for

e*aluating corporate bond issues

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Times nterest Earned

for !tandard " #oor$s ndustrials

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The Debt Contract

• Contract bond the basic long-term debtinstrument for most large &'(' corporations

 ! basic items include

 ! +ar *alue initial *alue of the bond• +rincipal or face *alue

 ! Coupon rate actual interest rate on the bond

 ! ,aturity date final date on which repayment ofbond principal is due

• Bond indenture a supplement to the bond agreement

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!ecurit% #ro&isions

• (ecured debts ha*e specific assets pledgedto bondholders in the e*ent of default ! .hese assets are seldom actually sold and

distributed /proceeds0 ! .erms used to denote collateralized or secured

debts• ,ortgage agreement real property is pledged

•  After-ac$uired property clause re$uires any newproperty to be placed under the original mortgage

 ! Greater the protection offered lower the interestrate on the bond

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'nsecured Debt

• 1ebt that is not secured by a claim to aspecific asset

 ! 1ebenture unsecured long-term corporatebond

• General claim against the corporation is common fordefaults

 ! (ubordinated debenture• +ayment to the holder will occur only after the

designated senior debenture holders are satisfied

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#riorit% of Claims

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(ethods of Repa%ment

• 1oes not always in*ol*e a lump-sumdisbursement at the maturity date

 ! Repayment of bonds can be done by• (implest method - single-sum payment at maturity

• (erial payments paid off in installments o*er the lifeof the issue

•(inking-fund pro*ision semiannual2annualcontributions made into a fund run by a trustee

• Con*ersion con*erting debt to common stock

• Call feature retire or force in debt issue before


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)ond #rices* +ields* and Ratings

• 3inancial managers must be sensiti*e to thebond market with regard to ! #nterest rate changes

 ! +rice mo*ements

• ,arket conditions will influence ! .iming of new issues

 ! Coupon rate offered ! ,aturity date

• Bonds do not maintain stable long-term

price patterns

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)ond #rice Table

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)ond +ields

• .hree different ways4 computed below ! %"ample par *alue 567774 payment 56772year4

period 67 years4 current price 5877

• Coupon rate /nominal yield0 interest rate 2 par *alue  5677 9 67:


• Current yield in terms of the current price

  5677 9 66'66:  5877

• ;ield to maturity for bonds is held until maturity

#nterest rate appro"imate 66'<7: 9 payment of 5677

for 67 years and a final payment of 56777

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)ond Ratings

• .wo ma=or bond rating agencies

 ! ,oody>s #n*estor (er*ice

 ! (tandard ? +oor>s Corporation

• Ratings are based on a corporation>s

 ! Ability to make interest payments

 ! Consistency of performance

 ! (ize

 ! 1ebt-e$uity ratio

 ! @orking capital position etc'

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Examining ,ctual )ond Ratings

• .he true return on a bond is measured byyield to maturity

• #f a bond is relati*ely low in $uality

 ! A corporation pays a yield to maturity althoughthey may be secured in nature

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The Refunding Decision

• %"ample bonds issued at 66'<: witnessesa drop in interest rates to 8':

 ! Assuming that the interest rates will rise• .he e"pensi*e 66'<: bonds may be redeemed

•  A new debt at the pre*ailing 8': may be issued

 ! .his process labeled as a refunding operation

• #t is made possible by the option of call pro*ision

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, Capital )udgeting #roblem

• .he refunding decision in*ol*es

 ! utflows in the form of financing costs related toredeeming and reissuing securities

 ! #nflows represented by sa*ings in annualinterest costs and ta" sa*ings

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Restatement of Facts

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 A' utflow considerations

6' +ayment of call premium

' &nderwriting cost on new issue

B' #nflow considerations

D' Cost sa*ings in lower interest rates

E' &nderwriting cost on old issue

C' )et present *alue

 ! +resent *alue of inflow ! present *alue ofoutflow 9 net present *alue

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!tep C - et #resent .alue

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Other Forms of )ond Financing

• .wo inno*ati*e forms of bond financing thatare popular include

 ! Fero-coupon rate bond

 ! 3loating rate bond

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/ero-coupon Rate )ond

•  A bond that does not pay interest ! Ad*antages to the corporation

• #mmediate cash inflow no outflow until maturity

• .he difference in the *alue at maturity can beamortized for ta" purposes

 ! Ad*antage to the in*estor•  Allows lock in of a multiplier of the initial in*estment

 ! 1isad*antages•  Annual increase in the *alue of the bonds is ta"able

as ordinary income

• +rices are *olatile in nature

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and Floating Rate )onds

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Floating Rate )ond

• .he interest rate paid on the bond changeswith market conditions

 ! Ad*antage to the in*estor•  A constant market *alue for the security although

interest rates *ary

 ! %"ception

• .hese bonds often ha*e broad limits that interestpayments cannot e"ceed

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,d&antages of Debt

• #nterest payments are ta"-deductible

• .he financial obligation is clearly specifiedand of a fi"ed nature

 ! %"ception floating rate bonds

• #n an inflationary economy debt may be paidwith cheaper dollars>

• .he use of debt up to a prudent point maylower the cost of capital to the firm

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Dra0bacs of Debt

• #nterest and principal payment obligationsare set by contract and must be met

• #ndenture agreements may place unduerestrictions on the firm

 ! Bondholders may take *irtual control of the firmif important indenture pro*isions are not met

• &tilized beyond a gi*en point debt maydepress outstanding common stock *alues

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Eurobond (aret

•  A bond payable in the borrower>s currencybut sold outside the borrower>s country

 ! &sually sold by an international syndicate of

in*estment bankers

 ! 1isclosure re$uirements in the %urobond marketare less demanding

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Examples of Eurobonds

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Leasing as a Form of Debt

• Leasing has the characteristics of a debt

 ! A corporation contracts to lease and signs anoncancelable long-term agreement

 ! Companies are e"pected to fully di*ulge allinformation about leasing obligations

• Leasing was made official as a result of

(tatement of 3inancial Accounting(tandards /(3A(0 )o' 6D

 ! issued by the 3A(B in )o*ember 68<H

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Capital Lease 2Financing Lease3

• 3our conditions for identification include ! .he arrangement transfers ownership of the

property to the lessee by the end of the leaseterm

 ! .he lease contains a bargain purchase price atthe end of the lease

 ! .he lease term is e$ual to <: or more of theestimated life of the leased property

 ! .he present *alue of the minimum leasepayments e$uals 87: or more of the fair *alueof the leased property at the inception of thelease

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Operating Lease

• 1oes not meet the conditions of a capitallease

• &sually short-term cancelable at the optionof the lessee

• .he lessor may pro*ide for the maintenanceand upkeep of the asset

• 1oes not re$uire a capitalization orpresentation of a full obligation on thebalance sheet

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ncome !tatement Effect

• Capital lease

 ! Re$uires treatment similar to a purchase-borrowing arrangement

• #ntangible asset is amortized or written off o*er thelife of the lease - annual e"pense deduction

• Liability account is written off through regularamortization - implied interest cost on the balance

• perating lease

 ! Re$uires annual e"pense deduction e$ual to thelease payment with no specific amortization

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,d&antages of Leasing

• .akes care of lack of sufficient funds or thecredit capability issues to purchase assets

• bligation may be substantially lessrestricti*e

• ,ay not re$uire a down payment

•Lessor>s e"pertise may reduce negati*eeffects of obsolescence

• Lease on chattels ha*e no limitations forbankruptcy and reorganization proceedings

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Other ,d&antages of Leasing

• .a" ad*antage factors include

 ! 1epreciation write-off or research-related ta"credits

• #nfusion of capital can occur if a firmchooses to engage in a sale-leasebackarrangement

 ! Allows the lessee to continue the usage of theasset